Hard-case Sentence Examples
Rhyn crossed his arms, irritated. Kiki trotted from the patio into the house perched on a hill overlooking Tokyo. He returned ten minutes later with a small briefcase, a jacket and a hard case for his iPad. Rhyn opened the portal, and the two strode through it, back to the massive tree where Rhyn had lost Toby in the cold, wet French Alps.
McGlashan just loved to watch the smoke billow from the piles of flaming furniture on the front grass of some hard case or other.
Another thing you'll want to do is store them in a hard case.
This very colorful look can be purchased along with either a large black hard case (an additional $9.95) or a large soft black case ($8.95).
This is called pregnancy discrimination, but it can be a hard case to prove so, realistically, not all women are well protected from pregnancy discrimination.
Travel Hard Case is made for the cordless maker.