Harsh Sentence Examples
Her voice was harsh and raspy.
Protected from the harsh winter storms, the valley was already lush and green.
I was shocked at how harsh reality can be.
The robed man returned and spoke in the harsh tongue.
That affair was the same thing as this soldier with the harsh voice, and it was that affair and this soldier that were so agonizingly, incessantly pulling and pressing his arm and always dragging it in one direction.
His features were chiseled, the firelight casting harsh shadows across the planes of his face.
Deidre drank it down, hissing at the burn of the harsh liquid.
The man paused and whispered something in a harsh tongue.
I couldn't have known what was in his head, she replied, agitated by his harsh words.
I do not know any song; and my voice is harsh and unpleasant.
AdvertisementHe hadn't thought it as harsh as it was, just like he thought nothing of killing anything in his path, but seeing the look on a normal human's face reminded him he'd been close to losing what humanity he possessed for quite a while.
She jumped at the harsh words.
Who gave orders? he said in his shrill, harsh voice.
My voice is harsh and I cannot sing.
She looked out of the front of the cell into a small corridor with equally harsh lighting.
AdvertisementThe result of this harsh law was that numerous applications were made to Rome for secret absolution; and thus much money escaped the Inquisition in Spain.
The men of his time had been harsh with them, and he thought he was doing well by tolerating her.
That seems to be a very harsh way of regarding your sisters' future happiness.
His tone was neither harsh nor teasing.
His voice was so harsh that Adrienne took a step backward.
AdvertisementHis honey-colored eyes were visible in the harsh lighting of the room.
The worst form of such praedial slavery existed in Sicily, whither Mommsen supposes that its peculiarly harsh features had been brought by the Carthaginians.
With Pfuel was Wolzogen, who expressed Pfuel's thoughts in a more comprehensible way than Pfuel himself (who was a harsh, bookish theorist, self-confident to the point of despising everyone else) was able to do.
Rhyn was a wild animal with a wild beauty, harsh angles and planes, a body built for survival.
The general experience of the decade of the 'eighties was that of disappointing summers, harsh winters, falling prices, declining rents and the shrinkage of land values.
AdvertisementThen suddenly the grating sound of a harsh voice was heard from the other side of the door, and the officer--with pale face and trembling lips--came out and passed through the waiting room, clutching his head.
I don't mean to be harsh, but we'll have to replace him pretty damn soon and we've only got so much budget.
Religious toleration was granted, but with the important exception that some harsh measures were enacted against Anglicans and Roman Catholics, to neither of whom was liberty of worship accorded.
Floriano Peixoto had been accustomed all his life to use harsh measures.
Her first strike might as well have been in slow motion; no one moved like he did with brute strength that flattened her after a particularly harsh block.
That doom was postponed; but Catholics everywhere saw with pain the harsh treatment accorded to a defenceless old man.
It may be doubted - though it seems a harsh verdict to pass 1 One must remember that these reinforcements would often consist of desperate characters.
His conduct in Sicily was severe and harsh, but he was not without feelings of humanity, and he was an honest man and a good administrator.
A few weeks after their argument, Rachel and Eric's harsh feelings toward each other began to abate.
Men's summer hats keep your head, face, and neck protected against the sun's harsh rays.
His laugh was short and harsh.
This treachery and the harsh treatment by Patterson created a strong public opinion in favour of the Yankees, and the government was compelled to adopt a milder policy.
Such multiple-electrode transmitters give a loud although somewhat harsh sound, and will bear being spoken to very strongly without breaking the circuit.
The reaction, which was dull and heavy in the dominions of the pope and of Victor Emmanuel, systematically harsh in the Austrian states of the north, and comparatively mild in Parma and Tuscany, excited the greatest loathing in southern Italy and Sicily, because there it was directed by a dynasty which had aroused feelings of hatred mingled with contempt.
In some of those birds which have a peculiarly harsh or trumpeting voice, the trachea is lengthened, forming loops which lie subcutaneously (capercally, curassow), or it enters and dilates the symphysis of the furcula (crested guineafowl); or, e.g.
Among the higher altitudes of north Derbyshire, where the soil is poor and the climate harsh, grain is unable to flourish, while even in the more sheltered parts of this region the harvest is usually belated.
The fibre is generally white, somewhat harsh and wiry, and especially adapted for mixing with wool.
Marie galante is a harsh cotton of the Peruvian or Brazilian type.
The avifauna is varied and abundant, comprising eagles, vultures (protected by law), hawks, owls, pelicans, cranes, turkeys, geese, partridges " (called quail or " Bob White " elsewhere), ducks, &c., besides numerous smaller species, many of which are brilliant of plumage but harsh of voice.
In 1634 he published his Traite de la predestination, in which he tried to mitigate the harsh features of predestination by his "Universalismus hypotheticus."
And even during the first years of the harsh Lombard rule the need recognized by these oppressors of defending the Italian coast from the attacks of the Byzantines was favourable to the development of the Pisan navy.
He had prepared to distinguish himself as an orator by the elaborate cultivation of his voice, which was naturally harsh and shrill.
