Hand-in Sentence Examples
Felipa waved a hand in dismissal.
He'd played a hand in sentencing the sweet human to Hell.
She wiped the tears from her cheeks with a shirtsleeve, feeling like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Toby took her hand in one of his, with his other fist wrapped around a large marshmallow.
A familiar shape in the dark corner of the cafeteria caught his attention as he passed, and he paused to raise a hand in greeting.
Experienced users are able to code by hand in the Code Editor screen.
When a page is programmed by hand in the text editor, it is easy to ensure that the links are pointed correctly.
He touched her face, and she took his hand in both of hers.
Damian accepted his hand in greeting, looking around.
Dusty planted a hand in his chest.
AdvertisementCynthia gripped her husband's hand in a circulation-stopping grip as a deep dip bounced them to the ground.
She surprised him by taking his hand in hers.
It wouldn't surprise me that Paul had a hand in it.
He left his hand in place, preventing her.
I feel like the kid with his hand in the cookie jar.
AdvertisementDean glanced up the street to see Donnie and Martha coming toward them, hand in hand.
Only Mrs. Lincoln roamed the halls, purring for a pat, as Franny and Ryland walked hand in hand to his room.
She was wedged into a corner chair with one hand in a bag of cookies while the other took notes.
He waved his hand in dismissal.
He waved a listless hand in the air.
AdvertisementShe put one hand in his hair and combed her fingers through.
They walked upstairs hand in hand.
He waved his hand in the air.
Sarah stood and they headed to the holding room, hand in hand.
Victor waved his hand in the air.
AdvertisementSitting cross legged, Elisabeth held Jackson's hand in her lap, gazing at his face.
She placed one hand in his hair and the other on his chest.
She buried a gloved hand in the snow and extracted the half tire that served as a watering trough.
He took her hand in his.
Sensing he had the upper hand in any case, Brady forced himself away from her.
The feeling of the angel's soft, cold hand in his own reminded Rhyn of the first thing he'd touched in Hell that hadn't been stone. Gabriel had brought him a book with a worn, leather-like cover, and he'd lost himself dwelling on the sensation of buttery leather under his fingertips after the hazy nightmare that had been his existence in Hell.
He hesitated and then held out a hand. She took it. His warm hands were rough and large. He squeezed hers. He led her away from the courtyard and lights into the dark night. They walked hand in hand for a few moments, alone under the full moon. She'd walked with him before, but this night, it was different. She felt the shift between them.
Gabe took the necklace, looking at the two emeralds on the black leather-like cord. He'd missed his necklace after eons wearing it. He'd missed his mother and baby brother. He squeezed them in his hand in the only hug he could give his dead family.
Burgess stepped back, holding up his hand in a halting motion.
He waved a hand in dismissal and turned away.
Looking into that stern face, she felt like a child caught with her hand in the candy jar.
He brought the buggy to a halt and took her hand in his.
With a sigh, she placed her hand in his and closed her eyes.
Alex took her hand in his.
At one point, when he appeared to be close to tears, she slipped her hand in his.
Carmen slipped her hand in his and looked up at his somber features.
He parked the car and strolled over to her, stretching out a browned hand in greeting.
Denton waved a hand in dismissal.
Mr. O'Hara, I'd like to have your daughters hand in marriage.
But being anywhere near him was like sticking her hand in a light socket.
A store employee planted a hand in her chest when she tried to move into the secured area where Xander was.
On these farms the cultivation of the soil and the rearing of stock go hand in hand, to the great advantage of both.
Artists have been known to use the left hand in the hope of checking the fatal facility which practice had conferred on the right; and if Hood had been able to place under some restraint the curious and complex machinery of words and syllables which his fancy was incessantly producing, his style would have been a great gainer, and much real earnestness of object, which now lies confused by the brilliant kaleidoscope of language, would have remained definite and clear.
It is now possible to apply motive power exactly where it is wanted, and to do so economically, so that the crane designer has a perfectly free hand in adding the various motions required by the special circumstances of each case.
The wing of the bird is folded in a unique way, namely, the radius parallel with the humerus, and the whole wrist and hand with their ulnar side against the ulna; upper and forearm in a state of supination, the hand in that of strong abduction.
While in this question he went hand in hand with Cornelius, bishop of Rome, his strict attitude in the matter of baptism by heretics brought him into serious conflict with the Roman bishop Stephen.
Christianity was introduced in the 12, th century, a bishopric. being founded in the Island of Wollin, and its advance went rapidly hand in hand with the Germanizing of the district.
On the other hand in her character of goddess of the spring she was honoured with flower-festivals in Sicily and at Hipponium in Italy.
Seleucus himself had a hand in the murder of Perdiccas in 321.
He carried matters with so high a hand in the affairs of Holland, Switzerland and Italy as seriously to diminish the outlets for British trade in Europe.
For the ceramic art admirable material was at hand in the district north-west of the Acropolis.
Alexander's diplomacy, however, turned the tide, and Cesare, in exchange for promising to assist the French in the south, was given a free hand in central Italy.
Various administrative reforms were in hand in 1910-1911, by which it was expected considerably to reduce the credits demanded by the finance ministry - especially those in connexion with the holy cities.
This kingdom was to be gradually realized on earth, the transformation of physical nature gcing hand in hand with the ethical transformation of man.
Fresh translations of Aristotle and Averroes had already been made from the Arabic (IIepi ret ivropiat from the Hebrew) by Michael Scot, and Hermannus Alamannus, at the instance of the emperor Frederick II.; so that the whole body of Aristotle's works was at hand in Latin translations from about 1210 to 1225.
