Hairball Sentence Examples
Is this coughing cat trying to rid himself of a hairball?
Yes, there's a possibility that he is trying to cough up a hairball.
In fact, you've just had an encounter with a hairball.
Whether they are trying to get rid of a hairball or just need the extra fiber, they always seem to know.
This is normal, and it's usually accompanied by a hairball.
On September 23rd, 2009, a Diamond cat food recall occurred for two of the company's premium brand products, the Premium Edge Finicky Adult Cat and the Premium Edge Hairball formula.
It's fairly normal for a cat to toss up the occasional hairball, but how do you know if your pet's vomiting is a sign of a serious illness?
Another extremely common reason behind a cat's vomiting episodes is the classic hairball issue.
It is usually easy for pet owners to diagnose hairball vomiting because the mass of hair is typically visible in the expelled matter.
Special diets to prevent hairball contain high levels of fiber, which pet nutrition increases the amount of water held in the digestive tract.
AdvertisementThe following symptoms may indicate your cat is harboring a hairball.
Many cat food manufacturers offer a hairball formula diet that is designed to inhibit their formation.
It can go on for as long as a minute and a half, but no vomit or hairball ever appears.