Have-not Sentence Examples
Our scouts have not found more than what was on the map.
Yes, you have not forgiven me.
You have not forgiven him.
If I have not cleaved your head, 'tis because I took an oath to kin to spare you.
In this connexion it is of interest to note that, both in the Mediterranean islands and in West Africa, dwarf elephants of the African type are accompanied by pigmy species of hippopotamus, although we have not yet evidence to show that in Africa the two animals occupy actually the same area.
In Guiana and Cochin-China the franchise is restricted to citizens, in which category the natives (in those colonies) are not included.1 The inhabitants of Tahiti though accorded French citizenship have not been allotted a representative in parliament.
Founded in 1735 by the marquis Carlo Ginori, they maintained a reputation of the very highest kind down to about 1860; but since then they have not kept pace with their younger rivals in other lands.
But the laws have not been rigorously enforced of late years; and the ecclesiastical possessions seized by the state were thrown on the market simultaneously, and so realized very low prices, being often bought up by wealthy religious institutions.
In 1869, however, a third additional tenth was added to the previously existing additional two-tenths, and, unlike the tenths of the land tax, they have not been abolished.
He was described to Pepys on his acquiring office as "one of a broken sort of people that have not much to lose and therefore will venture all," and as "a beggar having £1Too or £1200 a year, but owes above £10,000."
AdvertisementKant puts together, as belonging to " Rational Theology," three arguments - he is critic of fond of triads, though they have not the significance for him which they came to have for Hegel.
The fossil shells, pottery and rude stone implements, found alike at the base and at the surface of these middens, prove that the habits of the islanders have not varied since a remote past, and lead to the belief that the Andamans were settled by their present inhabitants some time during the Pleistocene period, and certainly no later than the Neolithic age.
To establish the exact relationship it is necessary not only to breed but to rear the medusa, which cannot always be done in 1 In some cases hydroids have been reared in aquaria from ova of medusae, but these hydroids have not yet been found in the sea (Browne [Io a]).
It is to be noticed, however, that, even after such phenomena have been properly grouped and designated under Greek names as laws of organic growth, they have not become explanations of the series of facts they correlate.
Marx, puts forward the theory that Cicero and the Auctor have not produced original works, but have merely given the substance of two r xvai (both emanating from the Rhodian school); that neither used the 'r xvat directly, but reproduced the revised version of the rhetoricians whose school they attended, the introductions alone being their own work; that the lectures on which the Ciceronian treatise was based were delivered before the lectures attended by the Auctor.
AdvertisementSimilar observations have been made in the case of various compounds of nitrogen, though these have not been so complex as the proteids.
The details of the further transformations have not yet been completely followed.
In zoology, the mollusca are divided into cephalous and acephalous (Acephala), according as they have or have not an organized part of their anatomy as the seat of the brain and special senses.
In some cases their ethnical relations have not yet been completely determined.
Forests are still numerous where they have not been destroyed by the hand of man, but their character has changed.
AdvertisementThus the cultivators, whether noble or peasant, have not profited much from the change in their economic circumstances brought about by the social emancipation of 1861.
This question has given rise to an enormous amount of discussion among learned men, and some of the disputants have not yet laid down their arms; but for impartial outsiders who have carefully studied the evidence there can be little doubt that 1 See Researches into the State of Fisheries in Russia (9 vols.), edited by Minister of Finance (1896, Russian); Kusnetzow's Fischerei and Thiererbeutung in den Gewassern Russlands (1898).
Such modifications of the hours of work have not only been beneficial to the men, but have improved the discipline of the staff and the punctuality and regularity of the train service, particularly in respect of the goods trains.
Compound working permits of a greater range of expansion than is possible with a simple engine, and incidentally there is less range of pressure per cylinder, so that the pressures and temperatures per cylinder have not such a wide range of variation.
We have not the slightest reason to think that the radiation from the sun is measurably weaker now than it was a couple of thousand years ago, yet it can be shown that, if the sun were merely radiating heat as simply a hot body, then it would cool some degrees every year, and must have cooled many thousands of degrees within the time covered by historical records.
AdvertisementThe wings in Culex have not the same dappled appearance.
Experiments in immunizing by sero-therapeutic methods have not as yet met with success.
All the Old-French materials have not yet been thoroughly examined, and it is far from improbable that some versions of the book either remain to be detected or are now lost past recovery.
The true nature of this relation can be readily observed in other fields (ancient Britain, Greece, Egypt, &c.), where, however, the native documents and sources have not that complexity which characterizes the composite biblical history.
There were catastrophes detrimental to the preservation of older literary records, and vicissitudes which, if they have not left their mark on contemporary history - which is singularly blank - may be traced on the representations of the past.
There are, it is true, mountain ranges which are formed of folded beds; but in many cases the direction of the chains is different from that of the folds, so that the ranges must owe their elevation to other causes; and the folds, moreover, are of ancient date, for the most part Archaean or Palaeozoic. The configuration of the region is largely due to faulting, trough-like or tray-like depressions being formed, and the intervening strips, which have not been depressed, standing up as mountain ridges.
Structurally, the folds of this region are of ancient date; but the area is crossed by a series of depressions formed by faults, and the intervening strips, which have not been depressed to the same extent, now stand up as mountain ranges.
As far as any common mental characteristic can be assigned it is also somewhat negative, namely, that Asiatics have not the same sentiment of independence and freedom as Europeans.
In the genital segments of Eudrilus the nephridia are present, but the funnels have not been found though they are obvious in other segments.
There are no setae and apparently only two pairs of nephridia, of which the anterior pair open commonly by a common pore on the third segment after the head, whose segments have not been accurately enumerated.
It is remarkable, in view of the spaciousness of the coelom, that the funnels of the latter have not been seen.
These ducts therefore have not their exact counterparts in the Oligochaeta, unless we are to assume that they collectively are represented by the seminal vesicles of earthworms and the vasa deferentia.
The Aegean written documents have not yet proved (by being found outside the area) epistolary correspondence with other lands.
If an aperture for ingress and egress, for purposes of feeding, were left in the wall of such a chamber, there would arise in a rudimentary form what is known as the tubular nest or web; and the next important step was possibly the adoption of such a nest as a permanent abode for the spider., Some spiders, like the Drassidae and Salticidae, have not advanced beyond this stage in architectural industry; but next to the cocoon this simple tubular retreat - whether spun in a crevice or burrow or simply attached to the lower side of a stone - is the most constant feature to be observed in the spinning habits of spiders.
In British Central Africa, the results on the whole have not been satisfactory.
Although petroleum wells in Russia have not the depth of many of those in the United States, the disturbed character of the strata, with consequent liability to caving, and the occurrence of hard concretions, render drilling a lengthy and expensive Drilling in operation.
The system is largely employed in Russia, and its use has been frequently attempted in the United States, but the results have not been satisfactory, on account, it is said, of the much greater quantity of dissolved gas contained in the American oil, the larger proportion of kerosene which such oil yields, and the less fluid character of the residue.
The bulk of the population is Mahommedan; the Bedouins have not much religion of any kind, but they profess Islam.
In addition to the nerves starting from the brain-lobes just now especially mentioned, there is a double apparatus which can hardly be treated of in conjunction with the sense organs, because its sensory functions have not been sufficiently made out, and which will therefore rather be considered along with the brain and central nervous system.
A median longitudinal vessel and transverse connecting trunks have not as yet been detected.
Other minerals that have been discovered but have not been industrially developed are gypsum, lignite and cement rock.
Since the time of Berzelius many experimenters have entered the lists, and introduced developments which we have not space to mention.
The future of archaeological study in Mesopotamia depends upon the political conditions, which have not hitherto been considered favourable to the resumption of excavation in that country.
It has been supposed that in offering such worship the Greeks showed the effect of " Oriental " influence, but indeed we have not to look outside the Greek circle of ideas to explain it.
The result is an approximation, for inequalities of the ground bounded by the two contours have not been considered.
There are few coast-lines, frequented by shipping, which have not yet been surveyed in a definite manner.
Nothing is known with certainty as to the origin of the vast majority of breeds of dogs, and it is an unfortunate fact that the progressive changes which have been made within comparatively recent times by fanciers have not been accurately recorded by the preservation, in museums or collections, of the actual specimens considered typical at different dates.
From the beginning Friends have not practised the outward ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, even in a nonsacerdotal spirit.
It is noteworthy that Quaker efforts for the education of the poor and philanthropy in general, though they have always been Christian in character, have not been undertaken primarily for the purpose of bringing proselytes within the body, and have not done so to any great extent.
Except Kom ed-Dik the forts have not been repaired since the bombardment of 1882.
Except so far as the excavation of the pillar is concerned the site has not been explored, and four small stupas there (already noticed by Hsuan Tsang) have not been opened.