Maladministration and peculation of public moneys go hand in hand, without any vigorous measures being adopted to put a stop to the scandal.
Probably (as Duval suggests) the use of Syriac in these regions went hand in hand with the spread of the monophysite doctrine, for the liturgies and formulas of the Jacobite Church were composed in Syriac. Similarly the spread of Nestorian doctrines throughout the western and southwestern regions of the Persian Empire was accompanied by the ecclesiastical use of a form of Syriac which differed very slightly indeed from that employed farther west by the Jacobites.
According to this account the poet was born in 95 B.C.; he became mad in consequence of the administration of a love-philtre; and after composing several books in his lucid intervals, which were subsequently corrected by Cicero, he died by his own hand in the forty-fourth year of his age.
He was here practically at the meeting-point of four distinct jurisdictions - Geneva, the canton Vaud, Sardinia and France, while other cantons were within easy reach; and he bought other houses dotted about these territories, so as never to be without a refuge close at hand in case of sudden storms. At Les Delices he set up a considerable establishment, which his great wealth made him able easily to afford.
He kept open house for visitors; he had printers close at hand in Geneva; he fitted up a private theatre in which he could enjoy what was perhaps the greatest pleasure of his whole life - acting in a play of his own, stage-managed by himself.
On the other hand in the case of uncertain and irregular deposits, the value of which varies between very wide limits, as, for example - in most metal mines and especially mines of gold and silver - a very large number of samples must be taken - sometimes not more than two or three feet apart - in order that the average value of the ore may be known within reasonable limits of error.
The Allies now occupied many miles of front in the peninsula, but there was hardly a spot where the enemy had not the upper hand in respect to ground - what they required was not breadth but depth, and depth they had failed to secure.
In the East, the German Order, while enjoying Hanseatic privileges, frequently opposed the policy of the League abroad, and was only prevented by domestic troubles and its Hinterland enemies from playing its own hand in the Baltic. After the fall of the order in 1467, the towns of Prussia and Livland, especially Dantzig and Riga, pursued an exclusive trade policy even against their Hanseatic confederates.
Thus encouraged, those who desired an immediate battle soon gained the upper hand in the councils of the tsar and the emperor Francis.
In 1842 he had a principal hand in the preparation of the revised tariff, by which duties were abolished or sensibly diminished in the case of 1200 duty-paying articles.
During the forty-five years after the death of Omar (he died in 1822) the khanate of Khokand was the seat of continuous wars between the settled Sarts and the nomad Kipchaks, the two parties securing the upper hand in turns, Khokand falling under the dominion or the suzerainty of Bokhara, which supported Khudayar-khan, the representative of the Kipchak party, in 1858-1866; while Alim-kul, the representative of the Sarts, put himself at the head of the gazawat (Holy War) proclaimed in 1860, and fought bravely against the Russians until killed at Tashkent in 1865.
If, then, an Egyptian inscription of the XIXth dynasty had come to hand in which the names of Joseph and Moses, and the deeds of the Israelites as a subject people who finally escaped from bondage by crossing the Red Sea, were recorded in hieroglyphic characters, such a monument would have been hailed with enthusiastic delight by every champion of the Pentateuch, and a wave of supreme satisfaction would have passed over all Christendom.
In the beginning of his reign he adopted a prudent policy of amity with his two most powerful neighbours, the emperors of the East and West, but the death of Manuel in 1180 gave Hungary once more a free hand in the affairs of the Balkan Peninsula, her natural sphere of influence.
On the other hand in the Diplarthra, the tcl group to which the vast majority of modern Ungulates A i n belong, the second or lower row has been shifted altogether towards the inner side of the limb, so that the magnum is brought considerably into relation with the scaphoid, and is entirely removed from the cuneiform, as in most existing mammals.
After the annexation commercial enterprise set in at once, hand in hand with political administration.
France, he observed, needed the spur to practical energy which the Americans had at hand in the effort to subdue the difficulties placed in their way by nature.
He had a hand in the pacific overtures which Bonaparte, early in the year 1800, sent to the court of London; and, whatever may have been the motives of the First Consul in sending them, it is certain that Talleyrand regretted their failure.
But Lothair gained the upper hand in Germany, and by the end of 1129 the Hohenstaufen strongholds, Nuremberg and Spires, were in his possession.
Capture begins among the lower tribes with the hand, without devices, developing knack and skill in seizing, pursuing, climbing, swimming, and maiming without weapons; and proceeds to gathering with devices that take the place of the hand in dipping, digging, hooking and grasping; weapons for striking, whether clubs, missiles or projectiles; edged weapons of capture, which were rare in America; piercing devices for capture, in lances, barbed spears, harpoons and arrows; traps for enclosing, arresting and killing, such as pens, cages, pits, pen-falls, nets, hooks, nooses, clutches, adhesives, deadfalls, impalers, knife traps and poisons; animals consciously and unconsciously aiding in capture; fire in the form of torches, beacons, burning out and smoking out; poisons and asphyxiators; the accessories to hunting, including such changes in food, dress, shelter, travelling, packing, mechanical tools and intellectual apparatus as demanded by these arts.
An instrument for superintending this coordination in the social and economic aspects was ready to hand in the Economic Council of the German Reich, set up by the new Republican constitution of 1919.
Again, it is said that Achilles, enamoured of Polyxena, the daughter of Priam, offered to join the Trojans on condition that he received her hand in marriage.
In the early days of this expansion Congregationalism and Presbyterianism worked hand in hand, but the so-called "Plan of Union" (1801) was successively abandoned by the Conservative Presbyterians in 1837 and by the Congregationalists through the "Albany Convention" in 1852.
