Hast Sentence Examples
What hast thou attained relying on reason only?
Hast thou a hated wife ?
Hast thou ever read Ly-Mattheu ?
Rejoice, thou who hast been joined to the host of holy confessors!
And a certain Pharisee, a chief priest, whose name was Levi, met them and said to the Saviour, Who gave thee leave to walk in this place of purification, and to see these holy vessels when thou hast not washed nor yet have thy disciples bathed their feet?
It is through us that from a private person thou hast become the father of all Christians.
While the prisoner defended himself with the calmest dignity and self-possession, Coke burst into the bitterest invective, brutally addressing the great courtier as if he had been a servant, in the phrase, long remembered for its insolence and its utter injustice - "Thou hast an English face, but a 'Spanish heart!"
In 1657 Silesius published under the title Heilige Seelenlust, oder geistliche Hirtenlieder der in ihren Jesum verliebten Psyche (1657), a collection of 205 hymns, the most beautiful of which, such as, Liebe, die du mich zum Bilde deiner Gottheit hast gemacht and Mir nach, spricht Christus, unser Held, have been adopted in the German Protestant hymnal.
For with the same thou hast anointed priests, kings, and prophets and martyrs with this thy chrism, perfected by thee, 0 Lord, blessed, abiding within our bowels in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
But if thou hast not living water, baptize into other water; if thou canst not in cold, in warm.
AdvertisementFor thou hast no delight in sacrifice; were I to give a burnt offering, thou wouldst not be pleased.
Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing " .
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
For if thou hast desired to have pity on us, who have no works of righteousness, then thou wilt be called merciful.
Says he, " Thou hast promised to Him many a time, and hast still broken thy promises.
AdvertisementI humbly pray from Thine immense goodness and clemency, through the Blood of Jesus Christ, that Thou wilt deign to accept this sacrifice in the odour of sweetness; and as Thou hast granted me to desire and to offer this, so wilt Thou bestow abundant grace to fulfil it."
Thou hast washed in these running waters wherein dogs and swine have been cast night and day and hast cleansed and wiped the outside skin which also the harlots and flutegirls anoint and wash and wipe and beautify for the lust of men; but within they are full of scorpions and all wickedness.
But Thou, 0 Lord, will cast them down and root out their seed from the land, when a man not of our race (Pompey) rises up against them Behold, 0 Lord, and raise up their king the Son of David at the time that Thou hast appointed, to reign over Israel Thy servant; and gird him with strength to crush unjust rulers; to cleanse Jerusalem from the heathen that tread it under foot, to cast out sinners from Thy 1 In Sibyll.
I embraced him and kissed his hands, and he said, "Hast thou noticed that my face is different?"
Rejoice, thou who from the morning of thy life hast served Him Alone !
AdvertisementOn the cross he cried, 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
It was thy good fortune to associate with the dead dog; by so humiliating thyself thou hast saved thy life to-day.
The development of the Basque mining industry is fully described in Las Minas de hierro de la provincia de Vizcaya, progressos realizados en esta region derde 1870 hast y 1899 (Bilbao, 1900).
But defiled thou hast walked in this temple, which is a pure place, wherein no other man walks except he has washed himself and changed his garments neither does he venture to see these holy vessels.
We give thanks to thee, holy Father, for thy holy name, which thou hast caused to dwell in our hearts, and for the knowledge and faith and immortality which thou didst make known to us through Jesus Christ thy servant; to thee be the glory for ever.
AdvertisementRemember thy congregation, which thou hast purchased of old," claiming for the Christian ecclesia the title of God's ancient ecclesia.
As time passed, and custom created familiarity, his style, personal and literary, was seen to be the outward symbol of a firm resolve to preserve a philosophic calm, and of an enormous underlying energy which spent itself in labour, "ohne Hast, aber auch ohne Rast."
For so hast thou fitted all things together, the good with the evil, that there might be one eternal law over all..
Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people, thou Last covered all their sin.
Hast thou not worldly pleasure at command, Aboue the reach or compasse of thy thought?
The steady progress of the heretical movement in spite of all opposition was a cause of deep sorrow to Polycarp, so that in the last years of his life the words were constantly on his lips, "Oh good God, to what times hast thou spared me, that I must suffer such things!"