Guarded Sentence Examples
She seemed much less guarded than when they met.
The humor in Sarah's eyes was immediately replaced with concern - and then a guarded expression.
His was a smile that reached the eyes, where a spark of guarded humor glimmered.
His gaze was wary and moving, and he was guarded once more.
This was a communications facility, heavily guarded.
Gerry's smile was guarded.
According to others, Pandareus stole a golden dog which guarded the temple of Zeus in Crete, and gave it to Tantalus to take care of.
Rainy hesitated before throwing open the door he guarded.
There was a guarded note in the Grey God's voice.
The communication with the atrium is guarded by a valvula cardiaca dextra, which only in function represents the mammalian tricuspid; it consists of an oblique reduplication of the muscular fibres together with the endocardiac lining of the right ventricle, while the opposite wall is convex and forms neither a velum nor papillary muscles, nor chordae tendineae.
AdvertisementThe above-named acts enable the Board of Trade to take all the necessary steps to ensure that the safety of passenger trains is sufficiently guarded.
His usual epithet is "the Ancient" (`Atiga), and he is also called "the deeply hidden and guarded."
The canals too were guarded by chains stretched across their mouths and by towers in some cases, as, for example, in the case of the Torresella Canal, which takes its name from these defence works.
The harbour islands, three of which have been ceded to the United States for the purpose of fortification, are numerous, and render the navigation of the shipping channels difficult and easily guarded.
The importers, therefore, found it necessary to establish a club of their own, the Liverpool Cotton Exchange, which they as rigorously guarded against brokers.
AdvertisementConference - the supreme assembly - was a very jealously guarded preserve, being attainable only to preachers who had travelled 18 and superintended 12 years, and to laymen who had been members 12 and officials io years.
He gave a guarded support to Bonaparte and Sieyes in their enterprise of overthrowing the Directory (coup d'etat of Brumaire 1799).
With the decision of the two friends to proceed to the forest of cedars in which the goddess Irnina - a form of Ishtar - dwells, and which is guarded by Khumbaba, the 2nd tablet ends.
To the mines also speculators sent slaves; they worked half-naked, men and women, in chains, under the lash and guarded by soldiers.
The Russians had not waited for the formal declaration of war; and on the very day that this was notified by the hanging out of the horse-tails before the Seraglio at Constantinople a Russian army under Marshal Munnich stormed the ancient wall that guarded the isthmus of the Crimea.
AdvertisementThe door is formed by a lofty arch of the pointed form guarded on both sides with red bands exquisitely sculptured and having numerous inscriptions.
The key to the remaining operations of t811 lies in the importance attached by both Allies and French to the possession of the fortresses which guarded the two great roads from Portugal into Spain - Almeida and Ciudad Rodrigo on the northern, and Badajoz and Elvas on the southern road; all these except Elvas were in French hands.
On the 12th of September he came upon Montrose, deserted by his Highlanders and guarded only by a little group of followers, at Philiphaugh.
In order to attain this result it was formerly the practice to raise the metal to a bright red heat, and allow it to cool while carefully guarded from magnetic influence.
Thus, out of respect for the wishes of the nation, the king had voluntarily thrown open to public discussion the hitherto strictly closed and jealously guarded domain of the army.
AdvertisementThe jealously guarded secret was discovered by Mr. Supilo in Petrograd within a few days of the signature of the treaty, and the main facts becoming known in Austria-Hungary, were skilfully exploited by her to rally the Croats and Slovenes in defence of their national territory.
It occupies the site of the ancient Adranon, which took its name from Adranos, a god probably of Phoenician origin, in Roman times identified with Vulcan, whose chief temple was situated here, and was guarded by a thousand huge gods; there are perhaps some substructures of this building still extant outside the town.
The Wantsume was guarded by the Roman strongholds of Regulbium (Reculver) in the north and Rutupiae (Richborough) in the south, and was crossed by ferries at Sarre and Wade.
It obviously was not contemplated by the 1 This guarded statement still holds good.
The lord mayor of London has certain very remarkable privileges which have been religiously guarded and must be of great antiquity.
In most civilized countries the safety of mine workers is guarded by stringent laws and enforced by the careful supervision of mine inspectors on behalf of the government.
His adversary had perforce to disperse the defending troops, so that on the morning when the land campaign started two of the Turkish divisions (3rd and lath) were watching the outer coast on the Asiatic side, two (5th and 7th) were near Bulair to provide against a landing at the neck of the Peninsula, while the remaining two (9th and 19th) under Essad Pasha guarded the places where, in the event, the Allied army made its appearance.
Thus we hear of a custos palatinae capellae who was in charge of the palace chapel relics, and guarded them in the field; the chief of these custodes was sometimes called the archicapellanus.
Consequently Great Britain, and still more Austria, were Russia's natural allies, while the aggressive and energetic king of Prussia was a danger to be guarded against.
In the afternoon the doors were found guarded; the secluded members were not permitted to pass, and a vote was at once taken that they should not again be allowed to enter the house.