In the South artificial grassing went on for a time hand in hand with cereal-growing, which by 1876 seemed likely to develop on a considerable scale, thanks to the importation of American agricultural machinery, which the settlers were quick to utilize.
A glass or brass rod free at both ends may be held by the hand in the middle and excited by stroking one end outwards with a damp cloth.
When the air rushes out from one pipe, it has not to force its way into the open air, but finds a cavity being prepared for it close at hand in the other pipe, and so the extensions and compressions at the ends are more easily reduced.
He had a hand in the negotiations for the Concordat, but, according to Lucien Bonaparte, looked on that measure as "ill-advised and retrograde."
The completion of the harbour works, making Brussels a seaport by giving sea-going vessels access thereto, was taken in hand in 1897.
In many nations divination and priesthood have always gone hand in hand; at Rome, for example, the augurs and the XV viri sacrorum, who interpreted the Sibylline books, were priestly colleges.
The latter, on the contrary, must have grown in importance with the unification and progress of the nation, and in all probability the consolidation of the priesthood into one class went hand in hand with a consolidation of legal tradition.
Augustus attempted to indemnify himself for his failure to obtain Livonia, his covenanted share of the Swedish plunder, by offering Frederick William of Prussia Courland, Polish Prussia and even part of Great Poland, provided that he were allowed a free hand in the disposal of the rest of the country.
Falling into the hands of the Spaniards he was recognized as having had a hand in the Antwerp disturbance, and was under sentence to be executed as a spy when he was saved by the intervention of a noble lady.
When she grew up, the most famous of the princes of Greece sought her hand in marriage, and her father's choice fell upon Menelaus.
The time of the Ashtarkhanides had been for the most part a time of dissolution and decay; fanaticism and imbecility went hand in hand.
He does not, however, enjoy a free hand in finally determining the foreign policy of the government.
The president is given a free hand in choosing his cabinet ministers; but for most other appointments, whether or not they are by law in his sole gift, the senators belonging to the presidents party have practically controlled the selections for offices lying within their respective states, and a nomination made by the president against the will of the senator concerned will generally be disapproved by the Senate.
In the 4th century the Donatist party was in open schism; the orthodox party had the upper hand in the time of Aurelius and Augustine; the regular meeting of the councils further increased the corporate cohesion of the African Episcopal body.
The exiled abbe Vincenzo Gioberti championed an Italian confederacy under the presidency of the pope; hand in hand with the unity of the nation should go the unity of the faith.
During their struggle with the Girondists, the Montagnards gained the upper hand in the Jacobin Club, and for a time Jacobin and Montagnard were synonymous terms. The Mountain was successively under the sway of such men as Marat, Danton, and Robespierre, and the group finally disappeared after Robespierre's death and the successes of the French arms.
He entered the ministry at Antwerp, had a hand in the Walloon Confession and gathered a Walloon congregation in Brussels.
The fungus thus clearly takes the upper hand in the association.
Meanwhile his representatives had obtained the upper hand in Scotland, and David was thus enabled to return to his kingdom in June 1341, when he took the reins of government into his own hands.
To obtain possession of Cassandreia, he offered his hand in marriage to Arsinoe, and being admitted into the town, killed her two younger sons and banished her to Samothrace.
They are exposed on the one hand in the neighborhood of the Rhine and on the other hand in the Bohemian massif.
But (apart from the interpolations) it is only the entries after 11 21, where the first hand in the MS. ends, which were actually composed at Peterborough.
The main effect was to give to the Egyptian government a free hand in the disposal of its own resources so long as the punctual payment of interest on the debt was assured.
The romantic element increased, solemn funereal statues show husband and wife hand in hand; and it culminated under Akhenaton, who is seen kissing his wife in the chariot, or dancing her on his knee.
He got the upper hand in 1892, and was recalled to oppose an Italian force said tobe advancing from Massawa; but on reporting that it was impossible to invade Eritrea, as the khalifa wished him to do, he was summoned to Omdurman and put to death.
Urban bore a hand in the condemnation of Galileo.
During his year of office, the heroism with which he worked hand in hand with his old enemy, Bishop Strachan, in fighting an attack of cholera, did not prevent him from winning much unpopularity by his officiousness, and in 1835 he was not re-elected either as mayor or alderman.
Even the representatives of the Resolutioners urged Charles not to use the Anglican service, though they confided to Sharp, their agent in London, their opinion that, if the Re- monstrants (or Protesters) had any hand in affairs, " it cannot but breed continual distemper and disorders."
With this pretended sanction he legalized polygamy, and himself took four wives, one of whom he beheaded with his own hand in the market-place in a fit of frenzy.
Now Hagenbach is known to have committed many cruelties like those attributed to the bailiffs in the legend, and it has been plausibly conjectured that his case has really given rise to these stories, especially when we find that the Confederates had a hand in his capture and execution, that in a document of 1358 Hagenbachs and Gesslers appear side by side as witnesses, and that the Hagenbachs had frequent transactions with the Habsburgs and their vassals.
The cession of Cyprus to Great Britain was at first denounced by the French newspapers as a great blow to his diplomacy, but he obtained, in a conversation with Lord Salisbury, a promise that Great Britain in return would allow France a free hand in Tunis.
Leblanc himself for a time carried out his process on a manufacturing scale, but he was ruined in the political troubles of the time and died by his own hand in 1806.
Sometimes a 15th - the finding of the cross by Helena - is added; on the other hand in the diocese of Vienna, the stations were at the end of the 18th century reduced to eleven.
