Harder Sentence Examples
It's harder than I thought.
The longer she sat, the harder it seemed to get up.
I pushed harder, as strongly as I could, with the same results.
You were a lot harder to read.
The air around him was even harder to breathe.
The young woman laughed even harder.
The longer you let both deny you, the harder it becomes to win.
But when I took up algebra I had a harder time still.
The mortar on them was fifty years old, and was said to be still growing harder; but this is one of those sayings which men love to repeat whether they are true or not.
Destiny cried harder, clinging to her hands and trying to get back into her arms.
AdvertisementThe more she heard, the harder it was to believe the job was for real.
At least, he was finding it harder to resist her strange magic every time they met.
Then you probably should've tried harder not to get thrown into Hell. You were of no help to anyone there.
She ran harder up the hill.
It is harder to clean though, and can be susceptible to staining.
AdvertisementAs you get older, you may find it harder to tolerate cold and to deal with ice and snow removal.
Her apartment was cold, and sunlight streamed through the blinds, making her head pound harder.
The reminder of what her mate was left her trembling harder.
Without you and Rose Calvia making it harder.
Cynthia sat next to Martha and hugged her all the harder.
AdvertisementHer pulse quickened and she shook him harder.
Too happy knowing he was alive, Deidre hugged him harder.
She tugged at her captured hand and was squeezed against him even harder.
Once she had the amulet, she could bargain harder with the inmates.
She tried to pull away, but he pressed her harder against the wall until she could barely breathe.
AdvertisementShe gripped him harder.
If she could make a break for the door … she gripped the perfume bottle harder.
The beast crouched, and she ran harder.
Not to mention lying to her had been harder than he thought.
There was something else in her eyes that made his blood pound harder.
While she knew his genetic engineering made him harder to kill, she'd never imagined he'd survived.
Katie rolled onto her stomach, almost too tired to get up. The sky and jungle were growing dark. Through the bramble, she saw the marble palace. Death's palace. Katie's heart beat harder as she looked at her destination, not at all certain this was where she should've gone but not knowing where else to go.
Katie's eyes watered, and she squeezed him harder. The nightmares of the past few weeks seemed to fade away while she was in his arms. She'd been too afraid to think about what kind of life they might possibly have, but she found herself wondering how it would feel to wake up and go to sleep with Rhyn beside her.
The group homes were harder because there were a lot of kids living there and the kids were meaner than the adults.
Jenn resisted him, and he pried harder.
She fought harder to keep the pain inside her from winning.
With effort that almost drove her to her knees, she reined in the demon, alarmed how much harder it was this time than when she'd killed the madman who was her father.
The more he read, the harder it was to stop.
Would grow harder for the human hosts to contain it as it aged.
He squeezed her harder, and she opened her eyes, watching the forsaken book burn.
That was enough to make Carmen try harder.
She pulled it loose and swung harder.
Resistance was becoming harder, but she wasn't going to put him in danger anymore than she would her cousins.
Because our glance can easily be turned outwards and survey the exterior world but it is far harder to turn the mind's eye inwards and contemplate the world of the spirit.
The best of the New South Wales diamonds are harder and much whiter than the South African diamonds, and are classified as on a par with the best Brazilian gems, but no large specimens have yet been found.
There is less stone carving on the exterior walls, door jambs and pillars of the buildings than on those of the Yucatan Peninsula; this is due to the harder and more uneven character of the limestone.
Oak was formerly largely used by wood-carvers, and is still in some demand for those artists, being harder and more durable than lime and other woods that yield more readily to the sculptor's tool.
Stoicism is a much more important system, but harder to classify.
Obviously this writer is harder to focus than Kant or Hegel.
Under his sons justice was equally, perhaps more, costly, while adequate protection was much harder to obtain.
For, as almost everywhere else, this Teutonic nobility admits of degrees, though it is yet harder to say in what the degrees of nobility consisted than to say in what nobility consisted itself.
In middle Russia the winters are both longer and harder, and agriculture is consequently carried on under greater difficulties.
The remaining groups are harder to define, with the exception of the (3) Capitelliformia, which are mud-living worms of an "oligochaetous" appearance, and with some affinities to that order.
But, relieved as it may be by reflections of this kind - dreams some may perhaps still call them - the study of ornithology has unquestionably become harder and more serious; and a corresponding change in the style of investigation, followed in the works that remain to be considered, will be immediately perceptible.
By the union of great moral qualities with high, though not the highest, intellectual faculties, he carried the Indian empire safely through the stress of the storm, and, what was perhaps a harder task still, he dealt wisely with the enormous difficulties arising at the close of such a war, established a more liberal policy and a sounder financial system, and left the people more contented than they were before.
Those employed in workshops, whose overseers were themselves most commonly of servile status, had probably a harder lot than domestics; and the agricultural labourers were not unfrequently chained, and treated much in the same way as beasts of burden.
For steel which has been made redhot, suddenly cooled, and then let down to a yellow temper, the critical value of the magnetizing force is smaller than for steel which is either softer or harder; it is indeed so small that the metal contracts like nickel even under weak magnetizing forces, without undergoing any preliminary extension that can be detected.
Iron renders the metal hard and brittle; arsenic, antimony and bismuth (up to 0.5%) reduce its tenacity; copper and lead (1 to 2%) make it harder and stronger but impair its malleability; and stannous oxide reduces its tenacity.
But all these operations render the metals harder, and detract from their plasticity.
The product has a brilliant white fracture, a specific gravity of 4.87, very friable, but harder than quartz or steel.
The wood is generally reddish-brown, light and of a coarse grain and spongy texture, easy to work, but liable to shrink and warp. Mountain-grown wood is harder, stronger, less liable to warp and more durable.
The difference in the appearance of brass and copper is familiar to everyone; brass is also much harder than copper and much more suitable for being turned in a lathe.
Similarly, bell-metal is harder, more sonorous and more brittle than either of its components.
These alloys are harder, more fusible and more sonorous than pure gold.
Tantalum tetroxide, Ta 2 0 4, is a porous dark grey mass harder than glass, and is obtained by reducing the pentoxide with magnesium.
Since the tribes practised far more in-breeding than out-breeding, the tendency was toward forming not only verbal linguistic groups, but biological varieties; the weaker the tribe, the fewer the captures, the greater the isolation and harder the conditions - producing dolichocephaly, dwarfism and other retrogressive characteristics.
Sawing was done by means of sand or with a thin piece of harder stuff.
On hearing that the sentence was commuted to life-long imprisonment, he declared that the pardon was harder than the punishment, and vainly petitioned for leave to serve his king for the rest of his life as a common soldier.
