Handling Sentence Examples
You're not handling this one alone.
He could buy an assassination, but part of him preferred the idea of handling family matters within the family.
Their world was far from perfect, but they were handling it together, as a team.
You're very good at handling her, thank you.
Evelyn was the queen of handling crowds, but Kiera could think of nothing more than ducking into a safe corner and staying there with her back to the wall.
That's just it, we're handling them, and it feels wrong to me now.
Handling this month after month seemed an insurmountable task.
She wasn't good at handling drama; Evelyn had always been like a perfect older sister, capable of patience and listening.
A third difficulty is the comparatively small tonnage and volume of Italian exports relatively to the imports, the former in 1907 being about one-fourth of the latter, and greatl out of proportion to the relative value; while a fourth is the lac of facilities for handling goods, especially in the smaller ports.
Accordingly, in handling Josiah's successors the writer no longer refers to the high places.
AdvertisementWhile the width of the working-place is thus limited by the strength of the roof, its length is determined by other considerations - namely, the rapidity with which the mining work can be conducted and the length of time it is practicable to keep the working-place open, and also by the increased difficulty of handling the minerals sometimes experienced when the workings reach undue length.
Don't forget about shipping and handling costs.
The FBI had put out a statement they were handling the Wasserman case and pursuing strong leads out of state.
She didn't ask where they were going but took the subtle beast onto the highway and let it loose, weaving in and out of traffic to test its handling.
Towards the en._ cf October 20,000 shearers were called out, and many other trades, principally concerned with the handling or shipping of wool, joined the ranks of the strikers, with the result that the maritime and pastoral industries throughout the whole of Australia were most injuriously disturbed.
AdvertisementAs a soldier Bern was remarkable for his excellent handling of artillery and the rapidity of his marches.
The insufficiency of rolling stock, and especially of goods wagons, is mainly caused by delays in handling traffic consequent on this or other causes, among which may be mentioned the great length ofthe single lines south of Rome.
The building and handling of vessels also, and the utilization of such uncontrollable powers of nature as wind and tide, helped forward mechanical invention.
It is especially well equipped for handling rice, which is shipped in large quantities; Indian corn, tobacco and sugar are also shipped.
So much of the expense of the handling, both of freight and of passengers, was independent of the length of the journey that a mileage rate sufficiently large for short distances was unnecessarily burdensome for long ones, and was bound to destroy long-distance traffic, if the theory were consistently applied.
AdvertisementWhether the intelligence and efficiency of the officials charged by the state with the handling of its railway system will be sufficient to make them act in the interest of the public as fully as do the managers of private corporations, is a question whose answer can only be determined by actual experience in each case.
At a small roadside station, where the traffic is of a purely local character, there will be some sidings to which horses and carts have access for handling bulk goods like coal, gravel,.
Later followed the appearance of lights; quasi-human voices; musical sounds, produced, it is said, without instruments; the "materialization" or presence in material form of what seemed to be human hands and faces, and ultimately of complete figures, alleged to be not those of any person present, and sometimes claimed by witnesses as deceased relatives; "psychography," or "direct writing and drawing," asserted to be done without human intervention; "spirit-photography," or the appearance on photographic plates of human and other forms when no counterpart was visible before the camera to any but specially endowed seers; 3 unfastening of cords and bonds; elongation of the medium's body; handling of red-hot coals; and the apparent passage of solids through solids without disintegration.
As most of the Lancashire cotton mills lie far from Manchester, direct importations to that city do not usually dispense with a " handling," and frequently save little or nothing in freight rates, though in some cases the economy derived from direct importation is considerable.
In Rienzi Wagner would already have been Meyerbeer's rival, but that his sincerity, and his initial lack of that musical savoir faire which is prior to the individual handling of ideas, put him at a disadvantage.
AdvertisementSo far, however, as it is possible to disengage one's self from this captivation, it may be said that the mingling of distinct and original vision with a singularly conscientious handling of the English language, in the sincere and wholesome self-consciousness of the strenuous artist, seems to be the central feature of Stevenson as a writer by profession.
To assist us in handling the symbolic products we have not only the identity (ab) cx + (bc) a x + (ca) bx =0, but also (ab) x x+ (b x) a + (ax) b x = 0, (ab)a+(bc)a s +(ca)a b = 0, and many others which may be derived from these in the manner which will be familiar to students of the works of Aronhold, Clebsch and Gordan.
In modern times Tribonian has been, as the master workman of Justinian's codification and legislation, charged with three offences - bad Latinity, a defective arrangement of the legal matter in the Code and Digest, and a too free handling of the extracts from the older jurists included in the latter compilation.
Its vapour produces violent headache, and the same effect is often caused by handling compositions containing it.
La Chute d'un ange, in which the Byronic influence is more obvious than in any other of Lamartine's works, and in which some have also seen that of Alfred de Vigny, is more ambitious in theme, and less regulated by scrupulous conditions of delicacy in handling, than most of its author's poetry.