The lower cheekteeth have, unlike those of the Tapiroidea, crescentic ridges, which have not the loops at their extremities characteristic of the advanced Hippoidea; the last lower molar has no third lobe.
Of the ancient city, which occupied the same site as the modern town, hardly anything is now visible, and the discoveries of the ancient street pavement have not been noted with sufficient care to enable us to recover the plan.
Viewing the subject as a whole, and apart from remote developments which have not in fact seriously influenced the great structure of the mathematics of the European races, it may be said to have had its origin with the Greeks, working on pre-existing fragmentary lines of thought derived from the Egyptians and Phoenicians.
His controversial writings have not received due recognition, partly because they were opposed to the drift of his times, partly because of his success in other fields.
For these reasons, during the last two or three months of the financial year, the vilayets have not a para to remit to the central administration, and it has been considered imperatively necessary to draw on the revenues of the following year.
The ancient guediks have not been abolished, the government not daring to deprive them of their privileges; but since the Tanzimat no new ones have been created, industry being declared free.
But these interesting phenomena have not hitherto been subject to systematic observation, and our knowledge of them is therefore uncertain.
Feilden notes as suggestive that, though the explorers have not met with this formation on the northern shores of Greenland, yet it was observed that a continuation of the direction of the known strike of the limestones of Feilden peninsula, carried over the polar area, passes through the neighbourhood of Spitsbergen, where the formation occurs, and contains certain species identical with those of the Grinnell Land rocks of this horizon.
These Miocene strata have not been found farther north on the Greenland shore than the region mentioned; but in Lady Franklin Bay, on the Grinnell Land side of Smith Sound, they again appear, so that the chances are they will be found on the opposite coast, though doubtless the great disintegration Greenland has undergone and is undergoing has destroyed many of the softer beds of fossiliferous rocks.
Yarns, textile goods and weaving industries generally have not attained any great dimensions, but there are large jute-spinning mills and factories for cotton-wool and cotton driving - belts.
The enormous increase in the commercial demand for rubber and the probability of the continuance of this increase in view of the great variety of purposes to which the material can be applied, has led to great activity in rubber planting in other parts of the world, especially in Ceylon and the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, where the Para rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) has been successfully introduced, and numerous plantations; many of which have not been in existence for more than ten or fifteen years, are now contributing to the world's supply.
Many of these plantations have not yet reached the productive stage - that is, the sixth or seventh year.
So far the Hevea plantations in Ceylon and the East have not been seriously troubled by insect or fungoid pests, and those which have occurred have succumbed to proper treatment.
Those who have not seen the animal in life, or who did not believe in the possibility of the valves crossing each other with a slight obliquity, would not consent to appropriating any of its muscles to that purpose, and consequently attributed to all the lateral muscles the simple function of keeping the valves in an opposite position, or holding them adjusted.
To assist us in handling the symbolic products we have not only the identity (ab) cx + (bc) a x + (ca) bx =0, but also (ab) x x+ (b x) a + (ax) b x = 0, (ab)a+(bc)a s +(ca)a b = 0, and many others which may be derived from these in the manner which will be familiar to students of the works of Aronhold, Clebsch and Gordan.
Here compounds of divalent lead have not yet been obtained; by acting with zinc ethide on lead chloride, lead tetraethide, Pb(C 2 IH Q) 4, is obtained, with the separation of metallic lead.
But although in such lower Crustacea the nerve-ganglia of the third prosthomere have not fused with the anterior nerve-mass, there is no question as to the prae-oral position of two appendage-bearing somites in addition to the ocular prosthomere.
It has, indeed, been subject to oscillations, but the movements have been regional in character and have not been accompanied by the formation of any mountain chain or any belt of intense folding.
On the other hand, St Thomas holds that orders may be validly conferred on children who have not come to the use of reason.
For Erigena, therefore, the speculative reason is the supreme arbiter; and in accordance with its results the utterances of Scripture and of the church have not infrequently to be subjected to an allegorical or mystical interpretation.
His conversational powers rivalled those of Dr Johnson; and, if more of his sayings have not been chronicled for the benefit of posterity, the defect is due to the absence of a Boswell.
The beds of these rivers, as well as that of the Danube, are continually changing, forming morasses and pools, and rendering the country near their banks marshy, Notwithstanding the work already done, such as canalizing and regulating the rivers, the erection of dams, &c., the problems of preventing inundations, and of reclaiming the marshes, have not yet been satisfactorily solved.
The record of Brown-Sequard's original experiment is not satisfactory, and the subsequent attempts to obtain similar results have not been attended with success.
It is definitely ascertained that many animals are thus born with distorted or defective eyes whose parents have not had their eyes submitted to any peculiar conditions.
Clearly Lamarck gives us no reason for any such assumption, and his followers or latter-day adherents have not attempted to do so.
Problems not limited to two dimensions, such for example as the shadow of a circular disk, present great difficulties, and have not hitherto been treated by a rigorous method; but there is no reason to suppose that Fresnel's results would be departed from materially.
No forms of matter which are either not living, or have not been derived from living matter, exhibit these three properties, nor any approach to the remarkable phenomena defined under the second and third heads.
The silence of the extant fragments, which have not one word about the unity of Being, favours the one view; the voice of antiquity, which proclaims Xenophanes the founder of Eleaticism, has been thought to favour the other.
Living in the interval between Ennius and Lucilius, whose original force and genius survive only in rude and inartistic fragments, he produced six plays, which have not only reached our time in the form in which they were given to the world, but have been read in the most critical and exacting literary epochs, and still may be read without any feeling of the need of making allowance for the rudeness of a new and undeveloped art.
The long dry season of the llanos and surrounding slopes, which have not as yet been devoted to cultivation, will require a different system of agriculture with systematic irrigation.
The practical bearings of a science, it will be granted, are simply, as it were, the summation of its facts, with the legitimate conclusions from them, the natural application of the data ascertained, and have not necessarily any direct relationship to its pursuit.
Although we have not reached a stage of certainty regarding their origin, function and destiny, recent investigations have brought forward evidence to elucidate the importance of the part played by the different cells in the various types of the inflammatory process.
Some other observers, however, have not got such good results with a chloride-free diet, and Marishler, Scheel, Limbecx, Dreser and others, dispute Widal's hypothesis of a retention of chlorides as being the cause of oedema, in the case of renal dropsy at all events; they assert that the chlorides are held back in order to keep the osmotic pressure of the fluid, which they assume to have been effused, equal to that of the blood and tissues.
The diseases of children have not lacked the renewed attention, the successful investigation, and the valuable new lights which have been given to other departments of medicine.
The acts are extended to include the provisions of museums and art galleries, but the borough councils have not as a rule availed themselves of this extension.
In 1383 it was ordained and agreed " that no person shall from henceforth be mayor in the said city if he have not first been sheriff of the said city, to the end that he may be tried in governance and bounty before he attains such estate of the mayoralty."
There are few passes across the southern section of the Hindu Kush (and this section is, from the politico-geographical point of view, more important to India than the whole Himalayan system) which have not to surmount a succession of crests or ridges as they cross from Afghan Turkestan to Afghanistan.
The Cretaceous beds have not yet been separated from the overlying Eocene, and the identification of the system rests on the discovery of a single Cenomanian ammonite.
Electrical furnaces have not as yet been employed for ordinary glass-making on a commercial scale, but the electrical plants which have been erected for melting and moulding quartz suggest the possibility of electric heating being employed for the manufacture of glass.
It is therefore not surprising that scholars should differ considerably in the reading of Sumerian names, where we have not helps at our command as for Babylonian and Assyrian names.
A great many small objects were found in the excavations at Sinjerli, including carved ivories, seals, toilet-instruments, implements, &c., but these have not been published.
These, however, as having arbitrary and inadequate foundations, and for other reasons, have not been accepted.
It springs from the same school of thought as the Apocalypse of Baruch, and its affinities with the latter are so numerous and profound that scholars have not yet come to any consensus as to the relative priority of either.
In endeavouring to trace the filiation and affinities of the vine, the characters afforded by the seed are specially valuable, because they have not been wittingly interfered with by human agency.
That chinchillas have not under such circumstances become rare, if not extinct, is owing to their extraordinary fecundity, the female usually producing five or six young twice a year.
In some cases as little as 40 loads per acre have been used with benefit, in others 180 loads have not been too much.
The product from plants which have not been topped is of little value.
The old reservoirs on this route attributed to Zubeda, wife of Harun al Rashid, were destroyed during the Wahhabi raids early in the 19th century, and have not been repaired.
As yet, however, the jurisdiction and functions of these courts have not been ascertained.
