Had-to Sentence Examples
There had to be more.
It had to be the new baby.
She had to get a car as soon as possible.
She had to stop thinking about the past that way.
Even your parents had to come up to see you.
She had to regain control.
They had to do something to help her.
She had to act now.
She had to get back there and see what was in the building.
Gerald had to leave, but you met him.
AdvertisementShe had to focus.
One way or another, she had to get into that building.
Two mules had to be shot.
He had to get back soon.
It had to be a hoax.
AdvertisementShe had to grab it to keep it from falling to the floor.
This had to be a test.
I had to catch my breath.
She just had to survive.
I had to get away from him.
AdvertisementAll this time he had to remain strong for his mother.
She had to see them safe.
Pleasant as it was, they had to go back.
Something had to be done before he got them both killed.
It's something I had to do.
AdvertisementI wronged you and had to make it right.
There had to be a way.
But she had to.
She had to make it only a few more days.
He stripped her deity powers, said she had to earn Gabriel the same way you did.
Darkyn had to know this.
I just had to promise not to discuss the matter and keep an open mind—which I always maintain anyhow.
It had to be wrong.
Adoption had to be with consent of the real parents, who usually executed a deed making over the child, who thus ceased to have any claim upon them.
All she had to do was set her mind to it.
One that had to pay off.
You've never had to pay house payments or utilities.
She had to get into that building and find out if there was any chance of a relationship with Yancey.
It had to be there, somewhere.
It had to be a nightmare.
She just had to drive him off before he found out.
It had to hold some great significance to her.
I had to – for the children.
Somehow she had to conquer it - but how?
I thought I had to prove something to myself.
Sex with her would be beyond erotic, for he had to be inside her in order to feel her.
There had to be a way out of this.
Gabriel had to fix this.
The only emotions I felt had to be so intense and when they were, they still felt nothing like those I know now, she explained.
If she was ever going to stand up for herself, it had to start right now.
Every animal had to earn its keep.
They had to break this stifling relationship off before it smothered all reason from them.
Xander had to stop himself from following.
In the 9th century the Bulgarians became masters of Naissus, but had to cede it to the Hungarians in the iith century, from whom the Byzantine emperor Manuel I.
What was it you had to take to the Peace Command Center?
In 1669, when the chair of philosophy at the College Royal fell vacant, one of the four selected candidates had to sustain a thesis against " the pretended new philosophy of Descartes."
It was probably the first money, other than the air fares, Señor Medena had been able to spend on Alex - and even then he had to do it through Felipa.
The kitchen was open all the time, but Alex didn't drink - or never had to her knowledge.
By the smug look on her face, we surmised the letter had to include the answers that were needed.
He never had to wonder how many men were rotating through her bed or when she was planning to stab him in the back or decipher the riddles she gave him as answers to important questions.
It was not likely for the paths of a soldier and a member of the political elite to cross paths, but he was the closest thing she had ever had to a friend since leaving her home at the age of four.
No matter what was going on, she had to protect the keys capable of destroying the world.
While Brady knew Lana was too afraid to leave his tent even if it wasn't guarded, he'd had to order Elise chained to a tree within view of four guards.
It had to be a fed hospital.
All Mike had to do was get her across the river.
She ached to respond but had to be satisfied with the knowledge he was alive.
Sometimes he had to pinch himself to make sure he was still alive and this wasn't heaven.
Still, she had to accept some of the blame.
They might accept and even expect such behavior, but it had to be humiliating.
He had to hire someone for the job.
Denton - it had to be.
All she had to do was trust him Monday, and she would've spent the week with him, instead of two nights.
No one had to know, not even the demons.
What those women had to endure.
I've had to keep Casper away from him lately.
She must have barely got home before she had to turn around and come back to the airport.
It had to be the shampoo or soap, because she wasn't wearing perfume.
Even Alex had to know that was a major obstacle.
Of course, they had to have been wrong sometime.
He had to make sure he didn't do that to her in the future.
The only thing she had to offer him was an influential father-in-law.
Clarissa must have had to leave early.
His dark suit was inappropriate for the casual atmosphere, but she had to admit that he looked dashing.
If they had to work at love during courtship, what would marriage be like - when he no longer needed to pretend affection?
There was no street sign, but according to the map, it had to be the correct road.
The driveway had to be around that next bend.
If so, it had to be someone her father had sent.
Mow it down, plow it under and plant food that had to be tended.
I had to take the car back to the rental company because it had hail damage.
The odds of finding this spot again had to be slim to nothing.
What if she passed out now and he had to go for help?
When she arrived, the mustang was parked so close to the apartment that she had to walk around it to climb the stairs.
All he had to do was keep feeding her soup every night, and one day, she'd be better.
The knife wasn't like hers – dull enough she had to saw through things with effort.
Jonny had to have sent this girl here for a reason.
All Alexius had to do was to sit still, keep out of his father's way as much as possible and await the natural course of events.
Not interpreting this as applying to works printed outside Ulm, he published in 1538 at Augsburg his Guldin Arch (with pagan parallels to Christian sentiments) and at Frankfort his Germaniae clzronicon, with the result that he had to leave Ulm in January 1539.
A buyer had to convince himself of the seller's title.
A difficult question arose for Descartes's philosophy, when it had to explain the union in man of the absolutely opposite substances, 4 Cf.
The room was allegedly the most comfortable Hell had to offer.