The harsh treatment of the Hanoverian demands was inspired by him, and won favour with the queen, while Oxford's influence declined; and by his support of the Schism Bill in May 1714, a violent Tory measure forbidding all education by dissenters by making an episcopal licence obligatory for schoolmasters, he probably intended to compel Oxford to give up the game.
In his dispute with his brother, in his controversies with the English and Scottish mathematicians, and in his harsh and jealous bearing to his son Daniel, he showed a mean, unfair and violent temper.
There were at first murmurings among his clergy against what they deemed his harsh control, but his real kindness soon made itself felt, and, during the sixteen years of his tenure of the see, his sound and vigorous rule dissipated the prejudices against him, so that when, on the death of Dr John Jackson in 1885, he was translated to London, the appointment gave general satisfaction.
Equal success did not attend the efforts of other administrators; in 1891-1892 Karl Peters had great trouble with the tribes in the Kilimanjaro district and resorted to very harsh methods, such as the execution of women, to maintain his authority.
They were sore at again being sent on service without their wives, and complained of harsh treatment from their officers.
Although taxation was seconded by a drastic, indeed harsh, reduction of public salaries and wages (which were cut down by one-tenth all round) yet the years 1884, 1887 and 1888 were notable for heavy deficits in the treasury.
In general physical characteristics the province resembles East Prussia, but the climate is less harsh and the fertility of the soil greater.
The sound is jarring and harsh, and we term it a " dissonance " or " discord."
In the Liu-Kiu rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi) the coat is equally harsh, but the ears and hind-feet are shorter, and there are only five (in place of the usual six) pairs of upper cheek-teeth.
Up to this point the silk fibre continues to be comparatively lustreless, stiff and harsh, from the coating of albuminous matter (gum or gres) on its surface.
In England the lessons of experience have shown that the abuses of this business are best regulated by a system of registration coupled with relief to debtors against harsh and unconscionable bargains.
The act is not confined to providing for the registration of moneylenders and for the reopening of harsh and unconscionable bargains.
Where irrigated from the Kurram river, especially round Bannu itself, this tract is well cultivated and forms a great contrast to the harsh desolation of the Kohat hills.
The dean of faculty at this time, Lockhart, afterwards Lord Covington, a lawyer notorious for his harsh demeanour, in the autumn of 1757 assailed Wedderburn with more than ordinary insolence.
Occasionally he committed a harsh and tyrannical act.
Deidre heard her own harsh breathing.
But his ship was boarded in the Channel and the earl, condemned by the StarChamber to a heavy fine and to imprisonment during the queen's pleasure, suffered a harsh captivity in the Tower.
After imposing these harsh terms on his enemy, the conqueror might naturally have shown clemency to the Tirolese leader, Andreas Hofer; but that brave mountaineer, when betrayed by a friend, was sentenced to death at Mantua owing to the arrival of a special message to that effect from Napoleon.
The institution does not present itself in a very harsh form in Homer, especially if we consider (as Grote suggests) that " all classes were much on a level in taste, sentiment and instruction."
At the same time his rule, if not harsh, was enervating and demoralizing.
The parlements issued a series of edicts against the heretics, culminating in the very harsh general edict of Fontainebleau, sanctioned by the parlement of Paris in 1543.
Tribes that of one family with another shows also that some are vocalic and soft, others wide in the range of sounds, while a third set are harsh and guttural, the speaking of them (according to Payne) resembling coughing, barking and sneezing.
In 1380 he was sent into Languedoc to suppress disturbances and brigandage, provoked by the harsh government of the duke of Anjou.
The terms exacted were, however, too harsh for a nation yet unbroken to accept permanently.
The season, however, on account of the dryness of the climate, is not so harsh as the low temperatures would seem to indicate.
No winter wheat can be grown, and the climate is too harsh for the larger fruits, such as apples, pears, peaches, plums and grapes; but such hardy small fruits as currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries may be grown in abundance.
The usual cry is harsh and discordant, but many softer notes are employed.
Halleck went to Washington as general-in-chief, Pope was transferred to Virginia, Grant, with his own Army of the Tennessee and Rosecrans's (lately Pope's) Army of the Mississippi, was entrusted with operations on the latter river, while Buell's Army of the Ohio was ordered to east Tennessee to relieve the inhabitants of that district, who, as Unionist sympathizers, were receiving harsh treatment from the Confederate and state authorities.
For such offences as witchcraft, fraud, removing landmarks, and adultery the criminal had his heart cut out on the altar, or his head crushed between two stones, while even lesser punishments were harsh, such as that of slanderers, whose hair was singed with a pine-torch to the scalp.
She was a harsh mother to her son Paul.
Conditions are still harsh, but salaries are fine and the experience just priceless.
There were certainly harsh punishments for such an act.
A coat should obviously provide you with the most basic function of unsurpassed warmth in harsh conditions, but beyond that it should look the part - stylish, smart and crisply tailored.
If your climate is usually mild and you don't tend to experience harsh winters, you can probably get away with a shorter cut and a lighter fabric.
