Guided Sentence Examples
He guided her back toward the forest.
He guided her through the fog, and they emerged in a dark room with the light of streetlamps filtering through two windows across what looked another hotel room.
He held a hand up to her and then guided her down to his lap.
They walked around the table and Alex guided her through the door with a hand on her waist.
Flipping a light on, he guided them to a corner and pulled the cloth from a painting.
Felipa guided them to Alex and Jonathan.
She guided the car to the lit parking lot near the metro station, her destination.
She guided the crying woman inside to her library and dug through the small satchel near her favorite chair.
His hand on her back as he guided her was electrifying.
The influence of an advancing study of nature, which was stimulated if not guided by Bacon's writings, is seen in the more careful doctrines of materialism worked out almost simultaneously by Hobbes and Gassendi.
AdvertisementHe had guided wagon trains across Indian Territory and battled the Cheyenne.
He guided her to the porch with a hand on her elbow.
His hand lightly touched her waist as he guided her into the cool room.
Guided by the swan he reached Antwerp, and married the lady on condition that she should not ask his origin.
Both communal councils and prefects may appeal to the government against the decision of the provincial administrative juntas, the government being guided by the opinion of the Council of State.
AdvertisementYoung, brave and handsome, he won the love and devotion of his people, and guided them through the long years of storm and stress with wisdom and ability.
Simultaneously Danby guided through parliament a bill for raising money for a war against France; a league was concluded with Holland, and troops were actually sent there.
The insects are guided by light, being very sensitive to ultra-violet rays, and also by scent and hearing.
The choice between various methods of resolution, all mathematically admissible, would be guided by physical considerations respecting the mode of action of obstacles.
Two principles may be said to have guided the translators.
AdvertisementDuring the guided tour in the Guácharo cave we saw many oilbirds.
Even in the days before my teacher came, I used to feel along the square stiff boxwood hedges, and, guided by the sense of smell would find the first violets and lilies.
In addition to yoga, Peggy teaches meditation and guided relaxation.
Darian guided the horse through marble streets marked by statues of his forefathers and beyond the city into the wood running along a stream that ran through the immortal countryside.
The indirect geographical elements, which, as a rule, act with and intensify the direct, are mainly climatic; the prevailing winds, rainfall, mean and extreme temperatures of every locality depending on the arrangement of land and sea and of land forms. Climate thus guided affects the weathering of rocks, and so determines the kind and arrangement of soil.
AdvertisementIt may not be uninteresting here to note the principles which guided him both now and afterwards in his literary purchases.
In this, indeed, as in other cases, it may be said that the emperor was guided less by any abstract principles than by a common-sense appreciation of the needs and possibilities of the moment.
Judas was at Emmaus; " the men of the citadel " guided a detachment of the Syrian troops to his encampment by night.
Baker Pasha accompanied the British force, and guided it in its march to the scene of his defeat, and at the desperately-fought second battle of El Teb he was wounded.
Lubbock's experiments of inLlucing ants to seek objects that had been removed show that they are guided by scent rather than by sight, and that any disturbance of their surroundings often causes great uncertainty in their actions.
A bee, we will assume, attracted by the colour and perfume of the flower, alights on that part of it which is the first to attract its attention - the lip. There, guided by the hairs or ridges before-mentioned, it is led to the orifice of the spur with its store of honeyed juice.
Guided by such administrators as Warren Hastings, the East India Company had assumed more and more definitely the functions of government for a great part of India.
He guided it through the controversies as to Robertson Smith's heresies, as to the use of hymns and instrumental music, and as to the Declaratory Act, brought to a successful issue the union of the Free and United Presbyterian Churches, and threw the weight of the united church on the side of freedom of Biblical criticism.
Coming to the throne at the age of sixteen, he did the wisest thing he could by allowing himself to be guided by the most capable man he could find.
There is no doubt that the primary influence that has guided the evolution of the architecture of the burrowing spiders has been that great necessity for the preservation of life, avoidance of enemies and protection from adverse physical conditions like rain, cold or drought.
During the greater part of the period between 1130 and 11 54 the policy of Damascus was guided by the vizier Muin eddin Anar, who ruled on behalf of the descendants of the atabeg Tughtigin.
It was John Flesher who chiefly guided the movement from a loosely jointed Home Missionary Organization on to the lines of a real Connexionalism.
No doubt they are subsequently guided to higher excellence and effectiveness with the experience gained in their oft-repeated performance.
As usual, the excessive self-introspection was not checked by a rational criticism; the individual was guided by his own reason, the limitations of which he did not realize; and in becoming a law unto himself he ignored the accumulated experiences of civilized humanity.'
The selection of the topics of mathematical inquiry among the infinite variety open to it has been guided by the useful applications, and indeed the abstract theory has only recently been disentangled from the empirical elements connected with these applications.
Burton was pre-eminently a jurist and economist, and may be said to have been guided by accident into the path which led him to celebrity.
The intendants, by an exercise of their general or special powers, took the place of the elus, and delegated commissaires aux tailles (commissaries of the taille) for the assessment of the parishes, who guided and supervised the elected collectors - for the most part ignorant and partial peasants.
Hungary, therefore, for almost the first time in her history, was free to choose a foreign policy of her own, and had she been guided by a patriot, she might now have easily regained Dalmatia, and acquired besides a considerable sea-board.
