Halves Sentence Examples
The mouth is very narrow, and the halves of the under-jaw are not distensible.
Its two halves have each a negative and a positive scene.
Each valve is formed by the halves of contiguous carpels.
Make the umbrella shape by cutting a round cake in half and stacking the two halves on top of each other.
The pulley is in halves to facilitate fixing, and when in place the sections C are joined by plates E, bolted or riveted to the rim.
Just like last week's game, missed free throws proved costly in both halves of the match.
In the primitive Phyllopoda the ventral chain retains the ladder-like arrangement found in some Annelids and lower worms, the two halves being widely separated and the pairs of ganglia connected together across the middle line by double transverse commissures.
Usually these have a heart that is divided into halves.
The skull has a remarkably narrow and pointed muzzle and much inflated auditory bullae; while the two halves of the lower jaw are firmly welded together at their junction, thus effectually preventing the scissor-like action of the lower incisors distinctive of Macropus and its immediate allies.
In the higher groups the two halves of the chain are more or less closely approximated and coalesced, and, in addition, a concentration of the ganglia in a longitudinal direction takes place, leading ultimately, in many cases, to the formation of an unsegmented ganglionic mass representing the whole of the ventral chain.
AdvertisementWooden pulleys are generally made in two halves, bolted together at the rim and nave, and are provided with wooden spokes dovetailed into the rim and secured by keys.
The series of halves 2 in the one case, and of thirds in the I O I other, are entirely different series of 2 fractional numbers, but we can corn ‚ 0 0 pare them by putting each in its proper position in relation to the series of sixths.
The old national levy of the fyrd was made somewhat more serviceable by an ordinance which divided it into two halves, one of which must take the field when the other was dismissed.
The now waning group of Perissodactyla would appear to have originally been a northern one, as all the three existing families, rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae), tapirs (Tapiridae), and horses (Equidae), are well represented in the Tertiaries of both halves of the northern hemisphere.
There was no native coinage, the French 5-franc piece or dollar being the standard, and all sums under that amount were obtained by cutting up those coins into all shapes and sizes, which were weighed with small weights and scales into halves, quarters, eighths, twelfths and twenty-fourths of a dollar, and even reckoned down to the seven hundred and twentieth fraction of the same amount.
AdvertisementSandwich the two hazelnut meringue halves together with this and place on a serving plate dust with icing sugar.
Two halves of an arched girder roadway support, bolted together with fishplates.
Each pot is sectioned into two halves; the top flips open to reveal a cream eye color, while the bottom contains shimmery loose powder.
The halves are in constant motion as they flow and meld into one another.
The field is divided into two parts that for most positions of the analyser have different intensities, and the setting is effected by turning the analyser until both halves are equally dark.
AdvertisementThe eye must be focussed on the edge of the plate, and the two halves of the field will only be equally dark when the principal plane of the plate is parallel to the primitive plane of polarization.
The sensitiveness of the instrument depends upon the exactness of the sensitive tint, when the colour of the two halves of the field are the same, and this is liable to be upset by absorption in the substance under investigation.
If one cuts out by a diaphragm in the back focal plane of the objective all diffraction spectra except the principal maximum, one sees in the image a field divided into two halves, which show with different clearness, but no banding.
It has been suggested that the incoordination of nervous action under the influence of Indian hemp may be due to independent and non-concerted action on the part of the two halves of the cerebrum.
Mesohippus and Miohippus are connected with the earliest and most primitive mammal which it is possible to include in the family Equidae by means of Epihippus of the Uinta or Upper Eocene of North America, and Pachynolophus, or Orohippus, of the Middle and Lower Eocene of both halves of the northern hemisphere.
AdvertisementThe hackneyed old football cliché "a game of two halves," was proved correct yet again.
In this way, when the two halves are reunited a perfectly cylindrical form is guaranteed.
Rather like a good dame of football, this album is a tale of two halves.
With other center halves injured or young, Lennie Lawrence opted to give a league debut to Fan Zhiyi.
Put 5 tbsp vinegar in a shallow dish just wide enough to fit 4 breast halves.
Place the chicken on a wooden board and serve it at the table, with the sweetcorn guacamole and roasted lemon halves.
