Has-a Sentence Examples
He has a bicycle!
He has a mate?
It has a lot of character.
A woman has a right to protect herself – any way she can.
I don't think she has a clue how irresistible men find her.
The sheriff has a duty to investigate.
He says he thinks he has a cold, but the doctor told me he could get pneumonia real easy.
He has a way of looking at you...
After all, he has a right to know.
Maybe he has a girlfriend.
AdvertisementLying has a way of coming back on you.
Joseph has a gun and I don't like being used for target practice.
Then she added, her slight smile fading, "Maybe we can teach him to sing—if he has a reason to."
How do you know he has a gun?
I must know who among us has a tracking beacon.
AdvertisementHe has a black and white sense of right and wrong.
He says he has a cold.
He has a daughter, but his wife must not live with him because he needs a sitter, she stammered.
Well, he has a home office and he goes there pretty often, but I can't figure out what he's doing.
Quinn has a sabbatical from teaching and is using it all summer for a college project.
AdvertisementIt has a stain on it and a rip in the arm pit.
Remember, he only has a few minutes in his dream.
It has a motor... an electric motor and he's on a narrow trail!
The vehicle has a Wall Drug bumper sticker and an emblem from a Kansas campground in the back window.
When you forsake divine code, it has a way of forsaking you.
AdvertisementHell has a library, and the librarian has been teaching me about the deities through these little video tutorial things.
I'm sure she loves you too and she has a right to see you.
You don't suppose he has a police record, do you?
And because some little snot-nose has a vivid imagination, or thinks it's fun to tell whoppers, I'm supposed to go traipsing off in some god-forsaken mine on the taxpayer's expense on a treasure hunt?
Just because Jake Weller has a pot belly doesn't mean all sheriffs are supposed to be fat.
In spite of all I said, his and Jen's baby has a lot better future than Billy Langstrom's.
He has a key to the mine gate.
It has a length of 295 m.
The principal village of West-Terschelling has a harbour.
It has a trade in silk.
The anchorage is safe, and the bay full of fish; the harbour has a certain amount of trade.
At any single station potential gradient has a wide range of values.
Thus the 12-hour term has a much greater uniformity than the 24-hour term.
Wilson supposes that by the fall to the ground of a preponderance of negatively charged rain the air above the shower has a higher positive potential than elsewhere at the same level, thus leading to large conduction currents laterally in the highly conducting upper layers.
The parts of a mushroom consist chiefly of stem and cap; the stem has a clothy ring round its middle, and the cap is furnished underneath with numerous radiating coloured gills.
Colon has a deep, though poorly sheltered harbour, and is either the terminus or a place of call for seven lines of steamships.
The city has a fine court-house, a United States government building, a Carnegie library and a large auditorium.
In the area of the Newer Appalachian Mountains, the eastern Panhandle region has a forest similar to that of the plateau district; but between these two areas of hardwood there is a long belt where spruce and white pine cover the mountain ridges.
If the wife dies intestate the husband has a right to the use of her real estate for life, and to one-third of the personal estate if there is issue; otherwise to the whole.
At Magdalen College, Oxford, is one which is perforated, and has a most beautiful effect.
The Latin term is consecratio, which of course has a variety of senses, including simple burial.
It has a length of 52 m., and an average width of 1 2 m.
The name has a curious origin, which explains also the particular meaning of the adjective "spruce," neatly dressed, smart in appearance, fine.
Norfolk is the see of a Protestant Episcopal bishopric. The city has a public park of 110 acres and various smaller ones, and in the vicinity are several summer resorts, notably Virginia Beach, Ocean View, Old Point Comfort, Pine Beach and Willoughby Beach.
It lies on the south side of the Bukken Fjord, and has a picturesque harbour well sheltered by islands.
It has a N.E.
The micrometer-screw S has a pitch of 0.5 mm., its head is divided into too parts.
These two groups are divided by the deep valley of the Tirso, the only real river in Sardinia, which has a course of 94 m.
The island has a bad reputation for malaria, due to the fact that it offers a considerable quantity of breeding places for the Anopheles claviger, the mosquito whose bite conveys the infection.
Geneva has a public library, a city hospital and hygienic institute.
The town has wide streets and contains several old churches, one of which, a Roman Catholic church, built in the 14th century, has a tower 33 o ft.
It has a dry and equable climate and beautiful scenery.
The old castle of Schwanenburg (formerly the residence of the dukes of Cleves), has a massive tower (Schwanenturm) 180 ft.
The city has a station on the North Western railway 32 m.
It has a river-frontage of 4.1 m., the Thames making two deep bends, enclosing the Isle of Dogs on the north and a similar peninsula on the Greenwich side.
But in other cases the encrusted star settles in that portion of the revolving vortex which has a velocity equivalent to its own, and so continues to revolve in the vortex, wrapped in its own firmament.
Gyula-Fehervar is the seat of a Roman Catholic bishop, and has a fine Roman Catholic cathedral, built in the 1 nth century in Romanesque style, and rebuilt in 5443 by John Hunyady in Gothic style.
