Have-in Sentence Examples
Now that I'm not, what do you have in mind?
This is the most important conversation you'll ever have in your life.
The children running about are a serious temptation though I know this place is far too risky for what activities I have in mind.
How many Naturals you have in Tucson?
You tear me away from the only stability I have in my life, expect me to change my view on the entire world overnight, reject me and now, you're asking me to take a chance on something you can't guarantee.
What do you have in mind?
If conversation is all you have in mind, why don't we go in and talk over a cup of coffee - maybe play a game or two with Katie.
What possible interest could he have in her?
What did she and Alex have in common?
The decision was made at levels higher than mine that we are sending in everything we have in three days.
AdvertisementThanks for all the faith you have in me.
What do you have in your hand, there?
This is a hauntingly familiar conversation to have in this barn.
That's a strange book for your father to have in his library.
Dad, the only thing Denton and I have in common is that we're both Homo Sapiens.
AdvertisementIt is evident that we have in this law a definite prediction that can be tested by experiment.
Associated with these males are neuter zooids, which usually possess no functional repro ductive organs, but have in I -...
From this fold the stratified beds have in large part been removed, the more recent having been almost entirely eroded from the elevated mass.
But the greatness of Wagner is shown in the fact that with all the effect his additions have in revolutionizing the resources of orchestration, he never regards his novelties as substitutes for the natural principles of instrumental effect.
Besides these we have in the same period the spark telegraph of Reiser, of Don Silva, and of Cavallo, the pith ball telegraph of Francis Ronalds (a model of which is in the collection of telegraph apparatus in the Victoria and Albert Museum), and several others.
AdvertisementThe world consists of a finite number of atoms, which have in their own nature a self-moving force or principle.
The radial structure is characteristic of all root-steles, which have in essential points a remarkably uniform structure throughout the vascular plants, a fact no doubt largely dependent on the very uniform conditions under which they live.
Seeds are carried in soil adhering to their feet and plumage, and aquatic plants have in consequence for the most part an exceptionally wide range.
Both add notes and explanations of their own, and both have in turn formed the text of commentaries.
But the privileged class alone are eligible to the greatest offices of the state; they have in their hands the exclusive control of the national religion; they have the exclusive enjoyment of the common land of the state - in Teutonic phrase, the folkland.
AdvertisementEthnologically the Bulgarians ought perhaps to come here; but, as a large admixture of Slav blood flows in their veins and they speak a distinctly Slav language, they have in this table been grouped with the Slays.
Since their emancipation in 1861, the peasants of the central governments of Russia have in large numbers drifted away into the black earth zone, or have gone to the factories.
The undertaking, once approved, is regarded as a work of public utility, and the undertakers are invested with all the rights that a public department would have in the case of the carrying out of public works.
Just as we have in Assyria an Ishtar of Arbela and an Ishtar of Nineveh (treated in Assur-bani-pal's (Rassam) cylinder 2 like two distinct deities), as we have local Madonnas in Roman Catholic countries, so must it have been with the cults of Yahweh in the regal period carried on in the numerous high places, Bethel, Shechem, Shiloh (till its destruction in the days of Eli) and Jerusalem.
Many bird parasites belonging to the Rippoboscidae have naturally been carried about the world by their hosts, while other species, such as the house-fly, blow-fly and drone-fly, have in like manner been disseminated by human agency.
An amphitheatre is still visible, but the other buildings have in the main been covered up again.
Here, as in the neighbouring Darab district, villages situated in the hills are called madan (mine), and some travellers have in their itineraries indicated a mine in localities where there is none.
Unlike the Chinese and Indians, they have hitherto not had the smallest influence on the intellectual development of Asia, and though they have in the past sometimes shown themselves intensely nationalist and conservative, they have, compared with India and China, so little which is really their own that their assimilation of foreign ideas is explicable.
Though the paired arrangement of the nephridia is the prevalent one in the Chaetopoda, there are many examples, among the Oligochaeta, of species and genera in which there are several, even many, nephridia in each segment of the body, which may or may not be connected among themselves, but have in any case separate orifices on to the exterior.
The Teutonic tribes whose dim origins he records have in the course of centuries attained to world-wide dominion.
It is the work of these writers which people have in mind when they speak of the " old Political Economy."
His principles, however, are those which must still guide taxonomers, notwithstanding that they have in so great a degree overthrown the entire scheme which he propounded.
It is enough to point out that we have in his work another proof of the multiplicity of the factors which must be taken into consideration by the systematist, and another proof of the fallacy of trusting to one set of characters alone.
To secure for themselves the command of trade the leading commercial families resolved to erect themselves into a close gild, which should have in its hands the sole direction of the business concern, the exploitation of the East.
None of the numerous publications which we owe to Buchon can be described as thoroughly scholarly; but they have been of great service to history, and those concerning the East have in especial the value of original research.
The composite nature of the story makes an identification of the exact site difficult, but one of the narrators (E) seems to have in.
It follows that putting n for the mean motion and T for the period of revolution we shall have in degrees nT=3600.
The "Turkish" women have in some districts abandoned the veil; but in others they even cover the eyes when they leave home.
On the other hand, some of these have in recent times adopted the surplice, and in one at least (the Catholic Apostolic Church) the traditional Catholic vestments have been largely revived.
Engler's Versuch einer Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt (Leipzig, 1879-1882), we should have in Siberia (a) the arctic region; (b) the sub-arctic or coniferous region - north Siberian province; (c) the Central-Asian domain - Altai and Daurian mountainous regions; and (d) the east Chinese, intruding into the basin of the Amur.
The southern parts of Tobolsk, nearly all the government of Tomsk (exclusive of the Narym region), southern Yeniseisk and southern Irkutsk, have in an average year a surplus of grain varying from 35 to 40% of the total crop, but in bad years the crop falls short of the actual needs of the population.
