Hated Sentence Examples
He hated it when she won an argument.
God, I hated it and I was mad as hell.
She hated his rules, but she wasn't fighting him.
She hated that he'd always known exactly what to say to get to her.
The Spartans hated Aristomenes.
Deidre hated that Darkyn was right.
He hated cats, but he carried the kitten all the way to the kitchen and back simply to show her one.
She hated the headaches and feeling like shit!
As much as she hated herself for feeling it, she needed his touch to calm her.
Rhyn pulled the scarf he hated from her neck.
AdvertisementGod, she hated spiders.
Her father hated this man for some reason, and being near him put them both in danger.
Though he hated the idea, he wasn't about to take any chances this time around.
As much as he hated to admit it, Darkyn wasn't one to wait to claim debts owed him.
They were shunned and hated; were allotted separate quarters in towns, called cagoteries, and lived in wretched huts in the country distinct from the villages.
AdvertisementAll Asia would rise with Athens to throw off the hated yoke.
This he treated synthetically, to the total exclusion of analysis, which he hated, and he is said to have considered it a disgrace to synthetical geometry if equal or higher results were obtained by analytical methods.
As much as he hated these creatures, he had to admit that they often led him in the right direction.
But pitying him, defending him, helping him command his own men … The vamp was right, and she hated to admit it.
He dressed himself mechanically and deliberately, hiding away the scarred body his master hated.
AdvertisementAbove all, his master hated his scarred face.
Gabriel knew how much Rhyn hated his father.
He hated her and was forever sundered from her.
So long as Menshikov remained in power, she was treated with liberality and distinction by the government of Peter II., but the Dolgorukis, who supplanted Menshikov and hated the memory of Peter the Great, practically banished Peter's daughter from court.
Payment was rigorously enforced, and thus for a variety of reasons the taille was a burdensome and hated tax.
AdvertisementHe had to be content with armistices, reconciliations and matrimonial contracts, because the great dignitaries of the state, men like the palatine Laszlo Garai, Count Ulrich of Cilli, and the voivode of Transylvania, Mihaly Ujlaky, thwarted in every way the novas homo whom they hated and envied.
Herodotus adduces this to show how much the Scyths hated foreign customs, but with the things found in the graves it rather proves how strong was the attraction exercised upon the nomads by the higher culture of their neighbours.
He deprived his mother and sisters of their possessions, was hated by his subjects on account of his oppressions, and in 5236 was placed under the imperial ban and driven from Austria.
Although the Saxons hated towns and refused to settle in London, they may have allowed the original inhabitants to continue their trade on condition that they received some share of the profits or a tribute.
But in spite of Savonarola's popularity there was a party called the Bigi (greys) who intrigued secretly in favour of the return of the Medici, while the men of wealth, called the Arrabbiati, although they hated the Medici, were even more openly opposed to the actual regime and desired to set up an aristocratic oligarchy.
He hated two things intensely, a sacrosanct priesthood and an enforced uniformity.
The offer was too good to be refused, but the poet hated himself on the banks of the fiere Tamise, and wrote in bitter ridicule of "Les Anglais.
The mob repelled the praetorian guard, but the execution of the hated minister Cleander quieted the tumult.
When Charles X., after retracting the hated ordinances, sent the comte d'Argout 1 to Laffitte to negotiate a change of ministry, the banker replied, "It is too late.
Joanna refused to adopt Louis owing to the influence of Caracciolo, who hated Sforza; she appealed for help instead to Alphonso of Aragon, promising to make him her heir.
In 1871 he visited Texas, and his trip through the southern country, where he had once been so hated, was an ovation.
The hopelessly vicious policemen hated him, but no man ever had a stronger personal hold upon the great body of the honest officers - a hold which existed long after he left the police department, and was frequently expressed by members of the force as he passed through the city streets.
He not only hated corruption per se, but he clearly saw that as efficiency has a greater power for good, so corruption has a greater power for evil in a strongly centralized government.
Marat despised the ruling party because they had suffered nothing for the republic, because they talked too much of their feelings and their antique virtue, because they had for their own virtues plunged the country into war; while the Girondins hated Marat as representative of that rough red republicanism which would not yield itself to a Roman republic, with themselves for tribunes, orators and generals.
Subsequently Alexander was alienated from him owing to the intrigues of the count's enemies, who hated him for his severity and regarded him as a dangerous reactionary.
Robespierre, who hated the Girondists, whose lustre had so long obscured his own, had proposed to includethem in the proscription lists of September; the Mountain to a man desired their overthrow.
This further act of repression led to two terrible Cossack risings, in 1635 and 1636, put down only with the utmost difficulty, whereupon the diet of 1638 deprived the Cossacks of all their ancient privileges, abolished the elective hetmanship, and substituted for it a commission of Polish noblemen with absolute power, so that the Cossacks might well declare that those who hated them were lords over them.
