Hat Sentence Examples
He pulled his hat over his eyes.
Take your hat off at the table.
She had a cute hat she'd picked out and stuffed in one pocket of her backpack.
She replaced the hat to protect her searing scalp.
She picked up her hat.
At one time the Turkish script was altered, with the result that officers were unable to read their reports or orders; then the Enverie, a highly unpractical head-covering, reminiscent of a child's paper hat, was invented and introduced; in March 1914 he demanded and obtained the hand of Princess Nadjie, the Sultan's niece, made himself general of a division, and began, moreover, to take thought for his financial future.
He swung up on his horse and tipped his hat to her before riding into the desert.
Cassie lifted her hat and mopped her brow.
A top hat trimmed in a color of lace that mataches your dress can add an unusual touch.
Knit item - If you're a bit crafty, consider getting some yarn and knitting orcrochetingsomething special for your friend like a hat or blanket.
AdvertisementHe lifted his hat from the peg and clamped it on his head and then paused, one hand on the door while he studied her face.
Jonathan removed the hat and set it on the counter, his injured gaze swinging back to Alex for approval.
In 1535 he received his cardinal's hat; in1536-1537he was nominated "lieutenant-general" to the king at Paris and in the Ile de France, and was entrusted with the organization of the defence against the imperialists.
Cesare, then a youth of sixteen and a student at Pisa, was made archbishop of Valencia, his nephew Giovanni received a cardinal's hat, and for the duke of Gandia and Giuffre the pope proposed to carve fiefs out of the papal states and the kingdom of Naples.
The chief cities and towns of Alberta are Edmonton (11,167), Calgary (11,967), Medicine Hat (3020), Lethbridge (2948) and Strathcona (2927).
AdvertisementHis face was cast into shadow by a wide brimmed hat, also brown.
Cromwell himself, however, seems to have regarded the question of title as of secondary importance, as merely (to use his own words) "a feather in the hat," "a shining bauble for crowds to gaze at or kneel to."
The straw hat manufacture has flourished since the 18th century.
Alexander now feared that the king might depose him for simony and summon a council, but he won over the bishop of St Malo, who had much influence over the king, with a cardinal's hat, and agreed to send Cesare, as legate, to Naples with the French army, to deliver Jem to Charles and to give him Civitavecchia (January 16, 1495).
The most notable gas discovery is that at Medicine Hat, which has wells with unlimited quantities.
AdvertisementThe Kauo r ia, or Macedonian hat, seems to have been similar to this.
The Kvp3a61a, or Kibapts, was a high-pointed hat of Persian origin, as was also the ncipa, which served the double purpose of an ornament and a covering for the head.
The Annamese of both sexes wear wide trousers, a long, usually black tunic with narrow sleeves and a dark-coloured turban, or in the case of the lower classes, a wide straw hat; they either go bare-foot or wear sandals or Chinese boots.
There C are no important industries, except a few flour-mills, some glass works, iron foundries, a motor car factory, straw hat factories, and power-houses supplying electricity for lighting and for the numerous tramcars.
Tuscan plaits and hats vary enormously in quality and value; the plait of a hat of good quality may represent the work of four or five days, while hats of the highest quality may each occupy six to nine months in making.
AdvertisementConvicted of wearing his hat while a religious procession was passing - as well as of blasphemy - he was accused as well of having mutilated a crucifix standing on the town bridge.
He was ordained priest at Rome, and was, even before the end of 1550, mentioned as a likely candidate for the cardinal's hat.
Bribery was the first weapon employed, and a car- y p dinal's hat was held out as a bait.
He was invariably dressed in a suit of the most spotless black, as if going to a dinner party; his white neck-cloth was fresh from the laundress's hands, and his hat shining like a racer's coat.
He explained, corrected or commented till the clock struck nine; then, with the little finger of the right hand brushing from his coat and waistcoat the shower of superfluous snuff which had fallen on them, he pocketed his snuff-box, and resuming his hat, he as silently as when he came in made his exit by the door which I rushed to open for him."
Dlugosz brought Olesnicki the red hat from Rome in 1449, and shortly afterwards was despatched to Hungary to mediate between Hunyadi and the Bohemian condottiere Giszkra, a difficult mission which he most successfully accomplished.
The Order thus reached the highest pinnacle of its fame, and new knights flocked to be enrolled therein from the flower of the nobility of Europe; La Valette refused a cardinal's hat, determined not to impair his independence.
The badges were generally worn fastened to the pilgrim's hat or cape.
In archaic art he was portrayed as a full-grown and bearded man, clothed in a long chiton, and often wearing a cap (Kvvij) or a broad-brimmed hat (74Tao-os), and winged boots.
His most powerful satire - and the most virulent German satire of the period - is Von dem grossen lutherischen Narren, wie ihn Dr Murner beschworen hat.