Two methods of treatment have been carried on in parallel lines, the unsymbolic and the symbolic; both of these originated with Cayley, but he with Sylvester and the English school have in the main confined themselves to the former, whilst Aronhold, Clebsch, Gordan, and the continental schools have principally restricted themselves to the latter.
It is probable that we have in the metasoma of Limulus a case of the disappearance of once clearly demarcated somites.
In any case it is clear that we have in these muscles an apparatus'for causing the blood to flow differentially in increased volume into either the pericardium, through the veins leading from the respiratory organs, or from the body generally into the great sinuses which bring the blood to the respiratory organs.
Thus, then, it seems that we have in the trilobites the representatives of the lower phases of the Arachnidan pedigree.
Peter Bihari and Maurice Kai-man have in various writings spread the ideas of Herbart.
From A Merely Formal Point Of View, We Have In The Barycentric Calculus A Set Of " Special Symbols Of Quantity " Or " Extraordinaries " A, B, C, &C., Which Combine With Each Other By Means Of Operations And Which Obey The Ordinary Rules, And With Ordinary Algebraic Quantities By Operations X And =, Also According To The Ordinary Rules, Except That Division By An Extraordinary Is Not Used.
The Arabian geographers of the 10th century speak of its mines of ruby and lapis lazuli, and give notices of the flourishing commerce and large towns of Waksh and Khotl, regions which appear to have in part corresponded with Badakshan.
The only possible question for the critic is whether the ascription of these psalms to David was due to the idea that he was the psalmist par excellence, to whom any poem of unknown origin was naturally ascribed, or whether we have in some at least of these titles an example of the habit so common in later Jewish literature of writing in the name of ancient worthies.
Nothing can be further removed than this from any possible situation in the life of the David of the books of Samuel, and the case is still worse in the second Davidic collection, especially where we have in the titles definite notes as to the historical occasion on which the poems are supposed to have been written.
We need not suppose that the Chronicler quotes from the Psalter or vice versa, the matter which they have in common being probably derived from certain traditional songs current among the Levitical singers.
Of this group of people, among whom may be named the Yao, Yao Yin, Lanten, Meo, Musur (or Muhso) and Kaw, perhaps the best known and most like the Lao are the Lu - both names meaning originally "man" - who have in many cases adopted a form of Buddhism (flavoured strongly by their natural respect for local spirits as well as tattooing) and other relatively civilized customs, and have forsaken their wandering life among the hills for a more settled village existence.
If the white cells be required, as in local suppurating abscess, general septicaemia, acute pneumonia, &c., there is an active proliferation of the myelocytes to form the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes, so that we have in this condition a leucoblastic transformation of the fatty marrow.
In the mucinoid conditions, usually termed "mucoid " and " colloid " degenerations, we have closely allied substances which, like the normal mucins of the body, belong to the glucoproteids, and have in common similar physical characters.
In practical medicine the subsequent results of Behring and his followers have in diphtheria attained a signal therapeutical success.
From very ancient times deposits of gold and silver have in most countries been held as the property of the crown.
We have in the work of the monk Theophilus, Diversarum artium schedula, and in the probably earlier work of Eraclius, about the iith century, instructions as to the art of glass-making in general, and also as to the production of coloured and enamelled vessels, which these writers speak of as being practised by the Greeks.
His disciples were not all of one school, but many eminent scholars who apparently have been untouched by his influence have in fact developed some of the many ideas which he suggested.
Here, in the gist of the " booklet " received from the hand of a female figure representing the Church, we have in germ the message of The Shepherd.
We should thus have in the tablets evidence of the worship of Yahweh among the Western Semites at a time long before the rise of Israel.
Much of his work was concerned with specific volumes, the conception of which he set forth in a paper published when he was only twenty-two years of age; and the principles he established have formed the basis of subsequent investigations in that subject, although his results have in some cases undergone modification.
Secondly, we have in the Ideen a general account of the process of human evolution.
The facades of his palaces were in the lower storey only decorated by rustication, of which he made great use, while the upper part was intended to be decorated with frescoes, which (as we have said) have in most cases perished.
In all ways he was the ardent advocate of what have in later times been known as "Liberal causes," the removal of all religious disabilities and tests, the suppression of private interests which hampered the public good, the abolition of the slave trade, and the emancipation of all classes and races of men from the strict control of authority.
If dW is the external work done, dH the heat absorbed from external sources, and dE the increase of intrinsic energy, we have in all cases by the first law, dH-dE=dW.
Finally, we have in the Pliocene of India the genus Tetraconodon, remarkable for the enormous size attained by the bluntly conical premolars; as the molars are purely bunodont, this genus seems to be a late and specialized survivor of a primitive type..
These mountains, which have in the northern part an altitude of 2700 ft., slope down towards the south-east near Tokaj in a hilly plateau of about 1500 ft.
The term is more customarily given to productions of flame such as we have in the burning of oils, gas, fuel, &c., but it is conveniently extended to other cases of oxidation, such as are met with when metals are heated for a long time in air or oxygen.
This is merely another way of perpetuating the mistake of allowing the notion of determination by an other or a preceding to continue to dominate us in a region where we have in reality passed from it to the notion of determination by self or by self-acknowledged ideals.
Formerly farmers' daughters of native stock were much employed in factories; but since operatives of foreign birth or parentage have in great part 1 The population of the state was 378,787 in 1790; 422,845 in 1800; 472,040 in 1810; 523,287 in 1820; 610,408 in 1830; 737,699 in 18 4 0; 994,5 1 4 in 1850; 1,231,066 in 1860; 1,457,351 in 1870; 1,783,085 in 1880; 2,238,943 in 1890; and 2,805,346 in 1900.