Equally guarded was his attitude to the Turkish authorities; it is not improbable that Talal had also entered into relations with the viceroy of Egypt to ensure his position in case of a collision with the Porte.
As by rights the Messianic kingdom should follow immediately on the exile, it is probable that the prophet designs to hint in a guarded way that Zerubbabel, who in all other places is mentioned along with Joshua, is on the point of ascending the throne of his ancestor David.
Without holding any official post in the commonwealth he had created, the prior of St Mark's was the real head of the state, the dictator of Florence, and guarded the public weal "Dictator with extraordinary political wisdom.
Mouth guarded by an epistome.
They occur in particular in relation with the orifice of the zooecium, and with that of the compensation-sac. This delicate structure is frequently guarded by an avicularium at its entrance, while avicularia are also commonly found on either side of the operculum or in other positions close to that structure.
So far as is known at present, all sticklebacks construct a nest for the reception or the spawn, which is jealously guarded by the male until the young are hatched, which event takes place in from ten to eighteen days after oviposition.
The Order of St John took up its abode on the promontory guarded by the castle of St Angelo on the southern shore of the Grand Harbour, and, in expectation of attacks from the Turks, commenced to fortify the neighbouring town called the Borgo.
The finances of the state were economically managed, and taxpayers were most carefully guarded from oppression.
The works and town are carefully guarded on every side by redoubts and fortifications, and are commanded by batteries on the surrounding hills.
These passages are guarded by forts placed on islands intervening between the breakwater and the mainland, and themselves united to the land by breakwaters.
Danger arising from coal dust is best guarded against by systematically sprinkling or watering the main roads leading from the working faces to the shaft, where the dust falling from the trams in transit is liable to accumulate.
After the return from Varennes the royal family were closely guarded, but in spite of this they still found channels of communication with the outside world.
Rumours of his confinement at Kholmogory having leaked out, he was secretly transferred to the fortress of Schliisselburg (1756), where he was still more rigorously guarded, the very commandant of the fortress not knowing who "a certain arrestant" committed to his care really was.
And Origen compares them to the sacred vessels, and would have them " guarded secretly behind the veil of the conscience and not lightly produced before the public."
The city is partly walled, and guarded on the seaward side by the 16thcentury castle of St Anna and two dismantled forts.
At Athens the franchise, jealously guarded at this period, was not to be attained without great expense and difficulty.
About a mile and a quarter from the Bab Bu Saadun, the north-west gate of the city, is the ancient palace called the Bardo, remarkable for the "lion court," a terrace to which access is gained by a flight of steps guarded by marble lions, and for some apartments in the Moorish style.
It appears to have guarded a route over the hills by Hardknott and Wrynose Pass to Ravenglass on the coast of Cumberland.
But under the leadership of George Clinton, governor in 1777-1795, the state jealously guarded its commercial interests.
The majority of the whites still wished for the continuance of British rule provided that it was effective and the country guarded against its enemies.
On becoming lieutenant-colonel in July 1777, he assumed the command of a regiment, and during the winter at Valley Forge guarded the "Gulf," a pass commanding the approach to the camp, and necessarily the first point that would be attacked.
Here Fort Donelson on the Cumberland, Fort Henry on the Tennessee and Columbus on the Mississippi guarded the left of the Southern line, Sidney Johnston himself maintaining a precarious advanced position at Bowling Green, with his lieutenants, Zollicoffer and Crittenden, farther east at Mill Springs, and a small force under General Marshall in the mountains of eastern Kentucky.
This place guarded the approaches to Wilmington, North Carolina.
There was a mythic bird-cherub, and then perhaps a winged animal-form, analogous to the winged figures of bulls and lions with human faces which guarded Babylonian and Assyrian temples and palaces.
This passion finds its clearest expression in the Latin poems. Faustine was guarded by an old and jealous husband, and du Bellay's eventual conquest may have had something to do with his departure for Paris at the end of August 1557.
Near the lower part of the verumontanum is a little pouch, the utriculus masculinus, about one-eighth of an inch deep, the opening of which is guarded by a delicate membranous circular fold, the male hymen.
Though he carefully guarded his autocratic rights and privileges, and obstinately resisted all efforts to push him farther than he felt inclined to go he acted for several years somewhat like a constitutional sovereign of the continental type.
The Chinese guarded the secrets of their valuable art with vigilant jealousy; and there is no doubt that many centuries passed before the culture spread beyond the country of its origin.
Crowding of positions must now be guarded against, to prevent the spinning of double cocoons (doupions) by two worms spinning together and so interlacing their threads that they can only be reeled for a coarser and inferior thread.
He established between the Clyde and Forth a frontier meant to be permanent, guarded by a line of forts, two of which are still traceable at Camelon near Falkirk, and at Bar Hill.
The army which guarded or coerced the province consisted, from the time of Hadrian onwards, of (I) three legions, the Second at Isca Silurum (Caerleon-on-Usk, q.v.), the Ninth at Eburacum (q.v.; now York), the Twentieth at Deva (q.v.; now Chester), a total of some 15,000 heavy infantry; and (2) a large but uncertain number of auxiliaries, troops of the second grade, organized in infantry cohorts or cavalry alae, each 500 or 1000 strong, and posted in castella nearer the frontiers than the legions.