This nomination was accompanied with an intimation that more was in store for him, and that steps would be taken to provide for him the income, viz., 3000 ducats, which was necessary to qualify for the cardinal's hat.
It possesses an interesting portal and a beautiful arcaded court, and amongst the curiosities preserved here is the Styrian hat.
Coal and lignitic coal are the principal economic minerals met with in this central plain, though natural gas occurs and is put to use near Medicine Hat, and " tar sands " along the northeastern edge of the Cretaceous indicate the presence of petroleum.
A coloured handkerchief is twisted around the head or a straw hat is worn.
The ribbon industry is of less importance than formerly, but there are ironworks, cotton, hat, elastic and worsted factories, and tanneries; the making of drain-pipes, tiles and blue and red bricks is a considerable industry.
To these we may add the hat (haet), belt (gyrdel), stockings (hosa), shoes (scoh, gescy, rifeling) and gloves (glof).
The fruits of this compact were reaped by Cesare Borgia, who resigned his cardinal's hat, became duke of Valentinois, annihilated the minor nobles of the papal state, and made himself the true dictator of Rome.
It is a town of varied industries, but the most important are the cotton and hat manufactures.
The hat trade developed at least as early as the end of the 18th century.
So enraged was he with his brother Henry's acceptance of a cardinal's hat in July 1747, that he deliberately broke off communication with his father in Rome (who had approved the step), nor did he ever see him again.
The hat trade is largely interested in the fur piece trade, the best felt hats being made from beaver and musquash wool and the cheaper sorts from nutria, hare and rabbit wools.
Their procedure is less rigorous than g hat of the Roman Church, and as yet has been but imperfectly studied.
So it came about in 1869, that on the first occasion when there was a joint sitting of the Delegations to settle a point in the von Rauscher (1797-1875), cardinal archbishop of Vienna, who had earned his red hat by the share he had taken in arranging the concordat of 1855, and now attempted to use his great personal influence with the emperor (his former pupil) to defeat the bill.
Anxious to secure his aid for the crusade against the Hussites, Pope Martin again offered him a cardinal's hat, which Beaufort accepted.
It contains several interesting ancient tombs, and at Nawab Hat, some 2 m.
On the cowl they wore a red cross; and a broad-brimmed hat, a staff, sack and gourd completed their equipment.
In the Urnerspiel the name of the bailiff's servant who guarded the hat on the pole is given as Heintz VOgely, and we know that Friedrich VOgeli was the name of one of the chief military officers of Peter von Hagenbach, who from 1469 to 1474 administered for Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, the lands (Alsace, &c.) pledged to him by Sigismund of Habsburg.
The largest of the smaller towns is probably Jipijapa, in the province of Manabi, which is the centre of the Panama hat industry and had in 1900 an estimated population of 6000, nearly all Indians.
He received the red hat from Urban VIII.
It is recorded that when a statue to President Kruger at Pretoria was erected, it was by Mrs. Kruger's wish that the hat was left open at the top, in order that the rain-water might collect there for the birds to drink.
The young men of the upper classes assumed the Greek hat, and were banded together into a gild of ephebi on the Greek model.
Its ugliness was emphasized by the old felt hat which he wore, - its sole ornament the leaden figure of a saint.
The cap or topi is not bound round the head, but is placed 1 This has been Englished by Anglo-Indians into " puggaree " or " pugree " and applied to a scarf of white cotton or silk wound round a hat or helmet as a protection against the sun.
In Bengal a sort of turban is worn which can be taken off like a hat.
The wood is soft and neither strong nor durable; it burns better in the green state than that of most trees, and is often used by the hunters of the North-West as fuel; split into thin layers, it was formerly employed in the United States for bonnet and hat making.
The head is covered with a turban, or a cap of a fashion peculiar to the Parsees; it is made of stiff material, something like the European hat, without any rim, and has an angle from the top of the forehead backwards.
At the Council of Basel he was one of the ablest supporters of the view of the Roman curia, and he was rewarded with a cardinal's hat in 1439.
Jouffroy entered Louis's service, and obtained a cardinal's hat (1461), the bishopric of Albi (1462), and the abbacy of St Denis (1464).
In 1872 he was consecrated bishop of Salford, and in 1892 succeeded Manning as archbishop of Westminster, receiving the cardinal's hat in 1893.
The first alone had the right to cover their heads and wore a felt hat (hence tarabostesei= 7rLX04 opoc, pileati); they formed a privileged class, and were the predecessors of the Rumanian boyars.
France, naturally, hailed with satisfaction the rise of a faction which was content to be her armourbearer in the north; and the golden streams which flowed from Versailles to Stockholm during the next two generations were the political life-blood of the Hat party.
On the 20th of July 1741 war was formally declared against Russia; a month later the Diet was dissolved and the Hat landtmarskalk set off to Finland to take command of the army.
