Guide Sentence Examples
Of course, I cannot guide the boat very well.
He will guide her when I am gone.
He used his body to guide hers.
At the front an altercation occurred between an Austrian guide and a Russian general.
Xander jogged into the fog, using his senses to guide him.
A style guide would be nice too.
Wait, so I just ditched my guide to follow you and you don't know where you're going?
She would need to guide the men up into the hills.
There should be a servant or someone posted near the entrance who can guide you to the restroom.
You let the magic guide you.
AdvertisementI asked my guide why they didn't use a lawnmower.
And if history is an accurate guide, that wealth will be partially redistributed to the poor—even the poorest of the poor, the bottom billion.
It is a rare privilege to watch the birth, growth, and first feeble struggles of a living mind; this privilege is mine; and moreover, it is given me to rouse and guide this bright intelligence.
She relaxed her grip on his shirt and allowed him to guide her back to the couch.
He lifted his arm to guide her ahead of him as the path narrowed.
AdvertisementHe took something like an oarlock from his pocket and fastened it to the stern of the boat; then with a paddle which worked in this oarlock one of the boys could guide the boat while the other turned the paddle wheels.
The moon-god is par excellence the god of nomadic peoples, their guide and protector at night when, during a great part of the year, they undertake their wanderings, just as the sun-god is the chief god of an agricultural people.
Their object may be (a) to provide a guide to the other world; (b) to provide the dead with servants or a retinue suitable to his rank; (c) to send messengers to keep the dead informed of the things of this world; (d) to strengthen the dead by the blood or life of a living being, in the same way that food is offered to them or blood rituals enjoined on mourners.
When a man works alone he always has a certain set of reflections which as it seems to him directed his past activity, justify his present activity, and guide him in planning his future actions.
Thus the Zulu says to the ancestral ghost, "Help me or you will feed on nettles"; whilst the still more primitive Australian exclaims to the "dead hand" that he carries about with him as a kind of divining-rod, "Guide me aright, or I throw you to the dogs."
AdvertisementIn Africa nearly all the international boundaries have been carefully surveyed and marked on the ground, since 1880, and yield a good basis as a guide for the map compiler.
In 1764 he published his first work, The Schoolmaster's Guide, or a Complete System of Practical Arithmetic, which in 1770 was followed by his Treatise on Mensuration both in Theory and Practice.
Language is no better guide, for it is not clear that the Dorian dialect is that of the most recent conquerors, and not rather that of the conquered Achaean inhabitants of southern Greece; in any case it presents no such affinities with any non-Hellenic speech as would serve to trace its origin.
He is the great Christian scholar of his age, rather than the profound theologian or the wise guide of souls."
His new brethren gave him letters to the Kiev and Odessa Masons and promised to write to him and guide him in his new activity.
AdvertisementThe introduction of an ordered system and discipline was, naturally, viewed with some suspicion by people taught to believe that the inward light of each individual man was the only true guide for his conduct.
The middle valley is often intersected by vertical "crista" and "crochet" plates projecting into it from the anterior surface of the posterior transverse ridge or from the wall, the development of which is a useful guide in discriminating species, especially those known only by teeth and bones.
The external law given, as was believed, by the God of Israel, was held to be the sufficient guide of life, and everything that looked like reliance on human wisdom was regarded as disloyalty to the Divine Lawgiver.
Wisdom is represented as the result of human reflection, and thus as the guide in all the affairs of life.
Tobacco is most generally cultivated on loose red soils, which are rich in clays and silicates; and sugar-cane preferably on the black and mulatto soils; but in general, contrary to prevalent suppositions, colour is no test of quality and not a very valuable guide in the setting of crops.
His pupil then went abroad, but Law was left at Putney, where he remained in Gibbon's house for more than ten years, acting as a religious guide not only to the family but to a number of earnest-minded folk who came to consult him.
He replies to the objection that it was not right to abandon the customs of their forefathers, and points them to Christ as their only safe guide to God.
Many different traditions have gathered around the story of the Exodus, and the ark was not the only divinely sent guide or forerunner which led the Israelites.
The chemical analysis of crude rubber is an important guide to its value.
But, then, Cicero and Seneca took common-sense as their guide.
The medieval mind was only too prone to look on morality as a highly technical art, quite as difficult as medicine or chancery law - a path where wayfaring men were certain to err, with no guide but their unsophisticated conscience.
Not the least of the benefits of the Hague convention of 1899 (strengthened by that of 1907) is that it contains rules of procedure which furnish a guide for all arbitrations whether conducted before the Hague court or not.
His brilliant career, both as a civilian and as a soldier, drew all eyes to him as best fitted to guide the fortunes of the new Confederacy, and with a deep sense of the responsibility he obeyed the call.
As a philologist Baroti was far surpassed by Nicholas Revai, but as a poet he may be considered superior to Rajnis, translator of Virgil's Bucolics and Georgics, and author of the Magyar Helikonra vezeto kalauz (Guide to the Magyar Helicon, 1781).
Cuvier may be regarded as the zoologist by whom anatomy was made the one important guide to the understanding of the relations of animals.
It was the application of Fritz Miller's law of recapitulation which gave the chief stimulus to embryological investigations between 1865 and 1890; and, though it is now recognized that " recapitulation " is vastly and bewilderingly modified by special adaptations in every case, yet the principle has served, and still serves, as a guide of great value.