Languages should be taught, like the mother tongue, by conversation on ordinary topics; pictures, object lessons, should be used; teaching should go hand in hand with a happy life.
Great additions have been made to La Sante prison in Paris, and a new prison on gigantic lines has been opened at Fresnes les Rungis, on the outskirt of the metropolis, to replace the obsolete Mazas, and to give cellular accommodation to the large numbers always on hand in Paris.
In bands they came from the provinces to Medina to wring concessions from Othman, who, though his armies were spreading terror from the Indus and Oxus to the Atlantic, had no troops at hand in Medina.
The reactionary party, which, owing to the absence of Hertford and Lisle and to the presence of Gardiner, gained the upper hand in the council in the summer of 1546, were not satisfied with this repulse; they probably aimed at the leaders of the reforming party, such as Hertford and possibly Queen Catherine Parr, who were suspected of favouring Anne, and on the 18th of June 1546 Anne was again arraigned before a commission including the lord mayor, the duke of Norfolk, St John, Bonner and Heath.
The working of the energy in the disciples is conditioned by the continued life and volition of their Master at His Father's right hand in heaven.
Bacchus and Venus go hand in hand, as in the ancient anteChristian age.
The birth of modern physical science on the other hand in the investigations of Bacon and Descartes obscured the metaphysical issue by the predominance of the mechanical principles of natural philosophy.
The art of making the wine was kept secret for some time, and many mysterious fables were circulated concerning it; inter alia it was believed that the Evil One had a hand in its manufacture.
In 1661 under Clarendon's rule, the evil precedent had been admitted of receiving money from France, in 1662 Dunkirk had been sold to Louis, and in February 1667 during the Dutch war a secret alliance had been made with Louis, Charles promising him a free hand in the Netherlands and Louis undertaking to support Charles's designs " in or out of the kingdom."
In February 1674 the war with Holland was closed by the treaty of London or of Westminster, though Charles still gave Louis a free hand in his aggressive policy towards the Netherlands, and the Cabal was driven from office.
From this time forward, state, municipal and private enterprise have worked hand in hand to make the capital cosmopolitan.
He at once took a high hand in the province by killing Cleomenes, the financial controller appointed by Alexander the Great; he also subjugated Cyrenaica.
The Maillotins, as the Parisian insurgents were named from the weapon they used, gained the upper hand in Paris, and were able temporarily to make terms, but the commune of Rouen was abolished, and the Tuchins, as the marauders in Languedoc were called, were pitilessly hunted down.
In Paris the Burgundians were hand in hand with the corporation of the butchers, who were the leaders of the Parisian populace.
It was no light task, as the national guard was untrustworthy, regular troops were not at hand in sufficient numbers, and the insurgents had abundant time to prepare themselves.
There is also plenty of hillpasture in the south-western counties (from Hampshire and Berkshire westward), especially in Devonshire, Cornwall and Somersetshire, and also in Monmouthshire and along the Welsh marches, on the Cotteswold Hills, &c. In all these localities sheep are extensively reared, especially in Northumberland, but on the other hand in Lincolnshire the numbers of sheep are roughly equal to those in the northern county.
In time, however, it was realized that iron by itself is not fire-proof, but requires to be protected by means of fire-resisting coverings; but as soon as satisfactory forms of these were invented their development progressed hand in hand with that of iron and steel forms and combinations.
In the spring-time there is a festival in which the men and women from neighbouring settlements move about in gay clothing hand in hand and singing songs.
It was the breed which Robert Bakewell took in hand in the 18th century, and greatly improved by the exercise of his skill and judgment.
To meet expenses the youth worked in various ways, even making slippers by hand in after-hours; but when he came of age his text-book days were ended.
Newton's desire to have no hand in writing the preface seems. to have proceeded from a knowledge that Cotes was proposing to allude to the dispute about the invention of fluxions.
Although Tiberius is said to have received the news of his death with indifference, there is no reason to suppose that he had any hand in it; indeed, he seems to have entertained a genuine affection for his son.
A strong reaction set in in the following century, and persecution of the Protestants went hand in hand with the ravages of war in hastening the political, intellectual and agricultural decline of the district.
The while he did so sedition took courage and flourished exceedingly, so that to pacify Ireland the constable went hand in hand with the legislator.
Snorri (1179-1241) wrote the Lives of the Kings (Heimskringla), from Olaf Tryggvason to Sigurd the Crusader inclusive; and we have them substantially as they came from his hand in the Great King Olaf's Saga; St Olaf's Saga, as in Heimskringla and the Stockholm MS.; and the succeeding Kings' Lives, as in Hulda and Hrokkinskinna, in which, however, a few episodes have been inserted.
He was Leighton's right hand in the efforts at a compromise between the episcopal and the presbyterian principle.
A botanical station was opened in 1894, and the cultivation of American and Egyptian cotton was taken in hand in 1902.
Despite the concessions necessary at the outset to the partisans of a Catholic alliance, it was the programme of the Politiques that Richelieu adopted and laid down with a masters hand in his Political Testament.
He cut his hand in his eagerness, and declared that the blood of a king was well shed in securing the destruction of such an instrument whence his popular nickname of Peter of the Dagger (delPunejalet).
This demand broke the patience of the prime minister, and on the 30th of July Seor de Ojeda, Spanish ambassador at the Vatican, was instructed to hand in his papers.
On several occasions the prospect of entering the ministry was open to him, but nothing came of it, apparently because he required a free hand in foreign affairs, and this the king was not prepared to give him.
The former follows upon Joshua's two concluding speeches, one given by a Deuteronomic writer in xxiii., and the other incorporated by another though similar hand in xxiv.
