Hammer Sentence Examples
The two boys were there, busily working with hammer and saw.
I grasped a large hammer in my hand while Molly cowered in a corner at my direction.
It had been made by means of the hammer only.
We also can't hammer nails with our hands, so we invented hammers.
Meade was to "hammer" Lee, and Sherman, at the head of the armies which had been engaged at Chattanooga and Knoxville, was to deal with the other great field army of Confederates under Johnston, and as far as possible gain ground for the Union in the south-east.
I'm just a hammer; you guys are the builders.
Using the hammer only, some of them can beat out an intricate shape as truly and delicately as a sculptor could carve it with his chisels.
The Bombay mint was set up about the year 1671, but the coins were made by hammer and anvil until 1800.
He was also waving a hammer toward the bus driver.
Outside a hammer stopped beating in the old Muslim carpenter 's wizened hand.
AdvertisementTemptation had been pounding on the door with a sledge hammer lately.
The metal is pretty soft and easily flattened out under the hammer, but almost devoid of tenacity.
The liquid when soaked into a porous combustible substance like blotting-paper burns rapidly and quietly, and when struck with a hammer on a hard surface violently detonates; when a little of the liquid is spread on an anvil and struck, the portion immediately under the hammer only will, as a rule, detonate, the remainder being scattered.
Give me a hammer, and let me feel for the furring.
To test the purity of the metal the tin-smelter heats the bars to a certain temperature just below the fusing point, and then strikes them with a hammer or lets them fall on a stone floor from a given height.
AdvertisementThis term of course includes as special cases the qualities of "malleability" (capability of being flattened out under the hammer) and "ductility" (capability of being drawn into wire); but these two special qualities do not always go parallel to each other, for this reason amongst others - that ductility in a higher degree than malleability is determined by the tenacity of a metal.
Pure iron, copper, silver and other metals are easily drawn into wire, or rolled into sheet, or flattened under the hammer.
The seventh is to hammer gold into the outlines of the diaper; the eighth, to hammer it into the pattern filling the spaces between the lines, and the ninth and tenth to complete the details.
Fabre states that the lastnamed insect uses a stone for the temporary closing of her burrow, and the Peckhams have seen a female Ammophila take a stone between her mandibles and use it as a hammer for pounding down the earth over her finished nest.
If the scale is only slightly out of the perpendicular, a few taps of the hammer will modify any trifling error."
AdvertisementIf we watch a man breaking stones by the roadside some distance away, we can see the hammer fall before we hear the blow.
He is in fact represented as an idealized Greek craftsman, with the hammer, and sometimes the pincers.
Some mythologists have compared the hammer of Hephaestus with that of Thor, and have explained it as the emblem of a thunder-god; but it is Zeus, not Hephaestus, who causes the thunder, and the emblems of the latter god are merely the signs of his occupation as a smith.
They take their name of tuco-tuco from their cry, which resembles the blows of a hammer on an anvil, and may be heard all day as the little rodents move in their burrows, generally formed in sandy soil.
Although the presence of 1.50% of manganese makes steel relatively brittle, and although a further addition at first increases this brittleness, so that steel containing between 4 and 5.5% can be pulverized under the hammer, yet a still further increase gives very great ductility, accompanied by great hardness-a combination of properties which was not possessed by any other known substance when this remarkable alloy, known as Hadfield's manganese steel, was discovered.
AdvertisementIn lathing I was pleased to be able to send home each nail with a single blow of the hammer, and it was my ambition to transfer the plaster from the board to the wall neatly and rapidly.
Also, when battling enemies, you'll use famous weapons such as turtle shells and fire plants, as well as hammers from the hammer bros.
You can find everything from Stephanie's Recipes to a production blog and the Hammer It Home game.
He was using the truth to hammer down her resistance and his power to seduce her.
And she had rubbed her morals in his face again – only this time she had used other people's opinion as a hammer to drive her morals home.
This all took place at Valarshapat, where Gregory, anxious to fix a site on which to build shrines for the relics of Ripsime and Gaiana, saw the Son of God come down in a sheen of light, the stars of heaven attending, and smite the earth with a golden hammer till the nether world resounded to his blows.
This hammer is arranged so that when the armature vibrates it gives little blows to the underside of the tube and shakes up the filings.