Before his coronation he had renounced the right, so jealously guarded by Henry V., of assisting in the election of bishops and abbots, and he even undertook to refrain from exacting homage from the prelates and to content himself with fealty.
Precisely as to-day inventions are guarded by patents, and literary and artistic creations by the law of copyright, so, at that period, the papal bull and the protection of the Roman Church were an effective means for ensuring that a country should reap where she had sown and should maintain the territory she had discovered and conquered by arduous efforts; while other claimants, with predatory designs, were warned back by the ecclesiastical censorship. In the Vatican the memory of Alexander VI.
Fearless and patient navigators, they ventured into regions where no one else dared to go, and, always with an eye to their monopoly, they carefully guarded the secrets of their trade routes and discoveries, and their knowledge of winds and currents.
The Spey or Spy tower, the most important fortress on the city wall, guarded the south gate close to the river, but it was taken down early in the 19th century.
Indeed, this is bound to happen more or less, but it is guarded against by lowering the concrete slowly in a special box, the bottom of which is opened as it reaches the ground on which the concrete is to be laid.
The chief difference between the two treatises is one which twenty years' experience in affairs could not but bring - the substitution of more cautious and guarded language, less dogmatic affirmation, more allowance for exceptions and deviations.
From thence they returned to Edinburgh on the 28th of March, guarded by two thousand horsemen under the command of Bothwell, who had escaped from Holyrood on the night of the murder, to raise a force on the queen's behalf with his usual soldierly promptitude.
Hence the main watershed extends eastwards, culminating in the Aiguille de Scolette (11,500 ft.), but makes a great curve to the north-west and back to the south-east before rising in the Rochemelon (11,605 ft.), which may be considered as a re-entering angle in the great rampart by which Italy is guarded from its neighbours.
But he had to be constantly guarded, his acquaintances were hampered from seeing him, and he was the victim of a painful disease, of which he died on the 1st of April 1894.
But the town council had been warned, and the gates were shut and guarded.
The sea approaches are guarded by ten coast batteries besides the old citadel.
On the 5th of August 1305 he was taken - as is generally alleged, through treachery - at Robroyston, near Glasgow, by Sir John Menteith, carried to the castle of Dumbarton, and thence conveyed in fetters and strongly guarded to London.
Being a frontier province the Rhineland is strongly garrisoned, and the Rhine is guarded by the three strong fortresses of Cologne with Deutz, Coblenz with Ehrenbreitstein, and Wesel.
The castle, through which the town is famous, guarded a gap in the line of considerable hills which rise in the centre of Purbeck.
The disintegrating force of the ever-simmering racial rivalries could be kept in check by the army; Hungarian regiments garrisoned Italy, Italian regiments guarded Galicia, Poles occupied Austria, and Austrians Hungary.
The popular tribunals regained their authority, and a supreme court of justice, Det Kongelige Retterting, presided over by Valdemar himself, not only punished the unruly and guarded the prerogatives of the crown, but also protected the weak and defenceless from the tyranny of the strong.
In the Urnerspiel the name of the bailiff's servant who guarded the hat on the pole is given as Heintz VOgely, and we know that Friedrich VOgeli was the name of one of the chief military officers of Peter von Hagenbach, who from 1469 to 1474 administered for Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, the lands (Alsace, &c.) pledged to him by Sigismund of Habsburg.
Shell Hill, guarded only by a picquet, was seized at once.
In the " Amarna" age the little kings had a certain measure of inde pendence, provided they guarded the royal caravan routes, paid tribute, refrained from conspiracy, and generally supported their suzerain and his agents.
In the 4th century it was guarded by a fort lying down near the harbour, and forming part of the defences of the Saxon shore (Litus Saxonicum).
Eustace is said to have been under the impression that they meant to attack Calais in his absence, and to have derided them because he had left the town well guarded.
During the last two or three years of his life Louis lived in great isolation, "seeing no one, speaking with no one, except such as he commanded," in the château of Plessis-les-Tours, that "spider's nest" bristling with watch towers, and guarded only by the most trusty servitors.
French regiments guarded and overawed the nizam of Hyderabad.
Subsequently, in 1809, while a French invasion of India was still a possibility to be guarded against, Mountstuart Elphinstone was sent by Lord Minto on a mission to Shah Shuja to form a defensive alliance.
The crossing of the river here was guarded and disputed from the earliest times, and, the name of the town is derived from a king of Munster killed here in the 2nd century.
His financial administration was sound and he guarded against any misuse of the revenues of the state.
Its small harbour is guarded by an old castle, said to have been built by Tancred; in the middle ages it was the chief place on the gulf.
Sulphur and salt springs occur on the slopes of Cherimai, and near Palimanan there is a cavernous hole called Guwagalang (or Payagalang), which exhales carbonic acid gas, and is considered holy by the natives and guarded by priests.