When the Riksdag met in 1760, the indignation against the Hat leaders was so violent that an impeachment seemed inevitable; but once more the superiority of their parliamentary tactics prevailed, and when, after a session of twenty months, the Riksdag was brought to a close by the mutual consent of both the exhausted factions, the Hat government was bolstered up for another four years.
Their leader, Ture Rudbeck, was elected marshal of the Diet over Frederick Axel von Fersen (q.v.), the Hat candidate, by a large majority; and, out of the hundred seats in the secret committee, the Hats succeeded in getting only ten.
The Cap senate resigned en masse to escape impeachment, and an exclusively Hat ministry took its place.
The Persian always makes the best of his appearance; he is very neat in his dress, and is particular as to the sit of his hat and the cut of his coat.
The kulah, or hat, is of cloth or sheepskin on a frame of pasteboard.
The Isfahan merchant and the Armenian at times wear the hat very tall.
The Sassanian Empire.T hat the Arsacid Empire should have endured some 350 years after its foundation by, 4rdashirl.
Sprengtporten lay weather-bound in Finland, Toll was five hundred miles away, the Hat leaders were in hiding.
He weakly yielded to pressure and bestowed the cardinal's hat upon the corrupt and debauched Dubois.
Here he was captured by a spy and taken to London, bearing on his hat a paper with the inscription, "Campion, the Seditious Jesuit."
This spirited policy restored the waning prestige of the Hat party and firmly established their anti-Muscovite system.
On Gunnison and Hat islands in Great Salt Lake are valuable guano deposits which are used as fertilizers for vegetable gardens.
At the end of the first year of training, the ephebi were reviewed, and, if their performance was satisfactory, were provided by the state with a spear and a shield, which, together with the chlamys (cloak) and petasus (broad-brimmed hat), made up their equipment.
The lowlanders' head-dress is generally a high cylindrical cap of rough cloth or felt, while the mountaineers prefer a, small round straw hat.
The Colombian "Panama hat" is made from the fibres extracted from the ribs of the fanshaped leaves of still another species of palm, Carludovica palmata, while in the Rio Sinn region the natives make a kind of butter ("manteca de Corozo") from the Elaeis melanococca, Mart., by peeling the nuts in water and then purifying the oil extracted in this way by boiling.
About a third part of the kings revenue was derived from customs duties which hat!
Nevertheless he consented to open negotiations with the Caps, and was the principal Hat representative on the abortive.
Unfortunately, after his custom when victor, Mazarin forgot his promises above all, Gondis cardinals hat.
Seized in his turn with a longing for the cardinals hat, Dubois paid for it by the registering of the bull Unigenitus and by the persecution of the Jansenists which the regent had stopped.
At the ensuing review at Godollo, Kossuth expressed the sentiments of the whole nation when he doffed his hat as Damjanich's battalions passed by.
No other protection is needed beyond a bee-veil of fine black net, which slipped over a wide-brimmed straw hat protects the face from stings when working among bees; as experience is gained the veil is not always used.
His abilities, which were mainly of an administrative and military order, were soon rewarded by the cardinal's hat and the legation of Bologna.
With the extension of its use, too, the custom grew up (c. 1300) of investing clerks with the biretum as the symbol of the transfer of a benefice, a custom which survives, in Roman Catholic countries, in the solemn delivery of the red biretta by the head of the state to newly created cardinals, who afterwards go to Rome to receive the red hat.
The manufacture of woollen goods and silk also increased respectively 33% and 26.5% between 1890 and 1900; the returns for 1900, however, include the fur hat product ($7,54 6, 882), which was not included in the returns for 1890.
Substitutes for this, such as the strawlike material used in making hat shapes, are also known by the same name.
She pulled her hat off, fanning herself with it as she squinted at a plume of dust in the shimmering distance.
As he lifted the grisly pair high to admire, the wind tugged his hat off, slinging it on the sand a few feet away.
Dean took a deep breath and decided he'd better trudge up to the ice park, wool hat in hand, and attempt to make his amends.
Just to be on the safe side, Dean stopped at a thrift store and purchased a nondescript jacket and a slouched hat.
The first four correct answers drawn out of a hat at the start of May will win a signed book.
The brow was rather bald, and the eyes bright and blue, which Devine had last seen obscured with a broad straw hat.
A bent but tall blue hat rose amidst the white lava, followed by a brown forehead and grizzled beard.
Two dancing eyes blink through a black, velvet mask beneath the brim of a fine top hat.
Had on light mixed gray coat and waistcoat with metal buttons, corduroy breeches, round hat and plated shoe buckles if not altered.
Her pretty hat was a trifle on one side; her cheeks brilliant with excitement and anxiety.
Wearing a hat with a broad brim can also help reduce problems from bright light.
