Guides Sentence Examples
He is the Reason that prevades the universe, that brings out all goodness, that guides all good men.
This guides your judgment on him?
On the 5th of November the army, misled by treacherous guides and thirst-stricken, was ambuscaded in dense forest at Kashgil, 30 m.
It was through possessing somewhat of this Reason that the philosophers attained to any truth and goodness; but in Christians he dwells more fully and guides them through all the perplexities of life.
The goal, which is well preserved at the upper end, is similar to that at Olympia; it consists of a sill of stone sunk level with the ground, with parallel grooves for the feet of the runners at starting, and sockets to hold the posts that separated the spaces assigned to the various competitors, and served as guides to them in running.
The aim is good, however, only when reason guides it for the benefit of the majority, but that is not absolute good.
Thus it is the permanent pledge of Yahweh's gracious presence; it guides the people on their journey and leads them to victory.
But common-sense and conscience are quite as definite guides as logic or authority; and there seems no good reason for refusing to give the name of casuistry to their operations.
Rigid guides connected with the walling of the pit are probably the best and safest, but they have the disadvantage of being liable to distortion, in case of the pit altering its form, owing to irregular movements of the ground, or other causes.
In the Lancashire and the Midland districts wire-rope guides have been introduced to a very considerable extent, with a view of meeting the above objections.
AdvertisementThe opposite axes are connected with springs which are kept in compression by tension of the rope in drawing but come into action when the pull is released, the side axes then biting into wooden guides or gripping those of steel bars or ropes.
One cannot fail to be struck with the Ciceronian cadence that guides the movement even of his Italian writings.
It was by the members of these clubs (and a few others) that the minute exploration (now all but complete) of the High Alps was carried out, while much has been done in the way of building club huts, organizing and training guides, &c., to smooth the way for later corners, who benefit too by the detailed information published in the periodicals (the first dates from 1863 only) issued by these clubs.
Love and justice are the right guides of conduct.
It has oversight of all the congregations within its bounds; hears references from kirk-sessions or appeals from individual members; sanctions the formation of new congregations; superintends the education of students for the ministry; stimulates and guides pastoral and evangelistic work; and exercises discipline over all within its bounds, including the ministers.
AdvertisementWith this in view, omens given in the reigns of prominent rulers were preserved with special care as guides to the priests.
They believe that the same Spirit who gave forth the Scriptures still guides men to a right understanding of them.
He governs the visible world, preserves the harmony and guides the revolutions of all the spheres, and is the captain of all the myriads of angelic beings.
On the whole, there is no reason to doubt Occam's honest adhesion to each of the two guides whose contrariety he laboured to display.
On the 10th of December Gatacre essayed a night march and attack upon the enemy's position at Stormberg, and, misled by his guides in unknown ground, was himself surprised and forced to return with a loss of 719.
AdvertisementThe width of the sheet or plate is regulated by moving guides which are placed in front of the roller and are pushed along by it, while its thickness is regulated by raising or lowering the roller relatively to the surface of the table.
In Burgoyne's expedition (1777) Skene and his son, Andrew Philip Skene (1753-1826), served as guides, and Skenesborough was recovered by the British after most of it had been burned by the Americans.
A month later, in July 1884, he was murdered by his guides a few marches north of Jidda, on his way back to Hail.
The invasion under Aelius Gallus was an absolute failure, the expedition being betrayed by the guides and lost in the sands of the desert.
An ephemeris and guide to Peru was begun by the learned geographer Dr Cosme Bueno, and continued by Dr Unanue, who brought out his guides at Lima from 1 793 to 1798.
AdvertisementThe topographical labours of Cosme Bueno and Unanue were ably continued at Lima by Admiral Don Eduardo Carrasco, who compiled annual guides of Peru from 1826.
Thus are formed the " mud-holes " of the Hudson Furrow so welcome as guides telling their position to ship captains making New York harbour in a fog.
For shaft linings steel rings of H or channel section supported by intermediate struts are also used, and cross-bearers or buntons of steel joists and rail guides are now generally substituted for wood.
The guides or conductors in the pit may be constructed of wood, in which case rectangular fir beams, about 3 by 4 in., are used, attached at intervals of a few feet to buntons or cross-beams built into the lining of the pit.
Two guides are required for each cage; they may be placed opposite to each other, either on the long or short sides - the latter being preferable.
The cage is guided by shoes of wrought iron, a few inches long and bellmouthed at the ends, attached to the horizontal bars of the framing, which pass loosely over the guides on three sides, but in most new pits rail guides of heavy section are used.
In some cases four guides are used - two to each of the long sides of the cage; but a more general arrangement is to have three - two on one side, and the third in an intermediate position on the opposite side.
Many colliery managers, however, prefer to have only two opposite guides, as being safer.
In addition to this it is necessary to have an extra system of fixed guides at the surface and at the bottom, where it is necessary to keep the cage steady during the operations of loading and landing, there being a much greater amount of oscillation during the passage of the cage than with fixed guides.
For the same reason it is necessary to give a considerable clearance between the two lines of guides, which are kept from 15 to 18 in.
With proper precautions, however, wire guides are perfectly safe for use at the highest travelling speed.
The former contrivances consist essentially of levers or cams with toothed surfaces or gripping shoes mounted upon transverse axes attached to the sides of the cage, whose function is to take hold of the guides and support the cage in the event of its becoming detached from the rope.
The use of these contrivances is more common in, collieries on the continent of Europe, where in some countries they are obligatory, than in England, where they are not generally popular owing to their uncertainty in action and the constant drag on the guides when the rope slacks.
Lindley became the guides in systematic botany, according to the natural system.
Knowledge of the habits of animals and experience are the best guides to the nature of food to be supplied, but the keepers should be required to observe the droppings of their charges and to judge from these of the extent to which any particular substances are being digested.
The fundamental idea that Yahweh guides His people by the word of revelation is older than the separation of special classes of theocratic organs; Moses, indeed, is not only prophet and priest, but judge and ruler.
These works are not to any extent in the hands of the people, but are used by the Russian clergy and schoolmasters as guides in giving instruction.