We had to have missed something.
But Fitzgerald had to be older than forty—he certainly looked it—a fact easily checked on his election application.
I had to do something and I'm not about to drink—too damn early.
All she had to do was practice for a day or two and then find Gabriel.
She had to appear to be a normal human by being careful in everything she said and did.
She had to learn to do everything a human did, and she had to learn fast.
She had to wait for the right moment, when she wouldn't risk losing him.
It had to do with a certain mate.
He probably had to pick up something at the market.
Still, the rest of the animals had to be considered.
She would set up transfusions if there was danger the human might die, and had to twice for Cassandra.
I had to sell something to pay for the funeral.
All you had to do was holler.
None of it mattered now, however. Kris had responsibilities, and he had to find a way to fulfill them the best he could.
He had to be waiting for the blonde to come by again.
He was wearing it now, but he had to take it off sometime.
Jessi wasn't able to figure out how Jonny, Xander and Gerry were connected, except that they had to be.
Yet the idea he had to be inside her to feel her was intoxicating.
If Toni wasn't enough to distract him, all he had to do was walk outside his door for another snack.
She had to keep it together.
Her hands were clenched in front of her, just in case she had to shove him and run.
The gaggle of women grew, and she glanced at her phone, surprised at the stamina the three had to keep going for hours.
There had to be a way to grab it without sleeping with him.
No matter what it took, she had to get the necklace.
Jonny caught her trying to leave the night before, but she had to find a way to escape.
It had to do with the necklace he wore beneath the t-shirt, one Jonny would find useful.
Jonny was a good kid who had to go bad in order to control the vamps at his disposal and counter the White God's influence.
Jessi wanted to cry again, but wasn't about to, not when she had to keep her game face on for Xander.
The Oracle had to have told her husband something.
I didn't understand why I had to do it, until you told me that you couldn't hear my thoughts.
For the first time since meeting Jonny, she prayed everyone was right about the strange skill she had to remain invisible to them.
She had to think of a way to diffuse Jonny, before he blew them all up, and get Ash back.
The Other got her, but it had to have been a glancing blow.
It is evident how this initial position at once defined to him the tasks which philosophy had to perform.
These different tasks, which philosophy had to fulfil, mark pretty accurately the aims of Lotze's writings, and the order in which they were published.
Otherwise Berthollet's position would have been a much stronger one, and the atomic theory might have had to wait a long while for acceptance.
Not a soldier himself, he had to control and direct the movements of armies; can we be surprised if he failed, or if he was unable to keep control over the generals or to establish that military co-operation so essential to success?
Twice Kossuth deposed him from the command; twice he had to restore him.
By this time, however, the state of things in the Ukraine was so alarming that the new king had to hasten to the front.
Having refused to accept the civil constitution of the clergy, Dillon had to leave Narbonne in 1790, then to emigrate to Coblenz in 1791.
But in 1570 the island was taken by the Turks; and Antonio Davila, the father of the historian, had to leave it, despoiled of all he possessed.
Hansen set himself the task of studying the properties of the varieties of yeast, and to do this he had to cultivate each variety in a pure state.
Candidates had further to be fugitives (probably slaves), and as a preliminary had to break off a bough from a specified tree.
He had to steer a middle course between the extremes represented by the Carbonari on the one hand and the Sanfedisti on the other, and he consistently refused to employ the cruel and inquisitorial methods in vogue under his successors.
Notwithstanding the offices he had filled he died poor, and provision had to be made for his daughter out of the funds of the state.
She had to compromise between herself and her partner.
The pressing demands of the military chest had to be satisfied by loans, and in at least one case from the private purse of the governor-general.
It was used by him in his earliest observations of double stars (1779-1783); but, even in his hands, the measurements were comparatively crude, because of the difficulties he had to encounter from the want of a parallactic mounting.
Carlo was successful in repressing brigands, but had to deal with much distress from famine.
After the political and territorial upheavals which marked the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th, all these concordats either fell to the ground or had to be recast.
It had to be replaced by new concordats concluded with Wurttemberg in 1857 and the grand-duchy of Baden in 1859; but these conventions, not having been ratified by those countries, never came into force.
Albany had to blockade Margaret in Stirling Castle before she would surrender her sons, After being obliged to capitulate, Margaret returned to Edinburgh, and being no longer responsible for the custody of the king she fled to England in September, where a month later she bore to Angus a daughter, Margaret, who afterwards became countess of Lennox, mother of Lord Darnley and grandmother of James I.
Each problem was something unique; the elements of transition from one to another were wanting; and the next step which mathematics had to make was to find some method of reducing, for instance, all curves to a common notation.
The Kalmucks and Circassians of the Kuban attacked it repeatedly in the r 7th century, so that it had to be fortified by a strong earthen and palisaded wall, traces of which are still visible.
On the whole it is most likely that the Temple was erected by Solomon on the same spot as is now occupied by the Dome of the Rock, commonly known as the Mosque of Omar, and, regard being had to the levels of the ground, it is possible that the Holy of Holies, the most sacred chamber of the Temple, stood over the rock which is still regarded with veneration by the Mahommedans.
They did, indeed, represent the aristocracy of wealth, for they had to pay a subscription of four louis, a large sum at that time, besides six livres for attendance.
The most sacred duty an Australian had to perform was the avenging of the death of a kinsman, and he was the object of constant taunts and insults till he had done so.
