Handle Sentence Examples
She gripped the handle tighter.
We can handle this job by ourselves.
The boxes were heavy, so carrying two of them was too much weight to handle.
A mouse she could handle – literally, but a snake was something different.
She will handle the baby as tenderly as the most careful nurse could desire.
I can handle it... now.
I don't think she has any special tenderness for them--I have never seen her caress them; but she dresses and undresses them many times during the day and handles them exactly as she has seen her mother and the nurse handle her baby sister.
Maybe he wanted to handle that part of it, but it was done now.
Each case I handle gives me that much more experience.
Making another hole directly over it with an ice chisel which I had, and cutting down the longest birch which I could find in the neighborhood with my knife, I made a slip-noose, which I attached to its end, and, letting it down carefully, passed it over the knob of the handle, and drew it by a line along the birch, and so pulled the axe out again.
AdvertisementCynthia held the door handle, looking ready to jump while Dean contorted around the shift stick, barely able to press the pedal with his toe.
She shut the cabinet door and hung the towel over the oven door handle to dry.
She grabbed the handle of her whip and whirled to face him.
She tugged the heavy door open by its old iron handle and gazed into a large square of grass, a courtyard, around which many similar rooms with heavy doors were arranged.
Let me handle this.
AdvertisementHer fingers found the door handle - just in case.
I had my hand on the door handle but instead asked our driver to follow it.
The Original Beings will handle her.
At the reminder, she looked away, uncertain how to handle her newest foray into the weirdness that was the Immortal world.
He grabbed the door handle as she spun around a curve.
AdvertisementI've got a handle on things, but the underworld is still closed to me.
He sank into stormy contemplation, clueless how to handle the latest of his challenges.
By the time he had attached a handle to this sword he was having much trouble to breathe, as the charm of the Sorcerer was beginning to take effect.
To further enhance yield, at the same time Borlaug bred wheat strains with short, stubby stalks, which were able to better handle more weight of grain.
The well-known old door handle, which always angered the countess when it was not properly cleaned, turned as loosely as ever.
AdvertisementIt makes me feel small when you keep things from me - like you don't trust me, or you think I'm not mature enough to handle it.
I've been checking old cases too, real old ones, to see if I can get a handle on when our friend Grasso started in business.
By tomorrow we'll have a better handle on the situations, enough at least to make flight arrangements.
Dean retreated to their quarters to handle some overdue paper work and so spent the remainder of the morning.
He wanted the dealer scared but not dead, and right now, he didn't think he'd be able to handle a traitor without ripping off his head.
Ten demons guarded this one, two of which he'd slaughtered before leaving his dealers to handle the rest to search for souls.
Composed enough to handle his duties, Gabe left his cabin.
We.re trying to get a handle on who went to which Sanctuary and where else Immortals scattered to.
It has a chip in the handle.
He reached for the door handle.
Her fingers closed around the screen door handle.
I think I know how to handle him, though.
From the centre of the subumbral surface hangs down the manubrium, like the handle of an umbrella or the clapper of a bell, bearing the mouth at its extremity.
Beware too the adult llama that the current owner cannot easily handle.
Its handle is the color of big sky, which makes me feel lonesome.
Suggest one reason why subadult female macaques might handle the infants more than adult or juvenile female macaques.
The Review rejects a lay magistracy, claiming that lay people could not handle being involved in " high profile " cases.
Striking liver chestnut, 4 white stockings, flaxen mane & tail, good to shoe, box, traffic & handle.
Candidates must be able to handle their own caseload from start to finish including noting title and completing missives.
To handle the power from the engine, another popular mod is to install a Porsche 5 speed box.
The injection molding machine are pretty massive pieces of equipment compared to the size of the disk they have to handle.
Nothing I can't handle. I have Kiki, Tamer, and Erik on lockdown. A week without food, and they're happy to help. Kiki is running most things, until I figure them out.
He grasped the handle of tray number six but, before opening it, glanced down at Cynthia Byrne.
They agreed Lenny Harrigan should handle the matter in view of Dean's relationship with Ethel.
There are no close relatives so she's going to handle the arrangements.
You were trying to protect me too— God, why do men think we can't handle anything!
He was taking on a lot of responsibility – maybe more than he could handle.
Alex thought he could handle Josh.
Gripping the door handle as if she intended to jump out, she stared out the window.
She gripped the handle of the axe more tightly, hands clammy.
Claire screamed, unable to pry her hands free of the axe's handle.
She wasn't about to encourage Darian, not when she couldn't handle the results.