His proposal for an auction house consists of a building in two halves, separated by the river Thames.
The kits are suitable for a typical return landing and include newels, newel bases and newel caps also supplied as halves.
As the repair panels for the inner sill come in two halves I decided to do the front half first.
The bar frame of the wind chest was made in two halves, with a vertical slider between the two halves of the chest.
Turn the halves by sliding a spatula under the pear, from the stem side.
Most Referees like to keep their Assistant Referees patrolling the same touchline in both halves of the game.
The evil tycoon Koga Shuko is obsessed with finding both halves of the Double Dragon a talisman which will give him awesome mystical powers.
By dividing a line into two halves the working speed will be dependent upon the KR of the longest half, and as both K and R are directly proportional to the length of the line, the KR product for the half of a circuit is but one quarter that of the whole length of the circuit, and the retardation is correspondingly small.
This surface is divided into two parallel halves by a short insulating space on which the arm normally rests, so that two separate conducting surfaces are provided, with either one of which the arm will make contact in its excursions in one direction or the other from the central position, the direction and duration of contact being governed by the motion of the suspended coil.
The tergites, or chitinized dorsal halves of the body rings, are fused to form a " prosomatic carapace," or carapace of the prosoma, in both Limulus and Scorpio (see figs, 7 and 8).
For he applied himself to manufacture wares having a close affinity with the shocking monstrosities used for sepulchral purposes in ancient Apulia, where fragments of dissected satyrs, busts of nymphs or halves of horses were considered graceful excrescences for the adornment of an amphora or a pithos.
Those I send you I value in quires at 6 shillings, to take my money as they are sold, or at 5sh' for ready, or else at some short time; for I am satisfied there is no dealing in books without interesting the booksellers; and I am contented to let them go halves with me, rather than have your excellent work smothered by their combinations.
The catechetic course, which formerly preceded the complete rite, now intervenes between its two halves; and the sponsors who formerly attested the worthiness of the candidate and received him up as anadochi out of the font, have become god-parents, who take the baptismal vows vicariously for infants who cannot answer for themselves.
A lot of the originals have their bottom halves missing when they are found, but this is rectified when they are recast.
Use two 9 X 13 cakes for the base, and then create a headboard on one side by cutting a round cake in half and 'gluing' these two halves on one end of the 9 X 13 cakes with frosting.
A wedding gift should be something that both halves of the couple can use and that both will appreciate.
The tang should run the full length of the handle and should be visible as a metal line between the two handle halves.
You may only toast two pieces of bread or two halves of a bagel at once.
If you find that the colors that are complementary to your eye color are not so great with your skin tone, you can look at the wheel in two halves.
Sometimes, chicken piccata recipes ask the cook to pound the chicken, but I have found that I get good results just by butterflying them and separating the halves.
Cut the squash in half and drizzle olive oil on both halves.
If you do not know one of the "better halves" as well as the other, a gift card is a great way to give them a present they both will enjoy.
Place the cut halves, curved side up, on a serving tray so that they appear as one thick half-moon shape.
Spread the area between the two halves with a thin layer of buttercream frosting so that the halves stick together.
Cut a wedge or pie shape in the first third of the curved halves.
The two "halves" of two-component cake pans can be "glued" together with buttercream frosting before decorating the whole cake.
To do this, use a pre-molded cake pan, such as Wilton's Stand-Up Cuddly Bear Pan or a spherical pan that will bake two halves of a round cake.
Join the halves of the finished cake together by pasting them with buttercream, and use a sharp serrated knife to cut away parts and paste on new parts with frosting to form the shape of a frog.
Separate the two halves of the cake, add the center filling or layer, and join them back together again.
During a Christian wedding ceremony, the ministering pastor often explains that the band represents eternity and two halves joining together into one.
If you prefer, you can separate the two halves, then and share it with the Jacob in your life.
The wolves' heart and toes contain magnets so the two halves can become one.
When united, the two pendant halves display Genesis 18.24 in full on the back.
Petite women also gain the benefit of longer looking legs when their top halves--and then some--aren't completely covered.
This will cause the two halves of the screen to swap places, and like the other powers, it's necessary to solve certain puzzles.
Both halves are touch-sensitive and morphs based on the current application.
