Hallowing Sentence Examples
In like manner the special ritual at the temple prescribed for the Sabbath by the Pentateuchal law was not regarded as any part of the hallowing of the sacred day; on the contrary, the rule was that, in this regard, "Sabbath was not kept in the sanctuary."
Lastly come those needful to the hallowing and instituting of other sacraments, those which concern the conferring of orders or of monkish habit.
When His disciples, having watched Him at prayer, desired to be taught how to pray, they were bidden to address God as " Father "; to ask first for the hallowing of the Father's name, and the coming of His kingdom; then for their daily food, for the pardon of their sins and for freedom from temptation.
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So the water when it is exorcised and becomes baptismal, not only drives out the evil principle, but also contracts a power of hallowing."