Thus regarded, it becomes reasonable to suppose that North and South America have in a broad way been developed under a succession of somewhat similar strains in the earth's crust, and that they are, in so far, favourable witnesses to the theory that there is something individual in the plan of continental growth.
Zoologists divide the earth into biological areas or regions, so both archaeologists and ethnologists may find it convenient to have in mind some such scheme of provinces as the following, partly after the dominant ethnic provinces.
The old town (Medina), the walls of which have in great part disappeared, lies between two suburbs, the Ribat-elSowika on the north and the Ribat Bab-el-Jezira on the south.
To assist this operation the reserve would move at first to Fleurus to reinforce Grouchy, should he need assistance in driving back Blucher's troops; but, once in possession of Sombreffe, the emperor would swing the reserve westwards and join Ney, who, it was supposed, would have in the meantime mastered Quatre Bras.
We have in this martyrdom an excellent example of "Acts of Martyrs" properly so called.
Wagner, writing of the censuses of Sweden, said to have been taken in the 18th century, uses these words, "Since 1749 careful parish registers have been kept by the clergy and have in general the value of censuses."
The Congregational churches, as distinct from the churches retaining the same polity, but separated by the adoption of Unitarian opinions, have in times past professed to be Calvinists of stricter or more moderate types.
This description, quoted from James Clerk Maxwell's article in the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, represents the historical position of the subject up till about 1860, when Maxwell began those constructive speculations in electrical theory, based on the influence of the physical views of Faraday and Lord Kelvin, which have in their subsequent development largely transformed theoretical physics into the science of the aether.
This interval does not depend upon a mere list of Eponym years; we have in the annals of Sargon and Sennacherib full particulars of the events in all the intervening years.
It is not a priori improbable that the year of the central event from which the Christian Church dated her own existence should have been noted in the apostolic age and handed down to the memory of succeeding generations; and the evidence does go some way to suggest that we have in favour of A.D.
But all such sources are liable to the most confounding errors, and some passages relied on have in any case to submit to conjectural emendation.
These first two books contain Smith's general economic scheme; and we have stated it as fully as was consistent with the brevity here necessary, because from this formulation of doctrine the English classical school set out, and round it the discussions of more modern times in different countries have in a great measure revolved.
In Berlin particularly, the headquarters of the Hegelians, the desire found expression to obtain officially from Schelling a treatment of the new system which he was understood to have in reserve.
In Europe the corn spirit sometimes immanent in the crop, sometimes a presiding deity whose life does not depend on that of the growing corn, is conceived in some districts in the form of an ox, hare or cock, in others as an old man or woman; in the East Indies and America the rice or maize mother is a corresponding figure; in classical Europe and the East we have in Ceres and Demeter, Adonis and Dionysus, and other deities, vegetation gods whose origin we can readily trace back to the rustic corn spirit.
Although there have in all probability been more or less important local crosses with other wild species, there can be no doubt that domesticated goats generally are descended from the wild goat.
But mixture and connexion of races have in this as in many other cases so changed the original folk-product that it is difficult to disengage and separate the different strains that have gone to the making or moulding of the result as we have it.
The indigo and cotton plantations yield little profit, owing to foreign competition, and have in most cases been converted to other uses.
Of course men's bodies as well as the souls of the unsaved, who according to the oldest conception have in them no light whatever, fall under the sway of the powers of darkness.
The Senates act as courts for the trial of state officers impeached by the house (in imitation of the British House of Lords and the Federal Senate), and have in some states Powers and the function of confirming or refusing appointments Funcons made by the governor.
Party organizations have in the United States a wide range of action, for they exist to accomplish five purposes.
The prairie provinces have in most parts a distinctly continental climate with comparatively short, warm summers and long, cold winters, but with much sunshine in both seasons.
The federal revenue is derived mainly from customs and excise duties, with subsidiary amounts from mining licences, timber dues, post-office, &c. Both the revenue and the expenditure have in recent years increased greatly, the revenue rising from $46,743,103 in 1899 to $71,186,073 in 1905 and the expenditure keeping pace with it.
All parts of the Dominion are well adapted for sheep; but various causes, amongst which must be reckoned the prosperity of other branches of agriculture, including wheat-growing and dairying, have in several of the provinces contributed to prevent that attention to this branch which its importance deserves, though there are large areas of rolling, rugged yet nutritious pastures well suited to sheep-farming.
Again, according to both works, an individual substance is a subject, a universal its predicate; and they have in common the Aristotelian metaphysics, which differs greatly from the modern logic of subject and predicate.
It was, however, only very gradually that the figure and name of the Messiah acquired the prominence which they have in 2 The hopes which Haggai and Zechariah connect with the name of Zerubbabel, a descendant of David, hardly form an exception to this statement.
By subsequent writers the Polyzoa have in some cases been kept apart from the Mollusca and classed with the " Vermes "; whilst by others they have, together with the Brachiopoda, been regarded.as true Mollusca.
These endeavours to stimulate by artificial means have in scarcely any instance resulted in permanent success.
The first three Gospels have in consequence of the large amount of similarity between them in contents, arrangement, and even in words and the forms of sentences and paragraphs, been called Synoptic Gospels.
We then have in equilibrium two phases only, and the temperature and pressure may change.
Among some flowering plants, however, the character has become one of specific rank, and among animals we have in the polar bear and the Greenland hare instances where partial albinism - for in them the eyes are black and other parts may be pigmented - has also become a specific character.
We may assume that increased stature and breadth imply some sort of inherent physical superiority, and if such an assumption is valid we have in man evidence that albinism is correlated not with constitutional defectiveness but with greater perfectness.
All the bright-hued examples we now see in captivity have been induced by carefully breeding from any chance varieties that have shown themselves; and not only the colour, but the build and stature of the bird have in this manner been greatly modified.