The tree has a remarkable appearance, due to shedding its primary branches for about five-sixths of its height and replacing them by a small bushy growth, the whole resembling a tall column crowned with foliage, suggesting to its discoverer, Captain Cook, a tall column of basalt.
It is in a rich farming region, of which Indian corn and oats are important products, and has a large trade.
Sueca has a thriving trade in grain and fruit from the Jucar valley, which is irrigated by waterways created by the Moors.
Another MS. of the same century has a picture - crude, but spirited - which brings us into close touch with the existing game.
It is irregularly built, with narrow streets, but has a spacious market-place.
The town has a station on the Southern Mahratta railway.
The Canadian Northern railway has a remarkable network of railways connecting Winnipeg with every corner of Manitoba.
Tecuci has a large transit trade in grain, timber, cattle and horses, on their way from northern and eastern Moldavia to the Danubian ports.
Of the Covenanter bodies the synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church has a theological seminary in Allegheny (Pittsburg), established in 1856, and the general synod in 1887 organized a college at Cedarville, Ohio.
South Lowestoft has a fine esplanade, a park (Bellevue) and other adjuncts of a watering-place.
The severe west front is relieved by three rows of semicircular arches, and has a central porch (there were at one time three) supported by huge red marble lions, sculptured no doubt with the rest of the façade by Giovanni Bono da Bissone in 1281.
Giovanni Evangelista, which was founded along with the Benedictine monastery in 981, but as a building dates from 1510, and has a façade erected by Simone Moschino early in the 17th century.
The public school system is excellent, and the city has a Carnegie library (1903), with more than 22,000 volumes in 1907.
Coming from the Tibesti highlands the Bahr-el-Ghazal has a south-westerly trend to Lake Chad.
Avranches is seat of a sub-prefect and has a tribunal of first instance and a communal college.
In Lombardy it has a breadth of 200 yds., and a depth of 10 to 16 ft., but the strength of the current renders its navigation very difficult, and lessens its value as a means of transit between Germany and Italy.
The Adige has a course of about 220 m., and, after the Po, is the most important river in Italy.
Never in the history of colonization has a mother country pursued so relentlessly a policy more selfish and short-sighted.
In the Reformed Church (far the more numerous of the two bodies) each parish has a council of presbyters, consisting of the pastor and lay-members elected by the congregation.
The president of the Republic has a military household, and the minister a cabinet, both of which are occupied chiefly with questions of promotion, patronage and decorations.
Each colony and protectorate, including Algeria, has a separate budget.
The town has a station on the Anatolian railway, about 60 m.
The highest office in connexion with the Cinque Ports is that of the lord warden, who also acts as governor of Dover Castle, and has a maritime jurisdiction (vide infra) as admiral of the ports.
The town has grown rapidly since the completion of the railway system, and has a large trade in petroleum from Baku.
Although commonly described as white, the hair has a more or less decided tinge of yellow, which appears to be more marked in the summer than in the winter coat.
Myrmecobius has a total of 52 or 54 teeth, which may be classed as i., c.
Externally Caenolestes has a shrew-like appearance.
The five-toed feet are of normal structure, and the rat-like tail is prehensile towards the tip. The female has a small pouch.
With one exception, the intestine has a caecum, and the pouch is large and opens forwards.
The broad molars are either bluntly tuberculated or transversely ridged; the outer side of the hind part of the lower jaw has a deep pocket; and the hind-limbs are generally very long, with the structure of the foot similar to that of the bandicoots.
Unless these ideals are mocking visions, man has a right to expect the continuance of his life for its completion.
The town has a tribunal of commerce and a communal college, flour-mills, manufactories of earthenware, biscuits, furniture, casks, and glass and brick works; the port has trade in grain, timber, hemp, flax, &c.
The range is here called the Muniong, but farther north it receives the name of Monaro Range; the latter has a much reduced altitude, its average being only about 2000 feet.
The temperature, however, has a daily range less than that of other countries under the same isothermal lines.
It is the well-known peculiarity of this order that the female has a pouch or fold of skin upon her abdomen, in which she can place the young for suckling within reach of her teats.
As for reptiles, Australia has a few tortoises, all of one family, and not of great size.
The region extending round the south-western extremity of the continent has a peculiarly characteristic assemblage of typical Australian forms, notably a great abundance of the Proteaceae.
The grammatical structure of some north Australian languages has a considerable degree of refinement.
The village of Oude Schild has a harbour.
The island of Schiermonnikoog has a village and a lighthouse.
Andrew Carnegie gave $600,000 to the institute in 1903, and the institute has a Carnegie library (1902), with about 15,000 volumes in 1909.
It has a station on the Cambrian line between Moat Lane and Brecon, and two others (high and low levels) at Builth Road about 14 m.
The state has a shore line upon it of 150 m.
There is a state fish and game commissioner, and the state has a fish hatchery at Roxbury and a forest and game farm at Sharon.
A widow has a dower interest in one-third of her husband's real estate unless barred by a jointure or an agreement.
It has a fine Renaissance facade, constructed about 1500 by Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici (afterwards Pope Leo X.), and some good terra cottas by the Della Robbia.