On the other hand, the Prussians were new to the battlefield, and the reaction after the elation of victory was intense; moreover, if what happened at Hiihnerwasser affords a guide, the staff would have required some days to disentangle the units which had fought and to assign them fresh objectives.
Jerome followed, often carelessly, the accounts contained in the lost work of Suetonius De Viris Illustribus, written about two centuries after the death of Lucretius; and, although it is likely that Suetonius used the information transmitted by earlier grammarians, there is nothing to guide us to the original sources.
His only important precursors in serious poetry were Ennius and Lucilius, and, though he derived from the first of these an impulse to shape the Latin tongue into a fitting vehicle for the expression of elevated emotion and imaginative conception, he could find in neither a guide to follow in the task he set before himself.
The Highway Act of 1835 specified as offences for which the driver of a carriage on the public highway might be punished by a fine, in addition to any civil action that might be brought against him - riding upon the cart, or upon any horse drawing it, and not having some other person to guide it, unless there be some person driving it; negligence causing damage to person or goods being conveyed on the highway; quitting his cart, or leaving control of the horses, or leaving the cart so as to be an obstruction on the highway; not having the owner's name painted up; refusing to give the same; and not keeping on the left or near side of the road, when meeting any other carriage or horse.
In 745 Thomas of Kana brought a new 1 "In punishment by the cross (was) the suffering of this One; He who is the true Christ, and God alone, and Guide ever pure."
An ephemeris and guide to Peru was begun by the learned geographer Dr Cosme Bueno, and continued by Dr Unanue, who brought out his guides at Lima from 1 793 to 1798.
The earliest extant list, doubtless compiled from the numerous guide books then current in the Greek world, is that of the epigrammatist Antipater of Sidon (2nd century B.C.).
Although his faith in the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church never swerved, his strenuous protests against papal corruptions, his reliance on the Bible as his surest guide, and his intense moral earnestness undoubtedly connect Savonarola with the movement that heralded the Reformation.
The first is theoretic or spiritual, aiming at the development of a new principle of co-ordinating social relations, and the formation of the system of general ideas which are destined to guide society.
Having little to guide them, they often interpreted Western taste incorrectly, and impaired their own reputation in a corresponding degree.
When a small calf accompanies its mother, it always runs in front and she appears to guide it by holding the point of her horn upon the little animal's rump; and it is perfectly wonderful to note how in all sudden changes of pace, from a trot to a gallop, or vice versa, the same position is always exactly maintained.
He was the first mortal to die, and having discovered the way to the other world is the guide of the dead.
Complete lists of current British periodicals are included in Mitchell's Newspaper Press Directory, Street's Newspaper Directory, and Willing's Press Guide, and a select list and other information are given in the Literary Year Book.
The Phase Rule of Willard Gibbs, especially as developed by Bakhuis Roozeboom, is a most useful guide in such investigations.
The treachery of a foreign guide also added to his difficulties.
Belief in the fact of the Incarnation of the eternal Word, as it is stated in the words of Ignatius quoted above, or in any of the later creeds, stands or falls with belief in the Holy Ghost as the guide alike of their convictions and destinies, no mere impersonal influence, but a living voice.
They were not devised as a complete scheme of doctrine, but only as a guide in dealing with current errors of (i.) the Medievalists and (ii.) the Anabaptists.
Here as elsewhere he had but one rule to guide him in matters of doctrine and discipline - the practice of Rome and the West; for it is singular to see how Jerome, who is daringly original in points of scholarly criticism, was a ruthless partisan in all other matters; and, having discovered what was the Western practice, he set tongue and pen to work with his usual bitterness (Altercatio luciferiani et orthodoxi).
The right sheath C (outer process of the ninth abdominal segment-9) is shown in connexion with the guide B formed by the inner processes of the 9th segment.
It thus furnishes a guide to the older forms of stories, and moreover preserves the substance of others which have not survived in their French form.
The main rope, which draws out the loaded tubs, coils upon one drum, and passes near the floor over guide sheaves placed about 20 ft.
The tail rope, which is of lighter section than the main one, is coiled on the second drum, passes over similar guide sheaves placed near the roof or side of the gallery round a pulley at the bottom of the plane, and is fixed to the end of the train or set of tubs.
By the use of the spiral guide casing and the chimney the velocity of the effluent air is gradually FIG.
In Koepe's method the drum is replaced by a disk with a grooved rim for the rope, which passes from the top of one cage over the guide pulley, round the disk, and back over the second guide to the second cage, and a tail rope, passing round a pulley at the bottom of the shaft, connects the bottoms of the cages, so that the dead weight of cage, tubs and rope is completely counterbalanced at all positions of the cages, and the work of the engine is confined to the useful weight of coal raised.
P and p may be measured directly by leading the belt round two freely hanging guide pulleys, one in the tight, the other in the slack part of the belt, and adjusting loads on them until a stable condition of running is obtained.
H is a pulley to guide the approaching and receding parts of the belt to and from the beam in parallel directions.
Every young believer in Mazda, after having been received into the religious community by being girt with the holy lace, had to choose a confessor and a spiritual guide (ratu).
In the Farcot form the guide pulleys are attached to separate weighing levers placed horizontally below the apparatus.
He modestly entitled his work a Gnomon or index, his object being rather to guide the reader to ascertain the meaning for himself, than to save him from the trouble of personal investigation.