How you handle this is important, Darian.
How I handle what?
It was the perfect excuse to teach Carmen how to handle a gun.
Besides, I don't know if I could handle two teen-aged boys.
Yes. I'll let you handle the rest.
If I didn't think I could handle it, I wouldn't have planned it.
I think I can handle that.
Alex couldn't be expected to handle everything and she couldn't be expected to consult him on everything.
It was a nice feeling to know she could handle that situation on her own.
Clarissa can handle that.
Megan gingerly accepted the tool, gripping the smooth wooden handle with both hands.
He stepped behind her and reached his arms around her, positioning her hands on the handle.
She leaned on the whip handle and scowled at him.
She gripped the ax handle.
Taking a few steps back she gripped the ax half way down on the handle and slammed it down against the block of wood with a dull whack.
She slid her hands further back on the handle, as she had seen him holding it.
With a smile, she snatched them up and grabbed the broken end of a broom handle.
Carefully, she wound the twine around the broken broom handle, tying the two ends when she started on the second spool.
At the path entrance, she tied one end of the twine around a tree and started down the trail, allowing the twine to unwind from the handle as she did so.
Grasping the handle of the machete, she half fell, half leaped behind the log.
I got into this on my own and I'll handle it myself.
I will handle the vamp armies you created.
I can handle those types of issues.
Whatever threat she might be, he could handle it.
She could handle that every night.
He ran into something he can't handle.
I can't handle it.
I can't handle that, either.
I can handle this.
She was a fool, too, for thinking she could handle the situation on her own.
Xander remained upstairs, letting her handle the set-up in relative peace.
Or maybe she was right, and he was avoiding the obvious, because he couldn't quite handle the thought of being vulnerable to anyone.
That he was done with her was not a thought she was ready to handle yet.
She couldn't handle either thought.
The rest we'll handle together.
Xander was tempted to leave, simply so he could handle this the way he would, if Jessi wasn't involved.
I can hardly handle the two I have.
This consists of a handle of wood or rope, about 18 in.
The first question which he had to handle was the Chilean boundary dispute.
When he was in Europe he went to the bank to handle the conversion of his money into the local currency.
The net effective work of lifting that can be performed by a man turning a handle may be taken, for intermittent work, as being on an average about 5000 foot-lb per minute; this is equivalent to 1 ton lifted about 24 ft.
The hydraulic crane is rapid in action, very smooth and silent in working, easy to handle, and not excessive in cost or upkeep, - advantages which have secured its adoption in every part of the world.
In the first, the pressure is applied by a handle or treadle, and is removed by a spring or weight; this is called " braking on."
The singleneedle instrument is a vertical needle galvanoscope worked by a battery and reversing handle, or two " tapper " keys, the motions to right and left of one end of the index corresponding to the dashes and dots of the Morse alphabet.
In this apparatus electric A B C currents are generated by turning a handle (placed in front of the instrument), which is geared, in the instru ment.
If, then, a long copper bar which forms part of this circuit is placed in proximity to the transmitting antenna and the handle moved, some position can be found in which the natural time period of the cymometer circuit is made equal to the actual time period of the telegraphic antenna.
In some cases when a magneto-generator is employed for calling purposes the coil of the machine is automatically cut out of circuit when it is not in action, and is brought into circuit when the handle is turned by the operation of a centrifugal or other arrangement.
When a subscriber called (by turning the handle of his magneto- 'generator), the shutter of the annunciator associated with his line dropped.
Even in land-warfare he cast aside the weapons of his forefathers; but he soon learned to handle the weapons of his new land with greater prowess than they had ever been handled before.
The sistrum consists of a metal frame in the shape of an egg, fastened to a handle, frequently surmounted by a grotesque head or by a figure of the sacred lioness Sekhet.
His inability to handle a steed were obviously when he could not make the horst stop running.
Armillary spheres occur in many old sculptures, paintings and engravings; and from these sources we know that they were made for suspension, for resting on the ground or on a table, for holding by a short handle, or either for holding or for resting on a stand.
The principal weapon of the Malays is the kris, a short dagger with a small wooden or ivory handle, of which there are many varieties.
All these vessels are beautifully worked, the crystal bowl especially, with its fish-shaped cover handle, being as a work of art of high merit.
The knob forming the handle of one of these wooden receptacles was still distinguishable.
To handle these so successfully that we can discriminate defects from qualities at all, is proof of the technique of a master, even though the faults extend to whole categories of literature.
