Harrison Sentence Examples
Having failed to secure a re-election to the Senate in '887, Harrison was nominated by the Republican party for the presidency in 1888, and defeated Grover Cleveland, the candidate of the Democratic party, receiving 233 electoral votes to Cleveland's 168.
Harrison's distinguishing trait of character, to which his success is to be most largely attributed, was his thoroughness.
President Harrison was twice married; in 1853 to Miss Caroline Lavinia Scott, by whom he had a son and a daughter, and in 1896 to Mrs Mary Scott Lord Dimmock, by whom he had a daughter.
He was elected by the people in the next year and served until 1800, when he was appointed solicitor-general of the United States by President Benjamin Harrison.
About 40% of the total catch of the state is made by the inhabitants of Harrison county on the Gulf of Mexico.
The first European settlement in Mississippi was founded in 1699 by Pierre Lemoyne, better known as Iberville, at Fort Maurepas (Old Biloxi) on the north side of Biloxi Bay, in what is now Harrison county.
Four years later his party passed him by for William Henry Harrison, the hero of Tippecanoe, and Webster refused the proffered nomination for vice-president.
President Harrison appointed Webster secretary of state but died one month after taking office.
Harrison, Sir Frederick Pollock and Lockyer were among the contributors.
Harrison in 1899 found the lake quite dried up, and two years later Count Wickenburg found water only in the northern part.
AdvertisementThe factional strife in the Republican party continued, a number of efforts being made to impeach Governor Harrison Reed (1813-1899).
Its last act in national politics was to nominate William Henry Harrison for president and John Tyler for vice-president at a convention in Philadelphia in November 1838.
In politics an active Republican, he was chairman of the Republican state committee in 1887 and 1888, and contributed much to the success of the Harrison ticket in New York in the latter year.
Harrison in Classical Review (June 1894), Athena Ergane is the goddess of the fruits of the field and the procreation of children.
In the election Van Buren received 170 electoral votes against 73 for William Henry Harrison, his principal opponent; but the popular vote showed a plurality of less than 25,000 in a total vote of about 1,500,000.
AdvertisementThe revolt against Democratic rule was undoubtedly serious, but a study of the popular vote shows that the election of Harrison, the Whig candidate, was less of a revolution than many affected to think.
Harrison Park is a breathing spot for the congested district of Fountainbridge, and the park at Saughton Hall, opened in 1905, for the western district of the city.
Jukes-Browne and Harrison ascribe the Scotland beds to the Eocene or Oligocene period, the Oceanic series to the Miocene, the Bissex Hill marls to the Pliocene, and the coral limestones partly to the Pliocene and partly to the Pleistocene.
Harrison College and The Lodge are secondary schools for boys, Queen's College for girls.
The cornerstone was laid by President Harrison in 1892, and the tomb was dedicated on the 27th of April 1897 with a splendid parade and addresses by President McKinley and General Horace Porter, president of the Grant Monument Association, which from 90,000 contributions raised the funds for the tomb.
AdvertisementSee Miss Harrison, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, chap. xii.
A few years later Mr Harrison worked at the codification of the law with Lord Westbury, of whom he contributed an interesting notice to Nash's biography of the chan cellor.
An advanced and vehement Radical in politics and Progressive in municipal affairs, Mr Harrison in 1886 stood unsuccessfully for parliament against Sir John Lubbock for London University.
In 1870 he married Ethel Berta, daughter of Mr William Harrison, by whom he had four sons.
As a religious teacher, literary critic, historian and jurist, Mr Harrison took a prominent part in the life of his time, and his writings, though often violently controversial on political and social subjects, and in their judgment and historical perspective characterized by a modern Radical point of view, are those of an accomplished scholar, and of one whose wide knowledge of literature was combined with independence of thought and admirable vigour of style.
AdvertisementCromwell directed Colonel Harrison, on the refusal of Lenthall to quit the chair, to pull him out - and Lenthall submitted to the show of force.
