Handful Sentence Examples
Why do you take up a handful of dirt?
He grabbed a handful of cookies and left.
He laughed and drank another handful of water.
Dusty warned me you were a handful, Sofi.
He tossed it on the bed and grabbed a handful of clothes then stuffed them in.
Most of the guests were Evelyn's friends and family; Romas's small party consisted of only a handful of men-- cousins, according to Evelyn-- looking like an NFL team dressed uncomfortably in their tuxes.
By the time Lana caught up, he'd had been lured into one of the buildings by a little girl with a handful of uncooked rice.
Kris sat beside her. Hannah's skin had gone from pale to gray, and her features looked gaunt. He couldn't help thinking Katie wouldn't survive a week down here if Hannah was suffering so badly after a day. He touched Hannah's hair, revolted when a handful came off in his hand.
This was to the effect that Orlov was routed, Stakelberg's command much shaken, and at the same time Zarubayev in Liao-Yang, upon whom Oku and Nozu had pressed a last furious attack, reported that he had only a handful of troops still in reserve.
By taking a block of marble and carving a statue, or taking a handful of seed and growing a cornfield, you have combined your labor and know-how with something of little value and have created something of more value.
AdvertisementOne of the kids handed her a handful of cotton balls while another put a doll in her lap.
A handful of people were building an annex onto one of the buildings with their hands rather than with the technological tools she'd seen create structures.
But no, these must be only a handful of scoundrels.
He grabbed a handful of her clothes from the suitcase and put them back in the drawer.
She pulled a handful of hay from under the tarp and fed it to the horse.
AdvertisementOnly a handful of human minds can comprehend his work.
Agitated, she glanced down, then back-- kneeling to pull a handful of it free.
With a handful of men he opposed Sherman's march through the Carolinas, and at Bentonville, N.C., fought and almost won a most gallant and skilful battle against heavy odds.
Marmont and Mortier with what troops they could rally took up a position on Montmartre heights to oppose them, but seeing further resistance to be hopeless they gave way on the 31st of March, just as Napoleon, with the wreck of the Guards and a mere handful of other detachments, was hurrying across the rear of the Austrians towards Fontainebleau to join them.
The oath of fealty, which could be received by proxy, followed the act of homage; then came the ceremony of investiture, either directly on the ground or by the delivery of a turf, a handful of earth, a stone, or some other symbolical object.
AdvertisementMeanwhile Williams, amid endless difficulties, with a mere handful of men, had managed to keep the two factions from civil war, though fighting had actually occurred in Buddu and in the Sese Islands.
One man says, in his despair or indifference to life, take up a handful of the earth at your feet, and paint your house that color.
A small expedition sent by Cromwell in February 1654 to capture New Amsterdam (New York) from the Dutch was abandoned on the conclusion of peace, and the fleet turned to attack the French colonies; Major Robert Sedgwick taking with a handful of men the fort of St John's, Port Royal or Annapolis, and the French fort on the river Penobscot, the whole territory from this river to the mouth of the St Lawrence remaining British territory till its cession in 1667.
The Epitrope was at first nothing more than a handful of discontented politicians who had failed to find places in the administration, but some slight reverses which it succeeded in inflicting on the Turkish troops brought thousands of armed Christians to its side, and in April 1896 it found itself strong enough to invest the important garrison town of Vamos.
How far Edward's solicitude was disinterested may be gauged from Froissart's parallel remark about the battle of Aljubarrota, where, as at Agincourt, the handful of victors were obliged by a sudden panic to slay their prisoners.
AdvertisementA handful of men came galloping toward him.
She grabbed a handful of clothes from the drawer and threw them into the suitcase.
He grunted and stuffed another handful in.
Only a handful of people in the club were above college-aged, and it was in the wrong side of town for the trust-fund kids from Beverly Hills to stop in.
She grabbed a handful of beads and dumped them into the bin, stopping when the flash of red caught her attention.
The road is covered by the fortress of Malborgeth, where Captain Hensel with a handful of men met with a heroic death defending the place against an overwhelming French force in the campaign of 1809.
This insurrection gave birth to one of those wars in which a whole nation, destitute of pecuniary resources, military organization and skilful leaders, but familiar with the country, is opposed to a handful of soldiers advantageously posted and well officered.
The Aztecs settled there because of the security afforded by its islands and shallow waters - their city, Tenochtitlan, being so completely surrounded by water that a handful of warriors could easily defend its approaches against a greatly superior force.
The truth is, without doubt, that the dwellings of the lower classes were still built of reeds and mud, and covered the greater part of the city's area, otherwise it is impossible to understand how a mere handful of Spanish soldiers, without tools and explosives, could so easily have levelled it to the ground.
This shameful surrender led to a Catholic patriotic uprising, known as the Confederation of Bar, which was formed on the 29th of February 1768, at Bar in the Ukraine, by a handful of small squires.
This consists of one long narrow range of building, of which the eastern part formed the chapel and the western contained the apartments of the handful of monks of which it was the home.
Only a small handful of graves were adorned with flowers.
With the handful of songs he wrote while fronting Pink Floyd in 1966 and 1967, Barrett was at the forefront of British psychedelia.
A handful of female imams (priests), considered unthinkable in Islamic countries, are at the helm of this change.
Chill your Martini glass by placing a handful of ice inside it.
Keep reading for a handful of pranks you can use at your high school!
In addition to a letter or certificate indicating that you have taken the course, teens will also be sent home with a handful of materials made to help the course stick with them.
Prom may be one of only a handful of occasions in your life that you have this opportunity.
A handful of kids can enjoy an impromptu bowling party with these simple props.
Fear that a vegan diet is just a handful of nuts and fruits is happily unfounded.
The following are a handful of suggestions.
This city is also known for its covered bridges, clear lakes, majestic peaks and award-wining eating establishments, but for those who must avoid gluten, there are only a handful of gluten-free restaurants in Stowe, Vermont.
A great square was formed of the infantry, and a handful of cavalry joined them - the French cavalry, eager to avenge Gournay, had swept away the rest.
In 1875 he was given an important command in the expedition against Khokand under General Kaufmann, showing great capacity in the action of Makram, where he out-manoeuvred a greatly superior force and captured 58 guns, and in a brilliant night attack in the retreat from Andijan, when he routed a large force with a handful of cavalry.