This mode has some disadvantages attending it; such sheets are difficult to handle; the crustaceous species are liable to have their surfaces rubbed; the foliaceous species become so compressed as to lose their characteristic appearance; and the spaces between the sheets caused by the thickness of the specimen permit the entrance of dust.
This gave a handle to the Petersburg secret police, and they employed him as a spy and agent provocateur.
The Anatolian railway company, apparently unable to handle the concession above described, initiated fresh negotiations which resulted in the Bagdad railway convention (March 5, 1903).
Thus we find him after the battle of Dresden - itself a splendid example of its efficacy - suddenly reverting to the terminology of the school in which he had been brought up, which he himself had destroyed, only to revive again in the next few days and handle his forces strategically with all his accustomed brilliancy.
A little instrument, supplied by Hartmann and Braun, contains a short length of fine bismuth wire wound into a flat double spiral, half an inch or thereabouts in diameter, and attached to a long ebonite handle.
Its actual effect in the period succeeding its issue was, however, practically nugatory; if indeed it did not actually give a new handle to the subversive claims of the powerful barons.
The censer used was a hemispherical cup or bowl of bronze, supported by a long handle, fashioned at one end like an open hand, in which the bowl was, as it were, held, while the other end within which the pastils of incense were kept was shaped into the hawk's head crowned with a disk, as the symbol of Re.'
For the speedy removal of burning houses each ward was to provide a strong iron hook, with a wooden handle, two chains and two strong cords, which were to be left in the charge of the bedel of the ward, who was also provided with a good horn, " loudly sounding."
The size of cylinder which can be produced in this way depends chiefly upon the dimensions of the working platform and the weight which a man is able to handle freely.
The sloping sides of the conical bottom can be freed from the coating of scum which forms upon them every two or three hours by two rotatory scrapers, formed of L-irons, which can be slowly turned by an attendant by means of a central shaft provided with a suitable handle.
Small, of Berwickshire, brought out a plough in which beam and handle were of wrought iron, the mould-board of cast iron.
The early Jewish portable censer would seem to have been a bowl with a handle, resembling a ladle.
There are very numerous representations on the monuments; in some the censer appears as a small cup or bowl held by a human hand to which a long handle is attached on which is a small box to hold the incense.
The kodzuka, or handle of a little knife implanted into the sheath of the short sword or dagger, was, also of metal and engraved with like care.
The stream issues through a nozzle, termed a " monitor " or " giant," which is fitted with a ball and socket joint, so that the direction of the jet may be varied through considerable angles by simply moving a handle.
Rotation is communi cated by a pinion, turned by the handle c (concealed in the figure), which works in teeth cut on the edge of the flange h.
An arrangement, afterwards described, has been fitted in modern heliometers for placing the screen in front of either segment by a handle at the eye-end.
This wheel is acted on by a tangent screw whose bearings are attached to the cradle; the screw is turned by means of a handle supported by bearings attached to the cradle, and coming within convenient reach of the observer's hand.
To remedy drawback (2) Repsolds provided for the Yale heliometer an additional handle for motion in position angle, intermediate in velocity between the original quick and slow motions.
The disk, 30 with its small projecting handle enables the 2 segments of the divided object to be moved rapidly or with any required delicacy relative to each other.
It was so named from usually having an ear or handle on each side of the neck (diota).
It is somewhat like an axe reversed, the edge of the blade curving inward and placed at right angles to the handle.
The parts of the range of moulds are brought tightly together and held in position by the bars 0 and the screw P, and when one mould is filled the carrier is moved forward on its rails by wheels worked by a handle also shown in the figure.
For this purpose the ohmmeter is provided with a small dynamo D, contained in a box, which produces a continuous electromotive force of from 200 to 500 volts when the handle of the instrument is steadily turned.
There is everywhere a readiness to handle traditional, largely historical, materials with a sovereign freedom, controlled and limited by doctrinal convictions and devotional experiences alone.
The vibrograph is also well suited for the same purpose, and so in an especial manner is Helmholtz's double siren, in which, by continually turning round the upper box, a note is produced by it more or less out of tune with the note formed by the lower chest, according as the handle is moved more or less rapidly, and most audible beats ensue.
The implements found in the relic bed under it were axe-heads of stone, with their haftings of stag's horn and wood; a flint saw, set in a handle of fir wood and fastened with asphalt; flint flakes and arrow-heads; harpoons of stag's horn with barbs; awls, needles, chisels, fish-hooks and other implements of bone; a comb of yew wood 5 in.