But Lamartine could hardly have guided the ship of state safely even in much calmer weather.
In February 1789, guided by compass, he traversed the country, practically unknown to white men, from Frederickstown to Quebec, falling in with Indians by the way, with whom he fraternized; and in a subsequent expedition he was formally adopted at Detroit by the Bear tribe of Hurons as one of their chiefs, and made his way down the Mississippi to New Orleans, whence he returned to England.
The prospector is guided in his search by a knowledge of the geological conditions under which useful minerals occur.
The ropes are supported between the rails and guided on curves by rollers and sheaves.
Nevertheless, with the aid of Capponi, he guided the bewildered city safely through these critical days.
Duff was called to the chair, and guided the church happily through this crisis.
To him space became a mode of divine activity, alive with the presence and illuminated by the vision of God; time was an arena where the divine hand guided and the divine will reigned.
When it is remembered that the punching tool was guided solely by the hand and eye, and that three or more blows of the mallet had to be struck for every dot, some conception may be formed of the patience and accuracy needed to produce these tiny protuberances in perfectly straight lines, at exactly equal intervals and of absolutely uniform size.
He makes us feel more than any one the majesty of the Roman state, of its great magistracies, and of the august council by which its policy was guided.
The stuff from the stamps is conveyed to the middle of the muller, and is distributed over the mercury, when the gold subsides, while the quartz and lighter materials are guided by the blades to the circumference and are discharged, usually into a second similar mill, and subsequently pass over blanket tables, i.e.
Salomon Reinach, guided by the analogy of similar practices among the aborigines of Australia, and noticing that these primitive pictures represent none but animals that formed the staple food of the age and place, and that they are usually found in the deepest and darkest recesses of the caves where they could only be drawn and seen by torchlight, has argued that they were not intended for artistic gratification (a late motive in human art), but were magical representations destined to influence and perhaps attract the hunter's quarry.
The arrangements for this purpose vary, of course, with the amount of work to be done with one fixing of the machinery; where it is likely to be used for a considerable time, the drum and brake are solidly constructed, and the ropes of steel or iron wire carefully guided over friction rollers, placed at intervals between the rails to prevent them from chafing and wearing out on the ground.
The rope, which is guided upon sheaves between the rails, is taken twice round the head pulley.
The cage is guided by shoes of wrought iron, a few inches long and bellmouthed at the ends, attached to the horizontal bars of the framing, which pass loosely over the guides on three sides, but in most new pits rail guides of heavy section are used.
They are applied on one side of the cage only, forming a complete vertical railway, carried by iron cross sleepers, with proper seats for the rails instead of wooden buntons; the cage is guided by curved shoes of a proper section to cover the heads of the rails.
Its policy was henceforth guided by three main considerations.
He may justly claim the merit of having guided the awakened psychological interest of British thinkers of the second half of the 19th century into fruitful channels.
The revolution of an eccentric A causes two short steel cylinders or cutters mounted on a block of iron B, suitably guided, to enter two holes in a plate fixed to the bed of the machine.
At the same time his policy was guided by a sincere patriotism, which looked to the true prosperity of the Free State as well as to that of the whole of South Africa.
We have been guided in the selection of the particular quadrilateral adopted by the rule of arranging the order of the sides so that the same letters indicate corresponding sides in the diagram of the frame and its reciprocal.
The queen opened her first parliament in person, and in a well-written speech, which she read with much feeling, adverted to her youth and to the necessity which existed for her being guided by enlightened advisers.
In canvassing for the consulship he was guided by the counsels of an Etruscan soothsayer, and was accompanied in his campaigns by a Syrian prophetess.
He took over the command in Italy from Moreau about the middle of July, but he persuaded his predecessor to remain at the front and was largely guided by his advice.
The treaty of 1818 gave effect to this arrangement, Britain guaranteeing the prince against external enemies and refractory chiefs; he, on his part, pledging himself to be guided by her representative in the administration of his state.
The Edinburgh Review, on the other hand, enlisted a brilliant and independent staff of contributors, guided by the editor, not the publisher.
Minos himself is said to have died at Camicus in Sicily, whither he had gone in pursuit of Daedalus, who had given Ariadne the clue by which she guided Theseus through the labyrinth.
Progress in these two lines is by no means uniform; while, for example, palaeontology enjoyed a sudden advance early in the 19th century through the discoveries and researches of Cuvier, guided by his genius as a comparative anatomist, it was checked by his failure as a natural philosopher.
As soon, however, as events happened among them which disturbed their outward tranquillity, the religious spirit which had guided their fathers immediately revived within them.
The course of the Mississippi through Minnesota is largely guided by the form of the drift cover.
Halley added in his edition (1710) a restoration of Book viii., in which he was guided by the fact that Pappus gives lemmas "to the seventh and eighth books" under that one heading, as well as by the statement of Apollonius himself that the use of the seventh book was illustrated by the problems solved in the eighth.
The king was throughout his life on terms of personal intimacy with St Dunstan, and his public policy was largely guided by that prelate and by his own mother Eadgifu.
He not only guided the growth of scientific telegraphy on land wires, but made the earliest experiments with submarine cables, foreseeing the practicability of this means of communication as early as 1840.
These books contain the great national epic of Judaism relating the deliverance of the people from bondage in Egypt, the overthrow of the pursuing Pharaoh and his army, the divinely guided wanderings through the wilderness and the final entry into the promised land.
