Happy Sentence Examples
Are you trying to say that you're not happy with your success?
Happy to meet you at last, Yully.
It must be a beautiful and happy place; and I wish to know all about it.
I hope you two are happy together.
I'd be happy knowing you're safe.
I'm so happy to see you!
Maybe she wasn't happy with the way her parents lived.
I'm happy to help you, and I'm happy you came to visit.
I'm happy you're among us.
You are happy enough I no longer need to dull the pain.
AdvertisementThese happy days did not last long.
In any case, Alex might not be happy with her old-fashioned ideas.
We're happy to see the attention directed elsewhere.
She feared seeing them happy again, knowing she really was nothing more than a disposable stand-in until they were able to be together again.
At any rate, Mr. Cade seems to be happy with his lifestyle.
AdvertisementTwo blocks away we found a dark spot that catered to happy hour regulars.
So Mildred stayed with me in Cambridge, and for six happy months we were hardly ever apart.
If her pulse were any indication, she should be happy – and cautious.
The voices were not happy, and she was surprised to hear one of them.
You, personally, are pretty happy with the generic knockoff, which saves you a dollar and tastes the same to you.
AdvertisementI was very happy to receive pretty book and nice candy and two letters from you.
She linked my earliest thoughts with nature, and made me feel that "birds and flowers and I were happy peers."
Maybe he was happy to get rid of her.
Happy he who has ears to hear.
The happy Christmas time is almost here!
AdvertisementShe'll be happy to see you.
Happy the man who wins her!
She wanted Gabriel to be happy but couldn't bear to see it, not when her own world was still so new and frightening.
She was happy for it.
My father made holes in these so that I could string them, and for a long time they kept me happy and contented.
I am very happy to write to you because I think of you and love you.
We're very happy together.
Little Benjamin Franklin was very happy; for he was only seven years old.
I told you that I was very happy because of your happiness.
Happy as Petya was, he felt sad at having to go home knowing that all the enjoyment of that day was over.
Jule was happy to piss off the little green-eyed troll.
It makes me happy to know much about my loving Father, who is good and wise.
Prince Vasili entered the room with the air of a happy conqueror who has attained the object of his desires.
She is always doing something to make some one happy, and her generosity and wise counsel have never failed my teacher and me in all the years we have known her.
I'll go wherever you go - and I'll be happy there.
The two years in New York were happy ones, and I look back to them with genuine pleasure.
They have her in pull-ups now and she's not happy about that.
He wasn't happy to be left out of the loop but at least he believed me and came around.
This good and happy news delighted me exceedingly, for then I was sure that I should learn also.
Oh, how happy I am!
Alex wasn't happy right now.
That type of heartache is rough, but I came to peace with it and was pretty happy with my expulsion, until a few days ago.
By the distaste in his voice, he wasn't happy about it.
But they were so happy and contented that I lost all sense of pain in the pleasure of their companionship.
It makes me most happy to remember the hours we spent helping each other in study and sharing our recreation together.
I shall be happy to have a letter from you when you like to write to me.
I shall always keep them, and it will make me very happy to think that you found them, on that far away island, from which Columbus sailed to discover our dear country.
My parents were delighted to hear me speak, and I was overjoyed to give them such a happy surprise.
I guess it does sound dull when I talk about it, but it's never dull to me, and Alex seems to be happy with things.
While Dean discounted hooligans as the source of his vandalism, he was more than happy to accept Brandon Westlake's timely rescue.
He must be really happy.
Let the dead bury their dead, but while one has life one must live and be happy! thought he.
She stopped to wait for him, unsure whether to be happy about his presence or annoyed.
Without love you would not be happy or want to play.
I could not keep pace with all these literary folk as they glanced from subject to subject and entered into deep dispute, or made conversation sparkle with epigrams and happy witticisms.
Sonya and Natasha looked at Vera with guilty, happy faces.
I am going to bed with a happy and tranquil mind.
How happy it all was!
He remembered everything, and ecstatic pity and love for that man overflowed his happy heart.
She's always happy-- I've never seen her upset.
I'm happy to see you smile again.
She took his arm and with a happy face went with him into the adjoining sitting room.
I only wish you were all as happy as I am.
It sounds as if your marriage was very happy.
I'm so happy to meet you.
At last the happiest of happy moments arrived.
I hope it will please you very much, because it makes me happy to send it.