Steenstrup during several years, Captain Hammer in 1879-1880, Captain Ryder in 1886-1887, Dr Drygalski in 1891-1893, 2 and several American expeditions in later years, all examined the question closely.
They are subject to considerable internal strain, as is shown by the fact that when struck with a hammer or sliced with a lapidary's saw they often burst into fragments.
The upper die was then placed on the blank, and kept in position by means of a holder round which was placed a roll of lead to protect the hand of the operator while heavy blows were struck with a hammer.
See Rhode, Res Lemnicae; Conze, Reise auf den Inseln des Thrakischen Meeres (from which the above-mentioned facts about the present state of the island are taken); also Hunt in Walpole's Travels; Belon du Mans, Observations de plusieurs singularitez, &c.; Finlay, Greece under the Romans; von Hammer, Gesch.
Or, if hard, its surface can be picked all over with a bush hammer.
Scarcely more is to be said in favour of the suggestion made by Von Hammer; but better known in connexion with the name of Lagarde, who connects the name Purim with the old Zoroastrian festival of the dead, entitled Farwardigan.
Von Hammer in reply adduced, in Journ.
Loosen the tile by using a hammer and a metal putty knife.
It was our goal that by using a hammer and screwdriver, we could chisel and opening in the floor above.
Elsewhere he was the artizan-god Ptah, who with his hammer broke the egg; sometimes Thoth, the moon-god and principle of intelligence, who spoke the world into existence.'
The most ancient coins were cast in bulletshaped or conical moulds and marked on one side by means of a die which was struck with a hammer.
Next, secure using a claw hammer and punch.
A claw hammer is probably the best for general DIY.
The helve, or main beam of the hammer, rotates freely about the fixed pivot.
Simply tap the surface with a hammer, then use a bolster chisel to get behind the skimmed plaster.
Yet our Lord owned me here also, and the hammer of his word broke the rock of absolute predestination in pieces.
The EX Factor finalists literally graced the red carpet as they came under the hammer in front of a star gazed audience.
On its highest pinnacle floated a large red flag with a yellow sickle and hammer in one corner.
It was a double action revolver - it could either be fired with the hammer in the uncocked position or from the cocked position.
The question now is to hammer home to the working class throughout the world what conditions are necessary i n order to form soviets.
Metal pins can be useful where the ground is too stony to hammer in wooden stobs.
Hold the screw head in a vise, and knock the spade with a mallet or club hammer to remove the stump.
But instead of the black swastika in the middle is a black hammer and sickle.
A " hammer toe " may occur at the 2nd toe.
Under the hammer Bonhams held a special ' Nelson ' sale in July, which raised a total of £ 1.8m.
Before that was originally in the neighboring village of Abinger Hammer.
Yes the need a really good wallop with a hammer to kill them.
In theory the hammer should now be less in your way, but it does seem a bit weird to me.
These worlds which perished are compared to sparks which fly out from a red-hot iron beaten by a hammer, and which are extinguished according to the distance esoteric doctrine, God, who is boundless and above they are removed from the burning mass.
In 1849 he became a local Methodist minister, and in the following year emigrated to the United States, where he obtained employment as a hammer maker at Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania.
The most elaborate specimen of this wrought work is the screen to the Rinuccini chapel in Santa Croce, Florence, of 1371, in which moulded pillars and window-like tracery have been wrought and modelled by the hammer with extraordinary skill (see Wyatt, Metal-Work of Middle Ages).
The chief industries of Homeric times are those of the carpenter (TEKro v),, the worker in leather (oKVTaroµos), the smith or worker in metal (XaXKeus) - whose implements are the hammer and pincers - and the potter (Kepa,ueis); also spinning and weaving, which were carried on by the women.
In her office she hung a red flag with a hammer and sickle on it.
Read the rest... Johnson puts hammer down - John Wilford Copy from Football Unlimited of 09/02/2003.
The intermediate hammer yielded a 139 year ring-width sequence which included the first sapwood ring.
He was spreadeagled on a large wheel, and his remaining sound limbs were smashed with a sledge hammer.
Let 's take the example of hammer and its superordinate term, tool.
Alongside the better-known anvil, forge and hammer, the swage block was an important tool.