Another class of percussive coal-cutters of American origin is represented by the Harrison, Sullivan and Ingersoll-Sergeant machines, which are essentially large rock-drills without turning gear for the cutting tool, and mounted upon a pair of wheels placed so as to allow the tool to work on a forward slope.
With Benjamin Harrison, John Dickinson, Thomas Johnson and John Jay he was appointed in November 1775 to a committee to carry on a secret correspondence with the friends of America " in Great Britain, Ireland and other parts of the world."
He was a Republican representative in Congress in 1879-1881, United States minister to France in 1881-1885, vice-president of the United States during the presidency of Benjamin Harrison in 1889-1893, and in1895-1896was governor of New York, signing as such the "Greater New York" bill and the liquor-tax measure kliown as the "Raines law."
In the following year (1888), however, the Democrats renominated Cleveland, and the Republicans nominated Benjamin Harrison of Indiana.
The campaign turned on the tariff issue, and Harrison was elected, receiving 233 electoral votes to 168 for Cleveland, who however received a popular plurality of more than 100,000.
President Harrison was nominated by the Republicans.
Cleveland's second administration began by vigorous action in regard to Hawaii; he at once withdrew from the Senate the annexation treaty which President Harrison had negotiated.
Their effect was considerable, to judge from a royal proclamation against them and those of his friend Robert Harrison, issued in June 1583.
Cleveland likewise carried the state in 1892, but in 1888 Benjamin Harrison, the Republican candidate, the factional quarrels being settled, carried the state.
Finally the long-desired admission to statehood was granted by Congress (February 22, 1889) and President Benjamin Harrison (November 11, 1889) formally announced the admission complete.
When, on the 2nd of May 1840, some time after the nomination by the Whig party of William Henry Harrison for the Presidency, Greeley began the publication of a new weekly campaign paper, The Log Cabin, it sprang at once into a great circulation; 40,000 copies of the first number were sold, and it finally rose to 80,000.
In April 1889, on the accession to the presidency of Benjamin Harrison, Mr Roosevelt, then closely identified with the work of Civil Service reform, was appointed a member of the United States Civil Service Commission.
On the 2nd of November 1889 President Harrison issued a proclamation declaring South Dakota a state.
Fort Harrison, a United States army post, is situated 3 m.
On the 2nd of November 1889 President Harrison issued a proclamation declaring North Dakota a state.
A revival of the custom was effected in 1855 by Harrison Ainsworth, author of the novel The Flitch of Bacon, but the scene of the ceremony was transferred to the town hall of Great Dunmow.
Lee soon cut the communication with White House, but McClellan changed his base and retreated towards Harrison's Landing on the James river.
The principal sheep-raising counties in 1905 were Bourbon, Scott and Harrison, and the principal hog-raising counties were Graves, Hardin, Ohio, Union and Hickman.
No battles were fought in Kentucky during the War of 1812, but her troops constituted the greater part of the forces under General William Henry Harrison.
Harrison, Mother Shipton investigated (London, 1881); Journ.
After successfully establishing himself as a shoe manufacturer, he attracted attention as a public speaker in support of William Henry Harrison during the presidential campaign of 1840.
The work was in two volumes, which were illustrated, and although Holinshed did a great deal of the work he received valuable assistance from William Harrison (1534-1593) and others, while the part dealing with the history of Scotland is mainly a translation of Hector Boece's Scotorum historiae.
Save in some parts of Germany, where the influence of Luther saved the churches from wreck, an iconoclastic wave spread over the greater part of Western Europe, wherever the " new religion " prevailed; everywhere churches were cleared of images and reduced to the state of those described by William Harrison in his Description of England (1570), only the " pictures in glass " being suffered in some cases to survive for a while " by reason of the extreme cost of replacing them."
In 1839 he made an unsuccessful contest for the United States senatorship. In December of that year the Whigs, relying upon his record in Congress as a sufficient declaration of political faith, nominated him for vice-president on the ticket with William Henry Harrison, expecting that the nomination would win support for the party in the South.
