Guardian Sentence Examples
We'll assign her a Guardian and bring her in.
After this is over, I'll tell you about the Guardian recruitment stats.
Claire sat beside another Guardian, watching the movie.
Damian caught his eye and looked pointedly at Dusty, silently asking if the Guardian had done as he asked and told his boss that the Natural was more than a new recruit.
He didn't think he'd ever met a human or Guardian as honest as this one.
Pleased to hear from the Guardian, she found herself smiling.
His use of Guardian's words confused her already drained mind.
The idea of belonging to her Guardian was thrilling.
He wished she trusted him as much as she had when he was the Guardian.
On his return he was elected guardian of the kingdom.
AdvertisementThe Guardian snapped to attention, expecting a mission.
She picked up her book and walked past the female Guardian, who watched her go, puzzled.
She retrieved her microcomputer with the other hand and checked the supply store she granted the Guardian access to.
Peasants and lahdlords, artisans and tradesmen, each formed their own league for the protection of their interests, and all looked to the state as the proper guardian of their class interests.
All the princes of Europe sent him disciples, who found in this skilful professor not only an indefatigable teacher, but an affectionate guardian.
AdvertisementHe was one of the earliest supporters of the Guardian.
As guardian of Henry's infant son, and adviser of the empress Agnes, Victor now wielded enormous power, which he began to use with much tact for the maintenance of peace throughout the empire and for strengthening the papacy against the aggressions of the barons.
His John reign was a struggle between John of Avesnes, the young count's guardian and next heir, and Wolfert van Borselen, who had a strong following in Zeeland.
Who's her assigned Guardian?
She was accompanied by another massive Guardian.
AdvertisementThere are three of us who can release a Guardian's soul.
His epitaph was written by Hrabanus Maurus, whose elegiacs praise him for being the faithful guardian of his monastery.
Addison contributed to the Taller, and together with Steele established and carried on the Spectator (1710-1714), and subsequently the Guardian (1713).
But as the claims of the church to be the guardian through its episcopate of the apostolic tradition, of the Christian faith itself, were magnified, and unity in practice as well as in doctrine came to be regarded as essential, this distinction became a theoretical rather than a practical one.
The archbishop of Canterbury exercises the twofold jurisdiction of a metropolitan and a diocesan bishop. As metropolitan he is the guardian of the spiritualities of every vacant see within the province, he presents to all benefices which fall vacant during the vacancy of the see, and through his special commissary exercises the ordinary jurisdiction of a bishop within the vacant diocese.
AdvertisementFor the next four years Isabella and Mortimer governed in his name, though nominally his guardian was Henry, earl of Lancaster.
At the commencement of the following reign his attainder was reversed and his brother Henry restored to the earldom; and Henry being appointed guardian to the young king Edward III., assisted him to throw off the yoke of Mortimer.
A convenient digest of the evidence classified according to subjects was published by the Colliery Guardian newspaper in three quarto volumes in 1905-1907, and the leading points bearing on the extension and resources of the different districts were incorporated in the fifth edition (1905) of Professor Edward Hull's Coal Fields of Great Britain.
Directly the Cortes met they elected Espartero regent by 179 votes to 103 in favour of Arguelles, who was appointed guardian of the young queen.
In the settlement made after Alexander's death (323) it was finally agreed that Philip Arrhidaeus, an insane son of the great Philip, and Roxana's unborn child (if a son) should be recognized as joint kings, Perdiccas being appointed, according to one account, guardian and regent, according to another, chiliarch under Craterus.
In the instructions sent to Ivan's guardian, Prince Churmtyev, the latter was ordered to chain up his charge, and even scourge him should he become refractory.
Coolidge, articles in the Guardian for 18th August 1886 and 4th December 1889.
In Daniel the princes or guardian angels of the heathen nations oppose Michael the guardian angel of Judah.
The guardian angels of the nations in Daniel probably represent the gods of the heathen, and we have there the first step of the process by which these gods became evil angels, an idea expanded by Milton in Paradise Lost.
These are probably guardian angels, standing to the churches in the same relation that the " princes " in Daniel stand to the nations; practically the " angels " are personifications of the churches.
They are the guardian angels of the nations; and we also find the idea that individuals have guardian angels".
During his minority the empire was ably ruled by the praetorian prefect Anthemius and Pulcheria, who became her brother's guardian in 414.
By the fall of Constantinople in 1 453, " Italy (in the eloquent phrase of Carducci) became sole heir and guardian of the ancient civilization," but its fall was in no way necessary for the revival of learning, which had begun a century before.
This duty of interpretation belongs to all tribunals, but as constitutional cases are, if originating in a lower court, usually carried by appeal to the Supreme Court, men have grown accustomed to talk of the Supreme Court as in a special sense the guardian of the Constitution.
In 1625 he was appointed guardian of the Ukraine against the Tatars, but in 1626 was transferred to Prussia to check the victorious advance of Gustavus Adolphus.
The path was fairly open before him to the highest advancement in the Church of Rome, yet he deliberately sacrificed all such hopes and placed himself in the van of a hard and doubtful struggle" (The Guardian, 1872, p. 1004).
On this will we may remark that Proxenus is said to have been Aristotle's guardian after the death of his father, and to have been the father of Nicanor; that Herpyllis of Stagira was the mother of Nicomachus by Aristotle; and that Arimnestus was the brother of Aristotle, who also had a sister, Arimneste.
His guardian sent him to Geneva, where he studied for a considerable time under the direction of Beza.
