Happened Sentence Examples
You just happened to get caught on camera.
A lot had happened in the last few months.
What happened to her?
Hey, you'll never guess what happened tonight.
Yet it was a short period of time for so much to have happened to them.
It happened a second time.
What else has happened to make you think she is trying to break us up?
The murder happened days, maybe weeks ago.
Many years before you came here this Land was united under one Ruler, as it is now, and the Ruler's name was always 'Oz,' which means in our language 'Great and Good'; or, if the Ruler happened to be a woman, her name was always 'Ozma.'
I suspect I'd have a lot of young men to answer to if anything happened to you out here.
AdvertisementWhat happened to Howie was no ordinary dream, just as he said.
Recognizing the town would be a step in the right direction but it wouldn't tell you the scene you saw actually happened, back in 1932.
We don't know when it happened so we tried twice to hit the time and struck out and called it quits.
At last a ship happened to pass that way and Robinson was taken on board.
If you hadn't happened to find the piglet, Eureka would surely have been executed.
AdvertisementIt happened in the United States as recently as the 1970s.
Forget this little exercise ever happened; it won't be repeated.
It would be our secret; how we started, how we were a party to something that never happened before in history, and probably never will again; what we did and why; just the five of us.
To speak of what would have happened had Napoleon sent his Guards is like talking of what would happen if autumn became spring.
Even if they do not know for what purpose they are fattened, they will at least know that all that happened to the ram did not happen accidentally, and will no longer need the conceptions of chance or genius.
AdvertisementThat happened only when, as was the case that day, her husband returned home, or a sick child was convalescent, or when she and Countess Mary spoke of Prince Andrew (she never mentioned him to her husband, who she imagined was jealous of Prince Andrew's memory), or on the rare occasions when something happened to induce her to sing, a practice she had quite abandoned since her marriage.
It very often happened that in a moment of irritation husband and wife would have a dispute, but long afterwards Pierre to his surprise and delight would find in his wife's ideas and actions the very thought against which she had argued, but divested of everything superfluous that in the excitement of the dispute he had added when expressing his opinion.
Denisov, not being a member of the family, did not understand Pierre's caution and being, as a malcontent, much interested in what was occurring in Petersburg, kept urging Pierre to tell them about what had happened in the Semenovsk regiment, then about Arakcheev, and then about the Bible Society.
The shock of what happened gave way to fury as Felipa turned back to them.
What had happened that made him ditch everything he knew and come to Arkansas?
AdvertisementNo matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt.
Sleep seemed unlikely, but it must have happened shortly after her head hit the pillow.
All this happened before they were married - before they met.
It simply happened that they were attracted to each other.
It all happened so fast that she didn't have time to think, only to cling to the one solid thing she could find - Cade.
It happened so suddenly that I didn't realize it was coming.
None of this would have happened if they hadn't been alone in the house.
Cindy, sleeping with Russ isn't the worst thing that has happened to you.
It's just that... well, after that, it all happened so fast.
I never told anyone, but I avoided getting involved with any woman because of what happened to Mom.
It's what happened next that's got me troubled.
I came downstairs and tried to figure out what happened and then I talked to Ben and it calmed me down.
My dreams, the few times I remember them, are always about things that happened recently; people I just interacted with.
I don't confess to understanding what happened but it's fascinating.
Howie couldn't do anything about it; it happened two weeks ago.
Yes, but it happened a long time ago.
Martha's talking about what happened years ago.
What are your thoughts on my trying to see what happened to the entries in the million dollar contest?
It just happened yesterday.
That happened after Howie left town.
There was no way I was going to brief Howie on all that had happened, how his living room is covered in blood and his house has been ransacked; not in his present state of mind.
He needs desperately to know what happened to his sister and what he did that turned his own mother against him.
I told Julie everything that happened, my being attacked at Howie's house and that the assailant was shot dead.
I added, "They were frightened after what happened to me at Howie Abbott's house."
What would have happened if she hadn't spotted you?
What happened to her brother?
I know something awful happened to Damian.
My gods, what happened to you?
Whatever happened next, Gabriel prayed the underworld didn't throw him out.
Whatever happened to him over the past few days, he was no longer willing to walk away or back down.
Maybe he didn't stop Edith Shipton from taking her own life and maybe he couldn't have done so if he'd tried, but the bottom line scrawled in bold print said he stood idly by while it happened.
Would that have been more irresponsible than what actually happened?
And yet, he had been troubled by something before all this happened.
Did he think she had no conscience about what happened?