Harrison and Tyler each received 234 electoral votes and were elected.
On the 4th of April 1841, one month after the inauguration, Harrison died, and Tyler became president.
He retained Harrison's cabinet until his veto of the bill for a "fiscal corporation" led to the resignation of all the members except Daniel Webster, who was bringing to a close the negotiations with Lord Ashburton for the settlement of the north-eastern boundary dispute; and he not only opposed the recognition of the spoils system in appointments and removals, but kept at their posts some of the ablest of the ministers abroad.
In 1889-1893 he was secretary of the navy in the cabinet of President Benjamin Harrison, and then resumed the practice of law in New York City.
For ethnological physiognomy, see amongst older authors Gratarolus, and amongst moderns the writers cited in the various textbooks on anthropology, especially Schadow, Physionomies nationales (1835) and Park Harrison, Journ.
Harrison and Lewis Cass, by which the Wyandots, the Delawares, the Shawnees, the (Ohio) Senecas and the Miamis agreed to aid the United States in the war with Great Britain.
Lieutenant-Commander Harrison, severely wounded in the head, arrived about this time and took charge.
Harrison, and in the campaign of 1844 Stevens again rendered marked services to the Whig ticket.
One of his daughters, Mary St Leger Kingsley (Mrs Harrison), has become well known as a novelist under the pseudonym of "Lucas Malet."
He attended Kenyon College at Gambier, Ohio, from 1831 to 1833, was admitted to the bar in 1836, was prosecuting attorney of Harrison county in 1837-1839, and practised in Cadiz, 0., until 1839, when he returned to Steubenville.
Richard Congreve was tutor at Wadham from 1849 to 1854, and three men of that time, Frederic Harrison, Beesly and John Henry Bridges (1832-1906), became the leaders of Comtism in England.
Harrison, Prolegomena to Greek Religion (1908), ch.
In the Virginia convention for ratifying the constitution (June 1788), when eight states had ratified and it seemed that Virginia's vote would be needed to make the necessary nine (New Hampshire's favourable vote was cast only shortly before that of Virginia), and it appeared that New York would vote against the constitution if Virginia did not ratify it, Madison was called upon to defend that instrument again, and he appeared at his best against its opponents, Patrick Henry, George Mason, James Monroe, Benjamin Harrison, William Grayson and John Tyler.
Harrison as attorney-general, continuing after President Tyler's accession and serving from March until September.
Compare the snake attributes of the Erinyes; see Harrison, 217 sqq..
Introduced into Athens about 421 B.C., Aesculapius inherited the older local cult of the serpent " protector " Amynos (Harrison, 346 seq.).
For the serpent in the cult of Sabazius, see Harrison, Prol.
For the Kouretes, the fish and serpent-like peoples struck down by Zeus or Apollo, see Harrison, Annual of Brit.
For example, when one considers how often milk is used in the tending and propitiation of venerated snakes, it is noteworthy that in Roman cult the truly rustic deities are offered milk (Fowler), and it is no less singular that many of the old goddesses of Greece have serpent attributes (Harrison).'
In 1888 in the National Republican convention he was a candidate for the presidential nomination, but withdrew his name in favour of Benjamin Harrison, whose offer to him in 1889 of the portfolio of state he refused.
In 1839 he was a candidate for the Whig nomination, but by a secret ballot his enemies defeated him in the party convention, held in December of that year, and nominated William Henry, Harrison.
Harrison, and rose from the rank of colonel of volunteers to be major-general of Ohio militia and finally to be a brigadier-general in the regular United States army.
Refusing to be a presidential candidate in 1888, he became secretary of state under President Harrison, and resumed his work which had been interrupted nearly eight years before.