Some harder varieties, known as stone osiers and raised on drier upland soils, are peeled and used for fine work.
For the most part the rivers follow open valleys along belts of weak strata; but they frequently pass through sharp-cut notches in the na1row ridges of the stratified beltthe Delaware water-gap is one of the deepest of these notches; and in the harder rocks of the crystalline belt they have eroded steep-walled gorges, of which the finest is that of the Hudson, because of the greater height and breadth of the crystalline highlands there than at points where the other rivers cross it.
Many of the rivers, elsewhere well graded, have rapids as they pass from the harder rocks of the piedmont to the semi-consolidated strata of the coastal plain.
This mountain mass is of flat-arched, dome-like structure, now well dissected by radiating consequent streams, so that the weaker uppermost strata have been eroded down to the level of the plains where their upturned edges are evenly truncated, and the next following harder strata have been sufficiently eroded to disclose the core of underlying crystalline rocks in about half of the domed area.
Farther north in Montana, beyond the gorge of the Missouri river, the structure of the Front Range is altogether different; it is here the carved residual of a great mass of moderately bent Palaeozoic strata, overthrust eastward upon the Mesozoic strata of the plains; instead of exposing the oldest rocks along the axis and the youngest rocks low down on the flanks, the younger rocks of the northern range follow its axis, and the oldest rocks outcrop along its eastern flanks, where they override the much younger strata of the plains; the harder strata, instead of lapping on the mountain flanks in great slab-like masses, as in the Bighorns, form out-facing scarps, which retreat into the mountain interior where they are cut down by outfiowing streams.
During the current cycle of erosion, several of the faults, whose scarps had been worn away in the previous cycle, have been brought to light again as topographic features by the removal of the weak strata along one side of the fault line, leaving the harder strata on the other side in relief; such scarps are known as fault-line scarps, in distinction from the original fault scarps.
In every other part the surface is hilly or mammilated, the harder rocks, such as granite or greenstone, rising as rounded knobs, or in the case of schists forming narrow ridges, while the softer parts form valleys generally floored with lakes.
Maxims of criticism to which we may here refer are that "harder readings are better than easier" and that "the shorter reading is generally the truer."
The first maxim is indisputable, provided we understand by "harder" harder to the scribe, and by "easier" easier to the scribe.
When quite pure it is somewhat harder than tin, and its hardness is considerably increased by rolling.
For obvious reasons the Romans, having once found an easy direct pass across the main chain, did not trouble to seek for harder and more devious routes.
Bricks cannot be too well burnt for garden walls; the harder they are the less moisture will they absorb.
Thereupon very shortly a hissing sound was heard and the machine became harder to turn as if the disk were moving through a resisting medium.
The beds of chert are utilized in the pottery industry, and some of the harder and more crystalline limestones are beautiful marbles, capable of taking a high polish.
These are cementite, a definite iron carbide, Fe 3 C, harder than glass and nearly as brittle, but probably very strong under gradually and axially applied stress; and ferrite, pure or nearly pure metallic a-iron, soft, weak, with high electric conductivity, and in general like copper except in colour.
The distortion which rails undergo in manufacture and use is incomparably less than that to which rivets are subjected, and thus rail steel may safely be much richer in carbon and hence in cementite, and therefore much stronger and harder, so as to better endure the load and the abrasion of the passing wheels.
Thus, though sudden cooling has very little effect on steel of o io% of carbon, it changes that of 1.50% from a somewhat ductile body to one harder and more brittle than glass.
The joint effect of such chilling and such annealing is to make the metal much harder than if slowly cooled, because for each 1% of graphite which the chilling suppresses, 15% of the glass-hard cementite is substituted.
Beside this their chief and easy work of oxidizing carbon, silicon and phosphorus, the conversion processes have the harder task of removing sulphur, chiefly by converting it into calcium sulphide, CaS, or manganous sulphide, MnS, which rise to the top of the molten metal and there enter the overlying slag, from which the sulphur may escape by oxidizing to the gaseous compound, sulphurous acid, S02.
It is the hardest known substance (though tantalum, or an alloy of tantalum now competes with it) and is chosen as io in the mineralogist's scale of hardness; but the difference in hardness between diamond (io) and corundum (9) is really greater than that between corundum (9) and talc (1); there is a difference in the hardness of the different faces; the Borneo stones are also said to be harder than those of Australia, and the Australian harder than the African, but this is by no means certain.
Carbonado or " black diamond," found in Bahia (also recently in Minas Geraes), is a black material with a minutely crystalline structure somewhat porous, opaque, resembling charcoal in appearance, devoid of cleavage, rather harder than diamond, but of less specific gravity; it sometimes displays a rude cubic crystalline form.
The ecclesiastical relations between Greeks and Latins are harder to trace.
It is extremely hard to draw any fixed line in Egypt between magic and medicine; but it is curious to note that simple diagnoses and prescriptions were employed for the more curable diseases, while magical formulae and amulets are reserved for those that are harder to cope with, such as the bites of snakes and the stings of scorpions.
Under the Post-Tertiary division come the records of the Ice Age, when Scotland was buried under sheets of ice which ground down, striated and polished the harder rocks over the whole country, and left behind them the widespread accumulation of clay, gravel and sand known as Glacial Deposits.
At the close of 565 Justinian died, and a deputation of Romans waited upon his successor Justin II., representing that they found "the Greeks" harder taskmasters than the Goths, that Narses the eunuch was determined to reduce them all to slavery, and that unless he were removed they would transfer their allegiance to the barbarians.
The upturning of the rocks of the Great Plains at the foot of the Front Range develops an interesting type of topography, the harder layers weathering into grotesquely curious forms, as seen in the famous Garden of the Gods at the foot of Pike's Peak.
In the midlands the partridge is fairly common, though not readily enduring the harder winters; and ring-doves and stock-doves occur.
Guntz (Comptes rendus, 1901, 133, p. 872) electrolyses a saturated solution of barium chloride using a mercury cathode and obtains a 3% barium amalgam; this amalgam is transferred to an iron boat in a wide porcelain tube and the tube slowly heated electrically, a good yield of pure barium being obtained at about looo C. The metal when freshly cut possesses a silver white lustre, is a little harder than lead, and is extremely easily oxidized on exposure; it is soluble in liquid ammonia, and readily attacks both water and alcohol.
For the stomach and intestines we employ the same drug in the form of a pill; and when it is desired to act especially upon the intestines, the pills are made of a harder consistence or less soluble preparation, or are covered with keratin, so that they may not act much, if at all, upon the stomach while passing through it before reaching the intestines.
