Gunman Sentence Examples
I think the first shot did come from an Ira gunman.
One gets the gunman, but the other gets the gal.
Would the result of the election have been the same had he not been assassinated by a lone gunman?
One marine is killed by a gunman on the east bank, at a hospital near the Palestine Hotel.
Akia found her early in her youth, as her parents were mysteriously murdered by an unknown gunman.
The Last Word, Part One - A lone gunman in a clown mask holds siege at the Junior Gazette.
The gunman shot himself once in the head with a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun.
The gunman rested back on his heels to load a new laser charge pack.
They made headlines in 2005 when they were awoken by a gunman who robbed them at their Hawaii home.
The video game begins with this scene and Tony catching and killing the gunman.