This gland is divided into the anterior (front) and posterior (back) halves.
Comminuted fractures have two or more fragments broken into small pieces, in addition to the upper and lower halves of a fractured bone.
Soon after closure of the neural tube, the brain divides into two halves, or hemispheres.
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and is divided into two halves or hemispheres as well.
A primary generalized seizure occurs when electrical discharges begin in both halves (hemispheres) of the brain at the same time.
Although it's possible to find many artistic variations of the yin yang symbol, there is really only one correct way to orient the two halves.
Said to resemble the tails of two fish or the shapes of two tear drops, the two halves of the inner circle are in opposite colors.
The separation of the two halves of the yin yang sign is distinct.
There are no shades of gray as the two halves are in perfect balance and harmony with one another.
Within each of the halves of the symbol are two smaller circles, often referred to as the eyes of the fish or the seeds of the opposite.
This dot now marks the division of the line into two equal halves.
The Tao circle is divided into two halves, only the halves are stylized teardrops.
This method involves the use of colored construction paper that can be folded and cut to represent halves, thirds, fourths, and other amounts.
Fold the first piece in half then open back up so the crease in the middle creates two halves on the paper.
Both halves are joined on the diagonal to minimize hip width, and the suit is completed by a sassy row of pink and black ruffles.
A lot of pear-shaped girls feel like they should cover up their bottom halves as much as possible to make them visually shrink.
A pretty floral pattern paired with a dark bottom make the Island Orchid one piece perfect for women who want to focus on their top halves while minimizing their bottom halves.
Women who want to add some oomph to their upper halves have plenty of options.
Just open the grinder, place your herbs or spices on one side, close it up and twist the two halves.
Drape your sheet across one shoulder so that both halves of the sheet fall straight down.
The standard top for women is the "bra" of coconut halves (usually made of plastic), although this is actually nontraditional.
The Internet has really expanded the options for single people looking for their other halves.
Most fold in halves or thirds and are held together by a clasp.
It doesn't matter if the injustice is small, like dividing a chocolate bar in unequal halves, or a large one like drawing up an international peace treaty.
The cycles of the zodiac are also calculated by dividing them into thirds (primordial, individual and universal), and further into halves (objective and subjective).
Cut in halves, squares, or triangles and serve as a snack or with breakfast.
Cards can be made by folding a piece of construction paper in halves or fourths.
Place in a pile and have the preschoolers match up the daisy halves.
The horse featured here is actually split into two halves; the left half of the shoe features the lower half of the horse's body, while the right side showcases the upper portion.
Other dual images include mirror images of faces on either side of a vase, dual wings, or any image with two halves.
That's not to say that each phrase only has to have three or four words; any musician will tell you that dividing the beats into halves or quarters is easy enough and is in fact even more stimulating to the ear.
Then you can fold those halves in half and make four "pages" out of one sheet of paper.
Glue the halves together using school glue or craft glue.
Coat the insides of each egg half with petroleum jelly, then set the halves upright in the egg carton.
Wait a few minutes until the mixture appears to have a mud-like consistency, then combine the two halves and briskly shake the egg to make sure the chalk is completely mixed.
Place seasoned squash halves cut side down on baking sheet; place whole garlic bulb next to squash.
Two 15-minute halves - NFL games consist of four 15-minute quarters.
Just in case that wasn't sexy enough, the two halves of the 'V" meet in a delicate heart that's guaranteed to send pulses racing!
Texas' history is like a game of two halves, where the first half was experimental tapping of the musical football, and the second half consisted more of targeted punts straight to the back of the music chart net.
As they pass into this position they undergo a longitudinal splitting by which the chromatin in each chromosome becomes divided into equal halves.
In all forms the rhyme is the same throughout the poem, and is confined to the second half of the line except in the first line where the two halves rhyme.
A median mesentery running dorsoventrally supports the alimentary canal and is continued behind it into the tail, thus dividing the body cavity into two lateral halves.
He at once brought his second line back to oppose them, but while he was doing so the French leader filled up the gap between himself and the frontal assailants by posting infantry around Wagnelee, and also guns on the neighbouring hill whence their fire enfiladed both halves of the enemy's army up to the limit of their ranging power.