The true Tapaculo (P. albicollis) has a general resemblance in plumage to the females of some of the smaller Shrikes (Lanius), and to a cursory observer its skin might pass for that of one; but its shortened wings and powerful feet would on closer inspection at once reveal the difference.
It has a sharp burning taste, and is very poisonous.
Each house has a quadrangle in the centre, into which it looks, and which is entered by a low, narrow doorway.
Sofia, a circular edifice of about 760, now modernized, the roof of which is supported by six ancient columns, is a relic of the Lombard period; it has a fine cloister of the 12th century constructed in part of fragments of earlier buildings; while the cathedral with its fine arcaded facade and incomplete square campanile (begun in 1279) dates from the 9th century and was rebuilt in 1114.
Providence, incensed at such cruelty, turns Tiridates into a wild boar, and afflicts his subjects with madness; but his sister, Chosrowidukht, has a revelation to bring Gregory back out of his pit.
Mean Karstens, 2047 fathoms. If we include the enclosed depth, and seas, the North Atlantic has a mean depth of 1800 bottom fathoms. The South Atlantic has a mean depth of deposits.
Where surface water is banked up against the land, as by the equatorial and Gulf Stream drift currents, it appears to penetrate to very considerable depths; the escaping stream currents are at first of great vertical thickness and part of the water at their sources has a downward movement.
The city has a public library (1905), and is the seat of an Institute of Telegraphy (founded in 1874; chartered in 1900) and of Valparaiso University (1873; formerly known as the Valparaiso Normal Training School).
It contains eighty-two villages and hamlets, has a revenue of about £4000, and a population of about 23,000.
It has a fair natural harbour, which is the nearest outlet of the rich district of Menemen.
In every mature period of art it will be found that, however much the technical rules may be collected in one special category, every artistic category has a perfect interaction with all the others; and this is nowhere more perfectly shown than when the art is in its simplest possible form of maturity.
But the treatment of instruments in Bach and Handel has a radical difference from that of the art which was soon to succeed it.
This dockyard covers an area of 516 acres, and has a river frontage of over 3 m.
It has a Protestant and a Roman Catholic church and manufactures of brushes, plush goods, cigars and margarine.
The hydraulic crane has a great advantage in possessing an almost ideal brake, for by simply throttling the exhaust from the lifting cylinder the speed of descent can be regulated within very wide limits and with perfect safety.
It is now possible to apply motive power exactly where it is wanted, and to do so economically, so that the crane designer has a perfectly free hand in adding the various motions required by the special circumstances of each case.
In order to avoid this sparking, every local instrument in the British Postal Telegraph Department has a " spark " coil connected across the terminals of the electromagnet.
This system of telegraphic printing has a great advantage over the step-by-step system in avoiding the necessity for the rapidly acting electric escapement, which, however skilfully planned and executed, is always liable to failure when worked too rapidly.
This last circuit has a natural frequency of its own which is numerically measured by I/27r-!(CL), where C is the capacity of the condenser and L is the inductance of the circuit.
The secondary circuit of this transformer is cut in the middle and has a condenser inserted in it, and its ends are connected to the sensitive metallic filings tube or coherer as shown in fig.
It is now generally recognized that Hertzian wave telegraphy, or radio-telegraphy, as it is sometimes called, has a special field of operations of its own, and that the anticipations which were at one time excited by uninformed persons that it would speedily annihilate all telegraphy conducted with wires have been dispersed by experience.
The mouth of the pitcher has a corrugated rim (peristome) formed by incurving of the margin, the convex surface of which is firm and shining.
The leaf has a broadly sheathing base succeeded by a short stalk bearing the pitcher, which represents a much enlarged midrib with a winglike lamina.
It has a few miles of Atlantic coast-line on the N., and the Rio Parnahyba forms the boundary line with Maranhao throughout its entire length.
The northern portion, measured from the Alps at the Monte Viso to the mouth of the Po, has a breadth of about 270 m., while the maximum breadth, from the Rocca Chiardonnet near Susa to a peak in the valley of the Isonzo, is 354 m.
Issuing thence at its southwest extremity, the Oglio has a long and winding course through the plain before it finally reaches the Po a few miles above Borgoforte.
From the proximity of the mountains to the sea none of the rivers in this part of Italy has a long course, and they are generally mere mountain torrents, rapid and swollen in winter and spring, and almost dry in summer.
Each of the 28 wards has a resident alderman elected by the entire city vote, one-half of the board retiring biennially.
It has a trade in cereals, cotton, opium, valonia and boracite and is connected by a carriage road with Balikisri.
The wild oat, moreover, has a long stiff awn, usually twisted near the base.
It is now a manufacturing centre (cloth, woollen and cotton stuffs, &c.) and has a considerable trade.
The city has a public library containing (1907) 107,600 volumes and an historical museum.
The inner harbour has a depth of 15 ft.
The great court on the,north side has a lofty cloister round it, so that in many respects it follows the normal type.
It has a special interest in being the chief university of the Moslem world, containing some thousands of students (mujawirin), for whom certain parts of the mosque (riwaq) are screened off, according to the country from which they come.
