Handshakes Sentence Examples
Following handshakes and greetings, we retreated to the living room.
After leaving the church, amid handshakes and greetings from town friends, the couple was surprised to meet Pumpkin Green.
Effie stood in the middle of the room, as if enthralled and after all the smiles and appropriate handshakes, took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
After handshakes and a brief chat, the pair left in Dean's pool car for the motel where Vinnie Baratto awaited.
After a score of handshakes from well-wishers, he located his wife and joined her for a jam-packed barbeque lunch, sponsored by the Elks at their century old restored building—another traditional happening of the annual holiday festivities.
Read plenty of autographs handshakes and teen dancing exhibition.
Handshakes are another key factor in hand body language.