Two of its chief causes probably are (r) improvement in cookery, whereby the harder and more irritating parts of the food are softened or removed; and (2) improvement in grinding machinery, whereby the harder and more stimulating parts of the grain are separated from the finer flour which is used for bread.
Possibly the ordinary processes of denudation and erosion, acting on those recent deposits which overlie the harder beds of the older series, may have much to say to these climatic changes, and the wanton destruction of forests may have assisted the efforts of nature; but it is difficult to understand the widespread desiccation of large areas of the Baluch highlands, where evidences of Arab irrigation works and of cultivation still attest to a once flourishing agricultural condition, without appealing to more rapidly destructive principles for the change.
The opium is usually of much firmer and smoother consistence than that of Turkey, of a chocolate-brown colour and cheesy appearance, the pieces bearing evidence of having been beaten into a uniform mass previously to being made into lumps, probably with the addition of Sarcocoll, as it is always harder when dry than Turkey opium.
The statement about Matthew is much briefer and is harder to interpret.
After several years' trials he at last produced a satisfactory cast steel, purer and harder than any steel then in use.
With us, the notion of a seal is an impression in relief, obtained from an incised design, either on a soft material such as wax or clay,, or on a harder material such as lead, gold or silver.
In the southern countries of Europe, where wax would be affected by the warmth of the climate, it was natural that a harder material should also be used.
The general character of the landscape in the Eastern Division is a succession of steep escarpments formed by the edges of the outcropping beds of harder rock, and long gentle slopes or plains on the dip-slopes, or on the softer layers; clay and hard rock alternating throughout the series.
The low escarpments of the harder beds of the Lias are the real, though often scarcely perceptible, boundary between the Triassic plain and the Jurassic belt.
To give up dancing on the village green was still harder; and some months elapsed before he had the fortitude to part with his darling sin.
Every well has its own particular level of water while steady pumping at a given rate is going on, and if that level is lowered by harder pumping, it may take months, or even years, for the water in the interstices of the rock to accommodate itself to the new conditions; but the permanent yield after such lowering will always be less than the quantity capable of being pumped shortly after the change.
The duke of Bedford and Lord Lauderdale made some remarks in parliament upon this paltry reward to a man who, in conducting a great trial on the public behalf, had worked harder for nearly ten years than any minister in any cabinet of the reign.
He does not fear to contrast authority with authority, upon each point in succession; the harder the task, the greater the achievement when harmony is reached !
With the modern processes of milling, the harder wheats are preferred, for they make the best flour for bakers' use; and in North America the spring wheats are, as a rule, harder than the winter wheats.
In Norway there are three classes - the sea Lapps, the river Lapps and the mountain Lapps, the first two settled, the third nomadic. The mountain Lapps have a rather ruder and harder life than the same class in Sweden.
Even with the modern system of storing in pits the potato does not last through the summer, and the " meal months " - June, July and August - always brought great hardship. The danger increased as the growing population pressed ever harder upon the available land.
The product obtained by adding tin to copper is more fusible than copper and thus better suited for casting; it is also harder and less malleable.
A soft bronze or gun-metal is formed with 16 parts of copper to 1 of tin, and a harder gun-metal,, such as was used for bronze ordnance, when the proportion of tin is about doubled.
But the social evils within the state were even harder to combat than foes without.
But he maintained the legislation of the Valois, who placed industry in a state of strict dependency on finance, and he instituted a servitude of labor harder even than that of individuals; his great factories of soap, glass, lace, carpets and cloth had the same artificial life as that of contemporary Russian industry, created and nourished by the state.
Never did a harder master ordain more 1804; imperiously, nor understand better how to command 18,4.
It enables us to determine accurately orders and genera which otherwise are unknown in the fossil state, and it thus aids us in forming a truer idea of the flora of the period than can be formed at any locality where the harder parts alone are recognizable.
Microscopic sections of some of the more coherent clays and shales may be prepared by saturating them with Canada balsam by long boiling, and slicing the resultant mass in the same manner as one of the harder rocks.
Hey—is it just me or is recruiting getting harder and harder?
If she could make a break for the door … she gripped the perfume bottle harder.
Stomping harder, he tried to plant the spikes, as if gravity would bow to so meager a hold against its forces.
As fast as Kris ran, he couldn't catch her. He grew more baffled when she seemed to pull ahead of him without any sign of the exhaustion she'd showed when they stopped. Desperation could motivate, and so could fear for her sister. He pushed himself harder to catch her. Thunder boomed overhead. Forms he assumed were demons swooped above the canopy, casting shadows. He caught glimpses of fur and wings through leaves and ran until his chest was heaving. Hannah remained ahead of him, though he realized he was beginning to gain on her. He had to reach her before the demons did and swept her away, as they had Kiki.
Jonny's handwriting was harder to read, tiny and tight, where Czerno's held a calligraphic flair.
This constraint makes a good anagram much harder to find.
Sometimes they can be quite bald statements which people find harder to take.
But this new brainchild is finding it much harder to take off.
And since the dotcom bubble burst, itâs been getting harder than ever.
Once the shine has gone completely it is harder to remove the buildup of muck.
It is harder, denser, and often contains calcite.
Does smoking cannabis lead to taking harder drugs like heroin?
As the film progresses it becomes clear that the social differences between the POWs are harder to overcome than those with their german captors.
New birds are becoming harder to find, although Mexican chickadees are quite common, if sometimes difficult to locate.
The harder strum energy perfectly complimented by the lighter picked passages.
And the better I knew them, the harder it was to make a sweeping condemnation.
More vigorous cultivars can be pruned back harder, which will stop the center of the plant going bare.
The blow will be even harder following the collapsed ITV Digital sponsorship deal with the Nationwide league.
It can be harder to communicate when problems have become more deep-rooted.
The Rheinberg image lacks subtlety and is harder to pick up finer detail whilst the crossed-polar image appears rather dense.
To begin with the city was laid out on a desert surface of yellow sand and grayish gravel over an underlying harder stony desert.
The more complex operations have more chance of error, are harder to remember and are less individually discriminable (Reason, 1990 ).
A new top band 'hits ' the most polluting new models only £ 45 harder per year, no real disincentive for 4x4 drivers.
The Devonshire ' long ells ' had worsted or combed warps which made them harder wearing.
New Lords ruling could put asbestos claims at risk Workers who develop cancer from asbestos exposure will have to fight harder to prove liability.
However, whilst making the system far more expressive, this will also make it harder to interpret by a human.
The task is harder when the child has a large amount of subcutaneous fat, a common situation in toddlers.
And as you player harder, the sound switches to that of a piano being played mezzo forte or forte.
