Halle Sentence Examples
At Leipzig, Göttingen and Halle he studied for four years, ultimately devoting himself to mathematics and astronomy.
The elder Forster, however, was soon provided for elsewhere, being appointed professor of natural history at Halle.
In Germany a few Cartesian lecturers taught at Leipzig and Halle, but the system took no root, any more than in Switzerland, where it had a brief reign at Geneva after 1669.
In 1874 a further rise in the fork to a' 454 was instigated by Sir Charles Halle.
He studied at Halle, and became professor of philosophy at Halle and at Frankfort on the Oder, where he died in 1762.
His brother, Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten (1706-1 7 57), was professor of theology at Halle, and applied the methods of Wolff to theology.
See life by Semler (Halle, 1758).
Baumgarten of Halle (1706-1757) in disengaging the current dogmatic theology from its many scholastic and mystical excrescences, and thus paved a way for a revolution in theology.
Schulze and Nosselt published a new edition (6 vols., Halle, 1769-74) based on that of their predecessors; a glossary was afterwards added by Bauer.
In 1834 he was called to a professorship at Halle, where he remained till his death, on the 11th of January 1884.
AdvertisementAt Berlin (1844-1846) and Halle (1846-1847) he studied theology, philosophy and oriental languages.
He was of peasant origin, but obtained a good education at Sofia and then at Halle in Germany.
He studied at Breslau, Gottingen and Berlin, first law, then theology; and in 1839 became professor ordinarius of theology at Halle (1839).
He died at Halle on the 27th of September 1878.
Two years later Nitzsch, who was indefatigable in his endeavour to discover the natural families of birds and had been pursuing a series of researches into their vascular system, published the result, at Halle in Saxony, in his Observationes de avium arteria carotide communi, in which is included a classification drawn up in accordance with the variation of structure which that important vessel presented in the several groups that he had opportunities of examining.
AdvertisementBaptized on the 25th of February 1806, in the same year Neander went to Halle to study divinity.
Leopold received his education first at Donndorf, a school established in an old monastery near his home, and then at the famous school of Schulpforta, whence he passed to the university of Halle and later to that of Berlin.
In 1738 he went to Halle to finish his theological studies; he was a devoted worker in the Franckesche Stiftung, which later served as a partial model for his great-grandson's community at St Johnland, Long Island.
In 1742, in reply to a call from the Lutheran churches of Pennsylvania, he went to Philadelphia, and was joined from time to time, especially in 1745, by students from Halle.
He studied theology at Halle and Göttingen.
AdvertisementIn 1813 he became repetent at Göttingen, and in 1814 he received the degree of doctor in philosophy from Halle; in 1816 he removed to Berlin, where he became licentiate in theology, and qualified as privatdocent.
At Göttingen he remained, declining all further calls elsewhere, as to Erlangen, Kiel, Halle, Tubingen, Jena and Leipzig, until his death, which occurred on the 4th of February 1855.
The North Army under Bernadotte, unknown to Napoleon, lay on Blucher's left around Halle.
He took part in founding the university of Halle (1694), where he became second and then first professor of law and rector of the university.
At Halle Michaelis felt himself out of place, and in 1745 he gladly accepted an invitation to Gottingen as privatdozent.
AdvertisementHis oriental studies were reshaped by diligent perusal of the works of Schultens; for the Halle school, with all its learning, had no conception of the principles on which a fruitful connexion between Biblical and Oriental learning could be established.
He was asked in 1709 to conduct a rich young gentleman to Dresden, and on his return journey he lectured at Leipzig, Halle and Hamburg.
Resigning in 1882 owing to conscientious scruples, he became professor extraordinarius of oriental languages in the faculty of philology at Halle, was elected professor ordinarius at Marburg in 1885, and was transferred to Gottingen in 1892.
After studying theology at Konigsberg, Halle and Berlin, he became professor extraordinarius at Konigsberg in 1852, and afterwards professor ordinarius at Berlin.
He studied with great distinction at Greif swald and at Wittenberg, and having made a special study of languages, theology and history, was appointed professor of Greek and Latin at Coburg in 1692, professor of moral philosophy in the university of Halle in 1693, and in 1705 professor of theology at Jena.
He was in 1693 appointed the first professor of medicine in the university of Halle, then just founded by the elector Frederick III.
George Ernest Stahl (1660-1734) was for more than twenty years professor of medicine at Halle, and thus a colleague of Hoffmann, whom he resembled in constructing a complete theoretical system, though their systems had little or nothing in common.