Jalap has been cultivated for many years in India, chiefly at Ootacamund, and grows there as easily as a yam, often producing clusters of tubers weighing over 9 lb; but these, as they differ in appearance from the commercial article, have not as yet obtained a place in the English market.
It may be noted, however, as a general condition that the native towns and villages of Tunisia, where they have not been spoiled by the shocking tastelessness of Mediterranean Europe, are exceedingly picturesque, and offer exceptional attractions to the painter.
There were 12 foreign steamship lines trading at Peruvian ports in 1908, some of them making regular trips up and down the coast at frequent intervals and carrying much of its coastwise traffic. Foreign sailing vessels since 1886 have not been permitted to engage in this traffic, but permission is given to steamships on application and under certain conditions.
Iron ores are found in Piura, the Huaylas valley, Aya, and some other places, but the deposits have not been worked through lack of fuel.
Most of the deposits are isolated and have not been developed for want of transport.
All objects, therefore, which lie beyond a certain point (the conjugate focus of the dioptric system of the eye, the far point) are indistinctly seen; rays from them have not the necessary divergence to be focused in the retina, but may obtain it by the interposition of suitable concave lenses.
Philosophic assailants of Comtism have not always resisted the temptation to recall the circumstance that its founder was once out of his mind.
Still, his narrative is lucid, and later researches have not yet rendered his work obsolete.
These last have not been found anywhere except at the entrance of the Bay of Tokyo at a depth of some 200 fathoms.
They have not even the attraction of being cleanly sculptured in wood, but are covered with thinly lacquered muslin, which, though doubtless a good preservative, accentuates their puppet-like character.
When the velvet comes to him, it already carries a colored picture permanently fixed by the yzen process, but the wires have not been withdrawn.
Owari abounds in porcelain stone; but it does not occur in constant or particularly simple forms, and as the potters have not yet learned to treat their materials scientifically, their work is often marred by unforeseen difficulties.
The lines are single, for the most part; and as the embankments, the cuttings, the culverts and the bridge-piers have not been constructed for a double line, any change now would be very costly.
Professions and trades now have not only their general class-periodicals, but a special review or magazine for every section.
This arises from the pronunciation of u as yu, and does not affect the English dialects which have not thus modified the u sound.
Those who have not succeeded return in order to be cared for by friends and relatives, or simply from home-sickness.
There is scarcely a county in England in which its remains have not been found in alluvial gravel or in caverns, and numbers of its teeth are dredged in the North Sea.
While the Assyriologists have been making these astonishing revelations, the Egyptologists have not been behindhand.
German historians have not made matters more clear by treating the Letters on the principle of "the higher criticism" of Homer and the Bible.
It thus furnishes a guide to the older forms of stories, and moreover preserves the substance of others which have not survived in their French form.
It is not indeed that these methods have not claimed to solve the questions at issue, but that their solutions have failed to satisfy the larger body of reasonable criticism.
Observations with the xanthometer have not hitherto been numerous, but it appears that the purest blue (o--I on Forel's scale) is found in the Sargasso Sea, in the North Atlantic and in similarly situated tropical or subtropical regions in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
The sources from which he derived his notices of King Arthur (§ 56) have not been determined.
In these districts and others the number has become much reduced, owing doubtless in part to the fatal practice of catching the birds just before or during the breeding-season; but perhaps the strongest cause of their growing scarcity is the constant breaking-up of waste lands, and the extirpation of weeds (particularly of the order Compositae) essential to the improved system of agriculture; for in many parts of Scotland, East Lothian for instance, where goldfinches were once as plentiful as sparrows, they are now only rare stragglers, and yet there they have not been thinned by netting.
In the reign of the emperor Akbar the mines of Panna produced diamonds to the amount of Ioo,000 annually, and were a considerable source of revenue, but for many years they have not been so profitable.
They are absent from the Louisiades, but species occur in the d'Entrecasteaux Islands which have not been seen on the mainland opposite.
Butterflies, moths and bees are very abundant, the former being remarkable for their size and splendid coloration; but these groups have not been investigated exhaustively enough to afford a correct idea of their number or their true affinities.
Thus during the reign of Edward we have not only the foundations of the Anglican Church laid, but there appears the beginning of those evangelical and puritanical sects which were to become the " dissenters " of the following centuries.
Hatcher, demonstrate the Pleistocene nature of the deposits, by which is not necessarily meant older Quaternary, for their horizons have not been differentiated and correlated in South America.
Fish are plentiful round the coasts, and the whale-fishery was once an important industry, but the fisheries as a whole have not been developed.
His works, mainly expository and polemical, have not been collected.
Magistrates " have not that authority over the church as to be.
The poor law of the state defines the town poor as those who have gained a settlement in some town or city, by residing there for one year prior to their application for public relief and who are unable to maintain themselves; the county poor as the poor who have not resided in any one town or city for one year before their application for public relief, but have been in some one county for sixty days; and the state poor as all other poor persons within the state.
He bids her " Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended "; but to tell His brethren " I ascend to My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God."
Thomas exclaims, " My Lord and my God "; but Jesus declares " Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed."
Montaigne is one of the few great writers who have not only perfected but have also invented a literary kind.
Jerusalem and the Temple have not that central place in the book of Kings which they occupied in the minds of the Jewish community after the Exile.
Baker described the condition of opinion as to the safe limits of stress as chaotic. " The old foundations," he said, " are shaken, and engineers have not come to an agreement respecting the rebuilding of the structure.
Under a constitutional amendment, adopted by popular vote on the 8th of November 1898, 5% of the legal voters of the state may require the legislature to submit to popular vote at the next general election measures which they wish enacted into law, or measures already passed by the legislature which have not 'yet gone into force.
While Apostolic phrases are used, the sense behind them is often different and less evangelic. They have not caught the Apostolic meaning, because they have not penetrated to the full religious experience which gave to the words, often words with long and varied history both in the Septuagint and in ordinary Greek usage, their specific meaning to each apostle and especially to Paul.
In those counties that have not adopted a township organization county affairs are administered by a board of county commissioners; where the township organization has been adopted the county government is administered by the chairmen of the several township boards.
The fortifications of Anklam were dismantled in 1762 and have not since been restored, although the old walls are still standing; formerly, however, it was a town of considerable military importance, which suffered severely during the Thirty Years' and the Seven Years' Wars; and this fact, together with the repeated ravages of fire and of the plague, has made its history more eventful than is usually the case with towns of the same size.
But the relations in which these detached mountain-masses stand to one another and to the Arka-tagh behind them have not yet been elucidated.
Wright in the Biographia Britannica literaria (London, 1842), who ascribes the life to a monk of St Neots; but the latest scholarship regards it as the work of Asser, although all the difficulties which surround the authorship have not been removed.
He published a memoir on the integration of partial differential equations and a few others, which have not been noticed above, but they relate to subjects with which his name is not especially associated.
Perhaps, however, with the exception of the works of Fredro, the Poles have not produced anything of much merit in this line.
But if the object be, as in the case of the greater zoological institutions, to get together as many species as possible, and to exhibit animals that have not been hitherto obtained, the possible range is enormous and the cost very great.
Sodium salts have not the depressant effect so marked in those of potassium.
The Mahommedans, who number nearly eight-ninths of the population, are not, however, " citizens " but " subjects," and consequently have not the vote.
Rapid and extensive as has been the spread of critical methods, there have not been lacking anticritica.
There are a few indications that he had sent similar communications to other churches before, but these have not been preserved.
The surface currents of the Pacific have not been studied in the same detail as those of the Atlantic, and their seasonal variations Circulation are little known except in the monsoon regions.
It is such a piece of work as I have not yet seen any like it.
This formation of the Greek system (25) is only an inference from the facts yet known, for we have not sufficient information to prove it, though it seems much the simplest and most likely history.
They must turn back from this; and, since they have not lost their freedom, a conversion is still possible.
The calculation of the logarithms not only of numbers but also of the trigonometrical functions is therefore due to Briggs and Vlacq; and the results contained in their four fundamental works - A rithmetica logarithmica (Briggs), 1624; Arithmetica logarithmica (Vlacq), 1628; Trigonometria Britannica (Briggs), 1633; Trigonometria artificialis (Vlacq), 1633 - have not been superseded by any subsequent calculations.
But besides the innumerable characters which are visible and measurable, there are probably thousands which we cannot measure or which have not been discovered, since every part of the organism enjoys its gradual and independent evolution.
The dissimilar races that compose the population of Mexico have not been sufficiently fused to give a representative type, which, it may be assumed, will ultimately be that of the mestizos.
The varying climatic conditions of Mexico have produced breeds of cattle that have not only departed from the original Spanish type, but likewise present strikingly different characteristics among themselves.
Attempts to trace the architecture of Central America directly from Old-Woad types have not been successful, while on the other hand its decoration shows proof of original invention, especially in the imitations of woodwork which passed into sculptured ornament when the material became stone instead of wood.