Here too the imperial forces suffered defeat, Otto himself being saved only by the devotion of a handful of Saxon knights.
Claverhouse, now Viscount Dundee, despairing of his party, and under apprehension of an attack in arms, rode northward Killie- with a handful of horse, and began to play the part of Montrose, while the Convention offered the crown to William and Mary, adding the claim of right to dethrone a king who had infringed the laws.
He was opposed to the expedition sent to place the false Demetrius on the throne of Muscovy; but nevertheless accompanied the king to Smolensk and was sent thence with a handful of men against Moscow.
Last of all, the dominant guns on Shell Hill thus silenced, the resolute advance of a handful of British infantry decided the day, and the Russians retreated.
One of the audience, with a contemptuous remark, took a handful of pebbles to pelt him with.
Contemporary observers agree that the disease was introduced from the East; and one eyewitness, Gabriel de Mussis, an Italian lawyer, traced, or indeed accompanied, the march of the plague from the Crimea (whither it was said to have been introduced from Tartary) to Genoa, where with a handful of survivors of a Genoese expedition he landed probably at the end of the year 1347.
He drove the enemy off the ridge, except at one point where a gallant handful of men still clung to a knob of hill that had been made into a machine-gun redoubt.
The term is also used of a handful of hemp or other fibre, and is one of the many technical applications of "strike" or "streak," which etymologically are cognate words.
Pedro and a handful of exiles upheld the cause of Maria II., who returned to Brazil in 1829.
In 1840 there were only a handful of inhabitants; in 1846, when (on the 9th of July) the flag of the United States was raised over the town, its prosperity already marked it as the future commercial " metropolis " of the coast.
Barnard, who had succeeded as commanderin-chief on the death of General Anson, routed the mutineers with a handful of Europeans and Sikhs, after a severe action at Badliki-Serai, and encamped upon the Ridge that overlooks the city.
Almost daily sallies, which often turned into pitched battles, were made by the rebels upon the over-worked handful of Europeans, Sikhs and Gurkhas.
When the Swiss ranks had been disordered, the short pike and the sword came into play, and aided by the constable de Bourbon with a handful of the gendarmerie, the French right more than held its own until Alviano with the cavalry from Lodi rode on to the field and completed the rout of the Swiss.
But even before he could arrive, the outspread of the Mutiny had already been checked by the gallantry and skill of a mere handful of Britons and their faithful native allies.
It was garrisoned by about 3000 native troops, with a mere handful of white soldiers.
From the 6th to the 27th of June the handful of British soldiers, who composed the garrison of a fortification that could not have resisted a serious assault for a single hour, held out with the greatest gallantry in hope of relief.
After a pause in the operations McClellan felt himself ready to attack at the moment when Lee, leaving a bare handful of men in the Richmond lines, despatched twothirds of his entire force to the north of the Chickahominy to strike McClellan's isolated right wing.
Led by a prophetchief named Makana, they attacked Graham's Town on the 22nd of April, then held by a handful of white troops.
Laurens displayed bravery even to rashness in the storming of the Chew mansion at Germantown; at Monmouth, where he saved Washington's life, and was himself severely wounded; and at Coosahatchie, where, with a handful of men, he defended a pass against a large English force under General Augustine Prevost, and was.
Though an eclipse of the sun prevented his bringing with him more than a handful of troops, he overthrew the tyrant's far superior force on the ridge of Cynoscephalae; but wishing to slay Alexander with his own hand, he rushed forward too eagerly and was cut down by the tyrant's guards.
Seeing his opportunity, Henry left his brothers body unburied, rode straight off to Winchester with a handful of companions, and seized the royal treasure.
Fitzgerald and Fitzstephen crossed to Ireland in 1169 with a mere handful of followers.
He found that he had no supporters save a handful of courtiers and officials and the leaders of his mercenary bands; wherefore in despair he accepted the terms forced upon.
The pretenders brother Nigel and many of his chief supporters were taken prisoners, and he himself escaped with a handful Of followers and took refuge in the Western islands.
Hence came the marvellous success of the Yorkist counterstroke in June 1460, when the exiled Warwick, landing in Kent with a mere handful of men, was suddenly joined by the whole of the south of England and the citizens of London, and inflicted a crushing defeat on defeatsth.
The Extreme Right, who desired to keep the government as it stood, were a mere handful.
These animals are of great use and profit to their masters, for their wool is very good and fine, particularly that of the species called pacas, which have very long fleeces; and the expense of their food is trifling, as a handful of maize suffices them, and they can go four or five days without water.
But with the abolition of the protective duties in 1826 a decline set in; and though Irish poplin is still celebrated, the industry now gives employment to a mere handful of people in Dublin.
Some days later, however, he was attacked before Granson by the confederate army and suffered a shamful defeat, being compelled to fly with a handful of attendants, and leaving his artillery and an immense booty in the hands of the allies (February 1476).
In 1643 Lightfoot published A Handful of Gleanings out of the Book of Exodus, and in the same year he was made master of Catharine Hall by the parliamentary visitors of Cambridge, and also, on the recommendation of the Assembly, was promoted to the rectory of Much Munden in Hertfordshire; both appointments he retained until his death.
Encouragement of industry was not wanting; the state undertook to develop the herds of merino sheep, by issuing prohibitions against inclosures, which proved the ruin of agriculture, and gave premiums for large merchant ships, which ruined the owners of small vessels and reduced the merchant navy of Spain to a handful of galleons.
A double handful of clean chaff, or of bran mixed with the oats in the manger, prevents a greedy horse from swallowing a considerable proportion whole.
For sheer subsistence he had to hire his sword to the pope and quell petty rebellions with a handful of men.
She collected a handful of the crisp material in modest protest and impatiently brushed a wisp of soft hair from her eyes.
Jonny, to answer your question, Xander is an Original Being, one of the handful of the oldest immortals in existence.
While she could've bought anything and everything she wanted with the handful of money he'd give her, she found even the simple thoughtfulness of a scrunchie touching.
Even Brandon was enthralled by the vampire, along with a handful of Ashley's girlfriends and quite a few other women who had gathered around.