For a time he was compelled to submit to be guided by his supporters, who were aware of the risks of their venture.
He moderated, guided and in great measure realized the reform aspirations of the educated classes.
Two or three slubbing rovings are put up behind the machine opposite each spindle; each end is guided separately into back rollers and thence between smaller rollers, known as carrier rollers, to the front rollers.
Whether it is guided as much by touch as by smell I cannot safely say; but it appears to me that both senses are used in the action.
Whatever else Catherine may have been she was emphatically a sovereign and a politician who was in the last resort guided by the reason of state.
She declared that in politics a capable ruler must be guided by "circumstances, conjectures and conjunctions."
No sketch, however brief, can omit a reference to the Anglican bishop of South Tokyo, Edward Bickersteth (1850-1897), who from his appointment in 1886 guided the joint movement of English and American Episcopalians which issued in the Nippon Sei Kokwai or Holy Catholic Church of Japan, a national church with its own laws and its own missions in Formosa.
From that date until 1672 it was his brain and his will that guided the affairs of the United Netherlands.
Hence the blast furnace process, thus freed from the hampering need of controlling accurately the silicon-content, can be much more effectively guided so as to prevent the sulphur from entering the pig iron.
In forging, whether under a hammer or under a press, the action is evidently a squeeze, however skilfully guided.
The advantage of the " reversing " system is that it avoids lifting the piece from below to above the middle roll, and again lowering it, which is rather difficult because the white-hot piece cannot be guided directly by hand, but must be moved by means of hooks, tongs, or even complex mechanism.
This moving is expensive, because it has to be done, or at least guided, by hand, and it takes up much time, during which both heat and iron are wasting.
Perhaps for ingenuity and the latest methods of manipulating skins in the manufacturing of furs the Americans lead the way, but as fur cutters are more or less of a roving and cosmopolitan character the larger fur businesses in London, Berlin, Vienna, St Petersburg, Paris and New York are guided by the same thorough and comparatively advanced principles.
The senior members of the community, by virtue of their age and experience, watched over the conduct and guided the action of the younger and less experienced portion of the Church, though they held no official position and were not appointed for any particular work like the bishops and deacons.
It contains other features of considerable interest to which more importance seems to be attached, and the writer is evidently an artist who takes manifest delight in the touching and graceful details of his picture, and is not simply guided by a desire to impart historical information or to enforce some particular lesson.
The same character of elaborate decoration, guided almost uniformly by good taste and artistic feeling, is displayed in the mosaic pavements, which in all but the humbler class of houses frequently form the ornament of their floors.
Guided by Luther and Melanchthon, the principal states and cities in which the ideas of the reformers prevailedelectoral Saxony, Brandenburg, Hesse and the Rhenish Palatinate, Strassburg, Nuremberg, Ulm and Augsburgbegan to carry out measures of church reform.
All control of man by man was more or less intolerable, and the day would come when each man, doing what seems right in his own eyes, would also be doing what is in fact best for the community, because all will be guided by principles of pure reason.
The situation, though apparently favourable, was full of difficulty, and only a statesman of uncommon dexterity could have guided Austria with success through the ensuing years.
Ibn Tashfin, who was largely guided by Zainab, had in the meantime brought what is now known as Morocco to complete subjection, and in 1062 had founded the city of Marrakesh ("Morocco City").
Even in the spheres of art and literature, the Italians, while so largely guided by Greek canons, had something of their own to contribute.
Besides their judicial duties, the courts practically exercise legislative functions, as no important law can be made applicable to Europeans without the consent of the powers, and the powers are mainly guided by the opinions of the judges of the Mixed Courts.
The mehkemehs, or courts of the cadis, judge in all matters of personal status, such as marriage, inheritance and guardianship, and are guided in their decisions by the code of laws founded on the Koran.
Akerblad, a Swedish orientalist attached to the embassy in Paris, identified the proper names of persons which occurred in the demotic text, being guided to them by the position of their equivalents in the Greek.
When placed on the stigma, under favourable circumstances, the pollen-grain puts forth a pollen-tube which grows down the tissue of the style to the ovary, and makes its way along the placenta, guided by projections or hairs, to the mouth of an ovule.
The gametophyte or prothallial generation is thus extremely reduced, consisting of but little more than the male and female sexual cells - the two sperm-cells in the pollen-tube and the egg-cell (with the synergidae) in the embryo-sac. At the period of fertilization the embryo-sac lies in close proximity tube has penetrated, the separating cell-wall becomes absorbed, and the male or sperm-cells are ejected into the embryosac. Guided by the synergidae one male-cell passes into the oosphere with which it fuses, the two nuclei uniting, while the other fuses with the definitive nucleus, or, as it is also called, the endosperm nucleus.
The tact, assiduity and dignity with which he guided the deliberations of the council made him exceedingly popular with its members.
In process of time the whole of these deposits might be denuded from the area, and there might even remain no trace of the younger formations on which the valleys began and which guided their excavation.
The horses are guided from the boat, and a twentyor thirty-foot barge with a heavy load of men and goods will be towed across the river at Kilif (where, as already stated, the width of the river is between 500 and 600 yards only) with ease by two of these animals.
The most powerful influence was that of the Livingstonia Mission of the United Free Church, whose destinies in Nyasaland were guided for many years by Dr. Robert Laws.
