Hammerheads Sentence Examples
Good chance to see schooling hammerheads on the north point.
In the deeper water you will find hammerheads passing in large groups.
Many species of shark can be seen, including hammerheads, silkies, gray reefs and oceanic white-tips.
Further out are sites where great hammerheads are found from January to March.
While scalloped hammerheads favor deeper waters and socialize in large schools, great hammerheads are solitary hunters that are equally comfortable at the surface.
All types of marine life have been seen here - small hammerheads and reef sharks, turtles, giant puffers, numerous small invertebrates.
Gorda Banks is a remote, offshore seamount famous for large schools of schooling hammerheads and manta sightings.
The northern plateau is home to schooling hammerheads with frequent sightings of oceanic white tip sharks.
Schooling hammerheads, rare fish, migrating lobster, feeding whales - he 's got them all in the can.