Alex probably figured that if she had a hired hand the accident wouldn't have happened.
She told Sam what happened, including the part where she disobeyed Alex and rode up into the hills alone.
At least there would be another person with you in case something happened – and she seems the capable type otherwise.
Maybe he came out after Gerald released her – or maybe he saw what happened.
What happened between this morning and now?
This time she informed Felipa about what had happened.
After all that's happened, do you think a simple 'I'm sorry, I was wrong' heals the wounds?
Even now, after everything that had happened, she still desired him.
The few capital ships which happened to be there put to sea, and it was recognized that the base would be unsafe until anti-submarine defences were installed.
Then it must have happened while I was asleep, he said thoughtfully.
Then she happened to remember that in a corner of her suit-case were one or two crackers that were left over from her luncheon on the train, and she went to the buggy and brought them.
All this happened many years ago in New Britain, Connecticut.
This dance has happened more times than a weary historian can count.
It all happened because of military pacts in which an attack on one party was viewed as an attack on all.
We all saw what happened on 9/11, and it is likely similar acts will occur in the future.
One day I happened to spill water on my apron, and I spread it out to dry before the fire which was flickering on the sitting-room hearth.
If my mother happened to be near I crept into her arms, too miserable even to remember the cause of the tempest.
This event happened previous to the expulsion of the tyrant Christiern the Second from Sweden.
Prince Andrew noticed, however, that though what happened was due to chance and was independent of the commander's will, owing to the tact Bagration showed, his presence was very valuable.
She noticed at once that something had happened to him.
All that has happened, and now all is changed, she thought as she sat with the letter she had begun before her.
This happened to him almost every night.
They were well aware of what could have happened.
He doesn't remember what happened.
They wouldn't all be there unless something terrible had happened.
Why shouldn't it have happened?
Tell me how it happened.
She continued the conversation as if nothing had happened.
And yet, Pete had told her to seek out Bordeaux if something happened.
We had no control over what happened.
What could happen that hadn't already happened?
Her one saving grace was the fact that the next morning he didn't act as though nothing had happened.
I don't know how it happened.
Please; tell me what happened!
It's the first time that's happened.
As Jackson moved away, I heard him say to another officer, "Put a guard on him until we find out what happened."
It's killing me to not know what happened.
I was sure something had happened to you.
I managed to calm myself enough to relate what little I knew of what happened to the people with whom we'd both worked so closely.
Try to find out what happened.
I want to know what happened but I don't want to see it.
Yes, he professed a desire to know what happened but actually seeing it was another matter.
I pissed him off one of the first hours, which is why this happened.
Tell me what happened, Jonny.
You have sixty seconds to tell me what happened, Darian.
I need to know how this happened.
What happened to taking care of Ohio?
What happened to Jule?
I'm hoping whatever happened here in Florida didn't permanently damage our power.
What has happened to you?
Whatever had happened, the man before her was hurting still, like she did when her father hit her.
I was trying to … I don't know what happened.
Thanks. I'm so sorry this happened.
Something had happened last night while she slept.
What the hell happened to your apartment?
Every day he awoke wondering what happened to him, but he remembered nothing beyond waking up the day before.
Han, what happened to me?
Usually when he awoke with a hard-on and a woman in his bed, what happened next was pretty straightforward.
Nothing happened, and they're both pissed at me.
The other two were too occupied by whatever happened to do more than glance at the newcomer.
The doc can't figure out what happened.
If he had, something horrible had happened.
She opened her eyes when nothing happened, shaking from both cold and fear.
Dusty and Jule knew better than to pry what happened when he confronted Claire.
Her chest was tight and her breath short, but she knew there was one way to find out what happened to Damian.
She didn't want to know what happened after that.
Maybe he didn't care what happened to his mate.
She shook her head, not about to believe anything of the sort happened outside her nightmare.
I guess the time this all happened was when Darkyn took on the Dark One.
In a deal with her mate, who just happened to be the devil.
She held no sway in what happened or played no larger part in their twisted doings.
We both walk away, and it never happened.
Deidre had no idea what to say and even less of an idea what exactly happened when the deal was over.
She didn't know what happened if she tried to make one, but she'd do what it took to protect the terrified teen.
No matter what happened from here on out, neither Darkyn nor Gabriel would ever let them live after this.
Nobody knows where the man is and even if he's been in there a long, long time, someone must care about him, or at least maybe did back then, when it happened.
Just be thankful it happened before the election.