Such a view gets over the difficulty arising from the unequal length of the two halves of the Decalogue.
Compound chains are formed by the super-position of two or more simple chains, and in these more complex chains links will be found carrying three, or even more, halves of kinematic pairs.
Owing to the slight union of the two halves of the lower jaw in front in many species the two lower incisors work together like the blades of a pair of scissors.
The two halves of the nave are secured by bolts or rivets passing through the flanges F, and the pulley is connected to the shaft by a sunk key or by conical keys driven in between the shaft and the boss, which latter is bored to suit.
These are unicellular algae characterized by the silicified cell made by two halves.
Cut a grape in half along its vertical axis leaving a tiny bit of skin linking the two halves.
Arrange peach halves cavity side down and sprinkle brown sugar over.
Slice the two remaining halves length ways into thin slices.
He took a potato, drew out his clasp knife, cut the potato into two equal halves on the palm of his hand, sprinkled some salt on it from the rag, and handed it to Pierre.
The The two " halves " are unequal in size.
Lay four noodle halves over the tomato mixture.
Squeeze the lemon juice from the lemon halves into a plastic cup or bowl.
Having dwelt in that egg for a year, that lord spontaneously by his own thought split that egg in two; and from the two halves he fashioned the heaven and the earth, and in the middle,the sky,and the eight regions (the points of the compass), and the perpetual place of the waters.
Nothing but the most powerful common interests could have drawn the dissevered halves of Germany together.
In addition to these " common affairs " the Hungarians, indeed, recognized that there were certain other matters which it was desirable should be managed or identical principles in the two halves of the monarchy - namely, customs and excise currency; the army and common railways.
A kinematic link of the simplest form is made by joining up the halves of two kinematic pairs by means of a rigid link.
In the region of the mouth where the two halves of the small arm-sinus approach one another they open into a central sinus lying beneath the oesophagus and partly walled in by the two halves of the ventral mesentery.
The anticipated agreement, however, was not attained; and the result of the council was simply to embitter the relations between the two great religious parties, and those between the Western and Eastern halves of the Empire.
The jugal is without an inferior angle, and extends forwards to the lachrymal; the palate is contracted in front and deeply emarginate behind; the incisors are short, and the molars divided by continuous folds into transverse plates; and the two halves of the lower jaw are welded together in front.
These are represented by the famous sea dikes called the Westkapelle dike and the Hondsbossche Zeewering, or sea-defence, which were begun respectively in the first and second halves of the 15th century.
In the lowest leaf is directly the point of insertion of the pair one leaf is in above the first, leaf in the node, dividing front and the other and commences the leaf into similar halves, at the back; in the the second cycle.
A common war against a common enemy now appeared the surest means of welding the dissevered halves of Germany together, and for this war Bismarck steadily prepared.
It must be noted that the authority of the joint ministers is restricted to common affairs, and that they are not allowed to direct or exercise any influence on affairs of government affecting separately one of the halves of the monarchy.
Its conclusion was prematurely greeted as the end of a period of economic strife between the two halves of the monarchy and as a pledge of a decade of peaceful development.
To the sending currents, however, the bridge offers only apparent ohmic resistance due to the fact that the current entering the mid-point of the winding flows through the two halves or arms in opposite direction, and, owing to the winding being on the same iron core, the mutual inductive effect of the two arms on one another neutralizes the self-induction to the sending currents.
The its natural position; d, appendage right and left halves are conextended or unrolled.
The sum of such a series is very approximately zero, each term being neutralized by the halves of its immediate neighbours, which are of the opposite sign.
It is evident that the waves from both halves of the grating are accelerated in an increasing degree, as we pass from the centre outFIG.
As this increases from zero, the two processions which correspond to the two halves of the aperture begin to overlap, and the overlapping gradually increases until there is almost complete superposition.
Accordingly, in reading the scales A and B (attached to the slides which carry the two halves of the object-glass), it is only necessary to turn the screws until the fixed 1 The primary object was to have the object-glass mounted in steel cells, which more nearly correspond in expansion with glass.
In 1803, the two halves (plus the Frick glen, ceded in 1802 by Austria to the Helvetic Republic) were united under the name of Kanton Aargau, which was then admitted a full member of the reconstituted Confederation.
