Guff Sentence Examples
Do n't fob your friends off with a guff gift!
How can an award winning science correspondent produce such guff as the above?
There's always a bit of guff thrown into CPU comparisons, and these consoles are no exception.
Despite what you may think after reading the above guff, Adrian Hon is not obsessed with sex.
It's the same today, almost thirty years later, as I sit writing this guff.
It's got links to lots of friends ' bands and the other usual guff and info you find there!
Yours disgusted, Mark Devlin Ayrshire, Scotland How can we publish such guff?
Neither Diane nor the character would ever put up with too much guff.
Almost without exception, Feeder's recent material has been real guff of the highest order.
According to the advertising guff on the website its easy peasy to fit.
AdvertisementTwo sickly ghouls, in the form of downstairs hippie neighbors disrupt Art and Guff's already somewhat untidy lives.
Two sickly ghouls, in the form of downstairs hippie neighbors disrupt Art and Guff 's already somewhat untidy lives.
Candles - A new vampire is in town and she's feisty, fresh and not taking any guff from Damon.
The more sulfur in your diet, the more likely you are to make a killer guff.