His admiration for the Mahavishnu Orchestra has led him to feel that Jan Hammer is the best synthesizer player, bar none.
He claimed a win in the hammer and third in the discus to provide unexpected but highly valuable points.
If you hit your thumb with a hammer when great aunt Edith is in the room what do you say?
This sweet little metal toffee hammer dates to circa 1938.
There was a nuclear warhead for this missile, code named Indigo Hammer.
You want a gun that you can maneuver quickly because the purpose of using a roofing nail gun is efficiency over a hammer, and being able to move the gun quickly is important.
Arm and Hammer cat litter comes from a company well-known for its baking soda.
In recent years, Arm and Hammer has extended its products to pet care, personal care, laundry and household cleaning.
The cat litter product line is of interest because Arm and Hammer has integrated its baking soda into cat litter to mitigate cat box odors.
Arm and Hammer cat litter comes in several different forms.
Like the other Arm and Hammer cat litters, this litter is also relatively dust free and low tracking.
Arm and Hammer also offers cat box deodorizers in both powdered and spray form.
There are a number of online reviews of Arm and Hammer cat litter.
Arm and Hammer Essentials Cat Litter on Reviewstream.com shows one positive review.
Arm and Hammer Cat Litter Reviews on Viewpoints.com shows 77 reviews that average about four out of five.
If you register at the Arm and Hammer Savings Center , you will have access to coupons both online and via e-mail.
There are bargain-brand cat litters on the market, but most premium cat litter, including Arm and Hammer's various offerings, will cost more than the bargain brands.
If you are looking for scoopable litter with odor control, Arm and Hammer has effective products with some variability among the products.
Some people object to heavily scented litters, so it is nice that Arm and Hammer packages their cat litter products in both scented and unscented versions.
If you want scoopable litter with a tried, true and safe deodorizer and are concerned about dust and tracking, Arm and Hammer cat litter is likely a good choice for you.
Arm and Hammer cat litter is available at super markets, pet stores, online pet stores and from Amazon.com.
In general, however, the process starts with intricate designs drawn on paper and then carved by hand into a wooden block, usually teak or shisham wood, using a hammer and chisel.
If you are considering doing some home improvement projects or interior decorating, you may want to digitally experiment with color and layout before picking up that sledge hammer.
Golden Hammer Awards - Creative Homeowner took home the silver medal in the Books/Periodicals category.
Shelves - These can be store bought but if you are handy with a hammer and nails, custom build your own shelves.
Shelves - These can be storebought, but if you are handy with a hammer and nails, custom build your own shelves.
You can press them in with your thumbs or use a hammer to gently tap them all the way in.
The iron is worked and shaped using a hammer and anvil.
Traditional eyelet setters require a hammer to flatten your eyelet, while silent setters such as the Crop-A-Dile use a special punching mechanism to eliminate the need for noisy hammering.
The Pranna timer uses a free swinging hammer set used with a carved wood bowl or singing bowl.
Hammer's finances, it was his huge payroll that put him on the list of bankrupt celebrities.
Some styles are "carpenter overalls," which include a loop on one leg (as for a hammer).
The left leg sports a hammer loop while the right has a tool pocket.
If you can keep an electric saw straight, hammer a nail, and add a coat of paint, these plans just might serve your needs.
Samoan tattoos were applied with ink, tattoo combs, and hammer.
Additionally, you will need some general hardware such as nails or screws, a hammer or screwdriver, a level, tape measure and a saw.
All you need are basic tools, such as a hammer, a screwdriver and maybe a pair of pliers.
The scales work well with fretboard techniques like hammer ons.
If you are using tools in the same room as a laminate floor, lay down a tarp or carpet remnant to help prevent damage caused by a falling hammer or tool.
You will need, at a minimum, a ruler, pencil, saw, hammer, level, tape measure and staple gun for attaching a foam cushion.
You should be familiar with using a sledgehammer, level, hammer, hacksaw, drill and other do it yourselfer staples.
If you want to do home repair yourself, there are some things to consider before grabbing your hammer and saw.
Before you run out and grab a hammer, consult a structural engineer, especially if your DIY setup will be carrying much weight.
Use a screwdriver and hammer to tap the bottom sill extender until it is flush with the bottom sill.
Hammer flush into the wall studs or remove completely any nails left behind from the old window.