The direct and reflected systems are practically equal, and by suitably timing the vibrations of the hand for each case the rope may be made to vibrate as a whole, as two halves, as three-thirds and so on.
The city of Geneva is situated at the south-western extremity of the beautiful lake of the same name, whence the "arrowy Rhone" flows westwards under the seven bridges by which the two halves of the town communicate with each other.
It will be seen that the umbilical fissure (u) divides the organ into right and left halves, as in the lower vertebrates, but that the ventral part of each half is divided into a central and lateral lobe.
The deep valley of the Kinzig divides it laterally into halves, of which the southern, with an average elevation of 3000 ft., is the wilder and contains the loftiest peaks, which again mostly lie towards the western side.
The vessel may be a flower-pot sawn in two, so that the halves may be bound together when used, or it may be a flower-pot or box with a side slit which will admit the shoot; this vessel is to be filled compactly with suitable porous earth, the opening at the slit being stopped by pieces of slate or tile.
The heart is practically quadrilocular, the right and left halves being completely partitioned, except for a small communication, the foramen Panizzae, between the right and left aortae where these cross each other on leaving their respective ventricles.
He heard hurried footsteps beyond the door, both halves of it were opened rapidly; all was silent and then from the study the sound was heard of other steps, firm and resolute--they were those of Napoleon.
The sea does not appear to have extended completely across Australia, breaking it into halves, for a projection from the Archean plateau of Western Australia extended as far east as the South Australian highlands, and thence probably continued eastward, till it joined the Victorian highlands.
The right and left halves are completely divided by septa, no mixture of the venous and arterial blood being possible, an advance upon reptilian conditions, even the highest.
The intestine is slung by a median dorsal and ventral mesentery which divides the body cavity into two symmetrically shaped halves; it is " stayed " by two transverse septa, the anterior or gastroparietal band running from the stomach to the body wall and the posterior or ileoparietal band running from the intestine to the body wall.
Other churches having historical associations are the two Greyfriars churches, which occupy the two halves of one building; Tron church, the scene of midnight hilarity at the new year; St Cuthbert's church; St Andrew's church in George Street, whence set out, on a memorable day in 1843, that long procession of ministers and elders to Tanfield Hall which ended in the founding of the Free Church; St George's church in Charlotte Square, a good example of the work of Robert Adam.
The accession of the Emperor Charles, and the ferment aroused by the Russian Revolution, led to considerable political changes in both halves of the Dual Monarchy, the most notable being the dismissal of Count Tisza from the Hungarian premiership (May 23 1917), the grant of a general political amnesty, and the summons of the Austrian Reichsrat, which had not been allowed to meet since March 1914.
In such a series each term may be regarded as very nearly indeed destroyed by the halves of its immediate neighbours, and thus the sum of the whole series is represented by half the first term, which stands over uncompensated.
For the navy, which had materially only a narrow margin of superiority over the Russian Pacific Squadron, the object was to keep the two halves of that squadron, at Port Arthur and Vladivostok respectively, separate and to destroy them in detail.
The division of the Empire resulted finally in the division of the Church, which was practically complete by the end of the 6th century, but was made official and final only in 1054, and the Eastern and Western halves, the Greek Catholic and the Roman Catholic Churches, went each its separate way.
The digastric muscles also are remarkable for their well-defined central tendon, and in many species their anterior bellies are united between the two halves of the lower jaw.
The unity of the monarchy is expressed in the common head of the state, who bears the title Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary, and in the common administration of a series of affairs, which affect both halves of the Dual Monarchy.
He who is only a traveller learns things at second-hand and by the halves, and is poor authority.
The eastern and western halves ale contrasted in climate-the former being moist and the latter dryand have been distinguished by some zoologists as distinct subregions.
In the middle line the sub-oesophageal nerve mass is small; the ganglion is in fact drawn out into two halves placed on either side of the body.
There is a dorsal interruption to the disk, in volving both trochus and cingulum and groove in this case the two halves of the disk may be developed in lobes, flower-shaped in Melicerta ringens, but often rounded and projecting like kettledrums. These give a strong impression of two crown wheels revolving in the same sense.
The sole consists of two halves slanting against each other,.