Speeding up the pace makes the task even harder because skin friction rises with increased velocity.
They searched harder and dug heavier for tracks on this second volume, with a musical spectrum spanning from raw funk to gritty soul.
The area we visited was on the boundary of the chalk and lower greensand where the harder rocks of the upper greensand are exposed.
It is far harder to break ingrained bad habits than to learn properly in the first place.
I will try harder to be less, well crap.
Deliberate resistance, of course, makes the hypnotist 's task much harder.
His friends looked indignant, which only caused him to laugh even harder.
They will also make it harder for cowboy builders to leave electrical installations in an unsafe condition.
It's certainly harder than frying up a chicken rogan josh.
The shoes have D ring lacing too, which makes it harder to tighten the lower lacing than with the much superior tunnel lacing.
The harder the water, the more soap is required to produce a lather.
It would be harder to accuse such a body of favoring European businesses, as many American lawmakers have done in the past.
The ups and downs of a man's sexual function are obvious, whilst a woman's libido is harder to measure.
Trios from the baroque lute repertoire, Guitar 1 being a little harder than the others.
Quot harder access Cambridge ma national has an agreement.
My battle plan worked fairly well, kill off the weaker units with bow fire, then out maneuver the harder stuff.
Being regularly washed by wave action at every high tide, the softer marl is soon eroded away from the harder calcite fossils.
As it turned out the rain decided to hammer down even harder and the decision to abandon the game became a no-brainer.
As a 4-year-old became a 5-year-old then a 6-year old boy it got progressively harder getting up the hills.
There was also the change in paint composition, it's a lot harder to match natures colors using today's mostly opaque palette.
These are perry pears, which tend to be smaller & harder then dessert pears.
The CNC parts are in the harder birch ply for parts in more highly stressed areas.
Mr Brown, whose credentials as heir apparent rest on his reputation for economic competence and personal probity, would find it much harder.
However it can be harder to access the developments at their very early stages, before a consultation on draft proposals is formed.
Beside, quitting cigarettes is a lot harder than quitting cigarettes is a lot harder than quitting weed.
If e-mailers were forced to reveal their true identity it would be much harder for them to deceive the innocent recipient.
As it shrinks, it also gets more salty, which in turn makes it harder for the remaining water to evaporate.
As life become harder for everyone people began to seek scapegoats.
Her apparently senseless activity becomes harder to distinguish from the focused and purposeful traffic of the businessmen and women who brush past her.
The ensuing silence was even harder to endure than the revelations had been.
The Gemini sinker will be noticeably harder to push.
There were scenes in there that were pure slapstick, that made me laugh harder and harder as the scene developed.
So to give staffers a holiday, which managements like to do because it is cheaper, everyone has to work harder.
However with national and European regulations getting stricter, residents and councils need to work harder.
As they get more strident, he digs harder.
Putting the suit on is harder work than the actual session as it is like a wet suit.
Over the next few days the boys played contact sports harder than usual and Carla became more sullen.
We used to have no trouble getting tablatures with an accompanying description, but it is getting harder.
Tho Iâve still got more weight to lose, Iâm more active playing tennis, skiing and able to work harder.
The other traitors, who were relieved to have escaped detection, also were thus motivated to fight harder.
We need to work harder at improving the understanding of the needs of disenfranchised groups.
Lever arch folders are slightly harder wearing but not much use unless your evidence is quite weighty.
By sublimation in a current of hydrogen it can be crystallized in the form of regular octahedra; it is slightly harder than tin, but is softer than zinc, and like tin, emits a crackling sound when bent.
The Directors feared a rupture with the man to whom they owed their existence; and the house of Austria was fain to make peace with the general rather than expose itself to harder terms at the hands of the Directory.
In the southern part of the Basin Range province the ranges are well dissected and some of the intermont depressions have rock floors with gentle, centripetal slopes; hence it is suggested that the time since the last dislocation in this part of the province is relativel remote; that erosion in the current cycle has here advanced muc farther than in the central or northern parts of the province; and that, either by outwash to the sea or by exportation of wind-borne dust, the depressions-perhaps aggraded for a time in the earlier stages of the cyclehave now been so deeply worn down as to degrade the lower and weaker parts of the tilted blocks to an evenly sloping surface, leaving the higher and harder parts still in relief as residual ranges.
The harder part was to recreate a spirit of order and subordination among a nation accustomed to long civil strife.
At this point, things get harder.
In the past, when the power of the state was absolute in many parts of the world, it was harder to argue that every person on the planet had rights no monarch or state could violate.
When you have visited a place, you will find it harder to advocate its destruction.
But it is harder for Teacher than it is for me because the strain on her poor eyes is so great, and I cannot help worrying about them.
But, when I took up Algebra, I had a harder time still--I was terribly handicapped by my imperfect knowledge of the notation.
Many of the villages of Mesopotamia are built of second-hand bricks of a very good quality, obtained from the ruins of Babylon, and the cement on them is older and probably harder still.
When the farmers could not get to the woods and swamps with their teams, and were obliged to cut down the shade trees before their houses, and, when the crust was harder, cut off the trees in the swamps, ten feet from the ground, as it appeared the next spring.
I fathomed it easily with a cod-line and a stone weighing about a pound and a half, and could tell accurately when the stone left the bottom, by having to pull so much harder before the water got underneath to help me.
It was only by the keener wind that met them and the jerks given by the side horses who pulled harder--ever increasing their gallop--that one noticed how fast the troyka was flying.
Go on... harder, harder! he muttered, hunching his back and presenting his fat shoulders.
Harder and more blessed than all else is to love this life in one's sufferings, in innocent sufferings.
All the rest was of a piece; dry salad, putrid meat, and bread harder than English cookie.
Beside, quitting cigarettes is a lot harder than quitting weed.
Many who relocated abroad, found that they were required to work harder than in their former country.
Repartitioning a drive just makes it a bit harder recover any data than a simple format.
I almost expected the completed form to be sent back to me with " Must try harder " scrawled in red ink.
Its also much harder skidding off an exercise bike in terrible weather than off the real thing honestly.
It is amazing how many things learned during harder times stand people in good stead over the years.
The measurement of service quality is much harder than that for product quality as it is more subjective than objective.
This is perhaps harder to demonstrate directly, in a cultural practice which involves language but does not often explicitly theorize about language.
But pulling harder it soon came free and the 70m of rope toppled down on top of me.
This leading of the way through the trackless wilderness in snow averaging four feet deep is harder work than one might suppose.
Adding vibrato to a flute sound would be one example of it 's use - the harder you blow, the greater the intensity.
