Guidebook Sentence Examples
Our findings have enabled us to write a new guidebook for the castle.
The Climbers Club produce the definative guidebook to all the climbing on Lundy.
However, to almost all, a comprehensive domestic guidebook could be indispensable.. .
You can buy a neat little guidebook for the trail, cost £ 1.50, from Tourist Information.
According to the official coast path guidebook they were built in the 1930s by architect John Campbell.
An excellent guidebook mainly to the church is on sale in the church.
Both beginners and old hands in the Craft who need strength and comfort will benefit from this practical guidebook.
Runners up will each receive a Lonely planet guidebook of their choice.
Without sounding too much like a tourist guidebook, this areas has the best of all worlds.
Loyalty is also a major factor in choice of travel guidebook.
AdvertisementThis guidebook includes a rich and varied selection of walks on Madeira, and also covers the neighboring island of Porta Santo.
The Coast to Coast walk was dreamt up by Alfred Wainwright, the famous fell walker and guidebook writer, in 1973.
With a good guidebook and some practice, identifying wild berries in Pennsylvania can become an engaging past time.
Get a good guidebook to help you identify wild berries.
Also, consider picking up an Alaska guidebook to determine which natural areas you consider must-see sites.
AdvertisementThe Breeding Dogs Guidebook website has several free diagrams.
You can even use a guidebook like Zagat to help you out, although you're less likely to get as many useful details.
You can also get a wine country guidebook that will list most of the wineries and locations, and at least an address.
Sr. Human Sweat and Sweating, Normal and Abnormal, including Hyperhidrosis and Bromhidosis, with Index of New Information and Guidebook for Reference and Research.
Instructions from a website or a basic guidebook to origami such as World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson.
AdvertisementA detailed guidebook is included, for hours of scientific fun.
Amazon has a nice collection of books including the 2008 Guidebook of U.S. Coins Redbook, the 2007 Handbook of U.S. Coins Bluebook, and the kid-friendly Coin Collecting for Kids.
This guidebook to frugal living offers tips on saving money in all aspects of your life.
Check your AAA guidebook for Oregon to see if the discount applies at other attractions.
The advice found in a good European guidebook is priceless.
AdvertisementEthics handbook - Management can issue a guidebook instructing and educating employees.
The values in a dealer's NADA guidebook, even for classic cars, will be lower due to reconditioning and repair costs.
First, if you visit NADA online, keep in mind you will not receive the same value as the NADA "orange' guidebook that is offered to dealers upon membership to the NADA.
However, there was little awareness by the population that this guidebook existed.
Family Power, the newest guidebook to hit bookshelves, is an in-depth look at weight management issues related to parents and children.
Your Girl Scout guidebook may also provide additional placement information for patches.
The One&only Guidebook is an added convenience that allows couples to browse and select items for their wedding registries with ease.
You should also be aware of state laws surrounding pregnancy leave and discrimination and know your rights and maternity benefits as noted in your company procedure guidebook.
The number comes from the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), a periodically revised guidebook containing all of the mental health issues recognized by the APA.
The Premium Membership provides all of the free and gold member benefits plus a copy of the senior discounts guidebook, which is a downloadable version of their database.