Gulliver Sentence Examples
Gulliver's Theme Parks is a network of amusement parks in Warrington, Milton Keynes and Matlock Bath.
A towering header, said Gulliver, and even the watching Ally Graham was impressed.
If you want to visit more than one Gulliver park, you can purchase a multi-park ticket at a discounted rate.
Gulliver, the, erm, eccentric seagull might pass by on a UFO.
Think Gulliver's Travels - he went, he observed, he returned.
In 1705 appeared The Consolidator, or Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon, a political satire which is supposed to have given some hints for Swift's Gulliver's Travels; and at the end of the year Defoe performed a secret mission, the first of several of the kind, for Harley.
Few books have added so much to the innocent mirth of mankind of the first two parts of Gulliver; the misanthropy is quite overpowered by the fun.
Place and profit were comparatively indifferent to him; he declares that he never received a farthing for any of his works except Gulliver's Travels, and that only by Pope's management; and he had so little regard for literary fame that he put his name to only one of his writings.
Yet as the author of Gulliver he is still read all over the world, while in England discipleship to Swift is recognized as one of the surest passports to a prose style.
Translations and editions of Gulliver's Travels have been numerous.
AdvertisementWhile Gulliver is infinitely the most famous and popular of Swift's works, it exhibits no greater powers of mind than many others.