We know, however, that in addition to the sum paid to the bride's guardian, it was customary for the bridegroom to make a present (morgengifu) to the bride herself, which, in the case of queens, often consisted of a residence and considerable estates.
Again, Tacitus states that the presents of arms and oxen given by the bridegroom at marriage were made to the bride herself and not to her guardian, and such appears to have been the case in the North also from early times.
Here also must be mentioned the Swedish Vardtrad or " guardian tree," which down to our own time is supposed to grant protection and prosperity to the household to which it belongs.
The pope, General Position of as officiating in these holiest of all sanctuaries, the Papacy as guardian of the tombs of St Peter and St Paul in Theory.
He succeeded in imposing his will on the nobles and communes in the patrimony of St Peter, and, as guardian of Henry VI.'s son Frederick, was for some time able to conduct the government of the kingdom of the Two Sicilies, but in his claims on the rest of Italy the failure of the temporal power was manifest.
In 1867 Napoleon made himself once more guardian of the Holy See; but the wonders wrought by the new French.
The table on p. 150 compiled from them is taken from the Manchester Guardian.
The first soma is supposed to have been stolen from its guardian demon by an eagle, this soma-bringing eagle of Indra being comparable with the nectar-bringing eagle of Zeus, and with the eagle which, as a metamorphosis of Odin, carried off the mead.
One on the history of Oleg, the more or less legendary Varangian, who was guardian to the son of Rurik, was described by her as an "imitation of Shakespeare."
The right to nominate to the order was shared with the pope as grand master by the guardian of the Patres Minores in Jerusalem, later by the Franciscans, and then by the Latin patriarch in Jerusalem.
On the second day following Mary went to visit her child at Stirling, where his guardian, the earl of Mar, refused to admit more than two women in her train.
His son Galeazzo Maria (1466-1476) left a son, Gian Galeazzo, a minor, whose guardian and uncle Lodovico (il Moro) usurped the duchy (1479-1500).
He was the uncle and guardian of Conradin of Hohenstaufen, and when this prince was put to death in Italy in 1268, Louis and his brother Henry inherited the domains of the Hohenstaufen in Swabia and elsewhere.
He resigned the office of guardian, and betook himself again to a wandering life and a desultory and predatory warfare against the English.
Gibbon defines the great Logothete as "the supreme guardian of the laws and revenues," who "is compared with the chancellor of the Latin monarchies."
Henry of Bavaria was released from his confinement and became his guardian; but as this restless prince showed an inclination to secure the crown for himself, the young king was taken from him and placed in the care of his mother Theophano.
Aristotle in his will made him guardian of his children, bequeathed to him his library and the originals of his works, and designated him as his successor at the Lyceum on his own removal to Chalcis.
Nor was it in dealing with old lines of trade alone that Henry Tudor showed himself the watchful guardian of the interests of his subjects.
You'll find the Guardian men noble but resistant to what's good for them sometimes.
Dusty excused himself to join the Guardian.
A Watcher was stronger than any Guardian in the mortal realm, except for Damian, and more powerful than any immortal in the immortal realm, except for an Original Being.
The Guardian has arrived.
She was unguarded and troubled, a combination that appealed to the Guardian in him.
The attractive Guardian was toned and muscular, her dark hair kept in a pixie cut and her eyes large and dark.
You think an Other is your father, and you seem to think a Guardian of humanity is your enemy.
No one touches my Guardian!
That goes for you, too, Guardian.
No one attacks my Guardian.
I never imagined any Guardian would go to the extent that you have.
She owed it to the dead to attend one Guardian's wake.
The shockwaves faded, and she stood in the middle of an intersection, stretching out with her Guardian senses to find some kind of life.
You're the first Guardian I've ever met without killing.
I want to know why a Guardian is so interested in protecting a Black God.
This is Rourk, my other Guardian assigned to Ireland.
Did you see what I did as a betrayal, because I chose my role as a Guardian over helping you wipe out the Others and anyone else in the way?
I'll forgive your indiscretion with the Guardian, my dear.
You'll start to feel your world shrinking soon, Guardian.
Yes, Guardian, it is.
She recognized the blond Guardian, and her chest tightened.
Her movements were faster than any Guardian's.
Yully entered ahead of him and spotted the reclining Guardian dressed all in black in one corner.
Her Guardian would never proposition her!
The Guardian had some code of honor that seemed at odds with Brady's quick trigger finger.
He'd wanted to admit the truth, in hopes she'd talk to him—and trust him—as she had the Guardian.
She'd admired him as the Guardian, but she'd fallen in love with the rebel leader.
The seated Guardian looked down his scroll, gaze lingering on a name.
She didn't know how to tell him she had no Guardian training yet and wouldn't even know where to find Guardians in the strange world.
What he did to my sister … Jenn eased back on her Guardian power, the ability to manipulate minds.
Darian looked around him, irritated at her rejection but also aware she'd never treat any Guardian like that without a reason.
The Guardian column, heavily censored, was aimed to debunk sex myths.
The estimate is drawn from 23 different spending commitments made by Shadow Cabinet Ministers (Guardian, p.1 ).
Recommended viewing for all the family " - The Guardian " This is a refreshingly down-to-earth parents ' guide to intoxicating substances.
She currently freelances for the Guardian newspaper and contributes to ' Comment is Free ' the Guardian's blog site.
Marriage Either parent can appoint a guardian to act in the event of both parents dying.
If you're 13 or younger, please fill out our form with your parent/legal guardian.
Any parent or legal guardian, whether married or not.
The SantaGram contains a lot of uniquely personal information that only Santa (parent or guardian) can know.