There is, however, no mention of ceremonial candles in the detailed account of the services of the Church of England given by William Harrison (Description of England, 1570); and the attitude of the Church towards their use, until the ritualistic movement of the 17th century, would seem to be authoritatively expressed in the Third Part of the Sermon against Peril of Idolatry, which quotes with approval the views of Lactantius and compares " our Candle Religion " 3 This is common to the Eastern Church also.
He was proclaimed king at Carlisle, joined by the earl of Derby in Lancashire, evaded the troops of Lambert and Harrison in Cheshire, marched through Shropshire, meeting with a rebuff at Shrewsbury, and entered Worcester with a small, tired and dispirited force of only 16,000 men (22nd of August).
The first settlers at Terre Haute built their cabins near Fort Harrison, which was erected by command of Governor William Henry Harrison in the winter of 1810-11.
Frederic Harrison's Chatham, in the "Twelve English Statesmen" series (1905), though skilfully executed, takes a rather academic and modern Liberal view.
Harrison and others identify them with the Satyri (Satyrs), the attendants and companions of Dionysus in his revels, and also with the Centaurs.
William Henry Harrison received a classical education at HampdenSidney College, where he was a student in 1787-1790, and began a medical course in Philadelphia, but the death of his father caused him to discontinue his studies, and in November 1791 he entered the army as ensign in the Tenth Regiment at Fort Washington, Cincinnati.
Among the legislative measures of his administration may be mentioned the attempted modification of the slavery clause of the ordinance of 1787 by means of an indenture law - a policy which Harrison favoured; more effective land laws; and legislation for the more equitable treatment of the Indians and for preventing the sale of liquor to them.
Several fruitless conferences between the governor and the Indian chiefs, who were believed to be encouraged by the British, resulted in Harrison's advance with a force of militia and regulars to the Tippecanoe river, where (near the present Lafayette, Ind.) on the 7th of November 1811 he won over the Indians a victory which established his military reputation and was largely responsible for his subsequent nomination and election to the presidency of the United States.
When in the summer of 1812 open hostilities with Great Britain began, Harrison was appointed by Governor Charles Scott of Kentucky major-general in the militia of that state.
Harrison's offensive operations being thus checked, he accomplished nothing that summer except to hold in check Proctor, who (May 1-5) besieged him at Fort Meigs, the American advanced post after the disaster of the river Raisin.
Perry's naval victory on the 10th of September 1813, Harrison no longer had to remain on the defensive; he advanced to Detroit, re-occupied the territory surrendered by General William Hull, and on the 5th of October administered a crushing defeat to Proctor at the battle of the Thames.
In 1814 Harrison received no active assignments to service, and on this account and because the secretary of war (John Armstrong) issued an order to one of Harrison's subordinates without consulting him, he resigned his commission.
Armstrong accepted the resignation without consulting President Madison, but the president later utilized Harrison in negotiating with the north-western Indians, the greater part of whom agreed (22nd July 1814) to a second treaty of Greenville, by which they were to become active allies of the United States, should hostilities with Great Britain continue.
In the following year Harrison held another conference at Detroit with these tribes in order to settle their future territorial relations with the United States.
From 1816 to 1819 Harrison was a representative in Congress, and as such worked in behalf of more liberal pension laws and a better militia organization, including a system of general military education, of improvements in the navigation of the Ohio, and of relief for purchasers of public lands, and for the strict construction of the power of Congress over the Territories, particularly in regard to slavery.
Harrison was a member of the Ohio senate in 1819-1821, and was an unsuccessful candidate for the National House of Representatives in 1822, when his Missouri vote helped to cause his defeat; he was a presidential elector in 1824, supporting Henry Clay, and from 1825 to 1828 was a member of the United States Senate.
In 1828 after unsuccessful efforts to secure for him the command of the army, upon the death of Major-General Jacob Brown, and the nomination for the vice-president, on the ticket with John Quincy Adams, his friends succeeded in getting Harrison appointed as the first minister of the United States to Colombia.
Early in 1835 Harrison began to be mentioned as a suitable presidential candidate, and later in the year he was nominated for the presidency at large public meetings in Pennsylvania, New York and Maryland.