Award nominated actress and writer, Rani Moorthy, has been commissioned to create Handful of Henna based on this research.
He may get a few Annas, a handful of cold rice or a curse.
Lawsuits against a (relative) handful of individuals wo n't appease the fearful and trigger-happy content industry for long, tho.
As armies clash in epic battles, the actions of a handful of bold heroes can turn the tide of war.
Some spiritual beachheads have been established by a mere handful of intercessors.
Toward the end of dialysis, I tended to just go to these restaurants armed with a handful of phosphate binders.
The stars twinkled in the sky above, like a handful of diamonds cast across a sheet of the softest Black Velvet.
Most foreign providers have withdrawn, leaving only a handful committed to the branch campus model dictated by the Higher Education Act, 1997.
The editor of Tablet severely censured A Handful of Dust on moral grounds.
Plain cookies with a handful of sesame seeds or desiccated coconut added into the dough are delicious.
To ensure the content on our message boards remains legal and the debate remains constructive, a handful of message boards are moderated.
The new facility will create a handful of skilled jobs downtown employed by a new nonprofit corporation founded by the EDG.
Use a soil-based compost with a good handful of broken crocks in the bottom of the pot to aid drainage.
On the towpath to Cuckoo's Corner there were a handful of the red common darters.
Are we dealing with just a handful of disease mechanisms or are there many different routes to retinal degeneration?
The handful of technical problems experienced at Cobbetts have been largely down to PC build issues not digital dictation.
And while a handful of employers are reacting, the gap between expectation and reality remains enormous.
Picture shows ewer from the British Museum The British Museum has a handful of ancient materials from Afghanistan starting from 190 180 BC.
I can't really justify that expense for a handful of comments from a handful of readers.
Having worked out that we had barely a handful of sous between us, we didn't do anything extravagant.
A handful have emerged from what has been labeled a secret gulag, and have given deeply disturbing accounts of horrific mistreatment.
These changes have produced a global market economy dominated by a handful of corporations and a financial system beyond the reach of nation-state governments.
Trying to describe Neptune is like trying to grab a handful of smoke.
The mate throwing a handful of tea directly into the boiling water of the kettle.
The undertaker matter of fact scoops a handful of earth.
There is a slight uphill gradient, and a tiny handful of buildings appear on the skyline.
The intriguing American trailer and a generous handful of other VCI trailers rounds out the first disk.
The MAO PCA is a real handful of shooting potential.
Only a select handful will have the opportunity to play it before it goes on everybody's Christmas list.
With the company and salesa handful paying off their mortgage out of pocket.
Try a chopped banana, a cored and sliced apple, a peeled kiwi, a handful of strawberries and some sliced mango.
A handful of Speckled Woods were the only butterflies of note on the cyclepath between the Toll Bridge and the first road lay-by.
The last two years has seen a dramatic increase in the number of shops selling magic mushrooms from only a handful to over 400.
Indeed, dedicated neutrino detectors struggle just to record a handful of incoming neutrino detectors struggle just to record a handful of incoming neutrinos from potent nearby sources like the sun.
For comparative newcomers the following handful of suggestions may be interesting places from which to commence a web search.
Go nutty - have a handful of cashew nuts, peanuts, almonds or brazil nuts these provide you with healthy fats.
Of this handful, four have joined together once more, bound by oath, to finish properly a job started eight years ago.
When Bob described buying opals by the handful in Australia.
The Stables is a converted farm outbuilding set among a handful of like properties in this quiet rural setting.
In the most recent major quake in an urban area in the USA, in San Francisco, only a handful died.
Would I run off with the money or would a handful of my friends make fortunes at the expense of .UK registrants?
Dingle Marshes is one of only a handful of sites in England where the tiny starlet sea anemone is found.
Only a handful of public services will be spared.
We've even got a handful of 35mm slides from our first family summer holiday.
Summer skiing occurs on permanent snowfields at a handful of North American resorts.
Lift 2 of the mushrooms onto each slice of bread and pile a small handful of parsley sprigs on top of each.
This might be hard to discern, as rents appear static in all but a handful.
The big Scot has played less than a handful of games this season after suffering a stress fracture of the ankle during the summer.
Despite the hype, property investment would have only been possible for a handful of very well-off savers.
The reason of this lack of warlike quality was no doubt the enervating effect of the great heat of the depression in which the city lies, which has the same effect on the handful of degraded humanity that still occupies the ancient site.
All the citizens did not assemble; on the contrary ordinary business seldom drew out more than a hundred voters, and often a mere handful.
The escarp of Ehr-Lung was also blown up, and the ruins of the fort were stormed by the 9th division on the 28th of December, though a mere handful of the defenders prolonged the fighting for eight hours and the assailants lost loon men.
The stock is headed off by an oblique transverse cut as shown at a, a slice is then pared off the side as at b, and on the face of this a tongue or notch is made, the cut being in a downward direction; the scion c is pared off in a similar way by a single clean sharp cut, and this is notched or tongued in the opposite direction as the figure indicates; the two are then fitted together as shown at d, so that the inner bark of each may come in contact at least on one side, and then tied round with damp soft bast as at e; next some grafting clay is taken on the forefinger and pushed down on each side so as to fill out the space between the top of the stock and the graft, and a portion is also rubbed over the ligatures on the side where the graft is placed, a handful of the clay is then taken, flattened out, and rolled closely round the whole point of junction, being finished off to a tapering form both above and below, as shown by the dotted line f.
It was won by the generalship of Bruce and his captains; by the excellence of his position, by the steadiness of his men, and, obviously, by the reckless fury of the English cavalry, and by the folly which left their archers open to defeat by the Marischal's handful of horse (24th of June 1314).
In Bengal the rising began at Barrackpore, was communicated to Dacca in Eastern Bengal, and for a time raged in Behar, producing the memorable defence of the billiard-room at Arrah by a handful of civilians and Sikhs - one of the most splendid pieces of gallantry in the history of the British arms. Since 1858, when the country passed to the crown, the history of Bengal has been one of steady progress.
Both directions have given at best a handful of gems in a quagmire of mud.
To a handful of internationally branded had a far radiations emises par.
Would I run off with the money or would a handful of my friends make fortunes at the expense of.uk registrants?