Bouillier (1813-1899), which makes life, or life and mind, the directive principle in evolution and growth, holding that all cannot be traced back to chemical and mechanical processes, but that there is a directive force which guides energy without altering its amount.
They make incomparable guides for fishing, hunting and surveying parties, on which they will cheerfully undergo the greatest hardships, though tending to shrink from regular employment in cities or on farms.
In 1847, through the influence of Sir Henry Lawrence, he was appointed adjutant of the corps of Guides, and in 1852 was promoted to the command of the Guides with the civil charge of Yusafzai.
At this time the Guides were split up into numerous detachments, and there was a system of advances which made the accounts very complicated.
General Pelham Burn said that he saw loot in Hodson's boxes when he accompanied him from Fatehgarh to take part in the siege of Lucknow, and Sir Henry Daly said that he found "loads of loot" in Hodson's boxes after his death, and also a file of documents relating to the Guides case, which had been stolen from him and of which Hodson denied all knowledge.
Delisle's Catalogue desactes de Philippe Auguste (Paris, 1856) are the most important guides to the documents.
The two sets of filaments are then crossed or twisted around each other several turns as if to make one thread, after which they are separated and passed through separate guides to the reel round which they are separately wound.
The spinning or throwing which follows is done on a frame with upright spindles and flyers, the yarn as it is twisted being drawn forward through guides and wound on revolving bobbins with a reciprocating motion.
The Geologischer Fiihrer durch die Alpen, published by Borntraeger, Berlin, are handy guides.
It consists of a heavy cast-iron platform (a) mounted on four steel balls (b) which run in V guides of hardened steel.
New guides of life were needed.
But we are guides on the path of righteousness, lights in the darkness, and bulwarks of Islam; we decide what is just or unjust and declare the right; through us the precepts of religion are maintained.
His most popular contemporaries seemed to him to be false guides, and charlatans had ousted the heroes.
Flach gave them a solid basis by the wide range of his researches, utilizing charters and cartularies (published and unpublished), chronicles, lives of saints, and even those dangerous guides, the chansons de geste.
But it is possible that Palestinian Jews accompanied the expedition as guides or exerted their influence with Jews of the Dispersion on behalf of Alexander.
This framework is provided with guides on which the platform, whilst preserving its horizontality, is V the observer has to follow the eye-end in a comparatively small circle; another good point is the flattening of the cast-iron centrepiece of the tube so that the flange of the declination axis is attached as near to the axis of the telescope tube as is consistent with free passage of the cone of rays from the object-glass.
Its authority is accompanied by the spirit of God, who guides it into truth and gives it miraculous power.
Whymper and two guides then alone surviving the terrible accident in which their four comrades perished.
Shifting in a straight line is regulated either by straight fixed guides, in contact with which the moving piece slides, or by combinations of link-work, called parallel motions, which will be described in the sequel.
For example, if a sliding piece moves in circular fixed guides, that piece rotates about an ideal fixed axis traversing the centre of those guides.
Balanced Lateral Pressure of Guides and Bearings.The most important part of the lateral pressure on a piece of mechanism is the reaction of its guides, if it is a sliding piece, or of the bearings of its axis, if it is a turning piece; and the balanced portion of this reaction is equal and opposite to the resultant of all the other forces applied to the piece, its own weight included.
Deflecting Force for Translation in a Curved Path.In machinery, deflecting force is supplied by the tenacity of some piece, such as a crank, which guides the deflected body in its curved path, and is unbalanced, being employed in producing deflexion, and not in balancing another force.
In the final judgment of the famous libel case of the Bombay Maharajas, before the Supreme Court of Bombay, in January 1862, these improprieties were severely commented upon; and though so unsparing a critic of Indian sects as Jogendra Nath seems not to believe in actual immoral practices on the part of the Maharajas, still he admits that "the corrupting influence of a religion, that can make its female votaries address amorous songs to their spiritual guides, must be very great."
The platen is attached to the centre of the lever by a square bar of iron, and its vertical descent is assured by two projecting guides, one from each cheek; it is then raised from the type-forme, and the iron bar carried back by two levers - the one attached to and above the head and weighted with the eagle; the other behind the press, attached to the arm to which the coupling-bar is fixed, and which also has a weight at the end.
Owing to the nature of its contents the Talmud stood sorely in need of aids and guides, and a vast amount of labour (of varying value) has been devoted to it by Jewish scholars.
At all events, they play here not merely the role of the Fire-kindlers (aihravan) in the Avesta, but are become an hereditary sacerdotal caste, acting an important part in the stateadvisers and spiritual guides to the king, and so forth.
C. Hovey, in 1907, was led by expert guides into still wilder recesses, where a series of five domes were found, that opened into each other by tall gateways; each dome being 60 ft.
For description and general features, see Doxey's Guide to San Francisco and the Pleasure Resorts of California (San Francisco, 1897); and various guides and other publications of the California Development Board (formed by consolidation of the State Board of Trade and California Promotion Committee) in San Francisco.
Among modern publications, out of a great mass of works of more or less popular character, there may be mentioned the well-known series of 1Vlurray's Guides, in which each volume treats of a county or group of counties.
Sometimes the Oberstaat - to use a convenient expression - is content to insist upon the presence of a resident, who guides the policy of the native ruler.
The glacier guides are among the best in the Alps.
Hence our only guides are such general laws of mechanics and physics as we can hardly believe any circumstances will falsify.
They acted as guides during a difficult journey of nine days, kept the invaders well supplied with food, provided them with canoes, and only left them after the taking of the fort of Santa Maria, when the buccaneers were fairly embarked on a broad and safe river which emptied itself into the South Sea.
Certain general principles have since been laid down, and within the proper limits of their application have proved excellent guides.
In practice the pulley rim is curved to a radius of from three to five times its breadth, and this not only guides the belt, but allows the line of direction of the advancing side to deviate to a small extent, depending on the elasticity of the material.
An endless chain B, passing through guides C and D, encircles these pulleys and the single loose pulley E of the lower block, as indicated.
This excess of the deductive spirit explains at once both the merits and the defects of his two great works, which will probably remain political classics, though they are less and less likely to be used as practical guides.
For the space of a quarter of a century, from this time down to 1790, Burke was one of the chief guides and inspirers of a revived Whig party.