Each has a large chest 4, 5, Fountains.
In explanation of these facts it is supposed that each element has a certain number of " units of affinity," which may be entirely, or only in part, engaged when it enters into combination with other elements; and in those cases in which the entire number of units of affinity are not engaged by other elements, it is supposed that those which are thus disengaged neutralize each other, as it were.
Thiele suggested a doctrine of " partial valencies," which assumes that in addition to the ordinary valencies, each doubly linked atom has a partial valency, by which the atom first interacts.
A similar contradiction apparently exists with regard to the specific volume, for while benzene has a specific volume correspinding to Claus' formula, toluene, or methylbenzene, rather points to Kekule's.
Recent researches have shown that the law originally proposed by Kopp - " That the specific volume of a liquid compound (molecular volume) at its boiling-point is equal to the sum of the specific volumes of its constituents (atomic volumes), and that every element has a definite atomic value in its compounds " - is by no means exact, for isomers have different specific volumes, and the volume for an increment of CH 2 in different homologous series is by no means constant; for example, the difference among the esters of the fatty acids is about 57, whereas for the aliphatic aldehydes it is 49.
By experiment it is found that the thermal effect of a double bond is much less than the effect of two single bonds, while a triple bond has a much smaller effect than three single bonds.
It is there shown that every substance, transparent to light, has a definite refractive index, which is the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuo to its velocity in the medium to which the refractive index refers.
The nitro group has a very important action mainly on account of the readiness with which it can be introduced into the molecule, but its effect is much less than that of the azo group. The colour produced is generally yellow, which, in accordance with a general rule, is intensified with an increase in the number of groups; compare, for example, mono-, diand tri-nitrobenzene.
Haydn uses a true Straussian discord in The Seasons, in order to imitate the chirping of a cricket; but the harshest realism in Gatterdammerung (the discord produced by the horns of Hagen and his churls in the mustering-scene in the second act) has a harmonic logic which would have convinced Corelli.
It has a fine quay, townhall and park.
Francesco has a good doorway of the 14th century.
It issues from the south-west corner of Lake Ladoga in two channels, which are obstructed by sandstone reefs, so that the better of the two has a depth of only 7 to 16 ft.
The salt has a sweet, mawkish taste.
It has a very useful local anhidrotic action.
It has many breweries and distilleries, and the spirit known by its name, which is a coarse gin, has a certain reputation throughout Belgium.
It is of Tertiary formation (Miocene), and has a chain of volcanic elevations along the axis, reaching a height of 2600 ft.
Artificial, like natural, ultramarine has a magnificent blue colour, which is not affected by light nor by contact with oil or lime as used in painting.
As a river-port it has a brisk trade in the produce of the surrounding district as well as in the raw materials of its manufactures, especially in wool from La Plata, Australia and Germany.
The town is on the sea-coast, and has a railway station.
Germany has a large share of the exports.
It is the work of Richard of Haldingham, and has a diameter of 134 cm.
The geographical ideas which prevailed at the time Columbus started in search of Cathay may be most readily gathered from two contemporary globes, the one known as the Laon globe because it was picked up in 1860 at a curiosity shop in that town, the other produced at Nuremberg in 1492 by Martin Behaim.1 The Laon globe is of copper gilt, and has a diameter of 170 mm.
The Strassburg Ptolemy of 1513 has a supplement of as many as 20 modern maps by Martin Waldseemiiller or Ilacomilus, several among which are copied from Portuguese originals.
It has a diameter of II ft.
Japan has a regular survey department originated by Europeans and successfully carried on by natives.
Lauban has a Roman Catholic and two Evangelical churches, a town hall, dating from 1541, a conventual house of the order of St Magdalene, dating from the 14th century, a municipal, library and museum, two hospitals, an orphanage and several schools.
Each club has a standard of points; some hold their own shows; while others issue club gazettes.
The larger variety of the race has a sharp muzzle, upright pointed ears, and a bushy tail generally carried over the back.
The Scotch collie is lighter and more elegant, and has a sharper muzzle.
The Russian setter has a woolly and matted coat.
St Lubin-desJoncherets has a handsome church of the 11th century, in which there are stained-glass windows dating from the 16th century.
It has a cathedral dating from the 12th century, a.
Immediately south of the Jebel Sangeli are the comparatively fertile Jidali and Gebi districts or river valleys - the Gebi flowing east in the direction of Ras Hafun, while the Jidali has a southerly course towards the Wadi Nogal.
Lancaster has a public library and a children's home; and 6 m.
It has a considerable shipping trade, and manufactories of tobacco and cigars, chocolate, margarine, oil, chemicals, brushes, vinegar, soap, guano and perfumery.
The city has a park and a boulevard system; the principal parks are Washington, Lincoln, Reservoir and Mildred.
Among the manufactures are agricultural implements, watches and watch material - the Illinois Watch Company has a large factory here - lumber, flour, foundry and machine-shop products, automobiles, shoes and boilers.
