Habitats Sentence Examples
The farm supports some diverse wildlife habitats like grasslands and woods.
In these northern habitats it attains a large size; the wood is very soft; the buds yield a gum-like balsam, from which the common name is derived; considered valuable as an.
Thus A plant formaiion is a group of associations occupying habitats - iich are in essentials identical with each other.
Several exotic species have been introduced into this part of Chile, some of which have thriven even better than in their native habitats.
The limestone dales provide some of the richest habitats in Britain.
The EU Habitats and Species Directive affords protection to several animal groups, including cetaceans.
Alongside this consultation, we are separately consulting on the draft Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 2006.
The CBA recognizes that chemicals in the environment can have an extremely deleterious effect on human health, habitats and wildlife.
What effects does marine aggregate extraction have on these habitats and species?
Estuaries and mangroves are the two best known brackish water habitats, and both yield many different types of aquarium fish.
AdvertisementInsects occur in all possible terrestrial habitats including freshwater, deserts and Polar Regions.
The bog also provides habitats for upland birds, with the Greenland white-fronted goose being of particular note.
Giant Plants These isolated island habitats have many plants that have evolved to large or even grotesque forms.
It was designated for its estuaries and adjacent coastal habitats, which are important for breeding gulls, terns and wintering waterfowl.
See, feed and learn about wetland birds, and help the WWT conserve wetland habitats.
AdvertisementIndeed, they may be the most significant wildlife habitat over much of lowland Northern Ireland, especially where there are few semi-natural habitats.
Further, the bugs, beetles and flies each include many large families present only in aquatic habitats.
The Trust has recently received several grants toward the restoration of wetland habitats across the reserve.
Mill Green and Hawks Green are particularly important for their grassland habitats.
For the purposes of this report woodland habitats have been broken down into the types shown in the table below.
AdvertisementOther globally threatened habitats can also be found such as near-natural dwarf-shrub heaths, moss-heath and grasslands.
Open, semi-natural habitats with dwarf shrub heaths are moorland.
Research Interests My research focuses on understanding the impact of free-ranging herbivores on the habitats they graze.
The road improvement also included a conservation scheme for various species and habitats it incorporates a bat hibernaculum and otter passages.
The moorland is capped with hundreds of exposed granite hilltops (known as tors ), providing habitats for Dartmoor wildlife.
AdvertisementHistory, habitats and management Blacksmith's Field is situated on a rocky hilltop with wide views over the surrounding countryside.
It is also habitats many species of butterflies and birds including the rare hornbill.
The flush habitats are generally situated within expanses of grass moorland.
Wet woodlands, upland oakwoods, and lowland wood pastures and parkland are national priority habitats.
Habitats such as rhos pasture, heaths, wetlands and bluebell woods remain part of the everyday local environment in many Valleys communities.
Other ancient woodland sites have been replanted with conifers or broadleaved plantations, or have been converted to other habitats or land use.
The site benefits from extensive native tree, shrub and wildflower plantings, creating various wildlife habitats.
Of special interest was a little ringed plover on the salt marsh, a bird more associated with fresh water habitats.
All systems record an average reflectance for each pixel, such that areas of small habitats can give inaccurate data.
Asian elephant, Sumatran rhinoceros, orangutan, and tiger populations are all declining because palm oil plantations are encroaching on their habitats.
Here we find a variety of habitats including salt marsh, Acadian and red spruce forest and tidal mudflats.
Habitats include estuaries, large shallow inlets and bays, subtidal sandbanks, saltmarshes, intertidal mudflats and sand flats.
The constituent willows of Sub-Arctic Salix spp. scrub also occur occasionally in a range of other habitats, including several Annex I types.
The third element was a field study of habitats, flora and fauna on a random sample of paired 1 km squares.
Three-spined sticklebacks are small bony fishes that live in a wide variety of aquatic habitats.
Habitats with a plentiful supply of field voles appeared to support greater breeding success in barn owls.
The immediate surrounding area included terrestrial, freshwater and coastal habitats.
Found in a wide variety of habitats, including gardens, particularly in bramble thickets.
A high level of protection should be given to most valued townscapes and landscapes, wildlife habitats and natural resources.
If red squirrels can be successfully translocated into these untapped habitats their status in Ireland may be assured.
They are therefore unable to have any effect on the preservation of habitats or conservation.
Several types of lowland wetland are Priority Habitats under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.
Alpine and oblong woodsia are small tufted montane ferns found in open rocky habitats, mainly on cliffs and scree slopes.
These former gravel workings now provide excellent habitats for wildlife including many water birds.
Poplars, willows, lime, mountain-ash, maples, are favourite habitats, and it is also found on many other trees, including cedar of Lebanon and larch.
Summer roosts are generally close to good feeding habitats which are rich in insects.
The most common type of rotifer found in these habitats is usually the bdelloid type, which moves somewhat like a leech.
Among the many prized habitats in the Gower Peninsula are grasslands, heathlands, fresh and salt water marshes and historic ancient woodlands.
They should complement the sandbank habitats already represented within the SAC series inshore.