Labour is also expended in handling the mineral in the workingplaces and in bringing it to the mine-cars in which it is brought to the surface.
Economy in handling makes it desirable to bring the mine-cars as near as may be to the point where the mineral is broken.
This is the cheapest of the three caving systems, but is applicable only when the deposit lies between walls of very solid rock, as otherwise wall rock is liable to cave with and become mixed with ore, which adds greatly to the expense of handling.
In order to lessen the cost of handling the rock-filling, the excavation sometimes takes the form of inclined working-places, parallel to the slope naturally taken by the rock when dumped from above into the working 7 -,, , --,, ?
Steam shovels are not well adapted to deep excavation unless provision is made for the rapid handling of the cars when filled.
When the mine is worked through shafts, hoisting plant must be installed for raising the ore and handling men and supplies.
Nevertheless, in very deep and large mines the time consumed in handling the men may make serious inroads on the time available for hoisting ore.
At a few mines special man-cages are operated in separate compartments by their own engines for handling part of the men, and for tools, supplies, &c. For inclined shafts, where the mineral is hoisted in skips, the operation of raising and lowering men may not be so simple.
As he is called upon to construct lines of transport, both underground and on the surface, works for water-supply and drainage, and buildings for the handling, storage and treatment of ore, he must be trained to some extent as a civil engineer.
Accidents from the misuse and careless handling of explosives are unfortunately too frequent in mines.
In most modern works the greater part of these operations, as well as the actual rolling of the glass, is carried out by mechanical means, steam power and subsequently electrical power having been successfully applied to this purpose; the handling of the great weights of glass required for the largest sheets of plate-glass which are produced at the present time would, indeed, be impossible without the aid of machinery.
Within the limits imposed by the nature of his task, his treatment of his sources is remarkably free, the details unsuited for poetic handling being passed over, or, in some instances, boldly altered.
It established the chancellor of the exchequer as the paramount financier of his day, and it was only the first of a long series of similar performances, different, of course, in detail, but alike in their bold outlines and brilliant handling.
Dressing himself in the armour of the slain knight, which he has great difficulty in handling and eventually puts on over his peasant's garb, he sets out on a series of adventures which differ greatly in the various versions, but the outcome of which is that he becomes a skilful and valiant knight and regains the heritage of his father.
In the foregoing account only those particulars which bear directly on Villehardouin himself have been detailed; but the chronicle is as far as possible from being an autobiography, and the displays of the writer's personality, numerous as they are, are quite involuntary, and consist merely in his way of handling the subject, not in the references (as brief as his functions as chronicler will admit) to his own proceedings.
At his own request he was ordered east, and on the 23rd of September 1861 was made brigadier-general of volunteers and assigned to command a brigade in the Army of the Potomac. He took part in the Peninsula campaign, and the handling of his troops in the engagement at Williamsburg on the 5th of May 1862, was so brilliant that McClellan reported "Hancock was superb," an epithet always afterwards applied to him.
At the Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, he rendered further good service, and at Gettysburg his handling of the artillery was conspicuous in the repulse of Pickett's charge, and he was rewarded with the brevet of colonel.
Sigsbee's small water-bottle on the double valve principle actuated by a propeller requires extremely skilful handling to enable it to give good results.
The junction of the levels with the pit is known as the " pit eye "; it is usually of an enlarged section, and lined with masonry or brick-work, so as to afford room for handling the wagons or trams of coal brought from the working faces.
Most of the satires of Lucilius were written in hexameters, but, so far as an opinion can be formed from a number of unconnected fragments, he seems to have written the trochaic tetrameter with a smoothness, clearness and simplicity which he never attained in handling the hexameter.
The Urschrift was followed by a more exhaustive handling of one of its topics in Die Sadducder and Pharisder (1863), and by a more thorough application of its leading principles in an elaborate history of Judaism (Das Judentum and seine Geschichte) in 1865-1871.
In his handling of the three arms together, Napoleon on this day failed to do justice to his reputation.
Formerly bullion was melted in crucibles made of refractory clay, but they are liable to crack and require careful handling These were succeeded by iron crucibles, especially for melting silver, and these have now been generally replaced by graphite (plumbago) crucibles made of a mixture of clay and graphite.
His symphony Le Midi (written in 1761) already shows a remarkable freedom and independence in the handling of orchestral forces, and further stages of advance were reached in the oratorio of Tobias, in the Paris and Salomon symphonies, and above all in the Creation, which turns to good account some of the debt which he owed to his younger contemporary.
At the outbreak of the war with Spain he resigned from the Navy Department and raised the first volunteer regiment of cavalry, popularly known as the "Rough Riders," because many of its members were Western cowboys and ranchmen expert in the handling of the rough and often unbroken horses of the Western frontier.
The most noteworthy critical handling of the subject in English is unquestionably Emerson's in Representative Men.
This is a universal trait of primitive Christian writings; so that to speak of primitive Christian "literature" at all is hardly accurate, and tends to an artificial handling of their contents.