Golf became harder as his hands would waver about for a few seconds and he had little control of the club.
Can you expect to have harder duties done for about half a common workman 's wages.
The gnarl in the branch made it harder for the squirrels to run up the branch.
Allowing too much time to reminisce before moving makes it harder for a child to be excited about their new home.
Anxiety makes it much harder for a person to articulate their thoughts.
The potential candidate was able to deflect some of the harder questions by flattering the interviewer.
Obtaining customers is hard and securing your initial customers is even harder.
Overly tired babies may also have a harder time falling asleep, than those that fall asleep as soon as they need to.
They may be harder to get clean because he plays so hard in them, but that is what they are made for.
Is it really harder potty training boys than girls?
Since the colon's purpose is to remove water from the stool, stools that sit longer than normal in the colon may tend to get much harder, making it difficult to pass them.
They may be difficult to manuever and harder to fold up and store in tight places.
Potty Training Deterrents-Some parents argue that it is harder to potty train a toddler that is wearing disposable diapers simply because they can't feel the wetness as much as if they were wearing cloth diapers.
If you are struggling to get by, you may have a harder time selling your role as a single parent to an adoption agency.
While it's certainly tempting to solicit the opinions of your loved ones during this process, it can make it much harder to choose the perfect name for your newborn.
Curling ribbon can be used, but it's harder to do.
Finding 32 DDD nursing bras can be tricky, but it's also important that you find a bra that fits correctly even if that means searching a bit harder for the perfect fit.
Mac users will have a harder time finding a compatible, non-iPod MP3 player than PC users.
Gently apply the eyeshadow-be careful not to smear it on thickly, as this will make it harder to remove for when you go to try on different colors.
It is even harder to find one that lets you sample it.
Of course, harder soles weigh more, so find the balance between weight and durability that works best for you.
Lighter rackets allow you to swing faster (and thus harder) and have more powerful shots, but heavier rackets are more stable and are less likely to result in missed shots.
As far as durability, most wheel manufacturers use what is called the "a-scale", with a higher number representing a harder wheel.
Touring kayaks, or sea kayaks, are harder to turn, but they travel in straight lines better than the recreational type.
Later, you can move into the longer fiberglass types that are harder to maneuver and easier to damage.
If you're traveling during peak seasons, such as summer or around the winter holidays, you're going to have a harder time finding the ideal low rate.
That makes it harder to clean and your food won't turn out as perfectly as you'd like every time.
You still have to be smart about it because the salesmen may push you harder to close the sale or take your first negotiation pretty quickly.
You might fare better at getting a discount with these cars because they are harder to get rid of.
Digital thermostats can be harder to program than other types, but they offer more control of scheduling if you are on the go at different times during the day or week.
In England, it's harder to have a handgun than a shotgun, which is commonly used for hunting.
Look into special seats with gel inserts or cushions if you think you'll participate in harder riding.
Many people purchase vacuum cleaners without bags because of the general cost reduction, but they can be much harder to clean than vacuums with a standard bag.
The first thing you should do is determine your water's condition, because the harder the water you have, the larger water softener you may need.
If you're afraid you'll have a harder time figuring out how to use this little piece of technology than you would mapping your own route, this one could be for you.
Unfortunately, the TV industry is a little harder to peg.
Traditional mulching blades drag the grass downward, making it a lot harder to cut away cleanly.
This glare distorts the true color of objects and makes them harder to distinguish.
The UNIX architecture is harder to crack, but it is done every day and there are viruses out there for the Mac.
Some changes are hard to notice, others may be harder to ignore.
This material does not contain loops, so it is harder to destroy.
The drier your treat is, the more intense its flavor and the harder it will become.
Harder treats will help keep your cat's teeth clean.
The stones will add weight to your stand and make it harder for the tree to tip over.
The result might be a jumble of names, each one vying for attention and making the decision even harder.
Falling behind during the early years makes it much harder for students to advance to the type of college preparatory work they will need to be successful as adults.
With recent bankruptcy reform, it is harder to declare bankruptcy, so these individuals face great difficulty in climbing out of spending and debt patterns.
They may consistently underpay certain creditors, which makes it harder to detect since partial payments tend to set off fewer red flags than no payments, and thus can drag the scam out for months and months.
He or she will need to know a password that the cardholder sets up ahead of time, making it harder for a thief to take advantage of the account.
You'll have a much harder time accepting the end of your marriage and embracing the new life you have before you.
The best thing you can do for your children is give them support, guidance and seek professional help for yourself and/or them if they seem to be handling it much harder than you are equipped to deal with.
Affix gun cabinets to walls to make them harder to remove or tamper with.
Though papasan camp chairs are a bit harder to track down than more traditional styles of camp chairs, many consumers claim there's almost nothing like sitting in one as long as thick padding is intact.
Lawn chair webbing used to be very easy to find in home improvement stores and garden centers, however as trends in outdoor furniture shift towards more luxurious types of patio furniture, webbing is getting harder to find.
Without an outlet location, you may have to work a little harder to find Thomasville furniture at discounted prices.
Lawn chair webbing used to be very easy to find in home improvement stores and garden centers, but as trends in patio furniture shift towards more luxurious types of materials, webbing is getting harder to find.
One potential disadvantage to an ivory desk is it can be harder to keep clean.
Understanding these effects will motivate you to try even harder to do your part to protect our planet.
Efforts are underway to make them harder to remove and easier to trace, but it's still a headache one wants to avoid.
Solar power roof tiles, on the other hand, are designed to blend with the roof, making them more attractive, harder to spot and very difficult to remove.
Recycling is a responsible practice that computer users should engage in because it makes sense on so many levels and really isn't much harder than throwing the cartridges away in the garbage bin.
When the pressure of the blood pumping through the arteries is too high, it causes the heart to work harder to get the blood moving.
It robs you of some of your life valuable energy and the more you collect, the harder it is to ever organize it all.
If you don't have enough money, you work harder.
The bad news is that it is harder, but not impossible, to find art deco sconces on sites such as eBay and Craigslist.
Smaller panels will be harder to line up in straight lines in an uneven room, so go as large as possible for odd shaped rooms.
This is much harder to do with other types of lighting like a wall sconce or even a table lamp which needs to sit on top of something.
As powders typically offer a smaller selection of colors, dark skins have a harder time finding a good match.
It's harder for me to apply it to my lower lids then on top.
Unfortunately, it is becoming harder to find Vivid, although most perfume online retailers do carry it.
While some women can't change their deep or olive skin tones, they certainly shouldn't work harder to add depth to their complexion.
Players may also vary their names while playing, to make it harder for people to guess what type of player they are.