Despite the harsh land-laws and grinding taxation which prevent them, with all their industry and thrift, from securing the freehold of the patch of ground cultivated by each peasant family, the Asturians regard themselves as the aristocracy of Spain.
In complete human albinoes, albinism is correlated, in addition to nystagmus, with a peculiar roughness of the skin, making it harsh to the touch.
But he was deficient, it would seem, in the qualities that make an attractive lecturer, being harsh and indistinct in voice, ineffective in the treatment of his subject, and "singularly wanting in the language and power of illustration."
When the work was recommenced it was found that the native Christians had multiplied and developed during the harsh treatment of the 25 years.
After a severe defeat at Adys near Carthage, the Carthaginians were inclined for peace, but the terms proposed by Regulus were so harsh that they resolved to continue the war.
It is much more likely that the two dialects were thus designated because of their respectively harsh and soft phonetics.'
It is only the pressure of increasing demand that makes marketable hard pelts with harsh brittle hair of nondescript hue, and these would, naturally, be the last to attract the notice of dealers.
The finest furs are obtained from the Arctic and northern regions, and the lower the latitude the less full and silky the fur, till, at the torrid zone, fur gives place to harsh hair without any underwool.
Those from East India and warm climates are harsh, poor and only fit for floor rugs.
Athanaric was a harsh and obstinate heathen, and his short reign was chiefly famous for his brutal persecution of his Christian fellowcountrymen.
The Romanist princes were becoming alarmed at his predominance, the Protestant princes resented his arbitrary measures and disliked the harsh treatment meted out to John Frederick and to Philip of Hesse; all alike, irritated by the presence of Spanish soldiers in their midst, objected strongly to take Philip for their king and to any extension of Spanish influence in Germany.
The second Mrs Godwin was energetic and painstaking, but a harsh stepmother; and it may be doubted whether the children were not worse off under her care than they would have been under Godwin's neglect.
The later parts of E show a great degeneration in language, and a querulous tone due to the sufferings of the native population under the harsh Norman rule; "but our debt to it is inestimable; and we can hardly measure what the loss to English history would have been, if it had not been written; or if, having been written, it had, like so many another English chronicle, been lost."
But the master misunderstood the disciple; and the harsh repulse of Ohlenschldger silenced Hauch for many years.
Frederick William's hatred of his son, openly avowed, displayed itself in violent outbursts and public insults, and so harsh was his treatment that Frederick frequently thought of running away and taking refuge at the English court.
Harsh laws provoked the Samaritans to a revolt, from whose effects Palestine had not recovered when conquered by the Arabs in the following century.
By careful training her voice, originally hard and harsh, had become flexible and melodious, and its low and muffled notes under the influence of passion possessed a thrilling and penetrating quality that was irresistible.
The burgher life of even Nuremberg, the noblest German city, seems narrow, quaint and harsh beside the grace and opulence and poetical surroundings of Italian life in the same and the preceding generation.
He has been charged with cruelty as a religious persecutor; but in fact he had as prince opposed the harsh policy of Archbishop Arundel, and as king sanctioned a more moderate course.
The harsh judgments of individuals in the Reminiscences had no parallel in his own writings.
The royal supremacy over the church and the means by which it was enforced were harsh and violent expedients; but it was of the highest importance that England should be saved from religious civil war, and it could only be saved by a despotic government.
Failing this a charge of sedition was based on the rough draft of a petition to the queen that had been found among his private papers; the language of which was indeed harsh and offensive, but had been neither presented nor published.
His features were angular and somewhat harsh, but with a striking face and very fine eyes of a brilliant dark blue.
The system possessed the advantages of rapidity, being completed in about ten hours, and freedom from any noxious odour; but it yielded only a harsh, ill-spinning fibre, and consequently failed to meet the sanguine expectations of its promoters.
The determining feature of their recent history has been the attempt made by the Russian government (since 1881) and the Orthodox Greek Church (since 1883) to russify and convert the inhabitants of the province, Germans and Esths alike, by enforcing the use of Russian in the schools and by harsh and repressive measures aimed at their native language.
And hence also his style (which contemporaries called anglicized and modern), though it occasionally rises into liturgical beauty, and often flashes into vivid historical portraiture, is generally kept close to the harsh necessities of the few years in which he had to work for the future.
Like Cicero, Varro received harsh treatment from Mark Antony after the Pompeian defeat.
If you want to use yellow keep it soft and subtle and stay away from bright or harsh shades.
Bubble Bars - Bubble bars are solid bath foam, containing no preservatives or harsh ingredients.
This will soften any harsh lines in your eye shadows.
Do the same on the bottom lash line, but blend it with your middle shade for a less harsh effect.
Preservative free cosmetics offer consistent color without the need of harsh chemical additives.
Equally as harsh, if not more so than the preservative additives, binders and fillers add many unwanted chemicals and heavy waxes to the skin that may cause not only breakouts, but clogged pores as well.
I'm not a big fan of matte lipsticks -their drying tendencies feel very uncomfortable as the day wears on, and the colors tend to look harsh on my fuller lips, and I prefer not to wear glosses without lipstick.
Harsh fluorescent lighting or dim bathroom lighting can make it difficult to get the coverage and balance you need.