Guides are placed in front of the retort to direct its course to the coke hoppers or conveyer below, and to prevent scattering of the hot material.
The Gospel and the Koran are both regarded as inspired books, but not as religious guides.
Savage, who has found his guides in Darwin and Spencer.
They adopted the doctrine and system which the progress of human affairs had made the intellectual aliment of their Syrian guides.
These rules for the individual are but the image or reflex of the political organization of the perfect or ideal state; and the man who strives to lead this life is called the solitary, not because he withdraws from society, but because, while in it, he guides himself by reference to a higher state, an ideal society.
For the perfect and absolute, the consummation of movement is not generated at any point in the process; it is an ideal end, which guides the operations of nature, and does not wait upon them for its achievement.
The priests became political leaders rather than spiritual guides, and sought promotion by bribery and intrigue.
He believes, indeed, in an overruling fortune, which guides the course of events.
Our business advisory guides contain information on all aspects of running a successful business.
This page guides you through the mechanism for the acid catalyzed dehydration of a simple alcohol like ethanol to give an alkene like ethene.
Porter had climbed extensively in Britain and Europe, with both guides and gifted amateurs like George Mallory.
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Professional dive guides become finely attuned to this sort of diving.
The Penguin Writers ' Guides series provides authoritative, succinct and easy-to-follow guidance on specific aspects of written English.
The local guides are going to teach us how to use the blowpipe.
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Below are helpful guides to choosing a summer camp.
Spend two full days with excellent local guides observing wildlife on the rainforest trails and from dug-out canoes on the lake.
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My knuckles were white and my ass cheeks clenched tight, Kim laughed and the Nepali raft guides slept their hang overs off.
Team Composition The leader of Bolivian climber is supported by our local guides.
These pages have been specially adapted for partner college students from a series of study guides at the University of Plymouth.
It contains guides for red and white wine with a brushed stainless steel corkscrew for opening bottles.
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Most young people find dated Bible reading guides very difficult to stick with.
The work guides us to fully embody the experience of emotional territory by giving expression to our awareness through rooted movement.
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We have guides on all areas of keeping fish giving you the help you need to setup and maintain your fish tank or pond.
Rudolf guides Santa's sleigh with the biological aberration of a red, glowing nose capable of penetrating thick fog?
Most guides seem to charge 25000 - 50000 Malagasy francs a day for their services.
The evening atmosphere is that of a dinner party, warm and convivial gatherings of guests and guides discussing the day's sightings.
Guides will also point out moose and elk on the trips, which can take in Old faithful geyser.
I've also included a couple of tour guides.
Blue Guides have long enjoyed a reputation as authoritative, accurate and detailed guidebooks.
Local guides will map a hike through bog moss and ling heather or outfit you for a day of angling for Scottish salmon.
Buying a Home offers advice, tips, and guides for both homeowners and prospective homeowners.
Here at holiday hypermarket we are very proud to introduce our brand new travel guides section.
Are there any ski instructors or guides out there looking to give private lessons?
The protagonist is the court instructress who guides the ladies of the imperial harem on correct behavior.
These include outdoor leisure laminated maps, ordnance maps, cycle, walking and touring guides.
Funky ski resort guides giving you the complete lowdown.
It has IM engines nacelles and a complete set of flaps - with track guides - the whole lot!
A5 paperback from Scripture Union £ 3.99 Airlock - Future Perfect Most young people find dated Bible reading guides very difficult to stick with.
Scotland's most amusing and ashen faced phantom, Adam Lyal (deceased) guides you through the historic setting of St Andrews town.
The first part of the paper examines relics and guides and their role in lay piety.
Does the book deserve such plaudits as additional guides and set text adoption?
From May 2006, Rough Guides will release a monthly podcast.
You can also search for the Rough Guides iToors podcast in the iTunes podcast directory, under the Travel section.
This track has guides or rails built into it together with a toothed rack has guides or rails built into it together with a toothed rack or track.
Expertise A tinted texture that guides you during application for instant, golden radiance.
There is no self-drive safari option in the private reserves; instead a game ranger guides you on daily game drives.
For in his dreams he guides his dead comrades to a tranquil graveyard, a peaceful, drowsy respite from war.
Guides will always take charge of their client's refuse sack.
Here you have the option of taking a 4WD jeep safari with Bedouin guides.
We also had a singsong with the girl guides in the next field on the Saturday night get together.
The National Archives online in-depth learning guides can also help you learn basic Latin skills.
Instead, TACK's trainers have helped develop call guides to encourage spontaneity.
These values are explored through participation in a series of ritual dramas, which use stonemason 's customs and tools as allegorical guides.
The means of identification on magnetic tapes is shown in the magnetic tape file specification User Guides.
In this brief work, Vera Snow guides readers through the often rocky terrain of infertility.
Trips can be arranged with outfitters in nearby towns or with the fishing lodges ' guides.
The book guides the reader through the process of healing childhood trauma through working with the Magical Child.
Guides point out the best places to fish for the Bow River brook trout.
It neither supports, guides or absorbs shock, but makes surfaces feel uneven.
Further help on searching unicorn is given in the Unicorn guides.
First to publish yearly updated business guides for all therapists.
Hepatoscopy in the Euphrates valley can be traced back to the 3rd millennium before our era, which may be taken as sufficient evidence for its survival from the period of primitive culture, while the supreme importance attached to signs read on the livers of sacrificial animals - usually a sheep - follows from the care with which omens derived from such inspection on occasions of historical significance were preserved as guides to later generations of priests.
Gradually coming to occupy definite beds, which are deepened and polished by the friction, they impress a characteristic appearance on the land, which guides them as they traverse it, and, although the ice melts at lower levels, vast quantities of clay and broken stones are brought down and deposited in terminal moraines where the glacier ends.
Under such guides as these the lower clergy erred deplorably, and drunkenness, gross immorality, brawling and manslaughter were common occurrences in the lives of the parish priests.
Halevy in Nejran, Von Wrede in Hadramut, and Wellsted in Oman reached its edge, though none of them actually entered it, and the guides accompanying them all concurred in describing it as uninhabitable and uncrossed by any track.
