Hatched Sentence Examples
The young when hatched are naked and helpless.
The duck, on the other hand, when newly hatched, and for nearly a month after, has the sternum wholly cartilaginous.
The larva is, hatched two or FIG.
By and by, the eggs hatched, and a nestful of young doves grew up.
Similarly the newly-hatched larva of an oil-beetle (Meloe) is an active little campodeiform insect, which, hatched from an egg laid among plants, waits to attach itself to a passing bee.
The grubs, when hatched, start galleries nearly at right angles to this, and when fully grown form oval cells in which they pupate; from these the young beetles emerge by making circular holes directly outward through the bark.
This was in its origin a Polish nationalist movement, hatched in the little independent republic of Cracow.
Egypt before the Deltaic dynasties, but Diodorus in the first century B.C. describes how its eggs were hatched artificially, as they are at the present day.
The young, which are hatched after about four weeks' incubation, look very different from the adult.
The young are hatched clothed in variegated down, and remain in the nest for some time.
AdvertisementAlcock (1901) describes from his own observation the newly hatched Phyllosoma larva of Thenus orientalis, Fabricius.
That certain species, particularly many from deep water, have disproportionately large eggs, is explained by the supposition that the young derive the advantage of being hatched in an advanced stage of development.
After the eggs have hatched, they change color; at that point, they will take on a grayish tone.
Certainly no plot was laid by James to entrap the Ruthvens, and the only question is, was the brawl in which they fell accidental, or had a plot hatched in deep secrecy been frustrated by unexpected circumstances?
The dead body of the mother insect serves as a protection for the eggs until they are hatched.
AdvertisementIn fresh-water culture the eggs thus fertilized may be at once distributed to the waters to be stocked, or they may be kept in special receptacles provided with a suitable stream of water until the fry are hatched, and then distributed, or again they may be reared in the hatchery for several months until the fry are active and hardy.
The plaice fry hatched in the Scottish establishment have been distributed for many years in the waters of Loch Fyne.
The young soon after they are hatched become a perfect mass of fat, and while yet in the nest are sought by the Indians, who at Caripe, and perhaps elsewhere, make a special business of taking them and extracting the oil they contain.
The majority of the Crustacea are hatched from the egg in a form differing more or less from that of the adult, and pass through a series of free-swimming larval stages.
As compared with the majority of Acari, ticks are of large size, distended female specimens of some of the species measuring half an inch or more in length, while even the newly hatched young can hardly be regarded as microscopical.
AdvertisementIt is an interesting and important fact that the newly hatched young of certain species, Margaropus annulatus for instance, before it has fed, if produced by a female carrying the germs of spirillosis, can infect healthy organisms with the disease.
Under the auspices of this rancorous princess the second conspiracy was hatched in the following year (1487).
This horrible outrage naturally created indignation in France, and it unfortunately became plain that the conspiracy had been hatched in England, and that the bombs had been manufactured in Birmingham.
Nothing seems to be lost, nor can any part of the bee's work be accounted labour in vain; the very wax from which the insect builds the store-combs for its food and the cells in which its young are hatched and reared is valuable to mankind in many ways, and is regarded to-day no less than in the past ages as an important commercial product.
On the other hand, worker-bees hatched in the autumn will seven months later be strong with the vigour of lusty youth; able to take their full share in the labour of the hive for six weeks or more in the early spring, which is the most critical period in the colony's existence; hence the value to the apiarist of bees hatched in the autumn.
AdvertisementSome of the apterous young that are hatched from these form fresh galls and continue to multiply in the leaves, others descend to the root of the plant, becoming what are known as root-forms. These, like the parent form of spring, reproduce parthenogenetically, giving rise to generation after generation of egg-laying individuals.
In the course of the summer, from some of these eggs are hatched females which acquire wings and lay eggs from which wingless males and females are born.
From the union of the sexes comes the fertile egg from which the parent form of spring is hatched.
At the end of 1966, the twins hatched a plot to free Frank Mitchell, the mad axeman.
A extremely rare albino African penguin chick, which hatched at Bristol zoo in November 2002, has died.
Newly hatched stick insects eat bramble leaves just like the adults.
These can be easily raised in newly hatched brine shrimp, powdered flake, and small daphnia and other pond foods.
You can watch the birds cozy up with their eggs or coddle their newly hatched chicks.
As the newly hatched baby cuckoo pokes it way out of its shell, it pushes the other eggs out of their rightful nest.
Newly hatched cuttlefish Newly hatched cuttlefish (1cm) will often change color to match the eggs they have hatched from.
Last year they hatched three cygnets, unfortunately only one survived to date.
A scheme is hatched to kidnap the girl and demand a ransom from her rich daddy.
A baby dinosaur, just hatched, would follow in the footsteps of its parent, perhaps only a short distance from the nest.
My older brother hatched two white ducklings in an incubator in his bedroom for a school project.
His arrival now completes the team of 10 other recently hatched baby flamingos who will soon be joining Theo on crèche island.
At the same time young newly hatched fish were also found on the shore.
They also have around 50 heron nesting here, I have seen young hatched in February but others still building their nests in March.
