Guardian-angels Sentence Examples
She was in some kind of danger, which meant he was the worst guardian angel in the history of guardian angels.
The Gathas know nothing of a new belief which afterwards arose in the Fravashi, or guardian angels of the faithful.
In Daniel the princes or guardian angels of the heathen nations oppose Michael the guardian angel of Judah.
They are the guardian angels of the nations; and we also find the idea that individuals have guardian angels".
Some guardian angels must be looking out for me.
January 1989 A vigilante group " The New York Guardian Angels " begin to patrol London Underground.
Many Christians believe that there are guardian angels always watching over them and their loved ones here on earth.
The site claims to offer the services of psychics who can connect you with departed spirits and guardian angels.
It's important to remember that our Guardian Angels are too powerful to be subjected to the whim of a talking board.
The first definition of guardian angels was made in the 5th century, and since then the view of these angels has changed a bit.
AdvertisementThe shoulder is a popular place for men and women to get an angel tattoo; this is especially true of guardian angels.
The belief in guardian angels is a fairly universal one.
In the latter, what seems to start out as a tale about guardian angels turns into an exciting chase through time-traveling electrical storms.
The guardian angels of the nations in Daniel probably represent the gods of the heathen, and we have there the first step of the process by which these gods became evil angels, an idea expanded by Milton in Paradise Lost.