Wooden guides being of considerable size, block up a certain portion of the area of the pit, and thus offer an impediment to the ventilation, especially in upcast shafts, where the high temperature, when furnace ventilation is used, is also against their use.
Elias of Nisibis), medicine (Galen) and cosmetics (Cleopatra), in ready-reckoners (Didymus), clerk's (katib's) guides, and like handbooks, and in indirect explanations of the equivalents of measures mentioned by authors (e.g.
Regular industrial work is however handicapped by competition with the tourist trade in its several branches - acting as guides and camp servants, manufacture and sale of " souvenirs ' (carved toys and trinklets in mother - of-pearl and olive-wood, forged antiquities and the like), and the analogous trade in objets de piete (rosaries, crosses, crude religious pictures, &c.) for pilgrims. Travellers in the country squander their money recklessly, and these trades, at once easy and lucrative, are thus fatally attractive to the indolent Syrian and prejudicial to the best interests of the country.
It is a mere enumeration of a few known facts, makes no use of exclusions or rejections, concludes precariously, and is always liable to be overthrown by a negative instance.6 In radical opposition to this method the Baconian induction begins by supplying helps and guides to the senses, whose unassisted information could not be relied on.
The pilgrimage retained its importance for the commercial well-being of Mecca; to this day the Meccans live by the Hajj - letting rooms, acting as guides and directors in the sacred ceremonies, as contractors and touts for land and sea transport, as well as exploiting the many benefactions that flow to the holy city; while the surrounding Bedouins derive support from the camel-transport it demands and from the subsidies by which they are engaged to protect or abstain from molesting the pilgrim caravans.
Families who owned great houses were able to keep them if they opened them to the public, acted as guides, and only lived in a small part of them.
Such a rule of the two diameters not only guides us toward the sun in the system and the heart in man, but draws lines through the length and breadth of the aggregate of a man's particular daily behaviors and waves of life into his coves and inlets, and where they intersect will be the height or depth of his character.
Austrian column guides were moving in and out among the Russian troops and served as heralds of the advance.
This track has guides or rails built into it together with a toothed rack or track.
Rafting, kayaking, paragliding, rock climbing, outings with mountain guides, horse riding all available at hand.
Guides will always take charge of their client 's refuse sack.
Underwater setting funnel or chute, which guides lines down to a certain depth, significantly reduces seabird bycatch.
Applications include academic tests, product knowledge tests, attitude surveys, personnel evaluations, self paced study guides, and many others.
The Discovery Guides are produced in the form of two seperate sheets folded in a plastic wallet.
Sommelier 's Advice has a Weekly Wine Tips feature, articles on how to create a wine cellar and guides to wine-producing regions.
Instead, TACK 's trainers have helped develop call guides to encourage spontaneity.
Cartoons and photos are scattered throughout the book as well as several " spotters guides ".
Help look after guests Assist the guides on game walks, picnics & sundowners in the bush.
They will act as expert guides to the area you travel through.
What is the underlying philosophy that guides our work?
Experienced guides will take care to provide unforgettable diving adventures.
Further help on searching Unicorn is given in the Unicorn guides.
It guides you step by step through each payroll activity offering unparalleled ease of use.
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More publishers than ever are producing travel guides for countries and cities.
These tips can help you select travel guides that enhance your vacation.
Travel guides cover nations, regions and cities.
For instance, you can find many travel guides for all of France, several guides for the Provence region and countless travel guides for Paris.
If, on the other hand, you plan to fly into and out of Paris and never or rarely leave the city while you are there, the only travel guides you need will be ones covering only Paris.
Most travel guides of major cities include sections that address day trips out of the city to nearby famous sites including villages and parks.
You can also find guides for entire international regions.
However, if you are only going to Germany and Austria, for instance, then you will be better off with travel guides that are specific to the two countries.
Guides for specific countries have more details on the country and its cities than larger regional travel guides.
The city maps in these travel guides may be small, but they usually point out the locations of accommodations, restaurants and shopping locales mentioned in the guide.
Similarly, travel guides to cities like New York should have maps of the entire city, including the subway system, as well as maps of specific neighborhoods and districts.
Finally, different publishers put out travel guides with different approaches.
Cadogan travel guides are geared towards leisurely travels and high-end shopping.
Fodor's travel guides focus more on family fun.
And Time Out travel guides focus on hip shopping, eating and clubbing.
Travel guides for popular destinations are updated roughly every two years.
Older guides might contain outdated information.
Amazon presents travel guides by publisher, including many you may not know yet.
Powell's Books offers new and used travel guides. sells travel guides from all of the major publishers.
Pay close attention to the moves he/she guides you through, and be sure to practice whatever take-home assignments you're given.
These guides, many of which are available in downloadable formats at the web site, not only direct teachers, they can be extremely helpful to people who want to know what teens are reading in school.
Rick's job is to write travel guides and he spends more than 6 months out of each year on the road living out of his luggage.
The website gives customers access to programming guides, so they can tune in to segments they would like to watch without having to wait for a product they are interested in to appear.
For loads of useful information, buying guides, and how-to tutorials for cell phones, be sure to check out our sister site LoveToKnow Cell Phones.
Researching and planning your bike purchase, including looking at bicycle buying guides, can help you choose the right bike that will give years of service.
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Many buying guides are specific to certain bicycle types and this can be useful when looking to buy a particular bike.
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Stainless steel is often considered the ultimate compromise in cookware buying guides.
Most web camera buyer's guides give you reviews of specific webcams with a deluge of technical information that may not have a bearing on your reason for getting one.
Some HDTV buyer's guides neglect to mention resolution.
Retailers offer HDTV buyer's guides to the brands they carry.
Some cordless phone buyer's guides may not mention this type of phone because they operate on similar frequencies and the benefits are not enough to spend additional money.
Mountain bike buying guides aren't the easiest to find, but much of the decision when choosing a mountain bike comes down to who helps you in the shop.
Just as there are guides to buying anything, there are tips on buying golf clubs and even golf shoes.
Some of the best electronic buying guides help you understand terminology, figure out the pluses and minuses of different brands and assist you in where you can buy or find great deals for electronics.
Which buying guides on this channel do that?
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In addition, you'll find links to guides on how to purchase the correct laptop for your needs.