But I and my disciples who thou sayest have not bathed have been dipped in the waters of eternal life which come from..
Its manifoldness is not then to be taken as excluding its fundamental unity; the divisions which our ordinary perception and thought introduce into it have not absolute validity, but are to be interpreted as the outcome of the single formative energy or complex of forces which is the inner aspect, the soul of nature.
That these animals were widely distributed in former times is proved by their occurrence at the present day in palaeozoic fossiliferous strata both of the northern hemisphere and of Australia; and despite the fact that their remains have not been found in rocks of the Mesozoic or Kainozoic epochs, it was conceived to be possible that living specimens might be dredged from the sea-floor during the exploration of the ocean depths undertaken by the "Challenger" expedition.
Other alleged discoveries, such as' the construction of early Roman history out of still earlier ballads, have not been equally fortunate; but if every positive conclusion of Niebuhr's had been refuted, his claim to be considered the first who dealt with the ancient history of Rome in a scientific spirit would remain unimpaired, and the new principles introduced by him into historical research would lose nothing of their importance.
In many localities the two groups have not been separated.
The Cambrian formations have not been notably metamorphosed, except in a few regions where dynamic metamorphism has been effective.
The large ironstone quarries have not wholly destroyed the beauty of the district.
For this reason the region has a very youthful topography with innumerable lakes and waterfalls as evidence that the rivers have not long been at work.
Metalliferous ores of various kinds occur both in Nova Scotia and in this province, but with the exception of the gold already mentioned, have not yet become the objects of important industries.
The northern limits of the wheat-growing areas have not been definitely ascertained; but samples of good wheat were grown in 1907 at Fort Vermilion on the Peace river, nearly 600 m.
The ancient texts have not come to us in this way, but through copies made by the human hand directed more or less by the human intelligence.
Scholars since the Renaissance have not always been above inventing codices to obtain currency for their own conjectures.
But owing to the constitution of the human mind it has consequences which possibly they have not contemplated.
But the received conjectures which make this text acceptable have no more authority in themselves than equally good conjectures which have not yet won their way into the text, and it is clearly illogical to treat a text largely built upon conjectures as if it were now beyond the reach of conjecture.
Against the "Chorizontes," who have advanced various hypotheses on all these points without convincing one another, it may be objected that they have not considered Aristotle's method of gradual and simultaneous composition of manuscripts within the Peripatetic school.
The Psocidae themselves have not been traced back beyond the Oligocene, in the amber of which period their remains are fairly numerous.
The subdivision of the day (q.v.) into twenty-four parts, or hours, has prevailed since the remotest ages, though different nations have not agreed either with respect to the epoch of its commencement or the manner of distributing the hours.
The divine archetypes, according to which sensible experience is regulated and in which it finds its real objectivity, are different in kind from mere sense ideas, and the question then arises whether in these we have not again the "things as they are," which Berkeley at first so contemptuously dismissed.
The value of all such evidence will naturally depend largely upon the estimate formed of the biblical narratives, but it is necessary to observe that these have not yet found Egyptian testimony to support them.
Developments associated with the Deuteronomic reform and the reorganization of Judaism in post-exilic days can be unmistakably recognized, and it would be unsafe to assume that other vicissitudes have not also left their mark.
In the Dibranchia true nephridia have not been detected in the embryo, nor has it been shown that the genital ducts are derived from the renal tubes.
The ctenidia, it will be observed, have not yet been mentioned, and they are indeed the last of the characteristic Molluscan organs to make their appearance.
Founded in 1877, it was the first in the United States, and its manifold activities have not only contributed much to the amelioration of social conditions in Buffalo, but have caused it to be looked to as a model upon which similar institutions have been founded elsewhere.
But it is highly significant that while the exports of British silk manufactures have not decreased, the imports in the meantime have shown a marked expansion.
Fourthly, the convention recommends that in disputes of an international nature, involving neither national honour nor vital interests, and arising from a difference of opinion on points of fact, the parties who have not been able to come to an agreement by means of diplomacy should institute an international commission of inquiry to facilitate a solution of these disputes by an investigation of the facts.
Foremost among standing peace agreements are, of course, the International Hague Conventions relating directly to peace, agreements which have not only created a special peace jurisdiction for the settlement of international difficulties by judicial methods but also a written law to apply within the scope of this jurisdiction.
For the period preceding British rule the records have not been so well preserved, but there is ample evidence to show that famine was just as frequent in its incidence and infinitely more deadly in its effects under the native rulers of India.
The explanation of these facts presents no difficulty, inasmuch as during the sudden discharge which takes place in the absence of a self-induction, the metallic molecules have not sufficient time to diffuse through the spark gap; hence the discharge is carried by the gas in which it takes place.
Lastly, in England we have not only an influence of positivism, but also, what is more important, the synthetic philosophy of Herbert Spencer.
The chief results we have found against idealism are that bodies have not been successfully analysed except into bodies, as real matter; and that bodies are known to exert reciprocal pressure in reducing one another to a joint mass with a common velocity by being mutually impenetrable, as real forces.
The lowest and middle divisions have not yet been excavated; the upper part at the south end of the rock was completely exposed in1884-1885by Schliemann and Dorpfeld, and the almost complete plan of the various structures clearly made out.
The Spanish conquistador and his descendants have not been a blessing to the basin of the Orinoco.
The slowly accumulating data have not yet made it possible to determine precisely the probably varying relations of these various names.
Although Aramaic inscriptions of the Assyrian period, like those of Zanjirli or that of King ZKR of Hamath, have not been found in Mesopotamia, already in the time of Shalmaneser II.
The celebration is based on the doctrine that the souls of the faithful which at death have not been cleansed from venial sins, or have not atoned for past transgressions, cannot attain the Beatific Vision, and that they may be helped to do so by prayer and by the sacrifice of the mass.
The Ophites are said to have not only used myths but forbidden marriage and held that the resurrection was purely spiritual (Lightfoot); this, however, is probably no more than an interesting coincidence, and all attempts to identify the errorists definitely must be abandoned.'
Fragments of Jurassic rock have been found amongst the volcanic material on the island of Rotti, but they have not yet been discovered in situ.
In agriculture, European plants have not been successful, and of native products the supply is only sufficient for the home consumption.
These orders have not been conferred since 1866, when Hanover ceased to be a kingdom, and the Royal Guelphic Order, which from its institution was more British than Hanoverian, not since the death of William IV.
The former have not the moral significance or the religious value of the latter.
The doctrine of conditional immortality taught by Socinianism was accepted by Archbishop Whately, and has been most persistently advocated by Edward White, who "maintains that immortality is a truth, not of reason, but of revelation, a gift of God" bestowed only on believers in Christ; but he admits a continued probation after death for such as have not hardened their hearts by a rejection of Christ.
Dorner maintains that hopeless perdition can be the penalty only of the deliberate rejection of the Gospel, that those who have not had the opportunity of choice fairly and fully in this life will get it hereafter, but that the right choice will in all cases be made we cannot be confident.
The attitude of theologians generally regarding individual destiny is well expressed by Dr James Orr, "The conclusion I arrive at is that we have not the elements of a complete solution, and we ought not to attempt it.
Even if the common beliefs of the apostolic age have not modified the evangelist's reports of Jesus' teaching, it must be remembered that He used the common prophetic phraseology, the literal fulfilment of which is not to be looked for.
Other individual enterprises have been launched by persons or single churches, but such have not usually flourished for any length of time, their workers gradually attaching themselves to the larger associations.
The Portuguese in Angola and the agents of King Leopold in the Congo State have not been conspicuous friends of missionary enterprise, and the light-hearted childishness of the native character, so well portrayed in Miss Kingsley's writings, shows how difficult it is to build up a strong and stable Christian church.
Perhaps, too, the methods adopted by missionaries have not always been the wisest, and they have sometimes failed to remember the method of their Master, who came " not to destroy, but to fulfil."
If there be any sour or sodden or effete soil into which the roots have not run, this should be carefully picked out with a pointed stick.
In the forcing-houses prune and train the trees; fork over and dress the borders of such houses as have not been already done.
Attend to raspberries and blackberries as advised for last month, if they have not already been attended to.
Although many fungi have been regarded as devoid of nuclei, and all have not as yet been proved to contain them, the numerous investigations of recent years have revealed them in the cells of all forms thoroughly examined, and we are justified in concluding that the nucleus is as essential to the cell of a fungus as to that of other organisms. The hyphae of many contain numerous, even hundreds of nuclei (Phycomycetes); those of others have several (Aspergillus) in each segment, or only two (Exoascus) or one (Erysiphe) in each cell.