In 1810 he became professor extraordinarius in theology, and in 1811 ordinarius, at the university of Halle, where, in spite of many offers of high preferment elsewhere, he spent the rest of his life.
He died at Halle on the 23rd of October 1842.
For many years he also edited the Halle Allgemeine Litteraturzeitung.
He was intended for the medical profession, and studied at the universities of Berlin, Halle, Gottingen and Leiden.
The Gundlingiana of the latter person, published at Halle (1715-1732), and written partly in Latin and partly in German by the editor, contained a miscellaneous collection of juridical, historical and theological observations and dissertations.
Down to the early part of the 18th century Halle and Leipzig were the headquarters of literary journalism in Germany.
On being transferred to Halle in 1804 it was replaced by the Jenaische allgemeine Literaturzeitung, founded by Eichstadt.
Recent progress is reported in the scientific periodicals, especially in The Iron and Steel Metallurgist, formerly The Metallographist (Boston, Mass.), and Metallurgic (Halle).
The Historia Britonum has been critically edited by San Marte (Halle, 1854).
He read philosophy at Berlin, Halle and Heidelberg, devoting himself mainly to the doctrines of Hegel and Schleiermacher.
After holding the chair of philosophy at Halle for two years, he became, in 1833, professor at the university of Konigsberg, where he remained till his death on the 14th of July 1879.
Three hundred and twenty-nine letters to Augustus of Saxony dating from the 17th of November 1565 to the 8th of September 1581, and one hundred and eleven letters to the chancellor Mordeisen dating from November 1559 to the summer of 1565, are preserved in MS. in the Saxon archives, and were published by Ludovicus at Halle in 1699 under the title Arcana seculi decimi sexti.
Both in Germany and in Austria-Hungary the production of lignite is large - in the first-named especially in the districts about Halle and Cologne; in the second in northwestern Bohemia, Styria and Carniola.
Among other places he went to Heidelberg and Halle, and had his attention directed at Heidelberg to the canons of scripture criticism published by Gerhard von Ma.stricht, and at Halle to C. Vitringa's Anacrisis ad Apocalypsin.
He had already begun his labours as a historian, but after serving his sentence in 1837, found himself debarred till 1839 from completing his course at Halle, where in 1842 he obtained a professorship. Elected to the National Assembly at Frankfort in 1848, he joined the Right Centre party, and was chosen reporter of the projected constitution.
From the Waisenhaus at Halle he passed in 1733 to the university of Leipzig, and there spent five years.
He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1834; studied theology at Andover, where his health failed, at Bangor, and, after a year (1836-1837) as librarian and tutor in Greek at Bowdoin, in Germany at Halle, where he became personally intimate with Tholuck and Ulrici, and in Berlin, under Neander and Hengstenberg.
In 1829 he went to Halle as professor to teach church history, dogmatics and symbolics, but in 1836 he accepted a chair at Heidelberg.
Of the four universities founded by the Saxon electors at Leipzig, Jena, Wittenberg, later transferred to Halle, and Erfurt, now extinct, only the first is included in the present kingdom of Saxony.
He studied at Berlin and Halle, and in 1890 became professor ordinarius of theology at Jena.
From Saalberg the Saale enters the dreary limestone formation of Thuringia, sweeps beneath the barren, conical hills lying opposite to the university town of Jena, passes the pleasant watering-place of Kosen, washes numerous vine-clad hills and, after receiving at Naumburg the deep and navigable Unstrut, flows past Weissenfels, Merseburg, Halle, Bernburg and Kalbe, and joins the Elbe just above Barby, after traversing a distance of 226 m.
In Berlin Spener was held in high honour, though the tendencies of the court and the government officials were rather rationalistic than pietistic. The university of Halle was founded under his influence in 1694.
He was among those who met at Dessau in July 1525, and was a member of the league established at Halle in November 1533.
From that time till his death on the 21st of April 1825 he held the chair of mathematics at Halle.
In December, through Spener's influence, Francke accepted an invitation to fill the chair of Greek and oriental languages in the new university of Halle, which was at that time being organized by the elector Frederick III.
Through their influence upon the students, Halle became a centre from which pietism became very widely diffused over Germany.
He studied theology at the university of Halle, and became tutor to the eldest son of the baron von der Horst, to whose family he attached himself for a number of years.