Most computer retailers have online buyers' guides to assist you in your laptop choice.
Retailers' guides are geared toward motivating a purchase, likely to contain all pros and limited, if any, cons.
Buyer guides contain some subjective material, by being based on the writers' and researchers' opinions.
Below is a selection of online sources for consumer buyers guides.
Guess which retailer is focus of the buyers guides here.
Read as many consumer buyers guides as you can in order to put the material in context.
A compass guides you as you walk through the woods in pursuit of a hunting trophy of your own.
At Monex you might be overwhelmed by the "infomercial" look of the website, but they offer lots of information and guides to help you purchase gold.
As you research, don't get bogged down with too much information that many buying guides provide.
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Whether you are shopping for kids, adults, spouses, friends and family or co-workers, consulting with holiday gift guides can give you just the ideas to make the holiday shopping season great.
When looking for holiday shopping gift guides, the key is to think about the person you are buying for.
Ultimately, holiday gift guides can only give you a starting off point- make your gift personal and right for the person you are giving it to and your gift will be appreciated long after the holiday season is over.
This site also contains seasonal and holiday gift guides in addition to product and merchant ratings.
Read reviews by consumers as well as featured buying guides on the products you search for.
The site also features buying guides, deals, and the option to shop by category, store, or brand.
Afterwards, there are activity guides that go along with each book.
They can see all of the titles in the series (to see if there are any they have missed), some of which have online research guides that provide additional educational material and point to related sites.
Biographies of musicians, books about video games or comics, craft guides, and other titles all have their place on the shelves and tend to sell quite well during their peak of interest.
They contain the Law Firm's name and/or a watermark and are to be used as guides only by individuals who are not employees of the Firm.
When necessary, user guides for property settlements and custody arrangements are also included.
If you require more support to complete the divorce forms, choose a divorce kit provider that guides you through the process in a step-by-step manner.
Most of the websites that carry patio furniture repair parts also provide detailed and easy to understand directions, online instructional videos, or pictorial how-to guides.
Their websites also include useful information and instructions, how-to guides and instructional videos on many types of outdoor furniture repairs.
Many companies that sell replacement parts for outside furniture provide detailed instructions including illustrations and diagrams, easy to understand how-to guides or instructional videos.
According to NADA Guides, the following models are among the most popular hybrids on the market.
Field guides are books that contain all sorts of useful information about plants, from exact photos to detailed text descriptions of what a variety will look like, smell like, feel like and even taste like.
If you want a hard copy guide to take with you while you explore the outdoors, there are many field guides you can buy that will help you to identify berries on the fly.
Whether you want to see examples of rooms or read step-by-step guides to redesigning your bathroom, we have the resources you need.
Measure your room and check the paint cans for guides on how far a can of paint stretches.
How-to Guides teach you the basics of applying interior and exterior paints.
These stencils were different because they were used as guides for stone masons.
You can find guides on how to apply the brand's makeup on their website, or an expert working in one of the company stores can also help you master their specific technique.
Some available are step-by-step guides and some provide tips on how to cover problem areas of the skin, new techniques, and/or how to choose the best makeup colors.
As an independent professional, an image consultant guides you in presenting yourself to your best advantage and in expressing your highest potential.
Getting your liner symmetrical can be intimidating, but you can create guides for yourself that help you along.
Study draft guides in advance and have an extensive list of different players in different positions.
There are many different places you can find online UK TV guides to help you determine what's on the telly no matter where in the world you are.
With all these choices (and many more) available, it can be difficult to choose one online UK TV guides list to use regularly.
You will also find game guides to help you if you're stuck in a game.
With the traditional board game, players place their hands on a raised, triangle-shaped planchette that sits atop a lettered game board, and the spirit guides their hands to the letters that spell out responses to their questions.
The web is filled with a wide variety of fantastic, free online games, and you'll find a variety of guides and resources throughout the LoveToKnow Online Games category.
Photographers can use camera features just by touching the screen, instead of using menu guides, buttons and controls for choosing items.
It may sound obvious, but user guides often have tips and hints to help the photographer use proper settings and lighting.
The following guides offer exceptional information on where and how to sell your photographs for cash.
However, it doesn't hurt to read beginner photography guides and commit some of the tips to memory.
Recipes are more like guides than strict formulas.
Each episode also includes project templates and design guides to help you work on the featured project at your own convenience.
Ski Central gives tips on skiing, recommendations for equipment and guides to common maneuvers.
Certified guides lead the Mount Potts heli skiing trips.
Tasman Glacier heli skiing packages include lunch, three plane rides, professional guides and avalanche safety equipment.
Study Guides and Strategies offers helpful time management tools for students including daily and weekly planners.
The following guides can be helpful when shopping for your next pair of jeans.
Susan Ireland is the author of three Complete Idiot's Guides.
There are also many sources online that function as Internet guides to prom dresses and prom night.
Make sure if you are ordering the correct size when you order online (usually sites offer sizing guides you can use to determine if the sweater will fit or not).
The Evite system serves as a party-planning device because it guides the user through a planning process, allows the user to manage their guest list, and alerts the user any time a person RSVPs for the event.
Other tools include step-by-step guides to tuxedo rental, the proper way to tie a bow tie, grooms' checklist, wedding tips and FAQ's, and a time-saving downloadable PDF file for your measurements (instructions included).
Though some gift-buying guides will caution you to check the wedding registry to get a sense of their style and then give the go-ahead to buy, it is usually best to forgo all decorative items.
In addition to offering Christian wedding programs as guides to the ceremony, a couple can show their faith in a number of ways during their wedding ceremony and reception.
Some couples find that planning guides are a useful tool to help them stay organized.
Many areas have free wedding guides for their region.
Some regional guides are also available online and include comprehensive venue listing virtual tours of banquet halls and other wedding facilities, and more.
Visit My for wedding venue guides for major US cities.
Online guides are an interesting alternative to traditional paper guides.
Online guides can be frequently updated which means that information need never be out of date.
Bliss Weddings offers free downloadable wedding guides in two versions.
Other ways of finding great internet wedding guides is to use a search engine.