In South Australia boys had to undergo three stages of initiation in a place which women were forbidden to approach.
He successfully accomplished his journey, but had to report that there was no practicable route for cattle between the two districts.
The most serious difficulty with which Margaret had to deal arose from the attitude of the great nobles, and among these especially of William (the " Silent ") of Nassau, prince of Orange, Lamoral, count of Egmont, and Philip de Montmorency, count of Hoorn.
Money had to be raised by taxation, and at a meeting of the states-general (March 20, 1569) the governor-general proposed (1) an immediate tax of 1% on all property, (2) a tax of 5% on all transfers of real estate, (3) a tax of io% on the sale of all articles of commerce, the last two taxes to be granted in perpetuity.
Left to himself Innocent again had to flee, this time to Pisa.
His primary object was to prove that the world was built after the same shape and fashion as the Ark made by the Children of Israel in the desert; but he was able to show that the Malay Peninsula had to be rounded and thereafter a course steered in a northerly direction if China was to be reached.
The war being now over, the great question of the establishment of Presbyterianism or Independency had to be decided.
A new foundation had to be laid on which a new system of legality might be reared.
William made an attempt to relieve his brother, but failed, and Mons had to surrender (September 17).
In that licentious university Francis found the greatest difficulty in resisting attacks on his virtue, and once at least had to draw his sword to defend his personal safety against a band of ruffians.
He was free, but had to accept monetary compensation for corporal injuries, paid smaller fees and fines, even paid less offerings to the gods.
A man was only bound to serve so many (six ?) times, but the land had to find a man annually.
If the goods were stolen and the rightful owner reclaimed them, he had to prove his purchase by producing the seller and the deed of sale or witnesses to it.
If he proved his purchase, he had to give up the property but had his remedy against the seller or, if he had died, could reclaim five-fold from his estate.
A man who bought a slave abroad, might find that he had been stolen or captured from Babylonia, and he had to restore him to his former owner without profit.
If he bought property belonging to a feudal holding, or to a ward in chancery, he had to return it and forfeit what he gave for it as well.
If the irrigator neglected to repair his dyke, or left his runnel open and caused a flood, he had to make good the damage done to his neighbours' crops, or be sold with his family to pay the cost.
If the mancipium died a natural death while in the creditor's possession no claim could lie against the latter; but if he was the cause of death by cruelty, he had to give son for son, or pay for a slave.
She had to be redeemed by her owner.
Even if the agent made no profit he was bound to return double what he had received, if he made poor profit he had to make up the deficiency; but he was not responsible for loss by robbery or extortion on his travels.
The captain was responsible for the freight and the ship; he had to replace all loss.
Even if he refloated the ship he had to pay a fine of half its value for sinking it.
Although married she always remained a member of her father's house - she is rarely named wife of A, usually daughter of B, or mother of C. Divorce was optional with the man, but he had to restore the dowry and, if the wife had borne him children, she had the custody of them.
This was done by contract, which usually specified what the parent had to leave and what maintenance was expected.
If the assault only led to injury and was unintentional, the assailant in a quarrel had to pay the doctor's fees.
The boat-builder had to make good any defect of construction or damage due to it for a year's warranty.
There is no trace of professional advocates, but the plea had to be in writing and the notary doubtless assisted in the drafting of it.
The reforms which it was to bring about were eagerly and impatiently demanded by the public. This great operation had to be effected without interrupting the public service, and the department had immediately to reduce and to simplify the charges for transmission throughout the kingdom.
Captain Barclay, after a hot engagement - the Battle of Lake Erie - in which Captain Perry's flagship the "Lawrence," a brig, was so severely shattered that he had to leave her, was completely defeated.
Considering the time at which he wrote, Reis seems to have understood very well the nature of the vibrations he had to reproduce, but he failed to comprehend how they could be reproduced by electricity.
Gaine, general manager of the company, stated before the Select Committee that in the view of the directors the bargain was a hard one, because it gave no consideration in respect of the goodwill of the great business, with its gross income of over £ 2,000,000 per annum and its net revenue of over £750,000, which the company had built up. The company had had to pay for all the experiments and mistakes which are inherent in the launching and development of any new industry.
On his recovery he set out on a military expedition, but at the end of the first day's march he fell ill, and had to stay at Spoleto and return to Assisi.
Francis himself set out, probably in 1212, for the Holy Land to preach the Gospel to the Saracens, but he was shipwrecked and had to return.
Francis was so exhausted by the sojourn on Mount Alverno that he had to be carried back to Assisi.
It was, for instance, necessary to the well-being of the towns that they should possess territory round their walls, and this had to be wrested from the nobles.
Henceforth it was impossible to publish or to utter a word which might offend the despots of church or state; and the Italians had to amuse their leisure with the polite triflings of academics.
Cesare dEste had to content himself with Modena and Reggio, where his descendants reigned, as dukes till 1794.
Therefore, in the peace of Utrecht (1713), the services of the house of Savoy had to be duly recognized.
The papacy, during this period, had to reconsider the question of the Jesuits, who made themselves universally odious, not only in Italy, but also in France and Spain.
King Ferdinand also had to accept a French garrison at Taranto, and other points in the south.
Legislation had to be entirely reformed, and the bill for abolIshing the special jurisdiction for the clergy (foro ecclesiastico) and other medieval privileges aroused the bitter opposition of the Vatican as well as of the Piedmontese clericals.