Remove the fastener screws from the framing or if the window is nailed in place; you can pry them out with a hammer or cut through the nails using a saber saw.
Avoid the tendency to slip into ultra-baggy Hammer pants-mode, lest you end up looking more sloppy than casual.
They have a hammer loop, pliers pockets and seven additional pockets.
You can beat the game on the most difficult setting using all four characters in 3 hours, but there's something about driving a truck in a video game that will make you put the hammer down again and again.
And by that, I mean you'll be able to play other players (PVP) to your heart's content without worrying about the guy who's forty levels higher than you wielding the ultra-rare Hammer of Thor.
On the Sierra 117 level, go to the train depot and look to the bridge where the hammer Brute is.
If one person shoots with a rocket launcher, another player can swing at the rocket with the gravity hammer.
Find a Chief Brute with a gravity hammer (or any Chief Brute, but the one with a gravity hammer makes you invincible more consistently).
Before the Brute is able to use the hammer, kill him.
If you try close combat fighting, it's possible that he'll get to use the hammer before you can kill him.
But, I don't think that means you should beat it with a bloody hammer and wait for its ghost to rise from the grave and suffocate you in your sleep either, so Nintendo be warned.
Use Beowulf's Hammer and try to push him back, then attack him with it.
However, the video game guitar tabs notation can help with a few techniques to assist you with your music piece, like hammer ons and pull offs, slides, string bends, vibrato and harmonics.
The hammer brother from the Mario universe is pretty amusing.
Children with Marfan are more likely to develop pes planus (flat feet) or so-called "claw" or "hammer" toes than people in the general population.
It includes the eardrum, the three little bones (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) that transmit sound to the inner ear, and the eustachian tube, which connects the inner ear to the nasopharynx (the back of the nose).
Eight- and nine-year-olds typically can ride a bicycle, swim, roller skate, ice skate, jump rope, scale fences, use a saw, hammer, and garden tools, and play a variety of sports.
The patient's reflexes are tested by using a special instrument that looks like a little hammer.
They involve cuts, by glass, knives, or other sharp objects; or crushing injuries, as when the fingertip gets caught in a door or window or is hit by a hammer or rock.
Toddlers pound pegs with a plastic hammer or pretend to cut wood with a toy saw.
A stimulus, such as a light tap with a rubber hammer, causes sensory neurons (nerve cells) to send signals to the spinal cord.
These tools are used to hammer your pole into the ground, and make set-up easier when you find yourself on compacted sand.
It features a HEPA air filter with Arm & Hammer baking soda to filter out tough smells.
The Tower Air Cleaner has a HEPA air filter with built in Arm & Hammer baking soda.
This unit also has a HEPA filter with Arm & Hammer enhancements.
Some Good Housekeeping Seal products are Philips Sonicare and Arm & Hammer Spinbrush.
Arm & Hammer Spinbrush is a great option for kids.
Paint or varnish the wood, then distress with a hammer.
Hammer a long nail through the cross arms one to two inches away from the ends so that the pointed end of the nail sticks up.
Although it sounds like it would be the easiest to write of all types of poetry, many writers discover that free verse can pretty intimidating when they sit down to hammer some out.
Take the hammer, and making sure there are no fingers and toes in the way, give the wintergreen candy a good whack!
This experiment also works if you simply chew the candy in a dark closet--but it's more easily viewable if you smash it by hammer.
Arm and Hammer lets you sign up to receive up to $10.50 in coupons for odor control cat litter products.
You don't need to hammer away at other stores to get them to drop their prices when you can use Lowe's coupon codes and get substantial savings without breaking a sweat.
Or perhaps you have bunions, hammer toes, calluses, or corns.
If you come from Russia the sickle and hammer paired with the bear could be your sign of patriotism.
In some cases, a small hammer may be necessary to tap the pins out of each link.
If the pin doesn't appear to be moving, use the small hammer to tap it free.
Arm & Hammer makes a good one, and there are other brands to choose from as well that will work just as efficiently.
Take the can out and use a hammer and nail to poke holes in the can where you have marked.
With hammer curls, your hands will be facing each other.
Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls - Stand with feet shoulder width-apart, knees bent and abs tense.
However, if you persist and continue to hammer that budding injury week after week, you're bound to get into bigger problems before long.
