Have-a-handle-on Sentence Examples
Keeping the kittens on flea preventative is an excellent way to prevent a reinfestation, and you certainly have a handle on the cleanliness issue.
Once you have a handle on the most severe physical symptoms, you can address the cause of your anxiety to help remove the trigger for the attack.
Some have an elastic band that goes around the head, while others have a handle on them for the user to hold.
Now that you have a handle on how to cut crown molding, you will need to learn how to install it properly.
If you've tried 100s of them over the years would you say you have a handle on what Zinfandel typically has for taste/smell characteristics?
Once you have a handle on the colors, lengths and cuts that work best for you, you can dive into the world of Internet swimwear shopping and take advantage of the plentiful bargains available!
Once you've mastered reading labels and feel like you have a handle on serving sizes, it's important to begin writing down your foods.
Unless you are keeping a food journal, you may not have a handle on where your diet falls short.