They were fixed by the butt in a socket of stag's horn, mortised into a handle of wood.
The instrument generally employed is a bag-shaped net attached to a semicircular hoop, provided with a long handle and pushed over the surface of the sand by a fisherman wading in the water at ebb-tide.
The pure acid thus obtained is a most dangerous substance to handle, its vapour even when highly diluted with air having an exceedingly injurious action on the respiratory organs, whilst inhalation of the pure vapour is followed by death.
Thus the body becomes umbrellashaped, the concave side representing the peristome, and the convex side the column, of the polyp. Hence the tentacles are found at the edge of the umbrella, and the hypostome forms usually a projecting tube, with the mouth at the extremity, forming the manubrium or handle of the umbrella.
M`Lennan's theory of primitive society with owing its plausible appearance of universal validity to general neglect of the Indo-European evidence and misapprehension of such portions of it as M`Lennan did attempt to handle.
But on the whole the false prophets deserve that name, not for their conscious impostures, but because they were content to handle religious formulas, which they had learned by rote, as if they were intuitive principles, the fruit of direct spiritual experience, to enforce a conventional morality, shutting their eyes to glaring national sins, after the manner of professional orthodoxy, and, in brief, to treat the religious status quo as if it could be accepted without question as fully embodying the unchanging principles of all religion.
In 1742 a workman named Thomas Bolsover was mending the handle of a knife made of silver and copper, when, accidentally overheating it, he caused the metals to fuse and flow, and found that as a consequence the silver adhered to the copper as a thin coating.
Their previous docility and their entire submission to the Jesuits left no possible doubt as to the source of the rebellion, and gave the enemies of the Jesuits a handle against them that was not forgotten.
The general sense is clear, that those who consume the holy food without a clear conscience, like those who handle sacred objects with impure hands, will suffer physical harm from its contact, as if they were undergoing the ordeal of touching a holy thing.
The same ability to adapt himself to circumstances must be possessed by the steeple-chase jockey, who should possess fine hands to enable him to handle his horse while going at his fences at three-quarter speed.
Taking up a piece, he would request his visitor not to breathe upon it, nor handle it; he would dilate upon the many merits of the drug and the cures it had effected.
This is the most bitterly criticized action in his career, but no one but the man on the spot can judge how it is necessary to handle a crowd; and in addition one of the princes, Abu Bukt, heir-apparent to the throne, had made himself notorious for cutting off the arms and legs of English children and pouring the blood into their mothers' mouths.
Paul's teaching about the believer being already risen with Christ gave a welcome handle to the later Gnostics.
The bark on each side of the perpendicular slit being then cautiously opened, as at b, with the handle of the knife, the bud and shield are inserted as shown at c. The upper tip of the shield is cut off horizontally, and brought to fit the bark of the stock at the transverse incision.
Larger plants do not need quite such delicate treatment, but care should be taken not to handle the roots roughly.
If this series of operations be made to depend upon the continuous rotation of a winch or handle, the arrangement constitutes an electrostatic influenceenachine.
The axis N 0 passes through the brass piece M, which stands on an insulating pillar of glass, and supports the plates A and C. At one extremity of this axis is the ball D, and the other is connected with a rod of glass, N P, upon which is fixed the handle L, and also the piece G H, which is separately insulated.
Doubtless this coincidence gave a ready handle to the scoffing wits of the time, and among the numerous popular names given to the Beghards - bons garcons, boni pueri, boni valeti and the like - we find also that of Lollards (from Flemish liillen, " to stammer").
The metal or stone hammer with a long handle was unknown till Greek or Roman times; but, for beating out metal, hemispherical stones (5) were held in the hand, and swung at arms length overhead.
With the handle lengthened (86) and turned forward, this became the plough (87 is the hieroglyph, 88 the drawing, of a plough); this was always sloping, and never the upright post of the Italic type.
The facing of the cloven surfaces was done by hammer-dressing, using rounded masses of quartzose hornstone, held in the hand without any handle.
Not a hundredth part of the cerebellum has remained, and yet there has existed ability to stand, to walk, to handle and lift objects in a fairly normal way, without any trace of impairment of cutaneous or muscular sensitivity.
In 1920 he and his executive were faced by the difficult problem of the refusal of Irish railwaymen to handle munitions of war; and the only solution he and they could suggest was that the Government should cease to send such munitions and that the Labour party should make an appeal to the Irish people - a solution which ministers, of course, could not accept.