It was as necessary in the Hebrew religion for the priest to wash his hands after handling the sacred volume as before.
The leading of these men was in the hands, as a rule, of regular or ex-regular officers, who made many mistakes in their handling of large masses, but had been taught at West Point and on the Indian frontier to command men in danger, and administer them in camp. The volunteer officers rarely led more than a division.
For that year the budget was already settled, and it was introduced by Mr Asquith himself, the ex-chancellor; but Mr Lloyd George earned golden opinions, both at the Treasury and in parliament, by his industry and his handling of the Finance Bill, especially important for its inclusion of Old Age Pensions, in the later stages.
Each of these varieties requires a different method of riding over, and nearly every horse will require different handling under similar circumstances.
Incidental charges are lower than they were in 1870; handling charges, brokers' commissions and insurance premiums have been in many instances reduced, but all these economies when combined only amount to about 2S.
We may detect occasional laxity also in his handling of his verse.
Here he came into intimate touch with Bismarck, who admired his statesmanlike handling of the growing complications of the Schleswig-Holstein Question.
His championship of the voluntary schools, his adroit parliamentary handling of the problems opened up by the so-called "crisis in the Church" caused by the Protestant movement against ritualistic practices, and his pronouncement in favour of a Roman Catholic university for Ireland - for which he outlined a scheme that met with much adverse criticism both from his colleagues and his party, - were the most important aspects of Mr Balfour's activity during these years.
A difficulty with Venezuela, resulting in British and German co-operation to coerce that refractory republic, caused an explosion of antiGerman feeling in England and some restlessness in the United States, but the government brought the crisis to an end by tactful handling and by an ultimate recourse to arbitration.
The demand for cloths which require careful handling and regularity in weaving has helped to develop the supply of ring yarns which will stand the strain of the loom better than mule twists.
A form of edict drawn by Grotius was published by the states, recommending mutual toleration, and forbidding ministers in the pulpit from handling the disputed dogmas.
From 1873 the work of extension and improvement was carried on systematically, with the addition of new quays, greater storage room, and better means for handling cargo.
It is in the first place a matter of common knowledge that human beings who have been taught to avoid handling bees invariably fear to touch drone-flies, unless specially trained to distinguish the one from the others.
Nevertheless the materials were there out of which a really broad-minded and conciliatory handling of religion and racial difficulties might have gradually built up a Netherland nation able to hold from its population and resources a considerable place among European powers.
But the invaluable and rather delicate art of tempering the hardened steel by a very careful and gentle reheating, which removes its extreme brittleness though leaving most of ifs precious hardness, needs such skilful handling that it can hardly have become known until very long after the art of hot-forging.
In this system there is for each ingot and each mould only one handling in which it is moved as a separate unit, the mould from one train to the other, the ingot from its train into the furnace.
Secondly, for the sake of novelty they extended their range, including scientific and technical subjects, but handling them, and teaching their pupils to handle them, in a popular way.
It has been seen that the range of subjects recognized by Protagoras and Prodicus gradually extended itself, until Hippias professed himself a teacher of all branches of learning, including in his list subjects taught by artists and professional men, but handling them from a popular or non-professional point of view.
Few among his crew understood handling a gun properly, and owing to the poor care which his vessels had received they were actually inferior to the individual vessels of the American squadron.
Even more significant is his handling of authority and reason, to which we shall presently refer.
The above three treatises may be regarded as the great storehouses; the handling of the subject is,.
It does not differ from them in its clinical features more than epidemics of other diseases are apt to vary at different times, or more than can be accounted for by difference of handling.
In the Glasgow case the wife of a laundryman employed in handling plague linen contracted the disease.
When completed, it will cast light, not only on the origin and growth of this type of text, but also on the exact value of the remaining witnesses to the original text of Acts - and further on the early handling of New Testament writings generally.
His capacity for accepting the gravest responsibilities was shown, not less than by his handling of an army in battle, by his ruthless devastation of the Valley - a severe measure felt to be necessary both by Sheridan himself and by Grant.
In these compositions, remarkable for their lacile handling of medieval Latin rhymes and rhythms, the allegorizing mysticism which envelops chivalrous poetry is discarded.
It still remains a monument of fertile invention, exuberant facility and energetic handling of material.
These wines, therefore, require very careful handling in order to prevent undesirable secondary fermentations taking place at a later period.
While British philosophizing up to a recent date has been notably lacking in width of metaphysical outlook, it has taken a very high place in its handling of the more practical problems of conduct.
But his handling of it is clumsy and confused; and he does not make it sufficiently clear why the law of nature should be obeyed.
We see here a natural outcome of religious awe supported by the spirit of esotericism, and by a sense of the need for an expert handling of that which is so potent for good or ill.
Stall and heap roasting require considerable time, and can only be economically employed when the loss of the sulphur is of no consequence; they also occupy much space, but they have the advantage of requiring little fuel and handling.