In 1778 he accepted the professorship of philosophy at Halle.
At von Cansteln's death he left the Institute to the care of his friend August Hermann Francke, founder in 1698 of the famous Waisenhaus (orphanage) at Halle.
It included the present governmental department of Minden, but by far the larger part of the kingdom lay outside and chiefly to the east of the modern province, and comprised the Hanoverian department of Hildesheim and in part that of Arensberg, Brunswick, the northern part of the province of Saxony as far as the Elbe, Halle, and most of Hesse-Cassel.
Educated at Konigsberg, he became professor of philosophy first at Halle (1791-1799) and then at Rostock.
Owing to its pleasant situation and accessibility, it has become a favourite residence of business men of Leipzig and Halle.
Meanwhile his free lectures in Jena met with much acceptance, and led to an invitation from Gotthilf Francke to the post of assistant professor of theology and superintendent of schools connected with his orphanage at Halle.
But differences between the Pietists of Halle and himself soon became apparent.
He was offered by the senate of the theological faculty of Halle the alternative of doing penance before God, submitting to his superiors, and separating himself from Zinzendorf, or leaving the matter to the decision of the king, unless he preferred to "leave Halle quietly."
The case came before the king, and, on the 8th of April 1733, Spangenberg was conducted by the military outside the gates of Halle.
At first he went to Jena, but Zinzendorf at once sought to secure him as a fellow labourer, though the count wished to obtain from him a declaration which would remove from the Pietists of Halle all blame with regard to the disruption.
After two years he returned to Copenhagen, but his lectures excited so much disapproval that he took a professorship at Halle in 1804.
In 1721, after two years' study under Wolff, he became professor of philosophy at Halle, and in 1724 professor of mathematics.
The present infantry barracks were at one time occupied by the university of Wittenberg, founded in 1502, but merged in the university of Halle in 1815.
He founded the university of Halle, and the Academy of Sciences at Berlin; welcomed and protected Protestant refugees from France and elsewhere; and lavished money on the erection of public buildings.
Salt is obtained on a large scale partly from brine springs and partly from mines, the principal centres being Halle, Berchtesgaden, Traunstein and Rosenheirn.
Another result of Lessing's labours in Hamburg was the Antiquarische Briefe (1768), a series of masterly letters in answer to Christian Adolf Klotz (1738-1771), a professor of the university of Halle, who, after flattering Lessing, had attacked him, and sought to establish a kind of intellectual despotism by means of critical journals which he directly or indirectly controlled.
For instruction in agriculture there are agricultural schools attached to several universitiesnotably Berlin, Halle, Göttingen, Konigsberg, J ena, Poppelsdorf near Bonn, Munich and Leipzig.
The members of the Romanist league recently founded at Halle would not help the Habsburgs, and in June 1534, by the treaty of Cadan, King Ferdinand was forced to recognize the restoration as afait accompli; at the same time he was compelled to promise that he would stop all proceedings of the Reichskasnmergericht against the members of the league of Schmalkalden.
Much has also been done in Prussia, in Brandenburg, in Bavaria, in Hanover, in Wurttemberg and in Baden, and collections of authorities have been made by competent scholars, of which the Geschichtsquellen der Provinz Sachsen und angrenzender Gebiete (Halle, 1870, f 01.), which extends to forty volumes, the smaller Scrip/ores rerum Prussicarum (Leipzig, 1861-1874), and the seventy-seven volumes of the Publikationen aus den koniglichen preussischen Slaatsarchiven, veranlasst und unterstutzt durch die konigliche Archivverwaltung (Leipzig, 1878, fol.), may be cited as examples.
Not much can be said in praise of the complete translations into the German language, neither of that of Ullmann, which has appeared in several editions, nor of that of Henning (Leipzig) and Grigull (Halle), all of them shallow amateurs who have no notion of the difficulties to be met with in the task, and are almost entirely dependent on Sale.
The Vita Justiniani of Ludewig or Ludwig (Halle, 1731), a work of patient research, is frequently referred to by Gibbon in his important chapters relating to the reign of Justinian, in the Decline and Fall (see Bury's edition, 1900).
The Permian system (Zechstein) yields the great salt-deposits worked at Stassfurt and at Halle in Prussian Saxony.
In Germany the various forms of the non-Teutonic words Hall, Halle occurring in place-names point in the same way to ancient salt-works.