Finding the right wedding planning guides is the first step towards planning a wonderful wedding that will be enjoyed by everyone with memories cherished long into the future.
You can also visit the library to check out wedding planning guides for reference.
The dresses have been featured in several publications, including Brides, Bridal Guides, and The Knot.
Even many detailed wedding cake cutting guides don't provide information for how to cut a strangely shaped cake.
While many things are required from the mother of the bride etiquette guides, hosting the bridal shower is not one of them.
The design of the wedding cake guides the entire process, from the baking to the finishing touches.
The personality of the couple also guides the tone of the design.
The rest of the cast waits in a surveillance room and guides the two contestants to the designated area.
Each episode features a different teen and his or her parents, as Dr. Drew guides them through the initial awkwardness of starting up such a conversation and assigns each family a variety of tasks to get them to open up.
The guides are there for the sole purpose of saving you the trouble of receiving a dress that does not fit properly and bound for the return shipment.
Be sure to take advantage of practice tests available in preparation guides and classes as well.
Experienced guides offer expert advice and insight to local attractions, and comfortable private transportation and accommodations are conveniently arranged.
Port guides, websites, and tourist bureaus are great information resources.
Prior to setting sail along the water, guests are given safety and paddling instruction by experienced guides.
When a situation appears threatening, the ship may choose to anchor at a distance and use ferries to shuttle passengers to shore, or an experienced local harbor master guides the ship appropriately.
They also act as historians, naturalists, and guides on shore excursions.
A captain and crew are on board and serve as guides for your trip.
The company is well known for its clean ships, friendly staff, and professional Egyptologist guides.
These well-educated tour guides offer a wealth of information about the sites you will be visiting.
Sightseeing cruises also feature guides who offer comprehensive narratives of the historic river and its surroundings.
Many packages will include tour guides who provide background information and guidance for travelers.
In many cases, Disney travel guides will help you book your flight when you reserve your cruise.
Travel guides that are specifically written for pet owners will list available off-leash areas along with their amenities and hours of operation.
These training guides will show you the best way to teach your dog to carry through on a command, improving your communication skills so you both get the most out of your training sessions.
Potential guides must demonstrate the ability to assess a given situation for themselves, and decide against obeying a command if it will put their person in danger.
Since these working canines have been trained to be such wonderful and useful companions, there is usually a waiting list of homes for retired guides.
The tattoo practitioner holds the machine steady and guides the dyeloaded needles across the skin to create the desired pattern or design.
Gardening Guides "How to Grow Grapes" PDF download.
Your local gardening center, regional garden guides or an almanac will estimate the best times for you to plant with the greatest accuracy.
Calendar planting dates are useful guides, but careful observation of natural events can help you fine-tune your planting.
Of course, as wonderful as these fretboard guides may be, you have to be careful not to become overly reliant on them as a new player.
Fretboard charts are study guides only, so make sure your end game is to get off the chart and move on to knowing where the notes are by memorization.
The motor is mounted near the center of the ceiling, where a rail guides a trolley across the ceiling to the top of the door.
The screw pushes the trolley as the rail guides it.
These easy-to-read guides on a multitude of subjects can help get you started with your project.
Prepare to break all formalwear guides when selecting your formal footwear.
The Internet makes this a breeze because of the clothing and undergarments you can buy, plus the video demonstrations you can use as guides to walking, sitting, or even just standing like a woman.
This is one of the best guides and shopping areas around - listing both problems and solutions in an easy to scan chart.
If you are shopping online, make sure to follow the measurement guides for that website and always take your measurements accurately.
However, many online plus size clothing stores offer detailed descriptions that include in-depth guides to getting the perfect fit.
When ordering, always make certain to follow the sizing guides of the specific website to ensure you get the best possible fit.
The website also comes with a size chart, as well as guides on buying denim and bras.
To really expand on the learning vacation/workshop experience, plan your next getaway around what you find in Shaw Guides.
Calculators and guides help you evaluate your retirement savings, estate planning, and life insurance needs.
The AARP offers a "State-by-State Guide to Nursing Home Performance Data" with links to state nursing home guides, report cards, violations, and other helpful resources.
The counselor then guides you to other like-minded individuals.
Voelker's program guides you through easy yoga movements and breathwork to improve overall health.
When it comes to buying gifts for senior friends, turning to holiday gift guides for the elderly can provide a wide range of ideas.
The calculator guides you by asking a series of questions and then asking you to plug the numbers in.
However, Jung looked at the occurrences as helpful guides that help reveal the needs of the conscious mind.
Dreams are very personal, but dream interpretations written by others can be very useful guides as a start to better understand your dreams.
As far as selecting the appropriate size, all of our online partners have sizing guides so the customer can simply measure their prescription glasses (width and height).
The online sizing guides will instruct them as to which size will work best for them.
Check their website for a full list of stores as well as fit guides.
The site has guides to help ensure that you choose the right frames for your face shape and size.
Local travel guides and brochures usually have some sort of amusement park coupon attached.
Picking up one of these guides at the beginning of your vacation planning can not only help you save money on tickets but also on other aspects of the vacation such as dinging and hotel accommodations.
In addition to the various cheat codes that can be used in this popular racing game, you may also want to read through certain walkthroughs and guides for more information on Mario Kart Wii.
Clicking on "More Support Info" will net you even more common issues as well as Basic Setup Guides that expand on the included manuals and dive deeper into other issues that may occur.
This is the kind of tip and trick that you may not be able to find through standard video game walkthrough guides, because it is not really the intended way to play the game.
Almost all of the guides are written by video gamers like yourself.
There is a huge database of gamers communicating in the forum and you can find all kinds of useful tips that may not be covered in the traditional guides.
These guides reveal all areas of the game.
According to comments from a video game message board, there are mixed feelings about game guides.
Everyone seems to appreciate the existence of game guides, but how people use them vary.
Some only use the guides when they feel they are stuck in the game and do not know where to go next.
In the end, everyone agrees if a player thinks it is fun, that's all that matters, whether they use the guides thoroughly or not.
These types of guides may include information such as character bios, item descriptions, and general tips.
Members of the site can submit walkthroughs and other similar types of guides for the enjoyment of the online gaming community.