The other items of cost are labour, the quantity of which depends on the mechanical appliances provided for handling the converter shells and inserting the lining; and the blast, which in barrel-shaped converters is low and in vertical converters is high, and which varies therefore from 3 to is lb to the square inch.
The metric system of weights and measures is the legal standard in Chile, but the old Spanish standards are still widely used, especially in handling mining and farm produce.
Their children are brought up in company with the princes at the gates of the king, instructed in the handling of arms, in riding and hunting, and introduced to the service of the state and the knowledge of the law, as well as the commandments of religion.
His handling of the native question in Cape Colony gave general satisfaction.
After La Guayra the harbour is the principal port of Venezuela, and it is provided with mole, wharves, railway communication with the interior, and other facilities for the handling of merchandise and produce.
It is not surprising, therefore, to find that he fails altogether to present a clear and coherent picture of the history and working of the Roman constitution, or that his handling of intricate questions of policy is weak and inadequate.
The leather thongs, by which the tablets of Confucius's copy were tied together, were thrice worn out by his constant handling.
There is a coaling jetty and camber for the storage of both sea-borne and land-borne coal, with hydraulic appliances for handling it.
That he was slow, and perhaps too tender-hearted, in handling armed masses for action may be admitted, and though admirable for defensive war and a safe strategist, he showed himself unfitted to take the highly essential initiative, both because of temperament and his habitual exaggeration of obstacles and opposing numbers.
Niebuhr, won its way by its unique handling of the subject and its grand style.
Mr. Law's handling of the business of the House was, as ever, efficient and conciliatory; but for the greater occasions Mr. Lloyd George returned; and Mr. Law's most outstanding appearance in this session was when he announced that the Government were prepared to adopt the Sankey report in the spirit as well as in the letter, and to take all necessary steps to carry out its recommendations without delay.
Township government, owing to the abolition of the committee on general business and the consequent confusion of handling so many and minute details, and to the addition to the population of a large Irish element and a large New Hampshire element, both workmen in the quarries, reached the minimum of efficiency in 1840-1870; in 1870, however, the town-meetings were reformed, and in 1874 a committee to consider business details was again appointed.
By its rough handling of the church the Assembly brought fresh trouble upon France.
We see here, as in other activities of the age, a determination to acquire technical knowledge, and to apply it directly to the practical issue; just as music was being enriched by new technical knowledge, architecture by modern theories of plans and T-squares (sc. Hippodamus), the handling of soldiers by the new technique of " tactics " and " hoplitics," so citizenship must be analysed afresh, systematized and adapted in relation to modern requirements.
Throughout, Rochambeau had displayed an admirable spirit, placing himself entirely under Washington's command and handling his troops as part of the American army.
Minneapolis is also the greatest primary wheat market in the world, its 40 or more elevators (of which those of the Washburn-Crosby Company, erected in 1907, are the largest) having a net capacity of about 35,000,000 bushels, and handling more than 90,000,000 bushels in 1908.
Even here, however, his achievements are of no mean order, especially when we remember his juridical training and his comparatively late handling of Biblical and doctrinal subjects.
The value of this wonderful provision of nature to the bee-keeper of to-day may be estimated from the fact that bees managed according to modern methods are necessarily subject to so much manipulating or handling, that fatal accidents are as likely to happen in bee-life as among human beings.
The methods of handling bees vary in different countries, this being in a great measure accounted for by the number of hives kept.
There are, however, ?Ls other reasons, apart from humanity,; to account for the difference in -_ n handling bees as advocated in the United Kingdom.
Foals are weaned when five or six months old, often in October, and require to be housed to save the foal-flesh, and liberally but not overfed; but from the time they ate a month old they require to be " gentled " by handling and kindly treatment, and the elementary training of leading from time to time by a halter adjusted permanently to the head.
Think what that said to me—he didn't think I was capable of handling that information.
The retailer showed adroit handling of the problem.
Throughout the course of the claim, the solicitor handling the matter will need to be kept fully abreast about all issues surrounding care.
Skids are caused by harsh handling of the vehicle; harsh braking, acceleration or steering.
And to anyone accustomed to the imaginative handling of documents, the internal evidence bears out the claim.
After a short briefing you set off for the disused aerodrome to complete the off-road handling skills section of the schedule.
Every major airport in the UK depends on our baggage handling systems.
The client/server architecture gives organizations the opportunity to deploy specialized servers which are optimized for handling specific data management problems.
Aims The purpose of this body would be to strengthen existing arrangements for the handling of food safety matters.
The Act also revises the arrangements for the handling of business within the Land Registry.
We will permit only authorized employees, who are trained in the proper handling of personal data, to access your personal information.
In such situations, people should avoid contact with infected birds or contaminated surfaces, and should be careful when handling and cooking poultry.
Data handling presents a severe bottleneck for today's science, without new strategies it might prevent future progress.
Using the rear brake at low speed soon trains you to ride properly - feet up - which improves your motorcycling handling no end.