We would be very happy together.
He cannot imagine how very, very happy he will be when he can tell us his thoughts, and we can tell him how we have loved him so long.
There are about a hundred girls, and they are all so bright and happy; it is a joy to be with them.
Natasha was perfectly happy; she was dancing with a grown-up man, who had been abroad.
And I am so contented and happy with him.
Yet I was once at home, strong, happy, and loved.
I shall be so happy when she is his wife.
This unpleasant impression merely flitted over the young and happy face of the Emperor like a cloud of haze across a clear sky and vanished.
He was happy to be seeing him.
I was so happy, so free, so lighthearted!
I am so tranquil and happy now.
And Nicholas heard her spontaneous, happy, ringing laughter.
Stop in for the bar's happy hour specials on weekdays, and enjoy the action on the big-screen television before you head into the dining room.
The old house groaned with each gust of wind, but it felt like a happy house.
Maybe that was why they were so happy.
And just as happy I failed.
That makes me happy.
I didn't mean to get her pregnant but we're both happy it happened.
She was happy to be functional, though that wasn't likely going to last long.
The woman before her was truly happy to see her.
If any part of you cared about him, you'd want him to be happy, not force him to love you!
Happy to see me?
They all seemed happy with the arrangements.
She seemed happy with herself.
Don't think he's too happy with me right now.
He describes the safe and happy establishment of the people in their own land.
Bentham's life was a happy one of its kind.
I remember with deepest gratitude the kindness of these dear friends and the happy days I spent with them.
He is never quite so happy as when he has a little deaf child in his arms.
You are spared the pain of many sights and sounds, which you are only too happy in escaping.
It makes me very happy to know that I have kind and loving friends in the far-away State of Maine.
It makes me very happy indeed to know that I have such dear friends in other lands.
Mr. Burroughs told me about his home near the Hudson, and what a happy place it must be!
It frequently happens that the perfume of a flower or the flavour of a fruit recalls to her mind some happy event in home life, or a delightful birthday party.
This happy condition has obtained throughout her life.
I wish you many happy returns of your name day, said the visitor.
It seemed as if the very light of the candles was focused on those two happy faces alone.
Sonya now was sixteen and she was very pretty, especially at this moment of happy, rapturous excitement.
And I did not realize how happy I was!
He felt happy and at the same time sad.
Behind them sat Anna Mikhaylovna wearing a green headdress and with a happy look of resignation to the will of God on her face.
I am only happy to have had the opportunity of making your acquaintance.
Evidently it has to be so, said he to himself, and hastily undressing he got into bed, happy and agitated but free from hesitation or indecision.
She no longer complained of her position, did not say a word about the past, and no longer feared to make happy plans for the future.
Chefs are more than happy to customize any menu item, or to even take requests for items not on the menu at all.
This restaurant has an extended happy hour and a top chef in the kitchen.
Tapas are small plates of food, which are popular at both happy hour and dinnertime.
The restaurant, which is open for happy hour, lunch and dinner, features ravioli, duck, lamb, pork chops and rib eye entrees.
The brewery often features a daily special such as happy hour prices all day.
Let's get to the bar in time for its happy hour offering food and drink specials.
Although the food is hit-or-miss, the dining experience, friendly wait staff and happy patrons are worth the gamble, if you're feeling travel-weary.
It must be difficult for Alex to keep you happy.
Señor Medena wasn't too happy about that.
She wanted to see him happy.
She changed the decorating tip and wrote "Happy Birthday Dad!" on the top of the cake.
Were it not for the ranch, she might even feel happy for them.
I thought you'd be happy I spared him instead of burying him with the others.
You don't look happy.
If there was a way to make him see what was in her head … to make him remember … she focused on Damian's memories, the ones before the dark age, when he and his brother were happy.
I can't say I want her to be happy yet, but I don't want her to be sad.
The demon lord had just admitted to being happy, in his own way.
Bird Song's managerial pair tried to present a breakfast happy face over coffee cake and muffins, but their efforts continued to fall short as they waited for Martha to make an appearance.
The sheriff won't be a happy man.
Cynthia didn't ask him to join her and he was more than happy to remain rocking a groove in the front porch decking.
Both lost their wives to cancer and I think my father was a tad jealous but pleased our marriage made his friend and his daughter both so happy.
Jennifer Radisson, in spite of her height and eye catching blonde hair, was quickly lost in the happy crowd that clogged the sidewalks.