The ancient castle of Nydeck, at the eastern end of the peninsula, guarded the passage over the Aar, and it was probably its existence that induced Berchtold V., duke of Zaringen, to found Bern in 1191 as a military post on the frontier between the Alamannians (German-speaking) and the Burgundians (French-speaking).
The Ophites actually identified the serpent with Sophia (" Wisdom "); the old sage Garga, one of the fathers of Indian astronomy, owed his learning to the serpent-god Sesha Naga; and the Phoenician 14pwv 'Ocbiwv wrote the seven tablets of fate which were guarded by Harmonia.
They are then dried and put up for preservation in glass-stoppered bottles; and they require to be very carefully guarded against mites and various other minute insects, to the attacks of which they are peculiarly liable.
It is only after a careful perusal of these minor works that the student of history may claim to have comprehended Guicciardini, and may feel that he brings with him to the consideration of the Storia d'Italia the requisite knowledge of the author's private thoughts and jealously guarded opinions.
From the summit of the hill rises Arundel Castle, which guarded the passage along the river through the hills.
At that moment Hildebert, the bishop of Le Mans, was absent from his episcopal town, and this is one of the reasons why Henry was granted permission to preach (March to July 1loi), a function jealously guarded by the regular clergy.
Cuba guarded him when he was old enough to exchange a cradle for a bed.
The theologians of India guarded their ancient hymns with the utmost care.
At Exiles they are separated and guarded with special precautions; and in January 1687 one of them (all the evidence admittedly pointing to La Riviere) dies.
There are, however, two sources of inaccuracy to be guarded against, and these are made the most of by the writers above referred to, and are supposed altogether to invalidate results which are otherwise opposed to their views.
The king was now their sovereign lord; and, for all his courtesy and gentleness, the jealousy with which he guarded and the vigour with which he enforced the prerogative plainly showed that he meant to remain so.
Here the opposition between the good spirit of light and the demons of evilbetween Ormuzd and Ahrimans till remained the principal dogma of the creed; while all other gods and angels, however estimable their aid, were but subordinate servants of Ormuzd, whose highest manifestation on earth was not the sun-god Mithras, but the holy fire guarded by his priests.
They were supposed to be one-eyed (hence their Scythian name), and to steal gold from the griffins that guarded it.
He was now indeed their sovereign lord; and, for all his gentleness, the jealousy with which he guarded, the vigour with which he enforced the prerogative, plainly showed that he meant to remain so.
The statement that he continued to write satires long before he gave them to the world accords well with the nature of their contents and the elaborate character of their composition, and might almost be inferred from the emphatic but yet guarded statement of Quintilian in his short summary of Roman literature.
To name the Palmeirim d'Inglaterra of Moraes (q.v.) is to mention a famous book from which, we are told, Burke quoted in the House of Commons, while Cervantes had long previously declared that it ought to be guarded as carefully as the works of Homer.
The city is guarded by two forts built on hills to the east and south-west respectively.
The palace proper was divided into three sections, built around three sides of a large court on the south-east or city side, into which opened the great outer gates, guarded by winged stone bulls, each section containing suites of rooms built around several smaller inner courts.
On the hill north of the town there is a Roman fort which guarded the coast, and many remains of this period have been discovered.
Society may have at one time been matrilinear in the communities that become the historic Hellenes; but of this there is no trace in the worship of Zeus and Hera.18 In fact, the whole of the family morality in Hellas centred in Zeus, whose altar in the courtyard was the bond of the kinsmen; and sins against the family, such as unnatural vice and the exposure of children, are sometimes spoken of as offences against the High God.I" He was also the tutelary deity of the larger organization of the phratria; and the altar of Zeus c Pparpcos was the meetingpoint of the phrateres, when they were assembled to consider the legitimacy of the new applicants for admission into their circle.20 His religion also came to assist the development of certain legal ideas, for instance, the rights of private or family property in land; he guarded the allotments as Zein KAdpcos,2' and the Greek commandment " thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark " was maintained by Zeus " Opcos, the god of boundaries, a more personal power than the Latin Jupiter Terminus.22 His highest political functions were summed up in the title IIoXtfin, a cult-name of legendary antiquity in Athens, and frequent in the Hellenic world.23 His consort in his political life was not Hera, but his daughter Athena Polias.
Chatellerault is situated on the right and eastern bank of the Vienne; it is connected with the suburb of Chateauneuf on the opposite side of the river by a stone bridge of the 16th and 17th centuries, guarded at the western extremity by massive towers.
The entrance is guarded by two precipitous rocks - the one on the north 400 ft., that on the south 463 ft.
As his fleet was only 57 sail in all he was not able to engage the enemy from end to end, but as the French were arranged in a line from east to west he could have fallen on the end nearest him, and could have guarded himself by telling off a part of his ships to watch the remainder.
The entrance to the harbour was guarded by two blockhouses; provision was made for barracks and garrison stores; buildings were erected for the legislature; and there the members of parliament, summoned by royal proclamation to "meet us in our provincial parliament in our town of York," assembled on the 1st of June 1797.
That on the left made for the French baggage, but found it strongly guarded by landsknechts, who drove them back.