Because of his fame as a frontier hero, of the circumstance that a part of his home at North Bend, Ohio, had formerly been a log cabin, and of the story that cider, not wine, was served on his table, Harrison was derisively called by his opponents the " log cabin and hard cider " candidate; the term was eagerly accepted by the Whigs, in whose processions miniature log cabins were carried and at whose meetings hard cider was served, and the campaign itself has become known in history as the "log cabin and hard cider campaign."
Harrison's canvass was conspicuous for the immense Whig processions and mass meetings, the numerous " stump " speeches (Harrison himself addressing meetings at Dayton, Chillicothe, Columbus and other places), and the use of campaign songs, of party insignia, and of campaign cries (such as " Tippecanoe and Tyler too "); and in the election he won by an overwhelming majority of 234 electoral votes to 60 cast for Van Buren.
President Harrison was inaugurated on the 4th of March 1841.
A few of Harrison's public addresses survive, the most notable being A Discourse on the Aborigines of the Ohio.
Their grandson, Benjamin Harrison, was the twenty-third president of the United States.
An excellent study of Harrison's career in Indiana appears in vol.
Early in 1812 he was made captain, and during the ensuing hostilities with Great Britain distinguished himself by his gallant defence against the Indians of Fort Harrison, a stockade in central Indiana.
In 1800 it was divided, and from its western part (including the present states of Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, the north-east part of Minnesota, and a large part - from 1803 to 1805 all - of the present state of Michigan) Indiana Territory was erected, with General William Henry Harrison - who had been secretary of the North-West Territory since 1798 - as its first governor, and with Vincennes as the seat of government.
Harrison made many treaties with the Indians, the most important being that signed at Fort Wayne on the 7th of June 1803, defining the Vincennes tract transferred to the United States by the Treaty of Greenville; those signed at Vincennes on the 18th and the 27th of August 1804, transferring to the United States a strip north of the Ohio river and south of the Vincennes tract; that concluded at Grouseland on the 21st of August 1805, procuring from the Delawares and others a tract along the Ohio river between the parcels of 1795 and 1804; and the treaties of Fort Wayne, signed on the 30th of September 1809, and securing one tract immediately west of that of 1795 and another north of the Vincennes tract defined in 1803.
In 1810 began the last great Indian war in Indiana, in which the confederated Indians were led by Tecumseh, the celebrated Shawnee chief; it terminated with their defeat at Tippecanoe (the present Battle Ground) by Governor Harrison on the 7th of November 1811.
In 1810, by which year the number of slaves had increased to 237, the anti-slavery party was strong enough to secure the repeal of the indenture law, which had received the unwilling acquiescence of Governor Harrison.
Before the Civil War, except when William Henry Harrison was a candidate for the presidency, its electoral vote was generally given to the Democratic party, to which also most of its governors belonged.
Arthur St Clair (North-West Territory) John Gibson, Territorial Secretary (acting) William Henry Harrison.
In the same year was confirmed the treaty negotiated in 1804 by William Henry Harrison, by the terms of which the Indian title to the lead region was extinguished.
Shortly afterwards he delivered one of his most eloquent addresses at the memorial services for President Harrison in Faneuil Hall, Boston.
Soon after the purchase President Benjamin Harrison issued a proclamation announcing that this land would be opened to homestead settlement at twelve o'clock noon, on the 22nd of April 1889.
The Republican National Convention met in Minneapolis in 189 2 and renominated President Benjamin Harrison.
There are two ancient burying-grounds; the oldest, on Park Street, dates from about 1642 and contains the graves of ancestors of four presidents - Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, Franklin Pierce and Garfield - and a granite obelisk to the memory of Loammi Baldwin (1744-1807).
Harrison (Myths and Monuments of Ancient Athens, xxvii.- xxxvi.) as a fiction to explain the ceremony performed by the two maidens called Arrephori.
