Hardship Sentence Examples
There was hardship, but scarcely any opposition.
The hardship of attendance at the county courts was to some extent obviated.
The Persians of Cyrus were a vigorous race of husbandmen, living in a healthy climate, accustomed to hardship, brave and upright.
In any case a quick afternoon nap is no hardship for most people.
He accomplished the winter journey safely, though with considerable danger and hardship; and shortly after his return was appointed lieutenant-colonel of a Virginia regiment, under Colonel Joshua Fry.
Find out if you are entitled to apply to the hardship fund.
Normally you have to show you will suffer severe hardship without benefits.
The scent of blood was heavy in the chamber, the strain of war and unknown hardship on her face.
Suicide is always tragic because it cuts life short, but people who suffer hardship and distress deserve compassion.
Preference has to be given to cases of unforeseen hardship.
AdvertisementIn living the life of the ultimate Irish Olympian he has endured every hardship of the system.
He said his demands were aimed at alleviating the hardship caused by the embargo.
Economic sanctions, by their very nature, are designed to inflict economic hardship on civilian populations.
Any customer who believes this may cause hardship should contact the tax credits office.
Whether or not a party will suffer undue hardship is the key consideration in applications to extend.
AdvertisementSevere financial hardship may result in students giving up their studies.
It is important to consider, however that most adjustments will not amount to unjustifiable hardship.
But the South African cricketer is not only inured to hardship, he is imbued with missionary zeal and will let nobody down.
Cases of hardship, which the early chancellors would certainly have relieved, were passed over by later judges, simply because no precedent could be found for their interference.
Moreover, they were essentially a wartrained army, for even in peace time their long marches to and fro within the empire had most thoroughly inured them to hardship and privation.
AdvertisementStill more recently the hardship of treating the greater part of Moray Firth as open sea to the exclusion of British and to the advantage of foreign fishermen has been raised (see North Sea Fisheries Convention; Territorial Waters).
The work of prospecting is usually left to adventurous men who are willing to undergo privation and hardship in the hope of large reward though the chances of success are small.
If there had recently been a high mortality on his father's plantation, it was due to the age of the slaves rather than to any peculiar hardship in their lot.
In the early years of the 10th century the competition of foreign steam trawlers inflicted much hardship on the fishermen.
Some of the benefits measured WILL relate to faster journey times by train and hardship issues, but som eof the costs are incredible.
AdvertisementAfter reaching from office male partner expects his wife fresh and sexy who is heavily tired of hardship.
Dawn Farm offers client-centered treatment and accepts both difficult cases and those who have financial hardship.
Most of the formal and informal kinship caregivers experience economic hardship as they take in one or more of their relative's children.
Mental health treatment must address delayed stress issues from repeated exposure to trauma, violence, and economic hardship.
If you are in the top 10 percent of wage earners or your leave would cost serious economic hardship to the company, the business is not required to hold your position.
What else had she broken to cause Gabriel so much hardship?
Crossing the Red Sea, he made a journey of great hardship to Syene, and thence along the Nile to Cairo.
Succumbing to the stress of losing your job or dealing with monetary hardship will only keep you from finding new work or propel you into further debt.
You don't want to give too little and have the graduate think you are frugal, but you don't want to give too much resulting in financial hardship.
Nutrition doesn't need to be a hardship or keep you from your favorite foods, but it needs to be balanced.
Choosing a nonprofit or community-based rehab center can help make treatment more affordable, especially for those who have experienced challenges such as job loss, financial hardship and other life stresses.
In the episode, the former supermodel's story of hardship is examined, including the death of her sister, a near-fatal car accident, and an addiction to pain medication.
After losing six ships in World War I and losing business as immigration slowed, the company faced severe hardship in the 1920s.
Debilitating injuries or those that cause continued medical hardship, as well as wrongful death suits, do require experienced legal representation.
Burning incense - Perform a cleansing burn after an illness or a hardship by lighting incense and placing it in the middle of the floor in each room of your home.
A mortgage refinance may not be appropriate if the homeowner wants to refinance as a result of financial hardship.
These websites take a bit of the extra hardship out of dating.
Properly insured, these types of damage are not a hardship.