Early in the 15th century their residence was fixed at Halle, and about the same time it became the custom to select them from one of the reigning families of Germany, most often from the house of Brandenburg.
He was educated at the University of Halle, and was made doctor of philosophy in recognition of his thesis De Xenophane, Zenone et Gorgia.
At Halle Hinrichs maintained the standard of Hegelianism amid the opposition or indifference of his colleagues.
The evidence concerning Eustace is collected by Herren Wendelin Forster and Johann Trost, in their edition of the French poem "Wistasse le moine" (Halle, 1891).
In dire poverty he fled, in 1779, to Halle, where in spite of the opposition of the senate and the theologians, he obtained through the interest of the Prussian minister, von Zedlitz, permission to lecture on subjects other than theology.
The strain of writing had forced him to give up his lectures, and he had again opened an inn on the Weinberg near Halle.
On his return to Halle, he acted for some time as Privatdozent, but in 1773 was appointed to a professorial chair; in 1775 he was translated to Jena, where the rest of his life was spent (though he received calls to other universities).
His critical edition of the New Testament first appeared at Halle, in three volumes, in 1774-1775.
Of the second edition, considerably enlarged and improved, the first volume appeared in 1796 and the second in 1806 (Halle and London).
Among the other works of Griesbach (which are comparatively unimportant) may be mentioned his university thesis De codicibus quatuor evangelistarum Origenianis (Halle, 1771) and a work upon systematic theology (Anleitung zur Kenntniss der popularen Dogmatik, Jena, 1779).
It contains an Evangelical church, a theatre, a hydropathic establishment and several educational institutions, among which is an agricultural school affiliated to the university of Halle.
He entered the faculty at Halle in 1855, and started an historical Seminar.
After studying chemistry at Berlin and Strassburg, medicine at Halle, and mineralogy and metallurgy at Freiberg, he returned to his native city in 1735 as assistant to his father, Henning Christian Marggraf, chief apothecary at the court.
He studied at Halle, Jena and Heidelberg, and became an adherent of the party which sought to create a free and united Germany.
Dresden was affected in 1680, Magdeburg and Halle in 1682 - in the latter town with a mortality of 4397 out of a population of about 10,000.
The literature of the " Homeric Question " begins practically with Wolf's Prolegomena (Halle, 1795).
In 1825, with the aid of the Prussian government, he visited the libraries of England and Holland, and on his return was appointed (in 1826) professor ordinarius of theology at Halle, the centre of German rationalism, where he afterwards became preacher and member of the supreme consistorial council.
He died at Halle on the 10th of June 1877.
He studied philosophy and theology at Halle and Berlin, and lived at Halle during 1846 and 1847.
From 1851 he lectured in literature and philosophy at the university of Halle, and became professor in 1860.
Having studied theology at Lingen and Halle, he became successively rector of the grammar school at Mors (1793), professor of theology at Duisburg (1800), preacher at Crefeld, and afterwards at Kettwig, Consistorialrath and superintendent in Bernburg, and, after declining an invitation to the university of Bonn, pastor of the Ansgariuskirche in Bremen (1824).
Friedrich Wilhelm Krummacher (1796-1868), son of Friedrich Adolf, studied theology at Halle and Jena, and became pastor successively at Frankfort (1819), Ruhrort (1823), Gemarke, near Barmen in the Wupperthal (1825), and Elberfeld (1834).
He was educated at the gymnasium of Stuttgart, and at the universities of Tubingen, Halle and Berlin, where he was successively influenced by Baur and Schmid, by Tholuck and Julius Muller, by Strauss and, above all, Neander.
Karl Schwarz pursued the study of theology and philosophy at Halle, and afterwards at Bonn (1831) and Berlin (1832-1834).
From1843-1845he lectured at Halle, and was then suspended by the government.
In 1860, he moved to Halle as professor ordinarius of practical theology.
He died at Halle on the 25th of November 1900.
It was founded in 1810, when Prussia had lost her celebrated university of Halle, which Napoleon had included in his newly created kingdom of Westphalia.
In 1840 he helped to found the Zeitschrift fair die gesammte .lutherische Theologie and Kirche, and he died at Halle on the 4th of February 1878.
He studied theology and philology at Heidelberg and later at Halle under Hermann Hupfeld, who persuaded him to include Arabic, Syriac and Egyptian.
In 1862 he obtained a similar post at Halle, and in 1866 was promoted to the rank of professor ordinarius.