The measure proved to be the deportation of the leading Jacobins; and a cloak of legality was cast over this extraordinary proceeding by a special decree of the senate (avowedly the guardian of the constitution) that this act of the government was a "measure tending to preserve the constitution" (5th of January 1801).
Of this institution Gerard became guardian or provost at a date not later than 110o; and here he organized that religious order of St John which received papal recognition from Paschal II.
Corresponding to the animal guardian of the ordinary man, we have the familiar of the witch or wizard.
He was confronted, however, by Raymund, count of Tripoli, the one man of ability among the decadent Franks, who acted as guardian of the kingdom; while he was also occupied in trying to win for himself the Syrian possessions of Nureddin.
The history of the first thirteen years of the reign of Honorius is inseparably connected with the name of Stilicho (q.v.), his guardian and father-in-law.
The 4th tablet contains a description of the formidable Khumbaba, the guardian of the cedar forest.
The Gathas know nothing of a new belief which afterwards arose in the Fravashi, or guardian angels of the faithful.
The first charter was not obtained until 1573, when it was incorporated by Elizabeth under the title of a "guardian and free tenants" of the town of Sittingbourne.
Lascaris to the position of patriarch at Nicaea, and four years later, on that emperor's death, became joint guardian of his son John.
On his return he found both his parents dead, and was appointed the guardian of his eleven young brothers and sisters, in which capacity, profiting by the spoliation of the church, he accumulated immense riches.
For this he was called to account by Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153), the recognized guardian of orthodoxy in France.
Thus he is director of the sun's horses; he is guardian of soma, the sacred liquor, and therefore is regarded as the heavenly physician, soma being a panacea.
Having lost his father in 1254 he grew up at the court of his uncle and guardian, Louis II.
But an arrangement was effected in October 1405, and in 1406 John was made by royal decree guardian of the dauphin and the king's children.
Leopold was killed in 1386 at the battle of Sempach, and Albert became guardian for his four nephews, who subsequently ruled their lands in common.
Frederick, who succeeded Albert as German king, and was soon crowned emperor as Frederick III., acted as guardian for Sigismund of Tirol, who was a minor, and also became regent of Austria in consequence of the Regency of the infancy of Ladislaus.
The Ragman's Roll contains sworn submissions of all probi homines outside of the western thoroughly Celtic region; and, in October 1296, Edward returned to England, with Baliol his prisoner, leaving Scotland in the hands of the earl of Surrey as guardian, Cressingham as treasurer, and Ormsby as justiciary.
By the 29th of March 1298 Wallace appears, in a charter granted by himself, as guardian of the kingdom, and, with Andrew Murray, as army leader in the name of King John - that is, the captive Baliol.
For his tutor and guardian young Theseus had one Cannidas, to whom, down to Plutarch's time, the Athenians were wont to sacrifice a black ram on the eve of the festival of Theseus.
This step helped his studies, for he was sent to Tubingen in 1496 and became a favourite pupil of the guardian of the Minorite convent there, Paulus Scriptoris, a man of considerable general learning.
Thus, supported by the civic authorities, he remained guardian of the convent of his order at Basel from 1519 till 1524, and even when he had to give up his post, remained in the monastery for two years, professing theology in the university.
He acted as guardian to his nephew Floris IV.
But one Simon, a Benjamite, who had become guardian of the temple, quarrelled with Onias about the city market, and reported to the governor of Coele-Syria and Phoenicia that the treasury was full of untold sums of money.
In 1573 he became guardian to the two sons of John William, duke of Saxe-Weimar, and in this capacity was able to add part of the county of Henneberg to electoral Saxony.
Each man has within him a guardian spirit, a god within him, who never sleeps; so that even in darkness and solitude we are never alone, because God is within, our guardian spirit.
His childhood and youth were spent at Great Novgorod, whither his father sent him to rule (1228) with some guardian boyars.
As age and infirmity were telling upon him, the estates in 1389 appointed his second surviving son Robert, earl of Fife, afterwards duke of Albany, guardian of the kingdom.
In the west of Atabeg (prince's guardian) Zengi, the prince of Mosul, had extended his dominion over Mesopotamia and the north of Syria, where he had been the greatest defender of Islam against the Franks.
In December 1146 the king himself took the cross, secured the election and coronation of his young son Henry as his successor, appointed Henry I., archbishop of Mainz, as his guardian, and set out for Palestine in the autumn of 1147.
Ferdinand, son of Sancho I., king of Portugal, owed his county to Philip, who, hoping to find him a docile protege, had married him to Jeanne, heiress of Flanders, daughter of Count Baldwin IX., who became emperor of the East, using the weak Philip of Namur, her guardian, to accomplish that end.
Ernest Augustus II., who succeeded in 1748, died in 1758, and his young widow, Anna Amelia, was appointed regent of the country and guardian of her infant son Charles Augustus.
In Babylonian myth a serpent, apparently in a well or pool, deprived Gilgamesh of the plant which rejuvenated old age, and if it was the rightful guardian of the wonderful gift, one is reminded of the Hebrew story, now reshaped in Gen.
Several springs are named after the serpent, and the sacred fountain of Ephca at Palmyra, whose guardian in the early Christian era was appointed by the god Yarlhibol, is still tenanted by a female serpent-demon which can impede its flow.
Also at Fernando Po there was an annual ceremony where children born within the year were made to touch the skin of a serpent suspended from a tree in the public square.9 We have next to notice the very general belief that the household snake was an agreeable guest, if not a guardian spirit.
