Have-a-good-time Sentence Examples
I want you to have a good time.
You have to drink booze to have a good time?
This way everyone is sure to have a good time!
Keep in mind that all of your guests don't have to know each other before the retreat to have a good time.
With the war over, people wanted to have a good time.
So sang the ancient Egyptian harpist to encourage the partygoers to let their hair down and have a good time.
You can use it as an outlet for your tension and have a good time doing it.
Most people like playing classic board games, such as Monopoly, Cranium, or the Trivial Pursuit, but you can also have a good time with silly group games like Twister.
Others drink to lower inhibitions so they are able to have a good time socializing with other people.
Your number one priority is to have a good time.
AdvertisementYour number one priority on a cruise to nowhere is to have a good time.
Keep in mind that just because this is a party cruise, it doesn't mean you have to drink to have a good time.
However, there are other good options for girls who want to have a good time swimming but aren't interested in showing off their figures.
However, those who are a big fan of the movies will have a good time with this game.
Keep in mind that everyone's there to have a good time.
AdvertisementPink likes to have a good time with her music, and this shines through in her lyrics.
It was a fun crowd, obviously out to have a good time while testing their personal ability to accomplish a truly grueling trial.
Whatever form your solstice celebrations take, I hope you have a good time.
If you end up having trouble with the shoot because you are too embarassed, remember that you're with a partner you care about and that you are trying to have a good time.
Over time, you start to feel like you never are able to have a good time in anything you do because your mind has become accustomed to dealing with stress and holding on to it as long as possible.
AdvertisementWhen you choose the right date, you're sure to have a good time.
This way, you can have a good time and show them that you have some of the same interests as they do without coming off too strong.
Check out these styles and merchants for the latest in dresses for the curvy woman who knows how to kick up her heels and have a good time.
You don't need fancy graphics to have a good time with these retro titles, because they're just so much fun on their own!
The intuitive motion-based gameplay meant that everyone, regardless of experience or skill level, could have a good time with virtual bowling, tennis, and boxing.
AdvertisementThe people are usually upbeat and willing to have a good time and have no problem moving on if they don't get one.
Just be friendly, smile and have a good time.
Children may not be as concerned with the fitness part, but an entire family can enjoy an activity together, have a good time and fit in healthy exercise all at once.
They want to show off their changing physique and have a good time in the sun without anyone making a fuss.
If you have an open policy to be able to use Scrabble dictionaries, cheat engines, etc., then by all means have a good time.
The desire is for all to have a good time.
If you want to be sure your guests have a good time at your party, gathering, or office festivities, make sure you have a Christmas game or activity for everyone to participate in.
But you don't need to go all out to look great and have a good time.
Now that you know how to act appropriately on your first date, go out and have a good time.
Learn how to have a good time without stepping on anyone's toes!
Your Gemini lover must have a good time doing just about everything or he isn't going to do it, at least not happily.
Romance is a serious matter to Virgo, and he has not asked you out to just have a good time.
With Taurus, you're likely to have a good time.
He'll love the fact that he can hang out with you, relax and have a good time!
Don't be shy about giving out small assignments like cutting out cake, etc. This ensures that the adults have a good time with the added benefit of things running very smoothly.
Fun outdoor games for kids can help your kids get exercise and have a good time.
If you're truly frugal, you understand that you don't necessarily need a bunch of money to have a good time.
Of course, families are still free to stay at any resort they wish, but everyone is more likely to have a good time if the resort caters to families rather than expert skiers.
In order to have a good time with your partner, make sure both of you feel great about your lingerie choices, especially if you buy an item you want your significant other to wear.
The important thing is to have a good time and not to stress out over the choreography.
Remember that looking nice is only part of the picture with your invitations - they should also provide all of the info your guests need so they can show up at the event relaxed and ready to have a good time!
After all, adults want to have a good time without too much fuss.
Include a range of silly games so your guests can laugh and have a good time that they will never forget.
Whether you have kids or not, you're certain to have a good time visiting any of the many entertaining restaurants located in the area.