This is important because black liner often looks too harsh for the daytime hours and brown becomes rather boring day in and day out.
Be careful with black liner because it can look harsh - try new colors instead of black.
One contributing factor is that harsh chemicals are not needed to remove them.
Makeup can look harsh and unflattering when you don't know how to apply it properly.
Caked-on foundation looks unflattering in the harsh daylight, so stick with a lightweight foundation and translucent powder for a base.
You'll be able to keep it from looking much too harsh after the removal of the tape by lightly blending a shadow in a color close to your skin tone around the edges.
Blend the two colors together to eliminate harsh lines.
Those bright, sparkly colors that are too harsh for day are perfect for creating makeup for New Year's parties.
Chocolate brown eyeliner is most flattering for green eyes, while black can look harsh.
It is the top choice for a bold evening look, although it can look somewhat harsh during the day.
You can create great eyeliner looks without looking overdone, harsh, or obvious.
Then apply a medium shadow on the lid in the crease, and blend any harsh lines.
True black can sometimes look harsh on blue-green eyes.
Creating a smoky eye with bronze is much more appropriate for summer than a harsh black smoky eye.
Apply the shadow on the upper lid and into the crease, and then blend so there is not a harsh line of color.
Photographers should use a soft light to accentuate the natural curves of the body, and to avoid harsh or bright lights on spots their subjects would rather not be highlighted.
Anything too harsh will automatically spoil your photos and anything too dark will do the same.
You do not want the sun shining directly in front or behind them, since this will create harsh shadows or cause people to squint when they're looking at the camera.
Even if you had a mega-flash, you wouldn't want its harsh light to shine randomly on unpredictable pyrotechnics displays.
Flash diffusers are not only a necessity for portrait, studio and wedding photography, but can mute harsh shadows in outdoor scenes.
Due to the harsh climate, rice cultivation is replaced by wheat, barley and soybeans.
Shoot outdoors in natural light early in the morning or late in the evening to reduce harsh shadows.
This experience can be help group member face harsh realty.
This book takes a hard look at some of the harsh realties facing today's youth, namely what it means to grow up with a psychotic parent.
Cite real life examples of people you know or news clips you have seen that exemplify the harsh reality that yes, you can get pregnant the first time, and believing that virgins are granted a buffer period can lead to trouble.
Animals hoard food so they will have enough to get them through harsh winters.
Avoid harsh detergents and use cooler temperatures when washing and drying.
In the latest issue of People magazine, Tyra Banks is speaking out about the media's harsh reaction to her recent weight gain.
A few oft given reasons are crazy schedules or the relationship succumbed to the harsh light of the paparazzi's constant spotlight.
One would think, that after spending nearly 30 years in the harsh, back-biting world of show business, Tom Cruise would have developed a little thicker skin…or at least a sense of humor.
While no official cause of death has been pronounced, it is widely speculated that Mays' death was the direct result of being struck in the head with an object after a harsh airplane landing the night before his passing.
Sure, he may say some really harsh things to contestants on his shows, but hey, the music industry is a tough business.
It's hard to believe that there aren't any other music executives that wouldn't say just as harsh, if not harsher, criticisms to hopeful musicians.
The former Police front man responded to the harsh criticism stating that he knew about Karimov's "…appalling reputation," but decided to go ahead and play anyway.
The most modest garments will feature muted and soft colors, avoiding bold, bright shades and harsh prints.
Surrounded by harsh tropical mountains with thick picturesque jungles, Puerto Vallarta has a personality all of its own.
For your sake and the sake of your family, attend to changing soiled pads and wound care without fuss or harsh words.
Nail polish that's made for humans are developed in laboratories using harsh chemicals and by-products which can be seriously detrimental to a dog's health if she ingests the contents.
Many harsh winter dwellers will add it as an extension to their own home, providing an interior garden retreat in any weather.
Sticky traps and row covers will also help control these pests without the use of harsh chemicals.
Newer methods do not use the same harsh chemicals that caused concerns years ago, but still many gardeners prefer to avoid pressure treated wood altogether.
Ideally, choose an overcast day or quiet evening, when winds are still and the sun is not overly harsh.
Whether you choose to buy a ready-made cold frame or build your own, a small initial output will protect your precious seedlings from the cold, harsh world for many years to come.
Many gardeners have reached into the green leaves to pluck a berry, only to feel the harsh sting of an angry wasp, hornet or bee who was also sampling the wares.
This creates a muted, less harsh percussive attack that again adds to the overall tranquil mood and feel of the music.
You can really zero in on a mellow sound or a harsh sound by combining the settings on the pickups and tone knobs.
Despite harsh initial reviews by music critics who felt the group was largely a poor imitation of the popular grunge style of that era, fans in the San Diego club scene began to take notice.
The lighting resulting from fluorescents can be relatively harsh, so it does not make for an elegant setting.
Movies laughingly portray many cubicle workers as suffering under the blinking influence of fluorescents, but not all fluorescent lights are so harsh.
It is normally situated to cast light down on the deck area, and can cast harsh shadows.