They have never been found to cause in fection, and they have not the characters of conidia; the large size of their nuclei, the reduction of their cytoplasm and the absence of reserve material and their thin cell wall all point to their being male gametes.
His commentaries on the Categories, De Interpretatione, De Sensu, and other works of Aristotle are frequently referred to by later writers, but have not come down to us.
These efforts have not been without success, though it cannot be affirmed that the malarial Campagna is anything like healthy yet.
Nevertheless, the relations obtained in reversible cases such as sulphur have not yet found application in the highly interesting cases of ordinary irreversible isomerism.
It is full of quotations from writers whose works have not come down to us; nearly 800 writers and 2500 separate writings are referred to by Athenaeus; and he boasts of having read 800 plays of the Middle Comedy alone.
On the other hand many tons of the somewhat similar eclogite in the De Beers mine have been crushed and have not yielded diamond.
In other words, most men since his day who have not been contented with a mere concordat, have let religion go and contented themselves with reason.
But these gods have not on their shoulders the burden of upholding and governing the world, They are themselves the products of the order of nature - a higher species than humanity, but not the rulers of man, neither the makers nor the upholders of the world.
No assessment can be levied on lands which have not been watered, and the law of Egypt requires that in order to render land liable to taxation the water during the Nile flood must have flowed naturally over it.
Minor works may be divided into those for which capital accounts have been kept and those where they have not.
I have not been to school since.
I have not decided against a proclamation of liberty to the slaves, but hold the matter under advisement."
It may be added that employees in mercantile and trading houses, who have not exceeded the age of 40 years and whose income is below 1/215o, are allowed voluntarily to share in the benefits of this insurance.
The Protestants have not increased proportionately in number since 1890, while the Roman Catholics show a small relative increase.
Several metals have been mined also, including gold, copper, lead, iron and arsenic; but the amounts produced have not been great, and many of the mines are no longer working.
Minerals have not been found in paying quantities.
In other respects the hopes based upon this commentary have not been fulfilled.
This was in accord with native laws - that the land is the property of the people, held in trust for them by their chiefs, who have not the power of alienation.
The dress of the men of the upper and middle classes who have not adopted European clothinga practice increasingly common consists of cotton drawers, and a cotton or silk shirt with very wide sleeves.
The large ceremonial mace-heads recording the Sed festivals of the king Narmer and another, belong also to this school; but owing to their smaller size they have not such artistic detail.
The cemeteries are found throughout Upper and Middle Egypt, but as yet have not been met with in the Delta or on its borders.
Nine general engagements were fought with varying fortunes, though the place and date of two of them have not been recorded.
The economic importance of salt is further indicated by the almost universal prevalence in ancient and medieval times, and indeed in most countries down to the present day, of salt taxes or of government monopolies, which have not often been directed, as they were in ancient Rome, to enable every one to procure so necessary a condiment at a moderate price.
The conference of Anglican bishops from all parts of the world, instituted by Archbishop Longley in 1867, and known as the Lambeth Conferences, though even for the Anglican communion they have not the authority of an ecumenical synod, and their decisions are rather of the nature of counsels than commands, have done much to promote the harmony and co-operation of the various branches of the Church.
You should assume we have not checked the information independently.
Information and statements including those regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
A glen is a narrower and steeper-sided valley than a strath, though the names have not always been applied with discrimination.
Stratified rocks when they have not been much disturbed from their original approximate horizontality weather into escarpments.
Rocks of Cambrian age have not been identified elsewhere in Scotland, though it may ultimately be shown that the quartzites and limestones of the Central Highlands are equivalents of those of the north-west coast.
Margaret, in fact, completed the reduction of the Celtic church in Scotland to conformity with western Christendom, and some recent presbyterian writers have not forgiven her.
For pace and endurance no hunter approaches the English thoroughbred; and for a bold man who "means going," a steeplechase horse is often the best animal that could be obtained, for when he has become too slow to win races "between the flags," he can always gallop much faster, and usually lasts much longer, than animals who have not his advantage of blood.
Under Goethe's stimulus he won fresh laurels in that domain of philosophical lyric which he had opened with Die Kiinstler; and in Das Ideal and das Leben, Die Macht des Gesanges, Wiirde der Frauen, and Der Spaziergang, he produced masterpieces of reflective poetry which have not their equal in German literature.
The island is covered everywhere with an exceedingly dense forest, which makes its interior very difficult to traverse, so that there are still portions of the island which have not been thoroughly explored.
Their form is not described, but they have not only six wings (verse 2), but hands (verse 6) and feet (verse 2).
The supply, however, is small and inconstant, and for this reason English fish-curers have not learnt the proper way of preparing them.
The Eocene beds are folded with the Cretaceous, and in many places the two formations have not yet been separately distinguished.
These hopes have not been realized.
These newcomers have not been completely assimilated with the villagers among whom they have found a home; the latter despise them, and discourage intermarriage.
Whatever internal changes ensued between the " Amarna " age and 1000 B.C., they have not left their mark upon the course of culture illustrated by the excavations.
In Genesis and elsewhere there are examples of popular thought which have not the characteristic spirit of the prophets, and which, it is clear, could only gradually be purified.
Earlier phases have not survived, and the last-mentioned is relatively late, 8 after the southern influence had left itself upon history, legend, the Temple and the ecclesiastical bodies.
In Holland these crafts have not progressed.
Other letters (to his sister), on the love of God and the renunciation of the world, have not survived.
Eocene beds have not yet been proved to exist; but this is probably owing to the imperfect knowledge of the country, for the formation is known in Persia, Baluchistan and the Suliman Hills.
Those contiguous Afghan tribes, who have not so long ago been converted to the faith of Islam, are naturally the most fanatical and the most virulent upholders of the faith around them.
The manufactures of the country have not developed much during recent years.
In the strip of low country that fringes the peninsula below the Ghats the rainfall is heavy and the climate warm and damp, the vegetation being dense and characteristically tropical, and the steep slopes of the Ghats, where they have not been artificially cleared, thickly clothed with forest.
A peculiar variety is there found, marked by the absence of a mane; but whether this variety deserves to be classed as a distinct species, naturalists have not yet determined.
Other minerals which exist but have not yet been developed in paying quantities are copper ore, alum, gypsum and plumbago.
By making the mirrors of silvered glass, one-fourth of their diameter in thickness, the Henrys have not only `.
The number of species and their respective ranges have not been satisfactorily determined.
Even when we reach the New Testament period, we have not passed entirely beyond the sphere of BabylonianAssyrian influences.
The transmutation of Mill's induction of inductions into a postulate is an advance of which the psychological school of logicians have not been slow to make use.
But, as yet, we have not taken advantage of the perfect symmetry of the method.
At first sight this singular structure appears so like a deformity that writers have not been wanting to account it such, 2 ignorant of its being a piece of mechanism most beautifully adapted to the habits of the bird, enabling it to extract with the greatest ease, from fir-cones or fleshy fruits, the seeds which form its usual and almost invariable food.
The young (which on leaving the nest have not the tips of the bill crossed) are of a dull olive colour with indistinct dark stripes on the lower parts, and the quills of the wings and tail dusky.
Thus the declaration of Paris, 1856 (to which, however, the United States, Venezuela and Bolivia have not yet formally acceded), prohibits the use of privateers and protects the commerce of neutrals; the Geneva conventions, 1864 and 1906, give protection to the wounded and to those in attendance upon them; the St Petersburg declaration, 1868, prohibits the employment of explosive bullets weighing less than 400 grammes; and the three Hague declarations of 1899 prohibit respectively (I) the launching of projectiles from balloons, (2) the use of projectiles for spreading harmful gases, and (3) the use of expanding bullets.
Compounds of fluorine and oxygen, and of bromine and oxygen, have not yet been isolated.
The character of the country and the nomadic habits of many of the natives of the interior, who rarely occupy their villages for more than a few years in succession, have not proved favourable to pastoral modes of life.
A few may be descendants of the Aztecs and Mayas, whose temples, sculptures, burialgrounds, &c., have not yet been fully explored.
The Cambrian rocks of Ireland, a great series of purple and green shales, slates and grits with beds of quartzite, have not yet yielded sufficient fossil evidence to permit of a correlation with the Welsh rocks, and possibly some parts of the series may be transferred in the future to the overlying Ordovician.
From there two men were sent home with dispatches via Siberia, but have not been heard of again.
Plague-rats have rarely been found in ships sailing from infected ports; and though millions of these animals must have been carried backwards and forwards from quay to quay betweenHong-Kong, Bombay and the great European ports, they have not brought the disease ashore.
So in Ithaca there are elders who have not gone to Troy with the army.
Throughout the whole, the researches made since 1860 have not only added a great throng of new species, genera and families, but have thrown a flood of light upon questions of their phylogeny, systematic arrangement, horizontal and bathymetric distribution, organization, habits of life and economic importance.