It has a cathedral, near which lie buried Mary Menshikov, once betrothed to the tsar Peter II., and some of the Dolgorukis.
Alberta has a system of municipal government similar to that of the other provinces.
If he has a balance of good works in his favour, he passes forthwith into paradise (Garo demana) and the blessed life.
Manacor has a small trade in grain, fruit, wine, oil and live stock.
The county is under school board jurisdiction and Lerwick has a secondary school, and a few of the other schools earn grants for higher education.
It is the centre of a thriving agricultural district and has a considerahle trade in wool, grain, cattle and horses with Basutoland, Pondoland and the neighbouring regions of Natal.
The suggestion has been made that the name Cain is the eponym, of the Kenites, and although this clan has a good name almost everywhere in the Old Testament, yet in Num.
The astragalus has a pulley-like surface above for articulation into the tibia, but its lower surface is flattened and unites to a much greater extent with the navicular than with the cuboid, which bone is of comparatively less importance than in the Artiodactyles.
The two parts are distinguished by difference of style; the Hebrew principle of parallelism of clauses is employed far more in the first than in the second, which has a number of plain prose passages, and is also rich in uncommon compound terms. In view of these differences there is ground for holding that the second part is a separate production which has been united with the first by an editor, an historical haggadic sketch, a midrash, full of imaginative additions to the Biblical narrative, and enlivened by many striking ethical reflections.
Leon is essentially a manufacturing and commercial city; it has a cathedral and a theatre, the latter one of the largest and finest in the republic. The city is regularly built, with wide streets and numerous shady parks and gardens.
The city has a considerable trade in wheat and flour.
The Sierra de Cobre, a part of the system in the vicinity of Santiago, has a general elevation of about 3000 ft.
The president of the Republic, who is elected for four years by an electoral college, and cannot hold office for more than two successive terms, has a cabinet whose members he may appoint and remove freely, their number being determined by law.
The city of Bikanir has a railway station.
The bridle road up the mountain leaves Glen Nevis at Achintee; it has a gradient nowhere exceeding 1 in 5, and the ascent is commonly effected in two to three hours.
Hagenau is an important military centre and has a large garrison, including three artillery battalions.
Thus, to say that a pen is an entity and the class of pens is an entity is merely a play upon the word "entity"; the second sense of "entity" (if any) is indeed derived from the first, but has a more complex signification.
The town of Bahawalpur is situated near the left bank of the Sutlej, and has a railway station 65 m.
It has a magnificent palace, which is visible from far across the Bikanir desert; it was built in 1882 by Nawab Sadik Mahommed Khan.
Every large town has a mayor and deputy mayor, appointed by the government, and a town council, of whom one third are similarly appointed, while the citizens choose the rest; a proportionate number of councillors representing each religious community.
It is surrounded by old walls, flanked with towers, and has a considerable number of ancient buildings, among which are the fine church of the Holy Cross; St John's church, which dates from the time of the Hohenstaufen; and, situated on a height near the town, partly hewn out of the rock, the pilgrimage church of the Saviour.
Clocks and watches are manufactured here and also other articles of silver, while the town has a considerable trade in corn, hops and fruit.
Every village or town district has a kind of mayor (mukhtar) appointed by election and approved by the official provincial authorities, and a " council of ancients " whose members are elected directly.
The bank acts as banker to the government, for which it has a fixed annual commission, and it is obliged to make a permanent statutory advance to the government of £T1,000,000, against the deposit by the government of marketable securities bearing interest at a rate agreed upon.
The Mosque of the Vizier, on the eastern side of the Tigris, near the pontoon bridge, has a fine dome and a lofty minaret, and the Great Mosque in the square of el Meidan, in the neighbourhood of the serai, is also a noble building.
Besides the gunboat in the river, he has a guard of sepoys, and there is an Indian post-office in the residency.
Pop. (1905), 3735 It has a palace built about 1630 and now converted into a cadet school, a gymnasium and a biological station.
There are several other churches, among them the church of the Jacobins, a brick building of the 13th century, and the church of St Hilaire of the 16th century, which has a modern tower.
Two houses of the 16th century, the Hotel d'Estrades and the Hotel de Vaurs, are used as the museum, which has a rich collection of fossils, prehistoric and Roman remains, and other antiquities and curiosities.
Dagupan has a healthy climate.
Dagupan has a small shipyard in which sailing vessels and steam launches are constructed.
The city has a highly developed system of charitable and corrective institutions.
The system has a delivery capacity of 120,000,000 gallons daily.
Scoresby Fjord has a length of about 180 m.
The Danish mission in Greenland has a yearly grant of £ 2000 from the trading revenue of the colony, besides a contribution of £880 from the state.
The often-quoted Meddelelser om Gronland is of especial value; it is published in parts (Copenhagen) since 1879, and is chiefly written in Danish, but each part has a summary in French.
Probably no town in the kingdom has a nobler group of public buildings than those in Cathays Park, which also commands a view of the castle ramparts and the old keep. On opposite sides of a fine avenue are the assize courts and new town hall (with municipal offices), which are both in the Renaissance style.