Not only do you need to protect your skin from harsh insulation, but you need to use caution when adding insulation, whether in sections or loose.
Not only were these bulbs expensive, but they emitted a harsh blue-white light that was not very inviting as people were used to the warm, yellow-white light emitted by the incandescent bulb.
Eventually, this harsh white-blue light was fixed by Michael Bowers, who discovered a way to make the LED bulbs emit a soft, warm yellow light, similar to incandescent bulbs.
These strippers use harsh chemicals so always read the directions carefully.
Before you reach for a harsh chemical to treat a mold or mildew problem in your home, try some natural mold and mildew removal methods first.
While there are many treatments and ways to deal with mold or mildew in your home, many of these contain harsh chemicals that can also have an effect on your health.
Tea tree oil is extremely effective at removing mold and mildew from surfaces without any harsh effects.
The smell can be harsh, but will dissipate once the vinegar is dry.
Natural mold and mildew removal methods may take a little more time to work than harsh chemicals, but the end results can be worth it both for your health and for the environment.
They are very similar to paint thinner and some formulas have harsh chemicals that can produce toxic fumes.
It contains harsh chemicals, so be sure to open your windows for ventilation.
Never clean it with hot water or harsh chemicals.
It's too harsh and can ruin the finish on your charms.
The grit grinds down the stone, gently removing the harsh edges and creating a smooth surface.
Be careful of using harsh chemicals - check with the jeweler for any special cleaning instructions.
Take off the bracelets and bangles when you do anything that could expose the jewelry to harsh detergents or chemicals such as housework or swimming.
Pearls should never be exposed to high heat or harsh chemicals.
Don't use those products designed specifically for silverware, since they will be too harsh for most jewelry pieces.
Made without harsh chemicals and suitable for vegans, these soaps are great for people with sensitive skin or who have allergic reactions to conventional cleansing products.
Its aim was to provide consumers with an organic liquid hand soap that was just as good as the soaps on the market, but without any of the harsh chemicals.
It doesn't contain any dyes, added fragrance, or harsh chemicals that might irritate delicate baby skin.
Harsh chemicals are not used in organic gardening, vegan or otherwise.
The organic standard means that the cows have been raised and farmed in a natural way, free from artificial hormones, pesticides or other harsh chemicals.
This means that the raw material such as cotton, hemp or wool has been grown without the use of chemicals such as pesticides and harsh fertilizers.
This is to ensure that the soy beans have been grown in a natural and healthy way without the use of harsh chemicals or other products.
These toys allow your little ones to have fun in the bath while giving you freedom from worry about harsh chemicals leeching from the toys.
You get safety and peace of mind without harsh, potentially dangerous chemicals.
From silk to wool, organic fabrics are free of chemicals, harsh dyes and unnecessary fillers.
Since Fubar organic fuel bars were created and produced under the supervision of military members who experienced harsh physical conditions, this company is an advocate for military members.
For example, modifying food at the genetic level in order to make it a more vibrant color or more resilient to harsh weather while growing are both common reasoning for utilizing GMO technology.
This may mean the toys are produced with harsh chemicals and other toxins in ways that are anything but environmentally friendly.
Using a harsh cleaner can damage the grout and the surrounding tile, and replacing these items is time-consuming and in the case of the tile itself can be costly.
Harsh chemical cleaners may remove the dirt faster but choosing to use an organic mixture is a better choice.
Gaiam - From laundry to floor care, Gaiam has a great selection of organic products minus the harsh chemicals.
Thankfully, cleaning product manufacturers are answering the demand for those who want a clean house, without the harsh chemical fumes or residue.
Sadly, many conventional sunblocks and lotions contain harsh ingredients as well as known carcinogens.
Conventional products can contain harsh additives, while organics never do.
Unlike other types of wool, including most organic, the wool used for Earthsake is not carbonized, a harsh chemical process used to clean the wool.
These chemicals are known to be carcinogenic and babies' immature bodies are especially vulnerable to the effects of these harsh chemicals.
Using organic dog shampoo can help guard your pet against the harsh chemicals and toxins present in regular shampoos.
Organic grooming products for your pet can keep his coat healthier and more luxurious as well as guard against cancers and other illnesses stemming from toxins and harsh chemicals associated with grooming products.
Organic seeds are grown and treated without the harsh chemicals typically used during the growing process.
There are a few ways to change the color of your hair without resorting to the toxic chemicals and harsh additives that are in the commercial products.
Fleas on their own can be a very uncomfortable experience for your pet, let alone with added aggravation of harsh ingredients.
If you do hand-wash your robe, use a colorless soap or shampoo (never a harsh detergent).
The key to looking good in a blazer is to make sure it fits you well and to experiment with color to avoid looking too harsh or blah.
Coats sold in climates that experience harsh winters will be heavier than coats sold in more tropical areas.
A jacket isn't meant to withstand the rigor of harsh winter weather, and as such is unlikely to provide much comfort in the face of, say, a snowstorm.
That's right, Eskimos created parkas to fight off the wind and harsh winter climate.
The impact of cyber bullying is harsh and a very real threat to teenagers everywhere.
