Has-on Sentence Examples
Not the abbreviated version contrived for a witless or hysterical wife, but the whole thing – including any designs Lori has on you... or you have for her.
No adequate definition is to be found even in the British statute-book; for although g parliament has on different occasions passed acts dealing with such railways both in Great Britain and Ireland, it has not inserted in any of them a clear and sufficient statement of what it intends shall be understood by the term, as distinguished from an ordinary railway.
No school in England has on the whole produced so many eminent men as Westminster did under the regime of Busby.
Since then the Chamber of Deputies has on several occasions taken advantage of the budget to attempt the suppression of the sous-prefecs by refusing to vote the amount necessary for the payment of their salaries.
The bazaars of Bagdad are extensive and well stocked, and while not so fine in construction as those of some other Eastern cities, they are more interesting in their contents and industries, because Bagdad has on the whole been less affected by foreign innovations.
The trade of Greenland has on the whole much decreased in modern times, and trading and missions cost the Danish state a comparatively large sum (about £i i,000 every year), although this is partly covered by the income from the royalty of the cryolite mines at Ivigtut.
The municipal finance has on the whole been sound, and notwithstanding the extra burdens assumed on the incorporation of the suburbs, the equilibrium of the communal budget was maintained up to the fall of the Liberal administration.
The judicial committee of the privy council, as the last court of appeal, has on several occasions pronounced judgments by which the scope of the act has been confined to its narrowest legal effect.
It has on one side the citadel, erected on an artificially made eminence 45 ft.
This analysis has on the whole been accepted by Harnack, Schi rer, Deane and Beer.
AdvertisementNo doubt there were many conscious hypocrites and impostors among the professional prophets, as there always will be among the professional representatives of a religious standpoint which is intrinsically untenable, and yet has on its side the prestige of tradition and popular acceptance.
The Ombilin, issuing out of the lake on the east side and flowing through a plateau of Eocene sandstone, has on its banks the coalfields of Sungei Durian, &c., but is not serviceable as a waterway for that part of Sumatra.
Up to 1854 there was a surplus in hand, but since that time expenditure has on many occasions exceeded income, and the public debt in 1908 was £1,305,000, mainly incurred however on reproductive works.
The annual output of iron ore in the United Kingdom has on the whole decreased since 1882.
C. Ranyard, who says, "He was the kindliest, as well as the most learned of men - benignant to every one who approached him, never forgetting the claims which weakness has on strength."
AdvertisementBut owing to the physiological effect carbon bisulphide has on the workmen, coupled with the chemical action of impure carbon bisulphide on iron which has frequently led to conflagrations, the employment of carbon bisulphide must remain restricted.
Not the abbreviated version contrived for a witless or hysterical wife, but the whole thing – including any designs Lori has on you... or you have for her.
It is not known how much of an effect groundwater abstraction has on biodiversity.
However, few researchers have studied infants beyond discharge to ascertain what impact the encounter has on mother-infant dyads.
What relevance this has on location imprinting I don't know.
AdvertisementThey have a real giddy horror of stars and seas, as a man has on the edge of a hopelessly high precipice.
Now we are finally in a position to see what effect a non-volatile solute has on the melting and freezing points of the solution.
I think we all drastically underestimate the effect divorce has on children.
Though, however, the discomfiture of malignant spirits still plays an important part in the Catholic doctrine of benedictions, this has on the whole tended to become subordinated to other benefits.
By opsonic action is meant the effect which a serum has on bacteria in making them more susceptible to phagocytosis by the white corpuscles of the blood.
AdvertisementExternalities are the external effects an action has on society.
She has on a pretty red dress.
She has on a dainty lace dress and satin slippers.
He has on short dresses now.
Look at our Anna Mikhaylovna--what a headdress she has on!
Break the stranglehold which big business has on some sports.
I cannot overestimate the hold an original product idea has on an entrepreneur's mind.
The storybook shows the wonder of a new life and the impact the new baby has on his surroundings.
Consider the following situations and the effects divorce has on them.
This is the reason why it is imperative that parents, who divorce, watch out for the impact their separation has on their children and take action to help them through this difficult and confusing time.