But in reorganizing the shattered finances of the state and preparing it for its greater destinies, he had to impose heavy taxes, which led to rioting and involved the minister himself in considerable though temporary unpopularity.
Early in the year the crown prince Humbert with the Princess Margherita took up their residence in the Quirinal Palace, which, in view of the Vatican refusal to deliver up the keys, had to be opened by force.
Inspectors and tax-gatherers did their work under police protection, and in several parts of the country riots had to be suppressed menu inililari.
One of the first questions with which he had to deal was that of conciliation between Italy and the Vatican.
But you can never, at any one point, say, from the scientific or mechanical or materialistic standpoint, this " had to be."
Outrages on shipwrecked crews continued so rife that the question of occupation had to be taken up again; and in 1855 a project was formed for such a settlement, embracing a convict establishment.
Cesare's position was greatly shaken, and when he tried to browbeat the cardinals by means of Don Michelotto and his bravos, they refused to be intimidated; he had to leave Rome in September, trusting that the Spanish cardinals would elect a candidate friendly to his house.
He then intervened in the suit pending between his father and mother before the parlement of Paris, and attacked the ruling powers so violently that he had to leave France and again go to Holland, and try to live by literary work.
Whatever creature it was, it had to be ancient.
The book was the size of a paperback she'd buy at an airport but had to weigh fifty pounds.
Mesmerized by the sensations, her confusion and his direct gaze, she had to concentrate hard to register what he said.
She had to figure out what she was missing fast and how permanent it was to be an Immortal mate.
It had to be a dream, except that she remembered the heat of the skin beneath his shirt and tracing the scars she knew covered his body.
There had to be a greater purpose to all of this, a reason why she was trapped.
Her instincts were at full alarm, but she didn't understand what she had to fear from Gabriel's death dealers.
Figured you had to make a deal that broke bad for you.
I figured if he survived the worst Hell had to offer, he'd make a worthy successor.
Dean had to admit—never out loud—that Fred O'Connor was far ahead in this junk collecting game.
Dean had to agree as she continued.
Yes—as if he had to get me tanked first.
A nosy bartender told me Ginger was expecting something a bit more lasting than her attorney had to offer.
Somewhat, but I had to take the chance that they would be accepted as props and leave it at that.
If she had to guess, she'd call the emotion fear.
She had to say something to keep him from leaving her, but she was too stunned.
How did she win him, if she had to guess what he was thinking?
After all their years together, he didn't trust that she would do what she had to in order for them to be together.
It had to be the private deal, the one Gabriel found no trace of that Darkyn himself had mentioned to him.
Whatever happened, there had to be more to the story than what Deidre told him.
It had to do with her trip to Hell, with the deal she made Darkyn.
To appreciate, one had to feel, and those born deities were somehow numbed to the world.
She neared him as she spoke, pausing close enough that she had to crane her head back to meet his gaze.
Uneasy, he also realized he had to focus on mopping up the rest of his mess in the mortal world, so he could start to address the underworld.
There had to be millions of lost souls to create that vibrant of a glow.
He used to frown at her when she acted outside the Immortal Laws, unable to appreciate that a deity charged with managing a domain often had to take steps outside the rules to protect one's underworld.
We had to get Darkyn to take the bait.
Gabriel studied the scene before deciding finally he had to tell Rhyn.
He had to know I'd come!
If he had to think about how to respond, it probably wasn't good.
All she had to do was find a way to prevent them from crippling her logic for now.
With no magic, she had to be more careful when dealing with him.
She had to find a way to help Gabe.
She wasn't going to reveal her secret unless she had to.
No tumor, nothing to stop them from working through whatever issues they had to make a life together.
He liked trying to get a rise out of her, and he really did want to know where they stood in her mind and whether or not he had to worry about her running off to make more deals with Darkyn.
Gabriel had to let the past go.
Gabriel just had to watch for the signs.
He had to remain a compassionate Death, one who understood what it was to live.
He'd only learned the woman he fell for last week was still alive and now he had to let her go.
He had to find his mate and Darkyn's, quell a rebellion and find a way to reopen the portals to the dealers trapped on the mortal plane.
It had to be difficult to maintain any semblance of authority with a toddler clinging to his face, but he managed to do it.
Alex had lost his parents and had to quit college to raise his little sister.
Giving up a child of any age had to be difficult.
All she had to do was get up and flip a switch.
It wasn't like in the old house, where she would have slept cold, got up to a colder house and had to start a fire in an old stove, then wait an hour until she could no longer see her breath.
I had to go out for a while.
She had to keep thinking positively.
She had to adopt a positive attitude.
He had to get up early in the morning and go to work.
It had to mean something.
She had to know raising the dead-dead broke thousands of rules!
She had to be, or he wouldn't have been able to assume her role as Death.
On the smallest of chances she was alive, she would've had to find a loophole to surrender her duty without losing her soul.
She had to get out of there and go somewhere safe, her apartment, hours away from where the murderer was.
She had to be dead.
The human named Deidre had to have it with her, a trinket or piece of jewelry with sentimental value that she never took off.
It had to be several days ago.
Gabriel knew the body was there; he had to.
It burned him, but he had to put her safety over whatever he felt.
In the meantime, he had to come up with a plan to make Deidre miserable.
He had to figure out a way to do it in a way he was able to recover from, if she survived.