One, guided by Luther himself, ended, after a long struggle with pope and emperor, in the establishment of evangelical churches under the rule of the secular authorities of the territories which adopted the Lutheran Reformation.
His own temper of mind was conservative and somewhat aristocratic, but he guided political development, often under circumstances of great difficulty, with singular fairness and conspicuous magnanimity.
He hated the "morbid rage of debate" because he believed that men were never convinced by argument, but only by reflection, through reading or unprovocative conversation; and this belief guided him through life.
The wheel W is therefore mounted on a guided rod, which is forced upwards by suitable levers and weights, and this relief of pressure is precisely proportional to the pressure on the respective bearings.
The criterion which guided the studies of the academicians was far from being worthy of unqualified praise, and consequently their work did not always meet the approval of the best scholars who had the opportunity of seeing the monuments.
Wasif, proclaimed as caliph one of the sons of Wathiq with the title of al-Mohtadi billah ("the guided by God"), who, however, refused to occupy the throne until his predecessor had solemnly abdicated.
Far more dangerous, however, for the Caliphate of Bagdad at the time were the Carmathians of Bahrein, then guided by Abu Tahir, the son of Abu Sa`id Jannabi.
Al-Mosta`sim billah ("he who clings to God for protection"), son of Mostansir, the last caliph of Bagdad, was a narrow-minded, irresolute man, guided moreover by bad counsellors.
According to Cornish tradition, the divining or dowsing rod is guided to lodes by the pixies, the guardians of the treasures of the earth.
A praetor was essentially a civil judge, and as such he was accustomed at or before his entry on office to publish an edict setting forth the rules of law and procedure by which he intended to be guided in his decisions.
Guided by this objective criterion, and safeguarded by growing insight into the author's plastic aim, we need not despair of reaching large agreement as to the nature of the sources lying behind the first half of Acts.
The mixed type of government described by Homer - consisting of a king guided by a council of elders, and bringing all important resolutions before the assembly of the fighting men - does not seem to have been universal in Indo-European communities, but to have grown up in many different parts of the world under the stress of similar conditions.
It is characteristic of early literature that the evolution of the thought - that is, the grammatical form of the sentence - is guided by the structure of the verse; and the correspondence which consequently obtains between the rhythm and the grammar - the thought being given out in lengths, as it were, and these again divided by tolerably uniform pauses - produces a swift flowing movement, such as is rarely found when the periods have been constructed without direct reference to the metre.
His efforts in behalf of the welfare of the working classes were guided by personal knowledge.
But if individuals might be guided by self-interest, why should that privilege be denied to associations of men?
Benjamin was naturally an apt and useful pupil; for instance, an opinion of Mr Pollock, which for long guided the London police in the exercise of their right to search prisoners, is mentioned by him as having been really composed by Benjamin while he was still his pupil.
In view of the wide extent and importance of his labours, the variety of subjects of which he treats, ard the unity of purpose which guided him throughout, Simon Newcomb must be considered as one of the most distinguished astronomers of his time.
In ten days of brilliant investigation, guided by clear insight from the very first into the meaning of the phenomena concerned, he established experimentally the fact that a current may be induced in a conducting circuit simply by the variation in a magnetic field, the lines of force of which are linked with that circuit.
It is probable that Villiers at this time had really a sense of the duties attaching tohisposition4 and was willing to be guided by a man of approved wisdom.
Blaeu's improvement consisted of putting the spindle of the screw through a square block which was guided in the wooden frame, and from this block the platen was suspended by wires or cords.
This platen had a perpendicular motion, being guided in grooves and worked by a connecting rod fixed to a cross beam and crank, which acquired its motion from the main shaft.
Every night Hero placed a lamp in the top of the tower where she dwelt by the sea, and Leander, guided by it, swam across the dangerous Hellespont.
Guided by these experiments, Ayrton, Perry and Sumpner constructed an improved unifilar quadrant electrometer which was not only more sensitive than the White pattern, but fulfilled the theoretical law of working.
The Pan-American congress, then projected, now met in Washington, and Blaine, as its master spirit, presided over and guided its deliberation through its session of five months.
The court and parliament, guided by them, declined to press the queen or to pass the Book of Discipline; and meantime the negotiations as to the queen's marriage with a Spanish, a French or an Austrian prince revealed the real difficulty and peril of the situation.
The third clause required him, in all cases of preferment, to be guided not " principally," as heretofore, but " solely " by merit,, thus striking at the very root of aristocratic privilege.
Officially the king is all-powerful, and his will, which is guided by God and bound up in His law, unfettered.
An Industrial Commission, appointed (under pressure) by President Kruger in 1897 to inquire into a number of grievances affecting the gold industry, had reported in favour of reforms. The recommendations of the commission, if adopted, would have done something towards relieving the tension, but President Kruger and his executive refused to be guided by them.
Hence it was probably the most influential of all Fenelon's books, and guided French ideas on the question all through the 18th century.
As regards the former, leucocytes are guided chiefly by chemiotaxis, i.e.
He stimulated and guided the development of sanitary science, until it reached in England the highest degree of excellence, and gave an example to the civilized world.
A search was made only to make sure that nothing was wrong and guided only by Monteagle's letter, while no attempt was made to seize the conspirators.