He was then called in 1834 as ordinary professor of mathematics to Halle.
He studied at Halle, and in 1850 was appointed professor ordinarius at Leipzig.
Three magistri belonging to that society, one of whom was August Hermann Francke, subsequently the founder of the famous orphanage at Halle (1695), commenced courses of expository lectures on the Scriptures of a practical and devotional character, and in the German language, which were zealously frequented by both students and townsmen.
The lectures aroused, however, the ill-will of the other theologians and pastors of Leipzig, and Francke and his friends left the city, and with the aid of Christian Thomasius and Spener founded the new university of Halle.
Spener died in 1705; but the movement, guided by Francke, fertilized from Halle the whole of Middle and North Germany.
Among its greatest achievements, apart from the philanthropic institutions founded at Halle, were the organization of the Moravian Church in 1727 by Count von Zinzendorf, Spener's godson and a pupil in the Halle Orphanage, and the establishment of the great Protestant missions, Ziegenbalg and others being the pioneers of an enterprise which until this time Protestantism had strangely neglected.
Some historians also speak of a later or modern Pietism, characterizing thereby a party in the German Church which was probably at first influenced by some remains of Spener's Pietism in Westphalia, on the Rhine, in Wurttemberg, and at Halle and Berlin.
Albert adorned the Stiftskirche at Halle and the cathedral at Mainz in sumptuous fashion, and took as his motto the words Domine, dilexi decorem domus tuae.
It contains nine Evangelical and two Roman Catholic churches, a stately modern town hall, a Hall of Fame (Ruhmes- halle), with statues of the emperors William I.
He became a Privatdozent in 1 819, and held professorships at Breslau (1822) and Halle (1824).
But in 1751 he was invited to Altdorf as professor of philology and history, and in 1752 he became a professor of theology in Halle.
He died at Halle on the 14th of March 1791, worn out by his labours, and disappointed at the issue of his work.
Vumel, Notitia codicum Demosth., and Prolegomena Critica to his edition published at Halle (1856-1857), pp. 175-178.1 The extant scholia on Demosthenes are for the most part poor.
He was educated in a Moravian school at Niesky in upper Lusatia, and at Barby near Halle.
At the completion of his three years' course at Halle he was for two years private tutor in the family of Count Dohna-Schlobitten, developing in a cultivated and aristocratic household his deep love of family and social life.
In 1804 Schleiermacher removed as university preacher and professor of theology to Halle, where he remained until 1807, and where he quickly obtained a reputation as professor and preacher, and exercised a powerful influence in spite of the contradictory charges of his being atheist, Spinozist and pietist.
Its earliest trade was in the salt produced at Halle, and its enterprising inhabitants constructed roads and bridges to lighten the journey of the traders and travellers whose way led to the town.
When the succession of Cleves and of Julich, so long expected and already discounted by the treaty of Halle (1610), was opened up in Germany, the great war was largely due to an access of senile passion for the charms of the princesse de Cond.
He studied at Jena, Halle and Leipzig, and took a degree at the last-named university.
He graduated at Dickinson College in 1854, and in 1856 went to Germany and studied at Halle and Heidelberg.
The resemblance of the sporocarp-like bodies - discovered by Nathorst in association with Rhaetic Sagenopteris leaves, and more recently figured by Halle under a new generic name (Hydropterangium) - to the sporocarps of Marsilia is an argument in favour of including Sagenopteris in the Hydropterideae.
In 1694 the university of Halle was founded; academies for arts and sciences were established, and Berlin was greatly improved.
He studied at the university of Halle, where he took his doctor's degree in 1826 and became extraordinary professor of physics in 5828.
The chief rock-salt mines and brine springs are at Stassfurt, Schonebeck and Halle.
The university of Halle holds high rank among German seats of learning.
Patience Philips, played by Halle Berry, is a graphic designer at a cosmetics company.
Halle has gone 2 days without needing tube fed!
Either runs weren't made (Halle, Maybury) or runs came infield (Bruno) and left them too few options.
The nibble classes So what does Halle Berry eat with her apple martini?
At Leipzig, Göttingen and Halle he studied for four years, ultimately devoting himself to mathematics and astronomy.
It was at Halle, however, where he remained for forty years (1828-1868), that he acquired his fame as an academical teacher.
Under the impression of the July revolution in Paris and of the orthodox and pietistic influences at Halle, Leo's political convictions were henceforth dominated by reactionary principles.