While the traditional biceps curl and the hammer curl create the most muscular definition, the hammer curl is actually more functional.
However, because of the angle of the elbows, free weights or resistance bands are necessary for performing the hammer curl.
You can also crack the beans with a hammer or a nutcracker and use a blow dryer to blow away the loose husks.
If you've ever seen Miami Vice, then you've heard Jan Hammer's beat-driven theme song to the popular television program.
Their version of Pete Seeger's If I Had a Hammer was particularly popular.
Pete Seeger - Pete Seeger played in a band with Guthrie and penned protest music standards like If I Had a Hammer and Turn, Turn, Turn.
A&E network's Hammertime follows MC Hammer and his family as he attempts to relaunch his music career.
Viewers get a glimpse into the lifestyle Hammer has endured since his career declined as well as the struggle he faces to get back to where he was.
Stephanie Burrell is Hammer's wife of 23 years and mother of his six children.
While Hammer is off in the studio recording, it falls to her to run the household and keep the kids on track and on schedule.
This shy son of Hammer struggles with his school work but is a talented poet and writer.
He has been living in the house since he was ten years old when his mother, Hammer's sister, found out she had a brain tumor.
Lyin' Marv, also sometimes called Cousin Marv, is Hammer's former roommate.
Now working for Hammer and an honorary Burrell, he brings comic relief and dependable friendship to the Burrell clan.
Hammer himself, real name Stanley Burrell, is the central character on the show.
After reaching superstardom status in the late 80's and early 90's thanks to his music, his dance moves and his parachute pants, a series of bad financial decisions and changing musical tastes led Hammer to lose it all.
In 1958, Hammer Films released their version of Dracula, released in the US as The Horror of Dracula.
Hammer Films spent the sixties making sequels and spinoffs in this franchise, most of which starred both Cushing and Lee.
There can also be other elements thrown in that draw on anything from Jung to classic Hammer Studios horror films.
Who knew it was really the sound of a hammer hitting a guy wire on an antenna tower!
Ancient Elven runes inscribed on the sword declare it to be the "Foe of Morgoth's realm," and "Hammer of the Orcs."
It would take a sledge hammer or more to break down this portal.
These surround little spherules of glass which are detached when the rock is struck with a hammer.
The slag and matte formed float upon the lead in the crucible and are tapped, usually together, at intervals into slag-pots, where the heavy matter settles on the bottom and the light slag on the top. When cold they are readily separated by a blow from a hammer.
On the top of the tower is the effigy of a man in iron who strikes the hours with a hammer.
It must be admitted, however, that both the tools and the processes have escaped the archaeologist, as they did "the ablest goldsmiths in Spain, for they never could conceive how they had been made, there being no sign of a hammer or an engraver or any other instrument used by them, the Indians having none such" (Herrera).
The rapid advance in mechanical engineering in the latter part of this second period stimulated the iron industry greatly, giving it in 1728 Payn and Hanbury's rolling mill for rolling sheet iron, in 1760 John Smeaton's cylindrical cast-iron bellows in place of the wooden and leather ones previously used, in 1783 Cort's grooved rolls for rolling bars and rods of iron, and in 1838 James Nasmyth's steam hammer.
In forging, whether under a hammer or under a press, the action is evidently a squeeze, however skilfully guided.
The piece travels through the rolls very rapidly, so that the reduction takes place over its whole length in a very few seconds, whereas in forging, whether under hammer or press, after one part of the piece has been compressed the piece must next be raised, moved forward, and placed so that the hammer or press may compress the next part of its length.
Much as in the smith's forge the object forged rests on a massive anvil and anvil block, B and C, and is struck by the tup D of the hammer.
The first cost of a hammer of moderate size is much less than that of a hydraulic press of like capacity, as is readily understood when we stop to reflect what powerful pressure, if gradually applied, would be needed to drive the nail which a light blow from our hand hammer forces easily into the woodwork.
Nevertheless the press uses much less power than the hammer, because much of the force of the latter is dissipated in setting up useless - indeed harmful, and at times destructive - vibrations in the foundations and the surrounding earth and buildings.
Moreover, the effect of the sharp blow of the hammer is relatively superficial, and does not penetrate to the interior of a large piece as the slowly applied pressure of the hydraulic press does.