Besides, if you buy her story of years of happy marriage, it doesn't point to any untoward reason for Dawkins to seek her out before meeting her.
Getting all maudlin on this happy outing.
He was happy to be out of the dining room where Brandon Westlake and Pumpkin Green, both distraught over Billy Langstrom's death, were pressing Dean for details.
Dean was happy at a little time away from Bird Song.
He could picture the vampire-shrouded traveler pushing his grocery cart, happy to have the extra covering on this mountain morning.
Both men were just as happy to have the quiet of the jail cell so they could talk in private.
I thought … I thought this would make you happy.
You know what would make me happy, Deidre?
Considering how she was living when he met her, he could believe it... only she wasn't happy when he first met her.
Too happy knowing he was alive, Deidre hugged him harder.
It left her depressed, when she wanted to be happy the last few months of her life.
I mean happy, whether that's alone or not.
We'd be happy if you attended our gala.
Hannah no longer wore her engagement ring, and Katie wondered why she was so happy when she must know by now Gio wasn.t coming back for her.
As in, there are the two of you being lovey-dovey and happy, and me hanging out by the bushes.
Would she ever be so happy?
He wasn't happy, and part of her wondered if she'd done something already to piss him off.
She was happy for the mist; it kept the seaside lovers off the Lane and made her feel more invisible.
I'd say she was happy.
I haven't seen him this happy since....
But at least Annie Quincy had one happy day to remember.
He'd remembered the immortal world with fondness, for it was the only place and time he'd ever been happy.
She'd never forgiven herself for leaving her family, and she'd never given herself permission to move on and be happy.
He didn't look happy.
Memories of a time when he'd been happy as the White God with his Oracle at his side.
Jame would have been happy at Tiyan.
He seemed perfectly happy to follow wherever Alex led the conversation.
You were happy with Aunt Ida.
Would he be happy in California?
You are happy having nothing.
I'd be happy to remind you with a nip.
Ashley's eyes glowed, and Jessi hated herself for wanting to leave or prevent her cousin from ever seeing Xander again, when it clearly made her happy.
They're smart and happy.
Except that he wasn't happy with the way things were.
Within its borders are the villages of Cumberland Hill, Diamond Hill, Arnold Mills, Abbott Run, Berkeley, Robin Hollow, Happy Hollow, East Cumberland, and parts of Manville, Ashton, Lonsdale and Valley Falls.
If they could, by some happy chance, have been left for discovery by modern economists, they would without doubt have received different treatment, to the great advantage of economic science.
The Spartans were happy, said the writer, because they had plenty of good, suitable clothing and lodging, robust women, and were able to meet their requirements both physical and mental.
Since the death of Mirabeau no one had appeared who could strike the happy mean and enforce his will on the extremes on either side.
The most striking of these modern buildings are the new wing of the Hotel d'Italie, San Moise, and the very successful fish market at Rialto, designed by Laurenti and carried out by Rupolo, in which a happy return to early Venetian Gothic has been effected in conjunction with a skilful adaptation of one of the most famous of the old houses of Venice, the Stalon, or palace of the Quirini family.
His translation of the Bible was so sure and happy that it formed the basis of subsequent renderings, especially that of the authorized version of 1611.
On his return he was happy in winning the good opinion of Amalric I.; he was made first canon and then archdeacon of Tyre, and tutor of the future Baldwin IV.
He is the Perfect One, the Born in a Happy Hour, "My Cid," the invincible, the magnanimous, the allpowerful.
In this new country it was her duty to sacrifice to the goddess all strangers; and as her brother Orestes came to search for her and to carry off to Attica the image of the goddess, she was about to sacrifice him, when a happy recognition took place.
It consists of a series of sermons on the latter portion of the 6th chapter of Ephesians, and is described as a "magazine from whence the Christian is furnished with spiritual arms for the battle, helped on with his armour, and taught the use of his weapon; together with the happy issue of the whole war."
The remainder of his life was not happy.
Here the sun will for ever shine, and all the pious and faithful will live a happy life, which no evil power can disturb, in the eternal fellowship of Ormazd and his angels.
After that I spent many happy hours in my tree of paradise, thinking fair thoughts and dreaming bright dreams.
There we spent many happy hours and played at learning geography.
As I talked, happy thoughts fluttered up out of my words that might perhaps have struggled in vain to escape my fingers.
