Guppy Sentence Examples
Dr Guppy was fortunate in reaching North Keeling Island, where a landing is only possible during the calmest weather.
Forbes's and Guppy's investigations go to show that, contrary to Darwin's belief, there is no evidence of upheaval or of subsidence in either of the Keeling groups.
My study will firstly focus on the role of experience in developing basic life skills in the Trinidadian guppy.
Take one male guppy and three or four female Guppies and before too long you will have pregnant female Guppies!
There is also no explicit differentiation between beginner and advanced players, so it is not uncommon to head to a table filled with sharks, while you are still a relative guppy in the tank of Mahjong players.
Guppy, The Solomon Islands (London, 1887), where full references to earlier works are given; C. Ribbe, Zwei Jahre unter den Kannibalen der Salomon-Inseln (Dresden, 1903).