Elementary school students may be sufficiently chastised with a few harsh words, but middle school students who engage in unsafe bus behavior may need harsher disciplinary measures to enforce the necessity for safe buses.
With short hair, you are less likely to cause damage due to frequent brushing or other harsh treatment.
A dark color can age you and look harsh and unnatural.
Avoid harsh soaps that can lead to drying.
Located in the north-central area of the state, Gainesville provides its residents with seasonal changes and gorgeous fall foliage, but no harsh winter conditions.
The term "snowbird" refers to people that leave the harsh, cold, snowy winters of their main home town and temporarily move to areas where the winter season is warm and sunny.
Dramatic colors such as black should never be worn by seniors since they can look harsh and actually make you look older.
While this may seem harsh, it seems to be a standard requirement in the world of academic publishing.
Established in Australia, a country known for its harsh climate, Baby Banz has been protecting the eyes of children under five years of age since 2001.
They may be a bit harsh for blonds with fair skin, but there are other more suitable colors available for that combination.
What ski goggles do is protect your eyes from the sun's UV rays; they can be extremely harsh when reflecting off of the snow on a bright or overcast day.
These are fairly universal, though fair-skinned blonds may find them too harsh and opt for the rose-colored ones instead.
Black could be harsh, so even if your skin is cool toned, you might be better suited by the brown pair.
Harsh angles will emphasize the angles of the face.
Never use harsh chemical to clean your glasses.
They provide optimal protection against harsh environmental elements, such as sun, wind and cold.
Anything harsh or abrasive can scratch your Ray-Ban lenses.
However, if you plan to use them for sports or need them to stand up to the harsh conditions of the beach, you'll need more than the promise of 100 percent UV protection.
Through brutal challenges, harsh living conditions, and extreme tactics, the goal was to outwit, outplay, and outlast every other contestant on the island, a feat that Richard Hatch accomplished to become the first Survivor winner.
Carefully outlined safety procedures that all operators are expected to adhere to, with harsh disciplinary measures for safety failures.
Lush settings and harsh desert environments have never looked better, so you'll definitely want to play Battlefield 2 on a powerful system.
Some races are more aggressive, some are adaptable to harsh climates etc. You will also encounter other races that may want to form an alliance with you, (or kill you).
In retrospect the Zinfandel makes sense as the typical brambly characteristic of the grape could be detected but something else was helping to smooth out the sometimes harsh aspect of Zinfandel.
There are many harsh examples available, but with some investigation the consumer can find a $6 Montepulciano D'Abruzzo that will provide a great deal of pleasure.
This wine is a little harsh and the oak stands out a little more than this taster would like but for the price it's a solid choice and along with Bocage Chardonnay, a perennial dinner guest at my home.
Allowing these types of wine to come in contact with the air often helps to further develop the wine's tasting characteristics and bouquet and help to mellow harsh tannins.
A wine that is described as "austere" is a wine with crisp, but harsh flavor characteristics.
Brawny wines are young red wines with harsh tannins and high alcohol content, also referred to as briary and backward.
Harsh wines have high amount of alcohol content and the flavor characteristics are very astringent.
Harsh wines are often aged in order for the wine to mellow.
Dishwasher soap is harsh and can fade the designs very quickly.
Today they are even more durable against the occasional harsh elements of nature.
If you do have the courage to camp in this harsh climate during winter, perhaps you should consider learning how to build an igloo.
The Legend still offers Viking's well known "Dura Tuff" roof support, which provides the most protection even when the elements surprise you with high winds or other harsh weather.
What you should avoid is using any type of cleaner or conditioning agent that is made with a citrus base or that contains citric acid, petroleum solvent, or any type of harsh abrasive material.
The weather in the Adirondacks can become harsh and it is recommended that you check the Trail information website for weather forecasts and trail closures.
In other countries, children are commonly treated in a harsh, strict manner, using shame or corporal punishment for discipline.
The key symptom is a harsh, barking cough.
Indeed, research has revealed that aggressive behavior is the common link between harsh, inconsistent discipline and rejection by peers.
There is also research suggesting that harsh disciplinary measures may actually increase poor behavior.
Because the swollen epiglottis interferes significantly with air movement, every breath creates a loud, harsh, high-pitched sound referred to as stridor.
Especially with young students, no one wants to find a derogatory comment or particularly harsh criticism of their technique and choreography when they are just looking up the link to show Grandma.
This is especially remarkable when many volumizing products rely on harsh chemicals and stiff results to give hair form and shape, but O'Rourke's products reflect his South African experience with natural techniques for phenomenal results.
Say goodbye to harsh, stripping detergents and welcome natural and exotic ingredients, such as apple cider vinegar, olive oil, rich shea butter, and special silicone sealing agents that will caress your split ends into satin.
Black pencils tend to make the brows look too harsh and garish in certain lights, particularly under florescent lighting.
Consider using natural hair products and natural hair care methods to keep from dousing your locks with chemical and harsh treatments, and look for ways to simplify your hair care routine.
Using the energy of laser light, a Neolight hair laser comb nourishes and revitalizes hair without the use of harsh chemicals or costly supplements.