The right column of baggage and supplies, guarded by infantry, was nearest the sea, the various corps of heavy cavalry, one behind the other, formed the central column, and on the exposed left flank was the infantry, well closed up, and "level and firm as a wall," according to the testimony of Saracen authors.
It established the usual type of government under a bailiff (schout) and judicial assessors (scabini, or schoppenen), the overlord's supremacy being guarded, and an appeal lying from the court of the scabini, in case of their disagreement, to Utrecht.
Many of the memorials are not worthy of their position as works of art, nor are the subjects they commemorate always worthy to lie here, for the high honour of burial in the Abbey was not always so conscientiously guarded as now.
The art of compounding this mixture, which is also referred to as zrup Oaxa6vcov, or sea fire, was jealously guarded at Constantinople, and the possession of the secret on several occasions proved of great advantage to the city.
She sometimes guarded her father's flocks, but at her trial in 1431 she strongly resented being referred to as a shepherd girl.
The colonists also, pressing forward to those territories, came in contact with these Ishmaelites - the farmers' cattle and sheep, guarded only by a Hottentot herdsman, offering the strongest temptation to the Bushman.
These outlets should be faced with mason work, and guarded with iron gratings.
The Amesbury house has been acquired by the " Whittier Home Association," so that the building and grounds are guarded as he left them, and form a shrine to which there is a constant pilgrimage.
Following the fashion of the pagan mysteries in which men were only permitted to gaze upon the sacred objects after minute lustrations and scrupulous purifications, Christian teachers came to represent the Creed, Lord's Prayer and Lord's Supper as mysteries to be guarded in silence and never divulged either to the unbaptized or to the pagans.
It is guarded by a body of chosen knights, or templars, and acts alike as a life and youth preserving talisman - no man may die within eight days of beholding it, and the maiden who bears it retains perennial youth - and an oracle choosing its own servants, and indicating whom the Grail king shall wed.
Why should the vessel of the Last Supper, jealously guarded at Castle Corbenic, visit Arthur's court independently?
On the other hand, when food is not obtainable, life may be indefinitely prolonged if the tick be guarded from enemies and from atmospheric conditions inimical to existence.
This wedlock would have led to a permanent union of the English and Scottish crowns, but not to an absorption of the lesser in the greater state, for the rights of Scotland were carefully guarded in the marriage-treaty.
In 1758 Louisburg was taken, and the mouth of the St Lawrence guarded against France.
The mouth of the great majority of mammals is peculiar for being guarded by thick fleshy lips, which are, however, absent in the Cetacea; their principal function being to seize the food, for which purpose they are endowed, as a rule, with more or less strongly marked prehensile power.
She was in consequence regarded with suspicion and disfavour by Elizabeth and closely watched and guarded at Hardwick by the dowager countess of Shrewsbury.
His political programme was that the law should be respected as the supreme will in the country, that Servia's political autonomy should be jealously guarded, and every encroachment on the part of the suzerain power should be resented and rebuffed.
These were at once accepted; he was requested to sit on the Naval Retiring Board - a board then specially constituted for clearing the navy of unfit or disloyal officers - and a few months later was appointed to the command of the "Western Gulf Blockading Squadron," with the rank of flag-officer, and ordered to proceed forthwith, in the "Hartford," to the Gulf of Mexico, to collect such vessels as could be spared from the blockade, to proceed up the Mississippi, to reduce the defences which guarded the approaches to New Orleans, and to take and hold the city.
Biographers have delighted to relate how painfully Demosthenes made himself a tolerable speaker, - how, with pebbles in his mouth, he tried his lungs against the waves, how he declaimed as he ran up hill, how he shut himself up in a cell, having first guarded himself against a longing for the haunts of men by shaving one side of his head, how he wrote out Thucydides eight times, how he was derided by the Assembly and encouraged by a judicious actor who met him moping about the Peiraeus.
It might have been anticipated that the purity of a text so widely read and so renowned would, from the earliest times, have been guarded with jealous care.
The jealousy with which the hereditary antiquaries guarded the tribal genealogies naturally leads us to hope that the records whichhave come down to us may shed some light on the difficult problems connected with the early inhabitants of these islands and the west of Europe.
The interests of the tenant were so carefully guarded that the prices obtainable were ruinous to the vendor unless he had other resources.
In almost all the gates of hell are guarded by fierce beasts, and in Ojibway, Finnish, Greek, Papuan and Japanese myths no mortal visitor may escape from Hades who has once tasted the food of the dead.
By his means the Church was able to concentrate in the palatine academy all the intellectual culture of the middle ages, having preserved some of the ancient traditions of organization and administration and guarded the imperial ideal.
Such vassals gave themselves utterly to the lord who guarded them, working for him sword or pickaxe in hand.
Richelieus death (December 4, 1642) prevented him from seeing the triumph of his policy, but it can be judged by its results; in 1624 the kingdom had in the east only the frontier of the Meuse to defend it from invasion; in 1642 the whole of Alsace, except Strassburg, was occupied and the Rhine guarded by the army of Gubriant.