All he had to do was sell one of the original pieces of artwork displayed casually in the marble foyer and he'd be fine for years.
You didn't quit because you wanted to, but because you had to after breaking those laws to spare me and Hazel, Katie added, patting her stomach.
She wasn't going to be some sort of obligation to someone who stuck around because he had to.
There had to be more to what this creature offered.
After a week of knowing him, she already had to concentrate hard to resist leaning into him whenever he was around.
She wasn't going to, anymore than she had to the tumor.
She had to resist him.
But things had to be different from here on out.
He had to preserve and protect the underworld, even if it meant stepping away from the comfort zone he'd existed in for millennia.
She had to get him out of her mind.
She had to stay focused.
You had to do what you did.
They had to be, because mankind had been trying to outsmart Death since the beginning of time.
He stood far enough away that she had to stand and walk a step to reach him.
She had to get out of there.
She had to get out of there before Jade found a way to alert Sasha.
Rhyn wouldn't saddle himself with a blood monkey he had to actually take care of voluntarily.
He had to protect her while keeping her from those who could help.
He had to protect her from Sasha and the Dark One; he had to protect her from Kris and his people.
Gabriel was right --he had to figure it out before he lost his mate.
Rhyn already broke their bond, unless … she had to break it, too.
You had to pay the price for it, and so did I.
Nope. I had to start over yesterday.
She and Toby had to leave.
There had to be somewhere she could go where they.d leave her alone, at least until Gabriel came for her.
The vial had to go to Ully, though, and at some point, she.d have to face Rhyn.
He knew she wasn.t there, and the longer she stayed away, the more time he had to think about what to do.
For her sake, he had to find a way to live with Katie, or their differences would turn into a family feud.
He had to do what Andre would have done.
He had to let her go, but the sense of yearning and pain was too strong for her to sleep.
Maybe I just had to reach a certain age, he said.
There had to be a way to get the vial and keep the girl.
He had to repay the odious debt to the Council.
She had to bring Kiera with her.
The two days were longer than any other two days had been in her life, and she grew more and more nervous, afraid the connection she had to A'Ran wouldn't be enough to make him want her again.
All you had to do was look twenty-one.
Dean knew from his prior life the pair were just doing their job but that didn't mean he had to like being watched like a street felon.
That had to be Edith Shipton.
Edith had to know about Annie's death—otherwise her carbon copy suicide is just too much of a coincidence.
He didn't say I had to climb down on some rope and hang by my thumbs!
Fred added, Then Shipton had to set the whole scene up before he knocked over the chair.
Sarah had to convince him not to turn Emily.
She had to fight back a chuckle.
He had to resist the urge to bury his nose in her hair right then.
He would have that bitch if he had to use brute force.
It smelled natural and so minimal he had to search for it.
Jackson knew he had to give her something or she would burst, and, truth be told, he was proud of her for acting so casually when he knew every fiber of her being wanted to jump up and down screeching, 'Tell me, tell me!'.
Even Connor had to laugh.
Jackson's desire flamed so intensely, he had to force himself to think straight.
If she had to spend time in the holding room, he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.
Because then I would have had to tell you I am a werewolf.
None of this made sense, yet it had to be true for him to be this distraught.
I had to turn away pretty quickly.
To sing this, Elisabeth would have had to be classically trained, and she would need to sing the highest end of her range if she was indeed a mezzo-soprano.
Then he smelled it and had to steady himself with both hands on the counter.
He had to fight the urge to pout.
Every time the weather got cold outside, other residents in the complex cranked their heaters up and then he had to adjust his own thermostat.
You're the only person I've ever known who has had to be forced to take a vacation.
There was no good time for Katie's brother to visit, but this had to be the worst.
Frozen water pipes and unheated bedrooms had to be something new for a wealthy socialite.
That may be your idea of an ideal relationship, but I had to get away from him if I was going to have a life of my own.
Josh never had to deal with anything like that.
He even had to qualify his statements as to their sincerity.
When she sent me the picture, I had to come see for myself.
If they cared enough to fight like this, they had to care enough to make up.
There had to be something they could do to salvage their relationship.
Somehow she had to take him with her... and soon.
It got hung up on a stump and she had to yank from another direction to dislodge it.
Somewhere, somehow, everyone had to release themselves to chance.
You know tonight I had to prevent the VP's commo guy from using the emergency network to order gin?
We had to rely on our wits as well as our bodies to get into and out of some really rough places.
No matter what, she had to get the Horsemen to safety.
There was no way to know where Lana was; he had to hope to stumble upon her.
We even had to learn to start fire from scratch.
The resignation in her tone sounded like a farewell. Gabe studied her, uncertain what could stop Death from doing anything she pleased. She was not only letting him go when she shouldn't, but she was telling him just how much time he had to get Katie out of the underworld. Gabriel knew something was wrong if Death was turning her back on the duty of collecting souls, a duty she normally took such joy in. She'd been unwilling to do that for him when their relationship had been at its peak.
Katie chuckled, and he was almost relieved at the sight of her smile. Her features had grown paler and gaunter under his watch. He feared the underworld would sink her spirit, too. One of them had to have some sort of hope they'd make it out alive.
She didn't know how either of them could make it back to each other, but they had to.
I thought we had to reach a Sanctuary.
You didn't sense the demons earlier. I had to tell you.
I didn't protect you. You shouldn't have had to make the choice you did.