The same may be said of the many, often absurd, accusations subsequently brought against him by jealous rivals or ignorant contemporaries who hated Godunov's reforms as novelties.
The Armenian writer Eznik (c. 425) also attests that Mani's teaching was merely that of the Magi, plus an ascetic morality, for which they hated and slew him.
He must have been a much hated man, for his latitudinarianism offended the high church party and his rationalism the other sections.
That Peter both hated and dreaded her was notorious.
This is especially seen in his satires on Arabs (which made him so hated that no man followed his bier when he died).
This danger became a reality when in the year 395 the able and valiant Theodosius died, leaving the empire to be divided between his imbecile sons Arcadius and Honorius, the former taking the eastern and the latter the western portion, and each under the control of a minister who bitterly hated the minister of the other.
Archbishop Christopher of BrunswickWolfenbuttel (1487-1558), a brutal libertine, hated for his lusts and avarice, looked on the reforming movement as a revolt against himself.
Hast thou a hated wife ?
He hated Dissenters, and stock-jobbers, the excise and the army, septennial parliaments, and Continental connexions.
Johnson hated to be questioned; and Boswell was eternally catechizing him on all kinds of subjects, and sometimes propounded such questions as, "What would you do, sir, if you were locked up in a tower with a baby ?"
Margrave Billung, who looked after th Abotrites on the lower Elbe, was less fortunate, mainly becaus of the neighborhood of the Danes, who, after the death of King Henry, often attacked the hated Germans, but some progress was made in bringing this district under German influence.
It is not surprising therefore that Maximilian hated the new body, to the establishment of which he had only consented under great pressure.
The Roman Catholics hated her as the land par excellence of Protestantism and free thought.
Pyrrhus is said to have dreamed of kingdoms of Sicily and of Italy for his two sons, the grandsons of Agathocles, and he himself reigned for two years in Sicily as a king who came to be no less hated than the tyrants.
The Genius, now that it had become a vehicle for this dangerous doctrine, was a paper to be feared and intensely hated.
Here the clergy and part of the nobility were favourable to the Union; but the vast majority of the people hated it as a foreign usurpation.
Hated for his vices, Demetrius fell in battle against the usurper, Alexander Balas, in 150 B.C.
He hated lecturing, and was bored with the importunities of the fanatical preachers; and in 1574 he returned to France, and made his home for the next twenty years with Chastaigner.
He hated lecturing, and there were those among his friends who erroneously believed that with the success of Henry IV.
C. Swinburne has suggested that the secret of Juvenal's concentrated power consisted in this, that he knew what he hated, and that what he did hate was despotism and democracy.
It is much more difficult to find what he loved and admired than what he hated.
Pedro; and after four months of a hated union she left the palace and applied to the chapter of Lisbon cathedral to annul her marriage on the ground of non-consummation.
But a powerful pagan king arose who hated and persecuted the Christians, especially the ascetics.
In 1763 he spoke against the obnoxious tax on cider, imposed by his brother-in-law, George Grenville, and his opposition, though unsuccessful in the House, helped to keep alive his popularity with the country, which cordially hated the excise and all connected with it.
It has been asserted that his mother hated him, and was only restrained from putting him to death while he was still a boy by the fear of what the consequences of another palace crime might be to herself.
With anarchy among themselves and so precarious a hold on the country, hated by the Italian population and by the Catholic clergy, threatened also by an alliance of the Greek empire with their persistent rivals the Franks beyond the Alps, they resolved to sacrifice their independence and elect a king.
In only two points can Rabelais be said to be definitely polemic. He certainly hated the monkish system in the debased form in which it existed in his time; he as certainly hated the brutish ignorance into which the earlier systems of education had suffered too many of their teachers and scholars to drop. At these two things he was never tired of striking, but elsewhere, even in the grim satire of the Chats fourres, he is the satirist proper rather than the reformer.
It is evident that the Samaritans were not to be outdone by the Jews, that Mount Gerizim was once more being set up against Jerusalem, and that a bold bid was being made by the hated Samaritans for a world-wide religion, which should embrace Pagans as well as Christians.
The above is unmistakably the voice of those early Christians who hated Paul, or at all events an echo of that voice.
In attempting to pass from Wei to another state, Confucius was set upon by a mob, which mistook him for an officer who had made himself hated by his oppressive deeds.
He hated the Irish parliament for its lethargy and the Irish bishops for their interference.
But the Vicentini had always hated the Carraresi, and after a short siege gave themselves over to Venice.
Loving liberty, he hated its consequences; a democrat, he had and always expressed a profound contempt for the mob.
By natural instinct he hated the French, but there was no room in his nearly imbecile mind for more than childish superstition, insane pride of birth, and an interest in court etiquette.