In these tribes the bold and active habits, the striking colours, or the fantastic diversities of structure,have so long attracted remark that recent investigations, while adding a multitude of new species and supplying the specialist with an infinity of new details, have not materially altered the scientific standpoint.
It is chiefly from the populations of the south-west of Europe that the New World is being colonized; but the territories over which the settlers and their recruits from abroad are able to scatter are so extensive that even the lower densities of the Old World have not yet been attained, except in a few tracts along the eastern coasts of Australia and North America.
These, with the English, show a much smaller excess of boy-births than the average of western Europe, and the proportion, moreover, seems to be somewhat declining in both these countries and in Belgium, from causes which have not yet been ascertained.
Countries of Oriental and semi-Oriental habits have not been shown, owing to the difference in their marriage system from that of western Europe.
No deduction to be made in respect of old material which is repaired without being replaced by new, and provisions and stores which have not been in use.
The York-Antwerp Rules have not only had the valuable result of introducing uniformity where there had been great variety, and corresponding certainty as to the principles which will be acted upon in adjusting any G.A.
If carefully prepared there is no objection to these basis wines from a hygienic point of view, although they have not the delicate qualities and stimulating effects of natural wines; unfortunately, however, these wines have in the past been vended on a large scale in a manner calculated to deceive the consumer as to their real nature, but energetic measures, which have of late been taken in most countries affected by this trade, have done much to mitigate the evil.
The same authority observes that William of Warenne and Richard Clare (Bienfaite), who were left in charge of England in 1074, are named by a writer in the next generation " praecipui Angliae justitiarii "; but he considers the name to have not yet been definitely attached to any particular office, and that there is no evidence to show that officers appointed to this trust exercised any functions at all when the king was at home, or in his absence exercised supreme judicial authority to the exclusion of other high officers of the court.
Deem this a sufficient answer to your question and deem yourself on the way to be blessed, if you have not been scandalized in me."
Unfortunately they have not been able to reduce their methods to rule.
Iron ores are widely distributed, but have not been developed; graphite is mined in Colfax county; mica in Taos county, and to a small extent in Rio Arriba county; marble is quarried in Otero county and sandstone in Bernalillo, Colfax and San Miguel counties.
The controversies within the Church of Scotland have not arisen out of matters of faith but out of practical questions of church government and of the relation of church and state.
The corresponding works in the Western Church are the passionaries or legendaries, varieties of which are dispersed in libraries and have not been studied collectively.
Shaft calcining furnaces like the Gerstenhoffer, Hasenclever, and others designed for burning pyrites fines have not found favour in modern copper works.
Other precipitants such as sulphuretted hydrogen and solutions of sulphides, which precipitate the copper as sulphides, and milk of lime, which gives copper oxides, have not met with commercial success.
The military adventurers, who have often risen to high or even supreme rank in Peru, have not seldom been of mixed race, and fear or favour has often availed to procure them an alliance with the oldest and purest-blooded families.
They have spread widely, and have not confined their depredations to the rabbits, so that the indigenous flightless birds have suffered largely.
Thrushes have not been widely introduced, but the song-thrush and blackbird (Turdus musicus and Merula merula) are common in New Zealand; attempts were made, but unsuccessfully, to establish the latter in the United States.
Finally, it should never be forgotten that the worst enemies of declining forms have been collectors who have not given these species the chance of recovering themselves.
Gold is found in the alluvial deposits, but the results of exploration have not been very promising.
The neighbourhood of Areskutan and the Dalarne highlands, owing to the railway and the development of communications by steamer on the numerous lakes, are visited by considerable numbers of travellers, both Swedish and foreign, in summer; but the northern heights, crossed only by a few unfrequented tracks, are known to few, and to a considerable extent, indeed, have not been closely explored.
Tacitus mentions another tribe, the Sitones, which he places next to the Suiones, but they have not been identified, and it is not clear from his description whether they lived within the peninsula or not.
As salaries and wages have not increased at the same rate, many of the upper classes and officials are not so well off as formerly.
As the rentf and royalties, excepting those on the turquoise mines, amount to about one-fifth of the net proceeds, it may be estimated that th value of the annual output does not exceed 50,000, while thi intrinsic value of the ores, particularly those of lead, iron, cohali and nickel, which have not yet been touched can be estimated al millions.
In psoriasis the epidermis separates in flakes at various spots which have not been subjected to pressure, and to cure it ointment containing tar or other products of the dry distillation of wood is employed.
At Meran walks have been arranged according to Oertel's system, and at Llangammarch in Wales both Oertel's and Schott's systems are employed, and baths according to the Nauheim system are also to be found in London, Sidmouth, Leamington, Buxton, Strathpeffer, &c. Many people who have sedentary employments are unable to get as much exercise as they require because they have not either the time or the opportunity.
The provincial councils have not the right to make laws, but ordinances, which must receive the assent of the governor-general in council before becoming valid.
Its tubers, if it produces any, have not been seen.
Of late years, however, Bossuet has found powerful defenders; and if they have not cleared his character from reproach, they have certainly managed to prove that Fenelon's methods of controversy were not much better than his.
There is a series of such faults, approximately parallel to one another, and although they have not been traced throughout the whole chain, yet wherever they occur they seem to have formed the northern boundary of deposition of the deposits immediately to the south of them.
In the outer valleys of the Himalaya the sides are generally steep, so steep as to be liable to landslip, whilst the streams are still cutting down the river beds and have not yet reached the stage of equilibrium.
The original statutes have not come down to us.
Traces of Eocene deposits have not been discovered on Novaya Zemlya.
To those who have not already seen it I would say, `Go to India.
Horses, formerly successfully raised in certain parts of the north, have not flourished there since the introduction of a peste from Brazil, but some are now raised in La Paz and other departments of the temperate region.
An act was passed in 1894 authorizing the government to offer premiums and grant advantageous concessions for the development of manufacturing industries, especially in sugar production, but conditions have not been favourable and the results have been disappointing.
Several papers in his Opuscula treat of the nature of Varro's works which have not come down to us.
Although much progress has been made in determining the value and constancy of morphological characters, we are still in need of a sufficiently comprehensive and easily applied scheme of classification, partly owing to the existence in the literature of imperfectly described forms, the life-history of which is not yet known, or the microscopic characters of which have not been examined with sufficient accuracy and thoroughness.
In addition, however, there occur in bacterial diseases symptoms to which the correlated structural changes have not yet been demonstrated.
The boundaries of the city have not been essentially extended since 1860, and though large and important suburbs have crept up and practically merged with it, its administrative area remains unchanged.
He evidently thinks that the times have not changed for the better - what with the frequency with which the devil is invoked in modern France, and the sinful expenditure common in the matter of embroidered silk coats.
However, in using such language it must be remembered that we are not dealing with bodies which were originally separated from one another and have now entered into fellowship, but with bodies which have grown naturally from a single origin and have not become estranged.
At the same time, especially as against the universal claims of the papacy, the two churches have many interests and principles in common, and efforts to find a modus vivendi have not been wanting on either side.
Those who have not done this, like Le Duchat, Motteux and Esmangart, have generally committed the error of tormenting themselves and their author to find individual explanations of personages and events.
It is produced in the districts of Kustendil,, Lowtscha and Halitz, and is made into lumps weighing about 4 oz., of a light-brown colour internally and containing a few seeds; it is covered with leaves which have not been identified.
They are somewhat remote from the sea mussels in structure, and have not even a common economic importance.
Paupers, idiots, insane persons and persons who are convicted of crimes which exclude them from being witnesses and who have not been pardoned and restored to civil rights are disfranchised.
All children between the ages of 7 and 15 are required to attend school for the full school year, and those who at 15 years of age have not completed the grammar school course must continue to attend until they either complete it or arrive at the age of 17.
Cambrian rocks have not yet been discovered in New South Wales; but Pittman has recorded an Agnostus from Mandurama, near Orange.
The rocks of the Ordovician system, though widely distributed, have not always been separated from the Silurian rocks, which they often closely resemble lithologically.
Although there have been further divisions these have not been lasting, and the lands of the former family have been undivided since 1768 and those of the latter since 1848.
It will be seen that the scheme, as at present existing, has for its object the simplification of local government by the abolition of unnecessary independent authorities, and that this has been carried out almost completely, the principal exception being that in some cases burial boards still exist which have not been superseded either by urban district councils or by parish councils or parish meetings.
What he thus did was of inestimable value to his own countrymen, and all other men are indebted to him for what they know of China before his time, though all the contents of the ancient works have not come down to us.
But they have not of themselves such value, that to endow an ape with the hand and vocal organs of a man would be likely to raise it through any large part of the interval that now separates it from humanity.