In the Chinese annals of Khotan in Cashgar, when a certain stream dried up, a female dragon declared that her husband had died; one of the royal grandees sacrificed himself to meet the want, the water flowed once more, and the " husband " of the being became the guardian of the kingdom's prosperity.
Beowulf, out of loyalty, refused to be made king, and acted as the guardian of Heardred during his minority, and as his counsellor after he came to man's estate.
The act of 1829 provides that nothing therein contained is to enable a Roman Catholic to hold the office of guardian and justice of the United Kingdom, or of regent of the United Kingdom; of lord chancellor, lord keeper, or lord commissioner of the great seal of Great Britain or Ireland or lord lieutenant of Ireland; of high commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, or of any office in the Church of England or Scotland, the ecclesiastical courts, cathedral foundations and certain colleges.
He was then at Mount Vernon with his half-brother Lawrence, who was also his guardian.
In 1402 he routed the forces of the Mortimers at Bryn Glas near Knighton in Maesyfed, where he captured Sir Edmund Mortimer, the uncle and guardian of the legitimate heir to the English throne, the young earl of March.
About this time, also, he had interfered in the affairs of Maine, though without much result, for having sided against Gervais, bishop of Le Mans, who was trying to make himself guardian of the young count of Maine, Hugh, he had been beaten and forced to make terms with Gervais in 1038.
Nagualism, or the acquisition of a mystic guardian, is a widely distributed custom, the essence of which probably consists in the procuring of a personal name having potency.
The animals, domesticated or wild, like the horse or cow, the guardian dog, the bird of omen, naturally share the same life, and are approached with the same invocation.
The downfall of Servia in 1389 left the city without a guardian, and, after being seized and abandoned by Venice and Hungary in turn, it passed under Venetian rule in 1420.
The guardian of a shrine is called mutavali, or, if the shrine is an important one with much property and many attendants, mutavali-bashi, and is not necessarily an ecclesiastic, for instance, the guardianship of the great shrine of Imam Reza in Meshed is generally given to a high court functionary or minister as a reward for long services to the state.
Next year he married Harriet Ann Taylor, whose father had been the founder and proprietor of the Manchester Guardian.
Having lost his father in infancy he passed part of his youth with the marquess of Argyll at Inveraray, leaving his guardian about 1647 to take up his duties as chief of the clan Cameron, a position in which he succeeded his grandfather.
The latest recorded instance of its use is Trebilcock's case (1736), in which a ward sought to free himself from the custody of his guardian.
We learn that he regards the batµcov or " guardian angel " as the divine part in each man; sometimes.
Augustus instituted an Achaean synod comprising the dependent cities of Peloponnese and central Greece; this body sat at Argos and acted as guardian of Hellenic sentiment.
Appointed guardian to the sons of Ancus Marcius, he succeeded in supplanting them on the throne on their father's death.
Athena Polias was the patron-goddess of Pergamum, and the legend combines the ethnological record of the connexion claimed between Arcadia and Pergamum with the usual belief that the hero of the city was son of its guardian deity, or at least of her priestess.
He was first elected a guardian in Bow in 1892, was elected to the Borough Council in 1901 and was mayor of Poplar in 1919-20.
In 170 he returned to Rome with the latter, who, on departing thence to conduct the war on the Danube, having with difficulty been persuaded to dispense with his personal attendance, appointed him medical guardian of his son Commodus.
Ottakar's son, Wenceslas II., was only seven years of age at the death of his father, and Otto of Brandenburg, a nephew of Ottakar, for a time governed Bohemia as guardian of _ the young sovereign.
The diet in 1451 recognized his title, which was also sanctioned by the emperor Frederick III., guardian of the young king.
A time of confusion followed the fall of Alaric II., and, as that prince was the son-in-law of Theodoric, the East Gothic king stepped in as the guardian of his grandson Amalaric, and preserved for him all his Spanish and a fragment of his Gaulish dominion.
Obedience to Benedict's authority was resumed in 1403, only to be withdrawn again in 1408, when the king declared himself the guardian and protector of the French church, which was indeed for a time self-governing.
Finding, however, that he had nothing to fear from the Persians, he again joined Cotys, on whose murder he was appointed guardian to his youthful son Cersobleptes.
Soon after that prince had firmly established his power as nominal guardian and protector of his nephew Gian Galeazzo but really as usurping ruler of the state, he revived a project previously mooted for the erection of an equestrian monument in honour of the founder of his house's greatness, Francesco Sforza, and consulted Lorenzo dei Medici on the choice of an artist.
He now became guardian to his stepson, in whose inheritance lay the islands east of the Scheldt.
Another long minority followed his death, during which his brother Otto, bishop of Utrecht, acted as guardian to his nephew William II.
In November 1342 she became guardian of John of Gaunt and her younger children, with their lands.
In 1652 he openly interfered in the affairs of Transylvania and Walachia, and assumed the high-sounding title of "guardian of the Ottoman Porte."
Having been made guardian of Scotland after the battle of Falkirk in 1298 he led the resistance to the English king for about five years, and then early in 1304 made an honourable surrender.
Among the Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustinians, &c., the superior was called Praepositus, " provost," and Prior; among the Franciscans, Custos, " guardian"; and by the monks of Camaldoli, Major.
Left an orphan when five years old, he was placed by his guardian under the care of the Puritan vicar of Wotton-under-Edge, with whom he remained till he attained his sixteenth year, when he entered Magdalen Hall, Oxford.