There the meal is packed by hand in "scourtins," bags made of plaited coco-nut leaves - replacing the woollen cloths used in England.
We learn in them how Caliban (democracy), the mindless brute, educated to his own responsibility, makes after all an adequate ruler; how Prospero (the aristocratic principle, or, if we will, the mind) accepts his dethronement for the sake of greater liberty in the intellectual world, since Caliban proves an effective policeman, and leaves his superiors a free hand in the laboratory; how Ariel (the religious principle) acquires a firmer hold on life, and no longer gives up the ghost at the faintest hint of change.
When war with Prussia appeared imminent he tried to obtain Italian assistance, and Victor Emmanuel was very anxious to fly to the assistance of the man who had helped him to expel the Austrians from Italy, but he could not do so unless Napoleon gave him a free hand in Rome.
Jonathan put his small hand in the crook of Alex's arm and looked up at him anxiously.
At one point as he swung her around, she saw Alex and tried to implore him, but he just laughed and waived a hand in dismissal.
In the heroic epoch of the revolution the Bolsheviks went hand in hand with genuinely revolutionary anarchists.
Dee shared in this optimism, for he had also had a hand in the defeat of the Spanish armada.
Ann proposes an amnesty to allow the women to hand in any more booze then to hold a full cell search 24 hours later.
Having no money and also preferring to do everything himself, Carpenter acted, directed and had a hand in virtually everything.
In this standardization, one of the hallmarks of civilization, mathematical exactitude and specialized skill go hand in hand.
Better pay must go hand in hand with new working practices, providing they are not exploitative.
Professional instructors will be on hand in health clubs to administer the test, which is a well-respected measurement of cardiovascular fitness.
Only the bold are happy to feed their partner by hand in a public place - the ultimate sensual indulgence.
Now look at the picture of Horace with his hand in the cookie jar.
Washing was done by hand in the laundry which employed a laundress and four assistants.
Not the Caine mutiny The Head finally throws her hand in just before thereâs mutiny on board.
They present her to Paris, a wealthy young nobleman who has asked for her hand in marriage.
To go west means to hop the twig, pop one's clog, hand in one's dinner pail, and so on.
In front of a work of such tender pathos the viewer is almost compelled to offer a hand in aid.
Increased prosperity has gone hand in hand with poverty.
Normally these proceed hand in hand, with the energy produced by respiration consumed by ATP formation.
He stopped and looked at her, thrusting his hand in his pockets and making a mocking smile curl his lips.
Walking hand in hand, initiating exception, lighting the dark, igniting the spark.
A Levite probably had a hand in the work, and this, with the evidence for the Levitical Psalms (see Psalms), gives the caste an interesting place in the study of the transmission of the biblical records.
Sussex, indignant at Shane's request for his sister's hand in marriage, and his demand for the withdrawal of the English garrison from Armagh, was not supported by the queen, who sent the earl of Kildare to arrange terms with O'Neill.
There is still in existence a translation of Guicciardini which he wrote with his own hand in order to qualify himself for government by acquiring a knowledge of political history.
In addition to his diocesan synods, he presided in 1873 over the fourth provincial synod of Westminster, which legislated on "acatholic" universities, church music, mixed marriages, and the order of a priest's household, having previously taken part, as theologian, in the provincial synods of 1853 and 1859, with a hand in the preparation of their decrees.
Casimir began by tying the hands of the Teutonic Order by the truce of Thorn; he induced the king of Bohemia to relinquish his claims to the Polish throne by consenting to leave him a free hand in Silesia (conference of Trencsen, early in 1335); and subsequently he attended the celebrated congress of Visegrad (November 12December 3, 1 335), where Charles Robert entertained him and the king of Bohemia magnificently.
He was also in full sympathy with the policy which led up to the signature of the Concordat of 1801-2 with the pope (see Concordat); but it is probable that he had a hand in the questionable intrigues which accompanied the closing parts of that complex and difficult negotiation.
At an early stage he came to the conclusion that Dreyfus was the innocent victim of a nefarious conspiracy, and on the 13th of January 1898, with his usual intrepidity, he published in the Aurore newspaper, in the form of a letter beginning with the words J'accuse, a terrible denunciation of all those who had had a hand in hounding down that unfortunate officer.
He put his hand in his pocket, and was surprised to find the gold pieces wrapped in his mother's letter.
Then I will take his soft chubby hand in mine, and go out in the bright sunshine with him.
This morning I would not let her put her hand in my plate.
I let her see that I was eating, but did not let her put her hand in the plate.
Boat did glide swiftly and I put hand in water and felt it flowing.
Prince Andrew and his sister, hand in hand, kissed one another, and he told her she was still the same crybaby as ever.
He had Pierre at hand in Moscow and procured for him an appointment as Gentleman of the Bedchamber, which at that time conferred the status of Councilor of State, and insisted on the young man accompanying him to Petersburg and staying at his house.
The Tsar's foot, in the narrow pointed boot then fashionable, touched the groin of the bobtailed bay mare he rode, his hand in a white glove gathered up the reins, and he moved off accompanied by an irregularly swaying sea of aides-de-camp.
And he's hand in glove with Speranski, writing some project or other.
I took down the name and rank of their commanding officer, to hand in a complaint about it.
And I will knock the nonsense out of anybody"-- but probably realizing that he was shouting at Bezukhov who so far was not guilty of anything, he added, taking Pierre's hand in a friendly manner, "We are on the eve of a public disaster and I haven't time to be polite to everybody who has business with me.
He kissed his sister, holding her hand in his as was their wont.
