Guevara Sentence Examples
See Fernao Lopes, Chronica del Rey Dom Pedro (1735); Camoens, Os Lusiadas; Antonio Ferreira's Ines de Castro, - the first regular tragedy of the Renaissance after the Sofonisba of Trissino; Luis Velez de Guevara, Reinar despues de morir, an admirable play; and Ferdinand Denis, Chroniques chevaleresques de l'Espagne et du Portugal.
By the Angevines Potenza was made a domain of the San Severino family; in the beginning of the 15th century it was held by Francesco Sforza, and in 1435 it passed to the Guevara family; the Loffredi, who succeeded by marriage, continued in possession till the abolition of the great fiefs.
At the same time Spanish influences reached them through the imitators of Guevara and the dramatists; French influences in the versions of romances; German in fluences in popular translations of the Faust legend, Eulenspiegel and similar productions.
In 1547 the town was taken from its prince, Wolfgang (a cadet of the house of Anhalt), who had joined the league of Schmalkalden, and given by the emperor Charles V., with the rest of the prince's possessions, to the Spanish general and painter, Felipe Ladron y Guevara (1510-1563), from whom it was, however, soon repurchased.
Other works of Guevara are the Decada de los Cesares (Valladolid, 1539), or "Lives of the Ten Roman Emperors," in imitation of the manner of Plutarch and Suetonius; and the Epistolas familiares (Valladolid, 1 5391 545), sometimes called "The Golden Letters," often printed in Spain, and translated into all the principal languages of Europe.
Guevara, whose influence upon the Spanish prose of the 16th century was considerable, also wrote Libro de los inventores del arte de marear (Valladolid, 1539, and Madrid, 1895).
Che in Africa is the previously untold story of Che Guevara's ' lost year ' in Africa.
It was the communist revolutionaries such as Che Guevara, Fidel and Raul Castro who understood there can be no compromise with imperialism.
Che in Africa is the previously untold story of Che Guevara 's ' lost year ' in Africa.
Che Guevara 's famous ' Hasta la victoria siempre ' is written on the wall behind.
AdvertisementArgentina's Diego Armando Maradona has leg tattoos of both Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.