Carrying out, it may be, the principles of the Neo-Platonists, they kept the sanctuary of the Deity securely guarded, and interposed between him and his creatures a spiritual order of potent principles, from the Intelligence, which is the first-born image of the great unity, to the Soul and Nature, which come later in the spiritual rank.
Instead of reducing the southern provinces of France, the Spaniards were driven from the strong fortresses that guarded the Pyrenees, and the French advanced almost to the Ebro; and at the same time the British were utilizing the war to extend their colonial power and were establishing more firmly that maritime supremacy which the Spanish government had been struggling for almost a century to overthrow.
This trouble may be guarded against by feeding the bees in the early autumn with good food made from cane sugar, and housing them in well-ventilated hives kept warm and dry by suitable coverings.
First is the city wall, strongly built and carefully guarded, outside this a granite wall, and beyond this again a mud rampart.
The oesophageal orifice is small, and guarded by a strong crescentic or horseshoe-like band of muscular fibres, supposed to be the cause of the difficulty of vomiting in the horse.
A spacious gateway, high and wide enough to admit the passage of a loaded camel, forms the sole entrance, which is furnished with heavy doors, and is further guarded within by massive iron chains, drawn across at night.
A carved image of the goddess called the Palladium, said to have been brought from Troy to Lavinium, and thence to Rome by the family of the Nautii, was kept in the temple of Vesta and carefully guarded as necessary to the prosperity of the city.
It was guarded by Heimdal, god of light.
With flat and shelving shores, the shoal-banks off the main mouths of the delta form the chief danger to shipping, and this is guarded against by a good service of lighthouses and lightships.
In most cases, however, the latter tendency is guarded against, in making up the paste for moulding, by adding to the fresh clay a certain proportion of burnt material of the same kind, such as old bricks or potsherds, ground to a coarse powder.
Señor Medena watched him for a moment, his expression guarded.
A demon guarded the tiny spot, no larger than a meter square.
The Oracle was ready to pop and the wall was guarded by half a dozen men.
Guarded entries can also be useful for aborting actions in a select... then abort construct.
The dark forces that guarded the tsarist autocracy are going under.
I have known guarded by a room whirlpool bathtub.
Putting surfaces are good, but most of the greens are well guarded by deep bunkers.
Most people would rightly expect trains with such a deadly cargo to be guarded like a radioactive Fort Knox.
The secret was closely guarded by the abbey who became renown for their sweet, mellow cider.
Meanwhile, back in Barcelona, Do Lai lies comatose on a guarded hospital room.
The prognosis for return to function is again somewhat guarded for dogs with osteochondrosis of the humeral condyle.
Enclosed by a high chain link fence, surmounted by barbed wire, the premises were guarded by a squad of uniformed special constables.
Perhaps Scotland's cutest icon, these friendly & photogenic coos hide a national secret closely guarded by locals!
The prices are not a closly guarded secret only divulged at the end, on receipt of the bill.
Up ahead there was an abandoned fortress, which must have once guarded this pass from invaders.
His castle was guarded by flying gargoyles, and the crypt entrance was protected by animated skeletons (think Ray Harryhausen ).
Details of these technologies have remained closely guarded trade secrets.
This is a heavily guarded and secret location in Yorkshire.
It's a shame that people have to become more guarded as they grow older but of course you do.
One of these guarded treasures was a volume of grossly indecent verses by Voltaire, addressed to Frederick the Great.
Beside being heavily guarded the bridge was almost indestructible.
The guarded input stream uses the internal lock provided by the synchronized data input stream class to which it is attached to enforce synchronization.
The guarded streams are usually temporary objects that are created using a manipulator in a group of insertion operations.
They were then held in shallow sea pens, which were heavily guarded by armed militia.
Sea Rush near the pile of glacial moraine which guarded the second area of marsh behind.
Marsh is good at mixing cynicism with guarded optimism.
His large grave is guarded by railings in the southeast corner of the churchyard, beneath the great yew.
During the breeding season, a male will make several shallow nest scrapes in a well guarded territory.
However, at this moment in time, his views on Kevin Braniff remain a closely guarded secret.
This awful abyss is bridged by a rope, and guarded by seal sentinels.
It is likewise guarded at the outside by iron stanchions built into the walls.
The south gate was guarded by a pair of guards wearing clean white tabards over shining chain mail.
Now, however, Wessels is guarded, even taciturn, on the subject of his former vice-captain.
Trolleys have to be guarded at all times to ensure such items are not thieved by the teams that'missed out ' .
As time drew on the boys began to grow thirsty, and so approached a well said to have guarded by an old crone.
Canine hypothyroidism due to lymphocytic thyroiditis can often be controlled well with thyroid hormone replacement therapy Myasthenia gravis - prognosis is guarded.
These were surely at one time clan totems, if not the power animals which guarded and guided the people of each group.
Beowulf contains the tale of a dragon who guarded buried treasure within an ancient tumulus.
The haven is guarded by US and British warplanes, but the area lies well beyond the Iraqi no-fly zone.
Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin and the ABPI oppose - and the BMA is guarded and somewhat wishy-washy in its response.