Instead, he was grateful he hadn't had to deal with her before.
Toby darted into the jungle, knowing they had little time, and that he had to find his human before anything else bad happened to her. He didn't know where the demon with her wanted to take her, but he knew where anyone leaving the underworld would go to escape.
Gabriel fell quiet for a moment, looking around with a frown. Death's palace felt much like Hell had to Rhyn. Something about it tugged at his power.
You had to leave Hannah on the beach?
I had to pass Ivy and Lara's room to get to mine from the bathroom.
I could never make sense of them, but they had to do with being chased by monsters.
But after two hours with Cynthia Byrne, he had to fight the inclination to take all of her comments at face value, thereby kissing off any degree of objectivity.
The cousin had to be the illegitimate daughter of the old man.
He had to repeat the question.
I'd like to hear how much Byrne had to drink.
I had to make sure you weren't followed!
Staying here was something I had to do.
I had to see it.
He had to take off his hat first, then put it back on.
I was nervous as a cat that you'd wake up but I had to do something.
They would've had to listen.
He hung up before Fred had to think up a response.
Dean wondered just what else Arthur had to sell.
I had to be cozy-like—didn't want to press the guy.
He was going to be camping down the line from me, but he had to leave.
It kind of ticked me off—like I was an assignment he had to take care of, and our going out wasn't a social thing.
We had to haul ass back to your place and pull out our bug.
I had to set up some names and stuff—bank accounts too.
Bill had to work today.
Actually, it already had to a degree.
She had to start thinking like a woman.
If she went any place, he had to take her – or she had to walk.
As it was, he had to enlist the help of Princess in order to move it a short distance.
So you had to choose who you would hurt.
After a sleepless night, he had to go to work in the morning.
The only thing she had to eat since yesterday noon was a glass of milk in the wee hours of the morning.
I'm sorry he had to drive all the way over here for something so silly, but I'm glad he came.
She shopped responsibly, but this time she picked up healthy fresh fruit and vegetables – something she previously would have had to replace with canned food.
Today I signed my name Carmen Pullock and then had to mark through it and sign it with my new name.
The phone call had to be something other than what it appeared.
Surely that was an exaggeration - infidelity had to be worse.
You saw something in the forest; Brutus was growling and you had to be told to get out of there?
The blood drained from her face so fast that she had to sit down.
Everything had to be on his terms.
Surely she would have had to sign papers if he had changed that.
What if he was in the hospital for a while and had to rely on you?
This had to have been building for a long time.
She had to stop thinking of it that way.
By the end of the first week she had to face another enemy — a thunderstorm.
It was in the magic room — it had to be.
She had to find him.
She simply had to be patient.
What she had to say required a clear mind and a calm approach.
She had to get to the phone.
We had to remove the uterus — but you still have your ovaries.
She wouldn't have had to wonder — he would have known what to do.
Someone had to do it.
She had to face that chair — tonight.
This had to be Lori's darkest hour — and yet, she would have a part of Josh forever.
It was difficult to start a subject that might result in a fight, but she had to know for sure — slay the dragon, so to speak.
She had to be physically and emotionally exhausted.
He had to be the luckiest man in the world.
Now he had to learn to forgive himself.
She used what strength she had to roll onto her back, desperate for a Healer.
More importantly, she had to find out what Jonny's next step was, once the month-long truce between White and Black Gods was up.
Even if he couldn't close it, there had to be a way to monitor it, or he'd never be able to manage the gateways.
She had to keep pushing him away, or she wasn't the only one who'd probably end up dead in a few days.
Darian basically had to trade a life debt to the Others to keep them from taking me.
He had to return it as promised, even knowing it was a bogus rule.
I had to do them a favor.
She had to accept her past before she, too, could move on.
He'd managed to control his magic for a while now, but he had to stay calm.
Claire just had to keep on her feet until Jenn's strength gave out.
Darian had to interfere before either was killed.
It had to be done.
Then he had to die.
And yet, he had to find a way to defend her…their kingdom before he could deal with its runaway queen.
He spoke, his voice quieting until Vara had to draw nearer.
Mums always said that you had to learn to look over their faults – forgive them as you would want them to forgive yours.
She had to try ... for Alex.
It still rankled that he thought she had to be reminded to dress in a professional way.
This was where they had discovered the mother bear that Alex had to kill.
They talked for a little while longer and then she announced that she had to bury Brutus, but she would meet them at the stable in a couple hours for the first ride.
Someone had to act in Brutus' interest.
For a moment the idea that the guests had to saddle their own horses troubled her, but on the other hand, maybe it was a good thing.
Ed climbed the hill and sure-footed it through the switchbacks to the point where she had to continue on foot.
We had to shoot him.
She called and had to leave a message.
When was the last time you had to use a gun to defend yourself on our land?
She would have had to tell Alex that she had gone up to the graves alone.
It was a chance she had to take unless she wanted to spend the rest of her life being what everyone else wanted.
As neither the Sardinian nor the Austrian government seemed disposed to yield, the idea of a congress had to be abandoned.
The latter was treated as a mere delegate, from whom an appeal could be made to the bishop. The former had one consistory with the bishop, so that appeals from him had to be made to the court of the metropolitan.
They had to be clerics, that is, to have received the tonsure.
In 1584, however, the city had to surrender on onerous terms to the prince of Parma.