Speaking of sunscreen, you may want to opt for an organic sun block so as to avoid using harsh chemicals on your most sensitive skin areas.
The suits shield the skin from the harsh effects of salt water and the cold, as well as protecting the wearer from jellyfish stings and bites.
Too much scrubbing or too harsh of a detergent could damage the fabric.
Harsh detergents contribute to fabric fade, while the high temperature inside a machine dryer breaks down elastic fabrics.
Anyone who has ever experienced a harsh or blistering sunburn now has an increased risk of developing skin cancer at some point in his/her life.
It is always wise to opt for swim shirts with high collars that will cover the neck area from harsh rays.
Pools often contain high levels of chlorine and other chemicals, which are harsh on swimmers' hair.
Skip harsh detergents that can contribute to color fade.
Photographers and the team will fall all over themselves to keep a top model happy during a shoot, but if no one knows who you are and they are not pleased with what you're doing, they can let you know in very harsh terms.
In addition to being extremely functional by providing comfort and protection against harsh elements, it also happens to be the epitome of high fashion.
For some women, the temptation to bundle up and seek refuge from winter's harsh weather ultimately trumps the otherwise almighty desire to look fashionable and glamorous.
The fabrics and dyes are often harsh and a terrible quality - hard on the earth and the people working with them.
When choosing shoes, black may seem a little too harsh and white may seem a little too matchy-matchy.
Avoid using abrasive scrubbers or harsh cleaning agents, as they can damage the product casing.
Very harsh colors can look wrong and spoil the finished effect.
Is it really better to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the harsh realities of racism?
Use dim lighting or more candles in the rest of the room so the light is not too harsh or bright.
Saying goodbye via text message to a girlfriend or boyfriend may seem like an easy solution, however, it's a harsh and even a cowardly way to initiate a breakup.
Its hardness and durability make its care similar to diamonds, such as storing it away from other gems to prevent accidental scratches and avoiding harsh cleaning chemicals.
Always remove pearl jewelry when engaging in vigorous activities (sports, cleaning chores, etc.), and never subject the ring to harsh chemicals.
Similarly, gifts that poke fun at marriage foibles in demeaning or harsh terms should be avoided at this type of optimistic celebration, as well as any gifts hinting far beyond the wedding ceremony - starting a family, for example.
Cultured stones, on the other hand, are not produced through harsh labor or ecologically disastrous processes, and the funds raised by the sale of cultured stones helps promote more technological advances.
Do not use harsh abrasive chemical jewelry cleaners.
Even though the bezel set ring is durable, remove it when doing heavy chores or using harsh household chemicals.
Do not use harsh chemical cleaners or detergents.
Remove the ring when using harsh chemicals, doing strenuous chores, or playing sports to avoid damaging the ring.
In contrast to the harsh living conditions in France after the war, his dresses brought opulent rounded attire to the women who could afford them.
Juicy has brought in a variety of zippered and boxy styles that emphasize the harsh qualities of winter while maintaining the trademark glamour of Juicy.
Hence, you can't run around the course without making sure your prized nine irons are safely tucked away, sheltered from harsh oxidizing environmental factors that can ultimately threaten your game.
Although the Dooney & Bourke Giraffe Drawstring Bag is water resistant, it should never be submerged in water and should avoid harsh conditions.
If you have a tendency to travel in harsh conditions (or just happen to have really rotten luck), you'll love the Capistrano FreeWheelers collection.
Avoid using harsh cleansers or bleach, which can cause colors to run or fade.
American Tourister luggage sets are sturdily designed to withstand the harsh treatment that often accompanies travel.
Scorpio can draw Pisces out of his lone wolf mode, but only if she doesn't make harsh demands.
It can be harsh and may seem malicious at times.
Denial is less painful than the harsh unforgiving truth of his situation.
Harsh environmental factors can lead a Pisces into a downward spiral, particularly when these factors are introduced from birth and onward.
Play a Barbie version of American Idol, minus the harsh judges.
Rules are enforced by harsh consequences with little to no explanation.
Once Independence Day has come and gone, chances are your attention will turn to July movie releases for relief from the harsh realities of everyday life.
What's more, if you play your cards right by visiting multiple companies that offer free samples, you can often collect enough lotion to last you through the winter months, when the elements are particularly harsh on your skin.
Some commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to your health, as well as the health of your pets.
This shoe features heel airbags and a sole specifically designed for harsh ground contact.
The sheepskin lining and wool fleece footbed in particular are destined to make for a comfortable feel, while the thick rubber sole makes every step just a bit easier, no matter how harsh the conditions might be.
The company touts itself for footwear that is "built to protect" men, women and children from harsh, unbearably cold weather.
Though it may seem that wearing fur lined boots during wintertime should be essential, it really is not necessary until conditions become harsh enough to warrant that extra layer of warmth.
Though you'll be protected from the elements just as you would with any other winter boot, you'll get the added benefit of staying nice and toasty in harsh weather.