Now the texts of the Gloria and Credo were more voluminous than any others which 16th-century composers attempted to handle in a continuous scheme.
Thus far Bahrdt's orthodoxy had counterbalanced his character; but at Giessen, where his behaviour was no less objectionable than elsewhere, he gave a handle to his enemies by a change in his public attitude towards religion.
Secondly, for the sake of novelty they extended their range, including scientific and technical subjects, but handling them, and teaching their pupils to handle them, in a popular way.
In short, in their hostility to science they refused to handle literature in a scientific spirit.
The hour circle has two toothed circles cut upon it, one acted upon by a worm screw mounted on the pier and driven by clockwork, the other by a second worm screw attached to the polar axis, which can be turned by a handle in the observer's hand and thus a slow movement can be given to the telescope in right ascension inde FIG.
The declination circle is most inconvenient of access, and slow motion in declination can only be effected when the instrument is clamped by a long and inconvenient handle; so that, practically, clamping in declination was not employed.
Through the eyepiece of the bent 1 telescope E' another hour circle attached to the lower end of the polar axis can be seen; thus an assistant is able to direct the telescope by a handle at H to any desired hour angle.
The implements used are two makes of iron-shod wooden ploughs; a large shovel, worked by three or five men, one working the handle, the others jerking the blade by ropes attached to it; a short sharp-pointed hoe, a bamboo rake, and a wooden barrow, all of rude construction.
It is little wonder that men who could tame and handle the reptiles gained esteem and influence.
One important analogy exists for the way in which our author would handle any written sources he may have had by him, namely, the manner in which he uses Mark's Gospel narrative in compiling his own Gospel.
On insulating the lower plate and raising the upper plate by the glass handle, the capacity of the condenser formed by the plates is vastly decreased, but since the charge on the lower plate including the gold leaves attached to it remains the same, as the capacity of the system is reduced the potential is raised and therefore the gold leaves diverge widely.
A fork or clutch rotates along with the shaft, and is capable of being moved longitudinally by a handle.
Thus, amongst agricultural castes, those engaged in vegetable-growing or market-gardening are inferior to the genuine peasant or yeoman, such as the Jat and Rajput; whilst of these the Jat who practises widow-marriage ranks below the Rajput who prides himself on his tradition of ceremonial orthodoxy - though racially there seems little, if any, difference between the two; and the Rajput, again, is looked down upon by the Babhan of Behar because he does not, like himself, scruple to handle the plough, instead of invariably employing low-caste men for this manual labour.
For the naturalist they have the recommendation that many are easy to obtain, that most, apart from the very minute, are easy to handle, and that all, except as to the fleeting colours, are easy to preserve.
The earliest picture of a press shows roughly the construction to have been that of an upright frame, the power exerted by a movable handle, placed in a screw which was tightened up to secure the requisite impression, and was loosened again after the impression was obtained.
He also invented a device which allowed the bed on which the type pages were placed to run in and out more readily, thus reducing the great labour involved in that part of the work of the older form of press, and he also used a new kind of iron lever or handle to turn the screw which applied the necessary pressure.
In it are carried, by literati and merchants, the pen-case and a roll of paper; its voluminous folds are used as pockets; by the bazaar people and villagers, porters and merchants servants, a small sheath knife is struck in it; while by farrashes, the carpet-spreader class, a large khanjar, or curved dagger, with a heavy ivory handle, is carried.
For as a matter of fact obscenity no less than impiety was charged against him by his ultra-orthodox enemies, and the obscenity no less than the supposed impiety gave them a handle against him before such bodies as the Sorbonne and the parliaments.
What is remarkable is that the swords not only show the design of the cross in the shape of the handle, but also in tracery what is believed to be an imitation of the Svastika, that ancient Aryan symbol which was probably the first to be made with a definite intention and a consecutive meaning.
In this case, the claw-like terminal segment may be simply flexed against the preceding in the same way as the blade of a penknife shuts up against the handle.
We must, however, handle these with some caution, since some of the poems (" Idylls ") commonly attributed to him have little claim to authenticity.
Refusing to limit himself to political history, as did Ranke, he never learned to handle his literary sources with the care of the scientific historian.
It is an early-maturity breed, and no other Down produces a better back to handle for condition - the frame is so thickly covered with flesh and fat.
The cork is thereafter removed in the sections into which it has been cut, by inserting under it the wedge-shaped handle of the implement used in making the incisions.
The spoons of the Greeks and Romans were chiefly made of bronze and silver, and the handle usually takes the form of a spike or pointed stem.
