Handouts Sentence Examples
Some lecturers prepare handouts with gaps for the students to fill in during the lecture.
Informative and instructional handouts are usually provided to explain specific medications, tests, or procedures.
We can photocopy handouts, put together training material packs or laminate posters for a small fee.
The strategies available include lectures, handouts, library facilities, surgery hours and feedback on the coursework.
Each session contains support material, including a brief bibliography, overhead transparencies and photocopiable handouts 26 key point overhead transparencies plus photocopiable handouts.
For blind and visually impaired students, copies of the standard printed handouts may not be very helpful.
We've included downloadable handouts to two of our Key Skills training sessions below that you might find extremely useful.
The lecture handouts are skeleton notes to guide you in your work.
We suggest that you use the This machine option unless lab handouts say otherwise.
It was in addition to the usual classroom handouts.
AdvertisementKeywords can also fit well into speaking engagements scripts or audiotapes scripts as well as audience handouts.
Then I gave them some handouts I had prepared so that they could practice the written form of new lexis and grammar.
Iraqis need to be able to earn a decent living, rather than depend on food handouts.
A fundamental reform of the system is needed if pensioner poverty is to be tackled - not one-off handouts.
Some may use simple handouts and focus on verbal interchanges to reach conclusions and solutions, while others may more closely resemble a college class and require reading textbooks and taking tests and quizzes on what you have learned.
AdvertisementThe family has also been criticized for using their kids to make money and for accepting donations and handouts to pay for everything from diapers and groceries to lavish vacations.
Without it, she would be relying on handouts and government assistance, which would also raise the ire of the general public.
When you were in school, did you learn by listening to the teacher and taking notes, or did you prefer to take your books and class handouts and really teach yourself the material?
Free handouts and other materials are available online to help supplement your curriculum or to create your own unit studies.
Although most programs do not give cash handouts, assistance for rent, groceries, or heating bills are common if you meet the guidelines.
AdvertisementThis often requires strong multimedia skills, as an e-course can include audio, video, PowerPoint slides, or PDF handouts.
Jeff Hake has downloads for many of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University handouts, including documents that deal with creating a debt snowball.
Pep rallies are good times to do this, but you could also print the words on handouts that give directions to the games.
Many stores also have classes to help you make sample projects or free handouts describing simple decorations that even beginning crafters can quickly make in just a few hours.
Every parent of an elementary age child has a stack of handouts they've found in backpacks after the kids get home.