On the 6th of May 1448 he obtained licence in mortmain and on the 10th of August founded at Oxford "for the extirpation of heresies and errors, the increase of the clerical order and the adornment of holy mother church, a perpetual hall, called Seint Marie Maudeleyn Halle, for study in the sciences of sacred theology and philosophy," to consist of a president and 50 scholars.
In June he was at Magdeburg, Halle and Naumburg; the elector of Saxony excluded him from his dominions, but Albrecht's brother, the elector Joachim of Brandenburg, encouraged him at Berlin in the hope of sharing the spoils, and by the connivance of Duke George of Saxony he was permitted to pursue his operations within a few miles of the electoral territory at Wittenberg.
He studied theology at Halle and Göttingen.
In 1813 he became repetent at Göttingen, and in 1814 he received the degree of doctor in philosophy from Halle; in 1816 he removed to Berlin, where he became licentiate in theology, and qualified as privatdocent.
At Göttingen he remained, declining all further calls elsewhere, as to Erlangen, Kiel, Halle, Tubingen, Jena and Leipzig, until his death, which occurred on the 4th of February 1855.
After studying at the Joachimsthal Gymnasium, Berlin, and at the universities of Halle and Göttingen, Raumer began to practise law, and rose in the civil service under Hardenberg, the chancellor.
See Felix Liebermann, Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen (Halle, 1888-89); William Stubbs, Constitutional History of England; Richard Cleasby, Icelandic Dictionary; New English Dictionary; and William Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, vol.
After some delay, consequent on the scruples of the theological censor of Halle, who did not like to see miracles rejected, the book appeared (Easter, 1792).
For instruction in agriculture there are agricultural schools attached to several universitiesnotably Berlin, Halle, Göttingen, Konigsberg, J ena, Poppelsdorf near Bonn, Munich and Leipzig.
Reluctantly his father gave him permission to leave Barby for the university of Halle, which had already (1787) abandoned pietism and adopted the rationalist spirit of Wolf and Semler (see RATIONALism).
Halle Berry has been spotted getting cozy with Versace model Gabriel Aubry - sparking rumors they are dating.
What woman, especially after seeing the doe eyes of Halle Berry and Jennifer Lopez, wouldn't want mile long lashes to bat and preen in?
Some of the many famous homes Starline promises to cruise past belong to Britney Spears, Nicolas Cage, Madonna, Halle Berry, and for you daytime TV fans, Bob Barker and Dr. Phil.
Speaking of Academy Award winners, Halle Berry was born in 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Academy-award winning actress Halle Berry said she will shave off her luscious locks during a scene in her upcoming movie, Nappily Ever After.
Following several weeks of speculation in the press, Academy Award-winning actress Halle Berry has confirmed that she and her boyfriend, Canadian model and restaurateur Gabriel Aubry, are excitedly awaiting a bundle of joy.
As a matter of fact, Halle Berry has verbalized on several occasions that she does not intend to marry again.
Along with celebrities like Halle Berry and Cindy Crawford, she models for print ads and appears in commercials for Revlon, and she is also very active in Revlon's campaigns fighting breast cancer.
From Miss Ohio USA to a $10 million per film actress, Halle Berry has proven that in the flighty world of Hollywood, she is definitely there to stay.
Having an African American father and Caucasian mother, Halle recognized racial dynamics at an early age, once stating that "Blackness is a state of mind and I identify with the black community.
After being cast in small roles from 1989 to 1990, Halle's big break came in 1991 when respected director Spike Lee chose her to play the role of crack-addict Vivian in the film Jungle Fever.
The Last Boy Scout - Starring alongside Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans in this 1991 action film, Halle played the role of Damon Wayans' girlfriend Cory.
Halle's role of Angela eventually becomes Murphy's love interest in the film.
In 1999, Halle Berry starred in the television movie Introducing Dorothy Dandridge.
Halle Berry won the following awards for the biopic.
The new arrival will be the first child for both Halle and Gabriel.
Halle Berry and boyfriend Gabriel Aubry welcomed a baby girl late Sunday night.
Halle Berry and model Gabriel Aubry met when they were both doing a photo shoot for Versace.
When speaking of the budding romance between the two, Halle once said that she had "to work a little" when flirting with Aubry because he was so shy.
Sources state that Halle gave birth to her daughter at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles late Sunday, March 16 and that both she and her daughter are doing well.
