Harbin Sentence Examples
He could have gained his respite by concentrating at Harbin or even at Mukden or at Liao-Yang.
Railway Company was formed by the bank under this agreement, to construct and work the line, and surveys were made in 1897, the town of Harbin being founded as headquarters for the work.
The line, which affords through communication from Europe by way of the Trans-Siberian system, enters Manchuria near a station of that name in the north-west corner of the country, passes Khailar, and runs south-east, near Tsitsihar, to Harbin.
But on the 26th of October, when on a visit to Harbin, he was shot dead by Korean assassin.
In 1898 Russia obtained a lease of the Liao-tung peninsula, and a clause of this contract empowered her to connect Port Arthur and Dalny (now Tairen) with the main Manchurian railway by a branch southward from Harbin.
Samuel Randlett and Robert Harbin added to his work, thus creating the Yoshizawa-Randlett System of origami diagramming.