The other public buildings of the town include the infirmary founded in 1837, the present buildings being erected in 1883, and subsequently enlarged; the sanatorium, the seamen's hospital, the South Wales Institute of Mining Engineers (which has a library) built in 1894, the exchange, an institute for the blind, a school for the deaf and dumb, and one of the two prisons for the county (the other being at Swansea).
The borough has a separate commission of the peace, having a stipendiary magistrate since 1858.
Huriel has a church of the 11th century and a well-preserved keep, the chief survival of a medieval castle.
St Pourgain-sur-Sioule has a large church, dating from the 11th to the 18th centuries.
The town has a small trade with the Hereros of the adjoining German protectorate.
Bima or Bodjo, the chief town of the latter state, lies on the east side of the Bay of Bima; it has a stone-walled palace and a mosque, as well as a Dutch fort.
The state law library here is one of the best of the kind in the country, and the city has a public library.
The Michaeliskirche, which is built on the highest point in the city and has a tower 428 ft.
It has a graceful tapering spire 402 ft.
It has a palace, built about the middle of the 17th century, on the model of that at Versailles, and long a favourite residence of the Bavarian elector, Maximilian Joseph.
It has a cathedral and a fortress, built on an island in the Neva, which is now used as a political prison.
Parga has a rock-built citadel and a harbour formed by a mole which the Venetians constructed in 1572.
The small town of Altruppin, lying at the north end of the lake, has a 15th-century church and some small manufactures.
These crystallites (q.v.) show that the glassy rock has a tendency to crystallize which is inhibited only by the very viscous state of the glass and the rapidity with which it was cooled.
It has a fine climate, a good trade, and is a summer resort for residents of the coast.
Dover has a fine city hall of red brick and freestone; a public library containing (1907) 34,000 volumes; the Wentworth hospital; the Wentworth home for the aged; a children's and an orphans' home.
He also has a mitre (q.v.), and carries a crozier (5ucavLs ov), a rather short staff ending in two curved branches decorated with serpents' heads, with a cross between them.
Tamara has a good harbour, and contains the principal settlement.
The Church of England has a flourishing mission, with a native pastorate.
It has a Roman Catholic and two Evangelical churches, a modern school and a technical (textiles) school.
It has a world-wide distribution, but finds its chief development in the temperate and frigid zones, especially of the northern hemisphere, and as Alpine plants.
The town is the seat of a sub-prefect, and has a tribunal of first instance, a chamber of commerce and a communal college.
Its church of St Nicholas (16th century) has a tower 200 ft.
It has a good government house and a fine church.
South Siberia has a very fertile soil and yields heavy crops, but immense tracts of the country are utterly unfit for tillage.
Its church has a choir dating from the fifth century.
The commercially valuable micas of Canada and Ceylon are mainly phlogopite (q.v.), which has a rather different mode of occurrence.
Stanislau is an important railway junction„ and has a considerable trade, principally in agricultural produce.
The ventral valve is usually the larger, and in many genera, such as Terebratula and Rhynchonella, has a prominent beak or umbo, with a circular or otherwise shaped foramen at or near its extremity, partly bounded by one or two plates, termed a deltidium.
The anterior segment broadens and becomes umbrella-shaped; it has a powerful row of cilia round the rim and smaller cilia on the general surface.
At the town of Farah it has a width of 150 yds.
The Eo, which bounds Galicia on the east, has a deep estuary, the Rivadeo or Ribadeo, which offers a safe and commodious anchorage.
Auburn has a city hall, the large Burtis Auditorium, the Auburn hospital, two orphan asylums, and the Seymour library in the Case Memorial building.
It has a fine Perpendicular church dedicated to St Mary, with a lofty, well-proportioned tower and many interesting monuments.
The native city is walled, and has a population of about 2000.
Coucy also has a church of the 15th century, preserving a façade in the Romanesque style.
The town has a population of 20,737.
The city has a public library, a business college and Central College (1897), controlled by the United Brethren in Christ (Old Constitution).
Galena (q.v.), the principal lead ore, has a world-wide distribution, and is always contaminated with silver sulphide, the proportion of noble metal varying from about o of or less to o 3%, and in rare cases coming up to 2 or i %.
In Wales and the south of England the process is conducted in a reverberatory furnace, the sole of which is paved with slags from previous operations, and has a depression in the middle where the metal formed collects to be let off by a tap-hole.
The leading reverberatory furnace for roasting lead-bearing sulphide ores has a level hearth 14-16 ft.
The smelting zone always has a bosh and a contracted tuyere section.
To remove tin, arsenic and antimony, the lead has to be brought up to a bright-red heat, when the air has a strongly oxidizing effect.
It is oblong, and has a Cupelling.
Cardinal Siffrein, who is known as the Abbe Maury (1746-1817), resumed all the known artifices of sermon-style in a volume which has a permanent historical value, the well-known Essai sur l'eloquence de la chaire (1810); he was himself rather a fiery politician than a persuasive divine.
It has a good mining school and reduction works, and is the supply station for an extensive mining district.
It has a meteorological observatory.
The chief town, Dhrangadra, has a population (1901) of 14,770.