Hans Sachs, on the other hand, sang the praises of the " Wittenberg Nightingale," and a considerable number of prominent men of letters accepted Luther as their guide - Zell and Bucer, in Strassburg, Eberlin in Ulm, Oecolampadius in Augsburg, Osiander and others in Nuremberg, Pellicanus in NOrdlingen.
The peasants demanded that the gospel should be taught them as a guide in life, and that each community should be permitted to choose its pastor and depose him if he conducted himself improperly.
Miinzer dreamed of an approaching millennium on earth to be heralded by violence and suffering, but Hubmaier and Denk were peaceful evangelists who believed that man's will was free and that each had within him an inner light which would, if he but followed it, guide him to God.
Sufficient reasons could be assigned for accepting the New Testament as God's word and Christ as the Christian's guide.
Lindsay (History of the Reformation), clearer insight than the Lutherans, and Zwingli rather than Luther was in this matter Calvin's guide, and the guide of the reformed churches of Switzerland, France, England and the Netherlands.
Their ministers were called barba, a Provencal word meaning guide.
Tyack; and Guide to Medieval Room, British Museum, p. 69.
Thus Philo had, in his life of Moses, allegorized the Pentateuchal narratives so as to represent him as mediator, saviour, intercessor of his people, the one great organ of revelation, and the soul's guide from the false lower world into the upper true one.
It is convenient to give this calculation before proceeding to describe the experimental determination of the velocity in air, in other gases and in water, since the calculation serves to some extent as a guide in conducting and interpreting the observations.
Theory has been the guide in the development of bridge design, and its trustworthiness is completely recognized.
The indications given by the late Franz Xaver Kraus - himself a Catholic - may well serve for a guide (Spectator, ep. 2).
One of their duties is to guide to paradise the heroes who fall in battle, whose wives they then become.
Packard, jun., Guide to the Study of Insects, p. 205 (Salem, 1870).
A good guide to the history of the Jagiellonic period, 1386-1572, is also Adolf Pawinski's Poland in the 15th Century (Pol., Warsaw, 1883-1886).
In 1763 he published the British Mariner's Guide, which includes the suggestion that in order to facilitate the finding of longitude at sea lunar distances should be calculated beforehand for each year and published in a form accessible to navigators.
The church as the guide of the nation in duty and godliness, even extending its activity into state affairs as a mediator and a moderator, was not sufficient.
Lambert Playfair's Handbook for Travellers in Algeria (Murray's Handbooks), corrected to 1902, is a capital guide to the country, as is also Algerie et Tunisie (Paris, 1906), in the GuidesJoanne Series; the Bibliography of Algeria (London, 1888), and the Supplement to the Bibliography of Algeria (London, 1898), by Sir Lambert Playfair, contain thousands of entries and many notes.
One of the principal MS. sources used is the great Kitdb al-Aghani (Book of Songs) of Abu Faraj, which has since been published (20 vols., Boulak, 1868) in Egypt; but no publication of texts can deprive the Essai, which is now very rare, of its value as a trustworthy guide through a tangled mass of tradition.
The Manuductio was translated into English in 1813, under the title A Guide to the Reading and Study of the Holy Scriptures.
It seems even to have lasted in Egypt till the middle ages, as Jabarti and the "katib's guide" both name the ratl misri (of Cairo) as 144 dirhems=6760.
Meanwhile, however, the truth about the Eudemian Ethics in general is that it was an earlier rudimentary sketch written by Aristotle, when he was still struggling, without quite succeeding, to get over Plato's view that there is one philosophical knowledge of universal good, by which not only the dialectician and mathematician must explain the being and becoming of the world, but also the individual and the statesman guide the life of man.
In answering this question Lotze regarded Leibnitz as his guide.
Under the third head, however, his guide is Lotze.
Still it remains true that reason alone, in its highest development, would be a sufficient guide.
The Methodist Sunday School Union, founded in 1873, was formed into a department in 1907 and is doing much to guide and develop the work.
See the Annual Reports (Washington, 1891 sqq.) of the Superintendent of the Park; the Guide to the Yosemite published by the California Geological Survey; John Muir, Our National Parks (Boston, 1901); and Bunnell's Discovery of the Yosemite (New York, 1893).
The uncertainty of sensible data applies equally to the conclusions of reason, and therefore man must be content with probability which is sufficient as a practical guide.
Consulted as a friend by Grosseteste, as a spiritual director by Simon de Montfort, the countess of Leicester and the queen, as an expert lawyer and theologian by the primate, Boniface of Savoy, he did much to guide the policy both of the opposition and of the court party in all matters affecting the interests of the Church.
Its doctrine of salvation was a guide to, if not absolute non-existence, yet cessation of all consciousness of existence (Nirvana).
The Anglican Church began work in 1890, the work was thoroughly planned, the characteristics of the people were carefully considered, and the successes and failures of other missionfields were studied as a guide to method.
The colour and markings of a flower often serve to guide the insects to the honey, in the obtaining of which they are compelled either to remove or to deposit pollen.
The prices cannot be taken as a guide to the wholesale price of a single and finished skin, but simply as relative value.
Carson took part in the Mexican War, and, after the rush to the Pacific Coast began, engaged as a guide to convoy emigrants and drovers across the plains and mountains.
See Charles Burdett, Life of Kit Carson, the Great Western Hunter and Guide (New York, 1859; new ed., 1877); and De Witt C. Peters, The Life and Adventures of Kit Carson, the Nestor of the Rocky Mountains, from Facts Narrated by Himself (New York, 1858).