In the beginning, Ned guides you through a tutorial of sorts of shooting your pistol and rifle and using your knife.
When you ask, "How do I download games on my PSP for free?", be wary of any guides you find online that may lead you down a possibly illegal path.
Moreover, they have mentioned that they will have video game guides and accessories in the near future.
You can also purchase walkthrough guides to most video games at stores such as GameStop, Wal-Mart, and Target.
As the community continues to grow and interest continues to build in Maxis Spore, a bevy of strategy guides and walkthroughs will start to emerge on the Internet.
This walkthrough guides you from start to finish.
Walkthroughs and guides are particularly useful for role-playing games, whereas cheat codes and secrets are more heavily utilized in shooting, action, and adventure games.
These same guides -- which come at an additional cost to the actual game itself -- occasionally outline Easter eggs as well, granting you an extra special treat that you may not have discovered yourself.
Blockbuster has a selection of the most popular game magazines and cheat guides.
They also have in-depth game guides for select titles.
What's the deal with video game strategy guides?
That's when these strategy guides for video games come into play.
In general, the vast majority of video game strategy guides are designed to help you through the tougher portions of each title and perhaps even give you a little help for the less difficult portions as well.
Also known as a video game walkthrough, these video game strategy guides are akin to roadmaps or GPS navigation devices.
Many veterans of the Final Fantasy franchise are all too familiar with guides of this type.
Instead, these guides are largely designed for competition and being able to better perform in the game in general.
For example, fighting game strategy guides will not only outline the special moves associated with each character, but also the best strategy to undertake when you select these different characters.
Another area where you will find these kinds of video game strategy guides are with strategy games, particularly real-time strategy games like those from the Command & Conquer, Starcraft, and Age of Empires franchises.
In like manner, you may find a variety of guides for intense first-person shooter games.
If you embark on those multiplayer death matches in games like Halo and Call of Duty, it may be worth your while to read a few video game strategy guides before hurling yourself headlong into the heat of battle.
These guides can point you toward the best weapons, hiding spots, and general strategies for defeating your opponents.
As you can probably imagine, it is not exactly necessary to read all of the video game strategy guides that are out there.
Walk into just about any bookstore or video game store and you will probably find a library of guides for some of the most popular titles.
By the same accord, a number of guides are available online through websites like LoveToKnow Video Games.
How far you take these strategy guides and how much you choose to rely on them is largely a matter of personal preference.
The key difference between video game walkthroughs and video game strategy guides is a subtle one.
With strategy guides, you may be offered different types of moves and tactics that will help you achieve greater success in sports games, fighting games, simulation games, and role-playing games.
These guides are particularly useful in competitive environments where you may be facing off against human opponents.
In this way, walkthroughs serve as step-by-step guides, providing directions and guidance that will help you progress through the story and finish the game.
Our Oblivion walkthrough takes your hand and guides you through the Oblivion main quest.
Since Wii Sports isn't your typical platformer or role-playing game, most of the strategy guides contains hints and tips for playing Wii Sports.
There are strategy guides, a cheat codes section, and-as of this writing-one game save which includes medals and top scores.
The books range from pocket guides to large tomes.
Compare your doll to the same doll in one of the price guides.
Great places to find information include your local library's collectible price guides, the Internet, and local collector's clubs.
Collectible price guides are valuable for several reasons.
One way to make sure that you are buying the real McCoy is to carefully study collector price guides and collecting guides.
Learn more about the hobby by joining a sports collectors club and by reading anything you can find on the subject of sports memorabilia, such as collector price guides.
Be sure to educate yourself about the value and identification by reading collectible guides and books on the subject.
Baseball cards price guides are the perfect accompaniment to shopping for the trading cards you most covet.
Most price guides provide collectors with photos and the current year's prices so that collectors and sellers alike can set asking prices accurately.
Collecting baseball cards can be a lifelong passion and seasoned collectors know that price guides are an invaluable resource.
If you do a lot of your collecting online, using Internet price guides makes shopping easier.
Online price guides contain the same information that their book counterparts do, however collectors should be aware not all Internet sites are updated regularly.
Price guides are one of the best ways for collectors to stay abreast of their hobby, as these guides provide price ranges, photos and more.
Free antique price guides are an invaluable resource to anyone interested in buying or selling antiques.
In addition to current market value, antique price guides also provide detailed information and pictures, making it easier to identify authentic antiques from fakes, reproductions and reissues.
You can usually buy antique price guides at any bookstore, but there are ways to access the information for free.
Having access to current market trends is another important benefit of price guides.
While there are many guides out there to help you evaluate your antiques and collectibles, three guides remain at the top of the bestseller lists.
Together the couple authored more than 100 books and price guides on antiques, had their syndicated antiques column in more than 150 newspapers and co-hosted several television series about antiques.
The Kovel's Price Guides are some of the most well known and preferred price guides available.
Warmans has been publishing excellent price guides since 1948.
The guides feature articles as well as forecasts by experts about what will be popular in the future.
Schroeder's Antique Price Guide is on of the top antique guides in the United States. 300 experts review the categories for accuracy and provide images and information for the over 700 categories listed.
In addition to listing the fair market value of the tools, the guides are helpful for identification.
Many collectors look for older price guides for this purpose.The following are several antique tool price and identification guides.
Resources for collectors of old woodworking tools include price guides, identification manuals and websites.
Price guides and identification manuals for antique tools are available at most bookstores and local libraries.
The following are examples of antique woodworking price and identification guides.
Price guides are a useful resource in finding out the values of old books.
Even the information in old book price guides that are outdated will be useful in determining whether a particular book is of value.
Many printed books and price guides and online resources exist for those interested in antique Stanley tools or for a specific type of tool such as woodworking planes.
There are many excellent price guides for antique and collectible books.
Although current price guides are essential for updated book values, many collectors also consider older price guides a valuable resource.
Older guides include valuable information including records of previous sales used to determine if a book has been increasing in value.
Toy train price guides and books, old train catalogues and collectors' clubs and are several of the resources available to toy train collectors.
There are plenty of identification and value guides that can be found in bookstores and libraries that can help you out.
Many guides will give an estimate value which, if nothing else, can at least give you a starting point.