It is a slightly icky picture and you can see eggs that haven't hatched.
Newly released juveniles will need newly hatched Artemia and rotifers until they are a few days old.
The Sheep Nostril fly places already hatched larvae in the nostrils of sheep.
Like a chess master, it watches impassively as schemes are hatched and intentions are thwarted.
The hatched nymph looks more or less like a smaller version of the adult.
The little jenny wren, whose nest I mentioned in my previous letter, has now hatched out her family.
The young are hatched ' Yet Forbes states (Ibis, 1881, p. 358) that Seriema comes from Siri, " a diminutive of Indian extraction," and Ema, the Portuguese name for the Rhea (see Emeu), the whole thus meaning "Little Rhea."
There is no metamorphosis during growth such as occurs in some insects, the young being hatched with its full complement of appendages and only differing from its parents in characters of comparatively minor importance.
These eggs are very minute - about one hundred weighing a grain; and a vast number of hatched worms may at first be kept in a small space; but the rapid growth and voracious appetite of the caterpillars demand quickly increasing and ample space.
The mother bird lays her eggs in a nest and keeps them warm until the birdlings are hatched.
It's no joke, this plot you've hatched.
Plans would be hatched buy my first quiver tip rod, seat box or whatever was flavor of the week.
When fully grown they come back to spawn in the same river in which they were hatched.
Once hatched, the wasp larvae Squeeze a hormone trigger, Bringing into play A sequence of events.
After the nit has hatched, the young louse is a pale yellow color.
When Young and the Restless writers hatched a plot to get Jack Abbott (played by Peter Bergman) to represent Genoa City in the Wisconsin state Senate, they went straight to the source.
Many viewers feel that some of the content aired was hatched by the producers of Mall Cops Mall of America because on a daily basis, extreme events like bomb threats and terrorists rarely occur.
They warned that if the egg was not returned to the island, that the creature that hatched would destroy Japan in its mad search for food.
Before the egg ever hatched, Godzilla made a grand entrance as he appeared out of the water off Kurada Beach.
You never should've been born, Rhyn! You should've been strangled the moment you hatched!
For example, the grub of a pea or bean beetle (Bruchus) is hatched, from the egg laid by its mother on the carpel of a leguminous flower, with three pairs of legs and spiny processes on the prothorax.
Of the Physostomi, the siluroids are abundant in the estuaries and muddy waters; the habits of some of these fishes are remarkable, such as that of the males carrying the ova in their mouths till the young are hatched.
Aristotle and Harvey (De generatione animalium, 1651) had considered the insect larva as a prematurely hatched embryo and the pupa as a second egg.
Spiders, caterpillars and grasshoppers are, he said, stung in their chief nerve-centres, in consequence of which the victims are not killed outright, but rendered motionless and continue to live in this paralysed condition for several weeks, being thus available as food for the larvae when these are hatched.
More than one plot on the part of Boers who had taken the oath of allegiance was hatched in Johannesburg, the most serious, perhaps, being that of Brocksma, formerly third public prosecutor under the republic. On the i 5th of September 1901 Brocksma and several others were arrested as spies and conspirators.
Many unsuccessful plots against him were hatched, and having discovered one that was conducted by Antonio degli Adimari, the duke summoned the latter to the palace and detained him a prisoner.
Snakes are oviparous; they deposit from ten to eighty eggs of an ellipsoid shape, covered with a soft leathery shell, in places where they are exposed to and hatched by moist heat.
So far as is known at present, all sticklebacks construct a nest for the reception or the spawn, which is jealously guarded by the male until the young are hatched, which event takes place in from ten to eighteen days after oviposition.
The young Heteropteron is hatched from the egg in a form not markedly different from that of its parent; it is active and takes food through all the stages of its growth.
As the summer wears on a second form of insect appears amongst the root-dwellers, though hatched from the same eggs as the form described above.
Thus he showed that the weevils of granaries, in his time commonly supposed to be bred from wheat, as well as in it, are grubs hatched from eggs deposited by winged insects.
Again and again salmon have been successfully hatched out into rivers, but the young fish hastening down stream to the sea never return thence.
The size which they finally attain and their general condition depend chiefly on the abundance of food (which consists of crustaceans and other small marine animals), on the temperature of the water, on the season at which they have been hatched, &c. Their usual size is about 12 in., but in some particularly suitable localities they grow to a length of 15 in., and instances of specimens measuring 17 in.
Nok Khum is one of the theories of the genesis of mankind, the Nok Khum being the sacred goose or "Hansa" from whose eggs the first human beings were supposed to have been hatched.
The motto which was already current in his lifetime, "that Erasmus laid the egg and Luther hatched it," is so far true, and no more.
The other groups of the old Linnean order (such as lacewing-flies and caddis-flies)--which are hatched as larvae markedly unlike the parent, develop wing-rudiments hidden under the larval cuticle, and only show the wings externally in a resting pupal stage, passing thus through a " complete " metamorphosis and falling into the sub-class Endopterygotawere retained in the order Neuroptera, which thus became much restricted in its extent.
In 1865 a male of the same species was introduced, but though a strong disposition to breed was shown on the part of both, and the eggs, after the custom of the Ratitae, were incubated by him, no progeny was hatched (Proceedings, 1868, P. 329).