Marco (now converted into a national museum), a series of frescoes, beginning towards 1443; in the first cloister is the Crucifixion with St Dominic kneeling; and the same treatment recurs on a wall near the dormitory; in the chapterhouse is a third Crucifixion, with the Virgin swooning, a composition of twenty life-sized figures - the red background, which has a strange and harsh effect, is the misdoing of some restorer; an "Annunciation," the figures of about three-fourths of life-size, in a dormitory; in the adjoining passage, the "Virgin enthroned," with four saints; on the wall of a cell, the "Coronation of the Virgin," with Saints Paul, Thomas Aquinas, Benedict, Dominic, Francis and Peter Martyr; two Dominicans welcoming Jesus, habited as a pilgrim; an "Adoration of the Magi"; the "Marys at the Sepulchre."
He was sprung from a race the heads of which had been Celtic chiefs, had lost their lands in the wars of Ireland, and had felt the full weight of the harsh penal code which long held the Catholic Irish down.
The Babylonian code is essentially class-legislation, and from the point of view of the idealism of the Old Testament prophets, which raises the rights of humanity above everything else, the steps which the code takes to safeguard the rights of property (slaves included therein) would naturally seem harsh.
Llewelyn was, however, foolish enough to lose the results of this very favourable treaty by intriguing with the de Montfort family, and in 1273 he became betrothed to Eleanor de Montfort, the old Earl's only daughter, a piece of political folly which may possibly in some degree account for Edward's harsh treatment of the Welsh prince.
It was also particularly stated that all legal procedure must henceforth be conducted in the English tongue, an arrangement which fell very heavily on poor monoglot Welshmen and appears an especially harsh and ungracious enactment when coming from a sovereign who was himself a genuine Welshman by birth.
A new commission was now appointed to inquire into alleged abuses in Wales, and the existing evidence clearly shows how harsh and unfair was the treatment meted out to the clergy under the act of 1649, and also how utterly subversive of all ancient custom and established order were the reforms suggested by the commissioners and approvers.
Before 1844 the sessions of the Triennial Convention had occasionally been made unpleasant by harsh anti-slavery utterances by Northern members against their Southern brethren and somewhat acrimonious rejoinders by the latter.
Recently prepared fibre is always stronger, more lustrous, softer and whiter than such as has been stored for some time - age and exposure rendering it brown in colour and harsh and brittle in quality.
Dowrah is a strong, harsh and low quality fibre, and is used principally for heavy wefts.
He is a resolute, but, in his early volumes, harsh and rocky writer.
The royal authority in Portugal was delegated to Margaret of Savoy, duchess of Mantua, whose train of Spanish and Italian courtiers aroused the jealousy of the Portuguese nobles, while the harsh rule of her secretary of state, Miguel de Vasconcellos de Brito, provoked the resentment of all classes.
That Mather's administration of the college was excellent is admitted even by his harsh critic, Josiah Quincy, in his History of Harvard University.'
The connexion between these verses and the following is extremely harsh, and since vv.
Many species of humming-birds are found even far up in the mountains, and great numbers of parrots, araras and toucans, beautiful of feather but harsh of voice, enliven the forests of the lowlands.
He appears as harsh and severe, and a poor stylist.
The Latin style is harsh, rugged and far from lucid.
This is done about midsummer, when by the aid of torches and long poles many thousands of the young birds are slaughtered, while their parents in alarm and rage hover over the destroyers' heads, uttering harsh and deafening cries.
The fur is of some commercial value, although rather stiff and harsh; its colour being reddishbrown.
He is repulsed by the intolerably harsh and crabbed versification, by the recondite choice of theme and expression, and by the oddity of the thought.
The fact that there still existed all kinds of survivals of harsh forms of dependence, e.g.
This harsh treatment created intense indignation abroad, especially in France and Great Britain; and the emperor Napoleon wrote personally to Prince Charles, protesting against the persecution.
This harsh treatment of the head of the Church led to an attack on Sturdza.
But an additional cause was the harsh treatment of the peasants on the state and communal lands leased to Jewish middlemen.
Alongside of this harsh materialism Cabanis held another principle.
Some time after this an operation restored Euler's sight; but a too harsh use of the recovered faculty, along with some carelessness on the part of the surgeons, brought about a relapse.
An ordinance passed in 1827, abolishing the old Dutch courts of landroost and heemraden (resident magistrates being substituted) and decreeing that henceforth all legal proceedings should be conducted in English; the granting in 1828, as a result of the representations of the missionaries, of equal rights with whites to the Hottentots and other free coloured people; the imposition (1830) of heavy penalties for harsh treatment of slaves, and finally the emancipation of the slaves in 1834,3 - all these things increased the dislike of the farmers to the government.
His style is generally harsh, often pompous and extremely obscure, occasionally even journalistic in tone, but the author's foreign origin and his military life and training partially explain this.
The clause seems unnecessarily harsh and violent in its wording; but it must be remembered that Johns character was well known, and that it was useless to stand on forms of politeness when dealing with him.
Naturally he expected the same accuracy from other men, and when he did not meet it he could be harsh and unrelenting in the punishment that he inflicted.
Norfolk, who was childless, was forced, to sign a grant by which his lands went to the king after his deatha harsh and illegal proceeding, for he had collateral heirs.