It was subsequently given by Joseph to his brother-inlaw Brons, whose grandson Perceval is destined to be the final winner and guardian of the relic. The Merlin forms the connecting thread between this definitely ecclesiastical romance and the chivalric atmosphere of Arthur's court; and finally, in the Perceval, the hero, son of Alain and grandson to Brons, is warned by Merlin of the quest which awaits him and which he achieves after various adventures.
The rebel achieved his greatest success in June 1402, when he surprised and routed the whole levy of the marcher lords at Bryn Glas, between Pilleth and Knighton, capturing (among many other prisoners) Sir Edmund Mortimer, the uncle and guardian of the young earl of March, whom all malcontents regarded as the rightful monarch of England.
Among its chief features are the Virgin Martyrs' Memorial, representing in white marble a guardian angel and the figures of Margaret M`Lauchlan and Margaret Wilson, who were drowned by the rising tide in Wigtown Bay for their fidelity to the Covenant (1685);(1685); the large pyramid to the memory of the Covenanters, and the Ladies' Rock, from which ladies viewed the jousts in the Valley.
The Reformation doctrine of Atonement, while akin to Anselm's, differs in making God the guardian of a system of public law rather than of His private or personal honour.
The judges of a special supreme court of justice, called the Staatsgerichtshof (which is the guardian of the constitution), are partly elected by the chambers and partly appointed by the king.
His subsequent appointments were in the civil line, the last being that of guardian to the young maharaja of Mysore.
A youth at his father's death (1645), he was committed to the care of the boyarin Boris Ivanovich Morozov, a shrewd and sensible guardian, sufficiently enlightened to recognize the needs of his country, and by no means inaccessible to Western ideas.
It was probably in consequence of this accident that his brother Robert, earl of Fife, and not the crown prince himself, was made guardian of the kingdom in 1389; but the latter succeeded to the throne on his father's death in May 1390.
Payment, or a present, is always made for a wife to her father, brother or guardian (who is generally her maternal uncle).
In spite of this, however, Henry was chosen king of the Romans, or German king, at Frankfort in April 1220, and crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 8th of May 1222 by his guardian Engelbert, archbishop of Cologne.
A Catholic could not be a guardian, and all wards in chancery were brought up Protestants.
Peace was concluded in 980 at Margu.t-sur-Chiers, and in 983 Lothair was even chosen guardian to the young Otto III.
His death deprived Lothair of a wise and devoted guardian, even if it did set him free from German influence; and the death of Odairic, archbishop of Reims, in 969, was another fatal loss for the Carohingians, succeeded as he was by Adalbero, who, though learned, pious and highly intelligent, was none the less ambitious.
The line of the Visigothic kings of Spain begins, strictly speaking, with his successor Theudis (53 1548), an Ostrogoth appointed by Theodoric to act as guardian of Amalaric. Hecharaderof had acquired great possessions in the valley of the Vislgothk Ebro by marriage with a Roman lady.
After his death, her father Ferdinand was guardian and regent.
Bradshaw exposed the absurdity of these claims in a letter to the Guardian (January 26, 1863).
His mother, who assumed the government, died in November 1198, leaving Pope Innocent III as regent of Sicily and guardian of her son.
In its conferences ministers and laymen were of equal number, the laymen being chosen by the circuits and in some cases by "guardian representatives" elected for life by conference.
This body represents and acts for the county as a corporation; has charge of the erection and repair of county buildings; levies the county taxes, which are limited by law, however, to three mills on the dollar exclusive of those for schools, public highways, interest on the county debt, and other special purposes; divides the county into highway districts, and chooses a highway commissioner for each district for a term of two years; and chooses a superintendent of schools, a surveyor, a public administrator and public guardian, a board for the equalization of taxes, a coroner, a ranger, and a jail physician or health officer each for a term of two years, three commissioners of the poor for a term of three years (one each year), and a keeper and sealer of weights and measures to serve during its pleasure.
He attempted, moreover, to revive the function of the triple alliance as guardian of Europe against French aggression.
The resentment of Napoleon awakened the slumbering Eastern Question by reviving the obsolescent claims of France to the guardianship of the Holy Places, and this aroused the pride of the Orthodox tsar, their guardian by right of faith and in virtue of a clause of the treaty of Kuchuk Kainardji (1774), as interpreted in the light of subsequent events.
He'd also been anonymously voted least popular by a disgruntled Guardian on their online discussion boards, and he was about 99 percent sure Jule was leading the pack on that one as his latest attempt to win some bet with Damian about their diverse leadership styles.
Dusty wasn't sure how Pierre ever made it through the Guardian basic training with his lip.
While he made a good match for Sofia, Dusty had never met any Guardian with such a loose interpretation of discipline.
Gazing at Dusty's trusted Guardian, she felt a familiar ache, the same she felt telling Jonny his fate.
He lay under bushes on a hill overlooking the resort area of the clubhouse with another Guardian.
The Guardian staggered, and Darian took Sofi's arm.
The wave of magic had short-circuited his Guardian powers and dropped him on the other side of Ireland.
The door opened before he knocked, and the Guardian within looked him over.
Jenn was Dusty's most senior female Guardian, the captain of the Western Hemisphere's spy network.
Yet it had been her father who killed Sean, not the Guardian Jule.
You pity a Guardian?
The Guardian Jenn watched the interrogation from the privacy of the two-way mirror.
The walls of the underground facility were trembling from a shockwave of power that made her Guardian senses hum with danger.
Her pain was raw, yet there was mettle in her backbone if she'd gone to Sean's funeral, fully knowing her own father killed the Guardian.
Jule offered a smile and handed the journal back to the Guardian.
Jule heard the quiet note of sorrow in the Guardian's voice.
I have Guardian powers and nothing else.