The carriage-road from Athens to Thebes crosses the range by a picturesque defile (the pass of Dryoscephalae, "Oak-heads"), which was at one time guarded on the Attic side by a strong fortress, the ruins of which are known as Ghyphto-kastro ("Gipsy Castle").
The approach is, as we have seen, often guarded by additional constructions; the fact that the door and window face south is another argument in favour of this theory, and the access from one part of the interior to another is sometimes purposely rendered difficult by a sudden vertical rise of 5 or 6 ft.
The position was well adapted as an advanced post against invaders from the north, and furthermore guarded the road up the Asopus gorge into the Cephissus valley.
The right anterior corner of the right ventricle passes into the short stem, guarded by three semi-lunar valves, which divides into the two pulmonary arteries.
Charms and words of power being supposed to possess efficacy in themselves are guarded with great secrecy by their owners, and hence, in so far as prayer verges on spell, there will be a disposition to mutter or otherwise conceal the sacred formula.
Nevertheless Napoleon ordered the preliminary agreement to be considered as a definitive treaty, and on the 2nd of April gave instructions that one of the refractory cardinals should be carried off secretly by night from Fontainebleau, while the pontiff was to be guarded more closely than before.
He set out for Narva on the 13th of November, against the advice of all his generals, who feared the effect on untried troops of a week's march through a wasted land, along boggy roads guarded by no fewer than three formidable passes which a little engineering skill could easily have made impregnable.
Created to become a rival to Gilgamesh, he strikes up a friendship with the hero, and together they proceed to a cedar forest guarded by Khumbaba, whom they kill.
Phrixus, however, reached the other side in safety, and proceeding by land to Aea in Colchis on the farther shore of the Euxine Sea, sacrificed the ram, and hung up its fleece in the grove of Ares, where it was guarded by a sleepless dragon.
The best known have all been made into stage-plays, and it is in this form that they usually come before the notice of the general public. Amongst them are Ramakien, taken from the great Hindu epic Ramayana; Wetyasunyin, the tale of a king who became an ascetic after contemplation of a withered tree; Worawongs, the story of a prince who loved a princess and was killed by the thrust of a magic spear which guarded her; Chalawan, the tale of a princess beloved by a crocodile; Unarud, the life story of Anuruddha, a demigod, the grandson of Krishna; Phumhon, the tale of a princess beloved by an elephant; Prang tong, a story of a princess who before birth was promised to a "yak" or giant in return for a certain fruit which her mother desired to eat.
Before the child was taken up and formally recognized by the father, a couch was set out for them in the atrium, where their presence guarded it from all evil.
Edward was moving on Scotland, and on the 22nd of July he found Wallace in force, and in a strong position, guarded by a morass, at Falkirk.
During the last two or three years of his life Louis lived in great isolation, "seeing no one, speaking with no one, except such as he commanded," in the château of Plessis-les-Tours, that "spider's nest" bristling with watch towers, and guarded only by the most trusty servitors.
In the south transept of the church is the tomb of the founder; the figure of Galeazzo guarded by angels lies under a marble canopy, with the Madonna in a niche above.
Soon the carriage turned into another street--a street less carefully guarded.
I guarded both doll and cradle with the most jealous care; but once I discovered my little sister sleeping peacefully in the cradle.
The entrance to the palace is at the end of an arched recess, and it is guarded night and day by twelve soldierly-looking white Bears.
From there we came out into the Kremlin, a city within a city, every entrance guarded by sentries who checked our passes.
Trolleys have to be guarded at all times to ensure such items are not thieved by the teams that 'missed out '.
There were many Kindred fleeing France and everywhere the Toreador of the greatest cities guarded their Status and Elysuim against the newcomers.
All of these basic features will help keep your passwords guarded while you surf the Internet.
The agencies do not release specific information on how the data translates to a particular score, and this is a closely guarded industry secret.
Your investments are valuable and must be guarded.
The infamous Hope diamond is also housed in a heavily guarded room.
The prognosis remains guarded for puppies even with the best medical care.
Division. P. comosum is very slow-growing, and must be particularly guarded against slugs.
Why is this information so closely guarded?
Knuckles guarded the Master Emerald with his physical strength.
Fortresses and guarded lands that were once thought impenetrable were beginning to fall.
Paranoid personalities are often jealous, guarded, secretive, and scheming, and may appear to be emotionally "cold" or excessively serious.
The feng shui masters guarded the sacred art of balancing the chi energy on a direct mandate from the emperors, the only ones allowed to use feng shui.
These schools of feng shui have been used for over 5,000 years and were once guarded secret knowledge available only to the emperor and other royalty.
If the student thinks someone else will read her work, she will be guarded and her honest voice less likely to shine through.
The bishop is one of the major pieces found on the chessboard, and therefore needs to be guarded carefully.
Since it can move in so many directions, it is one of the major pieces on the board and needs to be guarded carefully.
The site should guarantee your information will be guarded, and only that info that you want others to see will be posted on the site.
Although Disney Channel movie scripts are closely guarded, you may be able to find some copies online at the following sites.