When the dreaded exit occurred, it happened so quickly and unexpectedly that there was no time for proper good-byes—if such biddings exist.
Yeah. There's things that happened a hundred years ago and are best left be.
I didn't mean to get her pregnant but we're both happy it happened.
He was dying to know what happened up at the Lucky Pup.
Just tell me what happened and I'll decide what I shouldn't hear.
Whatever happened occurred forty years ago.
With the DNA you could tell whose finger it was, if you happened to have the rest of the guy's body or a few squirts of his liquids.
What ever happened to Bird Song's 'mind our own business' philosophy?
He asked, just to toss a little more chum in the water, "What happened to your mother?"
I don't give a damn about what might have happened years ago!
He was just a nice person who happened to be a man.
Tell me what happened.
I was coming home from a movie with some friends and we came up on the accident—it had just happened.
Groucho quickly moved on, describing what happened.
What in hell happened?
Whatever happened, Dean knew he could count on the sheriff's fairness and honesty.
I was kind of scared they might shoot us or something, but nothing bad happened.
She was enthralled with the lengthy explanation and they were surprised in the telling how much had happened in the short time she was away.
It still bothers me that no one seems to know what happened to him.
Until he knew exactly what had happened in Lydia's apartment and the details of Fitzgerald's departure anything was possible.
I do worry about him—at least what happened to him.
If it comes out he was at my place and he somehow lies about what happened, I'd have to tell what he did.
Life is too short to spend it with repetition of old dreams that never happened.
It would have been interesting to hear Ralph's side of what happened in 1941.
It was Brandon who kept coming back to Ouray year after year when you'd think the loathsome thing that happened here would cause him to despise the place.
Sometimes, he kept himself entertained by forecasting what happened without letting himself peek at the details.
Neither a hero nor a Good Samaritan, Wynn found himself retreating to the far wall, in case the worst-case scenario happened, and one of the powerful creatures decided to act.
Deidre stayed for a moment then decided to leave, more interested in exploring the world than waiting long enough to see what happened.
Whatever happened … There's nothing to stress about, he added when she was silent.
Whatever happened, there had to be more to the story than what Deidre told him.
Deidre struggled to remember if this had ever happened before and if so, how it was fixed.
Deidre struggled to recall what happened, when human-Deidre had last seen Andre.
At least, that's what we hoped happened.
Lying to him about what happened in Hell is going to break bad for you, Deidre.
If any part of you believes he loved the human you created, you will realize you must tell him what happened to her.
All I can think about is what I would do if something ever happened to her.
Whatever happened from there is on you.
What happened if Gabriel didn't want to be with her at all?
If it happened before and she fixed it, she couldn't recall.
Just that … whatever happened, it's done.
Deidre was evasive about what happened though she, too, was insistent that the terms were complete.
Gabriel wanted to say something to her, to apologize, to rationalize what happened … He felt like he was on the verge of snapping, unable to settle the turmoil of his emotions.
Or might have happened, if things broke bad.
How could he ever forgive his mate for what happened?
With nothing else to lose, all she could think about was what happened to the human she left in Hell.
The puzzled curiosity on the features of Darkyn's mate made Deidre wonder if the girl fully understood what had happened.
She couldn't change anything that happened or make things right.
It was the same feeling that Deidre got every time she let herself think of what happened when her deal ran out.
It happened the first time Darkyn invaded the mortal world from Hell.
Should I assume something happened to her?
Whatever happened, it could break bad.
He could feel that something happened.
Lori said Josh wanted Carmen and Alex to have the baby if anything happened to him.
It happened so fast that in spite of his warning, she was nearly unseated.
What happened was horrible – for both of us, but we can't go back and change it.
For the first time the memory wasn't painful, but a reminder that despite all odds, something magical had happened between them.
Alex hadn't fathered their children, but had it not been for him, it never would have happened.
I think he simply wanted his daughter to have everything if something happened to him.
The next few minutes happened so fast that she barely had time to think, much less react.
It all happened so fast.
What happened to you?
But if he does some more freelance work after I told you what happened, you will be responsible.
Yet it had never happened before.
Later, when Katie asked what happened, she merely said it didn't work.
After all that had happened, he was probably waiting for her to make the first move.
Gabe fought, not caring what happened.
He didn't know why they broke in the first place or how to fix them if it happened again.
Gabe wasn't going to ask what happened if he failed.
I don't know what happened.
Tell me what happened that made you walk out on being a doctor.
No sign of what happened remained.
I asked you thrice to share what happened over the weekend.
Which means, what happened between you and this Gabriel was more than a one night stand.