Habitats with less natural buffering capacity, such as dwarf shrub heaths, show the strongest eutrophication signal.
The song thrush will be helped by the increase in scrub and hedgerow habitats.
This tour explores the best of these habitats and also the excellent coastal wetland and steppe areas in the southeast part of the country.
Today our national fauna has been decimated by modern farming practices and the huge loss of unimproved habitats to the plow.
Some of the most important attributes of urban wasteland habitats are essentially ephemeral.
In any event they cannot begin to replace the traditional wetland habitats being lost at such an alarming rate.
Fisheries, wildlife habitats, certain animals and plants are all in danger of disappearing or becoming extinct as humans mine the planet and build new developments.
Combined with acid rain, which is a direct result of air pollution, natural habitats are being contaminated.
So not only do they not clog up landfills and animal habitats, they don't poison their surroundings as they decompose either.
These can be construed as nature habitats or untouched land.
As the temperatures rise habitats, food supplies and even birth rates could be affected.
Brambles are found throughout the British Isles and some of the species from America and its habitats are woods, scrub, hedgerows, heaths, waste ground, and banks.
While some may be bought at the pet store, others are simply encouraged to visit from their wild habitats.
Squash bugs can overwinter in wood mulch and wood boards, so eliminating potential habitats can help rid your landscape of next year's pests.
Animals are comfortably housed in replicated natural habitats that guests can get up close and personal with through a peaceful series of boardwalks or the Safari Train.
After exploring the animal habitats and enjoying the park's assortment of thrill rides, guests can sit down for fun, family-friendly entertainment.
Keeper talks are also periodically held at the animal habitats so guests can get to know the animals personally.
Several rides interact directly with animal habitats, and other locations - including a stunning aviary - and interactive shows encourage guests to get a personal experience with different species.
Bites from such wild animals as mountain lions and bears are also reported more frequently as humans explore or move into their natural habitats.
The Aquarium is home to more than 35,000 animals and plants representing over 550 species of invertebrates, reptiles, birds, and plants found in California's central coast and other marine habitats around the world.
If the fish, sharks, stingrays and other animals aren't startled by the presence of people, they are more likely to behave as they always do in their habitats, ensuring a natural experience for the observer and the animals alike.
The Zhu Zhu hamsters have many great accessories, including habitats for the furry friends to explore.
Zhu Zhu pets also have habitats and other accessories that you can purchase.
Toys - While the larger Zhu Zhus mostly play with their habitats, kids can pretend to have the Babies play with miniature teddy bears, rattles and teething rings.
The Zhu Zhu Pets started with a line of popular toy hamsters that self propel across the floor and in their various toys and habitats.
The Foundation raises money to buy land for conservation and preserve the bio diversity habitats for the animals.
Destruction of natural habitats - Mine construction and open pit mining itself leads to the destruction of natural habitats for wildlife as well as the elimination of food sources for Canada's wildlife.
In addition to familiar basic exhibits, the zoo has several highly customized animal habitats.
One of the most popular attractions is the children's petting zoo, which allows kids to experience hands-on learning at several animal habitats.
The animal's natural habitats are spread over 125 acres and attract nearly two million visitors each year.
Enjoy an African safari, taking the animals in their natural habitats.
The perfected Habitats and living ships created social and psychological balance for the people.
The cotton-wood timber, though soft and perishable, is of value in its prairie habitats, where it is frequently the only available wood either for carpentry or fuel; it has been planted to a considerable extent in some parts of Europe, but in England a form of this species known as P. monilifera is generally preferred from its larger and more rapid growth.
Physically and physiologically wet habitats, with the accompanying plant communities of lakes, reed swamps, and marshes.
Habitats rich in mineral salts, especially calcium carbonate, poor in acidic humous compounds, and characterized by ash woods, beech woods, and calcareous pasture.
It grows as rapidly and attains as large a size in British habitats suited to it as in its home on the Alps, and often produces equally good timber.
From the foregoing facts and observations we may conclude, firstly, that some plants and many animals are not constitutionally adapted to the climate of their native country only, but are capable of enduring and flourishing under a more or less extensive range of temperature and other climatic conditions; and, secondly, that most plants and some animals are, more or less closely, adapted to climates similar to those of their native habitats.
Red pines abound in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and the tree is rather widely distributed over the northern parts of the continent; it rarely forms extensive woods, but grows chiefly in clumps among other trees, at least in its more southern habitats.
It is represented to-day by the still undeserted habitats of Zuni (in New Mexico) and Tusayan; the Moquis, after the Zunis, are in customs and traditions the best survival of the ancient civilization.
Mention should also be made of the partial or complete atrophy of the eyes in many Crustacea which live in darkness, either in the deep sea or in subterranean habitats.
But the habitats overlap, and persimmons and magnolias of different species are common and notable in both areas.
In the case of the southern continents the difficulty is, however, to determine whether allied groups of mammals (and other animals) have reached their present isolated habitats by dispersal from the north along widely sundered longitudinal lines, or whether such a distribution implies the former existence of equatorial land-connexions.