By knowing the different styles are available and how to purchase a pendant, consumers are sure to be able to find just what they are interested in without endless searching or financial hardship.
He sat, petting her, thinking how unreal this all seemed, but at the same time celebrated that they had overcome their most daunting hardship.
This project focuses on the financial hardship suffered by cohabitants or their children on the termination of their relationship by separation or death.
It was no hardship to sit by the pool, packing no more than a banana daiquiri.
They replaced the exceptional hardship and exceptional hardship and exceptional circumstances payments.
Other families were battling with real hardship, yet maintaining an image of respectability in the eyes of their parish.
Defra 's shambolic handling of single farm payments in England has caused many farmers to suffer grave economic hardship.
The two or three 5-minute journeys for water are, after the toil of the day, no real further hardship.
Agreed to monitor asylum seekers who file late applications to assess any undue hardship.
After years of betrayal and hardship, John made the difficult decision to disown his sister.
Not everyone needs professional assistance, but having a professional plan will help individuals avoid excessive debt and financial hardship.
Negotiate with creditors - If you cannot even make minimum payments, ask your creditors for temporary hardship status.
Many agencies have money set aside to be distributed to citizens that are under economic hardship and not able to pay their debts.
The debt settlement company can charge you a fee upfront, which can create additional financial hardship.
In addition to the items listed above, "Hardship Deductions" may be made from gross income.
This might be an option if paying temporary support would cause financial hardship for the paying spouse.
Conserving water does not have to be difficult nor does it need to result in any kind of hardship.
The reason I decided to audition was to try and get over some emotional hardship I had over losing my twin sister.
The personal reports that she offers may be useful for anyone who is experiencing difficulty or hardship in their lives that they wish to seek a better understanding about.
If the suicide is successful, the soul will be reincarnated into a lesser life that will lead to almost identical difficulties and hardship that must be faced once again.
Therefore, payers experiencing financial hardship are unlikely to benefit from an extension.
They include the alleviation of social hardship, reduction in access to the main methods of suicide, and specific measures for high-risk groups.
Against that mercenary vision is Galileo's argument that " the only purpose of science is to relieve the hardship of life " .
It has cost an estimated £ 27 billion and untold hardship for family farmers and small businesses.
In 1841, while a student at Harvard, he made a rough journey of exploration in the woods of northern New Hampshire, where he had a taste of adventure slightly spiced with hardship. About this time he made up his mind to write a history of the last French war in America, which ended in the conquest of Canada, and some time afterwards he enlarged the plan so as to include the whole course of the American conflict between France and Great Britain; or, to use his own words, "The history of the American forest; for this was the light in which I regarded it.
But at the crowning moment of trial there are those who assert their belief that the woman who on her way to the field of Corrichie had uttered her wish to be a man, that she might know all the hardship and all the enjoyment of a soldier's life, riding forth "in jack and knapscull" - the woman who long afterwards was to hold her own for two days together without help of counsel against all the array of English law and English statesmanship, armed with irrefragable evidence and supported by the resentment of a nation - showed herself equally devoid of moral and of physical resolution; too senseless to realize the significance and too heartless to face the danger of a situation from which the simplest exercise of reason, principle or courage must have rescued the most unsuspicious and inexperienced of honest women who was not helplessly deficient in self-reliance and self-respect.
Once this rapport is established, the person may experience a financial hardship such as not being able to pay a bill or needing money to bail a beloved family member out of prison.
These organizations are on the forefront of providing services for local families who are suffering from hardship.
The applicant or another adult member of the household has a hardship, such as medical problems, disability, homelessness, pregnancy or unemployment, that may push the applicant's household income below the federal poverty level.
If the owner submits hardship letters, the properties may be covered under a Citizens' policy for up to three years, but no longer.
For example, this can cover food if you need extra money to retain your standard of living due to the hardship.
Before choosing this option, make sure that the higher deductible is not so high that it would cause financial hardship to pay the money out-of-pocket before the insurance company will pay out on a claim.
Not the least important of these influences is the sentimental sympathy felt for those who are supposed to be deprived of the use of their mother-tongue, and who are subjected to the hardship of learning an alien one.