In fact, while hated by the Greeks, he seems to have had the steady support of the native population.
His rule was expensive, and he made himself hated by every class of his subjects, baronage, clergy and people alike, by his ingenious and oppressive taxation.
If he had stayed long in England he would have made himself hated; but he was nearly always absent; it was only as a reckless and spasmodic extorter of taxation, not as a personal tyrant, that he was known on the English side of the Channel.
He had made himself so well hated by his cruelty and vices that the Normans, forgetting their old hatred of France, had acquiesced in the conquest.
Probably his long immunity was due in the main to the capacity of his strong-handed justiciar Geoffrey Fitz-Peter; the king hated him bitterly, but generally took his advice.
These were the two Hugh Despensers, father and son; the elder was an ambitious baron who hated Lancaster, the younger had been made Edwards chamberlain in 1318 and had become his secret councillor and constant companion.
He was a soldier of fortune who had served in the French wars, and claimed to be in the confidence of the duke of York, the person to whom the eyes of all who hated Somerset and the present rgime were now directed.
It would seem that the key to his conduct was that he hated the hard work without which a despotic king cannot hope to assert his personality, and preferred leisure and vicious self-indulgence.
The predominance of the Church of England was the prime article of their political creed; they dreaded the Roman Catholics; they hated and despised the dissenters.
He was hated in his day as the arch-opponent of reform, yet the triumph of the reform movement would have been impossible but for the peace his policy secured.
The Wellington ministry, hated by the Liberals, denounced even by the Tories as traitorous for the few concessions made, resigned on the 16th of November; and the Whigs at last came into office under Lord whig Grey, the ministry also including a few of the more ministry Liberal Tories.
The measure for India weakened the influence of the crown by giving a mass of patronage to the party which the king hated.
His second wife was Sarah Siprout de Gabay, "a beautiful woman of strong intellect" and importunate ambitions, who hated the race she belonged to because it was despised by others.
The Jacobins desired the death of Louis, partly because they hated kings and deemed him a traitor, partly because they wished to envenom the Revolution, defy Europe and compromise their more temperate colleagues.
He was hated and feared by most of the oligarchy.
The so-called Independents, such as Barras and Merlin of Douai, who were all Jacobins, but had stood aloof from the internal conflicts of the party, hated Royalism as much as ever and desired the continuance of the war which was essential to their power.
Her girlhood was passed at Ismailovo near Moscow, with her mother, an ignorant, bigoted tsaritsa of the old school, who neglected and even hated her daughters.
This was due in the main to the outrageous insolence of her allpowerful favourite Biren, who hated the Russian nobility and trampled upon them mercilessly.
But the long expected heir failed to come, and Bianca realized that if her husband were to die before her she was lost, for his family, especially his brother Cardinal Ferdinand, hated her bitterly, as an adventuress and interloper.
But this mission helped to make him an object of suspicion to the other members of the Committee of Public Safety, and especially to Robespierre, who as a deist and a fanatical follower of the ideas of Rousseau, hated Herault, the follower of the naturalism of Diderot.
Racked with the stone, hated by the official clique, thwarted on all sides, Perrot was goaded into using words capable of a treasonable interpretation.
The English of the Pale were forced into rebellion, but could never get on with the native Irish, who hated them only less than the new colonists.
They hated, feared and despised the Irish, and took pride in preserving their pure English speech.
Tone was a Protestant, but he had imbibed socialist ideas, and hated the priests whose influence counteracted his own.
They are Ocean, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys and the youngest, Cronus, " and he hated his glorious father."
In order to establish this absolute despotism Richelieu created no new instruments, but made use of a revolutionary institution Methods of the 16th century, namely intendants (q.v.), employed agents who were forerunners of the commissaries of by Riche- the Convention, gentlemen of the long robe of inferior lieu, condition, hated by every one, and for that reason the more trustworthy.
But this reform, being made by the minister of a hated sovereign, only aided in exasperating public opinion, which was grateful to the parlements in that their remonstrances bad riot always been fruitless.
Lastly, to come to the bottom of the social scale, there were the common people, taxable at will, subject to the arbitrary and burdensome forced labor of the corve, cut off by an impassable barrier from the privileged classes whom they hated.
In 1391 the preaching of a priest of Seville, Fernando Martinez, led to the first general massacre of the Jews, who were envied for their prosperity and hated because they were the kings tax collectors.
The new ruler, Christian V., hated him, and accusations against him poured in from every quarter.
Cardan (1501-1J76), for instance, hated Luther, and so changed his birthday in order to give him an unfavourable horoscope.
Hated by the Liberal circles and the Duma, Protopopov not only supported the reactionary policy of Sturmer and Prince Galitzin with the utmost energy, but he is said also to have been one of the secret organizers of the disturbances of Feb.