Forums are a bit harder to search out because they're typically connected to specific websites rather than part of a larger service, but Forums.com and Big Boards are two sites compiling searchable lists of forums.
Elevation is a little harder to determine, but the basic terrain is available.Terraserver allows you to download or email the picture or send it directly to your printer.
The harder the trick, the more points you earn, and the more you play, the more tricks you unlock.
Start at the easier levels, such as level one or two, and work your way up to the harder levels, such as level nine or ten.
The reason is that CD/DVD-based games are harder to convert on a computer, so cartridge-based games dominate the sites of users who felt the need to combine the games into one simple server where anyone can play Nintendo games online.
Venison was familiar meat that was in large and ready supply in 1621, but it is generally harder to find today.
Many die cut machines can cut sheets of chipboard, although you may need to press harder than normal to accommodate for the thickness of the chipboard.
It's a bit harder to get to these Colorado ski areas.
Your body releases stress hormones that cause your heart to work harder, your blood pressure to elevate, your breathing rate to increase and your anxiety level to rise.
If you have low self-esteem and lack confidence in handling difficult situations, you will have a harder time dealing with unfortunate situations in your life.
That stress can be beneficial when it encourages employees to work harder and try their best, or when it sparks enthusiasm and improvements on the job.
While anger management will work for almost everyone, some people such as those with mental illness may have a harder time.
With practice, this is incredibly relaxing and it gets easier, although everyone has days that are harder than others.
If you're a guy looking for a guy-centered game, you may have to look a little harder, but there are farming, camping and safari options.
Having a manageable amount of anxiousness can motivate you to think harder on questions.
You might find yourself thinking things like, "Where will my soul go when I die?" or "Maybe I should have studied harder."
Cheating causes problems for those honest students by unfairly giving cheaters the academic advantage, which in turn makes it harder for those who did study to get the grades and recognition they deserve.
Don't panic if the test is harder than you thought.
For instance, a chat room that hides users' IP addresses can make it harder for someone to figure out the location of another chatter.
The willingness to use one illegal substance may serve as a gateway to alcohol or harder drugs.
I know it's harder to do than it is to write, but it's really the only way.
It will be harder to change your habits later on in life so it's best not to let yourself go this early.
If you follow the group around and ask if you can join them, they will try harder not to let you in.
Furthermore, calories you ingest from these snacks are much harder to burn off because your body doesn't use them as efficiently.
These pre-made dresses can sometimes be found in brick and mortar stores, but depending on that year's fashion and style trends, they may be harder to find than a generic prom dress.
Being a good friend may sound like an easy concept, and it can be, but sometimes it is harder than you would expect.
The purpose of boot camps is to show troubled teens that life can be much harder than they realize if they don't change their ways.
Defining who is the best player is actually a lot harder than it sounds.
In a time of life so heavily focused on creating your own identity and image, having a twin can make the experience much harder at times.
Parenting a pre teenage girl might seem harder than parenting a pre teenage boy, but both genders go through the same mood swings and emotional changes and can be just as challenging.
Getting into an agency can be even harder.
While it might seem like a cool job or good way to make money, acting is one of the harder fields to break into.
Coupling the amount of people interested in the field with the small amount of open roles, it can sometimes seem harder than it is worth to get a role in acting.
One of the harder parts of being a teen in this day and age is trying to figure out how to handle bullies.
New prom dresses are released each year as well, but the newer designs may be harder to find than ones from several years ago.
Colored prom tuxes can be a bit harder to find than their simpler black, white, or gray counterparts.
There are other styles and vintage details that you may want to consider, but keep in mind that less popular styles may be even harder to locate in the color of your choice.
Everything that goes along with asking her, like finding the courage to do so, choosing the words to use, and dealing with the possibility of her saying "No!" can make the experience that much harder.
One of the perceived disadvantages of vegetarianism is it can be harder to get certain nutrients, such as calcium, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids and protein.
Soft, quick-cooking veggies such as tomatoes and mushrooms should go together, and harder vegetables such as squash and bell peppers should be in a separate group.
It may be a little more difficult to find a groom's gift, as guys are traditionally much harder to shop for.
The older the documents, however, the harder they will be to find.
Although a little harder to do, you can still find one you are pleased with.
Planning a civil wedding in Bournemouth can be a bit harder when you are planning from abroad.
Busy brides to be may find that accessing their inner wedding planner is harder than they originally imagined.
Knowing what to write in a wedding card can be even harder than coming up with wedding gift ideas for the soon to be newlyweds.
One of the harder things to plan in a wedding is the mother of the bride outfit.
The task gets a little harder when the future bride and groom do not yet have any songs in mind.
This would make it much harder for any program to work properly.
What can be even harder is admitting you do have a problem.
After you become more comfortable with something, it's much harder to stop than to continue.
You may have a harder time focusing on what you are doing.
This means you will have a harder time seeing things on the road.
Don't beat yourself up about relapsing because it will only make it harder for you to reach your goal of never lighting up again.
Although this size can be a bit harder to find than other types, more manufacturers are producing them since this bed size is also becoming more popular.
You may have to look harder for items such as figurines and toys.
Because marshmallow fondant is made with shortening, it is greasier than traditional fondant and can be slightly harder to handle at first.
While cakes will expand in the oven, it's harder to join two sides of a very narrow, sparse cake together than it is to join sides of a plump cake.
They are harder and messier to tint, but their ability to mold forms is unparalleled.
When Sheryl was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after their split, Lance told USA Today that the news hit him harder than when he found out he had cancer.
Nick and Ted engaged in a fiery rivalry, but the competition turned friendly as they each pushed the other to try harder.
Keoghan commented in a TVGuide.com interview, "We're wanting to push things a little harder because they've done it before."
Ford enjoyed the harder rock and roll that was gaining popularity in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and it wasn't long before she joined a band.
If anything, it creates the problem for them that it's easy to understand what I do, but it's sometimes harder to explain what their uncle who works in a bank does for a living.
It's also harder to find a good local custom dressmaker.
Boys will have a harder time tearing through these knees.
Most toggle coats are woolen, but not all, so if this is a factor for you, you may have to look a bit harder than most when purchasing a toggle coat.
While the after-holiday clearance racks can be great if you plan ahead and buy a size-up for next year, you may need to make a purchase before a holiday when it can be harder to find things on sale.
It can be harder to find organic jeans than other clothes, but Urth Child has a pair by Love Is Organic that any girl would love.
You may have a harder time finding Halloween and Thanksgiving ties.
You can also find long-sleeve onesies appropriate for a winter christening, although these are a bit harder to come by.