But if all the species in question resemble each other the resemblance will be mutually beneficial to them because the association between the two attributes they have in common, namely distastefulness and a particular scheme of colour, will be rapidly established.
The duchies of Saxe Altenburg, Saxe Coburg Gotha and Saxe Meiningen have in common the family Order of Ernest, founded in 1833 in memory of Duke Ernest the Pious of Saxe Gotha and as a revival of the Order of German Integrity (Orden der deutschen Redlichkeit) founded in 1690.
In the latter part of the word we have, of course, the same root as in caedere, " to kill," but whether or not the former part is from pater, " a father," or from the same root that we have in per-peram, per-jurium, is a moot point.
Grass walks were common in English gardens during the prevalence of the Dutch taste, but, owing to the frequent humidity of the climate, they have in a great measure been discarded.
But it is in the colder northern regions that they are found in the greatest numbers and with the best fur or underwool, the top hair, which, with the exception of the scarce and very rich dark brown specimens they have in common with most aquatic animals, is pulled out before the skins are manufactured.
Certain impressions, the sensations of sight and touch, have in themselves the element of space, for these impressions (Hume skilfully transfers his statement to the points) have a certain order or mode of arrangement.
Thus we have in the northern hemisphere the Sahara desert, the deserts of Arabia, Iran, Turan, Takla Makan and Gobi, and the desert regions of the Great Basin in North America; and in the southern hemisphere the Kalahari desert in Africa, the desert of Australia, and the desert of Atacama in South America.
Great as is the interest attached to the various public buildings of Pompeii, and valuable as is the light that they have in some instances thrown upon similar edifices in other ruined cities, far more curious and interesting is the insight afforded us by the numerous private houses and shops into the ordinary life and habits of the population of an ancient town.
From the mode of destruction of the city these upper floors were in most cases crushed in and destroyed, and hence it was long believed that the houses for the most part had but one storey; but recent researches have in many cases brought to light incontestable evidence of the existence of an upper floor, and the frequent occurrence of a small staircase is in itself sufficient proof of the fact.
P. Patkanow,7 to whom we are indebted for the best text of the Geography, is of opinion that we have in it a writing of the 7th century.
The subjoined table gives the names of the various states cornposing the empire and the number of votes which the separate states have in the federal council.
Observatories.These have in recent years been considerably augmented.
He found from his troubles in Italy and from his diminished revenues from Germany that it would be still convenient to have in the latter country a sovereign who, like some of his predecessors, would be the protector of the church.
The Large Whites may have in the skin a few blue spots which grow white hair.
Occasional notices we of course have in the Byzantine writers, and Archbishop Eustathius's account of the taking of Thessalonica is more than occasional.
We have in this list no genuine tradition, but rather the lucubrations of an undoubtedly conscientious Moslem critic, who may have lived about a century after the Flight.
However, the i spirit of that great legal classic seems to have in a measure dwelt with and inspired the inferior men who were recasting his work; the Institutes is better both in Latinity and in substance than we should have expected from the condition of Latin letters at that epoch, better than the other laws which emanate from Justinian.
From a comparison of those Euchlorophyceae which have been most closely investigated, it appears probable that sexual reproductive cells have in the course of evolution arisen as the result of specialization among asexual reproductive cells, and that in turn oogamous reproduction has arisen as the result of differentiation of the two conjugating cells into the smaller male gamete and the larger male gamete.
They have in some places a thickness of 7000 ft.
There is, of course, some historical significance in the drawing up of such lists as we have in Dunbar's Lament for the Makaris, or in Douglas's Palice of Honour, or in Lyndsay's Testament of the Papyngo, but it is at the same time clear that their critical importance has been exaggerated.
In France and Italy the system is badly managed, as also in Tirol (where the local name is Almen), where, too, these pastures have in the course of years been largely alienated by the valley inhabitants, and belong to large villages or small towns almost in the plains.
These names have in the mathematics tripos survived the procedure.
Biblical history itself recognizes in the times of Artaxerxes, Nehemiah and Ezra the commencement of a new era, and although only too much remains obscure we have in these centuries a series of vicissitudes which separate the old Palestine of Egyptian, Hittite, Babylonian and Assyrian supremacy from the land which was about to enter the circle of Greek and Roman civilization.
It is not unlikely that such changes have in past time occurred; and if so an explanation is afforded of the occurrence of allied forms of freshwater dolphins (Platanista) and of many other animals in the two rivers and in the Brahmaputra.
In more recent times there have been local disturbances, and large faults have in places been formed; but the greater part of the Peninsula rocks are only slightly disturbed.
The island has few minerals, although iron, lead and copper in very small quantities have in former times been obtained.
Of The Clark Cells To Have In Reality Been 1.4323 Volts, Or About 2 Millivolts Less Than The Value Assumed.
He has had a number of disciples or followers, who have in many cases modified his positions.
Tried by current standards his poems lack form and structure, but they undoubtedly have in full measure the qualities and merits that the poet sought to give them.
Consequently the type of epic poem which would be produced by an aggregation of shorter lays is not the type which we have in the Iliad.
If carefully prepared there is no objection to these basis wines from a hygienic point of view, although they have not the delicate qualities and stimulating effects of natural wines; unfortunately, however, these wines have in the past been vended on a large scale in a manner calculated to deceive the consumer as to their real nature, but energetic measures, which have of late been taken in most countries affected by this trade, have done much to mitigate the evil.
On the whole, both their merits and their defects are such as we should expect to find in the work of the poet celebrated by Bmda, and it seems possible, though hardly more than possible, that we have in these pieces a comparatively little altered specimen of Cmdmon's compositions.