It was like their talk on the beach the other night never happened.
What happened to Death letting you see the stars and moon instead of how dark the night is?
I happened to be passing through when I saw you.
Wynn, you have to tell me what happened!
What happened was outside of Gabe's official purview.
She deserved whatever happened.
I know what really happened, and I hoped others would figure it out.
Whatever happened, she couldn't be alone with him.
Can you hear me? she called, feeling foolish when nothing happened.
At first, nothing happened, and she readied herself to run.
The legends don't say what happened, but after Rhyn killed the woman, he tried to kill Kris.
I know what happened.
So he'd spend eternity in Hell because he couldn't sit down with Kris and tell him what happened?
When her mind had cleared and her body no longer thrummed with need, she tried to figure out what the hell had happened.
He didn.t know what happened to Darkyn, but Death adopted him, raised him, and trained him to be the most ruthless of all assassins.
What happened if he got what he wanted elsewhere, before she knew what she wanted?
He.d tried to reason with her, to tell her what happened.
None of this would.ve happened at all if not for the Ancient.s mate, Katie.
Something had happened while he was gone.
While he didn.t care what happened to Kris, he did care about Katie and when the demons would choose to attack.
What happened to Toby wasn.t your fault.
What happened between last night and tonight?
Her gaze went to Hannah, who looked so sunny, she wondered what had happened.
Kris was frozen in place, as if not yet registering what had happened.
She wanted to return to the Sanctuary, though not before she found out what happened to Ully.
What happened to your cheek?
What he didn.t know was what happened to his other lieutenant, Iliana.
You're a guest, and if you happened to be hooked onto a good man, so be it.
The softened expression on Romas's face-- only present for her-- hardened as he prepared himself to deal with whichever of his warriors had happened upon Kiera.
Romas had felt no need to explain his insistence of her wearing it, but Evelyn had explained it acted as a visual identifying piece and also happened to open all the doors on the ship.
She'd keep an eye on her friend to make sure nothing else happened.
He wasn't a criminal, a thief, or murderer but someone who happened to have a bone to pick with Romas's brother and managed to get caught.
He remembered the look on Ne'Rin's face fifteen sun-cycles ago, when they'd learned what happened.
Maybe, just maybe, after that happened, he would let her go home.
She couldn't survive if anything happened, and every Yirkin warrior on the planet would be looking for her, once they hear she exists.
The strange sound continued for several minutes, and she trembled, trying hard not to think of what happened if she made it unscathed to the planet's surface.
When nothing else happened, she retrieved the dagger and replaced it.
I don't know what happened, but I want to come home.
You can make fun of that stuff, but a lot of wild things happened around this old mining town a hundred years ago.
I hope nothing has happened.
Wasn't it difficult to write, knowing so little about what really happened?
That's why we were so excited to come out here, to visit where it really happened!
God, we were a couple of kids when it happened.
But ol' Jerome, he'd rather pretend I was the one that never happened.
Edith sniffed once, lowered her head, and continued to eat, as if ignoring what had happened might make the pain disappear.
My mind won't release me from all that has happened since Rev. Martin first visited me, and changed my life.
Something must have happened in that Boston house to drive her away.
I know we'll probably never learn the answer, but I still can't fathom what could have happened back in Boston to make Annie Quincy desert a comfortable life.
It's not the first time it's happened.
Did you ask your sister what happened?
He comforted her, as best he could, trying to learn what happened.
What in God's name happened?
I was on the scene of Shipton's swan dive with Mountain Rescue but it happened inside the city line so it's the City of Ouray's territory.
I bet that hasn't happened since they buried the last mayor.
Something happened last fall.
The drowning happened right there in Pinkville, Virginia, not on some far off canoeing trip, like Edith said!
It happened in a swimming pool, not some river.
To Dean, the worst had already happened.
Right now I don't give a damn about what happened a century ago and I'm in no position to make judgments of a situation I know so little about.
I could tell something happened because everyone was running up to the area but Donnie was just skipping down the trail.
Hopefully, what happened will come out and Donnie will be able to have some sort of normal life, away from both of the Shiptons.
That's why they visit birthplaces, places of monumental happenings like battlefields or sites of great tragedies— to absorb a tiny bit of what happened there.
The boy took his small note pad from his back pocket and carefully wrote, "What happened to Annie?"
What happened to your copy of the notebook Cynthia made for you?
Ask Donnie what happened up there when his stepfather fell.
And what happened to the transcribed pages?
