Harnessed Sentence Examples
The team was harnessed and ready to go.
The sun's energy is harnessed using solar panels.
A small watchdog ran round barking in front of the harnessed horses.
He was like a horse running downhill harnessed to a heavy cart.
She watched as he harnessed Ed.
Solar energy can be harnessed and used to power electrical sources.
If the available water-power of Italy, already very considerable, be harnessed, converted into electric power (which is already being done in some districts), and further increased by reafforestation, the effect upon the industries of Italy will be incalculable, and the importation of coal will be very materially diminished.
The mission appears not to have been an unqualified success, though Crispi afterwards affirmed in the Chamber (4th March 1886) that Depretis might in 1877 have harnessed fortune to the Italian chariot.
It is philosophy harnessed to a practical and religious interest.
The first group, or Tragelaphinae, is represented by the African elands (Taurotragus), bongo (Boocercus), kudus (Strepsiceros) and bushbucks or harnessed antelopes (Tragelaphus), and the Indian nilgai (Boselaphus).
AdvertisementThe harnessed antelopes, or bushbucks, are closely allied to the kudus, from which they chiefly differ by the spiral formed by the horns generally having fewer turns.
Before two o'clock in the afternoon the Rostovs' four carriages, packed full and with the horses harnessed, stood at the front door.
The mules were harnessed and ready to go.
There are several allied species, sometimes known as harnessed antelopes, which are of a larger size.
The ox is very generally used as a draught animal in country districts remote from railways; sixteen or eighteen oxen being harnessed to a wagon carrying 3 to 4 tons.
AdvertisementTen days later, the plaintiff crossed the fence in upon the land, with a law agent, a witness and a pair of horses yoked or harnessed, and in a loud voice stated the amount of the debt and called upon the defendant to pay it according to law.
In the West, " enthusiasm," in the transformation under which it survives, is not merely bridled but harnessed and set to work.
Landfill Gas The potential to harvest biogas from landfill waste has been harnessed in sites around the world.
Also, as we played the sun went down, so the mood of our set had a synergy harnessed by nature Herself!
These harnessed the power of water or wind to turn the millstones.
AdvertisementThe development concept harnessed mixed use to make the project viable.
A given cormus may bear one or several nectocalyces, and by their contractions they propel the colony slowly along, like so many medusae harnessed together.
While the horses were being harnessed Alpatych and Ferapontov over their tea talked of the price of corn, the crops, and the good weather for harvesting.
Beside the cannon a cart was standing to which two horses were harnessed.
The superintendent of police, whom the crowd had stopped, went in to see him at the same time as an adjutant who informed the count that the horses were harnessed.
AdvertisementIn this way, the sun's energy is harnessed on solar panels that are not directly part of a given appliance, and the energy can be used to run anything requiring energy.
Humans harnessed wind energy centuries ago, using windmills to crush grain or pump water, prior to their use as electricity generators.
If you are asking the question how does solar energy work, you probably really want to know how energy is harnessed from the sun to provide things humans need such as heat and electricity.
It can be harnessed by the use of photovoltaic cells and turned into energy, and it creates temperature changes in the atmosphere, which lead to the formation of wind.
Wind energy can power entire towns when it is harnessed, but the wind is never used up.
Furthermore, studies have shown that acai retains its beneficial properties when harnessed in pill form.
Such cold frames harnessed two natural elements, manure and solar power, to create warm temperatures that withstood cold New England winters.
Microsoft's XBOX live system is a great example of how successful online gaming can be for a home console; a trend that will no doubt continue with the XBOX 360 and be harnessed by rival companies.
Biological therapy or immunotherapy is a mode of treatment in which the body's own immune system is harnessed to fight the cancer.
Children are likely to ask parents to change their dirty diapers right away, and they show a general interest in orderliness that can be harnessed for purposes of toilet training.
If the power of the mind could be harnessed, investigators speculated that it might be possible to incapacitate a foreign leader or even an enemy army.
Protesters in Egypt harnessed the innocuous Facebook Event tool to stage mass rallies that galvanized the nation in the people's fight for democracy.
Today, they're morphing into things their creators never dreamed of, such as places for mass protests to organize and marketing tools harnessed by sophisticated companies for sales purposes.
In most cases such wheels merely have earthenware pitchers attached to their circumference by means of wisps of esparto, and are turned by a horse harnessed to a long arm fitted to a revolving shaft.
Then Zeb brought out Jim, all harnessed to the buggy, and took his seat.
The first thing he saw on riding up to the space where Tushin's guns were stationed was an unharnessed horse with a broken leg, that lay screaming piteously beside the harnessed horses.
The train drivers and orderlies harnessed and packed the wagons and tied on the loads.
Three well-fed roans stood ready harnessed to a small conveyance with a leather hood.