If a particular school has a low job placement rate for new graduates, there may be a reason - and that reason may make it harder for you to find a job if you go there!
Of course, the online division of the university has to work harder to achieve this personalized attention, but even the online programs operate under this philosophy of individualized attention for students.
Diverse experiences are harder to come by.
If you find this a path of interest, keep this in mind as it may make your post-degree job search a bit harder.
Alaska has some particularly stunning locations where couples can hold wedding ceremonies, although some locations may be a little harder to reach than others.
Offered sporadically throughout the year, the cruise to nowhere is a bit harder to find than the usual cruises to famous destinations.
While a cruise to nowhere can be a fun and rewarding experience, they are a little harder to come by than traditional cruises.
Gay river cruises are harder to come by than traditional gay cruises at sea.
The center of the tube is hollow, just like the Classic Kong, so you can stuff it with some dog biscuits to inspire him to work at it harder.
It's harder to track just how much your dog is eating when he's feeding around the clock.
The problem is, finding time to take Fido to have a professional portrait taken is next to impossible, and finding a photographer who is willing to work with animals can be even harder.
Solid chunks of these bones are harder to digest because it takes longer for the digestive juices to penetrate the bones.
Now you can buy plastic place mats for very little money at any Target®, Bed Bath & Beyond® or dollar store, but finding plastic place mats large enough to accommodate two large bowls at a time is harder than you think.
As your pet ages, normal activities like playing ball, Frisbee, hiking and swimming become harder to do.
As a dog's system becomes more run down, it's harder to fight off secondary infections such as skin infections.
The longer it takes him to resume normal eating, the harder it will be for his body to accept the nutrition.
However, by-products are generally harder to digest than real meat, so it's doubtful that a dog receives the full amount of protein intended when a significant portion of the food passes through his system undigested.
I have to say that when it comes to gift giving, it is a bit harder for me personally, so I have come up with a nice gift that has a personal touch.
If you want a harder treat, take the sheet out, cut up the treats and place the cookie sheet back in the oven to dry out for a few hours.
Watch out for flowers that have been bred for double petals, as they make the nectar harder to reach.
You'll also end up trampling over the soil, which compacts it or pushes it down and makes it harder for the plants' roots to develop.
Compaction is bad because it makes it harder for plants' roots to grow and seek nutrients the plants need to be healthy.
Improper pH also makes it harder for the plant to take in the nutrients it needs.
Lowering soil pH is actually harder than raising it, and takes time and patience.
The seeds will be a little harder to get out, however, you can remove them by rubbing a towel over the flower head.
Unlike guitar tabs that have an abundance of resources available for almost any popular song imaginable, sheet music for popular music is a lot harder to find for free.
However, if you're just looking for Gospel songs overall, it can be a little harder.
While they may be harder to find, chord charts provide bass players with a great resource and learning tool.
If you are looking for free beginner Christmas sheet music for guitar, you may find that it is harder to find than other genres of sheet music.
Rockmagic.net features a few of the harder to find Metallica tabs.
To many, the band set the groundwork along with Green Day and Blink-182 for much of the pop-punk scene that occurred in the early 2000's and harder pop of the late 2000's.
Keep this in mind, and it should make things a bit easier as you move forward to harder passages.
Their music is harder edged than some Christian music.
Installing a pocket door will be much harder if you have to reroute ductwork, wiring or plumbing.
However, some tiles are harder to remove, so you'll need additional tools and equipment.
The result is a material that lacks the unique variation of granite, but is harder, stronger and stain proof.
Because the color goes through the entire tile rather than just a top coating, accidental chips are much harder to distinguish.
Elevation - If the window is on the second or third story of your home, you'll have a harder time making an install than with a window at ground level.
With a rating of 9 on the Mohs hardness scale, the only harder gem is the diamond.
Original rings from the Seventies are much harder to find.
Today, you can find numerous moonstone pendants but it is slightly harder to find a modern brooch.
Moonstone brooches are harder to find than pendants.
Current replicas of the Victorian crown brooch are actually harder to find than older vintage originals and retro reproductions of the brooch.
Finding the pendant designs in titanium and gold is a little harder than some other jewelry shopping endeavors.
Short sleeves may be harder to find in dress shirts than long sleeves but they are available and still popular among many men.
Many of the pictures feature the coats without models, which makes it harder to gauge their fit, so you will have to make some inquiries before you decide to purchase.
They are a bit harder to find but Golf Smith has them and they are worth seeking out for such circumstances.
Since most modern men's shorts are designed to hit the knee, this is harder to come by than might be expected.
Black ones are often harder to pull off because they put off a much less casual air than their brown counterparts.
Rather than try and pay extortionate rents on the main streets of cities, Slaters menswear stores are located on side streets and on upper floors of buildings, making them harder to find but cheaper to maintain.
On the other hand, too much nitrogen leads to excessive leaf growth with reduced root growth, and makes it harder for the plants to deal with environmental stress.
While many products are becoming widely available, some items are harder to find.
This makes it harder for the slugs to get to your plants.
Some plants, such as potatoes and turnips, can be prone to attacks from bugs and are a bit harder to grow.
With some plants, it's harder and may require some trial and error.
Pinching pennies is often harder when dealing with organics because they tend to cost more, but there are good reasons why so many people don't mind shelling out a few extra dollars on these groceries.
Something that frustrates consumers who are looking to purchase organic products like mattress covers is that these products are much harder to find than non-organic products.
If you are an experienced seamstress, you know that some fabrics are harder to handle than others.
Don't purchase less than the amount needed, especially if it is a print, since it will be harder to match later on.
They saved their favorites, which is why we can enjoy them today, but day dresses were the least likely to be saved, mostly because they got harder wear.
With plus size vintage day dresses, it can be even harder because women whose modern size would be above a 16 tended to make or have their dresses made for them and then wore them until they gave out.
It can also be harder and more expensive to care for.
Plus sized 60s and 70s clothing can be harder to find in flattering styles than the fashions of earlier eras, particularly the curve-friendly 1940s and 1950s.
You can find a decent selection to browse at Woman Within, although you should note that they do not use plus size models, so it may be harder to gauge whether an item will work for your body.
If you have something specific in mind, you may sometimes need to browse a little harder, but you should have a fine range of choice.
If you have an hourglass figure, buying pants is even harder because there is usually a big discrepancy between the waist and hip measurements, which results in excess fabric at the waistline.
It also deprives the body of oxygen, which means that the heart must work harder to give the body what it needs.
This constriction means the heart must work harder to keep the body supplied with blood, which can trigger a heart attack.
In many situations, it's harder for the elderly to garden.