The hat brim may have to be pinned back which would spoil the look.
See all products by Peter Storm Ranger style Peter Storm wide brimmed hat with UV Protection SPF 40.
In los angeles hat is just espn broadcast crewtwo.
Morris paid the cabman, who touched his hat and drove away.
He wore, when he walked out, a purple silk hat and carried a gold-headed cane.
He rose, and throwing off the black cassock and hat which had formed his disguise, he packed them away in a hand-bag.
Wear a hard hat and leather chaps if you think the horse may cause trouble.
He was a great mountain climber, could walk forever, never wore a hat.
He wears a long ragged cloak and an old wide-brimmed hat, so you can't see his eyes.
However none of them was wearing a hat, so they decided to use a colander instead (which Wayne was wearing ).
Among the accessories are skinny scarves and bags, both knitted and crocheted, a beret, beanie hat and crocheted shawl.
A silk cummerbund encircled his slim hips and a tall, sombrero style hat stood high on his head.
Includes a snare drum stand, 10 " cymbal and cymbal arm, drum sticks, junior bass drum pedal and hi hat stand.
I think you'd look just dandy in a groovy hand-made hat by my friend Kiaran.
They would deliver a diatribe, a dialectical discourse, a slogan or sermon, at the drop of a hat.
The commissary, who was smoking at his ease, politely doffed his hat upon the singer's entrance.
Here he is proudly modeling his trademark red duffle coat with floppy blue and yellow rain hat.
Those who failed to meet sales targets were made to stand in the corner wearing a dunce 's hat.
Pocoyo's hat can have the earflaps posed... The name ' Pocoyo ' translates from Spanish as ' Little Me ' .
Inventive Canadian stand-up Wool certainly cuts a dash on stage with his heavy black eyeliner, long leather coat and distinctive cowboy hat.
What salmon fisher has never had a fly in the back of his head, or at least, in his hat?
The Thunder Hat is a basic fleece hat that keeps the ears warm in cold winds because the earflaps are made from windproof fleece.
Plus I wore a red cowboy's hat and I had red freckles.
Being able to use the latest, whizzy gadgetry at the drop of a hat isn't enough.
The young lady leaning against the front wing is dressed in typical clothing for the 1920s, the hat especially being a real giveaway.
Do you picture a tall, thoughtful yet endearingly goofy guy with a bobble hat and plump for " Mike "?
A good many white hat hackers are former black hat hackers.
Indiana Gary (of Tilley hat fame) also returned with his pockets full of the products of the swinging of his geological hammer.
All riders are requested to wear an approved hard hat with the chin strap fastened at all times while mounted.
Good job I'm wearing the cricket hat else I'd be fried.
Beneath his straw hat the hard grooves of his face told of years under the sun.
There is the red shirt and long black beard of Olivier, which blows as he stands, his broad-brimmed hat in his hand.
A floppy, cotton hat can be an appreciated item on a hot, sunny day.
The stout man has thrown his hard bowler hat fully on his face.
He also had a blue beanie hat pulled down and the collar of his jacket was pulled up.
Mind you, I'd tip my wooly bobble hat to anyone who can cope with the Karrimor.
I was then discharged at Oulton Broad with a pin stripe suit and a green pork pie trilby hat.
I saw him in the sunlight wearing a white suit and a Panama hat.
Lots of children dressed-up, and most adults sporting at least a jester's hat with bells.
Polar fleece headband, wool hat, or balaclava for the night, and sun hat with brim for the day.
Goals flew in against Notts County with a Paul Walsh hat trick to see the hatters win 5-3.
He memorably scored a hat trick in an emphatic victory over Saracens at the Rec.
Piers Steward took 5 for 4 including a hat trick.
Condemned Wimbledon were put to the sword at Upton Park with Matthew Etherington getting a hat trick in a 5 - 0 win.
Malmesbury Victoria overpowered Easington Sports winning 6-1 with Alan Webb netting a hat trick.
We won 5-0 with Jimmy Robson bagging a hat trick whilst Trevor Meredith and Ray Pointer were both still on the scoresheet.
In the 48th minute Adam rounded off an excellent second half hat trick 10-0.
Duane Darby scored a double hat trick in City's 8-4 victory.
Fans and players alike were left feeling a little disappointed after coming out of the hat alongside the two First Division play-off hopefuls.
I somehow doubt he would be a master vampire hunter without such a cool hat.
The suave Carnarvon, and English gent with money to burn, backs Carter's quest while looking inscrutable in a hat.
The offender is described as wearing blue baggy jeans, a black hooded top and a hat with a peak.
Seriously, when your producer tells you she has a jester 's hat at home, how do you pass that up?
Entitled ' Little Princess ' the figure is curiously seen wearing a jester 's hat.
Possible winning hands Jackpot If all your cards have a joker 's hat, you win the jackpot.