Because of these facts the great hammers have given place to enormous forging presses, the 125-ton Bethlehem hammer, for instance, to a 14,000-ton hydraulic press, moved by water under a pressure of FIG.
By the Etruscans he was also supposed to be a kind of executioner of the powers of the nether world, who, armed with an enormous hammer, was associated with Mars in the slaughter of battle.
Bronze is cast, whereas at a later time it shows signs of the hammer.
The metal or stone hammer with a long handle was unknown till Greek or Roman times; but, for beating out metal, hemispherical stones (5) were held in the hand, and swung at arms length overhead.
It shows no trace of grinding lines or attrition, nor yet of the blows of a hammer.
The portraiture in such hammer work is amazingly life-like.
In the form of plate it can be tempered and annealed till its elasticity and toughness are much increased, and it can then be formed into almost any shape under the hammer and punch.
The abundance in which iron is found in so many places, its great strength, its remarkable ductility and malleability in a red-hot state, and the ease with which two heated surfaces of iron can be welded together under the hammer combine to make it specially suitable for works on a large scale where strength with lightness are required - things such as screens, window-grills, ornamental hinges and the like.
In its hot plastic state iron can be formed and modelled under the hammer to almost any degree of refinement, while its great strength allows it to be beaten out into leaves and ornaments of almost paperlike thinness and delicacy.
Of the two chief methods of working bronze, gold and silver, it is probable that the hammer process was first practised, at least for statues, among the Greeks, who themselves attributed the invention of the art of hollow casting to Theodorus and Rhoecus, both Samian sculptors, about the middle of the 6th century B.C. Pausanias specially mentions that one of the oldest statues he had ever seen was a large figure of Zeus in Sparta, made of hammered bronze plates riveted together.
These are mostly of great beauty, and show remarkable skill in the use of the hammer, as well as power in adapting the design to the requirements of the material.
Sheet metals can be made to assume almost any shape under the hammer, or by pressure, provided they are subjected to annealing to restore the property of malleability.
The methods employed are "raising" by the hammer, and pressing in dies.
If a circular disk is wrought into a hemisphere and the attempt is made to hammer the edges round, crumpling must occur.
The streaks are sometimes partly softened or crushed by means of a steam hammer during the process of opening the bale, then taken to the "strikers-up" where the different varieties are selected and hung on pins, and then taken to the jute softening machine.
Even if maggaba does denote the ordinary workman's hammer, and not the great smith's hammer which would more fitly symbolize the impetuosity of Judas, this is not a fatal objection.
Nearly Ioo stone implements were excavated - axes, hammer axes, stone hammers and mauls - which, according to Dr Gowland, who superintended the work, had been used not only for breaking the rude blocks into regular forms, but also for working down their faces to a level or curved surface.
His weapons, tools and other appliances such as the hammer, hatchet, spear, knife, awl, thread, net, canoe, &c., are the evident rudimentary analogues of what still remains in use among Europeans.
During the wars between Sobieski, king of Poland (167496), and the Turks, Moldavia found itself between hammer and anvil, and suffered terribly from Tatar devastations.
On the removal of the pads, or the cutting out of the face of the mortar where pads were not used, the vacant joint was gradually filled with almost dry mortar, a hammer and caulking tool being used to consolidate it.
An arpa or divining-rod was laid on a definite spot, the drum beaten by a hammer, and conclusions drawn from the position taken up by the arpa.
To the harmful race of giants (demons), on the other hand, he was an implacable foe, and many stories are told in the poetic and prose Eddas of the destruction which he brought upon them at various times with his hammer.
In the German mythology the army of darkness is led by Hel, the personification of twilight, sunk to the goddess who enchains the dead and terrifies the living, and Loki, originally the god of fire, but afterwards "looked upon as the father of the evil powers, who strips the goddess of earth of her adornments, who robs Thor of his fertilizing hammer, and causes the death of Balder the beneficent sun."
Von Hammer concluded that the Thousand and One Nights were of Persian or Indian origin.
In the case of those seeds amongst which are found pieces of iron (hammer heads amongst palm kernels, &c.), the seeds are passed over magnetic separators, which retain the pieces of iron.
The metal sinks through the ignited fuel, forming, in the hearth, a spongy mass or ball, which is lifted out by the smelters at the end of each operation, and carried to the forge hammer.