Deniliquin has a well-known public school.
Owing to the beauty of its site and the equability of its climate, and to its being screened by lofty hills on the north, east and west, and open to the sea-breezes of the south, it has a high reputation as a winter residence.
The harbour has a depth of over 20 ft.
The aconite has a short underground stem, from which dark-coloured tapering roots descend.
It is an important centre for the control of the Bedouin Arabs, and has a garrison of about 1000 troops, including a special corps of mule-riders.
Hamilton is situated in a productive agricultural region, and has a large trade in hops; among its manufactures are canned vegetables, lumber and knit goods, There are several valuable stone quarries in the vicinity.
Bismuth, the strongest of the diamagnetics, has a negative susceptibility which is numerically 20 times less than that of liquid oxygen.
In the middle part of a rod which has a length of 400 or 500 diameters the effect of the ends is insensible; but for many experiments the condition of endlessness may be best secured by giving the metal the shape of a ring of uniform section, the magnetic field being produced by an electric current through a coil of wire evenly wound round the ring.
The second has a very small area, showing that the work done in reversing the magnetization is small; the metal is therefore adapted for use in alternating current trans formers.
Ewing has described an arrangement in which the test bar has a soft-iron pole piece clamped to each of its ends; the pole pieces are joined by a long well-fitting block of iron, which is placed upon them (like the " keeper " of a magnet), and the induction is measured by the force required to detach the block.
One pole has a V-shaped notch for the rod to rest in; the surface of the other is slightly rounded, forming a portion of a cylinder, the axis of which is perpendicular to the direction of the length of the rod.
If these equations could be assumed to hold when H is indefinitely small, it would follow that has a finite initial value, from which there would be no appreciable deviation in fields so weak that bH was negligibly small in comparison with a.
The question whether a corpuscle actually has a material gravitating nucleus is undecided, but there are strong reasons for believing that its mass is entirely due to the electric charge.
The castle is a quadrangular structure of great strength, with rounded towers at three of the angles, and has a circumference of about 400 ft.
In Limulus small entosternites are found in each somite of the appendage-bearing mesosoma, and we find in Scorpio, in the only somite of the mesosoma which has a welldeveloped pair of appendages, that of the pectens, a small entosternite with ten pairs of muscles inserted into it.
On its northern aspect this plateau has a raised rim having all the appearances of being once the margin of an atoll.
The citadel, which dominates the old port, has a keep of the 24th century.
As capital of an arrondissement, Bastia is the seat of a tribunal of first instance and a sub-prefect, while it is also the seat of the military governor of Corsica, of a court of appeal for the whole island, of a court of assizes, and of a tribunal and a chamber of commerce, and has a lycee, a branch of the Bank of France, and a library with between 30,000 and 40,000 volumes.
The church of the Ognissanti has a Romanesque relief of the Annunciation over the door.
Extending across the great central valley of Chile, the province has a considerable area devoted to agriculture, but much attention is given to cattle and mining.
The town is the centre of a pastoral district and has a large trade in furs, while at Bushy Hill, a mile from the town, is a small gold-field.
The valley of the river exceeds l000 m., and the stream has a length of not less than 1300 m.
At the confluence the united stream has a width of 350 yards.
The river when in flood, at which time it has a depth, of 40 ft., scours a channel through the bar, but the Orange is at all times inaccessible to sea-going vessels.
The long and bushy tail in the northern species has a white tip and a dark gland-patch near the root, but the backs of the ears are fawn-coloured.
Again, the significant fact that there is no mention of a king and princes, but only of sheikhs and priests, has a force not to be invalidated by the ingenious reference of the book to the time of Joash's minority and the supposed regency of Jehoiada.
The town has a station on the railway, 68 m.
Francesco, perhaps the finest medieval building in Bologna, begun in 1246 and finished in 1260; it has a fine brick campanile of the end of the 14th century.
Segesvar has a good woollen and linen trade, as well as exports of wine and fruit.
Dunkirk is the seat of a sub-prefect; its public institutions include tribunals of first instance and of commerce, a board of trade-arbitrators, an exchange, a branch of the Bank of France and a communal college; and it has a school of drawing, architecture and music, a library and a rich museum of paintings.
The town has a special historical interest for the heroic and successful defence of the fortress by Nicolas Jurisics against a large army of Sultan Soliman, in July - August 1532, which frustrated the advance of the Turks to Vienna for that year.
The coral limestone of the atoll has a peculiar vitrified appearance and gives out a ringing sound when struck or simply walked on.
The town has a small trade in timber, petroleum and farm produce.
It is the seat of the state normal school (1876), and has a public library.
The two ratels may be distinguished by the fact that the African species has a distinct white line round the body at the junction of the grey of the upper side with the black of the lower, while in the Indian this line is absent; the teeth also of the former are larger, rounder and, heavier than those of the latter.
Pamplona has a station on the Ebro railway connecting Alsasua with Saragossa.
Pamplona has a flourishing agricultural trade, besides manufactures of cloth, linen stuffs, flour, soap, leather, cards, paper, earthenware, iron and nails.