There is a diversity of underwater habitats present there.
Mexico is noted for its spectacular and varied avifauna and its remarkable diversity of habitats.
The stag beetle is listed on Annex II of the EC Habitats Directive.
Are we able to monitor selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats?
Additional activities will cover topics such as world biomes, habitats and resource use.
Their classification can also be structured in a hierarchy (biotopes, biotope complexes, broad habitats ), reflecting degrees of similarity.
A number of rare plants including bryophytes are associated with these habitats.
The banks are full of wild plants including buddleia, thistles and nettles, all of which provide habitats for butterflies and other insects.
Species in the national and local BAPs include bullfinch and common pipistrelle while habitats include lowland heathland.
A large bumblebee, nesting below ground, where it is found in a variety of habitats.
The red fox has the widest geographical range of any wild carnivore, thriving in habitats from woodland and desert to city center.
The hazel dormouse, which has disappeared from many areas of the country in recent decades, is being restored to its historic habitats.
Xerophytes.These plants have devices (a) for procuring water, (b) or for storing water, (c) or for limiting transpiration; and these adaptations are obviously related to the physically or physiologically dry habitats in which the plants live.
Plants of physically dry habitats, such as deserts and sand dunes, have frequently long tap-roots which doubtless, in some cases, reach down to a subterranean water supply.
It is probably owing to the possession of such glands and the varied purposes for which the silk is used that spiders as a group far surpass the other orders of Arachnida, with the possible exception of the Acari (mites and ticks), in diversity of form and of size, in numbers of genera and species, in extent of geographical distribution, and in adaptation to varied habitats.
The main topic of the day was the behavior patterns and population dynamics of the European red squirrel in different habitats.
Exposed riverine sediments (ERS) represent important river margin habitats that are associated typically with highly dynamic rivers with unregulated flow regimes.
The junction of the last two provided us with the opportunity of birding riverine habitats next to an old dam complex.
Physically and physiologically dry habitats, with the accompanying plant communities of sand dunes and sandy heaths with little humus in the soil.
Habitats of medium wetness, with the accompanying plant communities of woodlands and grasslands.
Although many plants typical of fresh water are able to grow also in brackish water, there are only a few species which appear to be quite confined to the latter habitats in this country.
With regard to the occurrence of plants, such as Juncus effusus, which possess xerophytic characters and yet live in situations which are not ordinarily of marked physiological dryness, it should be remembered that such habitats are liable to occasional physical drought; and a plant must eventually succumb if it is not adapted to the extreme conditions of its habitat.
In its native habitats it is said to endure for several centuries; but in those countries from which the commercial supply of its timber is chiefly drawn, it attains perfection in from 70 to 90 years, according to soil and situation.
Foxes are still found in considerable numbers in suitable habitats; opossums, skunks and raccoons are plentiful in some parts of the state; and rabbits and squirrels are still numerous.
This is the more remarkable seeing that the habitats of the two are separated by such an enormous tract of country.
The habitats which they affect are the hot, dry regions of tropical America, the aridity of which they are enabled to withstand in consequence of the thickness of their skin and the paucity of evaporating pores or stomata with which they are furnished, - these conditions not permitting the moisture they contain to be carried off too rapidly; the thick fleshy stems and branches contain a store of water.
Starting with the stem forms the descendants of which have passed through either persistent or changed habitats, we reach the underlying idea of the branching law of Lamarck or the law of divergence of Darwin, and find it perhaps most clearly expressed in the words "adaptive radiation" (Osborn), which convey the idea of radii in many directions.
It is to distinguish them from the grey, or timber, wolves that coyotes have received the name of "prairie-wolves"; the two titles indicating the nature of the respective habitats of the two species.
Sometimes various lichens occur abnormally in such unexpected habitats as dried dung of sheep, bleached bones of reindeer and whales, old leather, iron and glass, in districts where the species are abundant.
As a rule lichens grow commonly in open exposed habitats, though some are found only or chiefly in shady situations; while, as already observed, scarcely any occur where the atmosphere is impregnated with smoke.
In Germany, both on the mountains and the sandy plains, woods of " kiefer" are frequent and widely spread, while vast forests in Russia and Poland are chiefly compqsed of this species; in many northern habitats it is associated with the spruce and birch.
Southern Austria and the adjacent countries are the natural habitats of this pine; it seems to flourish best on rocky mountain sides, but in England grows well on sandy soils.
As Coulter and Chamberlain express it, " the habitats of the Gymnosperms to-day indicate that they either are not at home in the more genial conditions affected by Angiosperms, or have not been able to maintain themselves in competition with this group of plants."
In fresh-water Hydromedusae the life-cycle is usually secondarily simplified, but in marine forms the life-cycle may be extremely complicated, and a given species often passes in the course of its history through widely different forms adapted to different habitats and modes of life.
If we are to accept and profit by Dorpfeld's nomenclature, we must be satisfied that, in their later historic habitats, both Lycians and Carians showed unmistakable signs of having formerly possessed the civilizations attributed to them in prehistoric times - signs which research has hitherto wholly failed to find.