Boleslaus in his fury slew the saintly bishop, but so general was the popular indignation that he had to fly his kingdom.
Hales (1727I 733) discussed the rotting of wounds, cankers, &c., but much had to be done with the microscope before any real progress was possible, and it is easily intelligible that until the theory of nutrition of the higher plants had been founded by the work of Ingenhouss, Priestley and De Saussure, the way was not even prepared for accurate knowledge of cryptogamic parasites and the diseases they induce.
The result of migration is that races of widely different origin and habit have had to adapt themselves to similar conditions.
Only the Samnites, who were as yet without the Roman franchise, remained his enemies, and it seemed as if the old war between Rome and Samnium had to be fought once again.
Absolution in foro externo was forbidden to be given secretly to those who made voluntary confession; they had to submit to the ignominy of the public auto-de fe.
But the lands belonging to these titles remained with the Crown and he had to repair his fortunes by one of those marriages which never failed his house, his wife being Alathea Talbot, who was at last the heir of Gilbert, earl of Shrewsbury.
He became very expensive in his habits, fell at times into difficulties, and had to urge his valid claims upon the marquis's attention.
It was then seized by the French, who in 1799 had to yield to the Russians and Turks.
It appears also in the Bayeux Tapestry, and it is the only word used when any legal distinction had to be drawn between classes of men in the English kingdom.
The foreign monarch was astonished, and, at the request of Theodoric, Boetius had to prepare others of a similar nature, which were sent as presents to Gunibald.
In 1832 priests were forbidden to join them, and they had to apply to a deposed Bosnian metropolitan, who became their chief bishop, establishing his see in the monastery of Belokrinitsa in Bukovina.
For these allotments the peasants had to pay, as before, either by personal labour or by a fixed rent.
The crown paid the landlord in obligations representing the capitalized rent, and the peasants had to pay the crown, for forty-nine years, 6% interest on this capital.
It had to be divided, therefore, into a number of independent principalities, but it continued to be loosely held together by the dynastic sentiment of the descendants of Rurik and by the patriarchal authority - a sort of patria potestas - of the senior member of the family, called the grand-prince, who ruled in Kiev, " the mother of Russian cities."
What added to the practical difficulties of this arrangement was that the post of grand-prince was not an hereditary dignity in the sense of descending from father to son, but was always to be held by the senior member of the dynasty; and in the subordinate principalities the same principle of succession was applied, so that reigning princes had to be frequently shifted about from one district to another, according as they could establish the strongest claim to vacant principalities.
In the intervals the people had to pay a fixed tribute.
In order to reply to accusations brought against them, or in order to be confirmed in their functions, they had to travel to the Golden Horde on the Volga or even to the camp of the grand khan in some distant part of Siberia, and the journey was considered so perilous that many of them, before setting out, made their last will and testament and wrote a parental admonition for the guidance of their children.
Even when the visit to the Horde did not end so tragically, it involved a great deal of anxiety and expense, for the Mongol dignitaries had to be conciliated very liberally, and it was commonly believed that the judges were more influenced by the amount of the bribes than by the force of the arguments.
While thus uniting under their vigorous autocratic rule the small rival principalities, the Moscow princes had to keep a watchful eye on their eastern neighbours.
These latter, like the colonists in the American Far West, had to be constantly on the alert against the attacks of their troublesome neighbours, and they accordingly organized themselves in semi-military fashion.
Though severely tried by disappointments and defeats he never lost hope, and when he died in 1584 he was preparing to renew the struggle and endeavouring to form for that purpose an alliance with England; his great idea, however, was not to be realized till more than a century later, and meanwhile the tsardom of Muscovy had to pass through a severe internal crisis in which its existence was seriously endangered.
Before reaching the new order of things, the country had to pass through an internal crisis similar to that which followed the death of Ivan the Terrible, but not nearly so severe.
Having annihilated at Poltava the army of Charles XII., Peter was not at all indisposed to renew the struggle with Turkey, and began the campaign in the confident hope of making extensive conquests; but he had only got as far as the Pruth when he found himself surrounded by a great Turkish army, and, in order to extricate himself from his critical position, he had to sign a humiliating treaty by which Azov and other conquests were restored to the sultan.
His dreams of freeing the Christians from the yoke of the infidel had to be abandoned, and the conquest of the northern shores of the Black Sea was postponed till the reign of Catherine II.
To accomplish such a feat it was necessary, of course, to expend large sums of money; and as the country could ill bear an increase of taxation, the whole financial system had to be improved and the natural resources of the country had to be developed.
At the same time the military and financial requirements dislocated the local and central administration, and consequently a series of radical administrative reforms had to be undertaken.
Here was a tempting field for the application of Catherine's aggressive policy, and if she had had to deal merely with the Poles she would have had an easy task.
Unfortunately for the success of her schemes she had to reckon with stronger states which were anxious to check the Russian advance, and which were determined, in the event of aggression, to have a share of the plunder.
By the peace of Jassy, signed in January 1792, she retained Ochakov and the coast between the Bug and the Dniester, and she secured certain privileges for the Danubian principalities, but the Turks remained in Constantinople, and the realization of the famous Greek project, as it was termed, had to be indefinitely postponed.
The enormous programme of constitutional reform foreshadowed in the manifesto had to be elaborated in haste by Count Witte, the minister of the interior, under circumstances by no means promising.
But in January 1410 Arundel had to give way to the king's half-brother, Thomas Beaufort.