Whether you buy, sell or collect antiques the Internet provides many opportunities to find their value without any cost using free online price guides.
Online price guides provide updated information on current market trends often culled from recent auction selling prices.
Some online price guides include information on a variety of different types of antiques, while others specialize in a specific type of antique such as antique dolls or books.
In addition to online price guides that are free, there are others that require registration or charge an annual or monthly membership fee.
Collecting postcards is a fun hobby and pricing guides for antique postcards are great resources that can help you buy and sell these interesting collectibles.
You will need to look for resources or pricing guides that contain this information.
With a little help from the many pricing guides for antique postcards available, anyone can start a fun hobby like collecting antique postcards.
There are many postcard price and identification guides and online resources to help determine the value of antique postcards.
The more resources and guides you can find to help you research the value of collectible books, the better prepared you will be to buy or sell these kinds of books.
Resources include books written on the subject of collecting books and online guides.
You must keep in mind that some of these book guides might be outdated or may not have the particular book you're interested in listed.
Hyraxia has articles and the latest news on book collecting, as well as a reference library and 600 price guides.
If you're a beginner in the world of collecting antique bottles, there are free online guides that you can visit to help educate yourself in this field.
Most baseball card price guides also provide information on the grading system.
They have also written many successful guides on antique collecting, including Kovels' "Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide," an annual publication which has sold over 4 million copies since the first edition was published.
In addition to online price guides, you can find good information about various types of antiques and collectibles by searching for price guide books on sites like Amazon or by visiting your local library.
Guides know all the sweet spots that you may have never even considered.
This includes all meals, lodging, guides and transportation from San Antonio International Airport.
Professional guides are always within the immediate vicinity should you have any problems.
If desired, guides can stay with the hunters.
The guides are experts, so you won't have to experience any hog hunting survival stories in the wilderness.
The guides will also transport your kill back to the camp.
Guides will clean, skin, and quarter the meat at no additional cost.
If you decide to go this route, try to get the most recent version of the printed guides as possible since values will almost always change over time.
Many of the city specific tourist oriented websites provide free visitors guides in addition to details about places to camp and things to do.
To do this simply head to the NADA Guides website and click on the RVs tab.
These two guides are not the only way to find RV prices.
To keep up with the latest, be sure to follow these unlocking guides.
While some of the information found inside these user guides is fairly universal to all Google Android smartphones running the same version of the mobile operating system, the specifics of each model can vary greatly.
They may or may not have extra user guides in the store.
He encouraged the use of his artistic development stages in classrooms and as guides for parents.
The egg makes its way into a fallopian tube, a structure that guides the egg away from the ovary toward the uterus.
Parents who act as dream guides can help their children to find their own solution to the dream problem.
Inner guides may take the form of a loving voice within that the child can listen for during times of fear or a beloved animal that they may call upon as a companionable inner helper when dealing with problems presented in scary dreams.
It also relates to your support system, benefactors and guides, both spiritual and human.
This section will have a variety of books and guides on researching a family history.
Trusty Guides is another good source for a free printable family tree diagram.
There are how-to guides, a library catalog for the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, and the Family History Archives, a database of historical books.
With complete guides to products and treatments, there's also a large number of salon reviews at the site for you to look through.
Remington HC-920 PrecisionPro 300 Titanium 25-Piece Haircut Kit Cord/Cordless - corded and cordless kit with titanium-coated blades that never need oiling; includes guide combs, scissors, ear guides, clips, storage case and more, $28.
This easy-to-follow page guides you step-by-step, snip-by-snip, until you're satisfied with the results.
Color guides will instruct you on your options and process requirements for a desired hair color, starting from the least committal to the highest maintenance choices.
Color guides and swatches are based on the hair color level system, which measures the degree of lightness to darkness, while excluding any underlying pigments and tones.
They are provided with answer guides online.
Homeschooling curriculum guides help provide parents with a "big picture" view of what topics should be covered when.
You can find your state board of education curriculum guides online or by simply calling the board of education.
Of course, if you want more than just what other kids in your state are doing, there are a host of curriculum guides written specifically to homeschoolers.
One of the most prominent guides to a modern day classical education is The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer.
Ambleside Online is one of many Charlotte Mason curriculum guides.
Walden Media - whether you're reading the Chronicles of Narnia or watching the Water Horse on DVD, this website has free teacher guides and class activities that are free to download.
How 2 Teach Science - has dozens of free downloadable guides to help you teach your children all about science.
They also interact with other adults who serve as tour guides.
First, for parents unfamiliar with mathematics or uncomfortable with mathematics, using a resource such as this one, which contains clear teaching guides, make sit much easier to work through concepts.
Five in a Row is a set of teacher's guides intended to be used as guided unit studies along with a set reading list.
The guides themselves can be used as purely secular guides, or you can opt to purchase a Bible supplement that ties in with the lesson plans to focus on Christian values and selected Bible verses to accompany the regular lessons.
Parental guides and tools are also included in the homeschool edition so that a child's progress can be monitored.
The second guides the learner into more people and places, emotions and directions.
Each Rosetta Stone curriculum level also includes administrative guides which enable homeschooling parents to monitor their child's progress.
The site also has links to a variety of career information including tips on self-assessment, career guides, salary surveys and apprenticeship programs.
Guide or teaching positions include options like fishing, hiking or rafting guides, ski or snowboard instructors and SCUBA teachers.
Several nationally-recognized outdoor programs, such as Outward Bound and the National Outdoor Leadership School, require their program guides and instructors to have college degrees as well.
National City Mortgage's library of guides to buying a home.
Zen Mama is a 52-minute DVD that guides moms-to-be through a series of relaxing poses that also prepare them for childbirth.
To research your rights with your company, grab all your employee handbooks and resource guides and read them thoroughly.
There are some wonderful guides and articles that discuss how to get support and deal with the emotional aspects of your maternity leave return to work.
Eros This is a general portal website that guides you to escorts found throughout the United States and abroad.
Besides the Eros-guide San Francisco, there are separate guides for many other U.S. cities as well as in Canada, Ireland, and the U.K. Links are found here for cities such as Atlanta, New York, Toronto, and London.
The best tour guides you'll ever find are city natives, who are abundant on this and rivaling websites.