His position at court was uncomfortable, for though ambitious and conscious of possessing greater abilities than his brother (Louis XVI.), his scope for action was restricted; he consequently devoted his energies largely to intrigue, especially against Marie Antoinette, whom he hated.'
He came into notice first as an opponent of Pericles, to whom his advanced ideas were naturally unacceptable, and in his opposition somewhat curiously found himself acting in concert with the aristocrats, who equally hated and feared Pericles.
A daring soldier, he distinguished himself at the battle of the Taro against the French; but his tyranny made him hated by his subjects.
He always hated the enslavement of the death dealers; he refused to give Death his soul until forced to make a deal with her for Rhyn's life a few months ago.
Her Gabriel had distrusted her – hated her even? – for much longer.
He hated the idea of being vulnerable, and concern for another was vulnerability.
He'd loved and hated her his whole life, a beautiful woman with neither mercy nor honor, who viewed mortals and Immortals alike as toys.
He should've known he'd end up liking someone past-Death hated.
The eldest of the seven brothers, Andre was the only who supported Rhyn's petition to be recognized by the Immortals who hated the half-demon.
Rumor had it the Council hadn.t agreed on anything in a few hundred years, and Rhyn began to think the brothers he hated might be the solution to the demons.
Sometimes Kris hated being his father.s son and resented Andre.s insistence that he choose duty over all else.
Let's look for the person who would either benefit from Shipton's death or hated him strongly enough to cut his rope.
Hated the hot and stickies of Norfolk weather and was always after me to transfer him back to Scranton—fat chance of that—or to some bread-basket state out west.
Xander hated - but respected – Sofi.
He hated being off balanced and felt the need to poke at her, until he was able to figure out what made her tick.
The idea of his naked body on top of her, beneath her, any way he wanted her … She'd even let him hold her down, as much as she hated his dominant personality.
When asked to centralize the love story in the script, Bukowski readily acquiescedand then hated the results.
Now, imagine for a moment that the hated glazers are finally usurped by supporter groups.
Hated the beginning, hated the ELO songs, hated the frankly awful oral sex joke at the end.
She also hated having cellophane around her bouquets, so it had to be removed before presentation.
I hated the naked commercialism and tried to resist the tugging pull on my wallet.
The show, titled Frankie Howerd Goes East, was an anarchic mess that was hated by the BBC and savaged by the critics.
She hated to see her father so dejected and sort of haunted looking.
He has decreed that the hated former dictator Abacha should be allowed to keep $ 100 million of the money he looted.
I hated to be so discourteous but the only solution was to ignore them.
Yet as a kid - I hated the stuff - weird eh!
Crucially, however, the hated Samaritan is held up as the moral exemplar.
All those who hated fascism would have their chance to fight back.
She had a daily housekeeper stating that she " always hated housework " .
Hawks in particular hated the way Gary Cooper's sheriff showed indecision and needed the help of other people, even his wife.
It hated and at the same time lauded the growth of modern industrialism and the rise of the cities.
He was the leading aristocratic landowner, hated by the population of London.
Even at the time, I hated those, just because it would really grind up my comptuer and my 28.8k linkup.
I love Lucy but I hated when... on, you people.
I was quite good at maths and English, although h I hated maths once it got beyond ordinary arithmetic.
I met a lot of City fans who hated Man U to an almost psychopathic degree.
The 14th Light Dragoons had been used to quell riots here before, were nicknamed the Bloody Blues and hated.
I hated sleeping rough " " I've been able to learn new computer skills, go to college.
The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness; you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.
She bristles at her mother's suggestion that she learn shorthand; she " hated the idea of serving men in any way " .
The critics seemed unanimous in their verdict - They hated it.
Unfortunately Queen Anne, who hated yew, had it all uprooted and redesigned the garden.
Ward evidently hated batting at Sussex but the team work ethic is to be greatly admired.
He hated vital religion and grew wroth at every manifestation of it.
There can be no doubt that he hated the queen, and bitterly resented his long disgrace at court, and also that he sincerely wished for a thorough reform of the government and the establishment of some such constitution as that of England; and no doubt such friends as Adrien Duport and Choderlos de Laclos, for their own reasons, wished to see him king of France.
For much as he hated arbitrariness, he hated anarchy still more.
Matthias was the elect of the Hungarian people, gratefully mindful of his father's services to the state and inimical to all foreign candidates; and though an influential section of the magnates, headed by the palatine Laszlo Garai and the voivode of Transylvania, Miklos Ujlaki, who had been concerned in the judicial murder of Matthias's brother Laszlo, and hated the Hunyadis as semi-foreign upstarts, were fiercely opposed to Matthias's election, they were not strong enough to resist the manifest wish of the nation, supported as it was by Matthias's uncle Mihaly Szilagyi at the head of 15,000 veterans.