And she had rubbed her morals in his face again – only this time she had used other people's opinion as a hammer to drive her morals home.
A few minutes later he returned with a scrap of wood, some nails and a hammer.
Such metal was probably flattened by repeatedly striking a flat hammer stone on a large stone anvil.
Value Added Tax Value Added Tax on the hammer price is imposed by law on all items affixed with an asterisk or double asterisk.
At Sheffield based auctioneers ELR four Bond titles have gone under the hammer for UK record prices, to the same private collector.
The loss of Kevin Nicholls and Steve Howard is a hammer blow.
And also, ever since I got the bunion and the hammer toe, the slippers are a thing of the past.
I have this cardinal in the forge already; Now I ' ll bring him to th ' hammer.
The various long handled knives used in clog making, also a clog makers last hammer.
A heavy lump hammer is required if you find any concretions from the ' Crackers ' layer.
Whack it a few times with a lump hammer, it breaks and the little cubbyhole gets bigger.
In front of our forge was a small steam hammer worked by a rather dour individual.
Drill into the brick work using the hammer drill into the brick work using the hammer drill.
A 2316VM resonance free vibro hammer and a Dawson HPH2400 hydraulic drop hammer were mobilized to site.
They will be also playing a variety of other instruments including the hammer dulcimer.
A new external electro magnetic hammer was fitted to the tenor for an hour strike to operate.
The blades may need knocking occasionally with a hammer to remove encrustations.
The painful results of my indiscipline with my hammer invite inner growth, which is the only enduring gift of the tool.
I took a copper dolly and hand hammer from my toolbox and gave the outer flange of the pin a sharp clout.
A long handled hammer was all that was needed to detect wheels with hairline fractures.
Hammer's first venture into the sci-fi and horror genre, but let down by the poor production values and a weak script.
They were to implement a hammer moving across the screen, touching a gong, and a gong sound should then be made.
Then knock out the remains of the old haft, using a hammer and punch or blunt chisel.
Indiana Gary (of Tilley hat fame) also returned with his pockets full of the products of the swinging of his geological hammer.
And yet, to wield a hammer to a war-plane carries a sentence of ten years in an Irish prison.
A light tap with a 7lb sledge hammer remedied the fault!
Thankfully it was thin enough to yield to the lump hammer.
It was at this point the Atlantic breaker hit the surf board with the force of a steam hammer.
It would probably be worth hiring a jack hammer for the job.
He may have seen this water driven tilt hammer used for crushing metal ore in Yorkshire.
The rice husks were removed by crushing with a mortar or pounding with a wooden hammer.
It was shown that the energy imparted by the hammer blows had been insufficient to render the dogs insensible.
Returning Hammer Frank Lampard ignores the jeers to give the champions a first-half lead after Michael Essien is stretchered off.
While the hammer is still depressed the intermediate lever comes to rest on a small leather-covered ledge near the top of the hopper.
Peterborough Herald BARRY Fry has been handed a major hammer blow with defensive linchpin Simon Rea facing up to another injury nightmare.
The team raced in a replica viking longboat called " The Hammer of the Gods " .
Jeremy Smyth and Lynda Low, both silver medalists in 2001, took fourth and fifth in the 2003 javelin and hammer events respectively.
Partly this may be a matter of teaching useful skills - how to hold a fork or hammer a nail.
As it turned out the rain decided to hammer down even harder and the decision to abandon the game became a no-brainer.
The hammer was changed but the crack remains - and gives the distinctive, slightly off-key, tone that we hear today from.. .
Then using a ball pein hammer, form the end of the rivet by carefully hammering to mushroom it out.
They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into sickles.
The huge thunder god, Thor, always carried his hammer with him.
To overcome obstacles, it helps to have a partner with whom you can share your concerns and hammer out critical strategies and decisions.
Use a hammer with a crown head to dimple the area around nails.
Gunslingers hide behind wagon wheels, duck under horse troughs, and shoot their gun by slamming the hammer with their palm.
When he swings at you, use Beowulf's Hammer, roll out of harm's way, then try to attack him from the back.
The fracture is perfectly conchoidal, so that blows with a hammer detach flakes which have convex, slightly undulating surfaces.