A man in a bowler hat strolls beside a woman wearing a kimono.
His hat was then thrown on to a joist of the stand to the general merriment of the away fans.
My hat was never on my own head, and my coat was often missing when I wanted it.
The bride's mother, Angela, wore a fabulous lavender outfit complete with matching hat.
Putting on my Business Analyst's hat, the solution seemed obvious.
More sophisticated juniors might also find the story a little old hat.
Before the 1914-18 war he always came to college in a top hat and morning coat and did not wear overalls in the laboratory.
It was acutely painful to Leslie to be photographed in a major Gwent newspaper wearing a traditionally ludicrous hat.
Everyone who attends has there name put into a hat and then are drawn out at random to create pairings.
Drop a few pesos in the hat of their sidekick - there are no safety nets here.
Yet if praise be given as an alms, we could not drop so poisonous a one into any man's hat.
Theo the fair trade teddy makes a welcome return, this time dressed in a Peruvian poncho and hat.
Please wear comfortable clothes and trainers, wear sun cream, a hat and bring a raincoat too!
It doesn't happen much when you wear tinfoil underneath a big floppy red hat.
She seems to have the herb rosemary in her hat (then again, it could be flowers ).
In which she is dressed in a stylish Jacobean trilby hat and a great neck ruff, which was the fashion of that time.
His clothes were soiled and torn and he had no sandals upon his feet or hat upon his head.
Once the glaring afternoon sun fell into his eyes, he flipped down the aviator shades from his mesh hat.
Unlike the Presbyterian minister, he does not usually add solemnity to the occasion by wearing a shiny lum hat!
Now you can slide the box spanner over the top hat Nut, this also needs turning anti-clockwise whilst holding the tap.
By the corpse is a hat labeled ' Madame Rita ', real name the rather staid Mrs Grant.
By adopting the hat of the famous Parthian ruler, Ardashir is declaring himself as the rightful successor to the kingdom of Iran.
Every morning, he dons his pinstripe suit and bowler hat and sets off to catch the train to work.
You should cover your scar with a hat or clothing, or apply total sunblock regularly.
A good sunblock, a hat, and avoiding long midday sunbathing are the best precautions.
So to reduce the risk of sunburn and skin cancer use a high factor sunblock, long sleeved shirts or a wide brimmed hat.
I saw him once trying to play the tambourine on a straw hat!
The RhythmTech Hat Trick is an ultra lightweight, small tambourine designed for attaching to the Hi-Hat pull rod.
I had a beautiful three-piece Frank Usher outfit, with a pink hat, bag and shoes.
He seemed tireless in his work for HAT and in his pursuit of donations.
Don't imagine it wearing a top hat and tap-dancing on a tightrope.
Keeping up the hat trick theme they will all have new releases out on 28th August.
Gentlemen are required to wear either black or gray morning dress, including a waistcoat, with a top hat.
This simple hat is made from a thick fleece that is very warm tho not windproof.
New York firemen and policemen are not known for being erudite wordsmiths so I really cannot hang my hat on what they said either.
If your system is built from RED Hat RPMs and you have yum the solution is as simple as can be.
His next aim was the cardinalate, and, after long and most profitable negotiations on the part of Pope Clement XI., the red hat was given to him by Innocent XIII.
The policy of repression which in this capacity he pursued during the next five years secured for him many tangible rewards, in 1560 he was elevated to the archiepiscopal see of Malines, and in 1561 he received the cardinal's hat; but the growing hostility of a people whose religious convictions he had set himself to trample under foot ultimately made it impossible for him to continue in the Low Countries; and by the advice of his royal master he, in March 1564, retired to FrancheComte.
The chief industry is straw hat manufacture; there are also printing, stationery and engineering works.
Important as the ring is throughout the tetralogy, Wagner would no more think of associating a theme with it for its own sake than he would think of associating a theme with Wotan's hat.
Henry, in a rage, declared that if the pope sent Fisher a hat there should be no head for it.
On less solemn occasions bishops wear the mandyas (A avHuas), a cope-like garment fastened at the lower corners as well as at the neck, and the kalimaukion (KaXamtainc ov), a tall, brimless hat, with a veil hanging down behind, and, in place of the S &aKOP they carry a short staff with an ivory cross-piece.
Primate of Hungary since 1497, he coveted the popedom - and the red hat as the first step thereto above all things, - and looked mainly to Venetian influence for both.
The song and the hat named after him (the latter a broad slouch hat with a feather) became famous as the symbols of the middle-classes in revolt.
In 1743 he was elected heir to the throne of Sweden by the "Hat" faction in order that they might obtain better conditions of peace from the empress Elizabeth, whose fondness for the house of Holstein was notorious (see Sweden, History).
Henceforth he was bitterly but unjustly accused of want of patriotism, and in 1738 was compelled at last to retire before the impetuous onslaught of the triumphant young Hat party.