The king was persuaded to forge one-fifth of his civil list, ministers and the higher civil servants were required to relinquish a portion of their meagre salaries, but, in spite of all, Sella had found himself in 1865 compelled to propose the most hated of fiscal burdensa grist tax on cereals.
Others attribute it to the queen, and there is no doubt that she hated Turgot for supporting Vergennes in demanding the recall of the comte de Guines, the ambassador in London, whose cause she had ardently espoused at the prompting of the Choiseul clique.
He hated eminent qualities in others, but gathered round him the most distinguished men of the state; at one time affectionate towards his friends, at another he mistrusted and put them to death.
The alchemists explained chemical action by means of such phrases as " like attracts like," substances being said to combine when one " loved " the other, and the reverse when it " hated " it.
Mahmud, in spite of - or rather because of - his well-meant efforts at reform, was hated by his Mussulman subjects and stigmatized as an " infidel " and a traitor to Islam.
He was essentially an amiable man, who hated the zeal for an impossible orthodoxy that constrained "the church to institute a search after crimes which have not betrayed an existence, yea, and to drag into open contentions those who are meditating no evil."
Kiwewa, refusing to submit to circumcision, was (after reigning three or four months) expelled by the B a-Islamu, who placed another brother, Kalema, on the throne and began a fanatical propaganda, forcing the peasantry to, submit to the hated circumcision.
As an ardent Languedocian he hated the French, and spoke openly of the king in disrespectful terms. But when he tried to organize a general rising of the south, he was denounced to the king, perhaps by his old enemies the count of Foix and the bishop of Toulouse.
The cold reception it met with shattered at a blow the dream of Wolfgang's life; henceforth he realized that to the world he was interesting mainly as "Goethe's grandson," that anything he might achieve would be measured by that terrible standard, and he hated the legacy of his name.
In 1136 the army of Griffith ap Rhys met with a large English force near Cardigan, composed of the denizens of the South Wales castles and of the hated Flemish colonists, who had been lately planted by Henry I.
He hated ignorance, but he hated still more half-learning, and most of all dishonesty in argument or in quotation.
Their rival factions hated each other, but both, especially the faction of Michelangelo, turned bitterly against the veteran newcomer.
We are also told that quarrelsome man is most hated in Allah 's sight, Sahih Bukhari 6.48.
I hated sleeping rough " " I 've been able to learn new computer skills, go to college.
People like Lucian are hated by modern Christians for exposing the scams of some of the early Christian crooks.
Earth was an open sepulcher; and each man hated his God.
She bristles at her mother 's suggestion that she learn shorthand; she " hated the idea of serving men in any way ".
This is the sort of thing hated by distribution makers - a package that suddenly requires a load of stuff thats not strictly necessary.
Kewell was pushed onto the right but he hated it there and sulked so much that he kept swapping wings with Jason.
Now, imagine for a moment that the hated Glazers are finally usurped by supporters groups and fanzines like RANT.
I hated my body because I had developed a nasty womb infection and that is why my pregnancy ended.
For the senior prank each year, the current year's seniors abduct the mascot of our most hated rival.
Abraham Lincoln hated slavery and became an advocate of abolitionism.
I always thought I hated public speaking, but hearing everyone clap after my presentation was an adrenaline rush.
Perhaps in the past you worked for a large organization and hated the culture-the politics, the endless meetings, the hierarchical way of relating to other employees.
Then, put all the slips from all guests into one bowl, and have the mother-to-be pull a few out and guess whether they're loved names or hated names.
I am deeply indebted to my parents for never compromising on this, but there were times when I absolutely hated going to Greek school because it seemed like I was "missing out on life just because I am Greek."
If you really hated your job, then losing it can actually provoke feelings of happiness and relief amidst the concern.
He's a dork (not really, but to me he is) and everything and at first I hated him and I made sure he knew it and that everyone else did too.
The raw food movement was done no favors by the episode of Sex and the City where the friends went to the trendy new raw restaurant and hated the food.
When Josh Brolin was young, he reportedly hated everything about Hollywood.
In the entertainment community it seems, she's either loved or hated.
GuitareTab - Over one-hundred and thirty tabs are available at this classic Internet tab site including multiple versions for Circle, Everything Ends, I Am Hated, Left Behind and more.
Plenty of home improvement pictures are available on the TLC website, including photos of the improvements the homeowners completely hated.
I hated this because they never fit the way I wanted them to.
Based on customer reviews published online, customers either loved or hated the Moku style.
If you've had those and you hated them because the lenses dropped out, you may want to give rimless a try anyway.
One other thing I hated was that sometimes you were overwhelmed.
