Gutting Sentence Examples
You can make things move by gutting out sections of cake and adding gears.
A suitable space can be arranged between gutting pounds and bulwarks and, if required, also between the cutting pounds and hatch coamings.
He himself worked in the school holidays gutting fish and smoking finnan haddock.
If you're completely gutting a room to remodel, or building from the ground up, include many interior architectural styles of the Old World.
Whether you're doing catch-and-release or gutting and grilling, your kids will be that much more engaged if they're expertly kitted out.
Before you head out to your local home improvement store, spend some time actually drawing out your design if you plan on gutting your bathroom and starting from scratch.
These jobs can range from cleaning outhouses to gutting fish to artificially inseminating turkeys.
Most of the procedural details involved in swordfishing are covered here, including graffing the fish through the eye sockets and gutting them on board.
Still others were upset with the fourth episode of the show, in which Palin was shown shooting, gutting, and cutting up caribou.
Back at Fairhaven they had lunch, then set out gutting the two pumpkins.