Under the title Et Sofer, " Pen of the Writer" (Lyk, 1864), David Kimhi composed a sort of grammatical compendium as a guide to the correct punctuation of the biblical manuscripts; it consists, for the most part, of extracts from the Miklol.
Another turbine of the mixed flow type is the " Victor," which consists of three parts - the outer guide case, and, inside this, the register gate, and the wheel.
The gate regulates the speed of the wheel by varying the quantity of water; when fully open it merely forms a continuation of the guide passages, and thus offers no obstruction to the flow of the water, but by giving it a movement through a part of a revolution the passages are partly blocked and the flow of the water is checked.
The water passes from the penstock through the guide blades of the upper wheel, and in doing so acts in an upward direction on a cover of the upper wheel, which thus becomes, as it were, a balance-piston.
But his fame went abroad and a number of would-be disciples came and took up their abode in the caves and among the rocks that surrounded his retreat, and called on him to guide them in the path of life they had chosen.
To the middle classes of the 17th century he seemed a heaven-sent philosopher and guide, and was only less popular than Francis Quarles the poet.
It seemed almost as if his wits were sharpened into a keener edge by his very difficulties; but since he condemned on principle every war which was not strictly defensive, and it had fallen to his lot to guide a comparatively small power, he always preferred the way of negotiation, even sometimes where the diplomatic tangle would perhaps best have been severed boldly by the sword.
Finally, the psychology of Hobbes, though too undeveloped to guide the thoughts or even perhaps arrest the attention of Locke, when essaying the scientific analysis of knowledge, came in course of time (chiefly through James Mill) to be connected with the theory of associationism developed from within the school of Locke, in different ways, by Hartley and Hume; nor is it surprising that the later associationists, finding their principle more distinctly formulated in the earlier thinker, should sometimes have been betrayed into affiliating themselves to Hobbes rather than to Locke.
Extract varies from 26 to 40 per cent., and is no guide to quality.
Hence, in the second place, Plato and Aristotle had assumed a perfect state with laws to guide the individual aright.
Prudence is, therefore, the only real guide to happiness; it is thus the chief excellence, and the foundation of all the virtues.
The rays had to struggle through a disturbing medium; they reached him refracted, dulled and discoloured by the thick gloom which had settled on his soul, and, though they might be sufficiently clear to guide him, were too dim to cheer him.
He was an excellent administrator; and his wide knowledge, broad sympathies, and sound common sense, though they placed him outside the point of view common to most of his clergy, made him an invaluable guide in correcting their too often indiscreet zeal.
An attempt to vindicate the roll was made by the last duchess of Cleveland, whose Battle Abbey Roll (3 vols., 1889) is the best guide to its contents.
His chief literary work was An Alarm to the Unconverted (1672), otherwise known as The Sure Guide to Heaven, which had an enormous circulation.
Paine, Ships and Sailors of Old Salem (New York, 1909), and Visitor's Guide to Salem (Salem, 1902) published by the Essex Institute.
The most remarkable of these was Percy Bysshe Shelley, who in the glowing dawn of his genius turned to Godwin as his teacher and guide.
But, when unsupported by direct evidence, even the most tempting etymology is an unsafe guide.
The officers were told by their guide that they might shoot, but the villagers had not given permission and were incensed at the shooting of their pigeons by other officers in the previous year.
Much depended on the character and personality of the young prince who had now taken into his hands the reins of government, and for half a century was to guide the destinies of the nation.
Carlyle was attracted by the brilliant abilities of the young lady, procured books for her and wrote letters to her as an intellectual guide.
What was to be thought, he said, of a spiritual guide, who either could not or would not show the wanderer his way ?
Particularly remarkable is his Igazsdgra vezetd Kalauz (Guide to Truth), which appeared in 1613.
As a moralist and a guide to the conduct of life - an aspect of Goethe's work which Carlyle, viewing him through the coloured glasses of Fichtean idealism, emphasized and interpreted not always justly - Goethe was a powerful force on German life in years of political and intellectual depression.
For man, though a member in the system of the world, has also within him a principle which can guide and understand the movement of all the members; he can enter into the method of divine administration, and thus can learn - and it is the acme of his learning - the will of God, which is the will of nature.
Wright as guide, with seven mules and the dogs, set out from Hut Point, and on Nov.
But notwithstanding the great variety of intrinsic brightness of the stars, the ratio of the number of stars of one magnitude to the number of the magnitude next lower (the " star-ratio ") is a guide to the uniformity of their distribution.
But he had not gone far when he was led astray by a guide, and after the loss of his entire outfit and several of his men, and intense suffering of the survivors from cold and hunger, he turned southward through the valley of the Rio Grande and then westward through the valley of the Gila into southern California.
In order to answer this question we must remember that there are many degrees of probability, and that induction, and therefore deduction, draw conclusions more or less probable, and rise to the point at which probability becomes moral certainty, or that high degree of probability which is sufficient to guide our lives, and even condemn murderers to death.
He bade farewell to his friends, inquired after the health of Drusus's daughter who was ill, and then quietly expired in the arms of the wife who for more than fifty years had been his most intimate and trusted guide and counsellor, and to whom his last words were an exhortation to "live mindful of our wedded life."
With these the historic manifestation of Jesus becomes only a guide to lead us to that immediate apprehension of God which is the end of theology, and to that immediate union with God which is the end of religion.