Attitudes certainly have changed withand increasedawareness of the impact waste has on the environment.
Evidence is lacking on what effects, if any, EPO has on pregnant women, unborn fetuses or nursing children.
Another unique factor with dark skins is the seasonal impact; some darker skinned women don't realize the impact the sun has on their skin color.
It's also a strong indication of the influence that popular culture has on teenagers.
Now you must identify the effects that your anger has on yourself and other people.
Separating yourself from the environment and forcing your mind to give up the hold it has on stress will allow you to feel at peace (mind and body), so you can come back in a new place within yourself - free from stress.
The following are some of the possible effects that stress has on your body.
Many employers are realizing the effects that stress has on their employees and are instituting stress management programs in the workplace.
Try studying with classical music playing and see what effect it has on your grades!
Though measured in micrograms, the impact that B12 has on the human body is large.
High drop-out rate for use of the drug naltrexone after detox, due to the non-effect it has on former addicts.
Nicotine is addictive because of the effect it has on brain chemistry.
The level of dependency (physical and psychological) that a person has on the drug.
You don't have to worry about everyone wearing the same dress your daughter has on when you shop at stores that carry such unique fashions.
The definition of a fancy dress typically comes down to the impact it has on those who see it.
Any information that the rescue has on the history of the dog is disclosed to the potential adopters, including health, behavioral issues, and past abuse.
There are also sections on the website that deal with musical theory; this is helpful for learning to understand the science of music and why it has the effect it has on us.
If you plan to use any effects pedals, make sure you bring those with you or use what the store has on hand for the most authentic experience.
Others note the affect that this lack of pesticides and fertilizers has on foods, especially produce.
Patients may not experience all of these symptoms and the list is not comprehensive, but it does illustrate the serious ramifications a medication like a Trazodone sleep aid has on the mind and body.
Treatment varies widely with the type of disease, the effect that pregnancy has on the disease, and the effect that the disease has on pregnancy.
Research from experiments conducted at the Touch Research Institutes at the University of Miami School of Medicine and Nova Southeastern University has been cited for the clinical benefits massage has on infants and children.
If you have weak, brittle, fine or naturally kinky hair, chances are you will not be able to mimic the same effect that Jennifer Aniston's hair has on its viewers.
That's not all the Jet Aire system has on your favorite curling tool, though.
In most cases, what's on the resume are the first pieces of information an employer has on you.
About half way through the Borderline video, Madonna has on a skinny leather belt with metal studs worn over a long tank tank tops.
So more people are talking about the impact that interracial dating has on society than are talking about the impact that racism has on society.
There are valid psychological effects that divorce has on children.
Now that you know more about the Moon, it's easy to understand the influence it has on your life.
He knows the affect he has on the opposite sex and enjoys flexing his sex appeal muscles.
Plugged In realizes the type of influence and pull that the entertainment industry has on the family unit and how it impacts out culture for the good and the bad.
One wonders if paranormal activity will continue as it has on so many other sites where buildings have been demolished, but spirits remain.
The official LUST site boasts a commitment to reducing environmental impact by making consumers aware of the massive effect bicycle transportation has on our ecology.
Britney Spears' Hebrew tattoo, a religious symbol, is in only one of many genres the celebrity singer has on various parts of her body.
Popular for the compilation of music history and memorabilia of many generations it has on display, the Café's Museum provides a definite lesson in pop culture.
Others believe in the meditative power that radiates from a large group and the effect that has on the world, so they choose to go to specified locations to practice.
Sometimes banks will use rebates to take the excess debt that someone has on their old car when they trade it in and eat up that negative equity.
Environmentally conscious individuals may be concerned about the effect this has on other species and the indigenous peoples who live in those affected areas.
However, not many people hear about the affect that cooking has on those products.
Driving record - The more accidents and traffic violations a driver has on their driving record, the higher the insurance premiums will be.
In addition, it seems as though each week brings a new study detailing the negative impact reality TV has on society.
The real hook that interesting scifi has on the imagination is that it seems like it just ''might'' be possible - and it is a short step from that into the active planning of inventors and scientists both young and old.