As mentioned, there are a handful of controls that take the PT-01 to the next level and these include pitch and tone rotaries.
Like many intellectual groups, it cannot fairly be reduced to a handful of phrases or rote methods.
Due to scarcity value, the handful of beach houses dotted along the sand command premium prices.
Wild and VERY wily, they scarpered when I threw a handful of maggots over their heads never to return.
Quickly, Father Bernard scooped up a handful of water from the river, blessed it and threw it over the witch.
Key decisions which will set things in place for years to come have been taken by a handful of self-appointed leaders.
Early morning road blockades and skirmishes with riot police resulted in a real headache for them and only a handful of activists arrested.
We 've even got a handful of 35mm slides from our first family summer holiday.
Add a handful of strawberries (around five), a tablespoon of lime juice and a spoonful of sugar or a splash of simple syrup.
Narrow the field to a handful of cards and then do online searches for them to find the official sites, complete with the fine print.
A small handful of states actually have specific laws in place regarding the disposal of cell phones.
Think about how many times you go to the grocery store and leave with half a dozen plastic bags in tow, even if you only purchased a handful of items.
However, there are a handful, such as Elderberries, that need to be cooked first, not necessarily because they are bad for you, but because they don't taste good until you add some sugar or honey.
Bobbi Brown has also authored a handful of best selling books, filled with her advice and makeup philosophy.
While a few products can be found through eBay, Amazon, and a handful of other websites, the easiest way to get the cosmetics created by the girl you love is to visit your local Target.
There are a handful of similar products available on the market today, but perhaps none is as versatile as this.
A full size drawer provides just a small amount of room, but it's enough for storing a handful of essentials.
This versatile palette is as engaging to look at as it is to use, and that's saying something considering it only contains a handful of eye shadows!
I've used all of them a handful of times now, and I can say with certainty that it's one of the best set of makeup brushes I've had the pleasure of using - and I've definitely used more than a few!
This is just a handful of the classic arcade games available to play for free.
Only a handful of companies continue to manufacture an amphibious range finder camera that utilizes 35mm film.
That's why there are a handful of websites that offer hobby photographers the use of editing tools for free.
We want to be artists and have the freedom to add a dash of this, throw in a handful of that, and shout "voila!" when we present our guests with our creation.
For instance, grab a handful of pictures and sort them, tucking the pictures for each page into separate envelopes.
Are you really willing to pay $2000.00 for a dress that you may only wear a handful of times?
Start by making a smoothie in the morning with fresh fruit and a handful of kale or other leafy green veggie.
Since natural forms of fiber are often lacking in the standard American diet, a quick handful of sunflower seeds is a terrific way to work this dietary factor into one's day.
Toss a few into an inexpensive straw basket with potpourri or a handful of flowers without spending too much cash.Add a romantic touch to any centerpiece by sprinkling freeze dried rose petals onto the tables.
Commonly, German couples marry in the state office with a handful of friends and relatives as witnesses.
She has also directed, produced and written a handful of films and documentaries.
He is primarily a comedic actor, though he has tackled a handful of dramatic roles as well.
She has been seen on a handful of reality TV shows, including Fat Actress, Kirstie Alley's Big Life, and Dancing With the Stars.
Only a handful of friends witnessed the private wedding.
She went on to appear in a handful of films, including North (1994), Just Cause (1995), If Lucy Fell (1996), Manny & Lo (1996), Fall (1997) and Home Alone 3 (1997).
She made guest appearances on a handful of TV shows, including Party of Five, Brotherly Love and Yes, Dear, and did several commercials.
Since digging into celebrity life is something of an international pastime, it's only fitting that a handful of sites stand out as the best, most reliable sources of free photographs.
She's starred on Broadway, recorded a major label record and contributed to the soundtracks of a handful of Hollywood movies and television series, among them Legally Blonde and The Hills.
Gomez has appeared in a handful of films, gaining traction from cameo parts to lead roles.
Megan Fox has had a handful of memorable television roles, including both guest spots and regular characters.
Beyonce is no stranger to the music charts and she holds a handful of records for female artists.
While he never took hold on the North American charts, he has had a handful of top ten hits in Europe.
From 1999 to 2001, Ricky appeared on a handful of comedy shows in the U.K. By 2001, however, the idea for The Office was born and he was about to become very famous.
She trained there for two years and acted in a handful of stage productions.
She disappeared from the limelight in the 1990s, but has since returned with new music and a handful of public appearances.
Seymour's credits also include celebrated artist and author, with a collection of original paintings, a jewelry line, a series of children's books, and a handful of nonfiction titles.
In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records crowned Whitney Houston the most awarded female artist of all time, with 411 honors to her name, including a handful of Emmys and Grammys.
While there are still only a handful of reviews, they are overall positive.
Whether you dress several children in sailor outfits, or just one, the sailor clothing is sure to be commented on by more than a handful of people.
In truth, only a handful of distance learning programs still utilize print correspondence.
Interested students can take a handful of courses or a full program online.
During the 2010-2011 cruise season there are only a handful of sailings to the Hawaiian Islands from San Francisco.
Since there are just a handful of people on board, this type of cruise adventure can be somewhat customized.
Each year a handful of cruise lines offer voyages to the Panama Canal during the holiday season.
Only a handful of companies offer market river cruises around the holidays.
Just add a handful of your dog's favorite kibble and hand it over.
With a handful of exceptions, the penis sheath is exclusively a masculine symbol.
A handful of dry sharp sand placed in a layer under and around the bulbs is conducive to the formation of roots.
They played locally releasing a handful of independent recordings.
It also features a handful of the most common guitar chords.
The site features a handful of songs for printing.
In fact, Smells Like Teen Spirit only features a handful of notes and is a great song for beginners.
As a fansite dedicated to Wolfgang Guitars, WolfgangGuitars.com has a handful of the older model Wolfgangs available.
After all, there are a few additional ways to tune an electric guitar over the handful of ways you can tune an acoustic guitar.
You can find Jingle Bells and a handful of other Christmas songs in sheet music form at 8 notes.
Once you can successfully play through a handful of songs on your own, you're ready to begin playing with other people.
Although many people felt the band would be a one-hit wonder, Fountains of Wayne have followed up their popular track with a handful of other singles that have charted primarily in the UK.