Fans of the animated series will eat this up, as it gives them a chance to play as all of their favorite characters and battle some of the show's most hated villains.
In any case, these three girls go tromping off to meet all of the reject characters that you hated from FF X, only this time they've got much bigger parts and you have to see them over and over again.
They loved the hardware and hated some of the games.
They hated the lack of aerobic exercises, but loved that at least some of the games were fun.
Even if you left your job because your old boss was a shrew and you hated her, you do not want to provide this answer in an interview.
Always put a positive spin on why you left, even if the real answer is that you got fired or hated everyone there.
Along with their hated rivals the Brooklyn Dodgers (who became the Los Angeles Dodgers), the Giants' moved west in 1957 as major league baseball became a coast-to-coast industry.
However, you can also visit thrift stores to find clothing that will work as you become your favorite or most hated celebrity.
If there is something you strongly hated or that did not make sense, say it.
Scary Movie 3 is filled with a good mix of famous faces, not-so-famous faces, new and old characters, and that raunchy humor you either loved or hated in the first two Scary Movie films.
Fans can be very passionate in their likes and dislikes, it is important to recognize that characters are either loved or hated and that feelings about a character should not be transferred to the poster.
Doctors Alan and Monica Quartermaine worked, loved, and hated each other for many years on General Hospital.
The truth was that they were the offspring of Roman Brady, a man who Rex hated.
They want to know the ins and outs of all their loved (and hated) stars, as well as new story lines, cast changes, and more.
Carly hated the new Julia almost as much as the old one and eventually, Jack did get his memories back and as before, he left Julia to be with his wife.
It doesn't matter how many men she's loved, it only matters that Brooke Logan - a one time home wrecker - is loved or hated by her fans and they want to know what will happen to her.
These types of discussion boards provide fans with a venue to vent, commiserate and celebrate their favorite storylines, hated villains, beloved heroines and hot soaps hunks.
I hated that I didn't find a way to include any classic Angie/Jesse stuff from AMC, or any moments from Capitol or The Edge of Night.
Phyllis hated Christine for taking her son away, but Phyllis would move on to marry husband Jack Abbott and then steal Sharon's husband, Nick, with whom she shares a daughter named Summer.
One of the greatest attractions of soap operas is the need to tune in to find out what will happen next whether the characters are loved, hated or just there.
Julia hated her reclusive existence and began working with photographer Michael Scott who does little to hide his attraction for her.
Victoria hated the match, but Victor eventually marries the very much younger woman anyway.
Flannery's performance, whether it is arguing with her onscreen husband, caring for her children or manipulating a situation for her family's benefit, has allowed the character to earn empathy even when fans hated what she did.
He hated this status, and promised himself that he would only take roles in movies that he liked.
If she hated wearing girdles as a young woman, chances are a mature woman is more than happy to be rid of such constricting items now.
Good for dancing and good for people who thought they hated dance music, everyone can agree on the New Young Pony Club.
The other reason was because she hated reading sheet music.
It came as a breath of fresh air even to those who hated punk and re-ignited the creative spark in the music community that would go on to create hip hop, post-punk, new wave, goth and more in the 80s.
Cline's husband brought home a demo of the track for her, and she hated it, but was coaxed into recording it after the tempo was slowed.
Cline hated the song when she heard the demo, but agreed to record it when her producer slowed down the music.
She was known for being an emotional basket case, for being hated by all of the other girls, and for coming on the show while still living with her boyfriend.
So he fired her, citing that he lost a bit of respect for her and "hated" people who drove drunk.
The In-Vitros, or IVs, were created to take the place of the AIs, or silicates, androids who had rebelled against their human masters and live in hiding, continuing their harrassing campaign against their hated creators.
And the guy with the black on the left hated the guy with the white on the left?
Miles later said it wasn't the Cardassians he hated, but who he became because of them.
The producers tried to mollify the fans by changing the tempo and making it a guitar piece in the third and fourth seasons, but that only served to alienate the fans that liked the song to begin with as well as the fans who hated it.
While the flash forward was catastrophic, causing planes to crash and multiple deaths, the fallout even more so as some characters committed suicide; because they hated the futures they glimpsed.
Among the dead were some of the most beloved and hated of the series, including Harry Potter himself.
I know how much she hated it there.
She hated this house, though.
Four dissimilar individuals, tied to a damaged being known only to one of us who at one time hated him for the loss of her friend.
It was the sound I hated more on a telephone that Henri Mancini's version of Theme from Moon Glow or any other top one hundred hits of elevator music was, 'would you please hold'?
I thought your kind hated humans.
But pitying him, defending him, helping him command his own men … The vamp was right, and she hated to admit it.
She knew what vamps were and what they did; it was why she hated them.
He felt fear again, an emotion he hated.