Technically he was justified in adopting this course, but people generally felt that there was some hardship in compelling a young queen to separate herself from her companions and friends, and they consequently approved the decision of Lord Melbourne to support the queen in her refusal, and to resume office.
Owing to the method of assessment the tax fell with peculiar hardship on the middle classes, and to this day traces of the endeavours to lighten its burden may be seen in numerous bricked-up windows.
The hardship inflicted on those who have to learn a second language is very easily exaggerated, though it is to be regretted that in the case of Hungary the second language is not one more useful for international purposes.
John had oppressed his subjects in this way before he visited a district for purposes of sport, and the hardship was a real one.
Tyre also came in for its share of hardship. Elulaeus was followed by Baal, who in 672 consented to join Tirhaka, the Ethiopian king of Egypt, in a rebellion against Assyria.
His last days were spent in a cave in the parish of Sorn, near his birthplace, and there he died in 1686, worn out by hardship and privation.
The freshness of the new field which was opened up to the imagination - so full of vivid lights and shadows, light-hearted fun, grinding hardship, stirring adventure, heroic action, warm friendships, bitter hatreds - was in exhilarating contrast to the world of the historical romancer and the fashionable novelist, to which the mind of the general reader was at that date given over.
Hundreds of thousands were slaughtered; hundreds of thousands set marching for Syria and Mesopotamia perished on the way by hardship, disease, starvation; those who escaped became fugitives; from first to last at least three-quarters of a million Armenians perished in Asia Minor in a population of less than two millions.
He was determined that, at whatever cost, hardship and inconvenience, Russia should be ruled by Russians, not by foreigners; and before his death he had the satisfaction of seeing every important place in his empire in the hands of capable natives of his own training.
During his brief reign he set on foot some domestic reforms, and sought to revive the authority of the senate, but, after a victory over the Goths in Cilicia, he succumbed to hardship and fatigue (or was slain by his own soldiers) at Tyana in Cappadocia.
The hardship inflicted on the native races provoked an insurrection throughout Java, in which the Chinese settlers participated; but the Dutch maintained naval and military forces strong enough to crush all resistance, and a treaty between the company and the Susuhunan in November 1749 made them practically supreme throughout the island.
But fired by enthusiasm for the Greek revolution and by Byron's example, he was no sooner qualified and admitted to practice than he abandoned these prospects and took ship for Greece, where he joined the army and spent six years of hardship amid scenes of warfare.
Being unwilling to hold his views in abeyance, he relinquished in 1654, under circumstances of considerable hardship, the work that he greatly loved.
Even with the modern system of storing in pits the potato does not last through the summer, and the " meal months " - June, July and August - always brought great hardship. The danger increased as the growing population pressed ever harder upon the available land.
Cod can be taken with comparatively little danger or hardship. During the Russian occupation a small amount was shipped to California and the Sandwich Islands.
The poets of this school drew their inspiration from popular poetry, and all of them were sons of the lower middle class or of peasants, who by dint of heavy work and great hardship were able to rise above the narrow social conditions in which they were born.
An exodus followed which, necessary as it was, caused dreadful hardship, and among the Roman Catholic Irish in America Fenianism took its rise.
The return journey was one of terrible hardship aggravated by scurvy, and the party narrowly escaped Scott's fate.
This great shrinkage in exchange caused considerable loss to the Indian government in remitting to Europe, and entailed hardship upon Anglo-Indians who received pensions or other payments in rupees, while on the other hand it supplied an artificial stimulus to the export trade by increasing the purchasing power of gold.
Only at the very end, when the disease from which he was suffering left him no hope, did he complain with some bitterness of the hardship of leaving this world where the many discoveries being made pointed to yet greater discoveries to come.
She had been brought up in a station superior to that of the Carlyles, and could not accept the life of hardship which would be necessary in his present circumstances.
The change in the moral attitude towards usury is perhaps best expressed by saying that in ancient times so much of the lending at interest was associated with cruelty and hardship that all lending was branded as immoral (or all interest was usury in the moral sense), whilst at present so little lending takes place, comparatively, except on commercial principles, that all lending is regarded as free from an immoral taint.
After undergoing great hardship the Nemedians succeeded in destroying the fortress and in slaying the enemies' leaders, but the Fomorians received reinforcements from Africa.