Such truth can be apprehended by the multitude only in symbols which guide the will through the imagination, and through historic facts which are embodiment of ideas.
He is the offspring of Heaven and Earth, the two worlds; is the inspirer of prayer and the guide and protector of the pious.
To cause a body to move in this manner it is usually made of a helical or screw-like figure, and moves in a guide of a corresponding figure.
The relation between the advance and the rotation, which compose the motion of a screw working in contact with a fixed screw or helical guide, has already been demonstrated in 32; and the same relation exists between the magnitudes of the rotation of a screw about a fixed axis and the advance of a shifting nut in which it rotates.
The great difference between the serial rank occupied in the respective lists by Russia, Servia and Galicia, with remarkably high rates of natural growth, as well as that found in the case of most of the other countries in question, shows that this factor is by no means a trustworthy guide in the estimate of hygienic balance.
But, if men threw over common sense, what was to be their guide in life?
Dante, medieval as his temper seems to us, chose Virgil for his guide, and ascribed his mastery of style to the study of Virgilian poetry.
Until the following March, Washington's work was to bring about some semblance of military organization and discipline, to collect ammunition and military stores, to correspond with Congress and the colonial authorities, to guide military operations in widely separate parts of the country, to create a military system for a people entirely unaccustomed to such a thing and impatient and suspicious under it, and to bend the course of events steadily towards driving the British out of Boston.
In addition to its value as illustrating the difficulties and defects that beset the development of a complex financial organization from the simpler forms of the city and the province, Roman finance is of special importance in consequence of its place as supplying a model or rather a guide for the administration of the states that arose on its ruins.
The best feature of the Data of Ethics is its anti-ascetic vindication of pleasure as man's natural guide to what is physiologically healthy and morally good.
According to his custom, he strove earnestly to guide by his advice the conduct of the young favourite.
The Palestinian Talmud, although used by the Qaraites in their controversies, fell into neglect, and the Babylonian recension became, what it has since been, the authoritative guide.
The Talmud itself is still the authoritative and practical guide of the great mass of the Jews, and is too closely connected with contemporary and earlier Palestinian history to of be neglected by Christians.
Here is he merely offered a flimsy thread that, we hope, may guide him through the maze of facts, but alas!
If the reader wish to keep pace with the output of literature on this vast subject, he will find L'Annee sociologique (1896 onwards) a wonderfully complete bibliographical guide.
Knox returned in time to guide the Assembly which sat on the 25th of June 1567 in dealing with this unparalleled crisis, and to wind up the revolution by preaching at Stirling on the 9th of July 1567, after Mary's abdication, at the coronation of the infant king.
And as his deeds are, so shall be his fate and his future lot on the Day of Judgment; when he must cross the Bridge Cinvat, which, according to his works, will either guide him to the Paradise of Ahuramazda or precipitate him to the Hell of Ahriman.
They not only endeavoured to protect and guide the natives beyond the colonial border, but among the Hottentots within the colony they instilled notions of antipathy to the white farmers, and withdrew large numbers of them from agricultural pursuits.
In one of his letters we already find the germ of his famous dictum that "probability is the guide of life."
So far as experience goes, "to us probability is the very guide of life."
And to this a religious sanction may be added, for "consciousness of a rule or guide of action, in creatures capable of considering it as given them by their Maker, not only raises immediately a sense of duty, but also a sense of security in following it, and a sense of danger in deviating from it."
Thee all this universe, as it rolls circling round the earth, obeys wheresoever thou dost guide, and gladly owns thy sway.
He regarded the Deity as the guide and upholder of the world, watching over it from the outside, not as the immanent soul within it, for according to him the world was as soulless as a plant.
To achieve this second stage the impulses must be trained in such a way that the fitness of things indifferent may be the guide of conduct.
After his work was finished he became a student of Athanasius' writings and came to see how untrustworthy his guide had been.
This tract has been attributed to Wycliffe, but without adequate authority, and it is thought to be of later date, and if Wykeham is meant by the castlebuilding clerk it only shows that popular repute is no guide to fact.
For description and general features, see Doxey's Guide to San Francisco and the Pleasure Resorts of California (San Francisco, 1897); and various guides and other publications of the California Development Board (formed by consolidation of the State Board of Trade and California Promotion Committee) in San Francisco.
P. Winship, " The Coronado Expedition," in U.S. Bureau of Ethnology, z4th Annual Report (1892-1893), pp. 33961 3, with an abundant literature to which this may be the guide.
The best consecutive account is given in the Guide Joanne, Grece, ii.
Favoured with a dark and foggy night the party of 150 men and a guide reached the first ledge of rock undiscovered.
The Bohmerwald, which, like its parallel range, the 1 As a guide to the English-speaking reader, the following notes on the pronunciation of Bohemian names are appended.
But neither the materials out of which it was composed, nor the manner in which it had been put together, were such as to make it a safe guide.
Jahrhunderts, is unrivalled as a guide to the sources of the history of Germany in the middle ages; this was first published in 1858, and has passed through several editions.
They are very often more strongly developed in the male sex, and are supposed to guide the males in pursuit of the females.
Some of the most humorous poetical pieces in the New Whig Guide were from his pen, and he was entirely devoted, like his friends Peel and Croker, to the Tory party of that day.
The texts themselves have mostly become as correct as they can ever be, and manuals and bibliographies guide one to and through them, so that no one need go astray who takes the trouble to make use of the mechanism which is at his hand.