Its horizontal movements, which ought to be the more important, are accidental movements due to air currents, and cannot be controlled; the balloon, in short, cannot be guided.
The probability is that in such cases governments and courts applying international law would probably be guided not by technical facts - such, to take the case of British possessions, as the fact that an order in council permitted appeals to the Judicial Committee - but would look to the facts of the case.
Edward owed his throne to his kinsmen the Nevilles, and he was content for the time to be guided by them.
The tribe of Levi had also been miraculously guided, from near Babylon, to Havila, where they were enclosed and protected by the mystic river Sambation or Sabbation, which on the Sabbath, though calm, was veiled in impenetrable mist, while on other days it ran with a fierce untraversable current of stones and sand.
Spener died in 1705; but the movement, guided by Francke, fertilized from Halle the whole of Middle and North Germany.
His love affairs, undoubtedly too numerous (notably with Gabrielle d'Estrees and Henriette d'Entragues), if they injure his personal reputation, had no bad effect on his policy as king, in which he was guided only by an exalted ideal of his royal office, and by a sympathy for the common people, his reputation for which has perhaps been exaggerated somewhat in popular tradition by the circumstances of his reign.
Prussia Primary and Saxony had set the national example, and France was guided into it by Cousin.
The sudden and unpremeditated wish represented by the former is wholly inferior in character to the free choice of the latter, guided and illumined by intelligence.
The principles by which the Commons were guided in these parliaments were very different from those which had prevailed in the first parliament of the Restoration.
Later Count Beust, leader of the Austrian and feudal party in Saxony, became his principal minister and guided his policy on most occasions.
And we are touched to think of the simple-minded guest secretly praying, in the solitude of his room in the fine house at Beaconsfield, that the way of his anxious and overburdened host might be guided by a divine hand.
The Council of Chalcedon (451) rejected the Alexandrian extreme in its turn, guided by Leo of Rome's celebrated letter, and thus put the emphasis on the duality rather than the unity in Christ's person.
The first great rival to Protestant orthodoxy, apart from its old enemy of Rome, was Socinianism, guided by Laelius Socinian- Socinus, but still more by his nephew Faustus.
While it is not easy to avoid the suspicion that a choice of which nothing can be predicated, which is guided by no motive, influenced by no desire, which is due neither to the natural display of character nor to the influence of environment, is either merely fortuitous or the product of a philosophical theory.
The conception, as we have seen, was taken from the later Roman jurists; by them, however, the law of nature was conceived as something that underlay existing law, and was to be looked for through it, though it might ultimately supersede it, and in the meanwhile represented an ideal standard, by which improvements in legislation were to be guided.
For neither happiness, nor the concrete means to happiness, nor finally the conditions of its realization can be distributed; and in the end " not general happiness becomes the ethical standard by which legislative action is to be guided, but universal justice."
Foreign policy must be guided by a larger and more provident conception of Athenian interests.
A palace revolution, headed by Mahommcd, of the Omayyad family, who called himself Al Mahdi Billah (guided by God), and a street riot, upset the power of the liajib at Cordova while he was absent on a raid against Castile.
Launched upon an unknown world, and guided by unerring instinct to the very flowers it seeks, the bee fertilizes fruit and flowers while winging its happy flight among the blossoms, gathering pollen for the nurslings of its own home and honey for the use of man.
But criticism is still busy attempting to trace these also to historical originals, and Theodor Abeling (Das Nibelungenlied, 1907) makes out a very plausible case for identifying Siegfried with Segeric, son of the Burgundian king Sigimund, Brunhild with the historical Brunichildis, and Hagen with a certain Hagnericus, who, according to the Life of St Columban, guided the saint (the chaplain of the Nibelungenlied), who had incurred the enmity of Brunichildis, safe to the court of her grandson Theuderich, king of the West Franks.
Her voice was barely a whisper as she boldly slipped her arms around his neck and guided his lips to hers again.
The wonders of the temple were made more lucid by a guided tour of the little museum.
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Self Guided The walk s range from a gentle amble of 6 kms right through to a more demanding day hike of 20 kms.
We also offer occasional guided weekend visits to heritage attractions in the UK to students who wish to attend.
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For guests wishing to explore the delights of Bath and the surrounding countryside, the hotel offers bespoke guided tours.
Now a working boatyard, regular guided tours will be available from the Spring.
Police Motorcycles guided the funeral cars through the mid-day traffic as a hovering helicopter kept a watchful eye on the proceeding cavalcade.
Guided by a higher power Sam and Linda's experience illustrates the way of the seventh chakra, the way of faith.
Chichester Interest Holidays - Relaxed and friendly guided coastal walking holidays in Cornwall for small groups of adults.
Both parties are guided by relevant advisory committees where necessary.
Our continuing work is motivated by the necessity of providing Image Guided therapy in order to provide highly conformal treatments.
After all, it is argued, rational credences, which are guided by them, do -- see the next section.
Each frigate had a Wasp helicopter whilst a Wessex was detached from one of the guided missile destroyers and housed on the oiler.
The new International is guided by the scientific theory of materialist dialectics, the theory of knowledge of Marxism.
We haue been guided by thee hitherto, And of thy Cunning had no diffidence, One sudden Foyle shall neuer breed distrust Bastard.
There are currently seven working distilleries on the island, several of which offer guided tours and include a free dram!
Enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the Leighton estate, guided by our resident falconer.