There are many examples in the British Museum from which the form of the various types can be ascertained, the chief points of difference being found in the junction of the bowl with the handle.
At the Restoration the handle becomes broad and flat, the bowl is broad and oval and the termination is cut into the shape known as the pied de biche, or hind's foot.
In the first quarter of the 18th century the bowl becomes narrow and elliptical, with a tongue or "rat's tail" down the back, and the handle is turned up at the end.
The modern form, with the tip of the bowl narrower than the base and the rounded end of the handle turned down, came into use about 1760.
The seeming anomaly of classifying as a single branch of science all that we know in a field so wide, while subdividing our knowledge of things on our own planet into an indefinite number of separate sciences, finds its explanation in the impossibility of subjecting the matter of the heavens to that experimental scrutiny which yields such rich results when applied to matter which we can handle at will.
In British New Guinea alone is the mancatcher (a rattan loop at the end of a handle with a pith spike projecting into it) met with.
When it is posited as we are wont to posit the things we see and taste and handle.
He must also acquire the ability to handle bees judiciously and well under all imaginable conditions.
This diaphragm is sometimes fixed to a handle piercing the condenser, and which can be moved up and down, so that the aperture of the oblique entering cones of rays can be altered.
But his old confidence had left him; he had grown moody and suspicious, and his temper gave a ready handle to his enemies.
Well, a horse was a lot of weight to handle, and it had been a long day of activity.
He clutched the wet door handle, the click of the latch bringing his mind back to the present.
A mouse she could handle – literally, but a snake was something different.
I thought there was no situation I couldn't handle outside of rape - and I didn't believe you would do that.
It hit me, I think with the handle of the knife and when I went down, he kicked the shit out of me.
He could handle the Black God, at least for the time being.
The alternative – that her own body was about to betray her to the devil – wasn't something she could handle.
She knew the danger of letting him provoke her, but she was too overwhelmed to handle him calmly.
She didn't feel able to handle knowing what kind of food sat under a domed tray or what half-demons like Selyn did for blood.
David Dean took a certain amount of solace in the fact that the election was close, though he questioned her ability to handle the position.
Fate narrowed down his challenges to those he was able to handle.
The concept of Death being humanlike in form, that she was permanently bound to him… "Nope. Can't handle that one yet," she said, grinding her teeth.
He saw past-Death handle traitors but never expected he'd have one in his midst, a few months on the job.
Normally, it was as far as they got before Sasha flew off the handle, had him tortured, and threw him back into his cell.
Penny said, glaring at the officer as she tapped the handle of a sinister looking ice ax.
Being stuck here with one vampire is enough for him to handle.
Am I too weak—too stupid to handle the truth?
You were trying to protect me too— God, why do men think we can't handle anything!
He was taking on a lot of responsibility – maybe more than he could handle.
She balanced the broom handle in clammy palms and slowly advanced up the steps.
Handle it in a perfunctory way, never allowing your partner to step over the emotional line you've drawn.
You do need to use caution in how you handle absenteeism and requests for legitimate leave during this period.
The half adder can only handle carry outs not carry ins, so can only add 2 numbers together.
Full-text search - with SQL Server, you no longer need expensive add-ons to handle full-text database searches.
All of a sudden there is no fuel to maintain the same level of intensity or to handle adversity.
Our Italian tax services... to service to handle their Italian tax affairs.
The Mercedes engineers say computer-games aficionados aged 8 to 18 handle it with ease; golden oldies need not apply.
With the discovery that they too have an afterglow, we may now finally have at least a small handle to study them.
Blizzard is a white albino and quite a large-ish size, he is easy to handle and has no evident medical problems.
This handle is black anodized aluminum, to match our black anodized cases.
Short Throw Shifter Barely six inches long, this shift handle designed for 5.0 Mustangs is machined from ½ thick aluminum.
This handle is black anodized aluminum, to match our black anodized aluminum, to match our black anodized cases.
That's feline leucocyte antigen - which is part of the immune system which determines how a cat can handle a particular disease organism.
The Vice-Chancellor will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within five working days and will inform the appellant which Deputy Vice-Chancellor will handle the appeal.
If you press the Ctrl key while dragging a handle, the selection rectangle maintains the same aspect ratio it originally had.
Among the exhibits in the east atrium will be a mock-up theater, where you handle a range of surgical instuments.
The perennial bane of religious sects is the inability to handle the problem of jealousy.
Compact and easy to handle with Li-Ion battery so the tool is always ready for use.
