Gutted Sentence Examples
It was gutted by fire in 1857, and the whole was again rebuilt in the Early English style.
When it subsided the ship was still afloat, but she was nothing but a gutted hull lighted by a dying glare, and she fired no more.
The blond Amazon and Dan raced toward her from the gutted forest.
And when someone said I was looking a bit chubby, I was gutted.
He doesn't look too clever, I am gutted at the moment.
In September of the same year (1666) the fire occurred, and the old St Paul's was completely gutted.
Owing to a fire which gutted a great part of the palace in 1574, the internal appearance of the rooms was completely changed, and the fine series of early Paduan and Venetian paintings which decorated the walls of the chief rooms was lost.
These were gutted and boiled up in an old tin bath under a rock overhang.
He would've gutted past-Death earlier if so.
Marine fish were gutted and muscle tissue taken for analysis.
AdvertisementGutted by fire and further destroyed by gale-force winds, only vestiges of ornate brick and stone walls stand like some ruined Italian palazzo.
You can see a sheepish look on Donovan 's face; he knows he 's been gutted by the master.
She could see her dead pig hanging, gutted and a pile of bloody bones nearby on the ground.
The whole upstairs had to be gutted and replaced."
The women were of all ages while the men were either young or elderly, their numbers gutted by war.
AdvertisementFor nearly its full extent, excepting the immediate water-front, and running westward to Van Ness Avenue, a distance of 2 m., the buildings lining it on both sides and covering the adjoining area, a total of some 2000 acres, or 514 blocks, equivalent to s of the city plan, were reduced to ruins in the fire following the earthquake; only a few large buildings of so-called " fire-proof " construction remained standing on the street, and these had their interiors completely " gutted."
Officers used breathing apparatus to tackle the flames, which left the building gutted.
An electrical fault started the blaze, which gutted the shed.