It is a general survey of the whole apparatus of historical research, and is the indispensable guide to the subject.
His supreme task was to befriend and guide the inner life of man.
Scattered notices may be found in the edition (London, 1899) of the "General Introduction" (entitled "Hints and Notes for Travellers in the Alps") to John Ball's Alpine Guide.
Palaeontology, so far as it goes, is a sure guide, but some of the oldest fossiliferous rocks yield remains of distinctly differentiated crinoids, asteroids and echinoids, so that the problem is not solved merely by collecting fossils.
Whymper's party, three members of which (Lord Francis Douglas, the Rev. C. Hudson and Mr Hadow) with the guide, Michel Croz, perished by a slip on the descent.
In the uplands of Swedish Lapland, and to some extent in Russian Lapland, the lakes afford the principal means of communication; it is almost impossible to cross the forests from valley to valley without a native guide.
The combination of antecedents is somewhat differently given by different writers; but all agree in representing the conscience of any individual as naturally correlated to the interests of the community of which he is a member, and thus a natural ally in enforcing utilitarian rules, or even a valuable guide when utilitarian calculations are difficult and uncertain.
His ideal society was "a natural and spiritual theocracy," in which God would raise up men of mark and endowment, who would regard themselves strictly as "divine commissioners" to guide the people.
It'll guide you out of the forest - if you're conscious - and a rescue team to your body if you're not.
It would be a mistake to expect this publication to serve as a ' how to ' guide for teaching and reading Braille.
The Suchi Guide A basic guide on how to make your own sushi.
The instructor guide contains course syllabi, example lecture outlines, case studies and laboratory data.
Loewinson-Lessing has an account of the geology of the district along the military road from Vladikavkaz to Tiflis in the Guide des Excursions du VII' Congrks geol.
As for the reasoning powers in animals, the accounts of monkeys learning by experience to break eggs carefully, and pick off bits of shell, so as not to lose the contents, or of the way in which rats or martens after a while can no longer be caught by the same kind of trap, with innumerable similar facts, show in the plainest way that the reason of animals goes so far as to form by new experience a new hypothesis of cause and effect which will henceforth guide their actions.
For a brief time he seemed to resume the whole power of the English press in his own pen and to guide public opinion as he would.
Potthast is chiefly known through his monumental Bibliotheca historica medii aevi (1862), a guide to the sources of European history in the middle ages.
The information thus obtainable may be useful as far as it goes, indicating the directions in which the burden of taxation may press, and forming a guide of some utility when changes of taxation are contemplated.
Unable to stem the tide of popular passion, which was crying for the impeachment of Catargiu, Jepureanu resigned office, and Bratianu formed a new Liberal cabinet, destined to guide the country through many eventful years.
But in the sun's atmosphere gravitation alone is a misleading guide.
No certain guide has been found to tell which stars are nearest to us; both brightness and large proper motion, though of course increased by proximity, are apparently without systematic average relation to parallax.
Seven years of constant and severe toil (1866-73) were given to the Oxford Icelandic-English Dictionary, incomparably the best guide to classic Icelandic, and a monumental example of single-handed work.
You have my words, my explanations of the deep things of truth, the laws I have laid down for the society; let them be your guide; the Buddha has not left you."
Guide pulleys are set with their diametral planes in the planes containing corresponding pairs of tangents, and a continuous belt wrapped round these pulleys in due order can then be run in either direction.
His first work, entitled A System of Dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body, the manner of displaying the parts, and their varieties in disease, was published in Edinburgh in 1798, while he was still a pupil, and for many years was considered to be a valuable guide to the student of practical anatomy.
These laws are inextricably mixed in consciousness with the data of volition and sensation, with free activity and fatal action or impression, and they guide us in rising to a personal being, a self or free cause, and to an impersonal reality, a not-me - nature, the world of force - lying out of us, and modifying us.
As reason has apprehended these two simultaneous phenomena, attention and sensation, and led us The immediately to conceive the two sorts of distinct they are related, so, from the notion of this limitation, we find it impossible under the same guide not to conceive a supreme cause, absolute and infinite, itself the first and last cause of all.
He had persuaded Harold Hardrada, king of Norway, almost the last of the great viking adventurers, to take him as guide for a raid on England.
Nor did he see that the passion for equality, like every great passion, justified itself, and that the problem was, not how to obtain liberty in defiance of it, but how so to guide it as to obtain liberty by it and through it.
In the TamThe worth manifesto of January 1835 Peel proclaimed Conser- the principles which were henceforth to guide the vative party, no longer Tory, but Conservative.
Scargill-Birds Guide to the Principal Classes of Documents preserved in the Record Office (3rd ed., 1908).
But he was too fiercely in earnest in his horror of Jacobinism to allow mere party associations to guide him.
In this connexion reference may be made to patches or lines of long and generally white hairs situated on the back of certain ruminants, which are capable of erection during periods of excitement, and serve, apparently, as " flags " to guide the members of a herd in flight.
This is very distinct in the canine teeth of the Carnivora, and is a useful guide in determining the homologies of the teeth of the two jaws.
On the 12th of September 1812, he started with two Armenian servants, crossed the Araxes, rode from Tabriz to Erivan, from Erivan to Kars, from Kars to Erzerum, from Erzerum to Chiflik, urged on from place to place by a thoughtless Tatar guide, and, though the plague was raging at Tokat (near Eski-Shehr in Asia Minor), he was compelled by prostration to stop there.