Thirdly for granting some handsome, dashing, silver-tongued lothario with chiseled good looks and cute butt her hand in marriage.
I Wanna Hold Your Hand in an English folk club complete with singalong chorus from the audience.
You will be expected to hand in work each week, doing the starred questions.
Her whole body tingles when he comes near and takes her hand in his and they smell the rose together.
I tread softly by my uncle, my hand in his.
Technological optimism, scientific medical advances and Christian triumphalism went hand in hand.
I saw it at first hand in the undermining of confidence and bouts of depression that these often savage attacks engendered in him.
We walked hand in hand through this workday world.
She didn't really like her new boss and shook his hand in a pro forma manner.
You can also purchase similar kits that let parents place their little one's foot or hand in plaster to preserve forever.
Inquisitiveness and high intelligence tend to go hand in hand, so enjoy your fascinating feline friend.
If none of the above appeals, then perhaps help is at hand in the form of some of the great Internet sites that offer ideas for cats names.
Cocktails and celebrations go hand in hand.
They make their furniture by hand in small batches, so no two items are exactly alike.
Vanessa, last week's star, was first picked, and Temple, who had a hand in Ramona's questionable mural, was last.
The holidays go hand in hand with the rich colors seen in Old World style design.
The weathered look goes hand in hand with French farmhouse designs.
If you've tried out gels and stains with zero success, perhaps it's time to break out the jars or pumps and try again, working with a swift hand in a circular motion, applied only to the apples of the cheeks.
If you want to capture the coveted rocker chic style, smoky eyes go hand in hand with sky high stilettos and biker jackets.
Stress and work seem to, at times, go hand in hand.
Since anxiety and depression often go hand in hand, it's helpful to get a clearer picture to ensure the best treatment.
You can make personalized coupons that your parents hand in as they want each thing done.
Making the decision to lose weight hand in hand with a doctor ensures you are safe all the way through the process.
If you can't seem to stop sticking your hand in the savings pot, ask your parents or another trusted adult for help.
You should also keep some raw staples on hand in your kitchen or pantry, including fruits and vegetables, nuts, herbs, spices, vinegar, seaweed and roots such as ginger and beets.
For the wedding, Dan wore a white glove on his right hand, eliciting more than a few Michael Jackson jokes, and wrapped the lesser-burned left hand in flesh colored bandages.
Bamboo plants and wedding favors go hand in hand for many couples.
Consider asking aunts, grandmas, or other relatives known for their culinary skills to give you a hand in the kitchen.
Addiction and recovery are two terms that should go hand in hand.
In this case, style and function go hand in hand.
The instructions are detailed and thorough, but the special pieces of equipment and ingredients that most designs call for, including sugar glue and edible decorating powder, aren't likely to be on hand in a beginning baker's kitchen.
It's not the water in Hollywood that gives everyone perfect skin, teeth, noses, and bodies; celebrities and plastic surgery seem to go hand in hand.
At one point during an interview with Dancing with the Stars season three winners Emmitt Smith and Cheryl Burke, Aiken covered Ripa's mouth with his hand in what was interpreted as a gesture for her to stop talking.
Patterson asked for Carmen's hand in marriage while the two were in Las Vegas celebrating her 36th birthday.
For everyday wear, she will likely wear shorts and a t-shirt, so you will want to have plenty of these items on hand in different colors.
Students can take quizzes online through Blackboard or use the tool to hand in electronic assignments.
Kids and nature go hand in hand, and Alaska has no shortage of natural treasures to explore.
The company sees this move as a way to educate the public about how nutrition and healthcare can work hand in hand to give pets a greater chance of living longer, healthier lives.
He had a guilty look on his face, like a child who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Another wonderful tip about this new recipe is you can make it with any combination of fruit or vegetable you have on hand in your home that day.
The mulch is also easy to spread around the garden beds by hand in areas needing it.
Fixtures can be adjusted and changed out as needed, and often the rail itself can be bent by hand in different directions, such as curves or bends, so you can mount it on the wall, ceiling or both at the same time.
Bar sinks are typically used as a way to rinse glasses and have a fresh supply of water on hand in areas far from the kitchen sink, or areas that divide the kitchen from another room.
Make sure to have a few extra boxes of tiles on hand in case you need to remove and replace damaged tiles over time.
Form and function go hand in hand with monorail lights; look into them for your home today.
Most cardigans need to be washed by hand in cold water and dried flat - you can buy special drying racks just for this purpose.
Organic beef and food safety go hand in hand.
As with any piece of lingerie, even one you wear as outerwear, you should wash your bustier after each wearing by hand in cold water and hang it out to dry.
Though comfort and sexiness don't always go hand in hand (just ask anyone who's stepped out in a pair of fabulous-yet-thoroughly-painful heels), more often than note it's quite possible to find something that easily meets both requirements.
Red roses, red nighties and red hot romance go hand in hand.
Wash it by hand in cold water and avoid scrubbing or wringing.
You are not a spy, you're taking a stand against a situation that has clearly gotten out of hand in the lives of some teens.
It contains a very powerful auger to crush snow and if you don't wait until the power is shut off to put your hand in the machine, you run the risk of severe injury.
Quotes that make you smile can help remind you that retirement and humor go hand in hand.
Whether it is outdoors during the summer or indoors throughout the year, children and swimming go hand in hand.
They want a helping hand in establishing lasting memories and they do it with the help of a team that adds exquisite details and loving touches on all of their products.
The words "Chanel" and "classic" go hand in hand.
For some, contact lenses and dry eyes go hand in hand, making for an uncomfortable lens-wearing experience.
You will have extras at hand in case this happens.