In cases where statutes did touch the question of regulation, they had to do with the operation of trains and with the provision of facilities for shippers and passengers, rather than with questions of rates.
The Commission had much difficulty at the beginning in securing the testimony of witnesses, who invoked the Constitution of the United States as a bar against selfincrimination, and the immunity clause of the act had to be amended before testimony could be obtained.
As a natural result weak railway companies in the United States have frequently been declared insolvent by the courts, owing to their inability in periods of commercial depression to meet their acknowledged obligations, and in the reorganization which has followed the shareholders have usually had to accept a loss, temporary or permanent.
The subsoil was composed principally of clay and sand, and the railway had to be carried over the moss on the level, requiring cutting, and embanking for upwards of 4 m.
The houses in many instances are built of stone (a circumstance which indicates the former wealth of the city, as the material had to be brought from a very considerable distance); and remains of a brick wall, 3 m.
In the most developed forms, such as the offering of soma, they assumed a great importance; (r) the sacrificer had to pass from the world of man into a world of the gods; consequently he was separated from the common herd of mankind and purified; he underwent ceremonies emblematic of rebirth and was then subject to numberless taboos imposed for the purpose of maintaining his ceremonial purity.
In like manner (2) the officiant prepared himself for his task; but in his case the natural sanctity of the priest relieved him of the necessity of undergoing all that the common man had to pass through; in fact, this was one of the causes which brought him into existence, the other being the need of a.
The object of the sacrifice being to bridge the gulf between the sacred and profane worlds, the sacrificer had to remain in contact with the victim, either personally, or, to avoid ritual perils, by the intermediary of the priest.
This latter idea was the more likely to arise, as the gift theory of sacrifice is closely associated with that of the god as the ruler or king to whom man brings a tribute, just as he had to appear before his earthly king bearing gifts in his hands.
Moreover, the authorities on whom he relied have had to be corrected since in many points of detail in the light of later archaeological research.
With all his devotion to study at Lausanne' (he read ten or twelve hours a day), he still found some time for the acquisition of some of the lighter accomplishments, such as riding, dancing, drawing, and also for mingling in such society as the place had to offer.
Returning to London early in November, he found it necessary to consult his physicians for a symptom which, neglected since 1761, had gradually become complicated with hydrocele, and was now imperatively demanding surgical aid; but the painful operations which had to be performed did not interfere with his customary cheerfulness, nor did they prevent him from paying a Christmas visit to Sheffield Place.
In Roman imperial times the ephebi had to deliver a speech at the Haloa.
After his admission into the Roman Catholic Church he had, rather to the dismay of his friends, entered the married state, and for a time had to struggle with poverty.
Of 24 protected persons, all escaped but four, and these had to be out at night or otherwise neglected precautions; of 38 unprotected persons, all contracted malaria except two, who had apparently acquired immunity.
The elements he had to deal with could not be welded together.
And if the work of criticism has brought a fuller appreciation of the value of these facts, the debt which is owed to the Jews is enhanced when one proceeds to realize the immense difficulties against which those who transmitted the Old Testament had to contend in the period of Greek domination.
He also had to deal with a wizard, who deceived many by promising them salvation and release from evils, if they would follow him into the desert.
Where there were no rights, privileges had to be bought.
Persecution of members of the old church followed, and in 1890 the missionary-premier had to be removed from the group by the high commissioner.
Although measures had thus been taken to secure uniformity of observance, and to put an end to a controversy which had endangered Christian unity, a new difficulty had to be encountered owing to the absence of any authoritative rule by which the paschal moon was to be ascertained.
In 1907 he took a prominent part in advocating the ending, rather than the mending, of the House of Lords; and in 1908 he was elected chairman of the party, a post which he held for two years and to which he was reelected in the autumn of 1914 when the then chairman, Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, had to resign owing to his pacifist views.
In order to take possession of his new see, he had to brave the wrath of the duke of Burgundy, override the resistance of the clergy and bourgeoisie, and even withstand an armed attack on the part of several lords; but his protector, the duke of Orleans, had his investiture performed by Wenceslaus, king of the Romans.
After America's entrance into the World War the work had to be carried on by neutrals, but Mr. Hoover remained chairman of the Commission.
He was ordained minister of New Luce in Galloway in 1660, but had to leave his parish under Middleton's Ejectment Act in 1663.
The Arthurian cycle must have its own love-tale; Guenevere, the leading lady of that cycle, could not be behind the courtly ladies of the day and lack a lover; one had to be found for her.
He spared neither men, money, nor himself in attempting to carry out his gigantic scheme for the colonization of the south Russian steppes; but he never calculated the cost, and more than three-quarters of the design had to be abandoned when but half finished.
In Sindhia's territory, by reason of internal feuds, the British had to undertake measures which were successfully terminated after the battles of Maharajpur and Panniar in 1843.
It is therefore necessary not only to pulverize the soil by repeated ploughings before it be seeded, but, as it becomes gradually more and more compressed afterwards, recourse must be had to tillage while the plants are growing; and this is hoeing, which also destroys the weeds that would deprive the plants of their nourishment.
Whereas formerly the farmer was to some extent compensated by a higher price for a smaller yield, in recent years he had had to compete with an unusually large supply at greatly reduced prices.
This was an amending act and not a consolidating act; consequently it had to be read as if incorporated into the already existing acts.