The Amazon plain is heavily forested and has a slope of less than one inch to the mile within Brazilian territory - one competent authority placing it at about one-fifth of an inch per mile.
The Sao Francisco chapadao, which has a general elevation of about 2600 ft., covers the greater part of the states of Minas Geraes and Bahia, and a small part of western Pernambuco, and might also be considered continuous with those of the Parnahyba and Tocantins-Araguaya basins.
This river has a navigable channel of 118 m.
This river system drains a large part of the northern mountainous region of the state, and has a considerable extension of navigable channels between the plateau margin and the lake.
The Amazon region has a comparatively narrow frontage on the Atlantic. In Maranhao, which belongs to the coast region, open spaces or campos appear, though the state is well wooded and its forests have the general characteristics of the lower Amazon.
The main line has a gauge of 63 in.
Tobacco is also widely cultivated, and the product of some states, such as Bahia, Minas Geraes and Goyaz, has a high local reputation for its excellence.
The federal district, which has a municipal council instead of a legislature, has a system of municipal and higher courts peculiar to itself.
The city has a fine court-house (1904), a federal building (1908), a city hall (1908) and a public library.
Its situation, general plan and literary associations suggested a comparison that gave Edinburgh the name of " the modern Athens "; but it has a homelier nickname of " Auld Reekie," from the cloud of smoke (reek) which often hangs over the low-lying quarters.
Among other duties, the corporation has a share in the management of the university, and maintains the Calton Hill observatory.
The interior has a fine Cosmatesque pulpit supported by ancient columns resting on lions, a Paschal candlestick of 1245, and a good pavement of the same period with beasts and dragons.
It has a beautiful but incomplete facade designed by Giovanni di Mino del Pellicciaio in 1382, and a marvellous font with bas-reliefs by Donatello, Ghiberti, Jacopo della Quercia and other 15th-century sculptors.
The atrium has a fresco by Bartolo di Fredi and the two ground-floor halls contain a Coronation of the Virgin by Sano di Pietro and a splendid Resurrection by Sodoma.
Argentan is the seat of a sub-prefect, has a tribunal of first instance and a communal college.
The harbour, which is formed by a bay of the Baltic, has a depth throughout of 20 ft.
It has a handsome palace, a new hospital and a high school.
It has a course, following the main windings only, of over 50o m.
It has a fine and well-preserved castle, built in 1490 by Gentile Virginio Orsini; it is square, with round towers at the angles.
Sydney has a great number of learned, educational and charitable institutions; it possesses a Royal Society, a Linnean Society and a Geographical Society, a women's college affiliated to the university, an astronomical observatory, a technical college, a school of art with library attached, a bacteriological institute at Rose Bay, a museum and a free public library.
Natal proper has a seaboard of 166 m.
One of these, Cyathea dregei, found in moist places and open land, has a stem 20 ft.
Against the system of non-difference Abelard has a number of logical and traditional arguments to bring, but it is sufficiently condemned by his fundamental doctrine that only the individual exists in its own right.
It has a true Mongolian character, i.
Hungary has a continental climate cold in winter, hot in summer - but owing to the physical configuration of the country it varies considerably.
Since 1876 each municipality has a council of twenty members to exercise control over its administration.
Cuscuta has a thread-like, spirally twisted embryo with no trace of cotyledons.
It is an important centre for caravan routes and has a considerable trade.
We cannot, for instance, say that the fraction C _2 I is arithmetically equal to x+I when x= I, as well as for other values of x; but we can say that the limit of the ratio of x 2 - I to x - I when x becomes indefinitely nearly equal to I is the same as the limit of x+ On the other hand, if f(y) has a definite and finite value for y = x, it must not be supposed that this is necessarily the same as the limit which f (y) approaches when y approaches the value x, though this is the case with the functions with which we are usually concerned.
Besides its manufactures of leather, silk, velvet and ribbons, Gandia has a thriving export trade in fruit, and imports coal, guano, timber and flour.
This memorial is built principally of Milford (Mass.) granite, with a bronze statue of the president, and with sarcophagi containing the bodies of the president and Mrs McKinley, and has a total height, from the first step of the approaches to its top, of 163 ft.
This high theory of episcopacy which, if certain of the Ignatian letters be genuine, has a very early origin, has, of course, fallen upon evil days.
This newly discovered inheritance of " variation in the tendency to react " has a wide application and has led the present writer to coin the word " educability."
Every higher vertebrate animal possesses the power of forming for itself a series of cerebral mechanisms or reasoned conclusions based on its individual experience, in proportion as it has a large cerebrum and has got rid of or has acquired the power of controlling its inherited instincts.
It has a considerable trade in timber, and a local trade by steamers on Storsjb.
One of the cups has a frieze with reliefs of natives supplementing that on the Chertomlyk vase.
It has a public library.
The defence which Josephus puts forward has a permanent value and shows him at his best.
The Canal du Midi, following the courses of the Fresquel and the Aude, traverses it for 76 m.; and a branch, the Canal de la Robine, which passes through Narbonne to the sea, has a length of 24 m.