Appendix on handling emulsions, e.g. breaking up an emulsion by adding saturated brine.
The aircraft has cargo doors in the nose and rear, with ramps for quick and easy cargo handling.
A series of courses on handling sexual offenses cases are to begin in the autumn of 2003.
You will be handling an existing caseload of around 100 files.
You will be given a varied caseload, which will include handling a broad range of commercial property transactions.
Seemed the body of the mic was coupled directly to the capsule, giving it extremely sensetive handling characteristics.
Working for this leading loss adjuster you will based within a specialist team handling potentially fraudulent claims.
Manage the handling of the prime contract closeout requirements; 13.
If coincidence handling is switched off any process will automatically come to a halt as soon as a coincidence handling is switched off any process will automatically come to a halt as soon as a coincidence is encountered.
Close contact with clients in a very collegiate environment on a daily basis handling projects from start to finish.
Flowers Ordering, receiving, handling, listing and methods of disposal following committal.
And handling the sheer complexity of changes in personal finances after re-starting work will make big demands.
The exercise has really consolidated officers ' competence in assessing manual handling activities.
Part of Joe's work involved handling pieces of metal which were covered in a chemical coolant used in the metal grinding process.
Complete chemical resistant coveralls may be preferable especially when handling bulk liquid chemicals.
To become a diver coxswain, however, you need to demonstrate excellent skills in handling the boat in much tougher conditions.
We hire site accomodation, materials handling equipment, generators, tower cranes, self erecting cranes, crawler cranes and marine equipment.
They will advise on daily living activities such as dressing, eating and handling cutlery, and developing daily routines.
The height adjustment of the standard boom (optional extra) is aided by a pneumatic cylinder, which eases handling.
It has been an utterly disgraceful handling of this important issue in the new devolved Wales.
Reduced cash handling for your staff - which means fewer opportunities for costly mistakes or staff dishonesty.
Control your dough Whether you're handling pastry or bread dough, consistency is the name of the game.
Was he absolutely certain that he was capable of handling an argument with a fiery dragon?
This new drivetrain creates a shorter front overhang and a more rearward center of gravity giving the Bengal better handling on curves.
The port facilities were expanded, including new dry docks and additional warehousing for the handling of grain.
A basic, yet high performance range of air handling units for use with distribution ductwork.
Male zoo elephants are often kept in solitary confinement due to the greater difficulty in handling them.
Its handling seemed erratic, so we kept a lookout.
If output is not given, it defaults to input. errors may be given to define the error handling.
Handling of the flowers and fruit produced erythema, burning, itching and vesication (Van Hasselt 1862 ).
It is a way of handling exceptions without having to propagate flags up through multiple levels of nesting.
Many injuries result from repeated exposure to manual handling operations.
Modeling of the types of tables to be read and an entry mask enable automatic extraction of invoice data and handling of invoice exceptions.
Very often organizations in a crisis are already handling the emotional fallout of the prospective failure.
The June release is significantly faster and has improved memory handling.
However, nothing quite beats the thrill of suddenly finding a forebear on a film or handling a document signed by a great-great-great-grandfather.
The yawl is a common traditional rig, but here drawn with a balanced lug foresail for easy handling and safety.
A major recent development in the industry is the Combi-Lift, a multi-directional forklift specifically designed for handling long loads in confined areas.
Racing geometry and a lightweight aluminum frame are the key to its great handling.
Ash is cleaning agent which kills germs on handling.
The new sleek ready-to-fly 3 channel electric glider from JP features a brilliant glide angle, precise handling and gorgeous looks.
Integral to providing the best handling are Subal's twin handgrips, designed to place key shooting functions within easy reach.
The first action of an error handler routine should always be to redirect the error handling.
Research will be grouped under the generic headings of Platforms, Sensors, Data Handling, Modeling and Blue Skies research.
But a cuirass and helmet seem heavy to an infantryman, perhaps seldom training with, or handling, arms.
Among cars tested better handling Hitchcock like most families is available through.
Personal protective clothing should be worn when handling cal hypo.
Repeated handling of the sort entailed in collation seems inadvisable in their present condition.
The graphics are also sharper, and the handling of the vehicles seems more intuitive.
For Med cruising the large diesel is a bonus but the long keel does make handling under power in small harbors a bit nerve-wracking.
The 2.6.x kernels have no special device for handling IPsec packets.
Most business will generate waste and are obliged by law to ensure care in the transport, handling and recovery of this waste.
The document group feature lets you assign a specific layout to a selected customer with automatic handling of the customized layouts during document production.
Baghdad is festooned with large posters of the Iraqi leader in various poses handling guns, which anyone over 25 can buy.
This was done by man handling the hides through a row of pits filled with tanning liquor.
Handling equipment should be properly maintained (Paragraph 151 ).
The paper provides a detailed assessment of the behavior of the security forces and the handling of the Islamist militia group Laskar Jihad.
Future areas for research are in the introduction of problem based learning, manual handling and the teaching of numeracy to pre-registration nursing students.