Because of him, more humans are alive than would've been if he wasn't a Guardian.
Yully's breath caught, and her thoughts went to the Guardian in the kitchen.
She didn't relax until they emerged onto the street, away from the Guardian.
One of Sofi's peculiar predictions returned to Damian, and he thought of the Guardian he'd assigned to Jonny.
Toby was silent, knowing a normal Immortal could never understand. He didn't yet have the full power of a real guardian angel, but he should've been able to do more than … nothing. Angels were placed with human mothers so they could understand the creatures they were meant to take care of. Human mothers raised them as their own, yet none of his human mothers had gone to the extent Katie did to try to protect him.
The tall Guardian was built like a model with the long, lean muscles of a ballerina.
But this spirit being is described as being the guardian cherub, the anointed cherub.
No junior coxswain shall be elected until the written consent of his parent or guardian has first been obtained.
Tuesday May 13, 2003 The Guardian Does anybody give a damn whether or not judges continue to dress up in red dressing gowns?
John Harris Friday November 18, 2005 The Guardian bit dark in here isn't it?
Guardian's Egypt Odyssey In Egypt - an American site for children linked to an archeological dig in Egypt.
The Guardian obituary describes his roles as juggling " mischievousness, a sardonic wit, and a malicious glee " . | Media | Sudoku fever grips UK newspaper readers Guardian Unlimited Web.
The NHS is not the sole guardian of health.
The notebook Guardian does not infringe upon Kensington's patent.
You could make a silver goblet, design a kimono or create a Chinese tomb guardian mask.
The Guardian has no interest in British machinations overseas, treason, election rigging or whatever.
Read More Guardian to launch monthly mag The Guardian is launching a new monthly international magazine from the end of the year.
In an irony almost too mind-boggling to enjoy, is it possible that the Guardian just helped George Bush get re-elected?
The Guardian, Thursday 29 June Parkinson's disease is often misdiagnosed, according to new research.
England 3 - 1 Hungary England B 1 - 2 Belarus nerd nirvana Introducing... England The Guardian guide to a team called England.
Perhaps the yellow orb is some sort of guardian spirit?
July 2005 UCL Chemistry ranked 3rd overall by The Guardian in their University Guide 2006.
Meanwhile, the front page of today's Guardian includes a piece on John Humphrys of Radio 4 ' savaging ' Alastair Campbell...
The sequel TEARS OF THE GIRAFFE, was voted one of the Guardian top ten fiction paperbacks of the year 2000.
Under 16's will need parental / guardian permission to participate.
The Guardian, Andrew Clements *** " There are six works in Philip Mead's comprehensive survey of George Crumb's solo piano music.
More than simply a stand-up, (" A one-man special effect " The Guardian) Rhys is also a prolific comedy playwright.
The basic storyline is simple; you are locked inside a dream world trying to rescue a princess from the dream guardian.
On 23rd January 1837, a meeting of local ratepayers was held in the town to nominate people for the office of Guardian.
A leader in the Guardian argues that the current council tax system is extremely regressive and needs reform.
Mr Allan had come into our office at Westminster to moan about the Guardian's insufficiently reverential attitude to Tony Blair once too often.
This proliferation makes rather risible the Guardian's expressions of expletive fatigue in relation to Gordon Ramsay's television appearances.
The Guardian said " Need to preserve pubic order does not permit the police to ride roughshod over the rights of ordinary people " .
The Guardian published a rather self-righteous piece entitled " The myth of middle-class inflation.
In 1941 she produced a serial in the Scottish Guardian entitled " Adrian was a Priest " which was utterly ghastly.
They were hosted on the Guardian website, and also featured his Extras co-writer Stephen Merchant and regular radio sidekick Karl Pilkington.
Posy Simmonds is best known for her weekly cartoon strip which ran in the Guardian from 1977 to 1987.
John Ashdown studied Journalism and Contemporary History and is now working on the Guardian sports Desk as a football writer and sports sub-editor.
Leo Hickman's guide to a good life Tuesday December 20, 2005 The Guardian Here's a tricky little teaser.
A similarly upbeat article, Sainsbury's strategy begins to deliver appeared in The Guardian on March 10 2005.
Along the road, in strong contrast to the guardian pines, toil a few tired wayfarers; and the story is told.
Being a leader writer on the Guardian is a policy wonk 's dream.
By giving him a Red Button, or button of the highest rank, a Peacock's Feather, the order of the Double Dragon, a patent of nobility to his ancestors for three generations, and the title of Junior Guardian of the heir apparent, the Chinese showed their appreciation of his manifold and great services; while under the seal of the British government there were bestowed upon him the orders of C.M.G.
He is the first to express clearly the conception of a sacred nation, isolated by its religion from all others, the guardian of divine law and the abode of divine majesty.
It is this intrinsic power of fervent invocation and worship which found an early expression in the term brahma; and its independent existence as an active moral principle in shaping the destinies of man became recognized in the Vedic pantheon in the conception of a god Brihaspati or Brahmanaspati, " lord of prayer or devotion," the divine priest and the guardian of the pious worshipper.
An act of 1697-1698, commonly called the Blasphemy Act, enacts that if any person, educated in or having made profession of the Christian religion, should by writing, preaching, teaching or advised speaking, deny any one of the Persons of the Holy Trinity to be God, or should assert or maintain that there are more gods than one, or should deny the Christian religion to be true, or the Holy Scriptures to be of divine authority, he should, upon the first offence, be rendered incapable of holding any office or place of trust, and for the second incapable of bringing any action, of being guardian or executor, or of taking a legacy or deed of gift, and should suffer three years' imprisonment without bail.