Poor people were not happy for their hearts were full of sad thoughts because they did not know much about America.
Daisy is happy, but she would be happy ever if she had a little mate.
I hope you will like your watch-case, for it made me very happy to make it for you.
I am sorry that you have no little children to play with you sometimes; but I think you are very happy with your books, and your many, many friends.
Are you very, very happy because you can make so many people happy?
But now I want to tell you how glad I am that you are so happy and enjoying your home so very much.
We like to think that the sunshine and the winds and the trees are able to love in some way of their own, for it would make us know that they were happy if we knew that they could love.
He knows that we can be really happy only when we are good.
He is very happy indeed at the kindergarten, and is learning something every day.
I know it, and it makes me feel so happy, it has such sweet thoughts.
We think of you so, so often! and our hearts go out to you in tenderest sympathy; and you know better than this poor letter can tell you how happy we always are to have you with us!
She is sitting by me as I write, her face serene and happy, crocheting a long red chain of Scotch wool.
I told her that when we are happy our thoughts are bright, and when we are naughty they are sad.
Do you remember what a happy time we had last Christmas?
I am too happy to write letters; but I must tell you about our visit to Cincinnati.
It is impossible for any one with whom Helen is conversing to be particularly happy or sad, and withhold the knowledge of this fact from her.
She likes to skip and play, for she is happy when the sun is bright and warm.
It makes me very happy to please you and my dear teacher.
I was a very happy little child with rosy cheeks, and large blue eyes, and the most beautiful golden ringlets you can imagine.
They were both particularly happy and gay.
Natasha felt happy and agitated, but at once remembered that this would not do and that he had to be quiet.
How happy I am! said Pierre to himself.
He often surprised those he met by his significantly happy looks and smiles which seemed to express a secret understanding between him and them.
So the boy also was happy that Pierre had arrived.
The emphasis is on light but filling meals against a backdrop of an extended happy hour.
Help yourself at the breakfast buffet, enjoy happy hour, and feast on the fresh local seafood along with steak, ribs, and chicken.
The curry flavors are subtle, and intricate rather than aggressively spicy, but the chef will be happy to make it hot if your sense of culinary adventure demands.
The venue features daily specials, a happy hour on weekdays and at lunchtime on weekends.
The staff is friendly and the decor is happy in hues of yellow and orange.
Vegetarians will be happy at this restaurant because there are lots of veggie options.
The Alex she met and fell in love with was confident and generally happy.
Be it as it may, both seem happy as pigeons in a bird bath with their modest lives.
And you're not happy.
He was content with his life, and yet, at her words, he remembered what it was like when he truly was happy.
Deidre, I really am happy that you're okay.
I do not wish them well or happy.
Joseph didn't look happy.
Dean was happy to move the subject away from Fitzgerald's evening encounter with Lydia.
He was happy to sit on the sidelines and wait for those hard lessons to start.
Being happy has nothing to do with where you are.
If it makes you happy, that's good enough for me.
No. Just happy to be alive.
Then why are you so happy?
When her body ceased convulsing from an orgasm, she'd kissed him with tenderness and asked him how she could make him as happy.
He stepped aside, happy for reasons she couldn't remotely comprehend.
Evelyn's happy response was lost as she faded into sleep.
Evelyn had been so happy the past few months, and having Romas around was not that bad.
I think you'd be happy in my … country.
Kiera had never seen anyone so happy.
Kiera rose and trotted down to her studio, happy to see the movers had left her studio alone.
She wanted her friend to be happy, and Romas thought this was the best way.
So then you'll be very happy.
Does she seem happy?
Do you not ever wish to have a family, to be as happy as your father was so long ago?
He closed his eyes, recalling how happy he and his sisters were before the war.
Doesn't that make you happy?
The men around her were happy despite their stony visages.
She had looked less than happy about staying, but she would do her duty, as would he.
Her mind went crazy with thoughts and emotions, and she wondered if A'Ran would be happy to see her.
Then, as if to change the subject, she added, to Fred, "I'm sure you'll find she was happy, wherever she lived."
Donnie's a nice boy and we're happy to have him.
I just wish she had been able to escape and draw a curtain on her past like Fred O'Connor and move into a secure and happy life.
Dean nodded his head in agreement, happy Cynthia's mood had mellowed.