We can wonder what happened to the pen and who raided her panties but we'll probably never know the answer to either question.
You must have just guessed what happened after I just stopped by Bird Song.
It's a bit confusing and a lot of it's speculation on my part, but bear with me and I think I have enough of the answers to make some sense of what happened.
I should have guessed what happened a long before now.
What else happened out there at the pool?
He may have even realized what happened up at the ice park.
Or what happened up there.
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing his head injury caused him to not understand, or even remember what happened.
She stiffened briefly as she realized what had happened, but before she could even raise a hand to resist; his venom had produced a surge of euphoria.
This happened again and again.
By the time Jackson fully realized what had happened, she had disappeared.
My God, what happened?
How could this have happened?
He wanted to ask what she thought happened every time their eyes met.
Hey, what happened to the orchid?
He drove home slowly, trying to understand what had happened.
Elisabeth was falling apart, and he tried desperately to wrap his head around what had happened.
She went up to tell Connor what had happened then back down to the drawing room.
Instead I'm here trying to figure out how this could have happened.
Thank you, whatever did you say happened to it?
He apologized and began to explain what happened.
He held up Elisabeth's finger, "THIS happened to me."
Elisabeth told her about Sarah and how they would never hear the end of it if she knew what had happened here.
I know I can't do anything to plead your case, but what if Samantha spoke to them and told them what happened here.
How are you feeling about all that happened?
I couldn't bear it if anything happened to either of you.
Running a hand through her hair, he contemplated how to explain all that had happened.
What the hell happened?
Do you understand what could have happened?
Um, you better, I'm not sure I even know what happened here.
Jackson sat rubbing his jaw wondering what the hell just happened.
What happened when I got here?
I guess everybody knows what happened last night, but me.
What happened after that bitch staked me?
What happened to its ears?
What ever happened to, I just want you?
He wasn't sure how he'd break the news to Tim if something happened to her.
Lana nodded, afraid to ask what happened if the plan didn't work.
Instead, she found herself recalling what almost happened.
She was tense, and Brady wondered what happened while he was gone.
I don't know what happened with him, if he was really crazy or he found something.
She pulled out her micro to see what had happened along this stretch.
She paused to look around again, caught in the surreal sense that everything that happened the past few months hadn't touched the condo community.
They were headed to Tennessee but we heard something bad happened, split the government at the top level.
It must've happened overnight.
Something must've happened to destroy whatever kept them locked.
Gabe had become edgier over the past day, and she couldn't help but wonder what had happened. Whatever it was, it hadn't been when he was around her. Although exhausting, their journey had been relatively peaceful.
She had no idea how to be a single mother in the real world, let alone in a world as unforgiving as the Immortal one. She'd proven she couldn't raise Toby without a bottle of vodka permanently glued to her hand. Rhyn had been exiled for his mixed origins, and she'd never been especially welcomed by anyone but Gabe and Toby. If something happened to Rhyn or if she couldn't leave here … Panicking made her already surging hormones worse. She felt nauseous.
He knows his way around the underworld. I'm old enough to start to access the angel memories. But I don't know if this has ever happened before.
For a while there he thought it had happened.
Still, it was a red flag to what could have happened.
What had happened between them?
I was picking up papers in the lobby and happened to notice the article.
It was purely coincidental that he was on the same flight out of Los Angeles, and that he happened to work down the road from the house she rented.
What ever had happened, no one was out there now.
And your car just happened to be waiting there at the airport.
For the first time in her life, she didn't want to think about what happened next.
She created that side of him for her purposes without considering what happened, once she saved her world.
No, Eden definitely didn't want to think about what happened next.
No matter what happened this day and the next, Xander was going to be safe.
Or that she cared deeply about what happened to him.
She suspected he was observing what happened.
Whatever happened, it wasn't because of a gang, and they were smart enough to know the difference between reality and what they saw on TV.
What if that happened?
But that did nothing to explain to him how an oblivious Natural who was able to block his mind power just happened to end up in his home.
Temper, Jessi! she berated herself, aware of what happened if she pissed him off.
She was doing her damndest not to think about what happened if she failed.
If not for the scars on her neck and those of the woman she escorted out this morning … "What happened to your arm?" he asked.
Tell me what happened to your arm.
Instead, the opposite happened.
No matter what happened to her, at least Ashley was safe.
Processing what happened took her adrenaline-fused mind a long moment.
What happened tomorrow, if she failed to do what Jonny wanted?
Nothing happened after a few seconds, except it felt like the mall shut off the air conditioner.