He declined an appointment as United States minister to Germany in 1877 and again in 1881, but served as minister to France in 1889-92, and in 1892 was the unsuccessful Republican candidate for vice-president on the ticket with Benjamin Harrison.
Harrison (in Classical Review, January 1895) endeavours to show that Cecrops is the husband of Athene, identical with the snakelike Zeus Soter or Sosipolis, and the father of ErechtheusErichthonius.
In 1856 and 1857 James Harrison of Geelong, Victoria, patented a machine embodying the same principle as that of Perkins, but worked out in a much more complete and practical manner.
It is stated that these machines were first made in New South Wales in 1859, but the first Harrison machine adopted successfully for industrial purposes in England was applied in the year 1861 for cooling oil in order to extract the paraffin.
Private Thomas Harrison, also of the 1 st battalion, Cheshire Regiment, was killed on 4 September 1916.
Hatch and Lindsey Harrison have a car accident during a winter blizzard and they are thrown into an icy river.
Add a comment After a number of frustrating delays, specialist children's bookseller Lou Harrison has opened the TP Children's Bookshop.
I didn't have any stationery with a cute little bunny or Harrison Ford on it 13.
Andrew Harrison and Kevin Thompson investigate the benefits of sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate.
John Harrison, one of the most famous of English clockmakers, was born in 1693 near Pontefract in Yorkshire.
Seem unlikely that adverse effects who live off to Harrison cole.
Mrs Harrison recalls that he seemed too dazed to be particularly upset that the money had gone.
Our Verdict... Another action packed cracker from the ever dependable Harrison Ford.
The cd opens with taxman, george harrison's witty ditty about the state of taxes in britain at the time.
The percussive score from Lou Harrison was similarly eclectic.
American presidents from George Washington to Benjamin Harrison practiced ethnic cleansing against the original inhabitants in America.
David Harrison via e-mail A. Kenya fulfills every romantic African fantasy.
Harrison, tho, is not remotely fazed by such a reputation.
Were subject to to harrison Ultrasuede futon cover cole age he said the american houses.
John Harrison was born over 300 years ago and was one of the worlds greatest horologists.
Harrison's aging hero also seems ill-suited to tackling heavily-armed henchmen and relies a little too heavily on past movie characterisations.
Here and there, Harrison seems to realize the inadequacy of her approach.
Their version of George Harrison's ' If I Needed Someone ' is comically inept.
In 1980, t he new organ was specially installed by Harrison and Harrison for the parish jubilee.
As the double bass kicks in and the Harrison inflected guitars start to grind out catchy blues licks, something becomes abundantly clear.
Income support such is over years draft Marvin harrison.
Isobel (Gail Harrison) is a fun-loving and very promiscuous girl who eventually marries an elderly nobleman.
Synopsis Sarah Harrison became a household name in the 1980s with her internationally best-selling novels.
Both Mike Harrison and myself tried to stress at the first workshop, that seasonal prediction is necessarily probabilistic.
Gerry Harrison too went close with an absolute screamer.
Harrison completed ' H4 ', the first marine timekeeper in 1759.
Harrison requested more money from the Board to work on a third timekeeper.
However, Harrison discovered with his new watch that if certain improvements were made, it had the potential to be an excellent timekeeper.
Verging on pedantic, some of Harrison's songs would have sounded trite in lesser hands.
Although not in serious trouble when the [...] Posted in Scottish Boxing | No Comments » Michael Brodie Next For Scott Harrison?
The principal field is in Wetzel county, but there are important supplies in Lewis, Harrison, Marion, Monongahela, ?
Cromwell followed through Yorkshire, and uniting with Lambert and Harrison at Evesham proceeded to attack the royalists at Worcester; where on the 3rd of September after a fierce struggle the great victory, "the crowning mercy" which terminated the Civil War, was obtained over Charles.
Vane, Ludlow, Robert Overton, Harrison and Major Wildman, the head of the Levellers, were all arrested, while the royalist rising under Penruddock was crushed in Devonshire.