It is from the Galla that the Abyssinian army is largely recruited, and, indeed, there are few of the chiefs who have not an admixture of Galla blood in their veins.
His prose works have not been collected.
His writings have not one literary fault except their occasional looseness of grammar and their frequent indecency.
As Coulter and Chamberlain express it, " the habitats of the Gymnosperms to-day indicate that they either are not at home in the more genial conditions affected by Angiosperms, or have not been able to maintain themselves in competition with this group of plants."
It is urged that in time industries are set up that would not otherwise have existed, and population thereby attracted, this being especially the argument for protective duties in new countries; but even so, there is loss to set against the final gain, if any, and we have not yet had an account in which a balance of loss and gain is attempted..
Proportions even higher have not been unknown in history, and it is probable that in Russia, India, Egypt, and in other countries at this moment, in time of peace, the proportion may amount to one-fourth or one-fifth.
Of his works, which are very numerous, many have not yet been printed.
Superficial evidences of natural gas and petroleum are abundant in western and north-western Missouri, but these have not been found in commercially profitable quantities.
The population of the town, including the suburbs that have not yet been incorporated with it, was 460,849 in 1906.
Occasional riots, such as in 1897, when the Bohemians were exasperated by the action of the Vienna government which restricted the use of the national language in the law courts; and in 1905, when the people demanded an extension of the suffrage, have not interfered with the increasing prosperity of the city, and their importance has been greatly exaggerated.
Many of the civilized Indian communities have not become wholly Hispanicized and still retain their own dialects and customs, their attitude being that of a conquered race submitting to the customs and demands of a social organization of which they form no part.
Although primary instruction is gratuitous it is not compulsory, and these figures clearly demonstrate that school privileges have not been extended much beyond the larger towns, The total attendance, however, compares well with that of 1897, which was 143,096, although it shows that only 5% of the population, approximately, is receiving instruction.
It has thus occasionally happened that the dukes of Cornwall have not been princes of Wales, as Henry VI.
By his T inatal (written between October 1854 and April 1855) he laid the foundations for the chronology of Icelandic history, in a series of conclusions that have not been displaced (save by his own additions and corrections), and that justly earned the praise of Jacob Grimm.
I do not speak to you of things I have not experienced.
So far as the writer has been able to observe or ascertain, there are very few masonry dams in Europe or America which have not been cracked transversely in their higher parts.
But we have not really gauged their significance by saying that they are spurious.
Strangely enough, those documents which bear the greatest resemblance to a small collection of canonical regulations, such as the Didache, the Didascalia and the Canons of Hippolytus, have not been retained, and find no place in the collections of canons, doubtless for the reason that they were not official documents.
The other collections of canons, of Italian origin, compiled before the 10th century, are of importance on account of the documents which they have preserved for us, but as they have not exercised any great influence on the development of canon law, we may pass them over.
In consequence of the prohibition issued by Pius IV., they have not of the been published separately from the dogmatic texts council of and other acts, and have not been glossed; 3 but their Trent.
On the 30th of September 1693 Millington wrote to Pepys that he had been to look for Newton some time before, but that " he was out of town, and since," he says, " I have not seen him, till upon the 28th I met him at Huntingdon, where, upon his own accord, and before I had time to ask him any question, he told me that he had writt to you a very odd letter, at which he was much concerned; added, that it was in a distemper that much seized his head, and that kept him awake for above five nights together, which upon occasion he desired I would represent to you, and beg your pardon, he being very much ashamed he should be so rude to a person for whom he hath so great an honour.
They have not idolized Paulinism; but have they not idolized Luther?
The recognized place, the assured results, have not yet been attained Further details must be sought in text-books.
The deposits of the Secondary period have not maintained their horizontal position.
The limits of the Post-Pliocene Aral-Caspian sea have not yet been fully traced.
Though on this account and because the subdivisions Simplices, Gradatae and Mixtae do not correspond to definite phylogenetic groups, they have not been used in classifying the Ferns above; they are of great importance as an advance towards a natural classification.
It must be confessed that we have not such full knowledge on this head as could be wished for.
I have not that certainty of his continued existence which we call knowledge; though the great likelihood of it puts it past doubt.
Thus the cahiers of the Third Estate number many thousands, the greater part of which have not yet been printed.
The phenomena of life and growth and assimilation have not been satisfactorily explained as mechanical modes of motion, and the fact that identical cerebral movements have not been discovered to recur makes scientific and accurate prediction of future cerebral changes an impossibility.
With all this we have not ascertained the positive practical content of this wisdom.
Here, however, we especially notice the double significance of " natural," as applied to (I) what actually exists everywhere or for the most part, and (2) what would exist if the original plan of man's life were fully carried out; and we find that the Stoics have not clearly harmonized the two elements of the notion.
He can hardly be called a " moralist "; and though it is impossible to deny him a considerable share of philosophic penetration, his anti-moral paradoxes have not even apparent coherence.
The ethnological affinities of the Papuans have not been satisfactorily settled.
Subsequent epidemics have not been attended by anything like this mortality, but there has, however, been a steady decrease, principally among young children, owing to whooping-cough, tuberculosis and croup. Every Fijian child seems to contract yaws at some time in its life, a mistaken notion existing on the part of the parents that it strengthens the child's physique.
These have not been worked since about 1875, and the only metal industries remaining in the town are an iron foundry or two and a small tinplate works at Gadlys (established in 1868).
Red and grey cherts, which have not so far yielded undoubted organic remains, occur in this series, and it has in consequence been compared with the Arenig rocks of southern Scotland.
Since 1851 these tendencies have not been so marked.
These formidable and expensive works have not altogether realized the expectations that had been formed of them.
If this view of mythology can be proved, much will have been done to explain a problem which we have not yet touched, namely, the distribution of myths.
In the most ancient Egyptian records the gods are not pictorially represented, and we have not obtained from these records any descriptions of adoration and sacrifice.
It is significant, therefore, that the narratives in Genesis (apart from P) reflect a certain tolerant attitude; there is much that is contrary to prophetical thought, but even the latest compilers have not obliterated all features that, from a strict standpoint, could appear distasteful.
Though these have been made more edifying, they have not lost their charm and interest.
Vizcaya (Biscay)a tongue which is utterly unlike Celtic or Italian or any Indo-Germanic languagesuggests that the Iberians may have been an older people than the Celts and alien from them in race, though the attempts hitherto made to connect Basque with ancient traces of strange tongues in the Basque lands have not yielded clear results.
Of these but a few occur only there, or at least have not yet been observed elsewhere than in that great province of southern Spain.
All male persons who are citizens of the United States or have declared their intention to become such at least thirty days before an election have the right of suffrage provided they have attained the age of twenty-one years, have resided in the state six months, are not of unsound mind, and have not been convicted of treason or felony.
Alberus's prose writings have not been reprinted in recent times.
Reptiles - snakes, lizards and chameleons, crocodiles, turtles and an enormous variant of the edible Indian crab - are numerous; butterflies and insects, the latter very troublesome, have not yet been systematically collected.
Such government as there is, is by the village; but the village chiefs have not usually much power, though such authority as they have has always been maintained by the foreign Ppwers who have possessed the islands.
Young stamen is abortive, flower in which the stigma (N) is receptive and cannot perform and the stamens (3) have not yet opened; its functions.
His poems, to which their musical accompaniment is almost essential, have not ceased, in half a century, to be universally pleasing to Swedish ears; outside Sweden it would be difficult to make their peculiarly local charm intelligible.
The companies which have been formed in France during recent years do not yet afford material for profitable study, for they have been subject to so much vexatious interference from home owing to lack of a fixed system of control sanctioned by government, that they have not been able, like the British, to develop along their own lines.
The Upper Carboniferous includes beds of shale and coal; but though the coal is good, the seams are thin and have not been much worked.
Continuously working presses (compression by a conical screw) have been patented, but hitherto they have not been found practicable.
The acid not only takes up water, but it acts on the suspended impurities, carbonizing them to some extent, and thus causing them to coagulate and fall down in the form of a flocculent mass, which carries with it mechanically other impurities which have not been acted upon.
Although, in the explored portion of the Fuegian chain, the volcanoes which have been mentioned from time to time have not been met with, there seem to have existed to the south, on the islands, many neo-volcanic rocks, some of which appear to be contemporaneous with the basaltic sheet that covers a part of eastern Patagonia.
The genera Lepidodendron, Sigillaria, Stigmaria, or Calamites, which played so great a share in the vegetation of the same age in the northern hemisphere, have not been recognized among the Palaeozoic forms of India, but examples of Sigillaria, Lepidodendron and Bothrodendron are known to have existed in South Africa in the Permo-Carboniferous era.
We have not merely the striking resemblance of vegetative shoots to those of recent species of Araucaria and Agathis, e.g.