Many of these physical and moral characteristics they have in common with the so-called " Mongolian " race, to which they are no doubt ethnically, if not also linguistically, related.
We have one patron more added to those we already have in heaven"; and returning to his oratory Pole found peace in his sorrow.
We have no right to refer to " instincts " in the case of primitive man, any more at any rate than we have in our own case.
At any rate we have in Lucar an interesting connecting link between early English and American Baptists.
In Butte, Montana, reverberatories have in the past been preferred to cupola furnaces, as the charge has consisted mainly of fine roasted concentrates; but the cupola is gaining ground there.
Both chambers have in theory equal power.
It was formerly enjoined upon the clergy to visit parishioners for this purpose, and the system is still maintained in the form of meetings, which have in some cases, however, acquired a character mainly devotional.
In forming a general judgment respecting Ricardo, we must have in view not so much the minor writings as the Principles, in which his economic system is expounded as a whole.
They also appear to have in certain cases a paralysing action on the cells which act as phagocytes.
They have in a similar manner been relieved of their jurisdiction in testamentary matters, and in matters of defamation and of brawling in churches; and the only jurisdiction which they continue to exercise over the general laity is with regard to their use of the churches and churchyards.
His form of religious sentiment was not evangelical or mystical, any more than it was ascetic or ceremonial or dogmatic. As regards one of the accepted doctrines of his own church, the excellence of the celibate life, of poverty, and of elaborate obedience to a rule, he no doubt was a strong dissident; but the evidence that, as a Christian, he was unorthodox, that he was even a heretical or latitudinarian thinker in regard to those doctrines which the various Christian churches have in common, is not merely weak, it is practically nonexistent.
Attila, who knew the difficulty that he should have in feeding his immense army if his march was further delayed, turned again to the north-east, was persuaded by the venerable bishop Lupus to spare the city of Troyes, but halted near that place in the Catalaunian plains and offered battle to his pursuers Aetius and Theodoric. The battle which followed - certainly one of the decisive battles of the world - has been.
Running through these volumes in order, we have in the second the memoir, Summatio quarundam serierum singularium, the memoirs on the theory of biquadratic residues, in which the notion of complex numbers of the form a--bi was first introduced into the theory of numbers; and included in the Nachlass are some valuable tables.
In those Copepods in which the palps of the mandibles as well as the antennae are biramous and natatory, the first three pairs of appendages retain throughout life, with little modification, the shape and function which they have in the nauplius stage, and must, in all likelihood, be regarded as approximating to those of the primitive Crustacea.
As for the boundaries of these ancient seas, we can say nothing with certainty, but it is of interest to note the evidence we possess of still older land conditions, such as we have in the old rocks of Shropshire, &c. In the Devonian period it is clear that an elevatory movement had set in towards the north, which gave rise to the formation of inland lakes and narrow estuaries in which the Old Red Sandstone rocks were formed, while in the south of England lay the sea with a vigorous coral fauna.
The cathedral has a chapter of thirty canons, and of the numerous religious houses formerly existing very few have in whole or in part survived the suppression in 1868.
Evidence of the antiquity of the belief in "maternal impressions" we have in Jacob placing peeled rods before Laban's cattle to induce them to bring forth "ring-straked speckled and spotted" offspring; evidence of the antiquity of the "infection" doctrine we have, according to some writers, in the practice amongst the Israelites of requiring the childless widow to marry her deceased husband's brother, that he might "raise up seed to his brother."
Other observers have in recent years demonstrated a similar relation in other genera between the number of chromosomes in the nuclei of the two generations.
Included are various charges on foreign bonds to bearer, to compensate for the advantage they have in escaping the transfer duty on deeds, through their passing on sale or mortgage from hand to hand.
Processions have in all peoples and at all times been a natural form of public celebration, as forming an orderly and impressive Greek and way in which a number of persons can take part in Roman Prosome ceremony.
Traction-engines have in some places supplanted the ox-wagon for bringing agricultural produce to market.
These propositions having been reached, apart from particular experience, by reflection upon the fundamental principle, we have in them, Parmenides conceived, a body of information resting upon a firm basis and entitled to be called " truth."
Tested even by the strength of the reaction which his writings have in some cases occasioned, his influence is hardly less remarkable.
In politics we have in correspondence also with the idea, monarchy, democracy, constitutionalism.
We have in it a particular kind of correspondence of two points on a cubic curve, viz.
We have in the Hessian the first instance of a covariant of a ternary form.
We have in like manner, as derivatives of a given curve, the caustic, catacaustic or diacaustic as the case may be, and the secondary caustic, or curve cutting at right angles the reflected or refracted rays.
As regards the so-called hyperbolisms, observe that (besides the single asymptote) we have in the case of those of the hyperbola two parallel asymptotes; in the case of those of the ellipse the two parallel asymptotes become imaginary, that is, they disappear; and in the case of those of the parabola they become coincident, that is, there is here an ordinary asymptote, and a special asymptote answering to a cusp at infinity.
It arose partly from the fact of William Burke's residence there, partly from his friendship with Philip Francis, but most of all, we suspect, from the effect which he observed Indian influence to have in demoralizing the House of Commons.
But Hubert Walter, the archbishop of Canterbury, was determined to have in that position no Welshman who would dispute the metropolitan pretensions of the English primates.
This species occurs on the British coasts (very seldom straying inland) all the year round; but there is some reason to think that those we have in winter are natives of more northern latitudes, while our homebred birds leave us.
The determinist presuppositions of psy chology (determinist because they involve the applica tion of the causal conceptions of modern science to mental phenomena) have in many instances in no way retarded the utilization of new information concerning mental processes in order to prove the reality of freedom.
So far as is known, there have in historic times been eruptions from twenty-five volcanic vents.