National Archeology Week finishes on Sunday 23 July with a fascinating guided tour of one of Dartmoor's historic farmsteads.
At low tide, guided walks of the ocean floor are led by naturalists.
Skiing resort providers provide full-service guided trips into distant high mountain regions.
First climb parallel to Dean Clough over Dean Fields, guided by old gateposts.
The guided bus way would involve replacing the track with a concrete guideway and demolition of the stations to provide car parking.
In reaching his/her decision he/she should be guided by the principles set out in Chapter 2.
Airplanes filled with innocent hostages became guided missiles, aimed straight for our hearts.
Reason is mainly instrumental; it needs to be guided.
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Let me give you a practical example of being guided by intuition from my own experience.
The case study was guided by the social science concepts of institutional isomorphism and resource dependency.
Ski resort providers provide full-service guided jaunts into distant high up mountain parts.
His dense and friendly comments have guided many programmers on the linux kernel mailing list.
However, most laboratory testing is guided by the request which arrives on the laboratory testing is guided by the request which arrives on the laboratory form.
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He also noted the growing national debt and promised to adhere to foreign policies guided by the principle of nonintervention.
Ian did two guided tours of Brawby, spouting unrehearsed nonsense.
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Punting and cruising make popular summer pastimes, whilst guided walking tours and bus tours are available all the year round.
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Visit London's only live planetarium shows where an expert from the Royal Observatory will take you on a guided tour of the skies.
This arresting sentiment guided Andrew Carnegie, the American steel plutocrat to disburse his entire fortune in philanthropic work.
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The 16-day event boasts 160 guided walks to suit all ages and abilities, whether you are an experienced rambler or more leisurely walker.
Light is guided in the core of the fiber that has a higher refractive index than the cladding by total internal reflection.
The variety of activities includes horse-back riding, hiking mountainous paths in the cloud forests, and guided bird-watching tours.
She took me on a guided tour of gobbledygook which included critical success factors, traffic lights, milestones and a balanced score card.
We spend three days guided sightseeing in Lhasa, acclimatizing to the altitude of the Forbidden City.
Guided walks, horse sleigh rides, and paragliding.
There are various guided activities, such as snow-shoe tours, dog sleigh rides and nature walks.
After lunch you will have a guided tour of Fes el Bali (Old Fes) including the souk.
There are rapid firing squibs, explosive squibs, armour-piercing squibs, guided squibs and even squibs that cause enemies to inflate.
We're pushed or guided by the subconscious, and unaware of it.
Combine a guided trip with a hunt for spectral tarsier at dusk for value for money.
For relaxing tense muscles or an over-active mind use specific relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or guided visualization.
Guided by Good Purpose, Zoroaster encountered a theophany of the supreme god, Ahuramazda, at the top of a mountain.
These were surely at one time clan totems, if not the power animals which guarded and guided the people of each group.
Here, he takes us on a guided tour of the Universe.
Find out what's where in the new Tech Update with our Guided tour.
Click on any thumbnail for a larger image Self-guided tours or guided tours by arrangement.
The French and the Belgians tend to buy only the lesser vintages, because they are guided partly by price.
There is a free guided historical walk on Friday 18th August, 1pm to 4pm, starting at Bootle Library.
A guided approach is used for the completion of reflective journal writings.
His foreign policy was guided by the traditional antagonism of the papacy to German domination in Italy, and generally by a desire to free the Holy See as far as possible from the political entanglements of the age.
Lord Nottingham in 1676 reconciled the ancient theory and the established practice by saying that the conscience which guided the court was not the natural conscience of the man, but the civil and political conscience of the judge.
It forms part of the cycle of the chansons de geste dealing with the Crusade, and relates how Helyas, knight of the swan, is guided by the swan to the help of the duchess of Bouillon and marries her daughter Ida or Beatrix in circumstances exactly parallel to the adventures of Lohengrin and Elsa of Brabant, and with the like result.
His father was pre-eminent for practical genius, his mother a woman of half-wild blood, weird, visionary and terrible; and Alexander himself is singular among men of action for the imaginative splendours which guided him, and among romantic dreamers for the things he achieved.
The materia medica of the Chinese at the present date affords an excellent illustration of the changes that have taken place in the use of drugs, and of the theories and superstitions that have guided the selection of these from the earliest ages, inasmuch as it still comprises articles that were formerly used in medicine, but have now been utterly discarded.
Snow accumulating on the higher portions of the land, when compacted into ice and caused to flow downwards by gravity, gives rise, on account of its more coherent character, to continuous glaciers, which mould themselves to the slopes down which they are guided, different ice-streams converging to send forward a greater volume.
In any case the people are driven out by some adverse change; and when the urgency is great they may require to drive out in turn weaker people who occupy a desirable territory, thus propagating the wave of migration, the direction of which is guided by the forms of the land into inevitable channels.
He was guided in turn by the inconsistent advice of Schmerling, Rechberg, Mensdorff, not to mention more obscure counsellors, and it is not surprising that Austria was repeatedly outmatched and outwitted by Prussia.
But the recovery of successive historical nuclei does not furnish a continuous thread, and if one is to be guided by the historical context of events the true background to each nucleus must be sought.
Unregulated enthusiasm might of itself have achieved little or nothing; enthusiasm caught and guided by the astute Norman, and the no less astute Venetian or Genoese, could not but achieve tangible results.