Labarte and Paspates have attempted to reconstruct the palace, taking as their guide the descriptions given of it by Byzantine writers.
The reasonableness of taking probability as our guide in life was in the essence of his philosophy.
Reasonableness, in short, must always at last be our guide.
Often full of public spirit, they lacked experience and in a time of peculiar difficulty had no guide save their own discretion.
But, embarrassed between the Arcadiens, the partisans of the absolute regime, and the republicans, 0111vier was unable to guide the Empire in a constitutional course.
The socialistic tendencies of subsequent thinkers have emphasized the ethical importance of altruistic action, but it must be remembered always that it is ultimately only a form of action, that it may be commended in all types of ethical theory, and that it is a practical guide only when it is applied in accordance with a definite theory of "the good."
As against the theologians, he urged that in a spiritual religion experience, not reason, must be our guide.
In this way a mass of traditional interpretation of all kinds of observed phenomena was gathered, and once gathered became a guide to the priests for all times.
By far the fullest guide to Bismarck's life is Horst Kohl's Fiirst Bismarck, Regesten zu einer wissenschaftlichen Biographic (Leipzig, 1891-1892), which contains a record of Bismarck's actions on each day, with references to and extracts from his letters and speeches.
It will be seen that the compiler of the volume on which so much depends had to go back fully a century, with little else to guide him but odds and ends in the way of publications and tradition.
Abu Saud's mission failed, and Mahommed Ahmed no longer hesitated to call himself al-Mandi al Montasir, "The Expected Guide."
In the column is the guide.
Given a certain allowable heat transmission, the principal points to be considered in connexion with insulation are, first cost, durability, weight and space occupied, the two last named being specially important factors on board ship. No exact rules can be laid down, as the conditions vary so greatly; and though experiments have been made to determine the actual heat conduction of various materials per unit of surface, thickness and temperature difference, the experience of actual practice is at present the only accepted guide.
Soon after their arrival these colonists drew up a " plantation covenant " which made the Scriptures the supreme guide in civil as well as religious affairs; but no copy of this is now extant.
Since 1896 an indispensable guide is the periodical review Kantstudien (Hamburg and Berlin, thrice yearly), edited by Hans Vaihinger and Bruno Bauch, which contains admirable original articles and notices of all important books on Kant and Kantianism.
Carmen lifted Matthew's tiny head in the crook of her arm and let his little body rest in her lap, using her other hand to guide the nipple into his mouth.
He could sense his mate and used her gentle pull to guide him.
Instead he played travel guide, pointing out various sights along the way—the occasional abandoned mine building, steep slopes, and the ghost town of Sneffles where Dean had experienced yet another adventure, this one before marrying Cynthia Byrne.
I entrust this duty to none other than my brother, whose sons will forever guide the Warlords of Tiyan.
These ancient texts were commissioned by the deceased before their death, and were the deceased's guide Book to a happy afterlife.
Her eye for detail makes Miranda an endearing guide to the labyrinthine alleyways of Marrakech.
The guide details some of the many steps in place to protect this rare amphibian during The Open.
What is the name of the ' paranoid android ' in Douglas Adams's ' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
This practical resource is a concise guide designed to prepare veterinary technicians to administer anesthesia in animals.
The important thing with any guide to online resources is that it must be at least briefly annotated.
You can use the guide number to work out the lens aperture for the correct exposure at any distance.
The force of this criterion is best expressed in Bishop Butler's famous aphorism, " Probability is the very guide of life.
Here's our guide to the greatest musical aphrodisiac Thursday February.. .
My guide through the plantation was not apprised of my intended route, and, therefore, did not instruct me.
This is, of course, a very approximate guide.
Guide to Tameside archive We published a printed guide to the archive collection in 1994.
Not a step-by-step guide for beginners, but any intermediate to advanced martial artists would surly benefit from this book.
I do not suppose that it is the author's aim to guide our future in the direction of political autocracy and ossifying belief-systems.
Can anyone guide me to a dealer or site etc. where I can view a selection of erected caravan awnings?
He is listed in Chambers Guide To the Legal profession as one of the leading junior barristers in housing law.
The Guide reckoned we saw about 3.5 million Mexican Free-tailed bats exit the Cave in one hour 7.30-8.30pm.
A guide to pensions jargon - May 1999 Pensions are a subject that is particularly bedeviled with jargon.
To leave a bequest in your will, please contact John Williams by mail, e-mail, or phone for a free guide.
Still the only in-depth guide to the technique and break-building of both snooker and English billiards that is currently available.
Each kit comes with five sets of full-colour instruction booklets for students and a technical guide for teachers and technicians.
Fortunately, Viva! 's new and updated Vegetarian Guide to the Lake District provides a timely boost for local businesses.
This is only a guide however, as some of the " smaller " sacks are still fairly bulky with plenty of props inside.
Each plate has two nylon bushings ensuring smooth travel on chrome guide rods.
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Jargon Busting | 95 KB The RealityHouse quick guide to Internet jargon -- understand the buzzwords and impress your colleagues.
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For example, a person carrying a white cane or accompanied by a guide dog, is visually impaired.
Could you drive an armored vehicle, fire a 30mm cannon or guide a missile to its target?
The guide cannula will be held firmly in place using dental cement and protected by a stainless steel ring.
This method can be used for needlepoint canvas and tapestry canvas as a guide.
Our experience also allows us to recommend a price guide that is neither unduly cautious nor overly optimistic.