Chordie - A handful of songs are available at Chordie including Chris Letter, Missing Pages and When the Children Cry.
Gather a handful of swatches and tape them to the wall to see how the light plays off the color.
Spread a handful of mortar evenly on the floor using the straight edge of a notched trowel.
If you're not going to be wearing a tuxedo very often, you might want to skip spending the $500-$600 in favor of renting the handful of times you'll need to dress up.
We were and still are the first large retailer to enter the niche, which until now was served by a handful of mom-and-pop catalog and online retailers offering a limited selection of products.
While many people can easily name at least a handful of famous female "supermodels," they may have to think before naming some of the guys who've earned fame walking the runway or modeling a famous designer's briefs.
Again, whether it's by the handful or a shovel full, always work this fertilizer into the soil.
As you can see from this handful of shops, there are a lot of different definitions of what counts as sustainable that may not intersect with your ideas about organic products.
If you're looking for very specific varieties of seeds, such as heirloom tomato seeds or special kinds of herbs, it's nice to be able to search a handful of seed catalogs right from your desk.
The benefits of adding a handful of sunflower seeds to your diet are many.
Although there are thousands of tomato varieties, commercial growers only routinely make use of a handful.
Women are no longer limited to a handful of choices when it comes to buying a plus size cocktail dress.
Dress Barn Woman has grown from that original handful and today has outlets located across the country.
At just a handful of dollars each, it's possible to invest in a veritable rainbow of colors without causing your bank account any pain!
Buy a handful of cotton bras or fill your entire lingerie drawer with them - you'll appreciate the soft comfort every time you slip one on.
When you shop at a brick and mortar store, you may only find a handful of plus size lingerie items -- usually the basics -- in your size.
Fortunately, the plus size clothing industry is finally boundless, no longer limited to the handful of shapeless, less-than-flattering pieces that were once the norm.
A handful of well-known department store chains offer plus size swimwear online as well as in their brick and mortar stores.
Once upon a time, plus size sleepwear options consisted of shapeless gowns that resembled muumuus, and a handful of tops and bottoms that would just about hide a woman's body beneath yards of unnecessary fabric.
This list offers only a handful of the more common menopausal symptoms associated with menopause.
Knowing what you need and want before visiting a handful of facilities can help make the process a smooth one.
In one evening or afternoon, you will meet a handful of single seniors, and perhaps one of them will turn out to be a potential match.
Choose from understated styles that still look chic as well as bold, patterned styles made by the handful rather than for the mass market.
There are a lot of golf sungglasses, but only a handful of them come with designer labels.
Here are just a handful of A-listers who consider these glasses to be a part of their signature look.
With a handful of replacement lenses, you can trade them out when you need them.
The unisex vintage styles came in a handful of colors including Crystal Black and Emerald, with iridium lenses.
Often this includes a one-day park hopper pass for a handful of people at one time, so if you have this great network option or know someone who does, it will be a big savings - you'll get to experience the day with free admission!
The Bard then goes to the basement only to find a gigantic rat who is more than a handful.
In Arcade Mode, there are only a handful of fights.
Some fans may like Chaos Field's unique take on the shooter, while others will find themselves getting bored by the repetition of battling the exact same handful of foes over and over and over again.
There isn't a heck of a lot of words, per se, but because only a small handful can be displayed at a time, it can get incredibly frustrating trying to fast forward through it all.
Most of the battles fought here are one-on-one, although there are a handful of team battles to be had also.
In fact, you'll only find a handful of similarities between the games.
At the time, RPGs had yet to hit their stride, and only a handful ever reached our shores.
The main "online games" section has 8 categories alone, each with a handful of games.
A few may also include a handful of cheat codes, though that is usually the exception rather than the rule.
For use with MAME, there seem to be a small handful of LEGAL ways to get your grubby hands on an attractive ROM.
Like the past handful of Madden games, most of the "cheats" or "bonuses" in the current incarnation are found through the use of "Madden Cards."
You start with a handful of select camo sets and acquire more as you proceed through the game.
Then keep reading for a few hints and tips along the way, as well as a handful of bonuses to reward you for your hard work... and I'm not just talking about those lucrative gold coins.
Approximately every seven days (typically on a Monday), a handful of new games are added to the Virtual Console.
This gives you much more control than, say, only being able to designate a small handful of titles as "ASAP."
Darkfish.com hosts a small handful of free Java-based games.
He manages to kill a handful of them, but in the end he's taken out from behind.
You may start playing with a small handful of characters, but keep slicing and dicing, and you'll soon find yourself among a stable of 30 world (and not so worldly) warriors.
Below you will find a handful of useful websites where you can get some video game desktops of your own.
For more on how to play Text Twist, check out our Text Twist Review.Here are a small handful of websites on the inter-web where you can find Text Twist.
This Pinot is expensive but certainly one of a small handful of Americas great Pinot Noirs.
Besides that and water skiing and fishing in the lake, much of the grapes grown here are for the likes of Beringer and Kendall-Jackson but there are are handful of wineries to visit.
Unfortunately for collectors, the winery only produces a handful of barrels each year.
With a handful of trip packages that are sure to make for a special afternoon of wine tasting, the Wine Train is the perfect way to spend your day in wine country.
There are a handful of simple wine tours you can book, ranging from about $100 and up (2010 prices), depending on which options you decide you want for your tour.
You can buy a package that allows you to detrain and tour a handful of wineries, including Ambassador, Domaine Chandon, or Grglich Hills.
Typically, the built-in memory on your cell phone will not be enough to hold more than a small handful of songs, so it is in your best interest to buy a large capacity memory card.
In like manner, there's no sense in paying for unlimited text messaging if you only send a handful each month.
You can get downloads and more for a handful of phones.
One thing that make the MyTouch stand out is the handful of buttons still present on the body of the phone.
A handful of AT&T cell phone recalls have been necessary, most of them easily managed.
These smartphone reviews aren't exactly side by side comparisons, nor can you click to compare just a handful of models.
Child abuse was once viewed as a minor social problem affecting only a handful of U.S. children.
In the last decade of the twentieth century and early 2000s, a handful of infants with this condition have survived long-term.
Only a handful of people with VCD have been followed for 10 or more years, and all of them continued to have symptoms of the disorder.