He guided the state successfully during the nine years' reign of the invalid Edred.
Entering politics at the dreariest and least profitable stage in Canadian history, he took the foremost part in the movement which made of Canada a nation; he guided that nation through the nebulous stages of its existence, and left it united, strong and vigorous, a monument to his patriotic and far-sighted statesmanship. His statue adorns the squares of the principal Canadian towns.
Probably the maker of this version was partly guided, especially in his choice of renderings, by his knowledge of the Diatessaron.
His title "the Bad" seems little merited and expresses the bias of the historian Falcandus and the baronial class against the king and the official class by whom he was guided.
The knight Walter Tyrrell, who was persistently accused of being the author of his masters death, as persistently denied his responsibility for it; and whether the arrow was his or no, it was not alleged that malice guided it.
Whether we ascribe this whole passage simply to JE or consider, as many scholars do, that the first statement is by J and the second by E, it is clear that these statements directly contradict P's elaborate scheme, according to which the people march, tribe by tribe, with the ark in the very centre of the square, and guided by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
But after a while, just as a jury comes out of its room, the bigwigs who guided the club's opinion reappeared, and everybody began speaking clearly and definitely.
Most of the people at that time paid no attention to the general progress of events but were guided only by their private interests, and they were the very people whose activities at that period were most useful.
In both cases his personal activity, having no more force than the personal activity of any soldier, merely coincided with the laws that guided the event.
Having climbed the rickety wooden stairs, three men guided us into the thick, deep mud.
Treatment An x-ray guided sacroiliac joint injection may help in localizing the source of the pain.
Guided Group Work Screens 4,5 Screen 4 presents the first stanza of the poem " The Owl " by Tennyson.
We 're pushed or guided by the subconscious, and unaware of it.
Find out what 's where in the new Tech Update with our Guided Tour.
Guided by his brother, he traveled five hours by foot for trichiasis surgery.
We enjoy a guided walk where we'll see numerous governmental buildings, gold-domed cathedrals and the tsar bell.
Has guided Turkey to single digit inflation, after four years of undershooting the target.
Nor can I fail to mention my own venerable Predecessors who have guided the Church in the twentieth century.
The cost is £ 13 to include a guided walking tour in the town.
The vapor rises through the narrowing neck of the still and is guided downwards and through a water-cooled condenser.
Struggling readers can benefit from selecting subjects that interest them paired with guided reading activities that can help transition from determining meaning to comprehension and eventually to fluency.
This current must then be guided out of the cell in order to harness the potential energy created when the sun's energy freed the electrons in the silicon semi-conductor.
The program at the Breakers includes a film about the Newport mansions and a guided house tour.
Guided tours are available year-round with ticket prices ranging from $10 to $30.
Visitors can choose between frequent guided tours and self-guided audio tours.
Simple, clean lines define the Scandinavian design approach, guided by functionality, natural materials and minimal ornamentation.
Although your travels may not take you across the country on a guided and scenic route, wherever you travel, you'll most likely bring along your favorite cosmetics and beauty products.
At the very least, call someone to let him know where you are going, and be sure the person giving you the guided tour of the apartment knows too!
Each level ends when you've guided Scooby to his friends successfully, and each new level begins with the group separated again.
Wisp Outdoors, an Orvis-endorsed outfitter, offers two-hour to full-day guided services, instruction and two-day school workshops.
The right guided meditation script can help you relax and release stress, and over time, help to improve your overall health.
Whether you are a regular practitioner of meditation or are just toying with the idea, a guided meditation script can greatly help.
In other words, you'll know exactly where the guided script will take you and what you can expect.
Finding the perfect guided meditation script has a lot to do with your innate personality and the imagery that you respond to best.
This is a highly individualized process, so you'll want to take the time to find the guided meditation script that suits your individual needs.
For example, some folks respond best to guided imagery that relates to a lush forest, while others perfect the calming influence of the sea.
The guided meditation script they offer takes you slowly through the stages of meditation.
This site combines the visual and the mental in the hopes of offering a complete guided meditation script.
Guided relaxation CDs help people who feel they have little control over the events unfolding in their lives.
Guided relaxation CDs help break the cycle of stress through simple, effective techniques that guide the mind away from stressful thoughts.
The principle behind guided relaxation is that the mind is open to external suggestion.
It is important when listening to guided relaxation that a person not be judgmental or critical of the instructions.
Visualization is often present in guided relaxation exercises whether a person imagines walking in a field of rich green grass, a twilight forest or laying on a warm rock beneath a starry sky.
Choosing the right CD for guided relaxation involves choosing the one that meshes well with personal taste.
Relaxation CDs Catalog - The Relaxation CDs Catalog sells relaxation CDs and only relaxation CDs, they feature everything from guided to self-guided in their inventory.
When choosing a yoga class for meditation, look for a class that is for beginners and offers a guided component.
Relaxation CDs - Whether selecting a guided relaxation CD or simply a CD of soothing music and nature sounds, CDs can help create an audio atmosphere conducive to relaxing the mind and by extension the body.
You can listen to either guided relaxation CDs, soothing music, or another type that goes along with how you are feeling.
BrainSync - Learn to meditate with the free 10-minute guided meditation. - Enjoy the free online meditation courses and podcasts that include guided meditation, music, and more.