To give an instance of tyranny in Uri, the author tells us the story of the refusal of "der Than" to do reverence to the hat placed on a pole, of his feat of skill, and of his shooting the bailiff, Gessler, from behind a bush in the "hollow way" near Kussnacht.
These men and their followers were never weary of ridiculing the timid caution of the aged statesman who sacrificed everything to perpetuate an inglorious peace and derisively nicknamed his adherents " Night-caps " (a term subsequently softened into " Caps "), themselves adopting the sobriquet " Hats," from the threecornered hat worn by officers and gentlemen, which was considered happily to hit off the manly self-assertion of the opposition.
Most Persians wear a shah kulah, or night hat, a loose baggy cap of shawl or quilted material, often embroidered by the ladies.
In recognition of this service to Christendom the pope sent to the victorious general the consecrated hat and sword which the court of Rome was accustomed to bestow upon those who had triumphed over the infidels.
Cardinal de Retzs red hat, or Madame de Longuevilles stool at the queens side; it was, as its name of Fronde indicates, a hateful farce, played by grown-up children, in several acts.
He took off his hat and held it upside down, shaking it briskly.
He took the hat and examined it carefully, returning it afterward to the Wizard.
The first thing the little humbug did was to produce a tiny white piglet from underneath his hat and pretend to pull it apart, making two.
Forty pieces, in my hat, said Otanes.
Otanes answered, I have already told two of your men that I have forty pieces of gold in my hat.
Do you mean that the one with his hat on will be the king?
She brought me my hat, and I knew I was going out into the warm sunshine.
She was greatly delighted with the monkeys and kept her hand on the star performer while he went through his tricks, and laughed heartily when he took off his hat to the audience.
One cute little fellow stole her hair-ribbon, and another tried to snatch the flowers out of her hat.
One day Helen said, "I must buy Nancy a very pretty hat."
When we reached the shop, I asked her how much she would pay for Nancy's hat.
But if my jacket and trousers, my hat and shoes, are fit to worship God in, they will do; will they not?
When the door was locked, he showed me where to hang my hat, and how he managed matters there.
An Austrian officer in a white uniform with green plumes in his hat galloped up to Kutuzov and asked in the Emperor's name had the fourth column advanced into action.
One in a black uniform with white plumes in his hat rode a bobtailed chestnut horse, the other who was in a white uniform rode a black one.
Having said this, Napoleon rode on to meet Marshal Lannes, who, hat in hand, rode up smiling to the Emperor to congratulate him on the victory.
Bagration appeared in the doorway of the anteroom without hat or sword, which, in accord with the club custom, he had given up to the hall porter.
In his civilian clothes and a round hat, he wandered about the town, staring at the French and their uniforms and at the streets and houses where the Russian and French Emperors were staying.
In the uniform of the Preobrazhensk regiment--white chamois-leather breeches and high boots-- and wearing a star Rostov did not know (it was that of the Legion d'honneur), the monarch came out into the porch, putting on his gloves and carrying his hat under his arm.
He came at a gallop, wearing a small hat, a blue uniform open over a white vest, and the St. Andrew ribbon over his shoulder.
On approaching Alexander he raised his hat, and as he did so, Rostov, with his cavalryman's eye, could not help noticing that Napoleon did not sit well or firmly in the saddle.
Hardly had he got rid of his hat before he ran into Prince Andrew's room with a preoccupied air and at once began talking.
His face was fresh and rosy, his white-plumed hat, tilted to one side, disclosed his curled and pomaded hair besprinkled with powdery snow.
In front of the group, on a black horse with trappings that glittered in the sun, rode a tall man with plumes in his hat and black hair curling down to his shoulders.
The door opened, a gentleman-in-waiting, bending respectfully, handed the Emperor his hat and gloves; another brought him a pocket handkerchief.
The Rostovs' footman rushed eagerly forward to help him off with his cloak and take his hat and stick.
Pierre, from club habit, always left both hat and stick in the anteroom.
But Sonya, who had gone to look for the papers in the anteroom, had found them in Pierre's hat, where he had carefully tucked them under the lining.
Having received all his orders Alpatych, wearing a white beaver hat--a present from the prince--and carrying a stick as the prince did, went out accompanied by his family.
At that moment, on the road leading from the big house, two women and a man in a white hat were seen coming toward the officers.
Almost all of them stared with naive, childlike curiosity at Pierre's white hat and green swallow-tail coat.
He kept looking to either side of the road for familiar faces, but only saw everywhere the unfamiliar faces of various military men of different branches of the service, who all looked with astonishment at his white hat and green tail coat.
Yet from among these men twenty thousand are doomed to die, and they wonder at my hat!
Pierre took off his hat and bowed respectfully to Kutuzov.