I feel the best way to beat the heat is with a grill full of food and a handful of frozen drink recipes.
In the 1980s, a large handful of country line dances were choreographed to match popular country songs.
This is easily established in the music, and a handful of experienced dancers in the circle can lead everyone through this part.
While only a handful of musicals are truly considered 'dance musicals', virtually all musicals contain at least one dance scene or two.
Family members will then toss a handful of dirt into the grave before the body is buried.
A handful of masters gaurd the secrets of the Dui Trigram.
The hair loss industry is a billion dollar venture, but only a small handful of the available hair loss products are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
Styling hair for your romantic prom gown will require hot rollers, a curling iron, and a handful or bobby pins.
While he had no formal training under his belt other than a few acts in a handful of fraternity shows, Brad had a gut-feeling he belonged in the movies.
While many of the job opportunities are on-site, there may be a handful of work-from-home opportunities available as well.
The skills that a computer networking graduate develops can be applied to applications of all sizes, from opportunities in large corporations to ones involving small business enterprises with a handful of users.
These occupations represent just a handful of the many possible career paths open to nurses.
While there are many shapes for origami weapons that can be created many different ways, like the ninja star, most can be made from a handful of folds that are easy to learn.
There are a handful of restaurants and it's always a treat to be at the Slanted Door for cocktails and innovative Vietnamese food or stop by Hog Island Oysters and slurp down some fresh Sweetwater mollusks from Tomales Bay.
Many of us loathe having to spend a ton of money on a suit we know we'll only wear a handful of times.
This is especially important with a body paint style because your breast can not be larger than a handful or the entire bandeau top won't look like a real life replica.
In Toy Story 3, a handful of the beloved toys that appeared in the original Toy Story film re-emerge in a different world.
Not necessarily, and since you'll probably be wearing the dress only a handful of times (if even more than once), why should you spend a fortune?
You should be able to find a few choices of this type of classic cardigan just by stepping into a mall with a handful of department stores.
Anywhere else that offers women's spring and summer casual clothing will probably stock short, skimpy shorts in at least a handful of styles.
He felt strongly enough to start an organization to remedy the issues currently facing nature, along with a handful of other Europeans.
As the vaccine went into wide use, the numbers of polio cases reported each year fell from tens of thousands to just a handful.
A handful of manufacturers are selling purple vampire costume dresses for girls, instead of traditional black and red gowns.
So, even if that number is a little off, the number of couples dating at work is nowhere near zero if more than a handful eventually get married.It makes sense.
If you walk into a card store, you may only find a handful of cards that might express how you feel about the person and you may walk out empty-handed.
Once you have a handful of descriptive words, write a page of prose describing the first time you saw him or her, the first time you kissed, a special day (wedding day, birthday) and the moment you realized that you loved him or her.
Read back through the prose and sum up each moment in a handful of words.
It can be frustrating if you have your eye on a handful of other members but keep getting contacted by others you've already dismissed at a glance.
Once the carbon source has been obtained - usually one cup of ashes or a handful of hair is sufficient for several gems - it is purified to ensure a quality gem.
Here are a handful of technical writing manuals that you might find useful.
Here are a handful of other useful tools made specifically for preventing plagiarism.
Here are a handful of Internet resources will help you learn more about this fascinating field, including how to get started if you're looking to make a career change.
Options for gluten free graham crackers include a handful of commercially available brands or finding a recipe you like and attempting to make them yourself.
Additionally, a handful of styles have risen in popularity among celebrities, giving the brand even wider exposure as an "it bag" to carry.
If it's happened more than a handful of times, you're guilty of being "that" woman.
Among them, you'll find a handful of eye-catching clutches that are sure to appeal to your inner artisan.
Although there are dozens upon dozens of choices, there are a handful that stand out from the other sets as unique and fun for children.
This precocious little star will be a handful for his parents!
Using the generator, a user can find a handful of lucky numbers for any game, from Powerball to Mega Millions.
First, grab a handful of candies (or crackers, raisins, etc.). Second, count the total number of candies.
Parents often spend a good chunk of money on brand new games for their children only to find that the kids become bored after playing them a handful of times.
Not only will your little girl feel a big part of the planning and construction of the home, she'll always have a say in the all important decorating, while you can save a handful of cash.
Whether you are parenting one child or a handful, chores play an important role in keeping your home organized and running smoothly.
Handing him a handful of browns, oranges, yellows, and other autumn shades can set up a "creative constraint" for him that will yield some very nice artwork on the fridge.
I had in my arsenal a tiny handful of recipes that it generally took me a day to prepare, and half of them were for things that involved chocolate and butter.
These are just a handful of new movies coming out in the spring 2006 season.
A quick search on YouTube - "Care Bears Countdown" works quite well - and returns a handful of results, including the original clip from the cartoon.
A favorite men's magazine Maxim has the Maxim Movie Blog that contains the most recent news about the HD DVD industry as well as a handful of succinct movie reviews.
The price to buy the newer movies is a bit steep compared to some other stores at $19.95 but they do have a $3.99+ video vault where you can choose from a handful of movies.
There are a handful of programs that partner with pharmaceutical companies to provide medicine to people in need.
There are only a handful of styles on show in the shoe section of the official Marc Jacobs website, but they're more than enough to prove that he is no ordinary shoe designer.
Shoes are usually available in only a handful of sizes, and a variety of colors are usually unreasonable.
Each boot is similar to the Wallaby Lo style in height and shape, and it resembles one character in its entirety instead of just featuring a handful of ladybugs scattered across the upper, for example.
With just one pair of soles in a closet and a handful of tops, a woman can easily snap in a new top in exchange for another and step out with a whole new pair of shoes.
Barteet, who travels frequently, finds that packing one pair of soles and a handful of tops is certainly much easier than packing a bag full of heels!
The straps are adorned with the Grandco name and a handful of discreet rhinestones, while the foot beds feature bold, swirly artwork with a hint of paisley.
In fact Walmart is one of just a handful of places you can find Earth Spirit shoes.
When the sneakers first debuted in the early 1970s they featured only a handful of colors.
These are just a handful of the soap opera hunks worth watching every day on their respective shows.