Gladys is happy as hell about Shipton's swan dive.
I told him it was okay for him to be happy.
If you're happy, I'm happy.
He obliged and she started to sing Happy Birthday.
I'm so happy for you.
You've made me so happy.
I'm much too happy to gloat.
I'm happy he's wrong.
She was happy and healthy, and it showed.
And yet, they had been happy with each other.
I just want us to be happy together for the rest of our lives.
She didn't seem convinced of his words or happy to see him.
I'll be happy to stay and chat, Jessi said with a deep breath.
He says he's happy to see you.
His father, who was a wealthy man and possessed at any rate a smattering of Greek, Latin and French, was thought to have demeaned himself by marrying the daughter of an Andover tradesman, who afterwards retired to a country house near Reading, where young Jeremy spent many happy days.
It is true that he looked upon general society as a waste of time and that he disliked poetry as "misrepresentation"; but he intensely enjoyed conversation, gave good dinners and delighted in music, in country sights and in making others happy.
We.ll both be … happy.
It was 1900, and the happy couple were the only people in the world.
Corday wasn't a happy camper.
I'm just happy you're here.
I've never seen a child so happy.
So Mrs. Martin is up there socializing with Mr. Martin in her heaven, unaware that Mr. Martin is balling his brains out with Annie across the hall—cloud—while Annie, in her heaven, is the happy homemaker up on Oak Street.
He thought he was dead and he said that made him happy.
Dean followed her, happy beyond belief to have her once more share his bed.
If you don't feed soon, you'll start getting cranky and I need you happy.
You cry when I play and you're happy.
I like the way I live, I'm happy.
Happy to make your acquaintance, Miss Sidwell.
Jackson had never been so happy, and at ease, and she loved Connor with all her heart, yet she was a little sad, feeling they were growing apart.
He closed his eyes, happy that the disturbing dream had turned into something lovely.
I'm happy you changed your mind, and I will be forever grateful to my friends here.
Well, I had a great time, but Elisabeth isn't too happy with the outcome.
Everyone seemed happy to ignore the discussion about the full moon.
Jackson crooned, "There's the happy couple."
I think your mother already knew the only way you could truly be happy is if she accepted us.
They seemed so easy with each other and she had never seen Elisabeth this happy.
She tried to feel happy for them, but all she could feel was animosity toward Lori.
I know you think you're in love with him, but he can't make you happy.
Without children she might never be truly happy.
I'd be happy to help any way I can.
Lana looked up and smiled, happy to see her friend.
I'll be happy when Darkyn orders your death.
Try not to act so happy about protecting us all from demons.
None could add anything to their earlier stories and none was particularly happy being called in for questioning when they should have been enjoying their time off.
He plugged in a Coltrane disc and then a Gerry Mulligan and laid back to commiserate with the perfect sound of it all while he closed his eyes and pretended he was happy.
She sounded downright happy.
He was just as happy.
Only about whether I can make you happy.
It should have been a happy moment.
I promised to make you happy, Carmen, and I'm doing a lousy job of it.
They'll bloom forever, if it makes you happy.
Your father was not happy about it.
You're happy about being surrounded by one less vamp?
She was such a happy girl.
When Carmen or Alex dropped by unexpectedly, she was happy – until she saw them.
I thought you'd be happy I was handling it.
I'm happy I could help.
Walk in the door, reveal what Jonny wanted her to do and they'd have their happy ending.
She hits the happy mean between the studied archaism of Courier's Daphnis et Cloe and the realistic patois of the later kailyard novel which for Southerners requires a glossary.
He was so overjoyed when this happy thought struck him that he ran home without his clothes, shouting eiipfKa, eiip?
The happy coincidence of a lunar eclipse gives us the 20th of September 331 as the exact day upon which the Macedonian army crossed the Tigris.
The marriage was not happy.
It is to be noticed also that the invention was not the result of any happy accident.
By a happy lot, all persons travel to an end free of toil.
He left Batavia on what has been designated by Dutch historians the " Happy Voyage," on the 14th of August 1642.
And, as nature reveals no great care for this postulate, we must appeal away beyond nature to a power who shall make good men at the last as happy as they deserve to be.
This voyage of the middle of the 9th century deserves to be held in happy memory, for it unites the first Norwegian polar explorer with the first English collector of travels.
When he set out on his return to Italy he was the happy possessor of two cases of precious Greek MSS.