FreshLook Contacts will also email you a free trial certificate to hand in at your appointment.
These often outrageously styled glasses go hand in hand with everything else that Cavalli does; pushing the envelope of what is hip by adding risqué touches and lavish embellishments is what Cavalli has always done best.
They claim to be the number one recommended brand by doctors when it comes to working hand in hand with your prescription eyewear.
Usually addiction and wasteful video game spending go hand in hand.
Whether you're looking to finish the single-player campaign or you want to get the upper hand in a multiplayer deathmatch, you may be interested in learning a Halo 3 weapon cheat or two.
Artists, coders, play testers and more have a hand in the video game's design.
Two modes that go hand in hand are Character Creation mode and Chronicles of the Sword mode.
Help your Sims build a web of friendships (and enemies!) by having a hand in every aspect of their life.
Since the sensor bar isn't expensive, it doesn't hurt to have an extra one on hand in case yours goes out or is destroyed in a fit of gamer rage.
Sparkling wines and New Year's go hand in hand.
Having proof that there are lower prices offered elsewhere on the exact same product is a good way to gain the upper hand in a negotiation.
It's always good to have a spare or two on hand in a pinch, as well as extra wall chargers, car chargers, and other similar products.
Religious development often goes hand in hand with moral development.
One is intermittent treatment, which involves the physician prescribing an antiviral drug to keep on hand in case an individual has a flare-up.
With training, most patients can open and close their hand in two different grasping movements and lock the grasp in place by moving their shoulder in different ways.
Socializing and exercising go hand in hand with the fun, upbeat choreography found in country western dance.
Feng shui and the Golden Ratio work hand in hand since the former is just as dependent upon balance.
As you research your family's history, you'll find that public records and genealogy go hand in hand.
Great style and a commitment to the planet go hand in hand at an Aveda Organic Hair Salon.
Jheri knew the business side, having had a hand in the launches of Jheri Redding Products Co., Redken, and Jhirmack Enterprises.
Hair and fashion trends travel hand in hand, and prom dresses take their cues from couture fashion runways.
Most importantly, be prepared and be ready to fight these pesky bugs should they make their way into your home, and you'll have the upper hand in keeping your surroundings lice free.
They go hand in hand with a strand of pearls and are the perfect styling choice for those seeking an elegant and formal way to wear their hair.
Though almost any high-quality flat iron will do the trick, Sedu long hairstyles and effortless glamour always go hand in hand.
Platinum blonde and chic brunette hues work hand in hand with the simple lines of a bob hairstyle.
If you have no desire to go to medical school or even complete a nursing program but you want to have a hand in helping people in the medical field, consider working in billing or become a health information technician.
If your homeowners insurance policy rate has increased, and your escrow account covers this too, then this might have a hand in the higher payment.
Nostalgic Victorian Paper Memories has vintage baby birth certificate reproductions written by hand in calligraphy.
Diabetes and pregnancy sometimes go hand in hand.
Feeding a live mouse to your ball python may end up being inconvenient since it means making a trip to the pet shop once a week or keeping several mice on hand in another cage.
These are just a few of the many programs these talented cheerleaders lend a helping hand in.
Tulio's swimsuits require extra care; they are best washed by hand in cold water and air dried.
Good health and a bikini-ready body go hand in hand.
While it's clear that swimmers and Speedos go hand in hand with one another, what is often surprising is the sheer variety of swimsuits that the company offers!
While some rash guard labels say they can be machine-washed, it is always best to wash them by hand in cold water, then roll them in a towel before laying them flat to dry.
Kids will love their sock puppets even more if they have a hand in making them!
Have your child place her hand in the sock so you can get an idea where you want the face to be.
Statement jewelry and maxi dresses somehow go hand in hand.
There are a few extras that you may consider having on hand in case you need them.
If the spell is to ward something away, place your hand in the center of the candle and push away the oil towards the top or wick end of the candle.
To have extra wicks on hand in case you run out at a crucial time.
Waiting and love do not go hand in hand.
Asking for a girl's hand in marriage in front of her gathered family and friends may seem romantic at first, but if she is shy and quiet, such a public event may not be sensitive to the type of proposal she would prefer.
Surprise proposals can be a fun way to ask for that someone special's hand in marriage, but they need careful planning and consideration to be memorable, romantic moments the couple will share for a lifetime.
This can involve going down onto bended knee and asking for your partner's hand in marriage.
Freelance writing and email cover letters almost go hand in hand these days.
For many, celiac disease and elimination diet go hand in hand.
For the woman who wants a little extra flair in her travel bags, carry on luggage and print designs go hand in hand.
Use the techniques listed above, and he'll be eating out of your hand in no time!
Sincerity and honesty go hand in hand for Scorpios; they will literally detest you if they find even a whiff of dishonesty about you.
Preventing obesity in children and treating it often go hand in hand.
While it's great to want to take an active hand in the raising of your stepchildren, it's a mistake to push the relationship before the child is ready.
Have plenty of chalk on hand in a variety of colors, and ask participants to create pictures that celebrate this special day.
For anyone who watches TV or shows up to the theater early, it is clear that movies and advertising sales go hand in hand with one another.
To his horror, he saw a woman's hand in the basket, wearing the lady's unique jewel-encrusted ring.
Charles Malka, founder, CEO, and President has had a strong hand in the company for over 45 years.
It's a combination of traits not often found in footwear, but comfort, eco-friendliness and impeccable construction go hand in hand at Born shoes.
Designers large and small had a great hand in the frenzy's growth, ensuring that there was a reasonably priced boot for all women, regardless of their budgets.