The young when freshly hatched are beautifully clothed in down of a dark maroon, variegated with black, white and buff.
When captured by them shortly after being hatched, and reared by the hand, it soon becomes tame and familiar; all the specimens which have reached Europe alive have been thus domesticated by the natives.
Many genera of bees are represented, like most other insects, by ordinary males and females, each female constructing a nest formed of several chambers ("cells") and storing in each chamber a supply of food for the grub to be hatched from the egg that she lays therein.
The young, as in all Limicolae, are at first clothed in down, so mottled in colour as closely to resemble the shingle to which, if they be not hatched upon it, they are almost immediately taken by their parents, and there, on the slightest alarm, they, squat close to elude observation.
It is said that when hatched by a hen they will directly disperse on some alarm, and so are lost, for they never hear the mother's call which gathers them again.
During the embryonic stage the lids are fused together, and either become separated shortly before the bird is hatched, as is the case with most Nidifugae, or else the blind condition prevails for some time, in the young Nidicolae.
Birds were divided into Gymnopaedes and Dasypaedes, according as the young were hatched naked or clothed.
The young when first hatched are clothed with mottled down, so as closely to resemble a stone, and to be overlooked as they squat motionless on the approach of danger.
Its eggs were first sent to Europe by Duchene du Bellecourt, French consulgeneral in Japan in 1861; but early in March following they hatched out, when no leaves on which the larvae would feed were to be found.
The newly hatched insect closely resembles the parent, and the wing-rudiments appear externally on the second and third thoracic segments; but before the final moult the nymph remains quiescent, taking no food.
The worm inhabits the lung of the frog and toad, and is hermaphrodite (Schneider) or parthenogenetic (Leuckart); the embryos hatched from the eggs find their way through the lungs into the alimentary canal and thence to the exterior; in a few days they develop into a sexual larva, called a Rhabditiform larva, in which the sexes are distinct; the eggs remain within the uterus, and the young when hatched break through its walls and live free in the perivisceral cavity of the mother, devouring the organs of the body until only the outer cuticle is left; this eventually breaks and sets free the young, which are without teeth, and have therefore lost the typical Rhabditis form.
Riley, who finds that the young larva, hatched from the egg laid on the pod, has three pairs of legs, and that these are lost after the moult that occurs when the grub has bored its way into the seed.
The larvae produced by this remarkable method (paedogenesis) of virgin-reproduction are hatched within the parent larva, and in some cases escape by the rupture of its body.
Soon after the Canudos affair a conspiracy was hatched to assassinate the president.
In that year the first plot against the Viscontian rule, hatched by the twelve and the Salimbeni and fomented by the Florentines, was violently repressed, and caused the twelve to be again driven from office; but in the following year a special balia, created in consequence of that riot, annulled the ducal suzerainty and restored the liberties of Siena.
Various plots against him were hatched, the anti Medicean faction being called the Del Poggio party because the house of its leader Luca Pitti was on a hill, while the Mediceans were called the Del Piano party because Piero's house was in the town below; the other opposition leaders were Dietisalvi Neroni and Agnolo Acciaiuoli.
Finally, in the Phylactolaemata, the larva becomes an ancestrula before it is hatched, and one or several polypides may be present when fixation is effected.
Lichtenstein has established the fact that from the egg of the Aphis of Pistachio galls, Anopleura lentisci, is hatched an apterous insect (the gall-founder), which gives birth to young Aphides (emigrants), and that these, having acquired wings, fly to the roots of certain grasses (Bromus sterilis and Hordeum vulgare), and by budding underground give rise to several generations of apterous insects, whence finally comes a winged brood (the pupifera).
Where was the parent which hatched it, its kindred, and its father in the heavens?
The tenant of the air, it seemed related to the earth but by an egg hatched some time in the crevice of a crag;--or was its native nest made in the angle of a cloud, woven of the rainbow's trimmings and the sunset sky, and lined with some soft midsummer haze caught up from earth?
Pha then formed a female counterpart of himself, who laid four eggs, from which were hatched four sons.
In forms which are naked in the adult state, the shell falls off soon after the reduction of the velum, but in Cenia, Runcina and Vaginula the shell-gland and shell are not developed, and the young animal when hatched has already the naked form of the adult.
On the other hand, we find in the vast majority of the Hexapoda a very marked difference between the perfect insect (imago) and the young animal when newly hatched and for some time after hatching.
There is a touch of tragedy in the fact that, in the following year, the pope saw his temporal sovereignty - even his life - threatened by a conspiracy hatched among the adherents of the pseudo-humanism.
The latter play was 1 Some doubt has been expressed as to whether the eggs are extruded or hatched within the body.
The insects appeared quickly to revert to natural conditions; the moths brought out in open air were strongly marked, lively and active, and eggs left on the trees stood the severity of the winter well, and hatched out successfully in the following season.
The nest is a beautifully neat structure, often placed at no great height from the ground, but generally so well hidden by the leafy bough on which it is built as not to be easily found, until, the young being hatched, the constant visits of the parents reveal its site.