There were days when you hated the fact you did love her, and there were days when she almost walked away from you for good, because she hated that she couldn't control how she felt, Deidre continued.
But much as he hated to do so, it was time to eat the proverbial crow and make peace.
We are at the bottom now, hated by all, without the resources of power to which we were accustomed.
He hated the idea but understood the necessity, especially after finding the second compass in the hands of demons within a week.
She loved human emotion, but she hated the doubt and insecurity she felt.
She hated not being able to read his mind and see his thoughts, the way she had for the thousands of years they served the underworld together.
Her Gabriel had distrusted her – hated her even? – for much longer.
The human side of her hated his tone and the truth of his words more.
Gabriel hated it when one of the deities made sense.
And hated for just as long for pulling shit like this stunt.
Spending her lifetime with someone who hated her was not what she wanted.
He looked so relaxed that she hated to wake him.
Logan hated it, but she loved it.
As much as the brothers hated one another, Rhyn and Tamer were too similar for Gabe to feel anything but amused by the open hostility.
It was getting more difficult to keep his distance from his mate, and he hated knowing he'd have to hurt her emotionally to prevent the tumor from growing too fast.
No wonder Gabe hated her one day and tried hard to tolerate her the next.
She hated the thought.
She loved being in his arms, as much as she hated him right now!
As much as he hated Hell, he hated Antarctica more.
He hated Kris even more.
She hated how he spoke to her, like he knew exactly what to say to terrify her.
She put on the jumpsuit she hated and emerged, expecting her first night of good sleep in a week.
She couldn't imagine an upbringing with no parents, a clan of brothers who hated him, and no ability to change his nature.
Though she hated to admit it, she'd hoped Rhyn was calling.
He hated how pale she looked, hated the scars on her body.
He hated those words, because he was the biggest and strongest of all Death.s assassins.
How she hated this room!
She hated the disappointed look on Evelyn's face.
She sure hated Shipton.
While he hated even speculating about a child murderer, it was the first time Shipton's attempted killing began to make any sense.
I hated the man.
He thought of Edith Shipton, impregnated by a man she hated and who seemed not to have wanted an intrusive fetus invading her life.
She hated her husband who in turn despised her.
He hated all this emotional nonsense, and had it been anyone but Sarah, he would have made a hasty retreat and stayed away until the waterworks passed.
She hated it and bitched at him the whole time she dug into his body.
The Exemplars hated Victor so much, he only needed to speak to one.
He hated himself for it, yet still felt jealous.
I always hated that name.
She hated to leave the little doe for them, but maybe their interest in the goat would keep them occupied long enough to get Brutus into the barn.
As much as he hated to admit it, he still missed talking to her.
I hated these things, but you might need them.
Even if she hated him for what he was.
He didn't have three more days' worth of control. The idea he'd likely explode before Death delivered Katie made him feel fear, an emotion he hated and hadn't felt until responsible for the life of someone he cared about.
Hated the hot and stickies of Norfolk weather and was always after me to transfer him back to Scranton—fat chance of that—or to some bread-basket state out west.
I know you want to discuss your trip to Norfolk and I hated to see the poor young man delayed.
As much as she hated her life, she loved her Talia.
The words stung, because she hated feeling as though she, too, was beyond redemption.
She'd hated Claire when she found out.
He hated to leave him, but it was time to move on.
She hated to call Dad from the store.
Clara couldn't be expected to know she hated being called Ms.
Denton was the one who hated to swim in the ocean.
She hated to ask for directions to another store.
Denton hated the yellow sundress with its spaghetti straps, but it was one of her favorite dresses.
He hated her now.
I hated to leave him behind that way, but he doesn't want to leave Arkansas.
He hated the man who threw them out.
He hated them, too, and how they'd always come between him and his world.
There's nothing wrong with being universally hated, Dusty added, amusement in his voice.
Gods, but he hated Oracles.
Xander hated the idea of not being in control.
Xander hated - but respected – Sofi.
It was bad news for him, though, if the Oracle who hated him felt the need to warn him.
The playful challenge in her gaze stirred his competitive edge, the one that didn't lose and hated being out of control.
She hated that kind of insincerity, but if ever she wanted to deliver it, it was now.
Her breath caught, and she hated herself for it.
Ashley's eyes glowed, and Jessi hated herself for wanting to leave or prevent her cousin from ever seeing Xander again, when it clearly made her happy.
He knew she was with Jessi and hated the idea for reasons that weren't rational.
In the end, everyone hated him, and he lost no sleep over it.
He never realized he hated that, before she did it, maybe because no one else ever had the ability to shut him out so completely.
He hated that phrase as much as the cold shoulder.
As much as he hated the idea of being cornered, he began to think there was no walking away.
He hated that idea.