He rose, walked to and fro, put on a warm overcoat and a hat, and went out of the tent.
They all gazed with the same dissatisfied and inquiring expression at this stout man in a white hat, who for some unknown reason threatened to trample them under his horse's hoofs.
The handsome boy adjutant with the long hair sighed deeply without removing his hand from his hat and galloped back to where men were being slaughtered.
The groom recognized Pierre in the darkness by his white hat.
Then Efim deliberately doffed his hat and began crossing himself.
But as soon as the man had left the room Pierre took up his hat which was lying on the table and went out of his study by the other door.
A man in a general's uniform with plumes in his hat went up to Kutuzov and said something in French.
Having done that, the officer, lifting his elbow with a smart gesture, stroked his mustache and lightly touched his hat.
Among the trees a man with long legs and long, swinging arms, wearing a short jacket, bast shoes, and a Kazan hat, was approaching with long, light steps.
When he espied Denisov he hastily threw something into the bushes, removed his sodden hat by its floppy brim, and approached his commander.
Pierre caught a glimpse of a man in a three-cornered hat with a tranquil look on his handsome, plump, white face.
One was taller than the other; he wore an officer's hat and seemed quite exhausted.
Please wear comfortable clothes and trainers, wear sun cream, a hat and bring a raincoat too !
It does n't happen much when you wear tinfoil underneath a big floppy red hat.
And most readers find " remix culture " more than a bit old hat.
Do n't forget your midge repellent, sun cream, waterproof and bobble hat - the weather can be pretty mixed up there !
It was selected with skill and insight by Patrick Johnson who, resplendent in top hat and tails, played it on the piano.
She seems to have the herb rosemary in her hat (then again, it could be flowers).
He looks so smart in his sailor hat and collar.
It must also be happily reported that, shortly thereafter, the Dean 's shapeless cream hat went missing.
Put him in a shovel hat and gaiters and he would pass anywhere for a bishop.
Even workmen wearing their high-vis jacket and hard hat were sitting at a counter sipping a skinny latte.
John Hamer was there in a traditional smock and straw hat demonstrating skep making.
Slip on a t-shirt, slap on a hat and slop on the sun lotion.
But as I was wearing a leather hat and sleeveless jacket, at least the paradox was at all times out on display.
Avoid the dangers of sun exposure by slipping into the shade, slapping on a hat and slopping on the sun cream.
His particularly luminous eyes glare fiercely under a black slouched hat.
Then roll up from the ribbed bottom to create a " slouch hat " being slightly large gave it a slouchy comfy fit.
Hardware also includes hi hat and snare stands, and a foot pedal.
Unlike the Presbyterian minister, he does not usually add solemnity to the occasion by wearing a shiny lum hat !
Instead, society should respond by regulating the coming change sot hat it is the least harmful and the most helpful.
Harrow Tradition From the playing of Harrow Football to the famous straw hat, Harrow 's way of life is steeped in tradition.
The resulting sleeve will look like Lincoln 's stovepipe hat.
It was a stumpy figure with a round face and a hat like a black halo.
The syntagmatic dimension is the juxtaposition of different elements at the same time in a complete ensemble from hat to shoes.
I saw him once trying to play the tambourine on a straw hat !
The Rhythm Tech Hat Trick and Double Hat Trick are tambourines designed for mounting on Hi-Hat pull rods.
Without magic wand or tasseled hat, I pour perfection with Blackthorn - " just like that " !
The triangle itself was known as a cocked hat after its resemblance to the common three-cornered hat of the times.
Now, where did I put my tinfoil hat?
Sir Alex Ferguson became the first manager in English top-flight football to win a hat t...
Do n't imagine it wearing a top hat and tap-dancing on a tightrope.
A double-breasted navy jacket was teamed with a round red fur trimmed skirt, cowgirl boots and checked red trapper hat.
The soldier on the left has a clay pipe stuck through loops in the tricorn hat.
A turban hat, which presumably was worn by the deceased, was on the floor in front of the settee.
Short in height and wearing a tall hat, vanished into a strange yellow mist while watched by seven boys.
Then, doffing his hat, he wafted back into the sky to continue on his way.
On a less whiny note, I got a lovely sunsuit and hat set for Babycake.
He wore black goggles and an old, beat-up, black wizard 's hat.
They also learned that three plastic drinks bottles can be made into a woolen hat !
For example, if the theme is sports items, purchase a colorful hat rack/shelf combination that has the baby's name in bold letters or order a team jersey with the family's last name on it to hang on the wall.
Try the Bilibo, a hard shell of molded plastic that can be a hat, a bucket, a stool or a sit-and-spin.
Western Gift Basket-Play up the western theme with a large tin bucket filled with all sorts of baby items, including the necessary baby supplies, along with a stuffed horse and even a small cowboy hat!