Other regular cast members include Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, Famke Jannsen, James Marsden and Anna Paquin.
If anything, Halle Berry is as beautiful as ever.
Halle Berry started her acting career on the sitcom Living Dolls in 1989.
On the other hand, some A-listers who started out in low-budget films include Halle Berry, Sharon Stone and Nicole Kidman.
Halle Berry - She was the first African-American woman to win a Best Actress Academy Award, earning it for her role in Monster's Ball in 2002.
Famous alumni of the school include popular actress Halle Berry and Olympian Dominique Moceanu.
If you are one of the lucky few to have an oval face (think Halle Berry) you'll be happy to find that almost any frame works well with your face.
Celebrities who have been the face of Versace include Madonna, Tina Turner, Jon Bon Jovi, Demi Moore, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and most recently -- Halle Berry.
Celebrities such as Madonna, Halle Berry and Jon Bon Jovi have been both involved in campaigns and spotted sporting the eyewear.
No one rocked the short hair like Halle Berry.
Celebrities often sport stunning updos on the red carpet, and trend setters such as Beyonce Knowles, Tyra Banks, Ashanti, Halle Berry, Queen Latifah, and Angela Bassett regularly showcase gorgeous updos.
You can mix funky with red carpet, as Halle Berry's spunky ponytail here proves.
Halle Berry, Demi Moore and most recently Michelle Williams have all gone short with incredible results.
Celebrities who have joined in on the trend include Nicole Richie, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, and Salma Hayek.
Although we've been hearing rumors about her plans for motherhood for several years, it's finally been confirmed that 41-year-old Halle Berry is pregnant.
It is not currently known whether she is expecting a boy or a girl, although there have been reports that Halle was seen shopping for baby girl clothing in several trendy Los Angeles boutiques.
Fortunately, Halle didn't have to resort to such extreme measures to fulfill her dream.
Nine years her junior, Gabriel first met Halle in November 2005 while shooting a Versace ad in Los Angeles.
In September 2007, Halle told Access Hollywood, "Gabriel and I are beyond excited and I've waited a long time for this moment in my life."
As the first African-American woman to win a best actress Oscar, Halle Berry has enjoyed unparalleled professional success.
Halle's first marriage was to baseball star David Justice in 1992.
During the divorce proceedings, Halle requested a restraining order against David.
Halle met second husband Eric Benet at a 1999 premiere party for Introducing Dorothy Dandridge.
During the marriage, fans briefly asked, "Is Halle Berry pregnant?"
Today, Halle says she's not interested in a third marriage.
Despite public criticism from people who feel she's setting a bad example for young women by having an out of wedlock child, Halle has no plans to marry Gabriel in the future.
According to Halle, she believes they can raise a happy and well-adjust child without formal legal validation of their relationship.
Although Halle's struggled to find true love, her tangled romantic past has given her some insight into the demands of motherhood.
Halle's ex-husband Eric has a daughter India from a previous relationship.
Since India's mother died in a car crash shortly after she was born, Halle became very close to the girl.
In fact, Halle fought for regular visitation with India as part of her divorce settlement.
However, now that Halle Berry is pregnant, she'll need to pay extra attention to her health.
A diabetic since childhood, Halle requires regular insulin injections.
Although Halle Berry has said that she continues to seek regular acting roles, the October 2007 start date for her upcoming film Tulia has been delayed due to her pregnancy.
In the movie, Halle will play the lead attorney for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational fund.
To learn more about Halle Berry and other popular celebrities, visit LoveToKnow Celebrity for all the newest gossip!
Before getting pregnant with boyfriend Gabriel Aubry, Halle Barry expressed a desire to have children to several media sources.
Christina Aguilera and Halle Berry showed off baby bumps as well this year.
Although some celebrities, like Halle Berry and Marcia Cross, are open about their desires for a family, others prefer to keep things private.
The beautiful Halle Berry wore an Elie Saab dress to collect her Best Actress Oscar in 2002 for Monster's Ball.
There are also celebrity-inspired rings in the collection modeled after stars such as Reese Witherspoon, Halle Berry and Jessica Simpson.
She was the second actress to do so, with the first being Halle Berry.
Paquin's roles include films that put her opposite multiple stars from Sean Penn to Kevin Spacey (Hurlyburly), Diane Lane and Viggo Mortensen (A Walk on the Moon), Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry (X-Men, X2 and X-Men The Last Stand).
He died at Halle on the 24th of April 1878.