Welcome to this, the first CD-ROM based Instruction and Prototype Guide which we have developed.
Make sure you have a extremely certified cross country ski guide who will choose areas for skiing and a safe run down the mountain.
What follows is a short guide that will cover all aspects of growing your own chiles from planting to harvesting.
The only way to remove chloramines without a UV treatment is to shock treat the pool, this is discussed later in this guide.
A key aspect of the guide is the removal of street clutter.
Included sightseeing with local guide starts in St Peter's Square, followed by a visit to the Roman Forum and the mighty Colosseum.
Writers and editors of all kinds will find this handy guide an indispensable companion in their work.
The study guide for each module is divided into units, roughly comparable with a week's study.
This book aims to provide a reasonably concise guide to modern ideas about medical education.
Letter configuration utility The letter configuration utility provides a step by step guide to adding your own letters to Gemini.
Instead of trying to guide moral behavior the Church now looks to the state to enforce moral conformity.
They do it to guide and awaken the consciousness of those that follow the path toward consciousness.
You have behaved in an banana guide unusually considerate manner.
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Remember that many patients have low serum creatinine initially therefore a good guide to toxicity is a doubling of the initial creatinine.
A comprehensive guide to the major topics that constitute contemporary criminology.
They do offer a " guide " to installing SuSe from the net, but it lacks detail and seems intentionally cryptic to me.
Part 1 - Ode to cannabis cultivation - re Kentucky Hemp fields - general introduction Part 2 - Beginners guide to cannabis cultivation.
Consequently, relying entirely on maps (rather than guide books) can sometimes pose problems for off-road cyclists.
As the force of fate, this image acts as a personal daimon, an accompanying guide who remembers your calling.
In the pitch dark we started our descent, only having green paint on some of the rocks to guide us down.
A good, but very dated, general guide to freshwater life in the United States.
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We also welcome both Guide dogs and hearing dogs.
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Recommended viewing for all the family " - The Guardian " This is a refreshingly down-to-earth parents ' guide to intoxicating substances.
They make the illustrations in the guide seem very drab.
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Needless to say the guide received an earful for his pains.
But the tong that pierced the earlobe, leaving a tube in place to guide the jewelry through sounds ingenious.
Once bitten twice shy must surely guide our reaction to the council's latest edict.
It is far more than a guide to the hundreds of heraldic emblems in the Vatican or a history of their bearers.
There is little empirical evidence to guide practitioners on this point.
Yet, book guide travel travel like wireless currents, their flow eternally encircles the earth.
This is known as ' embodied energy ' and we consider it later in this guide.
Here, again, a local guide will introduce us to the ancient Bushman rock engravings or petroglyphs.
Local Guide and Scout groups will also be taking to the stage and there will be musical entertainment from the Carlton Brass Band.
The Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book is a subject oriented internet resource guide for plant pathology, applied entomology, and all related fields.
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Once you are started, the official documents will guide you to such esoterica as audio, bootable, multisession and hybrid disks.
But first, please click on the link and read our guide to " forum etiquette " .
The following excerpts are intended to provide a useful guide to saving water.
The code replaces the guide How to conduct a written consultation exercise.
When drawing the eyebrow, use the bone above the eye socket as a guide for the shape of the eyebrow.
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Alternatively make sure you take a good field guide with you!
There is map, fiend radar, treasure radar and fiend radar, treasure radar and fiend guide.
Travel Spain Visitors guide to Spain, including useful maps, main attractions, and Spanish fiestas.
Their detailed filmography provides an excellent A-Z guide, and they even provide a critical review of other vampire film books.
Links The August firmware update guide explains how to install new firmware on your system using a USB cable.
Links The August firmware update guide explains how to install new firmware update guide explains how to install new firmware on your system using a USB cable.
Use a gentle ' rocking ' motion to guide the floss between your teeth.
Refer to Section 3.4 of the Outlook User Guide to find out how to set up and use sub folders.
It presents a practical guide for workers, and a thought-provoking new perspective for genuinely forward-looking management.
Weddings Our sales team will guide you through choosing the perfect chocolate fountain for your special day.
The much loved British fry-up, which is popular with tourists, is dubbed death on a plate in the guide.
The standard engine gasket set for the MGB comes with the valve guide seals (" O " rings ).
Ge study guide guide " sda bible study guide to make me marry anybody.
Well it's probably not the best guide to a new gen to base it on the old.
This section of the health system resource guide provides examples and tools to mainstream gender in the delivery of health system delivery.
Guide to Irish genealogy The legendary Fianna of Ireland were a band of mighty noble warriors.
Gentoo runlevels at boot « The Fluffy Hippy Guide To Deadlines · Tim, do you know where your towel is?
You can find out about my live gigs in the gig guide.
Your guide is a small invisible gnome called Gordon.
It sounds rather as if he were some local go-between and non-combatant; perhaps a guide or a journalist.
Here's hid guide to catching grayling on dry flies.
Contents include an illustrated three season episode guide, together with an introduction to the themes of the series.
English Heritage also produces a free guide for visitors with disabilities.
This page is the aiming to be the definitive guide for anyone who is a home owner.
The following table is a rough guide to the way in which the activities could be used.
In part two of the book, Brian provides a practical guide to establishing a modern pagan lifestyle.
To help you find your way around, Aspects brings you this quick guide to the changes.
The brief guide below sets out where your stop valve will usually be found.
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