The handling is bad too, tho oddly enough it is actually alright when you get off-road.
I have no proof, tho... Excellent handling bikes, but the engines need a little more oomph.
During the unit's handling and employment of explosive ordnance, commanders must be involved in implementing proper countermeasures for safe mission accomplishment.
He abhorred a vain ostentation of wit in handling sacred truths, so venerable and grave, and of eternal consequence.
The staff concerned are kept exceptionally busy processing a large weekly payroll and handling all our secretarial and accounting tasks.
In [6] we gave a way of handling " negative resonances " by introducing a first order perturbation.
Distribution involves an automatic picking and handling system with microprocessors watching critical dates and order entry systems.
Likewise, existing policyholders also benefit from an in-house claims handling team who work with your insurer should you need to make a claim.
Made of durable ABS plastic or clear polycarbonate, these reusable tags are designed to stand up to routine handling.
Manual Handling includes lifting, twisting, bending and awkward body postures.
Much rarer than Romano-British pottery, only a small amount of material will be available for handling but many illustrations will be used.
Their handling of the Jean Charles de Menezes case does not appear promising.
You should avoid handling a seal pup at all costs, for the same reason.
Welsh education quango slammed The National Audit Office has slammed Wales ' biggest quango for failing in its handling of educational projects.
So at what time the ballot recount might begin, it will be decided by the competent court handling the case.
H I Griffiths Portable handling facilities to improve the welfare of farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus ).
In fulfilling this remit, the GPCC undertakes regular reviews of the BBC's processes and performance in relation to complaints handling.
Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3 Starting Apache Invoking Apache The httpd program is usually run as a daemon which executes continuously, handling requests.
The Ares modular controlled strain rheometer is a research and development instrument capable of handling a wide range of samples from water to solids.
Within a matter of minutes rovers took the lead with Bellamy pouncing on a handling error by Kelvin Davis.
Cholestyramine can help the small proportion of IBS sufferers who have diarrhea secondary to impaired handling of bile salts within the gut.
The first half was rather scrappy with both sides guilty of silly handling errors.
Using his critically acclaimed handling, Kevin King will show you how to make the Bill Switch absolutely seamless.
Perfecting one's aerobatic skills will inevitably lead to increased self-assurance in handling the machine and greater safety in the air.
It should avoid sentimentality, the awkward, gauche handling of emotion.
The handling of FMD must have been a cockup, or more precisely a total bloody shambles.
For those with a keen interest in working with sheepdogs Aled also runs sheepdog handling courses.
Maybe those who manage Durham bus station could offer some advice for they seem to be handling a similar situation quite well.
Tiny flakes can stick to fingers so avoid rubbing the eyes or exposing sensitive skin when handling the material and wash hands thoroughly afterward.
I for one am glad that my Easter faith does not depend on handling deadly snakes or drinking poison.
Air handling STB and STE units are provided as standard with a duct spigot outlet for connection to ductwork.
Also, the floral clusters are usually turned to prevent spoilage; this requires extra handling.
Prevent stowaways from boarding the ship and have an idea of International Migration Law and handling procedures of stowaways caught.
The Bracco requires training and firm handling as they do possess a stubborn streak, however they will not tolerate any harsh handling.
If the event handling method doesn't already exist, doing this will generate an empty stub for the method in your source code.
This is also true if control was passed to a user-defined error handling routine specified by the intrinsic subroutine, ERRALT.
The ICR " and her team are always very open and offer constructive suggestions which aid successful case handling.
Guinea pigs can become quite tame with gentle handling.
Other savings include the elimination of time consuming tasks such as handling mail, checking and banking checks.
Terence j fairly impressive handling a tort bill.
The TRC is looking for sympathetic people, experienced in riding and handling thoroughbreds, who enjoy the thoroughbred 's temperament and abilities.
Grid handling is fixed to allow mapping to scroll to include the islands off the northern tip of Scotland.
She has experience of handling long serious criminal trials in the Crown Court.
It also had requirements for handling, applying, and disposing of tritium, and watches containing Tritium.
After performing about a zillion tests, we found a 1-inch alloy dome tweeter that has unusually smooth response along with excellent power handling.
The problem with the second solution is that at least Mosaic's handling of documents with labels seems unnatural to me.
The multi-channel audio path and the smart handling of multi-channel audio files are still unrivaled.
Avoid manual handling where possible, by using wheelbarrows or machines.
The Iraqi leadership reaped a public relations windfall last weekend with its deft handling of the hijack of a Saudi airliner to Baghdad.
Combining this with a low wing loading, high thrust-to-weight ratio, excellent all-round vision and carefree handling results in a truly exceptional aircraft.
Handling over 3,500 public concerns, the charity has helped people blow the whistle on hundreds of cases of serious wrongdoing.
In America the number of men killed and injured in handling freight trains has been very large.
But Howe was eminent in the handling of a great multitude of ships, the enemy was awkward and unenterprising, and the operation was brilliantly carried out.
