Gullies Sentence Examples
The outlets of the gullies were in the assailants' hands soon after midnight.
Water flows in deep gullies to the upland plateau.
Bagration called to him from the hill not to go beyond the stream, but Rostov pretended not to hear him and did not stop but rode on and on, continually mistaking bushes for trees and gullies for men and continually discovering his mistakes.
A multitude of ravines and gullies, filled with torrential streams or dry, according to the season of the year, and characterized by many beautiful cascades, seam the narrow coastal plain and the flanks of the mountains.
It is dominated by high mountains, gashed by superb canyons of rivers, scarred with dry gullies and washes, the beds of intermittent streams, varied with great shallow basins, sunken deserts, dreary levels, bold buttes, picturesque mesas, forests and rare verdant bits of valley.
Water is directed to gullies on the highway drainage system by the road profile.
This colorful wall is stunning for its coral and is cut with gullies which are meeting places for groups of queen angelfish.
Dogfish swim around lazily, while large spider crabs clamber up steep rocky walls, over soft layers of seaweed or along sandy gullies.
Fairly steep, narrow glens; gullies on higher land to west.
Though of easy cultivation, but having isophylla blood in them, they are seen to the best advantage when draping rock gullies in positions where the roots can penetrate into cool soil behind.
AdvertisementThey revel in cool and shady places, the nearly vertical faces of damp rocks, cool and moist rock gullies, and are well suited to wall gardening where such conditions obtain.
The bay itself is a shallow indentation of the coast, and is fringed with high picturesque cliffs, breached in places by steepsided narrow gullies.
The fourth period is that in which the various subaerial agencies of abrasion, and especially the streams which drain the mountain chain of the Apennines, have produced the present features of the Campagna, a plain furrowed by gullies and ravines.
Often in the plateau country the dry underair absorbs the rain as it falls; and rarely in the Hopi country do flooded gullies " run through " to the Little Colorado.
The fact sheet includes information on, how gullies develop, triggers for development, prevention measures and controlling gully erosion.
AdvertisementFurther up the gullies cannon and anchors can be found among the thick kelp.
The gullies and rock faces have a profusion of life including tiny spotted morays mostly found under the seaweed.
This picture shows the large piles of weed that build up in the gullies during the summer.
The ground you are fishing onto is mainly clean, but some areas have natural snags such as small wrecks and gullies.
Further diversity is due to the presence of sheltered gullies and tunnels where the community zonation is influenced by tidal flows.
AdvertisementA number of the gullies drain into roadside ditches which, in general, are not our responsibility to maintain.
The ridge dropped away steeply on either side to vertical walls of rock which in turn went down to big scree gullies.
On reaching their appointed stations the columns were to wheel to the right and were to work their way up certain steep but well-defined gullies that led towards the Ned front hire July ^ ?
There are ampler expanses of hard saliferous clay (shor) and on the north side of the desert of Lop the surface has been carved and sculptured by the wind into innumerable flat, tabletopped masses (jardangs) with vertical or even overhanging sides, separated from one another by deep-cut, wind-swept gullies, running from north-east to south-west.