Thus it comes about that the observer, the computer, and the mathematician have in astronomical science a practically unlimited field for the exercise of their powers.
The Rudolphine Tables (Ulm, 1627), computed by him from elliptic elements, retained authority for a century, and have in principle never been superseded.
On the north-east coast many of the villages are tastefully kept, their whole area being clean swept, nicely sanded, and planted with ornamental shrubs, and have in their centre little square palaver places laid with flat stones, each with an erect stone pillar as a back-rest.
Where the flints lie the chalk must have been dissolved away; we have in fact a kind of metasomatic replacement in which a siliceous rock has slowly replaced a calcareous one.
The chief work of Choeroboscus, which we have in its complete form, is the commentary on the canons of Theodosius on Declension and Conjugation.
As we have in ourselves an instance of the identity of thought and being, we must suppose a universal identity of the ideal and real behind the antithesis which constitutes the world.
Although innumerable histories of Ireland have appeared in print since the publication of Roderick O'Flaherty's Ogygia (London, 1677), the authors have in almost every case been content to reproduce the legendary accounts without bringing any serious criticism to bear on the sources.
In Germany many of the followers of Kant have in greater or less degree maintained the view that all true knowledge depends upon the observation of objective phenomena.
This we have in the forms of Space, Time and Motion which are involved whenever we think the reals as being in, or coming into, connexion and the opposite.
The verb e s s e r a has been mixed, not as in the other Romance languages with s t a r a, but with s e d e r e, as is proved by older forms seer, siedes, sieden, seyendo, obviously derived from s e d e r e, and which have in the texts sometimes the meaning of to be seated, sometimes that of to be, and sometimes both.
Major Hruschka's little son chanced to have in his hand a bit of unsealed comb-honey in a basket to which was attached a piece of string, and, as the boy playfully whirled the basket round in the air, his father noticed a few drops of honey, ?
Thus we have in Natal the gigantic Microchaeta rappi, in Ceylon Megascolex coeruleus, in Australia Megascolides australis, and an equally large form in South America.
Baldassare Cossa, now as humble and resigned as he had before been energetic and tenacious, on his transference to the castle of Rudolfzell admitted the wrong which he had done by his flight, refused to bring forward anything in his defence, acquiesced entirely in the judgment of the council which he declared to be infallible, and finally, as an extreme precaution, ratified motu proprio the sentence of deposition, declaring that he freely and willingly renounced any rights which he might still have in the papacy.
Whether the entrance pupil be before or behind the object, in general its position is such that it lies not too near the object, so that the principal rays will have in the object space only trifling inclinations towards one another or are strictly parallel.
The story of Esther and that of the original Nights have in fact one main feature in common.
The cooling of residential and public buildings in hot countries, though attempted in a few cases in the United States and elsewhere, is yet practically untouched, the manufacture of ice and the preservation of perishable foods (apart from the frozen and chilled meat trades) have in many countries hardly received serious consideration, but in breweries, dairies, margarine works and many other industries there is a large and increasing field for refrigerating and ice-making machinery.
This genus, from the Permo-Carboniferous of Autun, is represented by large, fleshy, reniform leaves or leaflets, with radiating dichotomous venation; the vascular bundles have in all respects the structure of those in the leaves of Cycads or Cordaiteae.
The stems, long known from Australia and India as Vertebraria, have in recent years been proved to be the rhizomes of Glossopteris.
Bipinnate sterile fronds of Todites have in some instances been described under the designation Pecopteris whitbiensis.
Alkaline bromides, in addition to their saline action, have in sufficient doses a depressing effect upon the central nervous system, and less markedly upon the heart.
An absolutely new conception of experience was necessary, if the fact of cognition was to be explained at all, and the various modes in which Kant expresses the business of his critical philosophy were merely different fashions of stating the one ultimate problem, differing according to the particular aspect of knowledge which he happened to have in view.
The Macassars are well-built and muscular, and have in general a dark-brown complexion, a broad and expressive face, black and sparkling eyes, a high forehead, a flattish nose, a large mouth and long black soft hair.
What they have in common is an instinctive sympathy for the characters.
Whatever kind of event you have in mind, Leisure Pursuits is the place to go for an off-road adventure to remember.
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As things stand, a draw in the game City have in hand will put the bluebirds in the playoff zone.
Ian's guess to the tie breaker question " How many fat cells does the average healthy person have in their body?
What all of these dogs seem to have in common is that they burn so bright before they suddenely become sick.
Children have to see what they have in common with children with disabilities, not the differences " .
The people who have succeeded against the odds in obtaining normal blood sugars have in effect changed their personal destiny regarding diabetic complications.
I'm not conceited enough to believe I'm the best person for someone else to have in their lives.
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa ost religions have in common that they concern people's relations with god or with gods or spirits.
Now what you have in this kind of thing, said this sociologist, is breeding moody discontent.
Finns have in the past tended to have a rather down-to-earth " we don't want to show off, now do we?
Chinese firms have in the past supplied dual-use CW-related production equipment and technology to Iran.
States would still have the same concerns that they have in existing fora.
I'm not having the police telling me what type of garden gnome I can have in my garden.
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Find out what the stars have in store for you with Russell Grant's weekly horoscope.
The classic timeless rib design makes these tights a must have in every fashion lovers hosiery drawer.
What choices do we have in forming a collective identity?
The mafias have not yet, as they have in some EC countries, successfully infiltrated mainstream politics.
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Will have in studies Nielsen will field on the.
All are essential components for the smooth operation of the legislative environment which we have in Scotland.
It is, I think, one of the most individual and spirited in the entire pantheon that we have in St Paul's.
One word of advice tho, these busses can become very crowded, and have in the past been known to attract pickpockets.
What power does the pope have in the Church?