The animal guardian reappears in the nagual of Central America (see article Totemism), the yunbeai of some Australian tribes, the manitou of the Red Indian and the bush soul of some West African tribes; among the latter the link between animal and human being is said to be established by the ceremony of the blood bond.
The manumissio minus justa was effected by a sufficient manifestation of the will of the master, as by letter, by words, by putting the pileus (or cap of liberty) on the slave, or by any other formality which had by usage become significant of the intention to liberate, or by such an act as making the slave the guardian of his children.
The united Germany which he was prepared to champion was not the democratic state which the theorists of the Frankfort national parliament were evolving on paper with interminable debate, but the old Holy Roman Empire, the heritage of the house of Habsburg, of which he was prepared to constitute himself the guardian so long as its lawful possessors should not have mastered the forces of disorder by which they were held captive.
The soul of the bull rose to the celestial spheres and became the guardian of herds and flocks under the name of Silvanus.
Thus the peace of Szatmar assured to the Hungarian nation all that it had won by former compacts with the Habsburgs; but whereas hitherto the Transylvanian principality had been the permanent guardian of all such compacts, and the authority of the reigning house had been counterpoised by the Turk, the effect and validity of the peace of Szatmar depended entirely upon the support it might derive from the nation itself.
His dramatic pieces, The Lying Valet, adapted from Motteux's Novelty Lethe (1740), The Guardian, Linco's Travels (1767), Miss in her Teens (1747), Irish Widow, &c., and his alterations and adaptations of old plays, which together fill four volumes, evinced his knowledge of stage effect and his appreciation of lively dialogue and action; but he cannot be said to have added one new or original character to the drama.
But Sabuktagin, throughout his reign at Ghazni, continued to acknowledge the Samanid suzerainty, as did Mahmud also, until the time, soon after succeeding to his father's dominions, when he received from Qadir, caliph of Bagdad (see Caliphate, C. § 25), a khilat (robe of honour), with a letter recognizing his sovereignty, and conferring on him the titles Yamin-addaula (" Right hand of the State"), and Amin-ulMillat (" Guardian of the Faith").
Her power is irresistible, even greater than that of the gods; to her was due the strife (battles with Titans, Giants) that raged amongst them of old, before the rule of love began; the world revolves round the spindle, which she holds in her lap. According to the Egyptian theory, she is one of the four deities present at the birth of every human being, her companions being the Daemon (guardian spirit), Tyche (Fortune) and Eros.
Making a false affidavit as to age or as to other facts required by the act, and the violation of the act by any agent or representative of a factory or by any parent or guardian of a child are misdemeanours.
Its one effort to make its authority effective as the guardian of the constitution, in the matter of the repudiation of the Westphalian debt and of the sale of the domains by the elector of Hesse, was crushed by the indignant intervention of Austria.
So curiously alike in their general features were the sepulchral usages connected with barrow-burial over the whole of Europe, that we find the Anglo-Saxon Saga of Beowulf describing the chambered tumulus with its gigantic masonry "held fast on props, with vaults of stone," and the passage under the mound haunted by a dragon, the guardian of the treasures of heathen gold which it contained.
Owing to his father's profession he was called in derision "the doctor," and George Canning, who wrote satirical verses at his expense, referred to him on one occasion as "happy Britain's guardian gander."
Computer Sciences at Brunel is ranked 11th in the UK according to The Guardian Good University Guide.
The Guardian thinks Mr Brown will detail measures to make the housing market more responsive to demand.
To retract a Bid you must contact the Guardian Unlimited Travel Auction Manager with your Bid retraction request.
Mr Allan had come into our office at Westminster to moan about the Guardian 's insufficiently reverential attitude to Tony Blair once too often.
This proliferation makes rather risible the Guardian 's expressions of expletive fatigue in relation to Gordon Ramsay 's television appearances.
I am the Guardian 's specialist in ritual humiliation.
The Guardian said " Need to preserve pubic order does not permit the police to ride roughshod over the rights of ordinary people ".
Tracy-Ann Oberman Wednesday June 28, 2006 The Guardian Top of The Pops is to be axed, screamed the headlines last week.
All takes place under the scrutiny of old Miss Loach, the self-appointed guardian of village morals.
The Guardian published a rather self-righteous piece entitled The myth of middle-class inflation.
A serious setback for the government was last month 's acquittal of Andrew Meldrum, correspondent of the Guardian and The Observer.
John Ashdown studied Journalism and Contemporary History and is now working on the Guardian Sports Desk as a football writer and sports sub-editor.
Leo Hickman 's guide to a good life Tuesday December 20, 2005 The Guardian Here 's a tricky little teaser.
The guardian spirit also is called a ' power animal ', ' tutelary spirit ', totemic animal ' or ' familiar '.
The Guardian features the story of a German GP who is now spending much of his time working unsociable hours in Norfolk.
A similarly upbeat article, Sainsbury 's strategy begins to deliver appeared in The Guardian on March 10 2005.
Does she feel like a guardian angel or a vengeful spirit?
January 1989 A vigilante group " The New York Guardian Angels " begin to patrol London Underground.
Through the years, they have taken on the role of guardian and spokesperson for the world's cats.
Fraud alert systems also require documentation to prove that the person requesting information about a child is the parent or guardian of the child.
No information can be read online - even by the parent or guardian.
These types of forms, also called custody modification papers, are used in a variety of situations in which a parent or guardian feels the need to pursue primary custody of a minor child.