Part trend, part function, faux fur snow boots go hand in hand with blustery weather.
Crafted by hand in the USA since 1901, Chippewa Boots have long been a popular choice for those who work hard.
These two exotic body piercings go hand in hand.
Frequently, full body or body suit tattoos go hand in hand with other types of body modification.
In some premeditated bodysuits, body modification goes hand in hand.
This style works hand in hand with fairy or gothic design ideas.
In 1878, Croton Watch Co., Inc. was founded on a belief that "precision, quality, style and value go hand in hand".
Now rest your right hand in your lap, dropping the shoulder down as you inhale.
Now place your left hand in front of your left ear.
Education and fun go hand in hand when you expose your child to appropriate learning toys for autistic kids.
Fortunately, repetitive behaviors are easier to recognize and often go hand in hand with obsessive traits.
Strategic sales and marketing plans go hand in hand.
If you own an older Cadillac, it's always a good idea to have Cadillac repair manuals on hand in case you ever have any problems with your vehicle.
However, having it all at hand in one easy reference is just what the organizationally challenged need sometimes to get it all together.
Keep several sizes and styles on hand in your kitchen at all times and you'll never have to worry about finding an appropriate container to hold food that you have purchased or prepared again.
For instance, make a finger painted tree by putting the side of your hand in brown paint for the trunk and using your finger tips to make leaves.
The child will put her hand in the bag and make the puppet talk by moving the flap.
The key is having the right tools and foods on hand in order to put a balanced meal together.
Though the diet has received fame through celebrity endorsements and media attention, Dr. Siegal still mixes each batch of cookies by hand in his Miami, Florida-based bakery.
Going hand in hand with disease prevention is weight control from regular exercise.
Keeping your right hand in the loose fist, resist the pressure of your left hand.
Repeat the entire exercise with the left hand in a loose fist.
Release the hold keeping your right hand in position.
Bend forward at the waist and place your left hand in front of your knee on the bench for support.
Keeping your hand in this position, raise your left arm over your head until you can touch your back with your left hand.
You can take any of these ideas and adapt them to whatever you have on hand in your kitchen.
Losing a hand in an accident may make you feel like you can't perform any occupation, but your insurance won't agree.
It is in your best interest as an Aflac customer to familiarize yourself with the variety of claim forms so you can have an upper hand in the claim process.
You should approach the insurance companies with this information in hand in order to get some basic quotes.
However, keep in mind that if you do try to increase your deductible as much as possible, you'll need to have enough cash on hand in the case of a major emergency so that you can actually pay for damages up to the amount of your deductible.
It is also easier to take care of - nearly all shapewear can be washed by hand in cold water and hung to dry with little fuss.
And they are easy to care for--most can be washed by hand in the sink with a bit of vinegar or castile soap.
Ideally, though, you should wash all of your lingerie by hand in cold water and hang to dry.
You can wash them by hand in cool water and a gentle detergent such as Woolite.
Victoria's Secret goes hand in hand with the idea of incredibly sexy-and sometimes barely-there-lingerie.
Keep a light cotton robe on hand in case you get temporarily chilly while you're enjoying your day in your pajamas.
One label that had a hand in putting out many of these artists was 4AD Records.
Well known in his native South Bronx for unmistakable flow, he has had a hand in some of hip hops biggest hits, but yet never quite made a slash for himself.
Most supermarkets will have plenty of gourds on hand in the autumn.
Search for an object - Using a container of Jello, put your hand in to search for an object.
Fruity drinks and the beach go hand in hand.
Getting a chance to further her own entertainment industry career is important to Chanel, who has her hand in a number of show biz pots.
Instead of simply being a planner, Vallee employs caterers, musicians, photographers, florists and anyone else who has a hand in pulling together a wedding.
Multi-award winning composer John Williams and Star Wars theme music go hand in hand.
If you've ever used an aromatherapy skin care product, you know that relaxation and great skin go hand in hand.
Acne and oily skin care treatments don't always go hand in hand.
Taking her hand in his, he swept her gracefully into dance.
He slid an arm under her and gently took her hand in his, planting a warm moist kiss in the center of the palm.
Carmen climbed off Alex's lap and took Destiny's soft little hand in hers.
They moved around the room; her head on his shoulder, her hand in his.
Lathum waved a hand in dismissal, his mind already firmly entrenched in another project.
She smiled and waved a hand in dismissal.
He took Tammy's tiny hand in his.
Bordeaux took her hand in his and she gazed up into his solemn features.
As they walked back down the dune, she dragged her hand in a wavy line, trying to obliterate their tracks.
Betsy took his hand in hers.
Martha raised her hand in a sign of peace.
I could see Quinn's hand in the decision, far more than Martha's.
He held up his hand in a stopping gesture.
She cracked the door to squeeze her hand in the space as well as to tell the other driver not to worry about the car.
She placed her hand in his.
He took her hand in his and leaned forward, allowing his forehead to rest against hers.
He caught her with her hand in the refrigerator.
They began the long descent, hand in hand.
Except that he's still got a hand in all this, Andre said calmly.
At the end of the Napoleonic wars Portugal had Macao and Goa, Holland Java, Sumatra and other islands, France some odds and ends in India, while England emerged with Hong Kong, Singapore, Ceylon and a free hand in India.
He was himself a high churchman, and carried things with a high hand in his parish, but was much beloved by his people.
Public relations and blogging go hand in hand in 21st century society.
Care2 is the place for anyone who feels she'd like to have a hand in changing the world and has over 14 million members.
Connect With Local Communities - Farms and communities often work hand in hand, and the Internet provides an easy way to organize that collaboration.