Moslem teachers have in my presence utterly denied that Allah is subject to an absolute standard of moral rectitude.
Pools The swimming pool dimensions quoted have in most cases been measured then rounded to the nearest half meter.
The shops that we have in London around our cathedrals that sell plaster saints and souvenirs are not present here.
There is even a nightmare scenario where they might not even get the pensions which have in theory already accrued.
Perhaps the poor widow who put in her mite exercised more self-denial than they have in giving thousands.
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States have in internal medicine stein a that benefit packages faced by most.
As application we have in mind the case of BSE where specific birth cohorts may present distinct disease-free subpopulations.
This success demonstrates the great story-telling and film-making talent that we have in the UK.
Groups would have in national advisory a greater proportion not affordable health in insurance Virginia do any.
The further assumption, that the modified notions thus gained have an objective meaning, and that they somehow correspond to the real order of the existing world which of course they can never actually describe, depends upon a general confidence which we must have in our reasoning powers, and in the significance of a world in which we ourselves with all the necessary courses of our thoughts have a due place assigned.
President Harper more than once stated most categorically that contrary to prevalent beliefs no donor of funds to the university " has ever (1902) by a single word or act indicated his dissatisfaction with the instruction given to students in the university, or with the public expression of opinion made by any officer of the university "; and certainly so far as the public press reveals, no other university of the country has had so many professors who have in various lines, including economics, expressed radical views in public.
They have in the last fifteen years become much better known through systematic excavations financed by the German empire and through other researches connected therewith, and though many important details are still doubtful, their general development can be traced.
Leading politicians have in all the states felt the cramping effects of mere domestic legislation, albeit on the proper direction of such legislation depends the wellbeing of the people; and to this sense of the limitations of local politics was due, as much as to anything else, the movement towards federation.
We have in them evidence of two factors, a perception of some features of the environment and following this, after a longer or shorter interval, a response calculated to secure some advantage to the responding organ.
For, in spite ofthe important controversies to which it has given birth, no one has been at the pains to distinguish between (i.) the theories which have been from time to time put forth by eminent writers, and which, though they have in some cases ultimately won a general acceptance, have for a long period remained as merely individual opinions, and (ii.) the current beliefs of the great body of Christians which are expressed in recognized formularies.
Here we have in all probability a verbatim extract from Cassiodorus, who (possibly resting on Ablabius) interwove with his narrative large portions of the Gothic sagas.
Assuming that we have in our minds this safeguard against loose thinking and neglect of important factors, the investigation Diffi= of the special problems arising out of the general inquiry resolves itself into a careful definition of each to of problem we wish to deal with, and the collection, tabulation and interpretation of the evidence.
We have in bas-reliefs of the 3rd century representations of what these ornaments were like - small 2 An illustration from a photograph is given in Rhys Davids' Buddhist India, p. 131.
Fortunately we have in the Acta quaedam what is in effect the autobiography of the saint.
The only evidence we have in pathology of living structures in which apparently a differentiation into cell-body and nucleus does not exist, is in the case of bacteria, but then there comes the question whether they may not possess chromatin distributed through their substance, in the form of metachromatic points, as is the case in some infusoria (Trachelocerca, Gruber).
But in the South Atlantic and the South Central stateswhere agrictilture, mining and manufacturing have in recent decades become importantalthough the increase was very slight, the proportions were far above those of the other sections, both in 1880 and in 1900.
Conversely the Asuras, whose name in Iran is the title of the supreme god (ahura, aura), have in India degenerated to evil spirits.
But the fry drift with the currents as helplessly as the eggs, and the a priori objections to the utility of the operations have in no case been met by evidence of tangible results.
You will then look to see what other factors they all have in common.
But this politics of war have in fact worked this way repeated, across place and time.
All my early lessons have in them the breath of the woods--the fine, resinous odour of pine needles, blended with the perfume of wild grapes.
In study hours she had to look up new words for me and read and reread notes and books I did not have in raised print.
I have in my mind's eye the western, indented with deep bays, the bolder northern, and the beautifully scalloped southern shore, where successive capes overlap each other and suggest unexplored coves between.
Cato says, the master of a family (patremfamilias) must have in his rustic villa "cellam oleariam, vinariam, dolia multa, uti lubeat caritatem expectare, et rei, et virtuti, et gloriae erit," that is, "an oil and wine cellar, many casks, so that it may be pleasant to expect hard times; it will be for his advantage, and virtue, and glory."
We must have in us enough reverence for all things outside us to make us tread fearfully on the grass.
We have in stock a small number of Tiger Moth center section streamline rigging wires, Pt.
It can be helpful for parents to have in mind rough-and-ready rules for what is acceptable and what is not.
We do not have any openings at present for salaried employees, nor are we likely to have in the future.
Sticks & Stones Productions have in abundance a fantastic range of stilt characters.
The division 's newcomers showed a glimpse of what they have in store for fellow top-flight sides with a fine, battling win.
But will trawl the archives I have in odd books and photos to see if I can find anything.
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How much expertise do you have in woodworking?
Which one you choose will depend on the look you have in mind, the options available in your area, and your budget.
You should try and limit the amount of stress you have in your life.
What type of sick child policy do they have in place?
Adopting a child from Guatemala not only fulfills parents dreams of becoming a mother and father, but also provides a child with a future that often offers better prospects that s/he might have in Guatemala.
Because you may not immediately know the answer to this question, it is imperative that you speak to the baby's parents about the foods you have in mind to give.
While you can certainly order baby gift baskets online, why not create yours by adding individual items that are specifically geared towards the baby boy you have in mind?
Will the furnishings you already have match the new ones you have in mind to buy?
You also need to know how much room you have in your home for a clothes dryer.
In addition to the many choices you have in bathroom faucets, there are also many places to buy them.