At the end of the passageway was a large handle; a thick wooden bar which stuck out from the great bellows.
However have stood the handle toward incline bench a. Demonstration about a kind bangladesh multi trip holiday insurance of man.
To sharpen the blade, hold the handle in the right hand.
For most boomers, their inheritance will be the largest single financial transaction most they will ever handle.
Im convinced if we worried about evey little ache and pain we'd all have neurotic bubs to handle!
A resealing safety vent is provided to handle pressure buildup during abusive overcharges.
Cream is better than milk, as most cats digestive systems can handle the butterfat.
Handle grip and throttle cables changed to suit the push-pull style carb.
The majority of advisers handle casework from their home or their office, by letter or telephone or both.
Once again, the better caster you are, the longer the head you will be able to handle.
Our client has an opportunity for an experienced trailer export clerk to handle all aspects of services from the Baltic States and CIS Countries.
They run workshops which will give you the chance to create a flying machine or handle giant cockroaches.
Removable oatmeal seat conceals a plastic commode pan with secure lid and carrying handle.
One Vision can provide a complete system to handle your electronic marketing communication.
Staff who receive anonymous complaints will be expected to use their discretion and judgment as to how to handle such complaints.
We are able to handle projects both large and small and of varying complexity.
The handle is a combination of durable nylon resin composites and soft, rubberized surface coating.
Heather Stern steps up to handle the editorial blurb and train some scripts to help keep the answers conversational.
Double walled insulated ice bucket keeps ice cooler for longer, handle pull activated.
By completing box 59 an agent can be authorized to handle correspondence on behalf of the purchaser.
A Victorian silver oval cruet stand with embossed foliate and floral scrolls, molded scroll rim and central handle.
The lumpy knob on the nose of the handle is the root-ball from which the bamboo culm grew.
In the event of a fire it is activated by the driver (or marshal) using the dashboard pull handle.
The theory of causation in terms of chains of causal dependence can handle this sort of example.
However, dune buggies have become more diversified in terms of the terrain they can handle.
An overflow drain should be large enough to handle large amounts of water I like four inch pipe.
Features include an integrated easel for desktop presentations and keyboarding, a handle, adjustable hand strap, and a detachable shoulder strap.
A unique mechanism in the handle makes blade changing and tensioning adjustments effortless.
Indeed, the best ESOL sessions engage and stretch learners to handle complex language in emotionally and intellectually engaging contexts.
Easy Spot Handle Wraps Manila envelope Pack a large manila envelope on the bottom of your suitcase.
On the right a brass door handle, finger plate and keyhole escutcheon Original fireplaces are in place throughout.
Nobody should be allowed near lambing ewes or allowed to handle newly born lambs.
For this reason, it is worth appointing a professional executor to handle your estate on behalf of your other executors.
Safe environment E-learning offers experiential learning simulations where users can practice how to use complex systems or handle difficult real world situations safely.
Make a statement in your bathroom with a GROHE single lever bathroom faucet or a GROHE two handle mixer.
A knife with a steel blade and a handle of millefiori glass with a silver ferrule, made in the 18th century.
The handle is used as the target in classid and flowid phrases of tc filter statements.
The most important property is usually fiber fineness, closely related to softness of handle.
The cake stand has a very pretty floral decorated pottery plate, with a chrome handle, which has a green celluloid finial.
The script needs to be able to handle checking for floppy / formatting floppy / spanning the maildir accross multiple floppies.
Did she not handle the dirt, fail to stay the 6 furlongs or did she run her race in that last workout?
The magazine also offers practical business tools and tactics, from must-have gadgets to how to handle voluminous amounts of e-mail.
This mechanism should provide enough generality to handle all cases.
A similar clasp knife handle from South Shields Roman fort, made in ivory, depicts a gladiator with rectangular shield standing en garde.
And those of us not of broom handle stature are lazy, uneducated or just plain greedy.
Any switch is available with a standard round knob or an optional pistol grip handle.
All this definition does is release any buffers associated with the handle his definition does is release any buffers associated with the handle h.
One way to find out of you are allergic would be to handle a hamster - do any of your friends have one?
Views register handlers for the events they wish to handle.
In order to handle the CGI scripts, the module declares a response handler for them.
A real handle worries ross henry to for the term the governor.
He remains hidden; stroking the handle of the knife nestled in his pocket.
With a semi concealed hinges, reinforced doors and strong chrome 3 way locking handle for security.
Pulling on just one, high-mounted handle hinges the backrest forward and makes the cushion move forward and down at the same time.