The Whigs were successful in the presidential elections of 1836 and 1840, partly because of the financial panic and partly because their candidate, William Henry Harrison, was a "favourite son," and in the election of 1844, because of the unpopularity of the Texas issue.
He also wrote a campaign biography of William Henry Harrison (1839); Theory of Morals (1844); and Theory of Politics (1853), as well as Lives of Atrocious Judges (1856), compiled from Lord Campbell's two works.
George Gissing, the novelist, was at one time their tutor; and in 1905 Mr Harrison wrote a preface to Gissing's Veranilda (see also Mr Austin Harrison's article on Gissing in the Nineteenth Century, September 1906).
In England, for instance, the chancels were for the most part disused after the Reformation (see Harrison, op. cit.), but presently they came into use again, and on the Catholic revival in the Church of England in the 19th century it is certain that the medieval churches exercised an influence by giving a sense of fitness, which might otherwise have been lacking, to the restoration of medieval ritual.
Harrison had led a rush along the parapet, where he and several of his men were killed by machine-gun fire.
Harrison did not, for example, recast the Great mixture as a Harmonics, or revoice the great reeds as trombas.
The port 's licensed stevedoring company, DA Harrison, discharged the cargo for Carrs in under 16 hours.
Verging on pedantic, some of Harrison 's songs would have sounded trite in lesser hands.
It became a controlled substance in 1914 under the Harrison Narcotic Act and was illegal even for doctors to prescribe in 1919.
Harrison Ford is married to actor Calista Flockheart, and they have one adopted child together.
There are two Harrison Ford stars on the Walk.
The film, starring Harrison Ford and Cate Blanchett, will be released in 2008.
Harrison Ford is one of the most well respected and revered actors in Hollywood.
Harrison Ford was born in Chicago, Illinois to a Russian-Jewish mother and an Irish father.
Though he never graduated, it was at Ripon College where Harrison Ford met Mary Marquardt, a woman he would later make his wife, and first tried his hand at acting.
Harrison Ford and Mary Marquardt married in 1964, a few years later the couple welcomed their first child Benjamin, in 1967.
Mary and Harrison were officially divorced in 1979, ending their 12-year marriage.
On the set of Apocalypse Now Harrison Ford met Melissa Mathison, Coppola's assistant at the time.
Although now it's impossible to imagine anyone but Harrison Ford as Han Solo, he wasn't George Lucas' first pick for the role.
Richardson's husband, Liam Neeson, (most recently known for starring opposite Harrison Ford in Star Wars) was filming his next movie Chloe in Toronto when he heard the news.
Calista Flockhart and Harrison Ford - With the hit series Brothers and Sisters and Harrison Ford's deal for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the two earned around $70 million.
Harrison Ford enjoys the perks of his own collection of aircraft, which includes historic military planes and a variety of helicopters.
Action hero Harrison Ford, who made a name for himself in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones series' of films, is one of the most well-known Jewish actors.
He lost the award, however, to Rex Harrison.
Recently LoveToKnow Garden was able to interview John Harrison from The Espoma Company.
LoveToKnow would like to thank John Harrison for taking the time to educate readers about natural pest control products.
He formed the supergroup Traveling Wilburys with George Harrison, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, and Roy Orbison in the late 1980s.
These guitars gained immensely in popularity in the 1960s when The Beatles came to America, since both John Lennon and George Harrison used Rics.
Here, you'll find Harrison's Black Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater.
Speakers at the 3-day conference will include Phil Harrison, Vice President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Keito Takahashi of Namco Japan.
Dhani Harrison, son of George Harrison, was one of the major contributors to the game as well.
Brad Johnson, Mike Alstott, Marvin Harrison... they're all here, and they're all grotesquely misporportioned.
In a pivotal scene, Indiana Jones, as played by Harrison Ford, is supposed to engage in a grueling fight against a man with a sword.