Other pots and pans that you might want to have in your cookware set include a stockpot, which is even bigger than a Dutch oven, and a roasting pan.
Check out the most recent rare book-pricing guides you can find to look up the worth of the title you have in your possession.
Check and see what kind of batteries the units use and if AC/DC power adaptors are available for the unit you have in mind.
First figure out how much room you have in your apartment or home for bookshelves.
So, there may be a few digital photographs you want to frame and hang on the wall, or have in an album at home.
The choices we have in cell phones have exploded in recent years.
Big, small, colorful or plain, birds are interesting characters to have in your life.
Their rating system on the conditions of records they have in stock lets you know ahead of time what you would be receiving in the mail.
How big is the room and how will that mesh with the cost per square foot of the type carpet you have in mind?
You may not have noticed this retailer unless you've been looking for new cookware lately, but here's a store you may have in your local mall.
Many out-of-print books that they might still have in stock are available online, which is an advantage of the limited space in the local stores.
Each printer listing that appears gives you how many they have in stock and the cost of purchasing one or purchasing two or more printers, which are at discounted prices.
Before shopping, decide what kind of television you would like to have in your home.
To be even more helpful, Evertek lists how many items they have in stock.
You don't want to buy items that you already have in the house.
Furthermore, you might have greater variety online than you have in the flower shop.
Another factor that you should have in the forefront of your mind is whether or not you want to buy a new or used computer.
The size of a golf club's grip is highly important to the amount of hand action you have in your swing.
These pricing guidelines will help you make sure you get a good deal for the boat you have in mind and can be one of the best boat buyers guide tools available.
If you’re considering buying a new or used snowmobile, a snowmobile buyer’s guide is a good thing to have in your back pocket.
A buyer’s guide will break down what it’s important to have in a snowmobile and what’s just window dressing.
They still have exactly the same nutritional needs that they have in the wild, and their food must precisely meet these needs or disease and organ failure will quickly take over.
You can choose a style that will compliment whatever furniture you already have in the room.
Perhaps you should do more research on the two breeds you have in mind, and locate a breeder who would be willing to mentor you.
It can take months and sometimes a full year to tame a feral cat, so be patient and remind yourself often of the end goal you have in mind.
Each product in the catalog contains a description and point level that you must have in order to select it as your reward.
You can only spend the amount you have in your account.
Tap into the equity you have in your home.
Tap into any equity you have in your home.
This means if you charge more than you have in your account, the financial institution may cover the additional charge but assess a fee to do so.
Consumers are faced with the potential of bouncing checks they may already have in the works.
When contemplating divorce, it's important to weigh the level of dissatisfaction you have in the marriage and the level you expect to have if you divorce.
Measure the free space that you have in the dining room, taking into account any furniture that lines the walls, such as hutches or buffet tables.
You can make a rudimentary setup with a few basic woodworking tools you probably already have in your garage, like a circular saw and an electric drill.Bunk beds are available in twin as well as full combos and in many decorator styles.
If you have build-ins or other large or distinctive pieces, build a shelf that will complement what you already have in place.
Small foldable sofa beds are great to have in small spaces.
What should everyone have in their home?
Left and right side orientation can become really important given the configuration of the room you have in mind.
In fact, cayenne is a wonderful item to have in an emergency first aid kit.
You may have noticed the one thing all of these interior design firms have in common.
Woven baskets are another handy accessory to have in the kitchen due to their usefulness and rich texture.
The two most important things for you to have in mind when you're decorating your bedroom are creating a peaceful room and your favorite design styles.
What does your teenager have in mind for their room?
A good way to begin is to ask yourself what you would like to have in your home office that would make accomplishing your work easier.
If a down home family Christmas is what you have in mind, then Country Christmas decorating is for you.
A teenager usually feels that their room is the one private place they have in the house.
Shelves, wall boxes, closet storage units all provide space to store and display the many things that teenagers have in their rooms.
You can be environmentally friendly by using things you may have in your home as tools, from rags, to sponges, and brushes.
This decision will in part be determined by the kind of furniture you have in your nook.
The interiors featured in Elle Décor run the gamut from traditional and classic to modern and contemporary, but the one thing they always have in common is a French aesthetic.
Crystal chandeliers are renowned for the sparkling effect they have in refracting light into your room and especially the dance of light that patterns the surrounding walls.
Before you buy, though, make sure the rods you have in mind suit your installation as well as your décor.
First and foremost, curtain rods need to suit the curtains you have in mind.
The links below will help you track of sales involving the rods you have in mind.
I had been wanting to try a lip plumper, but shied away from the higher price tag many plumping products have in case I didn't like how they worked.
Rather, you will have to purchase a MAC makeup brush separately or use an eyeliner brush you currently have in your collection.
Auto Trader allows you to, upon visiting the main page, get right down to researching and comparing different models you have in mind.
With both people being Jewish, it's a great way to celebrate something that you have in common.
The higher the number of megapixels, the more latitude you will have in editing or enlarging photos.
Many people also have in mind that Cajun food is always hot and spicy.
Chop the cherries to the size you would like them to have in the finished jam.
Get out a piece of paper (or you can do this in your head, but working on paper will ensure you don't forget anything) and make a list of the basic kinds of scrapbooking supplies you have in your house.
If you feel that a more petite approach will work best for what you have in mind, measure the items you want to include, and make sure to leave enough of a border on one side to tie the book together.
The type of scrapbook paper storage method that will work best depends upon how large of a supply stash you keep on hand as well as how much space you have in your craft area.
One of the most important instant stress relief tactics to have in your arsenal is knowing how to take deep, calming breaths.
Getting your thoughts out of your head will help you deal with the issues you have in front of you much more effectively.
They also give the student privacy; something they wouldn't normally have in a classroom full of strangers.