Many Christians believe that there are guardian angels always watching over them and their loved ones here on earth.
After reality has sunk in about the substance abuse in your life, it's vitally important to talk about it, preferably with an adult, and especially with a parent or guardian.
If you feel you can't speak or communicate with your parents or guardian, seek help in your school's guidance counselor.
It's a parent or guardian's choice to ultimately enroll a child in Catholic school.
Use the guardian of the gold to create a cake that looks as rich as the leprechaun himself.
In addition, all "Kid Safe" memberships must be approved by a parent or guardian.
Fawcett has received three Emmy Award nominations - for her work on the 1984 television movie The Burning Bed, the miniseries Small Sacrifices, and her role on The Guardian in 2004.
Spencer Shay is Carly's older brother and guardian.
You generally will need to apply to become a part of the program through your financial aid office and may have to provide details about your income and about your parent or guardian's income to determine if you qualify.
Children who are under 9 years of age must parasail tandem with a parent or a guardian.
One of the oldest of dog breeds in the world, these courageous and loyal canines descended from guardian dogs that protected sheep in Asia more then 10,000 years ago.
A mother is a type of guardian angel for her children, and a guardian angel necklace is a unique way to show that close relationship.
Guardian First Funding hired several executives from the Senior Lending Network, so it may a good starting point to find additional information.
Before contacting Guardian First Funding or another financial services company, consider if a reverse mortgage is something that may be beneficial to you.
Life Guardian - Not only does this company's system call for the local police or 9-1-1 for help, but also a neighbor or relative will then be telephoned so that someone can be there to sit with you until professional services arrive.
It may include a short-term companion to assist an elderly loved one while they recuperate from surgery, or may be a long-term live-in situation for someone who has no guardian and needs help with day-to-day living.
Guardian -- Let these be your eyes' guardians.
Whichever character you choose, you learn in the beginning that a strange entity, named "Guardian Angel" is completely aware of your intentions and actually informs you of special artifacts you need to obtain in order to open The Vault.
Guardian Forces (GFs) are spirits you can equip and summon during battle.
Knuckles (being the guardian of the chaos emeralds) also possesses the ability to maintain his ring count even after exiting a bonus level making emerald-collecting far easier.
Stimulant drugs should be administered by a parent, guardian, school nurse, or other responsible person.
Claims can be filed by the injured individual or by a parent, legal guardian, or trustee on behalf of a child or incapacitated victim.
Children who are found to be victims of persons with Munchausen by proxy syndrome should be immediately removed from the care of the abusing parent or guardian.
Although there are professionally trained and certified infant massage therapists, the obvious first choice to massage the baby is the mother, father, grandparent, or guardian.
The combination program option (CPO) strongly focuses on involving the parent, guardian, or primary care-giver in the child's education.
The primary preparation for a well-baby exam involves the parent or guardian making a list of questions for the pediatrician.
Usually, only the child's parent or guardian may stay in the room with the child after a certain time in the evening.
If you are a legal guardian, then you must include a copy of notarized guardianship documents.
Guardianship Records - When someone dies, the minor heirs are appointed a Guardian.
Those under 14 must have prior approval and may be required to have a parent or guardian with them.
This means you'll need to talk to your parents or guardian about what's happening so you can begin seeing an obstetrician right away.
Information includes the group the item belongs to, either Renegade or Guardian.
Royal-T is a sleek aircraft and intimidating Guardian.
The parent or guardian's phone number and proof of income is also required as well as Social Security cards.
As their parent, babysitter, or guardian, you may want to double check on the sites your kids are visiting.
While the use of Internet resources for preschoolers is encouraged, you as the parent or guardian must establish expectations and boundaries for Internet usage.
Basically, when a child's guardian fails to provide the basic comforts and needs of life, including food, shelter, clothing, and supervision, he or she could be charged with child neglect.
While a guardian may not physically or sexually abuse a child, he is still guilty of neglect if he fails to care for that child in a safe and nurturing environment.
A parent or guardian may be accused of educational neglect if she refuses to take responsibility for a child's education.
The site claims to offer the services of psychics who can connect you with departed spirits and guardian angels.
At Your Ghost, a young woman told her tale of first being contacted by her deceased uncle whom she believed was her guardian angel.
It's important to remember that our Guardian Angels are too powerful to be subjected to the whim of a talking board.
Jane has only two confidantes to her predicament, Deb's best friend Stacy and Fred, her guardian angel.
Make Me a Match - Jane's guardian angel returns as a human just as she discovers that a matchmaking service is committing fraud.
The album features fourteen songs including Would I Lie to You by Elliot and Cho, Restraining Order sung by Cho and Baby, I Need Your Loving by Ben Feldman (resident guardian angel Fred).
The most widely replicated Beckham ink is the guardian angel he has inked between his shoulder blades.Those who oppose the idea of a proper, well-bred, English footballer with tattoos of course have made their thoughts known.
No one knows for sure what this huge stone figure signifies, but many believe it was meant to be a guardian over the king who once laid in the nearby pyramid.
Getting guardian angel tattoos is a popular way to show many different types of emotions and beliefs.
When choosing to get a guardian angel tattoo, you have several options.
It's important to get an image of a guardian angel that you feel comfortable with or that coincides with your belief system.
Another option for a guardian angel tat is more abstract - wings.
Angel's wings can be used as a way to show that you know your guardian angel is watching you without having to show a specific face or type of angel.
When the death involves a young child, some choose to get a guardian angel tattoo incorporating the image of the child.
These tattoos can represent the fact that these little ones are now becoming guardian angels, or that their angels have taken them up to heaven.