At present the evidence is scarcely sufficient to decide the question, for if this view is right, we ought to find within the Arctic circle truly Arctic floras equivalent to the cool Lower Eocene and Miocene periods; but these have not yet been met with.
As instances of his careful attention to geography and topography we have not only the fact of his widely extended travels, from the African coast and the Pillars of Hercules in the west, to the Euxine and the coasts of Asia Minor in the east, but also the geographical and topographical studies scattered throughout his history.
Huxley, in his article on this subject in the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, for applying the name Amphibia to those lung-breathing, pentadactyle vertebrates which had been first severed from the Linnaean Amphibia by Alexandre Brongniart, under the name of Batrachia, have not met with universal acceptance.
A few days before his decease, with a great effort he thanked his medical attendant for his visits in the words, "I have not yet lost my feeling for humanity."
Now we have not to decide whether the Greeks were right in thinking that Prometheus only meant "the fore-sighted wise man," or whether the Germans know better, and are correct when they say the name merely meant "fire-stick."
In short, scientists have not yet fathomed the nature of consciousness, its origins, or its role in Nature.
I am very far from surprised that " you have not committed yourself to full acceptation " of the evolution of man.
Note - At the time of writing this addendum, I have not visited Metalink to read up the details of any bugs reported.
Mosque have not received a single piece of radio airplay - not even on Shaun's own show.
Another key factor of modern fiber optic systems that we have not touched on is optical amplifiers.
Whilst I know this results in hugely raised serum amylase assays, I have not been able to find out how common it is?
Such intentions are widely different from those which the profession had been led to expect and have not unnaturally annihilated its confidence.
H 2 -receptor antagonists have not been shown to be effective against ulceration induced by aspirin in aspirin-intolerant patients.
These give assurance that messages have not been tampered with in transit.
In the many small atolls without any channel, these causes have not prevented the entire ring attaining the surface.
Many apparently authoritative sites do not mention this crucial information i.e. they were prepared before this knowledge was available and have not been up-dated.
The leagues have enabled us to move up and contrary to other's beliefs we have not done it on big money backers.
I am trying to learn five string bluegrass banjo, but have not found anyone who knows much about it until now!
Second, it may contain baryons, but these have not turned into stars.
Although we have not yet found the basilica we would expect it to be in the area indicated.
Many aspects of muscle biophysics have not been touched here.
I have not had problems using pressure bleeder in the past (on diverse cars ).
So long as I have been here, I have not willingly planted a thorn in any man's bosom.
The internal bracings have not been included for clarity.
Indeed, the SDP breakaway would probably have not have taken place at all.
We have not decided whether to build a commercial fast breeder reactor.
If their airways have not recovered, some people may get bronchitis several times in a short space of time.
We have not had a chance to try one, but they do look a bit bulky and rugged.
I did my first trackday in February 2002 and have not been able to get enough of the Adrenalin buzz ever since!
The idea is that the County Commissioner takes a carload of interested girls, but so far I have not had any names.
Glossary of terms chattels All personal items of the person making the Will, which have not already been gifted as specific items.
We have not had a cheep out of Saddam since September 11.
We have not seen a chippy for months you see!
Bladderwrack might also help indigestion, tho again clinical trials have not been conducted.
They have not declared ' impaired communion ' nor have they decided to take authority upon themselves.
We have not grown more prudent, we have grown more complacent.
The UK and Germany, where much of the current research into cloning is being carried out, have not ratified the above convention.
You have not played this game until you tilt your head upwards just in time to see a police copter in the sky.
It is also fascinating to see the stack of the previous few years corms on these seedlings that have not been repotted since 2001.
Quot and type have not warned of insurance coven pay out of.
Equally I have not seen any mention of the service cutbacks in the local media.
These have not been solely at the " back street " garages, but also found at main dealerships.
Surely we in the West have not become so decadent that we could not live without bananas?
Are you among the few who have not defiled their garments?
The allelic deletions on chromosome arms 15q and 16q have not been defined previously for SCLC and are candidate regions to harbor novel TSGs.
In addition, these devices have not overcome the problem of inefficient drug delivery associated with the MDIs to a large extent.
I have not been able, through the deficiency of records, to trace the descent of these manors satisfactorily.
These people have not changed - their mindset has become more devious, their minions the more hungry for power.
Patients with ESRD managed with other forms of dialysis such as ambulatory peritoneal dialysis have not been studied.
I have not got the sound of that discord that should have been an octave, out of my ears yet.
We have not been asked to review critically the quantum of the orders or the exercise of the judicial discretion.
In this case Customs have not alleged deliberate dishonesty but still assessed a 15% penalty.
By Allah, I have not yet disrobed her.
Controls can be used to create disunity by intimidating trade union activists who have not got a secure immigration status.
Are there any assumptions you have made which you have not double-checked via your research?
I have not seen the Greenwich bells, but am told that they have a somewhat dumpy shape.
The details of this repression have not been fully elucidated.
Western law and society, by contrast, have not admitted significant emendation at the hands of another culture for many centuries.
I have not been given any encouragement whatsoever, rather the reverse.
The rules for calculating the actual entitlement to benefit have not changed.
There is evidence that your chances of needing a forceps delivery are nearly the same as when you have not had a standard epidural.
However, I have not advocated mandatory key escrow.
With their highly ethical approach and customer centric culture it is no surprise that they have not lost a single customer along the way.
He has done his best to make bricks without straw, but I have not heard a word which indicates any extenuation whatsoever.
The DTI have not laid any charges against Personnel Selection for their health and safety failings before putting Simon to work.
In recent years Roy's contacts with active British fandom have not been close.
There is too much ministerial fanfare for new ideas which have not been properly worked out.
You honor me too much in ascribing to me a degree of intimacy with Miss Fanshawe I have not the felicity to enjoy.
Part of the explanation is that we have not fully understood how the political firmament has been shifting underneath our feet.
I have not even developed a framework, in the way I will make money, for this.
Stock markets have not yet bridged the gap in investment finance.
Because of the detail covered in this book I have not included detailed site gen in this report; please refer to Muddeman.
If you have not tried a red Beaume then gird your loins, grit your teeth and demand supplies from your local wine merchant.
You may find glitches in the website that have not been picked up by us.
These sentences are not grammatical because they have not followed the grammatical rules of syntax.
We have identified areas of Wales which have not received their fair share of heritage lottery grants.
Gravity is believed to be transmitted by particles called gravitons, but these have not yet been detected.
Subsection (4) provides for substitute guardians, who have not been called upon to act, to resign.
We have worshiped other gods and have not hallowed your Name.
As a Friend you should have received a hard copy - please let us know if you have not.
I have not yet investigated whether the utilities provided on the site include the ability to access a hard disk.
The quality of our climbing harnesses speaks for itself, we have not cut corners in materials, or manufacturing details.
For all their technical advances, the new films have not really expanded the horizons of the animated genre very far at all.
Unfortunately, I have not had time to make a vertical illuminator for the Biolam.
Nature is what we know - yet have not art to say - so impotent our wisdom is to her simplicity.
I have NOT commited incest with my brother and I do NOT plan to.
There are currently 15 countries that have not reached decision point, who are likely to become ineligible to receive debt relief.
The mafias have not yet, as they have in some EC countries, successfully infiltrated mainstream politics.
Many of the secondary interments on the edge of the barrows have not been excavated or recorded.
We have not incorporated these into our website as we believe that they are unnecessarily intrusive and decrease website accessibility.
Overseas leasing UK based lessors have not been able to lease assets to overseas lessees due to the penal overseas leasing rules.
Since putting on standby all the time when not in use have not had another lockup.
So far I have not been able to find out what sort of articulated locomotive this was.
Study Skills In our experience the majority of students who get accused of plagiarism have not committed academic malpractice deliberately.
If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
For those municipalities which have not matriculated armory, a brief description of any symbol used is provided.
I think perhaps that is because we have not got a winning mentality yet.
I have not misread the pointer of the scales to cheat the buyer.
We hereby warrant that all statements made are true and that we have not misstated any material facts.
But the teams themselves, tho not entirely monochrome, have not been formed as self-consciously multi-cultural.
I have not experimented with this recipe yet as I never seem to have enough left over roast mutton.
We have not found out what level of informal networking took place outside the context of the trial.
Yet in practice UN agencies have not always acted with strict neutrality.
If you have not closed notepad then you will see there is a Notepad button just to the right of Start.
The present authors have not seen original bindings of Irish novelettes of the period, because all copies known to us have been rebound.
Dose and duration relationships have not been outlined in detail and conjugated equine oestrogens have been used as the predominant estrogen.
Even agents who have committed far more serious offenses on behalf of hostile nations have not received such a harsh sentence.