Gulch Sentence Examples
It's up the gulch, you say?
The surrounding country abounds in goldand silver-bearing quartz deposits, and it is estimated that from the famous Last Chance Gulch alone, which runs across the city, more than $40,000,000 in gold has been taken.
As they passed the plowed pullout for the cutoff to Engineer pass, they were reminded of the past June and their mountain-camping honeymoon, up this road and into Poughkeepsie Gulch.
On the west and the northwest side, there is a narrow gulch that has partly damaged the complex.
The development of Montana was scarcely begun when the discoveries of gold were made at Bannack, Beaverhead Valley, in 1862, at Virginia city, Alder Gulch, in 1863 and at Helena, Last Chance Gulch, in 1864.
Helena was established as a placer mining camp in 1864 upon the discovery of gold in Last Chance Gulch.
The city is built picturesquely on the sides of a gulch, down which runs the Missouri & North Arkansas railway.
The two are set to wed on July 29, aboard a yacht called Thunder Gulch in St. Tropez.
The principal localities are at Missouri Bar, Ruby Bar and other places near Helena, where they were first worked, and also at Yogo Gulch, near Utica.
The Helena crystals are of tabular habit, being composed of the basal pinacoid with a very short hexagonal prism, whilst at Yogo Gulch many of the crystals affect a rhombohedral habit.
AdvertisementIn 1863 the famous Alder Gulch in Madison county was discovered and in the next year, Last Chance Gulch in the south of Lewis and Clark county.
Julich (formerly also Gulch, Guliche) the capital of the former duchy of that name, is the Juliacum of the Antonini Itinerarium; some have attributed its origin to Julius Caesar.