Today, if you contact any tattoo ink manufacturer to inquire what ingredients are in their products, you'll likely be met with cagey, guarded service representatives who claim, "It's a trade secret."
At that time, people with nonconforming sexualities suffered community isolation and were even abused in some cases, making it necessary to keep one's sexual orientation a closely guarded secret.
Nothing will raise suspicions faster than guarded phone calls and cryptic messages.
The result was that Google and other search engines became much tougher to get listed by - the algorithm by which Google figures site rankings is a very closely guarded secret.
Most search engines keep the actual algorithms they use to "spider" the web (locate and rank the sites) a closely guarded secret.
His gaze became guarded.
Señor Medena watched him for a moment, his expression guarded.
Giddon returned, his expression guarded.
This time her expression was guarded.
The scent of the ocean was on the air, and the area in front of them was guarded by tourist police while tourists camped out in small tents up and down the road.
His face was guarded.
He was guarded again.
She opened her eyes to find all three gazing at her with similar guarded looks.
The adobe structure was guarded by several more Guardians, none of whom looked like Damian from the distance.
Ten demons guarded this one, two of which he'd slaughtered before leaving his dealers to handle the rest to search for souls.
His expression was guarded.
His expression became guarded.
Darkyn paused in front of a door guarded by two demons.
Wynn led her to a door guarded by another demon and stepped aside.
This response was more guarded, less amused, enough to tip off Deidre that there was more to the story.
The creature looked confused but shifted from its guarded crouch to a kneeling position.
The barracks area was heavily guarded, but she was struck by the lack of activity in the part of the castle that normally hummed with life.
Frederick seemed guarded and pensive.
Damn,why is she so guarded?
He was silent a moment, and his gaze became guarded.
Her brow furrowed in guarded curiosity as he stared at her.
While Brady knew Lana was too afraid to leave his tent even if it wasn't guarded, he'd had to order Elise chained to a tree within view of four guards.
She turned to greet the Great Pyrenees dog that had guarded the goat heard so faithfully.
He guarded your dairy herd and he's watching your goats now.
His expression was guarded when he lifted his gaze to hers.
Large, dark eyes were wary and guarded, and she was openly armed.
He looked away and turned his back to her, stance guarded as he paced short distances back and forth, like a caged panther.
Sirian and Rissa wound through the fortress before disappearing into a door guarded by two men.
The entrance was propped open and guarded by three men.
He was never close to his father, but I guess they had a guarded relationship until his Mom and Dad were killed in the plane crash.
He'd never been to the middle of the city, mainly because it was walled off and guarded.
Jonny demanded, at once guarded and tense.
He seemed guarded and genuinely unsettled, as if he wasn't expecting an assistant today, despite the note from Ingrid she found.
The woman was guarded, her tension clear, much like those sparring on the beach had been.
If I could have foreseen what a stir my writings would make, I think I should have jealously guarded the privacy of this sanctuary where, till then, I perhaps was the only soul who had fed the artist's visions and the poet's dreams. But I had no such anticipation; I never gave it a thought.
On the east coast the principal streams are the Petani, Telubin, Kelantan, Besut, Trengganu, Dungun, Kmamun, Kuantan, Pahang, Rompin, Endau and Sedeli, all guarded by difficult bars at their mouths, and dangerous during the continuance of the north-east monsoon.
While geographical knowledge of the west was still scanty and the secrets of the tin-trade were still successfully guarded by the seamen of Gades and others who dealt in the metal, the Greeks knew only that tin came to them by sea from the far west, and the idea of tin-producing islands easily arose.
It receives the three great venous trunks of the body, namely the vena cava superior dextra, the vena cava superior sinistra more dorsally, and the vena cava inferior more to the right and below; the opening of the last is guarded by two prominent valves in place of the mammalian valvula Eustachii.
It was under the name of al-mandi that Mokhtar proclaimed `Ali's son Mahommed as the opponent of the caliph Abdalmalik, and, according to Shahrastani, the doctrine of the mandi, the hidden deliverer who is one day to appear and fill the oppressed world with righteousness, first arose in connexion with a belief that this Mahommed had not died but lived concealed at Mount Radwa, near Mecca, guarded by a lion and a panther.
The lease system does not prevail, but the farming out of convict labour is permitted by the constitution; such labour is used chiefly for the building of railways, the convicts so employed being at 'all times cared for and guarded by state officials.
It guarded the great Roman north road from York to Hadrian's wall.
These soldiers guarded the streets of the town; they would not let any one go out or come in without their leave.
But the race whose chief sanctuary it guarded and maintained was the heir of great traditions and ideals.
It is said that Eleazar, the priest who guarded the treasure, offered Crassus the golden beam as ransom for the whole, knowing, what no one else knew, that it was mainly composed of wood.
When she opened it, Claire gazed at her with a look both guarded and surprised.
They have almost all died unawares, sitting in the sanctuary they had guarded and which is now no more.
They carefully guarded their open wounds from any rough and painful contact.
The golden apples grew on a tree guarded by Ladon, the everwatchful dragon.