He has left an amusing acccunt of his employments in the country, where his love of study was at once inflamed by a large and unwonted command of books and checked by the necessary interruptions of his otherwise happy domestic life.
Though based on merely political grounds, the union was for the time a happy one.
His intense application to affairs is noted by the English minister, John Robinson (1650-1723), who informed his court that there was every prospect of a happy reign in Sweden, provided his majesty were well served and did not injure his health by too much work.
He had a wealth of happy stories which made him the most delightful of companions in the homes of his people.
He had not attempted to include in his calculations the orbital variations of the disturbing bodies; but Lagrange, by the happy artifice of transferring the origin of coordinates from the centre of the sun to the centre of gravity of the sun and planets, obtained a simplification of the formulae, by which the same analysis was rendered equally applicable to each of the planets severally.
He was a learned, though not a scientific lawyer, a faithful political adherent, thoroughly honest as a judge, dutiful and happy as a husband.
It is enough to say that on this fantastic basis Helmont constructed a medical system which had some practical merits, that his therapeutical methods were mild and in many respects happy, and that he did service by applying newer chemical methods to the preparation of drugs.
But he made himself happy with her, and (according to Rousseau's account, the accuracy of which has been questioned) five children were born to them, who were all consigned to the foundling hospital.
Here, though the place was bleak and lonely, he might have been happy enough, and he actually employed himself in writing the greater part of his Confessions.
His life was also happy, for he had pleasure in his work, he loved and was loved by his wife and children; he had a strong constitution, and retained his bodily and mental powers to the last; his faith in the religion of his youth was unshaken to the end; and he lived throughout his long life with the consciousness of rectitude.
Sacrifice and other rites are also spoken of as conditions of the restoration of man to happy relations with God.
But the fate of his predecessor had filled him with a lively terror of Kanaris and his fire-ships; he contented himself with a cruise round the coasts of Greece, and was happy Campaign to return to safety under the guns of the Dardanelles of 1823.
The Ardennes are the holiday ground of the Belgian people, and much of this region is still unknown except to the few persons who by a happy chance have discovered its remoter and hitherto well-guarded charms. There is still an immense quantity of wild game to be found in the Ardennes, including red and roe deer, wild boar, &c. The shooting is preserved either by the few great landed proprietors left in the country, or by the communes, who let the right of shooting to individuals.
If such a one says ` I am an Athravan ' he lies, call him not Athravan, noble Zarathustra, said Ahura Mazda, but thou shouldst call him priest, noble Zarathustra, who sits awake the whole night through and yearns for holy wisdom that enables man to stand on death's bridge fearless and with happy heart, the wisdom whereby he attains the holy and glorious world of paradise."
These happy abodes were known by various names, as 'fir Tairngiri (Land of Promise), Mag Me11 (Plain of Pleasures).
Chang-chow, as a station, did not prove a happy selection, but it was not till 1595 that an opportunity occurred of travelling northward.
A happy awakening, although it went too far in establishing royal absolutism; and a victory too complete, in that it enervated all the forces of resistance.
The marriage was not a happy one, and after the birth of a son incompatibility of temper led to a separation, the count retiring to his estate on the Indre, where by an extravagant course of living he became hopelessly involved in debt.
He, who made every one happy in a beautiful, unobtrusive way, was most kind and tender to Miss Sullivan and me.
Now I am as happy as the little birds, because I can speak and perhaps I shall sing too.
I am always happy and so was Little Lord Fauntleroy, but dear Little Jakey's life was full of sadness.
But God does not only want us to be HAPPY; He wants us to be good.
I hope your Christmas Day will be a very happy one and that the New Year will be full of brightness and joy for you and every one.
He was happy as a lover when the longed-for moment of meeting arrives.
The same happy, rapturous faces turned to the shaggy figure of Denisov.
There's a fleet of nice ladies at the courthouse that are always happy to help.
Rhyn stared at the scenes playing out in Death's outstretched hands. His heart grew heavy as he watched demons kill humans by the hundreds. The promise he'd made to keep Katie happy made him feel sick, and duty would never fill the hollow part of him that would remain during a lifetime without his mate.
Nothing I can't handle. I have Kiki, Tamer, and Erik on lockdown. A week without food, and they're happy to help. Kiki is running most things, until I figure them out.
Homer did not look happy.
She nice enough, but I don't think she could make you happy.