Most directors spend a year or two with the program, typically directing a handful (and sometimes many more) of episodes and sharing the duties with other directors on the team.
Annie Parisse appeared on As the World Turns from 1998 to 2001 with a handful of appearances in 2002.
You might also want to add a few DVDs to your collection; a handful of selections are available, including This is Coronation Street, an introduction to the program that will delight new fans in particular.
As in other parts of the world, a handful of soap operas dominate in the United Kingdom.
These official sites usually offer a handful of tidbits about upcoming episodes, ranging from actual spoilers to news stories that may pertain to the future.
While in L.A. Budig make guest appearances on a handful of primetime shows and served as host for WE's Full Frontal Fashion.
As a youngster, the role was played by Jessica Leigh Falborn, and a handful of other actresses took it up as Bianca grew.
A handful have made the switch to acting in soaps in the United States, and others have moved on to other aspirations in their careers.
There are a handful of actors who were born and raised in Australia, then moved on to find fame and stardom acting in soap operas in America.
There have been a handful of Brazilian telenovela actors who have made that jump to a career in the United States.
There are a handful of designs that are most popular for this type of tattoo placement, but don't be afraid to get creative.
Sit back and flip through the bold and incredible artwork of this handful of exceptionally talented tattoo artists from all around the world.
Tattoo22 is another site with a handful of interpretations of the fairy tattoo.
These piercings are specialized works and may only be performed by a handful of body modification artists, since they are not common.
There are a handful of conference suites and a couple of two-bedroom Presidential suites as well.
Because they often book a large number of passengers on a handful of cruise lines, they frequently are able to offer better pricing than a general travel agent.
It is a small airport, with only a handful of airlines, including some private charters.
The Curacao line offers a handful of styles, some equipped with chronograph technology.
This magnificent watch with its handful of precious stones flowing without restraint between the glass and dial perfectly is made to beautify your wrist.
The site offers a handful of online videos for yoga, meditation, and Pilates.
Many treatments for autism exist, but just a handful have scientific backing.
However there are a handful of people who tend to include an objective or two on their resume.
From those hundreds of photos taken, a select handful of the best pictures end up on a calendar.
Once you have a good workable dough, take a softball-sized handful and form it into a nice, smooth ball.
If desired, you could also add ¼ cup of oatmeal to soothe rough skin, a handful of your favorite dried herbs, ½ cup of Epsom salt or baking soda, and even a splash of olive oil.
Zinsser, a company that makes faux finishing glaze, offers a handful of projects that are easy to follow and complete in your home.
Of course, if you're already into card making, you know that it takes much more than a handful of tools to get the job done.
Take a handful of the clay and shape it into a firm, round ball.
Additionally, a handful of almonds not only delivers a handful of healthy fat and fiber, it can also help you eat less by keeping you full longer.
There are some 150 different flavors of the Candida genus, but only a handful cause infection in humans.
Log every bite of food that goes into your mouth, even if it is just a finger full of frosting, a sip of non-diet coke or a handful of potato chips.
The oil allotment can also be met by eating salmon (up to three times per week), or by eating avocados, natural peanut butter, or a handful of nuts.
Be conscious of what it takes to burn off that extra brat or handful of chips.
Information regarding the machines is very limited with only a handful of retailers.
Peppers, eggplant, corn and potatoes are only a handful of the many vegetables that taste delicious grilled.
All Recipes offers these recipes by the handful to mimic the south of the border flavor.
Consider the following handful of recipes for puff pastry.
Your hometown may only have a handful of insurance offices, but the Internet has hundreds.
The show takes a handful of outstanding women and introduces them to the challenges they may face if they make it as supermodels.
Lace-up cinchers come in a variety of colors, shapes, and even a handful of styles, from different price points.
You can go to a handful of central sites and search in a variety of ways for what you're looking for.
Once you've found a handful of adequately feminine, beautiful styles you can't wait to try on, look a little further.
Colored with a handful of bright pink dots on white satin, this $74 set also includes a pair of dainty French knickers.
However, if you're set on getting one, there is definitely still a handful of options for you.
Actually there are only about a handful of stores that carry this style of post-surgical lingerie.
There are a handful of brands that claim to have the "ultimate" garment for cinching the waist.
Sassybax offers a handful of full slips and bodysuits made from breathable microfiber fabric that is designed to move with your body, eliminating the restrictive feel that comes with many shaping slips.
It was no surprise, then, that the album scored a handful of hits, including What About Love?
These names are only a handful of the numerous composers and musicians whose work in classical music has now been canonized due to its influence.
In 1997, Joel released the three prior volumes of his hits along with a final fourth disc featuring mainly interviews, live performances a handful of other hits.
The first few seasons featured only a handful of participants, but as the show has gained popularity with viewers seasons have been extended to include upwards of thirty teens.
When Trading Spaces began on TLC in 2000 there were a handful of regular designers who rotated on the show.
There have been only a handful of times when the new house wasn't ready due to weather conditions.
Tiffany Pollard has appeared on a handful of other television shows, some of them arranged by her manager during the New York Goes to Hollywood series.
Collier has been on a handful of stand-up comedy shows on television, and headlined the Comedy on Duty tour, which visited troops in Iraq in 2005 and 2006.
The show documents what happens when moms (and a handful of dads) make a dramatic life change by leaving their families to live with another clan for an entire week.
The Frungillos juggle four different facilities and up to 10 weddings in a single day, plus a handful of emotional brides and various acts of nature that directly impact the expensive receptions they design.
In 2000 there were only a handful of reality television shows on the air in the United States, with Survivor and Real World amongst the first.
He holds a handful of Guinness World Records, including Longest UTV Ramp Jump.Bell is currently the host of the MTV series Ultimate Parkour Challenge.
While there are over 50 employees working at the salon, only a handful of them are featured on the show.
Viewers saw Arica called out to a handful of domestic disputes that had become quite violent.
The Watcher's Council also found itself under attack and was destroyed, forcing Giles to escape with a handful of girls and bring them to Sunnydale.
During the '70s and '80s, most of his writing was nonfiction, but he returned to his two most popular series in the '80s, with a handful of books that tied them together in the far future.
Here's a handful of wizards worth a look.
Some characters lasted the entire series and some lasted only a handful of seasons.