The latest film spurred rumors that it would be Harrison Ford's last role as the infamous Indy and that he will be passing the torch on to his young co-star Shia LaBeouf.
The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull introduced Indiana Jones to a new generation, Harrison Ford and company began building its Indy fan base decades ago with Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Harrison Ford's first major blockbuster film was another enormously successful series, Star Wars, in which Ford played the role of Han Solo.
The current rumor is that a fifth installment of the Indy franchise is in the works and some say Harrison Ford is planning on reprising his role as Indiana Jones, while nothing has yet been confirmed.
Many speculated that Shia LaBeouf would take the lead in the next Indy film with Harrison Ford playing a smaller role if any role at all.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - Harrison Ford stars in his first movie as archeologist Indiana Jones.
By 1960, the band had picked up Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and a soon-to-be-famous new name.
George Harrison was the lead guitarist of The Beatles, with occasional songwriting and singing duties.
After his time with The Beatles, Harrison was involved in two big musical projects in addition to solo work.
George Harrison died in 2001 after an extended fight against cancer.
After the break up of The Beatles, he maintained a working relationship with other members in the band, drumming on albums for George Harrison and John Lennon.
In the late 1960's and early 1970's, Eric Clapton and George Harrison became good friends.
Harrison was married to model Patti Boyd and as Clapton's bands (Blind Faith and Cream) were falling apart, Harrison and Boyd were having marriage issues.
Patti Boyd divorced Harrison in 1977 and married Clapton in 1979.
Another selection from his years with Cream, Badge was co-written with George Harrison.
She is not related to any member of the Harrison family.
Harrison Ford, fresh from filming Raiders of the Lost Ark, stars as former Blade Runner Rick Decker.
Harrison Ford lucked into the role of Indiana Jones, which was originally intended for Tom Selleck.
Adding his Clancy character Jack Ryan to the mix, Harrison Ford has been in most of the highest grossing films of all time, and is reported the richest actor alive.
A 1947 movie, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, featured the ghost of a sea captain, played by the dashing Rex Harrison, as a romantic figure to the widowed Mrs. Muir, played by Gene Tierney.
Here, as in all Indy movies, the hero, played as always by Harrison Ford at his Male Lead best, is amiable, unflappable and indominable, although tried to the limits of his patience by a tag-along nightclub singer.
Originally hired to read lines for actors auditioning for the first Star Wars film, Harrison Ford managed to catch the eye of George Lucas, who eventually offered him the role of Han Solo.
Urban fantasy continues to thrive under the competent hands of novelists like Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs, Kim Harrison, Jaye Wells and Kelley Armstrong.
Cromwell hastened to the House, and at the last moment, on the bill being put to the vote, whispering to Harrison, "This is the time; Y must do it," he rose, and after alluding to the former good services of the parliament, proceeded to overwhelm the members with reproaches.
By his directions Harrison then fetched in a small band of Cromwell's musketeers and compelled the speaker Lenthall to vacate the chair.
Harrison, however, regards him as a religious reformer from Crete, who introduced the doctrine of ecstasis without intoxication amongst the Thracians and was slain by the votaries of the frenzied ritual.
He supported Harrison in the presidential campaign of 5840, and when the cabinet was reconstructed by Tyler in 1841, Legate was appointed attorneygeneral of the United States.
Near the city is the important United States army post, Fort Benjamin Harrison, named in honour of President Benjamin Harrison, whose home was in Indianapolis.
His greatgrandfather, Benjamin Harrison of Virginia (c. 1740-17 9 1), was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
His grandfather, William Henry Harrison (1773-1841), was ninth president of the United States.
His father, John Scott Harrison (1804-1878), represented his district in the national House of Representatives in 1853-1857.
For the administration see the Constitution of the State of Ohio, adopted June 1851 (Norwalk, Ohio, 1897), and amendments of 1903 and 1905 published separately; the annual reports of the state treasurer, auditor, board of state charities and commissioner of common schools, the Ellis municipal code (1902) and the Harrison school code (1904).