Hardness and Chemical Stability.-These properties contribute to the durability of lenses, and are specially desirable in the outer members of lens combinations which are likely to be subjected to frequent handling or are exposed to the weather.
Though not endowed with the strength and originality of mind that characterized Tyndale's work, Coverdale showed great discrimination in the handling and use of his authorities, and moreover a certain delicacy and happy ease in his rendering of the Biblical text, to which we owe not a few of the beautiful expressions of our present Bible.
Chinese dressing is white and supple, but contains much powder, which is disagreeable and difficult to get rid of, and in many instances the skin is rendered so thin that the roots of the fur are weakened, which means that it is liable to shed itself freely, when subject to ordinary friction in handling or wearing.
He gives several reasons for this in his letter to the king, but in all probability his chief motive was that pointed out by Spedding, that in the court of king's bench there would be less danger of Coke coming into collision with the king on questions of prerogative, in handling which Bacon was always very circumspect and tender.
The delivery attendants remove the streaks, give them a twist to facilitate future handling, and place Fr.3.4.
Computers, especially computers of the future, will have no trouble handling all the variables that influence nutrition, though there will be millions of them.
The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling.
Conjunctivitis and a partially generalized pustular eruption followed handling vanilla pods (Hiley 1909).
Advances in data handling and analytical technologies (eg. pyrolysis mass spectrometry), now offer additional potential for rapid research progress.
More recently, this increased power in handling data has become as much a qualitative as a quantitative matter.
H I Griffiths Portable handling facilities to improve the welfare of farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus).
Second sheave to allow handling of sampling and testing equipment and for ease of reeving a hoist block for withdrawing casing.
Additional Disinfection To prevent recontamination of trays during handling, the use of residual acting disinfectant in the rinse water is recommended eg.
Effective revisions to suspension and steering gave neater, more responsive handling as well as adding much-needed ride comfort.
Cargo handling thames hotels takes place on about 100 riverside wharves between Deptford and Canvey Island as well as at enclosed docks at Tilbury.
Within a matter of minutes Rovers took the lead with Bellamy pouncing on a handling error by Kelvin Davis.
Among other things, this obliges them to have a written policy on the correct handling and safekeeping of Disclosure information.
Other handling systems can be based on screw conveyors or chain and flight conveyors.
He later switched to private practice, handling drug cases and whatever else he could scrounge up.
The ports are a primary gateway to Europe handling 15% of all UK seaborne trade.
Perfecting one 's aerobatic skills will inevitably lead to increased self-assurance in handling the machine and greater safety in the air.
All would undergo specialized training, including the development of skills in the sensitive handling of the bereaved.
Defra 's shambolic handling of single farm payments in England has caused many farmers to suffer grave economic hardship.
He counted the different movements made in handling a shovelful of dirt, and the exact time required for each of the movements.
The skillful handling of knowledge in order to produce the desired results.
Customer enquiries, inventory checks and special goods handling can be speeded up, providing better service to customers and increasing productivity.
Information on pet and fancy mice, spiny mice and zebra mice - ranging from basic care, housing and handling to breeding.
Not as sporty handling as the Nitro, but seems like it climbs better.
Our forward were performing well in the set pieces and often when the home team got good ball they squandered possession with sloppy handling.
The proper and dexterous handling of firearms seems to be fading from the screen - along with the management of a square-rigged sailing vessel.
New survivor handling considerations may see the introduction of a new strop in the near future.
If the event handling method does n't already exist, doing this will generate an empty stub for the method in your source code.
The ICR and her team are always very open and offer constructive suggestions which aid successful case handling.
Handling is sublime, with a supple ride that does n't insulate the driver from the car 's precise responses.
Whilst this combination gives great grip and sure-footed handling, the drawback is heavy steering when parking.
Wear cotton gloves when handling to avoid tarnishing when working with silver or imitation gold, or rub talcum powder on your hands.
Jaguar 's first attempt at a compact executive is right on the money, combining taut handling with a smooth ride.
Range rover is assembled terence j fairly impressive handling a tort bill.
It also had requirements for handling, applying, and disposing of Tritium, and watches containing Tritium.
For a car that looked so good it was a bit of a disappointment, with nervous steering and twitchy handling.
This is useful for reliable error handling on unconnected sockets.
Site Notes Clay undercoat plaster is supplied in paper sacks that can be broken by rough handling.
So the handling centers may well be unfamiliar with the procedure.
The problem with the second solution is that at least Mosaic 's handling of documents with labels seems unnatural to me.
She was critized for her inept handling of the problem.
Dad might enjoy a few books on handling fatherhood, along with a yummy treat or two.
What is the center's procedures for hand-washing, handling foods, changing diapers, etc?
If you have to struggle with opening and closing the flaps on your bra, along with handling an extremely hungry and fussy baby, you can easily become frustrated!
Your baby will also begin sitting up with support at this time, and he'll enjoy handling his toys, looking at board books, and playing with his favorite person...you!