A direct hit on the breast plate will give your opponent a shock through the handle of the gun.
Hopefully, next year the cafes will be better prepared to handle the influx of visitors Keith.
I ask them everything from which diaper bag they like best to how they handle meddling in-laws.
Simple packet filtering firewall with stateful packet inspection to handle simple protocols like FTP.
They are linked to it by a handle instance.
Data can be logged to a PC via the serial interface which has the capacity to handle up to 256 units.
The Federal Highway Administration says almost 50 percent of California's urban interstates are carrying more traffic than they were designed to handle.
Taiwan has issued a long-standing invitation to the European Union to set up an office in Taipei to handle relations with Taiwan directly.
Handle with care The Library's books are valuable and often irreplaceable.
This is your chance - have a driving lesson in a massive articulated Juggernaut, and see if you can handle this giant.
A Larox peristaltic pump is one of the few that can handle kieselguhr.
When the prisoners rushed for their soup Ostrowski beat them with the iron handle of a broken soup ladle.
Nobody should be allowed near lambing ewes or allowed to handle newly born lambing ewes or allowed to handle newly born lambs.
It has moderate compressive and tensile strength, and is easy to handle and machine and is relatively lightweight.
Pretty dirty things Caroline Boucher gets a handle on heavy-duty pots and pans and a powerful juicer that really takes the pith.
H.264 offers high quality video at much smaller file sizes than previously available, and can handle mobile multimedia and high-definition playback.
A modern studio potter produces a vertical handle by rolling out a coil of clay.
Britain was still regarded by Rome as a prize and so Sextus Virius Marcellus a provincial procurator to handle the financial affairs.
Traditional frameworks cannot handle cross-border categories, semantic prosody or the vagueness of word classes.
We have many locally agreed protocols with the police to help us both handle domestic violence cases effectively.
Wheel handle push button allows you to lock and unlock the pull handle and to easily adjust it to your preferred height.
A leather glove was soon created, and not long after, an adapted handle completed the first racquet.
The new racquet, based on a kitchen sieve with a handle attached, makes it easier to serve the ball.
The main body of the engine was made from the end of a disposable razor handle.
The chamber pot (a wide jug with a handle) was the most common toilet receptacle.
To handle recursion, Tcl will call this function frequently asking only for directories to be returned.
And increasingly refined, Web-based tracking, tracing, scheduling and telematics will help operators handle home deliveries more cost-effectively.
Once the blade is lifted from the cutting surface, the blade automatically retracts back into the handle.
Early Roman cooking pot with out-turned rim and horizontal handle.
Features Carry Handle Padded waist band and shoulder strap £ 49.99 JRC rucksack - A conventional design extremely durable rucksack of excellent proportions.
This traditional design features celtic knot scrollwork on the handle, topped with faux amber, held in a silver colored clasp.
The Pipe browsing semantics is used to define a tool that can handle a hypermedia application by using Pipe structures.
A window will pop open where you can modify the settings that your browser uses to handle cookies.
Round Tang A round steel shank which is inserted into the handle.
Maher taught both McGoohan and Kanner to handle their guns like professionals and choreographed all the fight scenes, including the wonderful final shootout.
The new device, called a racquet, is made of a kitchen sieve with a handle built on.
The single bar handle and in-line skate wheels make it easy to use and stable on the ground.
Our classic ski weekend in Andorra offers you 192 km of slopes, tax-free shopping and all the après ski you can handle.
Handle has rubber grips to avoid slippage during cutting.
Handle, seat, trap should be wiped with a damp cloth soaked in a solution of disinfectant eg.
Group has a three way solenoid to release pressure in the group handle after brewing.
On the other hand, this kind of sorbent is much more difficult to handle compared with a dry sorbent.
He knows he can't handle his drink, but still gets sozzled.
It's best to trim off a few of the very spiny leaves from the stems, to make them easier to handle.
Another sharp turn of the starting handle and the single cylinder, 700cc engine splutters, coughs and bursts into life.
Body forms as cooking pots but with a rectangular handle and tubular spout.
It offers all the tools you need to handle paperwork, including a stapler, precision hole punch and much more.
Easy to fit with two clips to the side frame and an elasticated strap around the handle.
Two external pockets for umbrella, landing net, rod pod, bank sticks etc. Padded adjustable carrying strap, padded carrying handle.
The case has a small carrying handle and is flat with Velcro tabs.
The sketch also shows an adjustable tailstock with a threaded cranked handle.