You can sit or lie down, use guided imagery, or just let your mind roam free; no matter what method you choose, the result is a relaxed state.
Taking advantage of downloadable meditations means you can have guided meditation anytime and anywhere that you have your MP3 player or computer.
Visit this website for a free guided meditation MP3.
They allow you to block out background noise as well as keep the guided meditation from bothering others.
If you need help with meditation, try guided relaxation, in which you listen to someone tell you what to do to reach maximum relaxation.
Learn visualization techniques or guided imagery.
In guided imagery you follow the instructions of the person guiding you through the relaxation process.
Many audio CDs are available that lead you through guided imagery exercises that take ten minutes or less.
Guided Hollywood home tours are big business in Tinseltown, and they offer the best way to catch a glimpse of your favorite stars on their "day off", all the while cruising in air conditioned comfort.
There are numerous companies in L.A. that will take you on a guided tour, point out the locations where your favorite celebs live or have once lived, and give out lots of information on the stars and the properties themselves.
The folks on a guided Hollywood tour the day that Michael Jackson died, for example, got an eyeful when the pop superstar was wheeled out to a waiting ambulance while the tour bus was parked outside.
Once you're there, you'll want to take an official guided tour and attend any available informational sessions.
The classes are self-paced and guided with an instruction packet that shares background information and helps students organize their courses, quizzes, multimedia resources, and career information.
On the first day of the voyage, passengers can take a guided tour of the facility that includes brief demonstrations of many different treatments.
Ballroom dance lessons, photography classes, trivia games, ship tours - including an educational guided tour of art collections - wine tastings, and spa seminars are frequently offered.
Passengers can choose from a variety of optional excursions throughout the tour, such as whale watching quests, river rafting, guided hikes, helicopter tours, and other sightseeing options.
Guided historic and cultural tours via boat, bike, horse-drawn carriage, or trolley.
For example, rather than visiting a local zoo or sheltered aviary, an adventure travel cruise may involve passengers taking an extended hike to go birding for local species while guided by an experienced naturalist.
The guided tours are narrated by ship staff and most include a light meal.
The cruise ends in Vancouver, though no guided tour of that city is included in the package.
Guided tours take passengers to see old buildings, including churches decorated for the holidays.
The trip consists of activities such as walking tours, guided sightseeing tours, beer tasting and baking demonstrations in the ports of call, all with a holiday theme to them.
In addition to extravagant menus, elegant dining facilities, and luxurious cabins, Uniworld offers unique entertainment and activities, including guided shore excursions.
The guided river tours pass by magnificent waterfront mansions, landmark lighthouses, vineyards and orchards.
These cruises also include guided sightseeing tours of Cairo, home to the Egyptian Museum, which boasts many ancient artifacts from this area of the world.
Cruisers can expect to experience at least one guided port of call each day led by a qualified naturalist fluent in English.
The all-inclusive Nile honeymoon boat cruise in Egypt features gourmet meals, ground transportation, guided sightseeing tours and airport transfers.
The type of beef you choose to eat is a personal choice guided by what you feel is best for your personal health.
This belief guided her in life and in business.
Guided by these principles, Surya Brasil does not use harmful substances.
For those not interested in the thrill rides, guided tours through the park and fine dining designed for special dietary needs are also available throughout the property.
The best way to get a real feel for a nursing home is to visit one, preferably without a guided tour.
You can also make a sightseeing trip count by doing wine tasting, birdwatching or doing a guided tour.
In addition to the front line pass, you'll also receive a 6-hour guided tour of the backlot area where the movies are made, as well as valet parking and an all-you-can-eat pass.
These guided tours include valet parking, refreshments, a VIP gift, merchandise and dining discounts, and exclusive front of line entry privileges on multiple attractions.
The five board games included in this digital package are all recognizable favorites from the past and you get guided through the whole process by a familiar face too.
In addition to the tournament mode, you can take guided trips and tours designed by actual Pro Staff members of Rapala.
As an original founder of the Xbox, he guided the way for the prototype and development.
Once you arrive at the 40-acre estate, visitors can enjoy a guided tour or settle down in luxurious accommodations on-site at the Inn at Glenora Wine Cellars or at the Vineyard Cottage.
If you are new to hunting or even if you are an old pro you have to try at least one guided hunting trip.
Many times guided hunting tours will provide some of your camping gear, you'll just need to bring personal items, a sleeping bag, guns and ammo, and a flashlight.
Some guided hunts are better than others.
Triple O Outfitters-What an awesome place to go on a guided hunt!
This is just a very small sampling of the numerous places that offer guided trips.
Techniques that induce relaxation and reduce stress, such as yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, guided imagery, and relaxation training, may be helpful in controlling blood pressure.
If a heart murmur requires surgical treatment, there are no alternative treatments, although there are alternative therapies that are helpful for pre- and post-surgical support of the patient, such as guided imagery for relaxation.
The child develops visually guided eye/hand/body coordination, the fine motor skills and visual motor skills required for reading.
First, a catheter (thin, flexible tube) is inserted through a needle and guided into the spinal canal, close to where pain pathways enter the spinal cord.
Techniques that reduce stress, such as yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, and relaxation training, may be helpful to induce relaxation and manage spasticity.
For some adolescents, meditation, guided imagery, and visualization can play a key role in the treatment of amenorrhea by relieving emotional stress.