Darker colors look unnatural on mature people and will be harder to maintain when they grow out.
Sometimes it can be harder to buy for senior men, or to find good gift ideas for seniors who seem to have everything.
It becomes harder to wake you and by the time you reach stage 4 of the sleep cycle, you are deeply sleeping.
Light is a stimulant to the brain and therefore it is harder to sleep well during the day.
Excessive weight gain can decrease the muscle strength in the chest and make it harder to take a deep breath.
Some people find that harder or firmer mattresses work better at keeping the body from twisting or bending into awkward positions.
It can also be harder to awaken a person who is sleepwalking.
It may also be harder to fall asleep after being woken by louder musical notes.
Over time, getting too little sleep can affect your job performance and end up making you feel like you're working harder and harder with fewer positive results.
Typically starting around the mid 40's, the lens of the eye becomes a bit less flexible, and this can mean that it becomes harder to shift and adjust the eyes quickly from far objects to near objects.
Keeping them in a case makes them easier to find and it also makes it harder for them to fall into a crevice.
Another downside is that getting fitted for monovision lenses is more complicated and may require more follow-up appointments since they are harder to get used to than multifocal lenses.
Once you have your prescription needs under your belt, you can branch out into the world of fashionable polarized reading glasses, which will understandably be harder to find than the simpler styles with clear lenses.
They allow athletes to play harder without suffering so much from the effect of the sun in their eyes.
Some prescriptions may be harder to find than others in the mirrored lenses of any color or style.
Within this category are also other colors that border on natural, like exotic ice blue, that may be harder to get in the mainstream contact lens lines.
Most often, something retro is so out of fashion it has become harder to get and thus it has become a sign of being chic or "in" to have the retro style.
They increase their grip as you sweat, so you won't have to worry about them slipping down your nose as you work harder.
The spinning mechanism was modified in 2004 to make it harder to spin fast.
Haze - Soldiers fight harder and smarter as the result of a "nutrional supplement," but this produces a hallucinogenic effect wherein the soldiers are not aware of their own pain.
Many games these days have different difficulty levels and running through the game once will help you with the harder levels, which typically unlock more stuff.
Combinations are the key to success on the harder stages as is common amongst similar titles.
When a company releases a lot of a title, selling out is harder to do, so many people purchase the game and therefore, you can just about find it anywhere.
This makes it harder for opponents to get the drop on your position.
Try to make power gems and hyper cubes in easier levels and leave them unused until harder levels.
When the book meter above the bookworm is full, you move on to the next round where the words become a little harder to find, and other challenges may be thrown your way.
This indicator disappears on harder modes, or you can toggle it off in the menu to give yourself an extra challenge.
The loss of members of your squad makes completing missions significantly harder, and many of the levels took more than one try to complete on the Normal difficulty setting.
The big disadvantage is that it is harder to develop for and companies may opt to not utilize all the power that the PS3's CELL technology can muster.
If you're not careful, this game can frustrate you, especially if you're on the harder difficulty.
You start off playing Beginner and Light songs with simple goals, but as you unlock different areas of the board, you soon find yourself with harder goals, like never hitting the down arrow in a song.
This version also introduced Oni courses, which are a number of preset songs with a little harder difficulty.
The Xbox has Ultramix 1, 2 and 3, which have the same songs as Max 2, Extreme 1 and Extreme 2, but with a harder to manipulate interface.
Unfortunately, the difficulty curve is harder and significantly jumps from medium to hard with noticeable difference.
This will help learn the songs so that when you progress to harder levels, the arrow sequences make sense.
It will help you keep the beat until you reach Standard Mode and harder stages of Easy difficulties.
There are so many side-quests and special items to be picked up that by the end of the game, you'll be wishing there were a harder difficulty level so that you didn't blow the last boss away in three hits.
The hangman games tend to be easy and get progressively harder, but not on a curve that is impossible.
As you start, you've got some pretty easy combos to throw at your enemies and as you gain more combos, well, they don't get any harder to pull off, but they do satisfy the bloodlust quite a bit more.
Medium is a lot harder than easy, and hard is a lot more challenging than medium.
This means that the music game can recognize if a player is hitting the pad harder or softer, translating this into the relative volume of the sound produced in the game.
This type of issue is easy to spot, but a little harder to manage.
Do a couple of songs for practice to get the hang of how the arrows work in conjunction with the beats because once you start on the harder levels, the arrows will be on the 8th counts and sometimes on the 16th counts.
For the Veterans, the true fun comes in Battle Mode where you try to make your opponent lose by "attacking" them to make it harder to hit the arrows.
Until you can consistently pass songs with a 'B' or an 'A', keep plodding away before moving to the harder levels.
Start with the easy songs and progress to the harder ones as you perfect certain sequences.
A harder way to become invincible is in cooperative mode.
Each successive challenge is progressively harder, but most matches don't take much longer than a minute or two to complete.
Anything under that will give you some glitchy movements and a harder time taking down enemies.
For example, the harder and faster she runs, the jumpier the camera gets.
I have won many races using this method, especially during the harder ones.
On the harder difficulties, the game gets extremely difficult.
It made the games quicker to load, more expensive for developers to manufacture, and harder to hack.
You can play some harder to find games like Tapper, Zaxxon and Street Fighter.
There is an easy mode, geared towards helping new players learn the game, as well as several harder versions for players to truly test their skill.
There are emulators representing CD-based consoles though they are harder to use.
The reason is that it's harder to fit the 'z' and 't' pieces on the edge.
Replay value for the game is excellent, because as you play through the game, you unlock a ridiculously harder version of the game you just struggled through the first time.
Using the controller is a bit harder, as you might expect.
It's fine for the easy songs, but as you get harder and more hectic, it gets problematic trying to keep time and responding quickly.
If it is particularly low (2 or 3), you will likely have a harder time finding an appropriate swap than if it were high (8 or more).
This mode is actually a lot harder than it sounds, and the large number of puzzles will keep you busy for quite a while.
Harder video games can teach teens and children not to give up, even if a level is difficult.
Unfortunately Wario comes along and makes life much harder.
For a harder exercise challenge on the Wii comes EA Sports Active.
Often, the budgets and resources are better for the in-house developers, but these roles may be harder to land straight out of school.
As the entire team works harder to close out the project, more bugs are created, and the test team's tasks multiply.
As they are older titles, they may be harder to find, but when you do stumble across Zoids Legacy, it can oftentimes be purchased for about $15.
Because of this Simonds antique saws are a little harder to find than the other brands and command top prices among collectors.
The older machines, as can be expected, are harder to come by.
These are harder to replace so make sure the originals are in good shape.