A Jedi practitioner going from padawan learner to master during the course of all six films, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Ben Kenobi, is one of a handful of characters who actively inhabit the Star Wars story from beginning to end.
I had written several of them -- real novel-length manuscripts, 350-500 pages long -- starting in high school, and on the basis of my handful of short story publications, I was able to get an agent.
A handful of main Battlestar Galactica cast members posed for this now famous Last Supper shot and created quite a buzz.
These are just a handful of multiple resources available to you in your search for science and technology articles.
In the Battlestar Galactica series, the main characters are a handful of survivors who represent the last remnant of humanity.
A handful of the more popular ships from the Battlestar Galactica series were created as model kits produced by Revell.
That's because there are a handful of specialty Web sites devoted to organic products based in the tradition of aromatherapy and its healing properties.
Not only do they smell great, they also provide a handful of therapeutic benefits to boot.
Here are just a handful of what are available.
You may have to try a handful before finding one that will let unblock Bebo.
In Egypt, only a handful of carriers transmit Internet service throughout the country, so the government had only a small number of Internet service providers to deal with when ordering the shut down of the Internet.
Once it was determined that the Confederacy would provide the uniforms, a handful of factories in the south, known as depots, became responsible for manufacturing uniforms for Confederate soldiers along with other needed equipment.
Within twenty years of the ending of The First Crusade in 1099, Hugues de Payens organized a handful of knights to protect Christian pilgrims as they journeyed to the Holy Land.
There were only a handful of people who were capable designers, animators and ActionScript programmers at that time.
The menu changes with the season, but almost always has a handful of staple dishes, like pan-roasted chicken, sweet corn risotto, salmon tartare and marinated grilled shrimp.
There are a handful of family-owned establishments in the town offering a break from the chain food.
She collected a handful of the material in modest protest.
She grabbed a handful of the Bay's mane and swung to the ground.
He's got two boys that... well, calling them a handful would be an understatement.
They ran to the next nearest group of rocks, where a handful of four-by-fours waited.
She'd seen a handful of nuns yesterday, and only Daniela spoke to her.
The old man, Liam, had fed her and given her a handful of euro coins before putting her on the ferry.
There were rows of grey chairs and several white benches in the rear, a handful of tables next to yawning windows, and a wall of what looked like constellation maps.
She'd never spoken of them to anyone, not since being granted access to a file only a handful of people in the country had access to.
Carmen was going to be a handful.
Megan greeted her way through a handful of guests on her route to an empty chair.
After brushing away the loose stones and dirt from the root of the tree by means of a handful of twigs, the collector lays down large leaves for the latex to drop upon.
So strong was the natural position of Paraguay, however, and so complete the subjection of its inhabitants to the will of the dictator, that it was not until the year 1870, after the republic had been completely drained of its manhood and resources, that the long war was terminated by the capture and death of Lopez with his last handful of men by the pursuing Brazilians.
A small handful of obedient peasants, priest-ridden and over-administered, formed the basis of the colony.
Chodkiewicz's own army, unpaid for years, abandoned him at last en masse in order to plunder the estates of their political opponents, leaving the grand hetman to carry on the war as best he could with a handful of mercenaries paid out of the pockets of himself and his friends.
Driven by persecution from Moravia, hunted into mountain-caves and forests, they had scarcely secured a place of refuge in Saxony before, " though a mere handful in numbers, yet with the spirit of men banded for daring and righteous deeds, they formed the heroic design, and vowed the execution of it before God, of bearing the gospel to the savage and perishing tribes of Greenland and the West Indies, of whose condition report had brought a mournful rumour to their ears.
A handful or two of the soil is then put in, and on this the plant with its roots spread out is to be set, a trifle higher than the plant should stand in the pot when finished off; more soil is to be added, and the whole pressed firmly with the fingers, the base of the stem being just below the pot-rim, and the surface being smoothed off so as to slope a little outwards.
A single crock may be used in some cases, and in others no crock at all, but a handful of half-decayed leaves or half-decayed dung thrown into the bottom of the pot.
In ordinary cases the potting soil should be just so far removed from dryness that when a handful is gently pressed it may hang together, but may lose its cohesion when dropped.
The police were a mere handful.
To a handful chinese-american surrealist benjamin to las vegas at a secondary.
That said, today there are only a handful of craftsmen left practicing the art of trug making.
They know, as do we, that a few lines of code could ultimately wreak as much havoc as a handful of bombs.
You can concentrate on a handful of key assignments rather than scores of them, giving yourself the opportunity to devote your full attention and creativity to them.
These little wonders can dice an onion in seconds, chop nuts with the push of a button, and grate a handful of cheese.
When you do narrow down the choices to a handful that you want to consider, make sure that the dealer can account for the origin of each and every piece.
Pre-ordering is over, so there are a handful of places from which you can purchase your iPad right now.
Outlet PC will save you money, but their selection is limited to just a handful of models.
All you have to do is apply a small handful of foam to her coat, and work it in without scrubbing it or you'll mat her fur.
Gradually reduce the amount of litter until there is only a handful in the bottom of the bowl.
Laser declawing is a somewhat recent advancement, and some veterinarians may have only performed this procedure a handful of times.
If anyone ever asks you "What kind of drinks can I make with Vodka?", you'll now have a handful of suggestions to offer.
Below you will find a handful of delicious recipes that will infuse your festivities with bubbly fun!
Add a can of concentrated daiquiri mix to one ounce of vodka, and then add a half cup of water and a small handful of strawberries.
Born in 1956, Kim Cattrall first make her mark in Hollywood by appearing in a handful of fun yet critically panned movies such Porky's, Mannequin, and Police Academy.
Whether they're blowing out a handful of candles like the young Justin Bieber, or have a cake that's a little more flammable, all of these celebrities have a reason to celebrate in March.
Keep in mind, however, that nuts are high in calories, so you should stick to a small handful a day.
Here is a small handful to get you started.
A mere handful of the old inhabitants remained on the site.
For garden purposes loam should be rather unctuous or soapy to the touch when moderately dry, not too clinging nor adhesive, and should readily crumble when a compressed handful is thrown on the ground.
A mission in Persia, with its handful of converts, has, on this view, as much right to support and appreciation as a mission in southern India with its tens of thousands.