Be sure to play Mexican music for your Mexican hat dance!
The hat is too small, the pajamas are too long - these are common complaints for parents of early arrivals.
The Cat in the Hat is one of the most popular and well-known Dr. Seuss characters, but he is by no means the only one.
The Cat in the Hat is certainly one choice, but Horton from Horton Hears a Who could make for a playful and whimsical nursery.
Dr. Seuss Crib Sheets from Pottery Barn Kids include characters from Cat in the Hat, Horton Hears a Who, and Green Eggs and Ham.
For example, a hat can look adorable, but it shouldn't hide the face.
For example, fill a basket with vintage and modern toy trucks, cars, tractors, and other automobiles, or choose a cowboy theme in which you give baby a stuffed horse, a baby-sized cowboy hat, and a blanket covered with pictures of horses.
For example, one popular ad from 1961 features a baby wearing a cowboy hat, while the 1971 campaign features a baby holding a teddy bear.
Monogrammed clothing - Purchase a clothing item, like a shirt, sweater, coat, socks, or hat, and have it monogrammed with baby's name.
If your friend will raise a more modern princess, add gift basket items such as a rhinestone-encrusted pacifier with a pink, feathered baby hat.
Others use colorful hat boxes that can be used as storage containers.
You may also want to buy a small hat to keep the baby's head warm or, alternatively, to protect the baby's skin from the sun.
Blockbuster recently tossed its hat into the online DVD rental ring and has become quite popular.
Some people like the look of a zoot-suit, while others may prefer a long-waisted coat and top hat.
Also, get a hard hat, especially if more than one person is using a nail gun.
These names can then be collected into a short list and voted upon, or perhaps pulled from a hat.
Use red and purple as the colors if you want to go with a Red Hat theme.
Add a hat rack and hang a collection of straw brimmed hats with various colorful bands, bows and veils.
The latest cosmetic line to throw their hat into the "True Colors" ring, offers a pure, natural cosmetic product known as True Colors Original.
Put them all into a hat, and have anyone who wants to participate throw in an entry fee and pick teams from the hat.
Legend has it that the 100 pleats in the traditional chef's hat represent the number of different ways a person had to be able to cook eggs before they were admitted to the ranks of chefs.
Look for stickers, borders, and picture frames that feature items like rolling pins, kitchen utensils, and a chef's hat and apron.
Common clothing worn for skiing includes ski pants, jacket, ski gloves and a hat.
Remember, no matter the role you play, or hat you wear, talent never goes away.
If you ordinarily fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but are now spending hours awake, tossing and turning each night, this can be something worth paying greater attention to.
Skinny Flare Jeans - This style is a tip of the hat to the jeans that started it all for MUDD.
Now would be a great time to loop a colorful scarf through your jeans belt holes or to don a cute hat.
Choose a dress in a short style with gloves and hat!
For instance, a basket or straw hat is not a good candidate for a candle holder.
Rustic spurs surrounding a cowboy hat or boot filled with simple flowers is a great centerpiece for a country wedding.
Wrapping the stem with an upside down Santa hat would be a whimsical addition.
Choose accessories that are quaint and whimsical, such as pieces of pottery or resin-designed objects in bear, horse, cowboy hat or boot designs.
The cake bakes up to only a general outline of a frog, so the original instructions also suggest using it to decorate the shape of a boy fishing on the beach or a girl wearing a sun hat.
To represent a boy monkey, make hair stick up on the top of his head and add a bowtie or funny hat.
Form a body, two legs, two arms, and a hat for the figure with white logs of fondant.
Finally, use edible paint to add stripes to Uncle Sam's shirt, legs, and hat.
Smooth bright green buttercream frosting across the top of the cake above the hairline, to represent the leprechaun's hat.
Use black frosting and yellow frosting to pipe on the hat's buckle with a star tip.
If you want to make a larger cake, consider making the entire hat out of cake, instead of just representing it at the top of the leprechaun's face.
To create the hat, bake a rectangular cake and then cut out the shape of a top hat.
For the first time in the four seasons of Bravo's reality cooking competition Top Chef, a woman has taken the crown…or chef's hat, if you prefer.
On the first day of filming, she presented Fonda with Spencer Tracy's "lucky hat," and Fonda ended up wearing it in the film.
In addition, a hat can glam a sun dress up or make it look more casual.
A simple straw hat can make the dress look perfect for a trip to the beach, while a fancier hat (and shoes perhaps) can make the same sun dress look like a beautiful outfit for a summer wedding.
Additionally, a hat can provide valuable protection from the sun if you are going to be outdoors.
A dress with puffed sleeves, a petticoat, and finished off with ruffled socks, a hat and patented leather shoes were very common for every Sunday, and even more formal around the Easter season.
Many special occasion coats for girls are part of a matching dress outfit, often with another accessory such as a hat.