What will be shipping and handling costs be?
Be sure you check out the company's policies on authenticity, guaranteed craftsmanship, shipping and handling, and returns.
Be sure you pay attention to the online store's shipping and handling charges and return policy before you order!
To make the most of your shopping dollars, check on shipping and handling charges before you submit your order.
This typically assures this organization is highly competent and ethical in handling the adoption process for its clients.
Not comfortable handling a do-it-yourself project on your own?
Before you order, check out each site's shipping and handling charges and return policy.
Be sure you check the shipping details, including shipping and handling prices, estimated shipping times, etc. before you order.
Before you buy, make sure the site is secure, and check out the store's return policy and shipping and handling charges.
While the birth of newborn identical triplets is certainly cause for celebration, the stress of handling three infants at once can be overwhelming.
The single most important step you can take when handling newborn identical triplets is to create a schedule.
Once your baby becomes more adept at handling finger foods, you can add a broader variety of items to the menu.
Once your baby has become more skilled at handling finger foods, you can continue to give her a wider variety of foods.
As you shop, however, take the shipping and handling price into account as well.
China Connection has many helpful resources for handling specific aspects of cultural integration.
When ordering online, check out the simple shipping and handling procedure.
Luckily for us dads, society believes that a man handling a baby is probably distressed (as opposed to a mom who is expected to magically know everything about babies).
Keep in mind that addressing the issue of nighttime dryness is be different from handling daytime potty training.
If you order online, however, be sure the site is secure before ordering and check the site's returns, shipping and handling policies.
The challenges lie not only in finding an available toddler to adopt but also in handling the emotional issues that sometimes follow a toddler adoption.
Adoption agency - Most adoption agencies concentrate on handling the adoptions of newborns, but you may be able to locate some agencies that deal in toddler adoptions as well.
In addition, even if you have a bra that opens in the front, trying to close the bra while handling an infant can be quite tricky.
Be sure you pay attention to the shipping, handling, and return policies for each site.
If you are ordering online, be sure and check out the shipping and handling section, particularly in regards to the amount of time it takes to receive the sign after you place your order.
If possible, bring someone along with you for a second opinion on handling and braking.
The trustee handling the foreclosure sale will be able to tell you the minimum bid the lender is willing to accept.
Handling requirements will differ for each.
Handling and electronic transfer fees are the most common ones.
There is nothing like actually touching and handling beads of various sizes and types to get a feel for the medium.
Sports cars include two-seaters and such as coupes and hatchback models combining sportier performance, handling, and looks with practical considerations.
Most sports cars have good acceleration and braking, agile handling and varying levels of fuel economy.
As such, it is important to take great care when handling your Nano.
When buying a pet rodent, it is important to note the level of handling that the animal has experienced at the pet store or breeder.
A solid motorcycle trailer can help improve handling of your bike.
This type of motor home offers solid construction, tried-and-true designs and ease of handling - and is also one of the most budget-friendly motor home options.
Just be sure to exercise caution when handling and storing it as it can be damaging to skin and some surfaces (such as countertops) with prolonged exposure.
Before submitting the forms, double check the information including the final cost, shipping, and handling fees.
Lizards make ideal pets for those who don't mind handling them.
Intel's Core 2 Duo processors are found in most mid-range laptops and for the most part, they have no problem handling general computer functions like using word processors, spreadsheets, emailing and surfing the Web.
Processor (CPU) - This is the one key feature that will determine whether or not your computer is up to handling everything you need it to handle.
Legitimate sellers use standard shipping prices by UPS, the U.S.Postal Service or FedEx, adding a few extra dollars for handling (which includes boxes/envelops and drive time).
With any of the above providers, make sure you take into account setup fees, equipment lease costs, shipping and handling of the equipment and installation fees in addition to the monthly cost.
If the cat is particularly resistant and repeatedly tries to bite and scratch, you can wear gloves when handling.
While you are switching your cat to raw food keep a close eye on her for subtle changes that might mean she is constipated or otherwise not handling the new diet very well.
She is much more likely to be receptive to your handling.
Frequent handling will make your job as a cat owner that much easier.
Use caution when handling any medications, and take care to avoid your cat's eyes or mouth.
Foods may be contaminated with bacterial diseases such as salmonella which poses a risk to humans handling the product.
You will also find that pet stores handling cat foods will supply this information at their stores or online on the company website.
Shipping and handling is charged for each shipment after the initial six books.
This form of electronic money handling may prove to be a great asset for you.
The most common fee you will encounter is a shipping and handling fee, especially if you choose to have the card sent directly to the gift recipient.
Most prepaid Visa cards have a one time fee for the initial purchase of the card, although the fee might be combined with a shipping or handling fee.
Young adults can learn the proper handling of their finances from college courses or from their parents.
Cards within this specific line do not incur additional shipping and handling charges beyond the basic charge when purchased online and can be gift wrapped before being sent to the recipient.