Harvests Sentence Examples
In most parts of the country there are two harvests, as generally in India.
The periodicity of the seasons usually allows two, and sometimes three, harvests in the year, but not necessarily, nor indeed usually, from the same fields.
With good harvests and good markets the standard of living in Burma has much improved.
This immigration was also stimulated by the terrible condition of western Europe between 987 and 1060, when it was visited by an endless succession of bad harvests and epidemics.
The impost upon land is based upon the cadastral survey independently of the vicissitudes of harvests.
It is evident that the buying of cotton on the principles suggested would be calculated to cause great unsteadiness of prices, especially as cotton is not continuously forthcoming, but is produced periodically in harvests.
Primitive methods obtain, but the Siamese are efficient cultivators and secure good harvests nevertheless.
At the same time the price, making allowance for -the fluctuations owing to bad harvests, steadily decreased, notwithstanding the duty on corn.
Probably a certain amount of cultivation was possible all the year round, and there was perhaps a succession of harvests; but there was a pause after the main harvests were gathered in by the end of April, and from then till June was the period in which taxes were collected and loans were repaid.
Stories were told of the ingenuity and generosity by which he had made the marshes round Selinus salubrious, of the grotesque device by which he laid the winds that ruined the harvests of Agrigentum, and of the almost miraculous restoration to life of a woman who had long lain in a death-like trance.
AdvertisementIt is the only sort which can ripen north of the great wall, where the winter ends late and begins very early; but in the southern provinces, where the climate is milder and the land more fertile, two harvests a year may be easily obtained, and it is for me a sweet reflection to have procured this advantage for my people."
Mahratta invasions from central India, piratical devastations on the sea-board, banditti who marched about the interior in bodies of 50,000 men, floods which drowned the harvests of whole districts, and droughts in which a third of the population starved to death, kept alive a sense of human powerlessness in the presence of an omnipotent fate.
There are three harvests in the year - the boro, or spring rice; dus, or autumn rice; and dman, or winter rice.
Rice is the great crop of the district, and three harvests are obtained annually - the aman, or winter rice; aus, or autumn crop; and boro, or spring rice.
Vast harvests of wheat and maize ripen on the plains and lower hills.
AdvertisementThe year 1795 was one of great suffering and great popular unrest; for the effect of the war upon industry was now beginning to be felt, and the distress had been aggravated by two bad harvests.
It so happened that some bad harvests had temporarily increased the difficulties of the tenantry, and there was no doubt that large numbers of evictions were taking place in Ireland.
Meanwhile bad harvests deepened the country's distress, Ireland was approached by famine, the Anti-Corn-Law League became menacingly powerful, and Peel showed signs of yielding to free trade.
This added burden combined with bad harvests, a fall in the revenue and a deficit in the budget to heighten popular discontent.
The peasants, no less than the industrial laborers, suffered from the absence of any capital laid by, which alone could have enabled them to improve their land or to face a time of bad harvests.
AdvertisementIn Europe alone, fusarium head blight destroys a fifth of wheat harvests.
To gather in our harvests, not forgetting The poor, who only glean!
Sri Lankans of various religions believe that certain ritual devil dances can cure the sick, appease angry gods, and ensure good harvests.
Whilst grain harvests are falling, the demand for grain harvests are falling, the demand for grain is rising.
Peru's coffee farmers should be smiling, having reaped record harvests last year.
AdvertisementHe told the story of the rich farmer whose fields had produced abundant harvests.
Failed harvests In 1845, Peel faced the defining challenge of his career.
News of the bumper harvests have spread quickly from Morang where about 100 farmers are now using the new method.
Whilst grain harvests are falling, the demand for grain is rising.
The garden also harvests rainwater, which is used for flushing the building's toilets.
The combine picks up the rows and harvests the seed, chopping the stalks and spreading them as it goes along.
The garden also harvests rainwater, which is used for flushing the building 's toilets.
Both grain and fruit harvests have been gathered as we give thanks for our harvest and acknowledge the waning power of the Sun.
Prior to refrigeration, households had to preserve the fruits and vegetables of the summer and fall harvests and store them for use throughout the winter.
If you're using the real thing, make sure that it comes from a responsible company that harvests coral specifically for sale.
Summer's bright, vibrant shades of flowers, blue skies, and fresh grass are still visible, while the richer, deeper tones of fall leaves and harvests are just beginning to show.
Many varieties of Cranberry harvests exist.
Though most beginner gardeners only plant a garden to harvest in the summer, most zones actually have a long enough growing season to produce two harvests.
The first, which is an early and mid-spring planting season, yields harvests from late spring and through summer.
The second, which is a late summer planting season, yields harvests in the early fall season.
Typically reserved for cool weather vegetables, late-summer plantings yield harvests in the fall before the first frost date.
Oregon's microclimates in the Wilamette Valley mimic the growing conditions in the Burgundy region quite closely, leading to successful Pinot Noir and Chardonnay harvests.
Making fruit wine can be an excellent way to enjoy fruit harvests from your backyard and to share the bounty of your harvests in the form of wine with your friends.
The vines are much prized for their ability to withstand autumn rains which can ruin other grape harvests.
The company harvests almost 200,000 cords of wood every year.
The war with France at the beginning of this reign, with its attendant evils, quartering of troops, conscription and levies of money, joined with cattle disease and scanty harvests in plunging the land again into distress, from which it recovered very slowly.
In the same temple stands the altar of prayer for good harvests, which is surmounted by a triple-roofed circular structure 99 ft.
Indian agriculture combines the harvests of the tropical and temperate zones.
We cannot suppose that the policy of the Merchant Adventurers' Company had nothing to do with the woollen industry; that the export trade in woollen cloth was quite independent of the foreign exchanges and international trade relations in those times; that the effect on wages of the state of the currency, the influx of new silver, the character of the harvests, and many other influences can be conveniently ignored.
If at least half of the harvest in any year is destroyed by accident, the lessee (a) in the case of a lease for several years, obtains, at the end of his lease, a refund of rent, by way of indemnity, unless he has been indemnified by preceding harvests; (b) in the case of a lease for a year only, may secure a proportional abatement of the current rent.
The outgoing must leave for the incoming tenant convenient housing and other facilities for the labours of the year following; the incoming must procure for the outgoing tenant conveniences for the consumption of his fodder and for the harvests remaining to be got in.
The production of the island from 1850 to 1868 averaged 469,934 tons yearly, rising from 223,145 to 749,000; from 1869 to 1886 (continuing high during the period of the Ten Years' War), 632,003 tons; from 1887 to 1907 - omitting the five years 1896-1900 when the industry was prostrated by war,-909,827 tons (and including the war period, 758,066); and in the six harvests of 1901-1906, 1,016,899 tons.
The edict was a well-intended but abortive attempt, in great measure in the interests of the soldiers, to meet the distress caused by several bad harvests and commercial speculation.
The agriculturist in AjmereMerwara can never rely upon two good harvests in succession.
Getting an early start by raising them under cover such as on a bright windowsill will give earlier and better harvests later.
In the lean years, harvests are small and farmers sometimes don't even produce enough to have surplus to sell.