His normally strict control was thin; he hated the feeling.
He hated any feeling, especially the ones that told him he wasn't going to be able to live with losing Jessi.
The Sicilians refused to be made over once more to the hated French whom they had expelled in 1282, and found a national leader in the regent Frederick.
But, on the other hand, the vital spirits cause a movement in the gland by which the mind perceives the affection of the organs, learns that something is to be loved or hated, admired or shunned.
It was not only that he hated and distrusted the boyars, but he was already statesman enough to discern that they could not be fitted into the new order of things which he aimed at introducing.
He had long hated the Romans, who had taken Phrygia during his minority, and he aimed at driving them from Asia Minor.
In Rome the pope gave way to popular clamour, granting one concession after another, and on the 8th of February he publicly called down Gods blessing on Italythat Italy hated by the Austrians, whose name it had hitherto been a crime to mention.
Burnet described him as "the most hated minister that had ever been about the king."
John and his friends feared lest the inquiry promised into the extent of the hated forest areas would be carried out too rigorously, and that these would be seriously curtailed, if not abolished altogether.
By denouncing the evil deeds of John and the innovations practised by him, it shows what these were and how they were hated; how money had been raised, how forest areas had been extended, how minors and widows had been cheated and oppressed.
Risings broke out at Urbino and in Romagna, and the papal troops were defeated; Cesare could find no allies, and it seemed as though all Italy was about to turn against the hated family, when the French king promised help, and this was enough to frighten the confederates into coming to terms. Most of them had shown very little political or military skill, and several were ready to betray each other.
For many years Torquemada had been persuading the sovereigns to make an attempt once for all to rid the country of the hated Moors.
At Saragossa Peter Arbue, a canon and an ardent inquisitor, was slain in 1485 whilst praying in a church; and the threats against the hated Torquemada made him go in fear of his life, and he never went abroad without an escort of forty familiars of the Holy Office on horseback and two hundred more on foot.
When in 1401 he was restored, he delegated his authority in the province, where he was still hated, to Bernard d'Armagnac. In 1396 he negotiated a truce with Richard II.
After the death of Balas he laid siege to the Akra; and " the apostates, who hated their own nation," appealed to Demetrius.
Parliament, which he had kept at arm's length, was hostile; he was hated by the nobility, and his general unpopularity is reflected in Skelton's satires and in Hall's Chronicle.
Turgot was hated by those who had been interested in the speculations in corn under the regime of the abbe Terray - among whom were included some of the princes of the blood.
Ino, who hated the children of Nephele, persuaded Athamas, 1 Sir James Dewar, Compt.
But within a somewhat narrower field he worked with patience, industry, and self-denying zeal; his ambition, which seemed to many personal, was rather the outcome of his devotion to the cause of the Church; and in the later years of his life especially he showed that he loved righteousness and hated iniquity, and that he realized as clearly as any one that the service of God was incomplete without the service of man.
The minister was hated as a foreigner, and the childhood of the king weakened the royal authority.
But in that year again a rumour came out of the East that a great Christian conqueror was taking the hated Moslems in reverse and sweeping away their power.
The Potoccy, whose possessions in south Poland and the Ukraine covered thousands of square miles, the Radziwillowie, who were omnipotent in Lithuania and included half a dozen millionaires`' amongst them, the Lubomirscy and their fellows, hated the Czartoryscy because they were too eminent, and successfully obstructed all their well-meant efforts.
This action made him so hated by the mob that he had to fly for his life in the disguise of a priest.
The Greek rulers of the Orthodox faith were unable to protect the tillers of the soil, and these being of the Monophysite persuasion and having their own church and patriarch, hated the Orthodox patriarch (who from the time of Justinian onwards was identical with the prefect) and all his following.
Before the Civil War Stanton was a Democrat, opposed to slavery, but a firm defender of the constitutional rights of the slaveholders, and was a bitter opponent of Lincoln, whose party he then hated and distrusted.
But the Renaissance, like the religious revivals initiated in Italy, arrived in Scotland weak and weary; hence the church did not share in the new enthusiasms of the faith of St Francis, and art was trampled on by the magnates who hated poetry and painting.
He had complained to Henry of the captivity in which he was held by his hated stepfather, Angus.
By the Hungarians, however, Goluchowski was hated; he was suspected of having inspired the emperor's opposition to the use of Magyar in the Hungarian army, and was made responsible for the slight offered to the Magyar deputation by Francis Joseph in September 1905.
A bishop and a deacon were sent to accuse the archbishop, and presented to him a list of charges, in which pride, inhospitality and Origenism were brought forward to procure the votes of those who hated him for his austerity, or were prejudiced against him as a suspected heretic. Four successive summonses were signified to Chrysostom, but he indignantly refused to appear until four of his notorious enemies were removed from the council.